A smart idea on how to laugh at the status. Laughter prolongs life: quotes and aphorisms about laughter, humor and smile

Laughter is another attempt to get closer to eternal existence. But we are only delaying the inevitable threshold. The slogan of life is most often not in wisdom, but in learning from stupidity.

Laughter also gets older. – Georges Bataille

Don't get mad at people. Better turn your anger into laughter. And you will no longer be able to be angry with anyone. Humor teaches patience and helps you understand people better. Forgive. Don't hold grudges, just turn them into jokes. – William Somerset Maugham

What distinguishes us from the rest of the animal world is our ability to laugh. Laughter is our weapon. Our gift. Thanks to him we live longer. Thanks to him, they are able to survive the darkest moments...

You have every right to disapprove of certain people. But under no circumstances should you dare make people laugh. Mocking, gossiping, slandering is one of the most evil things available to the human species. – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Laughing at children's slips of the tongue and ridiculous actions are just memories of ourselves at that age.

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Laughter is the only test of the serious, and seriousness is the only test of the funny. A subject is suspicious that cannot stand ridicule, and a joke is false that does not stand the test of seriousness. – Torgy

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide a long time ago. – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A smile is always good, because it reveals the simple inner world of a person. – Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov

Laughing at smart people is the privilege of fools; They are the same in the world as jesters at court: no one takes their example. – Jean de La Bruyère

It is better to give reasons for laughter than ridicule. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Laughter is the essence of man. – Francois Rabelais

The ability to see what is sad in a funny way is close to turning good into evil.

It’s hard to believe, yet women even take lessons in laughter and here they also try to be pretty! When laughing, you should open your mouth moderately: two dimples should be visible on your cheeks and your lower lip - slightly open the bottom of your upper teeth... Laughter should be, so to speak, light and somewhat feminine to the ear! There are women who disgrace their mouths with excessive laughter. Others, laughing, shake; you might think they are crying. Still others have a kind of hoarse, disgusting laugh. When they laugh, you think it’s the nasty braying of a donkey at a millstone. – Ovid

Everything is permitted to the jester. When he cries, they don’t believe him, and even his blood is considered cranberry juice. – Lev Karsavin

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh. – Joseph Addison

Sometimes you close your eyes to truth, goodness and beauty, because they provide little food for the sense of the funny. – William Somerset Maugham

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious. – Aristotle

Before you laugh at people, you must learn to love them with all your heart. – Jules Renard

We mock and laugh at a person not because he is funny, but because we need to have fun and laugh. – Lev Shestov

Executioners rarely laugh, and their laughter is not the same as everyone else’s. – Gilles Deleuze

You should not laugh at a person whose soul is in grief and sadness.

Of all the existing animals, only one is capable of making sounds reminiscent of human laughter - this animal is the hyena.

Laugh at yourself - don’t be afraid, self-criticism is as necessary as washing your face. - Maksim Gorky

I take the funny seriously when I present it in a funny way... - Karl Marx

A scoffer is always a superficial creature. - Honore de Balzac

If you laugh for a long time, your heart may ache and the joyful end will be sadness.

Let us laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing. – Jean de La Bruyère

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies. – Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Anyone who laughs at evil, in any of its manifestations, does not have a very healthy moral sense. – Joseph Joubert

Humor is the wit of deep feeling. - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A cheerful laugh is often hidden under the heir's crying. – Publilius Syrus

Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh. – Joseph Addison

It’s amazing how the priests-foretellers, looking at each other, can still refrain from laughing. – Cicero

To be afraid of the funny is not to love the truth. – Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

What could be more ridiculous than the sight of a hearse rolling through the streets? - Jonathan Swift

The ability to laugh correctly is an indicator of the moral health of the team and the individual. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

You become an adult the day you first truly laugh at yourself! – Ethel Barrymore

If I ever wise up, no one will ever see me laugh. – Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. – Goncourt Brothers

You can laugh at anything, but not at any time. We joke about the deathbed, but not at the deathbed. Life is always serious, but you cannot always live seriously. – Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Ridicule, that is, moral indignation, must be combined with the constancy of sublime feelings. – Jean Paul

Who stops you from laughing and telling the truth? – Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Anyone who laughs and makes you laugh at the same time is doubly funny. – Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

Laughter corrects morals. - Honore de Balzac

A man who laughs is funnier than his victim. Sacrifice requires not only victims, but also those who make the sacrifice. – Georges Bataille

He who mocks others is himself afraid of the ridicule of others. – Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad upbringing. – Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

It's not far from laughter to ridicule. – Quintilian

There is nothing more stupid than a stupid laugh. – Catullus Gaius Valerius

I believe that the power of laughter and tears can be an antidote to hatred and fear. – Charles Spencer Chaplin

Loud laughter has always exposed civilization. Cinema and radio no longer need to pass themselves off as art. – Theodor Adorno

Complaining and crying about difficulties and troubles is like doubling them. By overcoming them by laughing, you will destroy them.

Ridiculing smart people is the natural privilege of fools. – Alphonse Lamartine

Where there is no bile and laughter, there is no hope for renewal. Where there is no sarcasm, there is no real love for humanity. – Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Laughter is invulnerable because it laughs at itself. – Jules Renard

Learning to use the weapon of laughter is one of the subtlest and most difficult things in the formation of moral views, beliefs, and tastes. – Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

All fools are eager to ridicule someone. – Alexander Pop

Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh. And bringing people together is the main task of art. – Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

You can't hate a person you can laugh at. – Samuel Johnson

A sense of humor is a sense of proportionality. – Kahlil Gibran Gibran

It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing. – Kozma Prutkov

There is no power more destructive than the ability to make people look funny. – Thomas Babington Macaulay

To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers. – George Bernard Shaw

It’s a bad sign when they stop understanding irony, allegory, and jokes. - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

We recognize a fool by frequent laughter. - Unknown author

A sense of humor is a unique gift that not every person has. And living without a sense of humor is as sad as traveling on a train without a diesel locomotive.

Laugh until you cry - advice to optimists and pessimists. – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once. – Thomas Carleidy

Is laughing bad? And isn’t it possible to laugh while maintaining complete seriousness?.. Laughter preserves our sanity better than annoyance and grief. – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

There is nothing more that a person is afraid of than laughter... By being afraid of laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no force could stop him from doing. - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health. - Maksim Gorky

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face. – Victor Marie Hugo

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. – Voltaire

Horror is incompatible with laughter. – Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then delve not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or how he is excited by the noblest ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. A person laughs well means he is a good person. - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

From funny to great is also only one step. – Lev Shestov

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they, if they want, can laugh at me. – Charles Louis Montesquieu

Laughter is the face of the mind. – Goncourt Brothers

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it. – Oscar Wilde

If, in our opinion, there was something missing from the meal, or if we didn’t like something in the house, don’t mock it on the side. – Adolf von Knigge

With their faces people laugh with those who laugh, and with those who cry they weep. – Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Aphorisms about smiling and laughter.

Wrinkles should only be traces of past smiles. Mark Twain

Smile at people more often and talk to them. It's elementary, isn't it? To frown, you need to use 72 muscles, and to smile - 14. A smile is the first thing you notice in others. Z. Ziglar

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Gabriel Marquez

A person who constantly smiles is just as unbearable as a person who never smiles. Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look better. Charles Gordy

A smile costs nothing, but is highly valued... D. Carnegie

A smile is the curve that straightens everything. Phyllis Diller

A smile reaches any distance. James Joyce, "Ulysses"

A person without a smile on his face should not open a store. Chinese folk wisdom

Never stop smiling even when you are sad because someone might fall in love with your smile. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If a person has no sense of humor, then he should at least have the feeling that he has no sense of humor. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A real man can only be killed by laughter. Ray Bradbury.

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people. But the sad ones do the most stupid things. Ewald Christian von Kleist

Humanity, laughing, parts with its past. Karl Marx

Every morning I wake up and tell myself, “I can choose to be in a good mood or in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood." Harvey Mackay, American millionaire

Children, especially girls, need to be taught at an early age to naturally laugh, because a cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world and develops a disposition towards cheerfulness, friendliness and goodwill towards everyone. Immanuel Kant

Every time women don’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on their face, and then it seems that they understand everything. Etienne Rey

People teach to hide their ignorance, just as they smile to hide their tears. Oscar Wilde

What makes a true gentleman different is that he always pays with a smile. George Shaw

Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness. Dale Carnegie

Smiling President A smile is always good, because it reveals the simple inner world of a person. Nikolay Novikov

Humor is the smile of a person who knows how little there is to laugh at. Julien Falkenare

Tears are the highest degree of smiling. Stendhal

Life is boring and you have to take every opportunity to make people smile. Emir Kusturica

You strain your strength there, and we strain our tummies. James Joyce

There is... a type of laughter when only one or another part of the hall laughs, while the other part is silent... This type of laughter is better. Brutes shouldn't laugh. Daniil Kharms

“That’s the kind of people we are - we love to laugh loudly, cackle, laugh, tear up our bellies, roll with laughter and, God knows, how else to laugh.” Jamis Thurber

“Smile, for all people lack self-confidence, and a smile, more than anything else, gives this confidence.” Andre Maurois

“I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but, I don’t know how, violent gaiety constantly broke into my life.” Oliver EdwardsSmile of a Child

“Those who smile are said to have a mouth to their ears, but a smile is never wider than the distance between the eyes.” Malcolm de Chazal

In one smile lies what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds beauty to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if she spoils it, then it is bad. Lev Tolstoy

Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure! Evgeniy Grishkovets

Along with completely real teeth, fake smiles can also be made. Gabriel Laub

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively mellifluous speeches are the surest proof of hypocrisy. James Cooper

- I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile...” “The same Munchausen”

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first. Benedict Spinoza

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

A smile is a kiss to the soul. M. Antrim

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet. Italian proverb

Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron

The bitterness of the heart cannot be sweetened with a smile. Russian proverb

Sometimes even a smile hides poison. Russian proverb

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. F. Chateaubriand

You are not fully dressed yet and there is no smile on your face. Martin Charnin

When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. W.K. Fields

If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say: “Great, let's take a shower.” Sir John A. MacDonald

"Smile and you will have friends; frown and you will have wrinkles. Don't we live to make each other's lives easier?" George Eliot

"No matter how disgusting it may be,

Because life is not a fairy tale,

Smile proactively

So that the face does not become a mask."

Anthony Euver.

A cheerful facial expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. I. Kant

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first. Benedict Spinoza

It takes a little to make you smile, and all it takes is a smile to make anything possible. Gilbert Sesbron

Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or hum a tune or song. Act as if you are already happy and this will lead you to happiness. Dale Carnegie

An angry fist does not hit a smiling face. Chinese saying.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once. T. Carlyle

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo

Laughter corrects morals. O. Balzac

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies. V. Belinsky

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot

A woman's best smile is reserved for the mirror. Frank Hubbard

Aphorisms about smiling If you haven't seen your wife smile at a traffic policeman, then you haven't seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh

They exchanged quick, dazzling smiles between women who had disliked each other at first sight. Raymond Chandler

She gave me a smile that burned into my pants pocket.

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman. Etienne Rey

Every time a woman doesn’t understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything. George Carlin

A person who can't stop smiling is probably trying to sell you a substandard product. Muriel Spark

It is impossible to convince a person who does not object, but only smiles. Moses Safir

The one who always smiles is just as intolerable as the one who never smiles. Francois René de Chateaubriand

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to prolong his life, this short moment. L. Stern

Laughter and smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern

The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A woman's smile is like bait on a fish hook for a man. B. Trushkin

A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a person's face. V. Hugo.

It happens that you smile from ear to ear

It is the cause of all disasters.

And only the one who laughs well

Who can do this without consequences.

(E. Sevrus)

Life is a smile, even if tears are streaming down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh. Addison Joseph

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius

We are not always free from mistakes about which we laugh at others. Freud Sigmund

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning. Heine Heinrich

Horror is incompatible with laughter. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

What has become funny can no longer be dangerous. Voltaire

If you want life to smile at you, first give it your good mood.
Benedict Spinoza

The best curve on a woman's body is her smile.
Bob Marley

He who laughs is not angry, because to laugh means to forgive.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

We are born with a cry, we die with a groan. All that remains is to live with laughter.
Victor Hugo

Laughter is the sun...it drives winter away from a person's face.
Victor Hugo

Smile, don't give misfortune pleasure.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Nothing reveals a person more than what he laughs at.

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it. It lasts a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever... It creates happiness in the house, generates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends.
Dale Carnegie

It is impossible to be angry with someone who makes you laugh.
Jay Leno

You should always smile. To someone sincerely. And to someone's detriment.
Jim carrey

Remember once and for all: you need to rejoice not when you can, but when you want! Joy is like champagne! She hates being plugged!
Dmitry Yemets

It's better to die of laughter than of fear.
Jewish proverb

Smiling feels good, it feels physically good. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just pleasure!
Evgeniy Grishkovets

Smiling is the most affordable way to look better.
Life wisdom

It takes a little to make you smile, and all it takes is a smile to make everything possible....
Gilbert Sesbron

A good laugh and a good night's sleep are the two best cures for any ailment.
Irish proverb

It is impossible to spit on a smiling face.
Korean proverb

If you smile, I will smile too. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you see my smile or whether I see yours. It's not what we see that matters. What is more important is how we feel.
Lev Tolstoy

Laughter and Smile are the sun and air: they drive away sadness and loneliness from the human soul.
Michael Jackson

If you are in a bad mood, if you have been offended or upset, use the power of a smile. Even if no one sees you, try to smile to show yourself that you are above all difficulties. Think that you are invulnerable, immortal, eternal. Give yourself a smile, as you sometimes do when passing a mirror. Even if your smile is a little forced, it will still help. As soon as you smile, you will feel in a better mood. And in a good mood it will be easier for you to solve your problems. You have no idea how much good a simple smile can do for you and the people around you. When you receive another blow from life, tell yourself: “Everything could have been much worse” - and smile...
Mother Teresa

A good laugh and a good sense of humor are an indicator of a person’s spiritual health. The ability to laugh at all sorts of egoistic manifestations in oneself is a necessary element of development throughout a person’s spiritual path.
Michael Laitman

Smiling is a character trait of strong people! No matter what happens in their lives, they do not want to burden others with their problems, they smile in spite of all their bad weather and believe in happiness and love. And what’s most interesting is that such people are happy and loved.
Nicholas Sparks "Lucky"

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; You don't need a reason to be happy.

A person must be able to laugh at himself sometimes, otherwise he will go crazy. Unfortunately, very few people know about this, and that is why there are so many crazy people in the world.
Rafael Sabatini

Those who never laugh at themselves miss out on many great opportunities to laugh.
Sarah Duncan

As long as we laugh, we're fine.
Saul Bellow

And when you laugh, sometimes your heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.

Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul.
Sonya Shatalova

Cheerfulness is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective remedy for getting rid of diseases.
Samuel Smiles

Laughter for no reason is the best laughter in the world - all this joyful effervescence of young, fresh life, this rush forward - wherever it may be, as long as it’s forward.
Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

A smile is a curve that smoothes out all the roughness of life.
Phyllis Dealer

What gives us joy is not what surrounds us, but our attitude towards our surroundings.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

Never give up on what makes you smile.
Heath Ledger

A day without a smile is a wasted day.
Charlie Chaplin

If you walk around with such a serious face, you will scare away all the good energy. You need to meditate while smiling. Smile with your face, smile with your mind - and positive energy itself will come and wash away everything negative. Let even your... liver smile.
Elizabeth Gilbert "Eat Pray Love"

People with a beautiful smile simply fascinate me. One should wonder what makes them smile so beautifully.
Andy Warhole

Of all the animals, only man knows how to laugh, although he has the least reason for this.
Ernest Hemingway

Even after a small smile, one small microbe will definitely die in the body.
Yury Nikulin

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.
Japanese proverb

An arrow is not shot at a smiling face.
Japanese proverb

Aphorisms, quotes, phrases about laughter, fun, joy

Don't forget to enjoy the life you walk through.
Alice Hoffman "The River King"

If you can’t laugh if you do something bad - laugh, fire - that means you are either dead or will die.
Stephen King

Where one cannot rejoice otherwise, a true philosopher knows how to benefit from what he has at his disposal.
Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"

A person simply needs a break from himself, at least from time to time...
Max Fry

Be careful with laughter - this is a bitter medicine: they swallow it and make faces. Laughter can kill any disease - if you're lucky. If you are very lucky, you yourself may remain alive. And even get better.

Suddenly a strange thought flashed like the sharp spark of a fireball falling in the night: what if these crazy people have a different concept of joy? One idiot enjoys swinging... no, this cannot be joyful, but at least it is joyful to look at himself in the mirror, walk along the beach, and another idiot enjoys gnawing on the granite of science in order to click sixth-level integrals in his mind, and then puzzle over a new superchip, and the third doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t look at women - because he also saw joy of a different order... Let’s say, how to perform a Bach fugue on a computer...
Guy Julius Orlovsky (from the series about Richard Long Arms)

Learn to take seriously the things that deserve to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest!
Hermann Hesse "Steppenwolf"

Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from screaming.
Robert Jordan

If you don't know how to live, know how to laugh.

The expectation of joy is also joy.

Laughter doesn't give you a heart attack.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Laughter is nothing more than convulsive breathing.
Andrey Bitov

A lost day is one during which you never laughed.
V. Hugo

This world would be no good at all if there was nothing to laugh at.
Somerset Maugham "Pies and Beer, or the Skeleton in the Closet"

You have to laugh at what torments you, otherwise you won’t maintain balance, otherwise the world will drive you crazy.
Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest"

A sense of humor is a sense of proportionality.
Gibran Khalil Gibran.

What has become funny cannot be dangerous.

A joke is sometimes a prediction.

An arrow is not shot at a smiling face.
Japanese folk wisdom

And you need to joke with a break.
Japanese folk wisdom

You don't always have to make jokes. Prudence is recognized in seriousness; it is valued higher than wit. He who always makes jokes is an empty person. Such people are like liars: you believe neither one nor the other - some, fearing deception, others, fearing ridicule. You never know whether they are joking or what they mean, which means you can’t get along with them. Eternal fun is a hindrance to business. Another will gain the reputation of a wit, but lose the respect of the wise. An hour of fun, the rest is business.
Baltasar Gracian "Pocket Oracle"

Good laughter is like sunshine in the house.
William Thackeray

A person is not poor if he is still able to laugh.
Alfred Hitchcock

I usually judge a person by what makes him laugh.
Wilson Misner

If you don't learn to laugh at troubles, in old age you will have nothing to laugh at at all.
Edgar Watson Hovey

Laughter is the only test of the serious, and seriousness is the only test of the funny. A subject is suspicious that cannot stand ridicule, and a joke is false that does not stand the test of seriousness.

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

It’s amazing how the priests-foretellers, looking at each other, can still refrain from laughing.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

There is nothing more stupid than a stupid laugh.
Catullus Gaius Valerius

Who stops you from laughing and telling the truth?

With their faces people laugh with those who laugh, and with those who cry they weep.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

A cheerful laugh is often hidden under the heir's crying.
Publilius Syrus

It’s hard to believe, yet women even take lessons in laughter and here they also try to be pretty! When laughing, you should open your mouth moderately: two dimples should be visible on your cheeks and your lower lip - slightly open the bottom of your upper teeth... Laughter should be, so to speak, light and somewhat feminine to the ear! There are women who disgrace their mouths with excessive laughter. Others, laughing, shake; you might think they are crying. Still others have a kind of hoarse, disgusting laugh. When they laugh, you think it’s the nasty braying of a donkey at a millstone.

It is better to give reasons for laughter than ridicule.
Petronius Arbiter Gaius

It's not far from laughter to ridicule.

We recognize a fool by frequent laughter.
Unknown author

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him.
Confucius (Kun Tzu)

And when you laugh, sometimes your heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Do not mock a person who is in the sorrow of his soul.
Old Testament. Sirach

It is better to write laughing than with tears, because laughter is a special sign of a person.
Francois Rabelais

Laughter is the essence of man.
Francois Rabelais

You can blame people, but not revile or ridicule them, for gossip, which confuses many, is still bad if it digs a hole in even one person.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Let us laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing.
Jean de La Bruyère

Laughing at smart people is the privilege of fools; They are the same in the world as jesters at court: no one takes their example.
Jean de La Bruyère

What could be more ridiculous than the sight of a hearse rolling through the streets?
Jonathan Swift

Anyone who laughs and makes you laugh at the same time is doubly funny.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

According to our philosophers, man differs from other living beings in his ability to laugh.
Joseph Addison

Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh.
Joseph Addison

All fools are eager to ridicule someone.
Alexander Pop

Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad upbringing.

If I ever wise up, no one will ever see me laugh.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

I am not averse to laughing at the people I meet, believing that they, if they want, can laugh at me.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

What has become funny cannot be dangerous.

You can't hate a person you can laugh at.
Samuel Johnson

Is laughing bad? And isn’t it possible to laugh while maintaining complete seriousness?.. Laughter preserves our sanity better than annoyance and grief.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

If, in our opinion, there was something missing from the meal, or if we didn’t like something in the house, don’t mock it on the side.
Adolf von Knigge

Ridicule, that is, moral indignation, must be combined
with constant sublime feeling.
Jean Paul

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he has laughed heartily at least once.
Thomas Carleidy

There is no power more destructive than the ability to make people look funny.
Thomas Babington Macaulay

I take funny things seriously when I present them in a funny way...
Karl Marx

Laughter is often a great mediator in distinguishing truth from lies.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

There is nothing more that a person is afraid of than laughter... By being afraid of laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no force could stop him from doing.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

It’s a bad sign when they stop understanding irony, allegory, and jokes.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then delve not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or how he is excited by the noblest ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. A person laughs well means he is a good person.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Humor is the wit of deep feeling.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A smile is always good, because it reveals the simple inner world of a person.
Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov

Where there is no bile and laughter, there is no hope for renewal. Where there is no sarcasm, there is no real love for humanity.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.
Kozma Prutkov

Horror is incompatible with laughter.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

To be afraid of the funny is not to love the truth.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

A sense of humor is a great thing. Going through life without a sense of humor is as absurd as riding in a carriage without springs.
Henry Ward Beecher

A scoffer is always a superficial creature.
Honore de Balzac

Laughter corrects morals.
Honore de Balzac

Laughter is gaiety of the mind, a smile is gaiety of the heart.
Brothers Goncourt

Laughter is the face of the mind.
Brothers Goncourt

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face.
Victor Marie Hugo

Making fun of something that is not subject to ridicule is, in a sense, the same as turning good into evil.
Joseph Joubert

Anyone who laughs at evil, in any of its manifestations, does not have a very healthy moral sense.
Joseph Joubert

Ridiculing smart people is the natural privilege of fools.
Alphonse Lamartine

When you laugh at people, you don't get angry with them. Humor teaches tolerance, and a humorist - sometimes with a smile, and sometimes with a sigh - would rather shrug his shoulders than judge.
William Somerset Maugham

Sometimes you close your eyes to truth, goodness and beauty, because they provide little food for the sense of the funny.
William Somerset Maugham

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.
Oscar Wilde

You can laugh at anything, but not at any time. We joke about the deathbed, but not at the deathbed. Life is always serious, but you cannot always live seriously.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

To learn the laws of life means to experience a whole series of humiliations, just like learning to skate. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the onlookers.
George Bernard Shaw

If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide a long time ago.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A sense of humor is a sense of proportionality.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

Laugh until you cry - advice to optimists and pessimists.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Nothing brings people together like a good, harmless laugh. And bringing people together is the main task of art.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Laugh at yourself - don’t be afraid, self-criticism is as necessary as washing your face.
Maksim Gorky

A good laugh is a sure sign of spiritual health.
Maksim Gorky

You become an adult the day you first truly laugh at yourself!
Ethel Barrymore

I believe that the power of laughter and tears can be an antidote to hatred and fear.
Charles Spencer Chaplin

Learning to use the weapon of laughter is one of the subtlest and most difficult things in the formation of moral views, beliefs, and tastes.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The ability to laugh correctly is an indicator of the moral health of the team and the individual. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Before you laugh at people, you must learn to love them with all your heart.
Jules Renard

Laughter is invulnerable because it laughs at itself.
Jules Renard

He who mocks others is himself afraid of the ridicule of others.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Of all animals, only the hyena is capable of making sounds that closely resemble our laughter.
Elias Canetti

Loud laughter has always exposed civilization. Cinema and radio no longer need to pass themselves off as art.
Theodor Adorno

We mock and laugh at a person not because he is funny, but because we need to have fun and laugh.
Lev Shestov

From funny to great is also only one step.
Lev Shestov

Everything is permitted to the jester. When he cries, they don’t believe him, and even his blood is considered cranberry juice.
Lev Karsavin

When we laugh at childish absurdity, our laughter only covers up the shame we experience at the sight of the state to which we reduce life when it emerges from nothingness.
Georges Bataille

Laughter also grows up.
Georges Bataille

Laughter teaches: by wisely avoiding the elements of death, we are only trying to preserve life; whereas by entering the region from which wisdom tells us to flee, we live life.
Georges Bataille

A child laughs the happiest laugh.
Georges Bataille

A man who laughs is funnier than his victim. Sacrifice requires not only victims, but also those who make the sacrifice.
Georges Bataille

Executioners rarely laugh, and their laughter is not the same as everyone else’s.
Gilles Deleuze

Of all the animals, only man is capable of laughing.

Laughter is the most sophisticated way to show your teeth to your opponent.
Werner Fink

Laughter is exclusively or almost exclusively caused by the designation or indication of something obscene without obscenity.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Delirium that occurs along with laughter is less dangerous, but serious delirium is more dangerous.

There is nothing more mysterious than laughter in a foreign language.
William Golding

Middle age is when you start smiling at things you used to laugh at.

Nothing reveals a lack of a sense of humor like laughter.
Oliver Hassenkamp

The laughter stops when the echo doesn't respond.
Julien de Falkenare

Before I had time to open your book, I burst into laughter. Someday I will definitely open it.
Groucho Marx

Laughter is a disinfectant.
Maurice Chaplin

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Victor Borzh

He who laughs forgives everything.
Vasily Zhukovsky

You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh.
Agnes Replayer

Whoever you can laugh with, you can work with.
Robert Orben

Laughter for no reason is a sign of a great mood.
Mikhail Genin

Even if there is no reason to laugh, laugh for credit.

I think, therefore I laugh.
John Polos

Man is the only animal that can laugh, although he has the least reason to do so.

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.
Heinrich Heine

It seems that Pavlovian conditioning really exists. Every time a recorded laugh is heard on TV, the viewer involuntarily yawns.
Robert Orben

The Frenchman is cheerful, the Russian is mocking; The Frenchman ridicules because he laughs, the Russian laughs because he ridicules.
Vasily Zhukovsky

Half the people laugh at the other half, and both are equally stupid.
Baltasar Gracian