Prayer for the birth of a child in case of infertility. Protector of all mothers and children

According to your Faith, and through fervent prayer to God, may there be a continuation of your lineage. Children to the joy of their parents and to the Glory of the Lord! According to your Faith - may it be for you!


My children are my true wealth and in this sense I am rich - I have three sons (the eldest son from my first marriage). Moreover, two of them are very tiny - one is 2.5 years old, and the youngest will turn one year old this month. But not many of my friends know about how my wife just recently cried into her pillow and ran around the hospital. institutions in search of a solution to the problem of conceiving a child. It seems like there’s nothing serious, but God didn’t give us a baby. And this went on for about 13 years.

  • But 2012 was a turning point for us in this regard. I miraculously, or by the Will of the Lord, ended up (at work) in. And quite by chance, as if by chance, I learned from Mother that in this wonderful monastery there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Tolga. It was only later that I learned about Her miracles and that many women come to the Tolga Icon with a prayer for the gift of children. And then I simply fervently and sincerely prayed to the Mother of God that God would give us a baby. And what not to call it a miracle that we soon had a dear son! Noisy, characteristic, stubborn fidget, but so dearly loved and long-awaited, given to us by God for our joy.

But as you already understand, this is not the end of my wonderful story - I also have my youngest son. But we didn’t expect it at all, and this miracle is no less than the first, by the way, it is also connected with the Tolga icon. And the whole point is that we learned about the baby’s existence soon after I prayed in front of the icon about expanding our home. And even though we haven’t moved to Moscow yet (I know for sure that it’s a matter of time), I have gained immeasurably more.

By the way, not on purpose, but it turns out that now I often visit the Tolga monastery and pray to the Holy Image of the Mother of God. Since childhood, our family has had a small, old icon, and only recently did I learn that it is the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God. Whatever one may say, the events of my life have always pushed me towards this holy Image, named Tolgskaya.

Prayers to the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints for the gift of children, the conception of children and for women’s diseases

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God of Tolga for all troubles, female diseases and for the gift of children.

There are many miracles of spiritual and physical healing before the holy image of the Tolga Mother of God: healing from the disease of the legs of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the resurrection of a dead child at the prayer of his parents, many healings from all kinds of diseases, including demonic possession, infertility, oncology, there are cases of salvation from drought. In 2014, the monastery celebrated the 700th anniversary of the miraculous acquisition of the image.


O Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, the highest of the Cherubim and Seraphim and the Holiest of all saints!

You, the All-Blessed One, on Tolga, You deigned to reveal Your multi-healing icon to the blessed Saint Tryphon in a fiery way, and with it You performed many and ineffable miracles and are now doing them, according to Your ineffable mercy towards us. Before Your most pure image, we bow down and pray, O Most Blessed Intercessor of our race: in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious, do not deprive us of Your intercession and sovereign protection.

Save and protect us, Lady, from the kindled arrows of the crafty enemy of our salvation. Strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts of love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we can bring to the Creator the fruits of good deeds that are pleasing to Him, and be honored with a peaceful Christian death and the right answer at His Terrible and impartial Judgment.

Hey, Lady All-Merciful! In the terrible hour of death, show us Your powerful intercession, then hasten to help us, helpless, and with Your sovereign hand snatch us from the hand of the fierce ruler of the world, for truly Your prayer can do much before the line of the Lord, and nothing is impossible for Your intercession, unless you only desire .

Moreover, looking at Your holy image with tenderness and before it, as if You were alive and living with us, worshiping with good hope, we ourselves, and each other, and our whole life, through God, we prayerfully commend to You and we magnify You with our Savior, the Lord, who was born of You. To Jesus Christ, Himself, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful, Most Pure Lady Lady, Virgin Mother of God, these prayers, now brought to You with tears from us, Your unworthy servants, to Your whole-bearing image with tenderness, flowing to You, as You yourself exist, and hear our prayers, and give with faith those who ask for each request will be fulfilled.

You ease the sorrows of those who mourn, you grant health to the weak, you heal the weakened and sick, you drive away demons from demons, you deliver the offended from insults and save the perishing, you forgive repentant sinners, you cleanse lepers, you are kind to little children, you free them from bonds and prisons, and you heal all kinds of varied passions. , Lady Lady Theotokos: all things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God.

O All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary! Do not cease to pray for us, Your unworthy servants, who glorify You and honor and worship Your most pure image, and who have irrevocable hope and unquestionable faith in You, the Ever-Virgin, Most Glorious and Immaculate, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Tolgskaya”

Troparion, tone 4

Today Your image, the Most Pure Virgin Mother of God, shines brightly on Tolga, and, like the unsetting sun, the faithful have always sat down, having seen Him in the air, invisibly the Angels, like no one, are holding, the Right Reverend Bishop of the city of Rostov Tryphon flowing towards the revealed luminous pillar of fire, and across the waters , as if on dry land, pass, and pray to Thee faithfully for the flock and for the people.

And we, flowing to You, call: Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, truly save those who glorify You, our country, the bishops and the entire Russian people from all troubles, according to Your great mercy.

Prayer to the Lord during infertility

Give us a child who would be both a joy in life and a support in our old age. God, I bow before Your Greatness, forgive me for all my sins and send me a healthy, full-fledged child, and if You give him to me, then save him and help me bring him to term, and I will always glorify and praise You. Amen, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, forgive me, a sinner and a daring one, have mercy on my fierce weakness and listen to my prayer!

Accept this prayer of mine and fulfill the desire of my heart, give me my child for my good and help me bear the cross of motherhood for our salvation. Amen.

Prayer to St. David of Gareji for female weakness

Saint David has amazing grace to help women in their weaknesses and illnesses, especially those related to childbearing

O all-bright, God-praised, Abba David, holy saint of God!

You, by the power of good law, have appeared to us, bound and overcome by the snares of the evil one, as a mentor in repentance and a helper in prayer. For this reason, you have been given many gifts of grace and miracles, the resolution of our sins and the remission of sins, the healing of illnesses and the driving away of the devil’s slander.

Also, by your fatherly mercy in the divine understanding, by your many laborious prayers and supplications, and especially by your unceasing intercession for us, the servants of God (names), may the Lord God raise up us, who have fallen into sin, with His invincible power against every visible and invisible enemy, so that we may give thanks. Celebrating your holy memory, we desired to worship the Eternal God in the One Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayers to the Mother of God for female diseases

Mother of God, virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you! Blessed are you among wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls! Amen.

To my queen, my hope, to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and strange intercessors, those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help for you, no other intercessor, no good comforter, only you, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Hypatius of Pechersk, healer of women's diseases

Patients with various ailments resort to prayerful help from Hypaty of Pechersk; they also pray to him in case of female infirmity. During his life, Saint Hypatius led an ascetic lifestyle, prayed a lot, treated and cared for the sick, for which God gave Him the gift of miraculous healing

O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abvo Hypatia!

Do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, holy father, for your spiritual children, for you have the boldness to To the Heavenly King: do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for the grace has been given to you to pray for us.

We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, you remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the snares of the devil, our good shepherd. Even if your relics are always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, standing at the throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and We pray to you: pray for us to the Almighty God, for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, from bitter ordeals, from demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, who from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the gift of a child

Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you.

Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven.

Hear our groanings and convey them to the throne of the Master, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind.

Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Alexander Svirsky for the birth of a boy

The Monk Alexander was the only Russian saint to be honored with the appearance of the Holy Trinity.

O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing Father Alexandra, great servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercies to those living in your holy monastery and to everyone who flows to you with faith and love!

Ask us for everything that is useful for this temporary life, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Help us with your intercession, servant of God, before the Lord against enemies visible and invisible. May His faithful servants, who cry out to Him day and night in grief and sorrow, hear the much-painful cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. May the holy Orthodox Church of Christ abide in peace, and may our fatherland be founded in prosperity, indestructible in all piety. Be to all of us, miracle-working saint, a quick helper in every sorrow and situation. Most importantly, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appears to us, so that we may not betray the power of the evil ruler of the world at the ordeals of the air, but may we be worthy of a stumbling-free ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Hey, Father, our dear prayer book! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer, and intercede for us before the throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, so that together with you and with all the saints, we are unworthy, we are worthy to glorify in the villages of paradise the greatness, grace and mercy of the One in the Trinity of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for conceiving a child in front of the Orthodox icon “The Conception of John the Baptist”

The righteous parents of Saint John the Baptist, the priest Zechariah and Elizabeth, reached old age, but had no children. Despite this, in their old age they did not stop praying to God to give them a child. To console them, the Lord sent Archangel Gabriel with the news that their prayers had been heard and that soon Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a son, who would be named John.

Lord, remember me, Your unworthy servant, and deliver me from my barrenness, so that you can become my mother.

Give us a child who would be both a joy in life and a support in our old age.

Holy Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John!

This preacher of repentance, do not despise us who repent, but pray to the Lord Christ for us, unworthy slaves, sad, weak, fallen into many sins. We expect death, but we have not suffered from our sins and have not cared about the Kingdom of Heaven: but do not despise us , Baptist of Christ, honest Forerunner, pain-born of all, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ.

We pray to you, we resort to you: do not reject us who ask for your intercession, renew our souls with repentance, which is the second baptism: by your intercession before the Lord, ask for the cleansing of our sins.

Unworthy lips cry out to you, and a humble soul prays, a contrite heart sighs from the depths: stretch out your most pure right hand and protect us from enemies visible and invisible.

Hey, Lord Jesus Christ! Through the prayers of St. John Thy Baptist, and even more so of Thy Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, save us, Thy sinful servants who repent of our sins. For You are the God of the repentant, and in You, the Savior, we place our hope, glorifying Your Most Holy Name, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Another prayer to the holy prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth

Oh, holy saints of God, prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth!

Having fought a good fight on earth, we have naturally received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory.

You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy, through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Luke, Confessor, Archbishop of Crimea for the gift of children

The great saint of the 20th century - bishop, surgeon, scientist, spiritual writer. He is revered in many countries. Doctors and surgeons pray to him for well-being during operations. Millions of sick people pray to him and many receive healing.

O all-blessed confessor, holy saint, our Father Luke, great servant of Christ.

With tenderness, we bow the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, like the children of our father, we pray to you with all diligence: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the merciful and humane God, to whom you now stand in the joy of the saints and with the faces of an angel.

We believe that you love us with the same love that you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth. Ask Christ our God to confirm His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: to the shepherds to give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: to observe the right of believers, to strengthen the weak and infirm in the faith, to instruct the ignorant, to reprove the contrary. Give us all a gift that is useful to everyone, and everything that is useful for temporary life and eternal salvation. Strengthening our cities, fruitful lands, deliverance from famine and destruction. Comfort for the afflicted, healing for the ailing, return to the path of truth for those who have gone astray, blessing from a parent, upbringing and teaching for a child in the Passion of the Lord, help and intercession for the orphaned and needy.

Grant us all your archpastoral blessing, so that if we have such a prayerful intercession, we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms. Guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous and pray for us to the omnipotent God, in eternal life we ​​will be worthy with you to constantly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Paraskeva Friday for the birth of a girl

E They pray for protection of the family hearth; in marital infertility; about worthy suitors

O holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery of the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, vouchsafed to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil of your Bridegroom Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the deep crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, be sorrowful for us to Christ God.

Through His most blessed vision one can always have fun; pray to the All-Merciful One, who opened the eyes of the blind with a word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; With your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our spiritual and physical eyes; enlighten us, darkened by sins; by the light of God's grace, that for the sake of your holy prayers sweet vision will be given to the dishonest.

O great servant of God! O most courageous maiden! O strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and extremely negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for these are extremely weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that through your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds, we will enter into the eternal light of the unevening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in in it you now shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the Heavenly Powers the Trisagion of the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen

Prayer to the Righteous Joachim and Anna for the gift of children

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Your grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - You created man in Your image and, with a sublime mystery, sanctified the union of marriage and the foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on these Thy servants (names) united in marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see the sons of their sons even to the third and fourth generation and live and enter into the desired old age into the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is all glory, honor and worship due, together with the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen

Everything depends on the will of the Lord, especially the continuation of the race of each of us!

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I copied a post from another site.

On September 21, on the great feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I read a special prayer for conception. I think you don’t have to wait until next September, you can read it that way, but on this holiday it’s a must. This is the prayer:

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, asked of God with holy prayers, dedicated to God, beloved by God, and chosen for purity for the sake of Your soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not please You or who will not sing of Your glorious Nativity, for Your Birth is the beginning of our salvation.

Accept from us, the unworthy,
praise you and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we fall to You in tenderness and we ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother to intercede quickly: ask Your Son and our God to give us sinners, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that the opportunity to live is pleasing to God and beneficial to our souls.

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, look mercifully on Your servants who have not yet been able to bear offspring and through Your all-powerful intercession have granted them healing from infertility. O Mother of God and Nourisher of our life, help us and save the faithful children of the Holy Church, hear our prayers, heal the sick, quench sorrow, direct courage for good.

In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: ask us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary, for salvation, peace, silence and piety for our suffering fatherland. And ask us for everything that is so necessary for our life and salvation from Thy Son, Christ our God.

You are our hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. Together with all the saints, we tirelessly ask you for your intercession and glorify the one True God, worshiped in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

On this same great holiday, I made a vow to read the Akathist for 40 days in a row in front of the “Merciful” (Kykkos) icon of the Mother of God. Thanks to my mom, she read in some newspaper that this miraculous icon helps to get pregnant. I downloaded the Akathist from the Internet and copied the text from one of the Orthodox sites. Having reduced the spacing, 11 pages came out in 11th font, which I read daily and will continue to read until November 1, as promised. If possible, you can visit the icon in the Conception Monastery.

In addition to the Akathist, I read the following prayers daily (now I have replaced them with prayers during pregnancy from the prayer book).

"Prayer to St. Roman the Wonderworker"
who through prayer resolved infertility

Marveling at your exploits, Venerable Roman, we pray to you, hear us calling you. Having shut yourself up in a small cell until your death, you remained there, eating poorly and having no fire, wearing a hair shirt, wearing heavy chains. Having been granted divine grace, you healed many people’s illnesses, Saint Roman, and through your prayer you resolved many wives from infertility. Therefore, now we pray, listen with reverence and zeal to the barren wives who fall to you and pray to you; pray to the Lord God that with His omnipotent power He will resolve their infertility and give them children, because our God is good and loving, looking down on us from above and fulfilling our forgiveness. Amen.

Recommended by m pour into the open space every Friday at sunrise. For three days in a row, at five o’clock in the morning, go out onto the balcony or open window and mentally pray to the saint. But I didn't do that. I just read it daily with the rest of my prayers.

Another prayer to help you get pregnant:

Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

Pour on us the poor, the weak and the humiliated, by your unfailing compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord God, accept us into your intercession and intercession, freedom from all troubles and severe diseases, seek forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, the paralytic, with your prayers , do not allow us, unworthy slaves (names), to perish completely, be a refuge of help for us, do not leave us inconsolable, so that we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

At the end of the prayer, ask for conception.


Lord, remember me

Unworthy of Your servant, and

Deliver me from my barrenness,

So that I can be a matter.

Give us a child who would be

Joy of life and support

In our old age. Amen.


Holy Mother of God

Give me hope for healing

my womb

Show me the thrill of desire

Give a birth to a baby

Give me strength to hope

For Your heavenly gift

Bring me the light of the clear

The sun in my petition

Give me the gift of motherhood

So that I can hear

The cry of your child

Calling to you

So that you can hear my

Cry of petition

I pray to You, revive my womb

Place a living heart in my womb

Bring me the Soul that

I want to be born in my flesh

For my joy, for the prolongation of my family.

I will forever pray to You for Your almighty

You can give happiness a face

Turn to me Goddess

Smile at me with hope

Happy motherhood

Don't deny me my hope

Become a mother

I will be forever and ever

Glorify Your name. Amen.

This prayer is very powerful and effective; many women who read it were able to soon become pregnant.

“Hear us, Thy servants of God (names of spouses), Almighty and Merciful Almighty, may Thy help be sent through our prayers. We pray, be lenient, O God, to our prayer words, remember Your law about the increase of the human race and be our Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. Lord, you were able to create everything out of nothing with your mighty power and laid the foundation for everything in the endless world of existence: you created man in your image and sanctified the union with the church with the highest secret. Look, O Most High God, at your servants (names of spouses), united in a marital union and praying for Your help, may Your divine mercy come to us, may we become fertile and may we be able to see our sons and daughters, until the 3rd and 4th kind, and we will live to a ripe old age and come to the Kingdom of Heaven through the Lord God Jesus Christ. Amen".


“Oh, Virgin Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of our Most High Lord, our hasty intercessor, I turn to You and come running with sincere faith. Look from the heights of heavenly majesty at me, God’s sinful servant (name), I fall before the holy icon, hear my humble prayer. I ask, pray to Your Son to illuminate my dark soul with the light of Divine grace and may he cleanse my mind from black thoughts, may he calm my suffering heart and heal its deep wounds. May he enlighten me, his servant (name), to all sorts of good deeds and strengthen common sense, may he forgive all the evil I have done and deliver me from eternal torment and not deprive me of His Heavenly Kingdom. Oh, Most Pure Mother of God, You commanded those who command everyone to come to You with pure faith, do not let me perish in the deep abyss of my grave sins. I trust in You and hope for salvation, and I entrust myself to Your protection forever. I thank and glorify our God for sending me immeasurable marital happiness. I pray, Most Holy Virgin, only through Your prayers will the Lord God send me and my husband the long-awaited child, may God grant me the fruit of my womb. May it be established by the will of God and for His glory. Exchange the sorrow of our souls for parental joy. Amen".


“Most Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant (name), and accept my prayer, which I offer to You with heartfelt contrition, I humbly pray to You, grant healing from my ailments that prevent the conception of children. Amen".


This prayer is best said at dawn and with the greatest faith. But if I couldn’t read it in the morning, I read it in the evening.
“Sunny Goodness of the Lord, open the Source of my life force, bringing the magic of the birth of a new little life, and I will read a prayer to give it a source.
Lord, I ask and beseech you to saturate all my particles with the enormous power of life so that a miracle can manifest itself, my married bodies will merge and give the basis for a new little life. And then I will be completely healed by the Almighty God from limitations, and with my vitality a child will flow into life alive and healthy. Amen".


A short prayer will help a woman become pregnant and give birth to a healthy and long-awaited child. It is advisable to read it every morning after sleep until what you want comes true. I read not after sleep, often even in the evening.

“Pure heavenly blood, wonderful divine power. Any word of His is to action, and our prayer is to a new body. Help your servants of God, baptized (names of spouses), born by mother and father, to have a child 9 months later. In the name of our Lord. Amen".


The prayer should be said to St. Alexander of Svirsky.
“Oh, sacred earthly angel, God-bearing and reverend Father Alexander, humble saint of the Most Holy, many who live in Your mercy turn to You with faith and love. Ask for us, God's servants (names of spouses), for a long-awaited miracle, a new life for Your sex. Contribute with your intercession, God's saint, ruler of our world. May the holy church of God rest in peace. Be a merciful miracle worker for us, a helper in all circumstances and sorrows. Do not be ashamed of our prayer, do not despise our humble prayers, but before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, intercede for us, so that we may be honored in the villages with Royal greatness, and the grace and forgiveness of God will come. Amen".


(I just asked for either a boy or a girl, or both at once)))


“Oh, blessed Matrona, accustomed all her life to receive and listen to the suffering and needy, hear and accept me, unworthy, praying to You. May your mercy towards me, unworthy and sinful, not become scarce even now. I pray that you heal the illness of God’s servant (name) and God’s servant (spouse’s name), deliver us from the torment and temptations of the devil, help us carry the Cross of life. Beg the Almighty Lord to have mercy on us, to forgive all sins, anger, hatred, insults and dirty thoughts, beg Him to give us a new life, a healthy and kind girl. We trust and hope in You and our God to have strong and unfeigned love for all our neighbors. Amen".


“Oh, Mother, Blessed Matrona, standing with her soul in heaven before the Throne of God, resting her body on earth, and exuding all kinds of miracles with the grace given from above. Look with your merciful eye at me, a sinner, in sorrow, illness and various sinful temptations. Comfort me, God's servant (name), desperate, heal terrible ailments, deliver me from many troubles. Ask the Almighty to forgive all my sins, falls and iniquities, for I am a sinner and I bow before you, praying for help and mercy. Amen".


In Orthodoxy, married couples who do not have children pray to the righteous Anna and Joachim, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They suffered from infertility for a long time, and only in their old age did they have a daughter.

“Oh, the righteous of Christ, Saints Anna and Joachim, standing before the Heavenly Throne of the Lord God. I, God’s servant (name), turn to you, the strongest representatives, for help. Pray to the Almighty that He will take His anger away from my family for our sinful deeds, that He will lead us along the road of repentance, and establish us on the path of the Divine commandments. With the prayers of your saints in this world, save our lives, and help us in all matters, and protect us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Through your prayers happiness will come to our family, a new life will be born, and our healthy child will be born into the world. Amen".

Prayer to get pregnant

(read clearly three times, once in a lifetime, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it).

“The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant me a chance to become parents of a healthy baby."

For those who are already pregnant:
The body grows the fetus with the power of the Lord’s Good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to carry my desired child to term. May the Lord protect him from negative influences and not give me dangerous paths, so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of vital forces and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord’s hand will help me and at the right time will reveal into the world the one who is under my heart. Amen.

For those who are already pregnant:
Psalm 142 May the Lord protect a pregnant woman so that she does not lose her fetus. Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for no one living will be justified before You. As if the enemy drove my soul, he humbled my belly to eat, he planted me to eat in dark, like dead centuries. And my spirit is depressed within me, my heart is troubled within me. I have remembered the days of old, I have learned in all Your works, I have learned Your hand in all creation. My hands have lifted up to You, my soul, like a waterless land to You. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit has disappeared, do not turn Your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Tell me, Lord, the way, I will go, as if I have taken my soul to You. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, I have fled to You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Your Good Spirit will guide me to the right land. For Thy name's sake, Lord, live for me; By Thy righteousness Thou hast delivered my soul from sorrow. And by Your mercy consume my enemies and destroy all my cold souls. For I am Your servant.

From September 27 to October 2, the temple of our small city housed shrines from Holy Mount Athos: an ark with particles of the robe and belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, the relics of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious and the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Gerontissa”. On September 27, on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, my friend and I and our daughters touched the shrines. Lord, thank you for this opportunity, because these shrines also help you get pregnant!

Girls, believe and everything will work out!

Not only believers, but also doctors are already talking about the benefits of prayers.

American scientists conducted research and proved their benefits experimentally. During prayer, the vital processes of the body and blood pressure are normalized, cholesterol levels are reduced and psychological assistance is provided.


Before you continue reading, find out about a unique remedy - Matryona's Decoction, which has no analogues and can increase your chances of getting pregnant many times over!

About Mother Matrona

Matrona of Moscow was born in the Tula province.

The family was in need, and even before the baby was born, the mother decided to send her to a shelter. She dreamed of her unborn child in the form of a white bird with closed eyes.

After this, the mother did not even think about getting rid of the baby.

Matronushka was born not just blind, but with empty eye sockets. Even at baptism, everyone understood that she was an unusual girl. During the ceremony, a fragrant pillar rose above the font with the baby.

The priest who baptized the child said that she was a saint.

The girl's gift of clairvoyance appeared at the age of 7. She knew the sins of everyone who came to her, read their thoughts and healed them. On a pilgrimage to St. Andrew's Cathedral, John of Kronstadt approached the saint.

The righteous saw her special purpose in the future during the time of persecution of the church.

Since childhood, Matrona of Moscow went to the temple, which was located not far from their home. The mother always found the girl in church. All her life she lived surrounded by icons, praying for the healing of people and their salvation.

Bedridden patients were brought to her, and they left healthy.

At the age of 17, the saint lost her legs. She lived in many houses, in different conditions, but never complained.

Matrona also went down in history because she predicted the revolution and the Great Patriotic War. Mother did not say much, answering the patients’ questions briefly.

The saint fought for every soul and won. Before her death, she told everyone to come to her for help.

Treatment by prayer

Matronushka treated with prayer. Women who wanted a child came to her. And today they can go to church to the icon of the saint with a bouquet that is placed at her relics. The number of colors is odd.

They come to Moscow to Taganskaya Street to ask Matrona about pregnancy. Her relics are kept in the Intercession Convent for women. According to legend, you need to come to the saint’s relics 3 times.

There are recorded cases of healing from infertility. Women come with words of prayer for conception to the Intercession Monastery. They also come to the Danilovskoye cemetery, where Matronushka was previously buried.

Right on the grave they leave notes for Matrona: “Matrona, Matrona, forgive our sins and have mercy.” They write about personal things, ask her, and what they want comes true. In the monastery they buy a body icon with the image of Matrona. They also take oil and holy water there.

In order to talk with the blessed one, it is not necessary to go to Moscow. Mother will definitely hear when prayer comes from the heart. You also need to light a candle and bow to Matrona.

People write letters to Matrona: Matryona, Matrona, Mother - they call her differently. There are parishioners who collect all the notes and letters and take them themselves every week to the Intercession Monastery. Women write, pray for pregnancy, and the saint helps them.

Prayer helps a woman who has been diagnosed with infertility. She gains faith and calms down. A prayer for conception cleanses the soul of the expectant mother.

Women turn to their mother with the only request - to give her a child. A miracle occurs, and the words of prayer give the pregnant woman inner strength and the right attitude.

How to pray to the blessed one?

Before praying for pregnancy, you need to ask Matrona to forgive and have mercy. Only then can you ask for conception. Before visiting the Intercession Monastery, you must fast for 7-9 days.

A prayer for pregnancy does not have to be read in church. Not everyone knows how to behave in church, but that doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the words are sincere.

In the temple

There are always queues for the relics of Matronushka. They begin to read the Akathist on the street in order to spend longer with their mother. Women come to her with a prayer to conceive a child.

They turn to Mother Matrona: “Matrona, Matrona, give me hope!” and if the words come from the heart, the saint helps everyone.

The following order is adopted near the relics:

  • sign of the cross and bow;
  • repeated sign of the cross and bow;
  • they apply their forehead to the icon (to the feet or hand, since it is forbidden to touch the face);
  • step back and cross yourself.

Many women ask the saint for conception. When the miracle occurs, they tell Matrona: “I helped you get pregnant, mother. Thank you. Forgive me and bless me!

Everyone asks for their own thing: for the child’s health, for happiness, for love, for pregnancy.

Prayers to mother for pregnancy

Women who are about to give birth read the saint's prayer. There are several texts of such prayers.

You can also read the prayer to Matrona in your own words: “Mother, have mercy on me, a sinner, and forgive me. I pray you deliver me from temptations. Matronushka, give me the joy of motherhood. Mother, I know you protect everyone, help me too. Strengthen my faith so that I can withstand all trials. Matronushka, bless! Thank you, mother."

Women who have been healed of infertility

Anna is one of the women who was lucky enough to become a mother after being diagnosed with infertility. Matrona helped her.

Anna lived with her husband for 4 years and could not get pregnant.

The woman came to the saint and told her everything, as if alive. A few days later, Anna felt a change in her health.

After the examination, I realized that a miracle had happened - I still managed to get pregnant.

Natalia was diagnosed with infertility, and Matronushka also helped her. When there was no longer any hope for medicine, she and her husband came to church to ask the saint for pregnancy.

In the temple, Natalya asked her mother for a child. The next time she came to the blessed one with her husband. When she once again got ready to visit the saint’s relics, she realized that she was expecting a child.

In the most honorable place in their home hangs an icon of their mother - the one to whom they are grateful for the birth of their son. They pray to Matrona: “Mother, I thank you. Thank you Matronushka! Bless our child!

Bright mother

Everyone who saw the saint described her as a bright person. They said about Matrona that she was a bright soul. She had small legs and arms. She loved to sit cross-legged. Matronushka knew how to calm anyone down and inspired hope in everyone.

The Pokrovsky Stavropegic Convent, located in Moscow, on Taganskaya Street, is today known throughout the world. Since 1998, the incorruptible relics of the Orthodox Russian saint Matrona of Moscow, in the world - Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova, have been kept here. Every day, a continuous line of believers comes to the monastery temple to bow to Matronushka and ask her for prayerful help. And even in the most hopeless cases, when there seems to be no chance of a successful outcome, miracles happen.

Prayerful assistance of Matrona of Moscow in the birth of children

Blessed Elder Matrona is approached with many problems: when there is no hope of recovery from a serious illness, in difficult life situations, and also when it is not possible to give birth to a child for a long time. And through the prayers of the righteous woman, hundreds of thousands of people received help and consolation. “Everyone come to me,” Mother Matrona said shortly before her death, “and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows.” She promised to see and hear everyone, and help everyone.

There are many known cases of miraculous healing from infertility thanks to the help of Saint Matronushka. When doctors were unable to help get pregnant or carry a child to term, women came to the church of the Intercession Monastery or to the Danilovskoye cemetery, where the blessed one had previously rested, left notes with requests, and miraculously their problem was solved - the long-awaited conception occurred and children were born.

Examples of healing from infertility and assistance in having a child through the prayers of Matronushka

Anna says: “I lived in marriage with my husband for four years, never used contraception, never had an abortion, but I became pregnant. The husband really wanted children, and this problem weighed heavily on him. He began to move away from me - staying late at work, drinking. We started having scandals, and then I also learned from the doctors that I would never have a child. To say that I was in extreme despair is to say nothing. My whole life was falling apart.

One day I ran into church and couldn’t stand it - I fell on my knees in front of the icon of St. Matrona of Moscow, burst into tears and told her everything, as if in spirit. Just a few days later I felt unwell. My husband did not want to communicate with me - he was preparing for a divorce, but I managed to persuade him to accompany me to the doctor. It turned out that I was pregnant. Now our beloved daughter is growing up, and we have completely improved our relationship with my husband. “Everything is wonderful in our family, and for this I endlessly thank Saint Matrona.”

Olga says: “I had my first pregnancy at 38 years old. This age is considered unfavorable for having children, and doctors tried to persuade me to have an abortion. However, this was a long-awaited child, the birth of which I constantly postponed, and therefore I decided to continue the pregnancy at all costs. One day, during the next examination, a serious deviation in the baby’s development was revealed, and I was told that he had no chance of being born healthy. Grief overwhelmed me - this was my last desperate chance to become a mother.

Since I live far from Moscow, I asked my Muscovite friend to leave a note about my child near the relics of St. Matrona. I still can’t understand how, but my baby was born absolutely healthy. “I am eternally grateful to Mother Matronushka for my happiness.”

These are just two examples, but it is difficult to say how many children were actually born thanks to the prayerful assistance of Matrona of Moscow - there are a lot of cases described.

How to ask the Holy Blessed Elder Matrona for help

In order to ask for help from Saint Matrona, you do not have to go to Moscow. Wherever you are, a heartfelt prayer, uttered in your own words, even silently, will be heard by mother, and according to your faith you will receive an answer. In addition, to have a heart-to-heart talk with Matronushka, visit the church in the places where you live, light a candle to the icon, order a service. After all, the deceased saints are not located where their relics lie - they are invisibly present wherever their help and support is needed: in every church and in the hearts of people who remember and honor them.

And if your life turns out in such a way that you find yourself in the capital, visit the temple of the Intercession Monastery and, together with a series of other pilgrims, venerate the holy relics. This good deed will strengthen your faith. There, in Moscow, you can visit the grave of St. Matrona at the Danilovsky cemetery.

If you absolutely want to personally make a request to Matronushka, write her a letter and send it to the address of the Danilovsky Monastery. The servants of the temple will lay it at the relics of the blessed mother.

Oh, blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who throughout your entire life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn with faith and hope for those who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the passionately fighting devil, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that after we depart from this life, help us to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God , glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen

O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the throne of God, but your body is resting on earth, and various miracles have been performed by the grace given to you above!
Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and demonic temptations, waiting for our days, comfort us in despair, heal our fierce ailments, allowed by God to us through our sins, deliver us from many sorrows and circumstances and pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, even though we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify the one God in the Trinity - the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

You can pray to the holy elder Matrona about pregnancy in your own words - speak from the bottom of your heart, and mother will hear you. And if you can’t find the right words, just remember a short prayer: “Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us.”


They say that the Lord sends the help of saints in our most difficult times. Being disabled, Mother Matrona devoted her entire life to those in need and did not leave anyone without consolation who turned to her. Her only requirement for pilgrims was deep faith in God. “The Lord heals with my prayers,” she said, “believe, and the Lord will not leave you.”

Every day, believers bring a huge number of fresh flowers to the relics of Matrona of Moscow in gratitude for their help and consolation. The name of Matronushka is known to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, and everyone who turned to her in prayer felt her invisible participation in their destiny. So may God's blessing be with everyone whose faith does not fade, and who in difficult times does not lose hope, but trusts in the help of Orthodox saints.

The power of faith lies in the fact that it can help where medicine is powerless. So, in particular, even such a diagnosis as infertility can be overcome by diligently and sincerely asking the Almighty for a newborn.

The Power of Prayer

The birth of a child is happiness for everyone. With the arrival of a baby into the family, bright joy descends into the house. But sometimes the long-awaited miracle never happens. Diseases, incompatibility, and infertility become barriers between parents and baby.

If you are a pious person with a pure soul, then prayer for the birth of a child will bring a baby to your home. But such a ritual should be taken with the utmost responsibility and seriousness.

Before reading the prayer, choose a saint to whom the words will be directed. Also, do not forget that your thoughts must be pure. Get rid of bad habits and negative thoughts.

Prayer for the birth of a child should strengthen your faith. Visit a church, repent, make a pilgrimage to holy places, talk with priests and monks. Remember, God will help those who sincerely and unconditionally believe in his power.

Blessing begins with a wedding before God

In the modern world, couples are increasingly less likely to go to church for a blessing. Some explain this by atheism, others want to test their feelings through a civil marriage, and others believe that such a ceremony is a waste of time. But when problems arise, lovers bend over backwards to become parents. They do not think about the fact that before the church and God they are not spouses.

Having visited a bunch of doctors, dozens of healers and tried all the remedies that friends recommended, do not despair. All that remains is prayer for the birth of a child. Although it was faith that should have become the first assistant in such a situation. For such couples to be blessed with pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, they need to undergo the Sacrament of Wedding.

Thousands of families claim that without this ritual, the family feels the absence of something significant. Such emotions have deep foundations. A woman and a man who live together without marrying in the house of God are sinners before heaven, since they give rise to vice. Such a marriage is not compatible with the canons of Christianity. And lovers who take an oath in church will receive support from God in difficult situations. For married couples, prayer for birth has more power and gives better results.

Baby - the desire of two loving hearts

Conversation with God happens constantly. Prayers sound loudest when they are said together. Therefore, the father and mother should want the child equally. Conversations with the Almighty should not be just a mechanical performance of a ritual, but a conscious, clear message. Talking to him is touching his essence. Through the rituals of Orthodoxy we can feel it as closely as possible.

It is precisely because the prayer for the safe birth of a child is a dialogue conducted with God that the couple should read it together. This procedure will not only bring them closer to the Father, but will also open them up to each other in a new way.

A prayer asking for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby can be found in church books. Spouses who want a baby can pray in front of home icons on their knees or standing. We should not forget to bow and cross ourselves. When the baby is born, prayer after the birth of the child will be appropriate.

Another significant detail is that in every request you need to say gratitude for everything that is and repent of your sins. Also pray not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors and enemies. Remember, God is more merciful to those who show mercy themselves.

Protector of all mothers and children

The traditions of Christianity are very ancient. From time immemorial, churches were built on the graves of martyrs, who, even after death, continued to work miracles and heal hopelessly sick people.

The Mother of God is the protector of all women. The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, is one of the most miraculous saints. It is to her that people turn to her with requests to heal her from infertility and give her children. The prayer for the birth of a child to the Mother of God can be read anywhere and at any time. The main thing with such an action is a sincere desire.

You can also ask for support from the righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, who were childless for a long time. They firmly believed in God, and he rewarded them with Mary.

How to ask the Mother of God for help?

Often it is desperation that forces people to turn to church. But to a person who visits the temple of God from grief to grief, higher powers, as a sign of punishment, can send one of the biggest troubles - waiting. Therefore, the first person you should expect help from is the Virgin Mary. Her kindness and love saves the world.

The prayer for the birth of a child in case of infertility to the Mother of God sounds like this:

“Holy Virgin! Blessed are You among all women. You recognized that You were holding a heavenly child in Your arms. She caressed Him, loved Him, dove and protected Him. Mother of God! Blessed are You among all people. She gave birth to a healthy, clean, kind son. It is in Your power to help us fulfill the goal of our humble life, to continue our family line. Thy servants (names) bow their heads before You. We are in despair. Give us the greatest of earthly gifts - healthy children. Let them grow and glorify the name of the Lord. They will become our joy, our anxiety, our love. Ask for us, Mary, from the Almighty. And forgive us sinners, Mother of God. Amen".

Moscow saint

A prayer for the birth of a child to the Matrona of Moscow can be proclaimed immediately before the relics of Mother in the Pokrovsky Monastery or at her grave at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. You can also ask for a baby in a saint by standing at her icon.

Saint Matrona was born in 1881 on the territory of modern Tula province. She had been blind since childhood, and her parents seriously considered the possibility of sending the girl to an orphanage. But Matrona’s mother changed her mind after sleep. In the haze, a blind white bird of magical beauty landed on her chest. The dream predicted a bright future. That is why the child was abandoned. Mother's gift is the ability to heal people. People came to her for help from all over the country.

Before her death, the saint said that believers could come to her even after her death. She will hear them from the other world and will do everything possible for their happiness.

Appeal to Saint Matrona

Couples who want, but cannot have a baby, will be helped by a prayer for the birth of a child to Matrona of Moscow. The address to Mother sounds like this:

“Mother, Blessed Matrona! You are chosen among people. Your healing hands, your kind heart, your pure soul. You are now standing before the Almighty, the only and just God. Now heaven is your home. But you do not leave us, earthly sinners, you take care of your children. Help us, Mother Matrona. It is within your power to give us the happiness of becoming parents. Find your ray of light in life. It is your will to help us conceive him, carry him to term, give birth to him, and then teach him to glorify you, Matrona. Mother of Moscow, let your children feel the love of their descendants and give them your boundless love. Amen".

Basics of the sacrament of the ritual

Both the wife and the husband should ask the Savior for a child. Before a prayer is said for the birth of a healthy child, potential parents should prepare. The main thing they must do is ask God for forgiveness and cleanse their souls of sins. After all, most often it is the person whose soul is sinful who has health problems. Including infertility. Repentance will make not only the soul healthy, but also the body.

Attempts to conceive a child must be on the permitted days. Thus, the church does not recommend making love on the days of fasting, as well as on the eve of them (days of fasting are Wednesday and Friday, their eves are Tuesday and Thursday after 16:00). It is not advisable to try to get pregnant on Sundays and on the eve of major church holidays. You should also not sleep immediately after the wedding. On such a day, the couple is sanctified and blessed for their future life, so you should not associate the Sacrament of Wedding with carnal pleasures.

If you don't understand the meaning of the prayers or they seem foreign to you, don't worry. Personal prayer does not require special skills. These are just thoughts, the main thing is that they are sincere.

Baptism as protection from everything bad for a child

When the mercy of the Lord descends on you and you find out about your pregnancy, it’s time to thank the one who performed the miracle. It is also good if a prayer before the birth of a child is added to daily prayers. This ritual helps to find peace of mind.

Regular communion will have a great effect on both the expectant mother and the unborn baby. Pregnant women do not fast as strictly as other believers. But light fasting is replaced by reading spiritual literature and alms. After birth, it is advisable to baptize the long-awaited child on the fortieth day. So the new man will not only grow according to the laws of God, but will have his own patrons in heaven who will protect him. - this is, first of all, the birth of a child for God, their unity.

Why doesn't God give children?

Today, more and more couples have health problems. Along with medical ailments, the church advises people to think about their spiritual life. After all, these two aspects closely interact with each other.

Prayer for the birth of a child during infertility is a stage of accepting heaven-sent fate. The main thing in this matter is not to lose hope. If the couple fails to conceive a child, maybe the Almighty has another mission for them. The purpose of this pair may be a feat that not everyone is capable of. For example, perhaps the calling of these spouses is to become the parents of a disadvantaged child, one who was abandoned.

However, in any case, you should not despair, God will always hear you!