Feminine energy. Returning to the roots of feminine power through meditation

Femininity can open any door, melt any heart and fill any space with happiness. Women's weakness always attracts strength and care. Our mission is to fill this world with beauty and happiness, to attract and accept. Note, not to achieve and fight, but to attract and accept.

The uterus is the main energy center for a woman. If this center is developed and functions normally, then the woman fills the man. If it is blocked, cold, then the woman is devastated. In ancient times, it was forbidden to enter into a cold woman. A plump woman is always success and prosperity for men. Everyone knows that behind successful men and great rulers there is always a woman, wise, full and feminine. A woman's weakness makes a man strong.

What else will this practice give us?

Well, first of all, a feeling of happiness. Because when we are in our energy (and we came into this world as women), then everything in life falls into place. And what previously seemed difficult and unnatural comes into our lives, as if by magic.

Being in feminine energy and concentrating our attention on the womb, the whole world begins to take care of us. Remember, when a woman is pregnant and all her attention is in the womb, she is surrounded by care and attention.

It is fullness and femininity that makes a woman very attractive, regardless of external data. Because attractiveness is a property of feminine energy. You can immediately notice how the attitude of the men around you changes after this practice.

And another important result is that this practice helps to release blocks in the uterine area. And, as a result, the solution to many gynecological problems. Since women's diseases are always blocks associated with various grievances, pressures, non-acceptance of one's femininity, sexuality, etc.


Put on calm, pleasant music. Meditation is performed while lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand on top. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the warmth emanating from your palms and filling your uterus.

Imagine the entire room is filled with pink. Inhale and feel the pink color filling your uterus as you inhale. And all your tensions, grievances and irritations come out as you exhale. And with every breath, you are filled with pure pink energy and dissolve all adversity with it. And you breathe them out.

Now, imagine that you are lying in a wonderful garden. Birds of paradise and many flowers are singing around. A warm breeze envelops your body and light floral aromas reach you. Feel what those smells are, it could be the delicate naive aroma of tea rose or the mysterious aroma of jasmine or any other coming from your wonderful garden... Inhale this aroma through the womb and be filled with it. With every breath it fills your womb, gradually filling your entire body.

This is how the ancient priestesses filled themselves. Now you are one of them - the goddess of love, who has access to the invisible laws of this world. Be filled with this aroma. Feel how your whole body now emits this aroma.

Stay in this state for some more time and gradually open your eyes. Roll over onto your stomach and rise up like a cat. Do everything smoothly and calmly. Do not jump under any circumstances.

Do this daily, for at least 28 days (and it’s better, of course, to use it as a daily meditation, you can do it before bed). And you will be very surprised by the miracles that will begin to happen in your life, as well as the special attention from men.

We continue the topic of healing practices for feminine strength and simple, but very effective and effective meditations to increase the tone and vitality of a woman. Mental exercises for filling feminine energy for the fair sex are aimed at, as well as such qualitative characteristics as confidence, firmness, and the ability to make decisions, which seem purely masculine, but serve to increase precisely feminine energy.

Online meditation for filling feminine energy

Interaction will occur with three chakras, which in women work on giving. The energy of these centers should flow freely, filling the space around the woman. True feminine power is concentrated in these centers: pleasure, love and acceptance.

  1. Svadhisthana (Second chakra). The pleasure center is generally responsible for the ability to experience joy in life. In the area of ​​Svadhisthana there are the uterus and ovaries, which are directly responsible for feminine energy.
  2. Anahata (Fourth chakra). The chakra is responsible for a woman’s ability to experience different types of feelings and emotions. The center of unconditional love.
  3. Ajna (Sixth chakra). If the sixth chakra works cleanly and energy flows freely, then a woman has the ability to see clearly and objectively all the diversity of the world, but not to evaluate, but to accept.

Meditation Feminine Energy – filling with feminine energy

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. If you have taken the lotus or half-lotus position, it is recommended to sit on a pillow. Place both hands on the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, feel them in your body. Direct your attention to Svadhisthana and begin to breathe, inhaling and exhaling through the uterus, squeezing and relaxing the perineal area. At the same time, there is even, deep, calm breathing through the nose.

Self-meditation on filling feminine energy continues. Now, direct the energy collected in the uterus upward, to Anahata, with each inhalation, pull the energy from the second chakra to the fourth along the spine. As you exhale, allow the energy to flow into the thoracic region within and beyond the body. Keep your tongue pressed to the upper palate.

Concentrate during female meditation in the area of ​​the third eye. Keep your attention in Ajna for a few minutes, then slowly open your eyes, slightly defocused. Consciously begin to shift your gaze towards the objects that attracted your attention, without giving them any evaluation. Let go of all knowledge and all thought. Contemplate without interpretation, move away from knowledge to non-judgmental observation.

To end a good meditation on feminine power, close your eyes and remain silent for a while. Move your attention from the lower abdomen to the forehead: as you inhale, up along the surface of the spine, and as you exhale, lower down along the front surface of the body.

A powerful meditation to fill feminine energy is good in the morning. At the very beginning of a long day, fill yourself with energy and be

On the agenda is a continuation of topics such as feminine energy and feminine energy practices. Below is a meditation aimed at revealing exactly feminine energy.

We will work with three chakras, which ideally work for giving in a woman, i.e. the energy of these very centers should flow freely, filling the space around with a certain quality.

And so, this is:

1. Second chakra (svadhisthana). The center of pleasure, both sexual and generally responsible for the ability to enjoy life. The center where the uterus and ovaries are located, which are directly responsible for feminine energies.

2. Fourth chakra (anahata). The chakra is responsible for the ability of unconditional love, compassion and a woman’s ability to experience various feelings and emotions, regardless of their nature (pain, joy, anger or pleasure), because Love is all-encompassing.

3. Sixth chakra (ajna). Clarity, when this chakra works cleanly and energy flows freely, then a woman has the same ability to see clearly that our great-grandmothers, the witches, possessed. To see objectively the multifaceted nature of the world, not to evaluate it, all this together gives rise to Adoption.

Feminine power stored in these three components: pleasure, love and compassion and acceptance.

Meditation - Feminine Energy.

1. Sit comfortably so that your womb and abdominal areas are above your knees, for example, if it is a half lotus or lotus position, then sit on a pillow. Place both hands on the areas of the uterus and ovaries, first begin to simply feel, sense this place in the body. Direct all your attention to the second center and begin to breathe through the perineum, inhaling and exhaling with the uterus (i.e., stretching your attention with each inhalation and exhalation from the perineum to the uterus and back), squeezing and relaxing the perineum area accordingly. At the same time, even, deep and calm breathing through the nose. Eyes closed.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

2. Now we direct the collected energy in the womb upward to Anahata. Using your attention, begin to draw energy from the second chakra to the fourth along the spine with each inhalation, and as you exhale, allow it to flow into the thoracic region within the body and beyond. Keep your tongue pressed to the upper palate, eyes closed.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

3. Bring all your attention to the third eye area (between the eyebrows). Just keep your attention in ajna for a few minutes. Then slowly and gently begin to open your eyes slightly, with a slightly unfocused gaze. Consciously begin to shift your gaze towards one or another object that captivates your attention. At the same time, when you look at this or that object, try to let go of any thought about what it is, as it is called, what it looks like. Any knowledge, any thought - let go, simply contemplate, without interpretation. Stay on the selected object for half a minute and follow further, moving your gaze and attention to the next object (it can be something large, or a dot on the wallpaper), it is important to move away from knowledge to non-evaluative contemplation.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

4. Completion. Close your eyes and remain silent for some time, the tip of your tongue resting on the roof of your mouth. Move your attention from the lower abdomen to the forehead: as you inhale, go up the back surface of the spine, and exhale, go down along the front surface of the body.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Meditation is good in the morning, before the start of the day, in order to be filled with feminine energy and be ready for pleasure, love and acceptance. 🙂

Women's meditations are created especially for us women. With their help, we can replenish feminine energy that is lost in everyday life, in devoting ourselves to care and other matters that are far from feminine.

This is why women need meditation to replenish their energy. With age, we notice that we lose charm, attractiveness and the sparkle in our eyes disappears. All this happens when a woman, when a woman has a lack of feminine energy. This is why women need meditation to replenish their energy.

Meditation “Feminine Energy”

You can meditate on increasing feminine energy under any circumstances, but realizing your essence and expanding feminine energy is possible only with a certain technique. It will help change the hormonal system by increasing the amount of female hormones and the production of pheromones. This meditation will allow you to accumulate feminine energy and maintain youth.

This meditation uses the energy coming from the womb:

  • we close our eyes and concentrate our attention in the lower part of the body;
  • when inhaling, you need to tense your internal muscles;
  • As you exhale, imagine that you are filled with energy in the lower part of your body;
  • repeat 15 times until a sensation of pulsation appears;
  • as you exhale, imagine that energy rises from the Earth through your feet and fills you;
  • When doing this exercise, imagine that you have more energy each time, and it fills all the space around you;
  • you are floating in this space, the space is you;
  • then lower yourself to the ground and gradually compress the space to your size;
  • open your eyes.

Meditation to fill with feminine energy

To perform meditation to fill feminine energy, it is not at all necessary to take special poses and enter a trance state. This can be done at any convenient time, even while cleaning.

This is more reminiscent not of a trance state, but of relaxation, in which you do some homework.
First, you need to step away from everything, immerse yourself in your thoughts and transport yourself to the most pleasant place. At this time, you immerse yourself in your body, feelings and subconscious, and a state of bliss appears from the fact that you have made contact with yourself.

From the outside it may look like thoughtfulness, although this is what it is, only you are not thinking about everything in the world, but about a specific object. When cleaning your apartment, you need to focus specifically on this process and throw away all unnecessary thoughts. At the end of meditation and cleaning, you will not even notice that you are not tired at all, but on the contrary, you have enjoyed it.

Pros of women's meditation:

  • reduces stress;
  • allows you to recognize your essence;
  • improves memory and promotes concentration;
  • increases the protective properties of the brain against psychological diseases;
  • helps control emotions and pain;
  • develops attentiveness;
  • preserves youth;
  • restores hormonal levels;
  • Helps older people get rid of feelings of loneliness.

Greetings our dear readers!

In this article you will find out why meditation to increase feminine energy so important for good health. Our recommendations are suitable for all girls, regardless of their age and marital status. In order to always remain attractive, radiate happiness and goodness, you just need to remember to meditate to increase feminine energy. Get ready to discover the ultimate beauty secrets!

See also Self-dislike and self-rejection are the cause of suffering for many people. Self-dislike gives rise to uncertainty about one’s own strengths and capabilities, uncertainty about attractiveness and the fact that a person can be in demand, interesting and needed by other people.

At a young age, girls try to attract the attention of potential gentlemen: they wear revealing outfits, flirt, and wear bright makeup. Not many people think that they are simply wasting their feminine energy and health at the moment. For example, Eastern women, on the contrary, cover their bodies and give attention to only one man, remaining energetically whole.

Adverse habits, changing partners, anger at men, revealing outfits and abortions harm the energy field and also prevent its expansion. The fair sex, who knows what rebirth and increase in female power is, remains full of energy even in old age. Daily meditation to increase vitality can give you the desired vigor for the whole day.

In order to get sick less and feel as healthy as possible even in old age, you need to learn techniques for relaxation and increasing energy. Daily nerves and stress cause damage to the energy field and therefore it is so important to find out how it is restored and increased.

Women who use relaxation techniques get sick less often, and their hormonal levels are always in order. Those who do not forget about regular meditation and know how the process of increasing feminine energy occurs often feel better than the rest of their peers.

The main advantages of meditation to increase feminine energy are:

  • long youth
  • reducing stress
  • an opportunity to get to know yourself and your needs better
  • improvement of hormonal levels
  • ability to control your emotions
  • better concentration
  • increased brain activity

Meditation techniques

Feeling the desired surge of strength and increasing female attractiveness is actually not that difficult. Daily meditation will allow you to forget about boring problems and make you feel as calm and harmonious as possible.

In order to always make meditation comfortable and interesting, you can periodically change techniques to increase feminine energy. Using relaxing music or relaxing in silence can also add variety to the process.

In this article we have prepared the following ways to increase feminine energy and relaxation:

1. Meditation to increase energy

Before you begin relaxation, you should take a comfortable position and completely relax. The body should be light and weightless, arms, legs and neck should be relaxed. Close your eyes. Imagine it's deep night outside.

Mentally find yourself in the field. You relax carefree in a hammock, which is swayed by a light warm breeze. Look up to the sky, there are many bright stars and a beautiful full moon. Stretch your hands to the moon and mentally ask for strength and happiness. Feel the flow of energy and light from the moon coming towards you. The body is enriched with feminine energy, your biofield is increased.

Finally, thank the moon for its gifts. Imagine how during meditation your energy field increases, it emits a bright and pleasant light. Together with you in the radiance are your significant other and children. Share a ray of light with them mentally. You all feel good together, your biofield is increased.

Don’t forget that an extended meditation scenario helps increase feminine energy. Turn on some nice relaxing music. You can mentally imagine the desired events and illuminate them with moonlight - this will help bring their favorable outcome closer.

2. Meditation to accumulate feminine energy

In order to not only increase, but also concentrate the desired energy flow within yourself, you should use this technique. Meditation also helps to prolong youth. The increase and accumulation of energy occurs through the uterus, so it will be maximally involved.

Meditation to increase strength includes the following actions:

  • Eyes closed. Try to focus all your feminine energy in your womb
  • As you inhale, tighten your internal muscles
  • As you exhale, try to imagine how you are filled with energy in your lower body
  • Repeat the same exercise up to 15 times until you feel a pleasant pulsation in the uterine area
  • After this, as you exhale, feel how, from the Earth itself, feminine energy rises up through your feet and completely fills you
  • Try to float in the air, in this space. You are the space
  • Smoothly descend to the Earth and mentally compress space to the size of your body
  • You can open your eyes

3. Pearl meditation - energy restoration

This meditation helps to increase feminine energy, as well as restore the biofield. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and completely relax. You need to take two calm breaths in and out. On the second exhalation, try to direct all the energy into the uterus, continue breathing. Imagine that it contains your natural source (waterfall, river, stream).

During meditation, try to dissolve in this source. Feel how an unknown force lifts you and carries you out to sea. Once in a whirlpool, you feel how it pulls you deeper and deeper under water.

Mentally open your eyes and look at the bottom. There is a shimmering pearl there, and it is this that is the source of your energy and attractiveness. Swim to it and take it. Place a pearl in the uterus - your feminine attractiveness increases. Float to the surface of the water, slowly open your eyes - the meditation is over. Your biofield has been increased, you have been enriched with the necessary sexuality.

Dear readers, we hope that our article will help you feel a surge of strength and help increase your feminine energy. Regularly practice various meditations and you will feel a surge of strength and confidence.

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