Sabina meaning of Muslim name. How is a girl's name chosen in a Muslim family? Love and family relationships

Forms of the name Sabina

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binkhen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba. Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.

Name Sabina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 薩賓娜 (Sà bīn nà). Japanese: サビナ (Sabina). Gujarati: સબિના (Sabinā). Hindi: सबीना (Sabīnā). Ukrainian: Sabina. Yiddish: סאַבינאַ (Sʼabynʼa). English: Sabina (Sabina).

Origin of the name Sabina

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Sabinus - “Sabine”. In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the families of Calvisius and Claudius.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is the female version of the male name Sabin. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word “Sabian” could mean “beautiful.” It is quite possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina overlap with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname “Sabine” could mean “beautiful”, and for a man - “strong”.

In the Catholic tradition, Saint Sabinus, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), is revered as the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, and Saint Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

According to the third version, the name Sabina comes from the Aramaic verb “Saba” - “wise”, “unpretentious”. Men's names were also formed from the same verb. Read in more detail the origin of the names Savva and Savely.

Character of the name Sabina

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabinas have a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it’s not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to dominate people. Financially often depends on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She behaves very carefully with men. She often sees them not as reliable support and support, but as insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabines, born in the fall, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love it when they are told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters.

The mystery of the name Sabina

The owners of the beautiful name Sabina have had a very strong and at the same time difficult character since childhood. They are quite straightforward and most often consider only their opinion to be exclusively correct. These women are very emotional and receptive. If you offend Sabina, she will remember you for a long time, and considers it her duty to take revenge on the offender. Sabina always looks charming, but behind her beautiful smile you may not notice the carefully hidden cunning. Sabina's activity, determination and strength of character help her achieve heights in her career. In addition, highly developed intuition plays an important role in this.

Sexual relationships are very important to Sabina, especially if she meets “her” person. At the same time, she has a very developed sense of morality, which can lead to puritanism.

Astrological characteristics of the name

In the meaning and origin of the name Sabina, the masculine and feminine principles are intertwined. Even in ancient Rome, people from the Claudian tribe were called Sabines. People of Sabine descent distinguished by aristocratic arrogance and intolerance towards everything plebeian. One of the tribes was led by Sabin, which is probably why the female meaning of the name clearly reflects strength of character and a desire to lead. The female half of the Sabine tribe has always been distinguished by external beauty and excellent health.

It is difficult to say clearly what nationality the name Sabina is. In another version, the meaning of the word Sabina has roots from the Aramaic word “Saba”, which means beautiful, unpretentious, wise.

The meaning of the name Sabina is divided according to “summer” and “winter” dates of birth. “Winter” ones are often capricious and picky. They are endowed with beauty and remarkable intelligence, but use their attractiveness solely for personal gain. They are sociable and find a common language with children and adults. A girl often remains the only child in the family and if her parents indulge her in everything, she grows up to be a real selfish person.

Sabina is always the center of attention

The meaning of the name Sabina also suggests Arabic roots, which is perhaps why it has been so popular in Islam in recent years. In the Muslim religion, a name does not affect a person's destiny. Therefore, girls are called Sabinki solely because of their euphonious pronunciation.

"Summer" Sabinas are more shy. They do not let people get close to them and are very careful in their relationships with men. Despite their attractive appearance and sharp mind, they are non-conflict and sincere. The name characterizes the girl as a cheerful, talented and extraordinary person.

In the meaning of the name Sabina, character and fate are intertwined. The girl's calculating mind does not allow relationships with peers that cannot be useful for her. Therefore, already in adolescence, a girl has practically no friends left. Candidates for admirers are carefully selected first from the demanding girl, and then from her parents.

In the meaning and origin of the name Sabina, everything contributes to her chosenness. In ancient references, the word “beautiful” was always added to this name. In any business that a girl named Sabina undertakes, she will succeed, which means complete absence of competitors in all endeavors. She does not tolerate falsehood and lies, but she treats her few devoted friends with sincerity.


Sabina's life is a constant movement and vigorous activity. They are the first in everything, including physical education. That's probably why girls physically healthy and mentally stable. The only thing that can disturb them is a headache that turns into a migraine. The only thing that may bother you is the lungs, so smoking is strictly prohibited.

Marriage and family

The main goal in marriage for a woman named Sabina is happiness, which means complete immersion in caring for her husband and children. Having had plenty of fun in her youth, the girl brings into the family attention to all the wishes of his relatives. And it’s not surprising, because another meaning of the name is wise. But this does not mean that Sabina is ready to give up her mercantile interests. She chooses respectable, experienced men as husbands, often much older than her.

Surprisingly, when communicating with Sabina, even slack men suck in their stomachs and behave very restrained. Her behavior is always impeccable, she knows how to organize a reception for 100 people and children's competitions at the school at the highest level.

Sabina she is not just looking for an ideal man, she is looking for support in life, partner, provider and father to his children. She chooses her man for life. With her, as they say, “in sorrow and in joy,” a man will feel confident.

Sabina Alimova and her husband, ex-soloist of the group "Peppers", Erlan Alimov

Putting stability and unexpected passion on the scale, Sabina always chooses the first. She is smart enough not to lose her wealth, acquired over the years. She does not recognize shadow games and is not capable of even a fleeting affair if she is married. The husband does not need to know where she is now; he can completely trust his soul mate.

She takes full care of her children, sometimes even spoiling her offspring too much. Sometimes he goes to extremes, allowing the child absolutely everything or, on the contrary, keeping him under a tight rein. But in any situation Sabina Raises her children without screaming and hysterics, because she remembers well how much her loving parents did for her. Women with beautiful hair have always been wonderful mothers and wives.

Career and hobbies

It is not for nothing that the name Sabina contains a masculine principle, which means success in business. Her character is strong-willed, she is not influenced by others, does not pay attention to intrigues and strictly follows the set goal. Behind some ardor and impulsiveness hides a calculating and analytical mind.

If Sabina occupies a leadership position (and she rarely agrees to anything less), it is better not to argue with her. Even if the boss listens to his subordinate, he will only act as he sees fit for appearances. She makes decisions on her own, rarely relies on the opinions of others and never admits that she did something wrong.

The totem animal of a woman named Sabina is a hedgehog. In any unclear situations, she shuts down and stabs even those who are sincerely trying to help her. When the whole situation has already been thought through and the problems have been solved, with a charming smile she again begins to lead, as if nothing had happened. The spirit of contradiction is developed in her just as much as among representatives of another consonant name -.

Sabina Akhmedova (Russian actress)

If a woman does not aspire to a leadership position, she enjoys realizing himself in creative professions. Sabina's artistic taste and practical mind help her become a successful architect or cultural commentator. She can become an actress only if she is completely confident in her success. A materialist to the core, Sabina is not ready to play minor roles in anticipation of mythical luck.

Famous names bearers

  • Divine Augusta Poppaea Sabina- the very first representative of this name mentioned in documents. In her choice of husbands, she was guided solely by selfish motives and a sense of her own importance. Nothing is known about her first husband, but her second husband was the bloodthirsty Roman ruler Nero. Augusta Poppaea took part in all her husband's state affairs, without denying herself luxury and wealth.

Poppea Sabina

  • Sabina (Scheive) Spielrein, whose name and nationality became symbols of the emerging psychoanalysis at the beginning of the 20th century. She is often called one of the oldest "pioneers of psychoanalysis." This woman's own mental illness affected her later life. After meeting and having an affair with Carl Jung, young Scheive entered medical university and studied psychoanalysis of suicidal disorders. Her work was highly appreciated by Sigmund Freud and admitted that with her research this woman created the basis for his own research. Several feature films have been made about the life of Scheive Spielrein.

Sabina (Scheive) Spielrein

  • German racing driver Sabine Schmitz From the age of 17 she took part in car racing when she was noticed by journalist Jeremy Clarkson. On his show "Top Gear" he tried to beat her in a diesel car test and lost. There were several more attempts at the competition and in all of them the racing driver Frau Schmitz won. She is officially recognized as the world's best taxi driver. The race car driver makes a living doing what she loves - she gives tourists rides at breakneck speed and considers this normal. Most people pay her precisely for her rabid fear.

Sabine Schmitz

Name day

Sabina celebrates her name day according to the Christian Orthodox calendar March 24. At baptism they name Savina. According to the Catholic calendar, name days fall on August 29, October 27.

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binkhen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba, Sava.
Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.
Origin of the name Sabina. The name Sabina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Sabinus - “Sabine”. In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the families of Calvisius and Claudius.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is the female version of the male name Sabin. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word “Sabine” could mean “beautiful.” It is quite possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina overlap with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname “Sabine” could mean “beautiful” for a woman, and “strong” for a man.

In the Catholic tradition, Saint Sabinus, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), is revered as the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, and Saint Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

In Orthodoxy, the name Sabina is pronounced as Savina. Saint Savina of Smyrna is a martyr.

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabinas have a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it’s not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to dominate people. Financially often depends on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She behaves very carefully with men. She often sees them not as reliable support and support, but as insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabines, born in the fall, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love it when they are told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters. The name Sabina is perfect for girls born in summer or autumn.

Sabina's character is quite strong-willed. She is firm in her decisions and does not succumb to the influence of others, she is subjective in her actions and decisions. Such a woman knows how to create intrigue and loves money. Sabina can be impulsive and ambitious, but behind all this lies a cold mind and logical actions. She is vindictive and touchy, has well-developed intuition and a practical mindset.

Sabina has very few friends. They must have strong character and endurance. Sabina is charming and dangerous at the same time. Sabina is a wonderful hostess, she knows how to carry on any conversation, and often receives guests at home.

A woman named Sabina can become an excellent artist, researcher or restorer. She is decisive and tactful, and can achieve success in almost any field of activity.

Sabina's birthday

Famous people named Sabina

  • Poppaea Sabina ((30 - 65) official name - Divine Augusta Poppaea Sabina; second wife of Emperor Nero)
  • Vibia Sabina ((c.85 - 137) wife of the Roman Emperor Hadrian)
  • Sabine Meyer (German clarinetist)
  • Sabine Bergmann-Pohl ((born 1946) German politician, member of the Christian Democratic Union party)
  • Sabina (Sheive Naftulevna) Spielrein ((1885 - 1942) married - Sheftel, then - Spielrein-Sheftel; Russian and Soviet psychoanalyst, teacher, student of K. G. Jung)
  • Sabina Imaykina (Russian pair figure skater)
  • Sabine Lisicki (German tennis player of Polish origin)
  • Sabine Azema (French actress)
  • Sabina Akhmedova (theater and film actress)
  • Sabina Valbuza (famous Italian skier, medalist of the Olympic Games and World Championships, multiple winner of World Cup stages, participant in five Olympics. Specialist in both sprint and distance racing, prefers a free style of skiing. Younger sister of the famous Italian skier Fulvio Valbuza.)
  • Sabine Klassen (real name Sabine Hirtz; vocalist of the German thrash metal bands Holy Moses and Temple of the Absurd. She is one of the first vocalists to use growling.)
  • Sabine Lancelin (French cinematographer)

In Russia, the female name Sabina is very rare. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the owner of such an interesting name will stand out from the crowd.

Origin of the name Sabina

There are several versions of the origin of this name, the main ones are: The name Sabina first appeared in Ancient Rome. In the territory of ancient Italy, which was captured by the Romans, the local inhabitants were called Sabines. Representatives of the fair sex at that time began to be called Sabines. The name Sabina is of Arabic origin. In Arabic, the word sabina means "small sword." The name Sabina comes from the Aramaic word saba, which translates as “baptized.”

Character traits

Most often, Sabinas have a peculiar character. As a rule, they have their own point of view on everything. Almost all owners of this name are strong-willed women with self-esteem.

Sabina can be capricious and takes criticism very seriously. Stubbornness and desire for leadership are evident in them from birth. Most often, Sabina's parents spoil her, and over time she can turn from a funny child into a capricious princess. It can be noticed that such girls in adolescence exhibit a certain rigidity and dominance in relationships with peers. Adult Sabina does not have a patient character; she loves attention, luxury, and money. She is a big fan of gossip and an excellent organizer of any intrigues. Unfortunately, it often happens that her ambition and complex character can cause Sabina to have almost no real friends left when she reaches middle age. Only at this age will she begin to understand the value of friendships and will she have a desire to create an incredibly strong family. To achieve this, she will do everything and become a real defender of the family hearth.

Zodiac compatibility

The name Sabina is perfect for a baby born under the sign of Aries. The hot temper and impulsiveness of this zodiac sign corresponds to most of the characteristics of this name. Sabine Aries will be active materialists, but will also be more friendly and generous.

Advantages and disadvantages of the name

Of course, the name Sabina is very beautiful, bright and energetically strong. In addition, it goes well with many Russian patronymics and makes it possible to call the child with a number of endearing abbreviations, for example: Sabi, Sabinochka, Sabinushka, Sabinka. However, this name also has a big drawback - sometimes its owner has a disgusting character. Raising such a girl is quite difficult.


Sabines can boast of fairly good health. Physical activity and moral stability of the owners of this name help maintain good health.

Love and family relationships

Sabina tries to approach her choice of husband very responsibly. In family relationships, her character can change dramatically. For her child and husband, Sabina will become the best in the world, and will always take care of her loved ones. It is worth considering that she will be a very affectionate mother and caring wife. Women with this name are excellent cooks and love to furnish their home. If someone treats her children badly, Sabina will definitely cause a scandal.


Women with this name most often become simple housewives. However, if Sabina wants and puts in a little effort, she can achieve success in various fields of activity. She can make the best TV presenter, a successful restaurateur, a creative florist, an excellent pastry chef or an excellent accountant.

Sabina's Day

This interesting and exotic name does not come from Italian at all, as you might think. The meaning of the name Sabina is quite simple - Sabine, a representative of the ancient people.

Sabina celebrates her name day in March - August 24, as well as August 29. There is a legend that Sabina was the name of the daughter of the beautiful leader of the Sabine tribe, not far from which Romulus and Remus founded their city. She was kidnapped among other girls for the male founders.

Planet: Venus.

Stone: pearl.

Element: Water.


What the name Sabina means can only be known by those mothers and fathers who chose such a rare name for the girl. She will grow up to be a real egoist, fragile and attractive, men will hunt for her in droves. The meaning of the name Sabina is talented, often manifesting herself in several areas of art at once, but she always has a craving for music and dancing.

Winter Sabina is very domineering; she makes friends more often with boys who are subordinate to her. He likes to be in charge and organizes all team games alone. You can rely on her - the secret of the name Sabina lies in the combination of whims and responsibility.

Spring Sabina is prudent and good-natured; rancor is not her thing. She is a real flirt, compliments in her direction are the best gifts instead of flowers and sweets. She has been watching her figure and wardrobe since an early age and dreams of becoming a superstar.

Sabinas, born in the summer, are very dreamy and vulnerable. They are also greedy for attention from strangers, but they do not use it as a weapon, but find solace in it. If you don't pay attention to them, the poor things are prone to depression.

Autumn Sabina is a real cunning fox. She will always get her way, make her do as she pleases. At the same time, she is not insidious or calculating - just a stubborn girl, and she is very devoted and faithful to her ideals and interests. Outwardly, she looks like her father, but she takes over her habits from her mother.

Study, career, hobbies.

The meaning of the name Sabina conceals perseverance, and even some perseverance - she will always achieve praise and high appreciation, even through deception. She loves to cheat. If Sabina’s studies are not easy for her, she does not despair too much and still manages to solve her problems with each teacher, finding a personal approach. The secret of the name Sabina hides her inner willpower.

She is exalted and read fashionable novels beyond her years. She loves cinema and is ready to disappear in nightclubs. In a word, she is an “advanced” girl who can have a great future ahead of her.

As a child, it is better to immediately send Sabina to dance, where she will show her nature.


Sabina, thank God, is in excellent health. She rarely suffers from illness, because she is restless and cheerful. Unless a cold can interfere with her.

What the name Sabina can mean - each parent has its own definition. Some people expect grace and beauty from a girl, while others, on the contrary, consider this name to be a standard of thriftiness. The latter is certainly a misconception - that’s why Sabina needs to be taught to do housework from an early age.

But do this not by force, but by getting her interested. Maybe the child will like to bake or vacuum - let this become her personal responsibility, perhaps for the first time and the only one.


Sabina was the second wife of Emperor Nero, Sabina Bergmann-Pohl was a German politician, Sabina Meyer was also a German clarinetist.