Scenario for extracurricular activities World Thank You Day. World Thank You Day is a fun holiday - thank you day! all the thanks cannot be counted, from the kind sunny smiles evil and revenge hid in a corner

Report on the action,

dedicated to International Thank You Day

in primary school:

Date: 01/11/2017.

Participants of the event: primary school students (grades 2,3,4)

Organizer: Popova A.A.

Assistant: Rogozina S.V.

Target: create conditions for the formation of ideas about faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, the value of a religious worldview, introduce children to polite words and teach them to use them in life.


1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.

3. Expand children’s understanding of culture of behavior.

4. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.

Without exaggeration, January 11 can be called one of the most “polite” dates of the year - today is International Thank You Day.

We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

It is not without reason that many tourist guides and instructions to tourists often indicate that the word “thank you,” pronounced even with an accent in the language of the host country, increases the speed and quality of service and helps to establish a calm and pleasant vacation.

It is believed that the Russian word “spasibo” was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced phrase “God save.”

The initiators of the approval of the holiday were UNESCO and the UN. The purpose of the event is to remind the inhabitants of the planet about the high value of politeness, good manners and the ability to thank others for their good deeds.

The word “thank you,” according to psychologists, is truly magical. Hearing it, a person experiences emotions similar to those that arise in children when they are affectionately stroked on the head. Having received verbal gratitude, a person subconsciously tunes in to the positive.

Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words!

It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a conductor for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

The motto of the day was:

Let it sound everywhere, thank you

There is a good sign on the whole Planet,

THANK YOU - a small miracle,

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Events have been held.


13.30-13.45 General Line 2 - 4 grade (Popova A.A)

16.00-16.30 Educational hours held

2nd grade - Journey to the land of polite words (Rogozina S.V.)

3rd grade - A polite person is great (Popova A.A)

4th grade - Thank you everyone (Popova A.A.)

16.45-17.30: 4th grade Flowers of gratitude. “Thank you for your work” (Popova A.A.)

16.45-17.30: 2nd grade prepared and hung banners with poems, sayings, statements of famous people on this topic. (Rogozina S.V.)

16.45-17.30: 3rd grade prepared a poster on this topic. (Rogozina S.V.)

All creative works are presented in the winter garden.

19.00-19.30 General event for grades 2-4

2nd grade and 4th grade prepared a “Round Table” - summing up the results.


7.30-8.00 Morning flash mob. Thanks everyone!

Expected result:

This promotion is intended for people of different ages: students, teachers and other school employees. In our campaign, we wanted to show the importance of the work of all people and the importance of using various forms of gratitude. One way to express your feelings is to say “thank you.” This increases the value of the work of any profession, the work of those people who surround us, our loved ones. This is one way to do a good deed.

International Day

Extracurricular activity scenario

World THANK YOU Day.

Target : Introduce children to polite words and teach them how to use them in life.
1. Teach children to use polite words.
2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.
3. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation; exhibition of children's drawings “Thank You Day”; decoration of the hall with balloons, posters, a boy in the role of Ivanushka, Lesovichok-Borovichok, masks: chicken, hen, rooster, cow, horse, cat; national costumes for dancing.
Progress of the event:

1. Presenter:

Good evening, dear teachers, educators, dear children and guests of our holiday. Today marks International Thank You Day. What kind of holiday is this and where did it come from? January 11 is International Thank You Day - one of the most “polite” dates of the year. We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become meager and gloomy. Everyone knows from childhood that “thank you” is a “magical” word. Together with the words “please”, “give” and “mom” we say it first and continue to say it throughout our lives. The word “thank you” is an established abbreviation for the phrase “God bless” - this phrase was used to express gratitude in Rus'. The word was first recorded in 1586. - in a dictionary-phrase book published in Paris.
We are well aware of the importance of good manners and their necessity in everyday life, but we express most thanks without thinking about their meaning. We say “thank you” to each other every day, so it is very important to remember that true gratitude is only that which comes only from a pure heart!

Thank today those who are close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm the people close to you today!
2. Presenter:

    Not өchen keshe rәkhmat suzen әitә? Kaychan әytelә? “Rәkhmat” sүzen ishetsәgez sezneң үzegezgәnichek bula?

Rәkhmat” – st keshenen khezmaten zurlap әitkәn sүz. “Rәkhmat” – street үzenең soengәnѣne kүrsәtu.

Rakhmat” – keshenen yakhshylygyn kabul itep alu street. Rәkhmat – street bik zur sүz. “Ber rahmat men baladan kotkara” digan әitem bar.

Keshe rәkhmat suzen ishetkәch bik shatlana. Rәkhmat suzen ishetkәch, kүңel kүtәrelә. Kүңel kүtarenke bulganda, keshe үzen bәhetle itep his itә. Rәkhmat suzen ishetmasә, keshe kүңelsezlaner ide. Kүңelsezlәngәn keshenen achuy kilerә mөmkin. Achuy kilgan keshe bashka keshelәr belen sүzgә kilerҙ mөmkin. Keshelәrnen aralary bozylu bala-kaslar kiterep chigara.

1. Presenter.

Let someone curse life for failure -

Didn’t succeed, didn’t gift, didn’t save,

But it brings me joy, I don’t cry -

Thank you to her for you, my friends!

Your warm words will thaw my soul,

Lend your shoulder in trouble,

Life is easy for those whose hearts are warm.

It's so hot that you don't even need a fire -

You can warm your soul.

Thank you, friends, for being friends.

Thank you for having a heart!

2. Presenter.

I see a friendly circle again
And everyone in this circle is a friend.
I feel braver
Or maybe somewhere wiser.

Friends will give any advice
I won't hear from them, no.
And they don’t laugh at misfortune,
In moments of difficulty with me.

And they share my joys,
And they trust me with theirs.
In return, I will support you somewhere,
Or maybe I’ll give you some advice.

Oh, how I need this circle!
Where there are no enemies, but only friends.
And I say from my heart:
"Thank you for your friendship"  .

1. Presenter.

And it also happens, guys, that we forget to say this simple word “thank you.” And this is what can come of it...

2. Presenter.

There lived in one village a guy named Ivanushka. And then one day he went to distant lands to seek happiness...

(Ivanushka walks through the forest to the song from the cartoon “Summer of Leopold the Cat” If you are kind")

Words: Height A.

The rain fell on the ground barefoot,
Maples clapped his shoulders.
If it's a clear day it's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
If it's a clear day it's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
You can hear them ringing high in the sky
Strings of sunlight.
If you are kind, that's good
But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
If you are kind, that's good
But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
Share your joy with everyone,
Scattering laughter loudly.

And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.
If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la-la la-la
If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.
If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.

I.: Who is playing hide and seek here?

L.-B.: - I.

And who are you?

Are you a sorcerer, grandfather?

L.-B.: I conjure little by little.

I'm just bored.

And boring?

L.-B.: Let's play catch-up!

I.: With you? You're kidding!

Yes, I will overtake you in an instant.

L.-B.: If you overtake, I’ll give you

I will give you a well-aimed bow and arrows.

I.: I agree.

L.-B.: Ivanushka!


Didn't catch up, didn't catch up!

Well, did you overtake?

I.: - I took yours.

L.-B.: For confessing,

I will give you what I promised.

I.: Well, miracles!

L.-B.: We can’t live without it.

I.: But you really are a sorcerer!

(Ivan leaves)

L.-B.: Ivan.

Come back!

And for what?

L.-B.: - You forgot the most important thing.

I.: - What else have I forgotten?

L.-B.: You forgot the old man

say thank you

and bow to the ground.

I.: Bow to everyone -

the head will fall off.

Let the bear bow to you.

L.-B.: Well,

let it come true in your opinion.

The bear will bow to me

and your back will bend.

You will find your share...

(The sound of magic is heard and Ivanushka appears from behind a tree in a bear mask and cries)

1 Presenter:

What's happened? Why are you crying?


Lesovichok-Borovichok put a spell on me.

1 Presenter:


AND: I didn’t say thank you to him. What should I do? What do i do? Who will help me?


Do you know, Ivanushka, today is our “Thank You Day” holiday. You sit and look and maybe we can help you.

Song performed by the children of “Barbarika”

1 verse
What is kindness?
What is kindness?
You can’t see it, and you can’t touch it.
Kindness is when
Kindness is when
Everyone is each other's friends
And everyone can fly!

Girls and boys,
Sweet like caramels
And they have big shoes on,
This is Bar-bar-bar-bariki.
Light as moths
And lanterns are burning in the eyes,
And they have big shoes on,
This is Barbariki.

Verse 2

An elephant stood on your foot -
This means he wants to make friends.
Wants to teach you
Move your ears.
A wasp landed on my nose -
So he wants to meet you
And tickle, ah
Don't sting at all!

Girls and boys,
Sweet like caramels
And they have big shoes on,
This is Bar-bar-bar-bariki.
Light as moths
And lanterns are burning in the eyes,
And they have big shoes on,
This is Barbariki.

Verse 3
Come to us for the holiday of kindness
Come you, and you, and you.
Who can fly and who can't.
And to fly just like that -
You just have to smile.
To reach the stars
We need to become kinder.

Girls and boys,
Sweet like caramels
And they have big shoes on,
This is Bar-bar-bar-bariki.
Light as moths
And lanterns are burning in the eyes,
And they have big shoes on,
This is Barbariki.


Politeness is always beautiful -
Let it come from the heart
Constantly, hourly
It's like breathing air.
On World Thank You Day
I especially want
Politely congratulate you all
And a pat on the shoulder.

Song “Tylsymly suzlar.” Music etc. Z.Minkhazheva

Spanish dance performed by girls.


Today, on World Thank You Day,
I thank all the people for everything -

For joy, for the radiance of smiles!

I say “Thank you” to you too

For being always by my side!

For giving me your love!
For inspiring even with your glance!

Because I'm with you like in heaven


Even children know it's ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.

And it sounds on the street and at home.
But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.

The word is like a prayer, ask

This in a word: “God save me!”
Have you read all these words

Thank you!!! THANK YOU To you!!!


Congratulations on “thank you” day
I want, wishing happiness either,
Or good luck and luck
Along with a good mood! ©

Song "Friends don't have days off"

If a friend doesn't laugh,
Turn on the sun for him
Turn on the stars for him
It's simple.
You correct the mistake
Turning into a smile
All the sadness and tears,
It's simple..

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.

If happiness falls,
Divide it into parts
And give it to all your friends,
It's simple.
And when necessary,
All friends will be there
To turn on the sun or stars for you.

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.

If everyone is a friend in a circle
He will extend his hand to a friend,
It will be visible through the porthole
Friendship is the equator.
If everyone is a friend of the planet
Waving a daisy to a friend,
It will become clear
Friendship is the planet of daisies.

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.


We are the magic word We meet more than once in our lives.It is ready to help usAnd it sounds simple, without embellishment.Celebrating the day of the word “Thank you”,We are in a hurry to congratulate you as always.We wish you good luck and patienceWe can all carry it through the years.

Hip-hop dance performed by boys.


Don't be silent like fish
Say “thank you” to everyone!
“Thank you” day, without a doubt
As important as a birthday!

Because the holiday of words
This is not so harsh,
Like any ordinary day.
Driving away the shadow from the sun,

This holiday has come to the house,
And now it’s difficult to leave!
Always be polite -
He will stay then!

Tatar comic dance performed by children.


The holiday is unusual, but very necessary for everyone:
About gratitude, politeness, solving all problems
There is a small word, known for a long time,
It’s easy to say, it will help everyone.

Sincerely, with a smile, from the heart, say:
"Thank you!" - and grace will come to your heart!
There will be a desire to do good as soon as possible:
Happy "Thank You" Day to everyone on earth!

How many times do you say “thank you” per day on average?
Happy Thank You Day! It's very easy to get "mercy" in return.
For people like us, a holiday of polite manners was invented -

"Cowboy Dance" performed by children


On the day of thanks, they say
People thank everyone.
I'll say thank you to my mom
For comfort and cleanliness
(She will immediately feel pleased)
I'll kiss my dad on the fly.
I won’t get tired of everything in the world
Express gratitude
But the day is over, thank you -
I can remain silent for a whole year!

Song “You, me, and you and me”

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
It's good to have friends in the world.
If everyone lived alone,
It's been in pieces for a long time now
The Earth would probably collapse.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
We'll go around the earth, we'll go to Mars,
Maybe by the orange river
There are already sad people there,
Because we've been gone for too long.

You, me, you and me,
You, me, you and me,
Nothing will ever separate us.
Even if we part
Friendship still remains
Stays with us forever.


Wishes for a magical holiday
They will give us a little more hope.
He is, to some extent, an official,
Although there is no such specialty.

Congratulations! Will warm in winter
No calories in drinks selection.
And say “Thank you!” quicker,
Suddenly forming a choir with others.

Comic dance "Seeds"


How many times do you say “thank you” per day on average? Happy Thank You Day! It's very easy to get "mercy" in return.For people like us, a holiday of polite manners was invented -Gratitude will not stumble over the language barrier!


There is great power in the word “thank you”And the water comes to life from him,It gives wings to a wounded bird,And a sprout sprouts from the ground.Be grateful to the world on this day,On the “thank you” holiday, open your soul,Melt the ice, take winter away from your heart,Any discord will subside at this time!We wish you to be loved,A strong family and success in work.Say “thank you” to everyone more oftenAnd you will be welcome on Earth!

Song "Road of Good"

    Ask strict life which way to go?
    Where in the world should you go in the morning?

    Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown,

    Forget your worries, ups and downs,
    Don't whine when fate doesn't behave like a sister,

    But if things are bad with a friend, don’t rely on a miracle,
    Hurry to him, always or along the path of goodness.

    Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be,
    Don't forget that this life is not a child's play.

    Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.
    Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
    Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.

    Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
    Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.
    Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,
    Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness.


I understood everything, I understood everything. Thank you is a magic word. I offended an old man. If you can hear me Lesovichok - Borovichok, forgive me and thank you. And thank you guys very much.

(The sound of magic and Ivanushka is “disenchanted”)

Song "From a Smile"

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter
From a smile in the sky a rainbow will wake up
Share your smile
And she will come back to you more than once

The river begins with a blue stream
Well, friendship begins with a smile

From a smile, one sunny one
The saddest rain will stop crying
The good forest will say goodbye to silence
And clap his green hands

And then the clouds will probably suddenly dance
And the grasshopper plays the violin
The river begins with a blue stream
Well, friendship begins with a smile
The river begins with a blue stream
Well, friendship begins with a smile

A smile will make everyone warmer
And an elephant and even a small snail
So let it be everywhere on Earth
It's like light bulbs turn on smiles

And then the clouds will probably suddenly dance
And the grasshopper plays the violin
The river begins with a blue stream
Well, friendship begins with a smile
The river begins with a blue stream
Well, friendship begins with a smile

Dance performed by children “Avyl irtase”


    With this our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to all.

Happy holiday - THANK YOU Day!
I can’t count all the thanks,
From kind sunny smiles
Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.
THANK YOU! let it sound everywhere
There is a good sign on the whole Planet,
THANK YOU - a small miracle,
A charge of warmth in your hands!
Say it like a spell.
And you will feel how suddenly
Wishing you goodness and happiness,
A new friend will give you!

Lyudmila Kiryukhova
School-wide event “World Thank You Day” for grades 1–5 at a boarding school for blind and visually impaired children

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introduction. History of the word « THANK YOU» .

1 presenter: - Dear Guys! We are glad to see you at our meeting dedicated to World Day called« Thank you» .

One day people came up with the idea of ​​celebrating a holiday on January 11th. world day« Thank you» .

In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb "thank": They pronounced: “Thank you!”, "Thank you!".

This is how it was at the time when paganism dominated our land. When did Christianity come, the word "Thank you" replaced by « Thank you» .

The origin of this Russian word is beautiful and sublime!

It was born in the 16th century from the phrase « God bless» . And it was born everyone a word familiar to us from childhood « Thank you» .

New York is considered the most polite of the major cities in the world - here they most often say « Thank you» . Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 "big" cities. A at all It’s rare to hear a word of gratitude in India’s most populous city, Mumbai.

A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others.

How does it happen that one person is grateful and another is not? Why does this depend? From the mind, heart, education?

Gratitude can be expressed by a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called - "gratitude without words". A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - « Thank you» .

Thank you day is a holiday

Those who were able to become polite,

Hurry up and put the kettle on

We will celebrate the holiday.

We wish everyone good health,

Lots of joy, success,

Peace, eternal freedom,

Mischievous happiness, laughter.

Let it always, everywhere and everywhere

To you they say thank you,

May there be fortune in life

And cultural days reign!

II.Introduction of team members and jury.

2 presenter: So, we have gathered two teams: team "Smile" and team "Joy"

Our competition will be evaluated by our jury - Tanya Fursova, Nastya Bityutskikh, Ermolov Surach. So here we go!

III. Quiz questions and tasks.

1st round.

Each team is asked a question in turn. If the 1st team does not answer the question, then it is transferred to the 2nd team.

1) What words do we say when we meet? ( "Hello", "Good morning", "Kind day» , "Good evening", "I'm glad to see you", "How do you feel?")

2) What words do we say when we break up?

("Goodbye", "Till tomorrow", "See you", "Bon Voyage", "Best wishes", "All the best")

3) What words do we say during breakfast, lunch, dinner?

("Bon appetit", "Thank you", « Thank you» , "Everything was delicious")

4) What words do we say before going to bed?

("Good night", "Good night", "Pleasant dreams")

5) While playing, you accidentally pushed your friend and he fell. What will you do?

(Apologize and help him get up.

6) You are planning to draw a sun, you don’t have the necessary pencil, but your friend does. What will you do?

(Ask politely:"Give me please")

2nd round "Knightly etiquette".

1 presenter:Team task "Smile"- stage situation: a father and son are sitting on the bus, there are no empty seats, a mother and daughter are getting on the bus. What are the next steps?

Team assignment "Joy"- stage situation: a walk, there is a wide stream on the way. What are your actions?

3rd round "Musical".

2 presenter: First team to sing a song together "A true friend"

Second team to sing a song "A smile will make you brighter for everyone» .First, the teams listen to their songs, then sing together to the backing track.

Leading. While the jury is counting the points, we suggest you relax and watch the cartoon "Barbariki."

Round 4 "Situations".

1 presenter: A polite person is always attentive to people, he tries not to cause them trouble, not to offend others either in word or deed. Sometimes guys behave rudely, it seems to them that in these cases they act as independent,

Now let's look at a few situations.

First situation. -1 team

Let's talk about what good and bad manners are.

Let Nastya be a mother, and Seryozha and Dasha be her children. You are going to visit. “Mom” must explain to the “children” how to and how not to behave when visiting.

Second situation. -2 team

Mom told me to come home at 3 pm. But you don't have a watch. You will have to turn to someone senior. How will you do this?

2 presenter Third situation. -1 team

The boys are traveling on the bus. An old woman comes in at the bus stop. How are you will you act?

Fourth situation. -2 team

Now listen to the task question and tell me what mistake Kostya made.

"Kostya comes in the morning school. At his door the teacher is standing in the classroom. Kostya, seeing her, was delighted, ran up to her and began to tell her what an interesting book he read yesterday.” (Answers)

Right. Don't follow the example of such a boy. Please remember that when you enter Class you need to carefully undress, walk culturally and politely, greeting your elders and your friends.

Round 5 "Puzzles".

1 presenter - Now let's play a game. I will read riddles, and you, when necessary, insert answers - polite words (in unison).Each team has 7 riddles.

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor

Tells him: «…»


And his neighbor is big-eared

Answers: "Hedgehog, …"


To the Octopus Flounder

On Monday I swam

And on Tuesday goodbye

I told her: «…»


Clumsy dog ​​Kostya

The mouse stepped on its tail.

They would quarrel

But he said «…»


Wagtail from the shore

Dropped a worm

And fish for a treat

She gurgled: «…»

(Thank you)

Moth at sunset

Flew into the light.

We are, of course, glad to meet you.

Let's tell the guest: «…»

(Good evening)

Katya baby Ignatka

Put me to bed in bed -

He doesn't want to play anymore

Speaks: «…»

(Good night)

2 presenter - Fat cow Lula

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We'll tell her: «…»

(Be healthy)

Fox Matryona says:

“Give me the cheese, crow!

The cheese is big, and you are small!

I'll tell everyone, that I didn’t give!”

You, Lisa, don't complain,

Tell me: «…»


Hippopotamus and Elephant, believe me,

They won't fit through the door together.

The one who is more polite now

He will say: "Only…"

(After you)

Mukha Zhu, although she didn’t want to,

Flew into a fast train.

She wants bugs Flo and Fti

They'll say: «…»

(Bon Voyage)

Kicked out the cuckoo Roma

A strict nanny from home.

Everyone who will pamper,


Met a wild boar in the forest

An unfamiliar fox.

He says to the beauty:

“Allow me...

(introduce yourself)

I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!

I really love acorns!”

The stranger will answer

"Nice …"


Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

Round 6 "Relationships".

1 presenter: Not only should our words be kind, but also our actions, so that neither we, nor our parents, nor friends have to blush for them. Well-mannered children will never make fun of the physical disabilities of their comrades or laugh at them.

Sasha's eyes are big

Our Sash is nearsighted.

The doctor prescribed him glasses

According to the rules of science.

Sanded in the workshop

Two pieces of glass for glory,

Then with a caring hand

They were inserted into the frame.

The glasses were invested by the masters

In a plastic box

And Sasha’s grandfather yesterday

I received them at the cash register.

But about the glasses for the guys everyone

It became known immediately.

They shout to him: "For what

Do you have four eyes?

Sasha, Sasha is a diver!

You have two pairs of eyes.

Only you, bespectacled,

Don't brag about glass!"

Sasha cried with shame,

I buried my nose in the wall.

No, he says, never,

I won't wear glasses!

But his mother consoled him:

There is no shame in wearing glasses.

Everything must be done in order to

To see it better!

Round 7 “Think!”

2 presenter: Task for 1 team.

Listen carefully to A. Antonov’s poem “Is Vitya Polite or Not.”

Vitya offended the baby,

But before school in operation

Vitya asks:

"Sorry, I admit I was wrong."

The teacher came to class,

He put the magazine on the table.

Next is Vitya:

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

The dispute has been going on for a long time class

Is Vitya polite or not?

Find out about our dispute

And tell us the answer.

UC: Well, what do you think? Is Vitya polite or not?

1 presenter. And now the task for the 2nd team is to listen to the following poem by S. Pogorelsky, “I overdid it.”

That's who we have politeness

Demonstrated in practice:

He's in the midnight quiet hour

Got my mother out of bed.

What happened to you! - cried the mother, -

Is your son sick?

- I forgot to tell you:

"Mom, good night."

Is this boy polite? How many of you do this too?

2 presenter: Task for 1 team.

Two passers-by were walking down the street, the first was 62 years old, the other was 8 years old. The first one had 5 in his hands items: briefcase, 3 books, large package. One of the books fell.

“Your book fell!” the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.

"Really?" - he was surprised.

“Of course,” the boy explained, “you had three books plus a briefcase plus a package - a total of 5 things, and now there are four left.”

“I see that you know subtraction and addition well,” said the passerby, lifting the book with difficulty. “However, there are rules that you have not yet learned.”

What rules did the old man talk about?

(Sorry, your book fell. Please allow me to pick it up.)

UC: For 2 teams.

What will you do?

During a lesson, a pen or pencil falls from the teacher's desk.

(If the teacher did not notice this, or he does not have time to pick it up, you cannot get up from your seat in order to help the teacher).

What to do then? You really want to help the teacher! And this is the right DESIRE!

(Raise your hand, ask permission for help, raise, say: "Take it please!".

8. Now let’s play a little game “Politely” again.


1 presenter - Rules. If I read about a polite act, you clap your hands.

When I read about an impolite act, you stomp your feet.

So let's begin:

Say hello when you meet +

Pushing and not apologizing -

Whistle, shout, make noise in school. -

Give way to elders. +

Do not stand up when asked by the teacher. -

Help climb the stairs. +

Say goodbye when leaving. +

Guys, what do you think determines the power of magic words? Right,

a lot depends on how they said: calm, friendly or rude and

impolite. Then they cease to be "magical". Look, we

It seems that we have reached a dead end of Bad advice. (The presenters read harmful advice

G. Oster)

We read poems to you

You can laugh too

This bad advice

We prohibit execution.

Well then. We will try not to listen to harmful advice and do everything

Goal: To introduce children to polite words and teach them how to use them in life.

1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.

3. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation; on the blackboard: exhibition of children's drawings “Thank You Day”; decorating the office with balloons and posters.

Form: matinee

Progress of the event:

1 student Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words!

15 student It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a vehicle for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

Today is the world day of the most polite word in any language - the word “thank you”. (Children take turns coming out with a card, saying the word and attaching the card to the board)

Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
English: Thank you

Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)
Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

Danish: Tak (tsak)

Icelandic: Takk (sooo)
Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

German: Danke schön
Romanian: Multimesk
Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
French: Merci beaucoups

2nd student Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone

His name is... but by the way,

We wouldn't call it better here.

3 student “Thank you”, “Hello”, “Sorry”

He's not used to pronouncing it.

A simple word "sorry"

His tongue did not overcome him.

Student 2 He won’t tell his friends at school

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

3 student A, maybe he is familiar to you

And have you met him anywhere,

Then tell us about it,

And we... We will tell you “thank you.”

Game (conducted by teacher):

- Now let's play a game. I will read the story, and when necessary, insert polite words into my story (in unison).
“One day Vova Kryuchkov went by bus. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked out at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down... (in unison, please). The woman was very polite and thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ..... (sorry, please).

- Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

5th student In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb “to thank”: they said: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”.

4 student This was the case at a time when paganism dominated our land. When Christianity came, the word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.”

5 student The origin of this Russian word is beautiful and sublime!
It was born in the 16th century from the phrase “God save.” Our ancestors put much more into these two words than just gratitude. It is very reminiscent of a wish - a wish for salvation, turning to God, His merciful and saving power. Subsequently, the expression was transformed and shortened. And the word “thank you”, familiar to all of us from childhood, was born.

6 student New York is considered the most polite and largest city in the world - here they most often say “thank you.” Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 “big” cities.

7 student A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others.

8 student We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks, as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help, people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become boring and gloomy.

6 student How does it happen that one person is grateful and another is not? Why does this depend? From the mind, heart, education?

Song about kindness

7 student Gratitude can be expressed with a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called “gratitude without words.” A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - “thank you.”

9 student Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,

And everyone knows the word

But it so happened that it

It comes out of people’s lips less and less often.

Today there is a reason to say

Thank you! To those who are close to us,

It's easy to become a little kinder

To make mom more fun,

And even a brother or sister,

With whom we often quarrel,

Say thanks! and in the warmth

The ice of resentment will soon melt.

I'll tell you a secret, friends:

All the power of the word is in our thoughts -

It’s impossible without kind words,

Give them to your family and friends!

Game “Say the Word” (led by the teacher)

Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know “Magic Words”?

​ Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

 Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon)

​ If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…. (Thank you)

​ The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting... (hello)

​ When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)

​ In both France and Denmark they say goodbye when saying goodbye... (goodbye)

10 student Happy holiday - THANK YOU Day!

I can’t count all the thanks,

From kind sunny smiles

Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.

THANK YOU! let it sound everywhere

There is a good sign on the whole Planet,

THANK YOU - a small miracle,

A charge of warmth in your hands!

Say it like a spell.

And you will feel how suddenly

Wishing you goodness and happiness,

A new friend will give you!

Even children know: it's ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.
And it sounds on the street and at home.

But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.

12 disciple The Word is like a prayer, ask.
With this word: “God save me!”
YOU listened to all my words.
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

13 student The word “thank you” has great power
And the water comes to life from him,
It gives wings to a wounded bird,
And a sprout sprouts from the ground.
Be grateful to the world on this day,
On the “thank you” holiday, open your soul,
Melt the ice, take winter away from your heart,
Any discord will subside at this time!
We wish you to be loved,
A strong family and success in work.
Say “thank you” to everyone more often
And you will be welcome on Earth!

14 student Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word, so warm up the people close to you today!

Teacher Our holiday has come to an end. I hope you understand everything and POLITE WORDS WILL BECOME GOOD FRIENDS for YOU!

Summary of an extracurricular activity, the objectives of which are:

create conditions for the formation of ideas about faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, the value of a religious worldview, introduce children to polite words and teach them to use them in life.



Extracurricular activity scenario
"World Thank You Day"

Target : create conditions for the formation of ideas about faith, spirituality, a person’s religious life, the value of a religious worldview, introduce children to polite words and teach them to use them in life.


1. Teach children to use polite words.

2. Introduce the words “thank you” to stories.

3. Expand children’s understanding of culture of behavior.

4. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.

5. Using the example of Scripture, show that God calls us to thank HIM for everything.

Golden verse of an extracurricular activity:

1. Introduction.

Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone

His name is... but by the way,

We wouldn't call it better here.

"Thank you", "Hello", "Sorry"

He's not used to pronouncing it.

A simple word "sorry"

His tongue did not overcome him.

He won't tell his friends at school

Alyosha, Petya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

Alyoshka, Petka, Vanka, Tolka.

Or maybe he is familiar to you

And have you met him anywhere,

Then tell us about it,

And we... We will say thank you.

UC: - Are there such students in your classes?

UC: - Dear Guys! We are glad to see you at our meeting dedicated to World Thank You Day.(Children read in chorus.)

Let the golden verse at our holiday be Words from the Bible (verse on the poster):

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
(1 Thessalonians ch. 5, v. 18)

Children, what profession would you like to choose for yourself after leaving school?

(Children share their dream.)

But no matter who you work for, first of all, you must grow up to be real good people: kind, brave, sympathetic, polite. And this also needs to be learned. That’s why you should use polite words as often as possible, which make people feel warmer, happier, and brighter. There is great power in the word. A kind word can cheer a person up in difficult times and can help dispel a bad mood. But it’s not just our words that should be kind. It is necessary that your actions be reasonable, clear, kind, so that you never have to blush or be ashamed for them. We must always try to be useful to people in everything.

To understand and fulfill the desire of another -

It's a pleasure, honestly.

Let's read our posters with the rules of politeness and kindness.

  • Good done in secret will be repaid openly.
  • A polite person is friendly and always attentive to people.
  • Politeness is the ability to behave in a way that makes others feel good about you.

Doesn't come cheap

Happiness on difficult roads.

What good have you done?

How have you helped people?

2. The history of the word “thank you.”

One day people came up with the idea of ​​celebrating a holiday on January 11“World Thank You Day.”

In ancient times, our ancestors, when speaking words of gratitude, used only the verb “to thank”: they said: “Thank you!”, “Thank you!”.

This is how it was at the time when paganism dominated our land. When Christianity came, the word “thank you” was replaced with “thank you.”
The origin of this Russian word is beautiful and sublime!
It was born in the 16th century from the phrase"God bless." Our ancestors put much more into these two words than just gratitude. It is very reminiscent of a wish -a wish for salvation, turning to God, His merciful and saving power.Subsequently, the expression was transformed and shortened. And a word familiar to all of us from childhood was born"Thank you" .

New York is considered the most polite large city in the world - “thank you” is most often said here. Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 “big” cities. And it’s very rare to hear a word of gratitude in the most populous city in India - Mumbai
A grateful person is attentive and open to people, he notices any service done for him. He is ready to repay the same coin of kindness and responsiveness that he received from others.

How does it happen that one person is grateful and another is not? Why does this depend? From the mind, heart, education?

Gratitude can be expressed with a look, a smile and a gesture, which is called “gratitude without words.” A gift, which is so important during the holidays, also sometimes serves as a worthy way to give thanks. But most often we say this simple word with such great meaning - “thank you.”

3. Value problem situations.

UC: A polite person is always attentive to people, he tries not to cause them trouble, not to offend others either by word or deed. Sometimes guys behave rudely; it seems to them that in these cases they act as if they were independent.

UC: Now let's look at a few situations.

First situation.

Let's talk about what good and bad manners are.

Let Tanya be a mother, and Roma and Ira be her children. You are going to visit. “Mom” must explain to the “children” how to and how not to behave when visiting.

Second situation.

Mom told me to come home at 3 pm. But you don't have a watch. You will have to turn to someone senior. How will you do this?

Third situation.

Vasya and Kolya are traveling on a tram. An old woman comes in at the bus stop. How will you proceed?

Fourth situation.

Now listen to the task question and tell me what mistake Kostya made.

“Kostya comes to school in the morning. The teacher is standing at the door of his class. Kostya, seeing her, was delighted, ran up to her and began to tell her what an interesting book he read yesterday.” (Answers)

Right. Don't follow the example of such a boy. Remember that when entering the classroom you need to carefully undress, walk culturally and politely, greeting your elders and your friends.

4. Game situation.

Now let's play a game. I will read the story, and when necessary, insert polite words into my story (in unison).

“One day, Vova Kryuchkov went by bus. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down... (in unison, please). The woman was very polite and thanked Vova: ... (thank you). Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said: ..... (sorry, please).

Well, you know polite words. Feel free to use them more often.

6. Game situation “Tell the sun.”

UC: Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know “Polite Words”?

1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you).

2. Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon).

3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom.... (thank you).

4. The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting... (hello).

5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (forgive me, please)

6.In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (goodbye).

Fizminutka (thank you in different languages).

Repeat in chorus after me!

Here's what the word "thank you" sounds like in different languages:

Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
Armenian: Shnorhakalutjun

English: Thank you

Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)
Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt)

Danish: Tak (tsak)

Irish: Go raibh maith agat

(go rai mas agate)
Icelandic: Takk (sooo)
Italian: Grazie
Spanish: Gracias (gracias)

Cambodian: Orkun (arkun)
Chinese: Xie-xie (Xie-xie)
Korean: Kamsu hamnida

Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
Lithuanian: Kob chie (kob chi)

Malaysian: Terima kasih (terima porridge)
Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)

German: Danke schön
Norwegian: Tak (sooo)

Polish: Dziekuje bardzo

(jinkue barzo)

Portuguese: Obrigado

Romanian: Multimesk
Somali: Mahadsanid (Makhasanid)
Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
Turkish: sagol (saol), tesekur ederim (teshekur ederim)

Filipino: Salamat (slamat)
Finnish:Kiitos (kiitos)
French: Merci beaucoups

Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran)

Czech Czech: Dekuju (dyakuyu)

Swedish: Tack

Japanese: Domo arigato

7. Situations of reflection

UC : Listen carefully to A. Antonov’s poem “Is Vitya Polite or Not.”

Vitya offended the baby,

But in front of school in the ranks

Vitya asks:

"Sorry, I admit I was wrong."

The teacher came to class,

He put the magazine on the table.

Next is Vitya:

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

The debate has been going on in class for a long time

Is Vitya polite or not?

Find out about our dispute

And tell us the answer.

UC : Well, what do you think? Is Vitya polite or not?

Now listen to the following poem by S. Pogorelsky, “I overdid it.”

That's who we have politeness

Demonstrated in practice:

He's in the midnight quiet hour

Got my mother out of bed.

What happened to you?! - cried the mother, -

Is your son sick?..

I forgot to tell you:

"Mom, good night."

UC: Is this boy polite? How many of you do this too?

UC: Two passers-by were walking down the street, the first was 62 years old, the other was 8 years old. The first one had 5 items in his hands: a briefcase, 3 books, a large package. One of the books fell.

“Your book fell!” the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.

"Really?" - he was surprised.

“Of course,” the boy explained, “you had three books plus a briefcase plus a package - a total of 5 things, and now there are four left.”

“I see that you know subtraction and addition well,” said the passerby, lifting the book with difficulty. “However, there are rules that you have not yet learned.”

What rules did the old man talk about?

(Sorry, your book fell. Please allow me to pick it up.)

UC: What will you do?

During a lesson, a pen or pencil falls from the teacher's desk.

(If the teacher did not notice this, or he does not have time to pick it up, you cannot get up from your seat in order to help the teacher).

What to do then? You really want to help the teacher! And this is the right DESIRE!!!

(Raise your hand, ask permission for help, raise it, say: “Please take it!”

And if something fell from your desk during class, what would you do?

UC: It happens that teachers scold YOU, trying to show that YOU are wrong in a given situation.

Consider the situation:

The teacher says to Kolya:

Kolya! You told me a lie. This is not good of you both towards me and towards God.

And Kolya answers:

Anastasia Vitalievna, thank you for helping me understand my bad deed. Please forgive me.

Another situation:

The teacher says to Vika:

Vika! You didn't give me your homework notebook again.

And Vika answers:

Thanks for reminding me. Please forgive me. I will try to hand in my notebooks on time.


Lena came to school wearing a blouse with a dirty stain on the sleeve. Her classmate noticed this and said: “Lena, your blouse is dirty!”

Lena answers:

“Thank you for telling me about this.”

8. Communication situation.

God Himself calls us to be polite, grateful and kind people.

Let's read the GOLDEN VERSE of our holiday. (On the poster).

What stories in the Bible can YOU think of that teach us to be grateful?

(The parable of the ten lepers. All the Books of the Bible call us to THANK GOD! Remember the Psalter: how many grateful andDavid speaks of the true Words in his psalms!..)

9. The situation of thinking about a read work.

Polite words

Little Dima never said “thank you”and please". Every day, from morning to evening, his demands were heard:
- Play with me! Draw with me! Give me the pencils! - the boy shouted to his older brother Vita.
- Mom, buy me a wind-up car!
- Grandma, give me something to drink! Bring food to my room!
- Grandfather, read me fairy tales!

This behavior of Dima greatly upset his relatives, but they never refused him anything and fulfilled all his demands.
Mom constantly reminded the boy to be polite and say “please” when you ask for something, and “thank you” when you thank him.
“Why would I say these words?” - thought Dima. - “I get what I want without them.”

For some time, the boy continued to upset his loved ones with disrespectful treatment... But one day, they decided to teach him a lesson... One day, Dima returned home from school. It was an ordinary day, no different from other days. The boy threw off his backpack and, as always upon returning home, went to the kitchen where his grandmother was preparing lunch.
“Grandma, I’m hungry, give me something to eat,” he demanded.
“Vitya, let’s go play sea battle,” Dima shouted, walking past his brother’s room.
- Grandfather, I left my backpack in the corridor, bring it here!
Dima was sure that his grandparents and brother would do everything he told them, because this was always the case. He sat in his room and waited. Time passed, but nothing happened. Unable to bear it, Dima ran out of the room to see what was happening. Everyone was in his previous place and was in no hurry to carry out his orders.

“Vitya, why don’t you come and play with me!? Grandma, I'm hungry! Grandpa, where is my backpack!?” - the boy was indignant. However, no one paid attention to his requests. Everyone continued to go about their business. The relatives acted as if they had not seen or heard the boy. Dima was embarrassed and even upset. “Why doesn’t anyone answer my requests? Something is wrong here,” he reasoned. - “Perhaps they fell ill with some terrible disease, because of which they stopped hearing and seeing me?” These thoughts made Dima scared...

When mom returned from work, Dima ran out to meet her:
-Mom, mom, something terrible happened...

What happened, son? Why are you so excited? - Mom asked.
“Grandfather, grandmother and Vitya fell ill with a terrible disease,” the son blurted out.

What kind of disease is this?

They don’t hear or see me,” the boy said.

“Yes, what are you saying,” my mother was surprised. Why do you say that?
- Because today they don’t notice me all day and when I ask them for something, they don’t answer and don’t do what I asked them to do. Mommy, what should we do now?

The mother looked at her son with a smile:

Tell me, son, do you remember the “polite” words I taught you?
- Of course, I remember: “thank you” and “please.” What does this have to do with it? - Dima was perplexed.

And at the same time. Did you say the polite word “please” to your grandparents and brothers when you asked them for something? - Mom asked.

“Nooooo,” the son answered embarrassedly.

“You see,” my mother said reproachfully. “That’s why your relatives didn’t see you and didn’t hear your requests, and didn’t answer them.

So that means they are not sick and see and hear everything?

Of course, you can see this right now.

How? - Dima asked.

Go and ask them for everything you asked for before, but now don’t forget to say the polite words “please” and “thank you.”
Dima ran up to his brother, politely said: “Vitya, play with me, please,” and froze in anticipation. “Of course, I’ll play,” my brother readily responded. The polite word “please” had an effect on Vitya.
Dima joyfully ran to his grandmother: “Grandma, feed me, please.” “Of course, grandson, now I’ll feed you.” “A polite word helped again!” - the boy rejoiced, “now all that’s left is to check on grandpa.”
“Grandfather, please bring my backpack, it’s so heavy.” “Now, my dear, I’ll bring it,” replied the grandfather. “Thank you, grandpa!” - Dima thanked in response.

Dima could not believe the miracle that happened before his eyes. It's so simple! You just need to say the polite word “please” when you ask for something, and you will receive it.Look, that's what you asked for. And when you receive it, you must remember to say “thank you.”

Dima remembered this lesson well. From then on, he always said “please” and “thank you” to everyone.

10. Completion

Even children know: it's ugly
It’s not enough to say “Thank you!” for kindness.
This word has been familiar to us since childhood.
And it sounds on the street and at home.
But sometimes we forget it,
And in response we just nod joyfully...
And already worthy of our pity
Quiet “Thank you” and “Please.”
And not everyone is ready to remember
The meaning of hidden kind words.
The word is like a prayer, ask.
With this word: “God save me!”
YOU listened to all my words.
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

Our holiday has come to an end. I hope you understand everything and polite words will become good friends for you!