The oldest traces of humans have been discovered outside Africa. Traces of prehistoric people that everyone can see

5th grade.

1. Archaeologists find traces of the life of primitive people during excavations of ancient settlements, garbage pits, and also ancient graves. Explain why archaeologists often find vessels, weapons, tools, and jewelry in graves, while in garbage pits only fragments of objects and animal bones can be found?

(Full answer – 2 points)

2. Think about whether the inhabitants of Rome could already celebrate a significant date: the three thousandth anniversary of their city. If yes, in what year? If not. When should this date be celebrated? (Rome was founded in 753 BC)

(Evaluated as 1 point)
3. They say that there is no comrade according to taste. But in Ancient Egypt, all farmers considered two colors to be very good, and the third to be obviously bad. Choose your favorite and least favorite colors from these colors: yellow, black and green. Explain your choice.

(Evaluated as 2 points)

4. In Ancient Egypt, the “land of the dead” was often called Ametis, which translated means “west”. How to explain this name “land of the dead”?

(2 points)

Answers: 3. Yellow – unloved, because the color of a lifeless desert. Black and green are the colors of the earth and plants.

4.The sun sets (dies) in the west.

6th grade.

1. What did the civilizations of Ancient China and Ancient India “give” to the world?

2. Write a short story about any of the proposed characters in the history of the Ancient World: Odysseus, Pericles, Alexander the Great, Spartacus, Gaius Julius Caesar

3. Why is the medieval society of Europe called feudal?

4. The Eastern Slavs paid tribute taxes in trade goods

5. The tribal assembly among the Eastern Slavs in ancient times was called

A) gathering B) Duma C) veche D) rope

6. Indicate any three prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state.

7. Give any three events that characterize the reign of the prince

Yaroslav the Wise.

Criteria for evaluation:

1. For each correctly named invention – 0.5 points;

2. Complete answer - 2 points;

3. Complete answer – 2 points;

Tasks 4 and 5 are worth 0.5 points;

Tasks 6 and 7 – 1 point for each correct premise and event.
Right answers:

7th grade.

1. Establish correspondence between concepts found in the text

"Russian Truth", and their definitions.

2. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the 13th century

3. Which of these terms appeared during the era of the Horde yoke?

4. The doctrine “Moscow is the third Rome” appeared

5. The uprising in Moscow against Fyodor Godunov in June 1605 led to

6. The name dates back to the Time of Troubles of the early 17th century

8. We study the event using a schematic map.

8.1. What battle is shown in the diagram? Indicate its year and name on the line.

8.2. Which Russian commander commanded the Russian armies in this battle?

List their names.

8.3. Give a brief description of the battle. How did it end?

8.4. Formulate the meaning and consequences of the battle for Russian history

(at least three provisions).

8th grade

  1. Give any three examples illustrating foreign policy
the activities of the Moscow sovereigns in the 16th-17th centuries.

2. Note the new phenomena that have appeared in the political system of Russia in

XVIII century. (Choose all the correct answers from the list).

3. The beginning of the reign of Alexander I was the time

4. Russia in the war with Napoleon of 1812 pursued, first of all,

target -

5. Are the following statements true? Decembrists on Senate Square

defended ideas

A. restrictions on autocracy by law

B. abolition of serfdom

A) Only A is correct;

B) Only B is correct;

C) Both judgments are correct;

D) Both judgments are incorrect.

6. Establish a correspondence between the statesman and his


7. Describe the main program requirements of the Decembrists

(give at least three requirements). Indicate two main program documents of the Decembrist movement.

9th grade.

Which people, who collected tribute from the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes, are we talking about in the given fragment of “The Tale of Bygone Years”: “...from overseas they collected tribute from the Chuds, and from the Slavs, and from the Meri, and from the Krivichi”?

The name of Prince Oleg the Prophet is associated with

One of the prerequisites for the transition to the era of fragmentation is

Which battle was the first clash between Russian squads and the Tatar-Mongols?

Which of the Russian capital cities is discussed in the fragment of the chronicle: “Truly, this city is called the third Rome... The first Rome, born from Rom and Romulus..., and the second Rome, that is, Constantine Paul, was conceived not without the blood of many. And ours, this third Rome, conceived not without blood, but by the shedding and slaughter of many bloods.”?

The final liberation of Rus' from the Horde yoke occurred in

Dating back to the 16th century

The economy of Russia in the 17th century is characterized by

The Synod established by Peter I replaced






Boyar Duma


Zemsky Sobor

The “Charter of Grant to Cities”, adopted in 1785, had as its goal

According to the Treaty of Jassy in 1791


Decree on free cultivators, permission to purchase land by non-nobles, massive creation of military settlements - events related to the reign


The expansion of the use of machines and the formation of factory production in the 1830-1840s evidenced


The activities of the partisan detachments of D. Davydov, M. Fonvizin, A. Benkendorf, G. Kurin are associated with


Patriotic War of 1812


foreign campaigns of the Russian army of 1813-1814


Crimean War


Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878

A 17 Fill in the missing letters (letters) in historical concepts (0.5 points for the correct answer; maximum 6 points):







IN 1
The introduction of emergency policies in the countryside and the establishment of poor committees in the spring of 1918 was caused by

AT 2
The process of establishing Soviet power throughout the territory of the former Russian Empire was called by the head of the Soviet government V. I. Lenin

Geologists have discovered ancient traces of microbial life up to 4.3 billion years old in the vicinity of Quebec. The find suggests that life on Earth appeared immediately after the formation of the planet.

“We can say that life could have arisen on Earth almost instantly, from hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor almost immediately after the planet formed. The rapid emergence of life on Earth fits well with other recent findings suggesting that microbes were forming entire layers of sedimentary rocks as early as 3.7 billion years ago,” said Matthew Dodd from University College London (UK).

However, not all scientists agree: according to some experts, there is no way to prove that these traces are indeed evidence of the emergence of viable microorganisms in the early stages of the development of the planet's ecosystem.

Life is known to have evolved in Earth's oceans for most of Earth's 4.5 billion-year history. However, there is still heated debate about when exactly the first microorganisms appeared, notes.

Three years ago, Japanese geologists discovered hints of life on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago by studying graphite samples from the Isua Formation, which formed at the same time in Greenland.

Last year, scientists found the first clear evidence of the existence of life in that era, and in 2015 they found in Australia possible traces of life that inhabited the Earth's oceans 4 billion years ago.

Dodd and his colleagues, studying the rocks of one of the oldest layers of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Quebec, stumbled upon "real traces of life" that existed, as scientists are convinced, almost as long as the planet itself.

It is difficult to examine these traces without a microscope. At maximum magnification, what appears to be microbial fossils previously found in Norway and California is visible. However, previous fossils date back to a later period.

Scientists saw many unusual elongated “tubes” several micrometers long. They were filled with hematite, an iron oxide. Geologists note that the structure of the crystals in the pipes is identical to hematite deposits, which form on the bottom of the sea near thermal springs where bacteria live. The tubes themselves were inside hollow balls, which, according to the researchers, arose as a result of the release of gases during the decomposition of microbes after their death.

Dodd and his colleagues are convinced that they have discovered all the signs of the most ancient waste product of the Earth's first microorganisms.

Other geologists are skeptical of Dodd's discovery, noting that the study's results cannot be considered definitive. It is difficult to establish that the tubular formations are indeed evidence of early life, since many different liquids have passed through the rocks over 4.5 billion years. In addition, it was difficult for ancient microorganisms to oxidize iron, since they lived in depths almost inaccessible to oxygen.

I would never have thought that there was so much controversy surrounding the discovery of the oldest man. Basically, they are of a purely technical nature, i.e. the question is raised: can a humanoid creature that did not fully possess the necessary qualities be attributed to ancient man? For example, the creature walked upright, made tools, but it did not yet speak.

The first discovery of ancient man

First of all, it is necessary to figure out who is considered a person? A reasonable person must meet at least three characteristics:

  1. Upright walking.
  2. Availability of speech.
  3. Ability to think.

The third characteristic includes the ability to handle fire, and the ability to make tools, and the use of hunting skills, etc. Based on these characteristics, scientists identify the extreme highest stage in human evolution and call it Homo sapiens sapiens (homo sapiens sapiens). ).

It was previously believed that the oldest remains of this species were discovered in 1947 in the Sterkfontein caves of South Africa and this place was called the “Cradle of Humankind.”

Latest data on ancient man

In 2011, a group of archaeologists from Germany and Morocco analyzed the remains of humanoid creatures found back in the 60s. The bones were discovered in northern Africa (Morocco) at the paleontological site of Jebel Irhoud in one of the caves. The remains found belonged to five individuals, including a child and a teenager. The technology of that time did not allow scientists to thoroughly study the bones, so they believed that they had found the skeletons of Neanderthals. Using computed tomography, modern archaeologists reconstructed and created three-dimensional models of the skulls of the discovered people. When comparing them with previously found samples of the skulls of Neanderthals, Australopithecus and Erectus, it turned out that the facial part is more similar to modern humans.

Thus, their belonging to the genus Homo sapiens sapiens was proven. These relics dated back to 300,000 years ago. BC e. Finds in southern Africa dated back to 195,000 years ago. BC e.

The life of ancient man directly depended on the tribe in which collective work was established. Everyone lived in common housing because it was easier to survive that way. Having united in a community, they could pass on experience from older generations to younger ones, who, in turn, learned to hunt and make various tools from wood and stone. Skills and knowledge have been passed on from generation to generation for many centuries.

Every student should know the history of their ancestors. They can gain knowledge from textbooks that describe the life of ancient people. Grade 5 provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the first people and learn the features of their life.

First fire

The fight against natural elements has always interested man. Conquering fire was the first step towards the survival of mankind. Ancient people first became acquainted with fire through volcanic eruptions and forest fires. People were not afraid of the scale of the disasters that befell them, but on the contrary, they wanted to use fire for their own benefit. Therefore, they learned to extract it artificially. Getting fire was a rather labor-intensive process, so it was carefully protected and preserved. Ancient people made fire in the following way. They took a dry piece of wood, made a hole in it and twisted a stick in it until smoke appeared, followed by fire in the dry leaves near the hole.

Weapons and tools

The life history of ancient people has interesting facts. Scientists have found interesting finds: labor and many household items. They surprise you with their ingenuity. All items were made by ancient craftsmen from scrap materials: wood, bone and stone. The main tools of labor were considered to be objects made of stone. With their help, wood and bone were subsequently processed. Many tribes made war clubs, arrows, spears and knives from stone for protection. Deer and whale bone were used to make axes for making boats from a single tree trunk. The process of making one boat with such a tool could take up to three years. Dog bone needles were used to sew shoes and clothes.

Cooking Features

The life of ancient man could not do without cooking. The first people made household items mainly from bushes and branches, leather, bamboo, wood, coconut shells, birch bark, etc. Food was cooked in wooden troughs into which hot stones were thrown. In a later period, people learned to make dishes from clay. This marked the beginning of real cooking. The spoons were analogous to river and sea shells, and the forks were ordinary wooden sticks.

Fishing, hunting and gathering

In communities, fishing, hunting and gathering were an integral part of the life of ancient people. This type of food production belongs to the appropriating form of farming. In ancient times, people collected fruits, bird eggs, larvae, snails, root vegetables, etc. This was predominantly the work of the women of the tribe. Men got the role of hunters and fishermen. While hunting, they used various techniques: traps, traps, drives and roundups. The purpose of the hunt was to obtain food and other means of subsistence, namely: horns, tendons, feathers, fat, bones and skins. They used sticks with sharp stone tips to catch fish, and later they began to weave nets.

Raising livestock

The appropriating form of economy was replaced by the producing one. We can highlight one main one - cattle breeding. ancient people changed over time, from nomads they turned into sedentary ones, they stopped trying to leave the places of their settlements, and settled in them forever. Therefore, domestication and breeding of animals became possible. Cattle breeding arose from hunting. The first were sheep, goats and pigs, later cattle and horses. Accordingly, an indispensable pet was a dog, which guarded the house and was an ally on the hunt.


Women played a leading role in the development of agriculture, as they were engaged in gathering. The life of ancient man changed radically when he mastered this type of food acquisition. Trees were cut down from stone with axes and then burned. This freed up space in flattering areas. A digging stick with a sharp tip was an improvised hoe. The first people used it to dig the ground. Later they invented a shovel - a stick with a flat end, and a hoe - an ordinary branch with an appendage to which a sharp stone, a bone tip or an animal horn was tied. All over the world, ancient people grew in fields those plants that were native to their habitat. Corn, potatoes and pumpkins were grown in America, rice in Indochina, wheat in Asia, cabbage in Europe, and so on.


Over time, the life of ancient man forced him to master various crafts. They developed according to the conditions of the area where the first people lived and the availability of nearby raw materials. The earliest of them are considered to be: woodworking, pottery, leather dressing, weaving, processing of hides and bark. There is a guess that pottery arose from the process of weaving vessels by women. They began to coat them with clay or squeeze out recesses for liquids in the pieces of clay themselves.

Spiritual life

The spiritual life of ancient man is visible in the cultural heritage of Ancient Egypt. This great civilization left a significant mark on the history of all mankind. Religious motifs permeate all the work of the Egyptians. The first people believed that human earthly existence was only a transition to this stage. This stage was not considered so important. From birth, people were preparing to leave for a more perfect other world. The reflection of the spiritual life of Ancient Egypt is reflected in painting and other forms of art.

Human life in the art of Ancient Egypt

Extraordinary and vibrant painting flourished in the state. The Egyptians were deeply religious people, so their whole life consisted of rituals, which can be seen in the themes of their paintings and drawings. Most of the paintings are dedicated to the highest mystical beings, glorification of the dead, religious rites and priests. To this day, the finds of these works are true examples of art.

Egyptian artists produced paintings in accordance with strict boundaries. It was customary to depict the figures of gods, people and animals strictly in frontal view, and their faces in profile. It looks like some kind of mystical scheme. Among the Egyptians, painting served as decoration for religious buildings, tombs and buildings where noble citizens lived. Also, the painting of Ancient Egypt is characterized by monumentality. In the temples of their gods, Egyptian artists created images that sometimes reached enormous sizes.

The painting of Ancient Egypt has a unique, unique style, incomparable to any other.

The ancient civilization of the first people captivates with its versatility and depth. This period is an important stage in the development of all humanity.