Why can't it download from the play market? What to do if iPhone does not load applications

Google Play is the only official application store for Android devices. But when you try to download a new game or program, errors and glitches often occur.

If the Play Market does not download anything, then in most cases the device does not have enough memory. Or the program may download, but the smartphone will not have enough space to install it.

Please note that some applications are installed only on the internal drive of the device. In this case, the declared amount of internal memory may differ from the actual one, since some part will be occupied by system files. Pay attention to this parameter when purchasing.

If the files are not downloaded completely

Why does “eternal” loading occur and errors appear?

The application may not install and freeze during the download stage due to problems with the device itself: clogged cache, many running programs, physical wear and tear, update errors.

Play Market is also an application and it may not always work correctly. Problems often arise if the cache is full or the update is installed crookedly. In such cases, Google Play begins to produce various errors.

The download may freeze if several applications are downloaded. The device simply does not have enough resources to download simultaneously. Cancel all processes and start again, but one at a time. The same thing happens if an application update is running.

Other reasons

Mostly errors during downloading may appear:

  • if the date is set incorrectly;
  • the download manager is disabled;
  • Incompatible applications are installed;
  • The system is not updated.

Let's look at the most common causes of errors and malfunctions in the Play Market, and what to do about them.

Freeing up memory

Memory problems are the most common cause of errors when downloading applications. Remove unnecessary files.

If after deleting there is still not enough space, then delete something else. Music and photos can take up a significant portion of memory:

Installation on SD card

By default, all downloaded applications are installed in the device memory. But it is not always enough, so you need to specify an SD card for installation. For this:

Please note that some developers prohibit installing applications on a third-party drive.

How to transfer files to SD card

To free up internal memory, you can transfer some applications to the drive:

For some applications, the transfer button will be inactive, and you cannot move them to a flash drive using standard means. But there is a way to get around this ban. This requires root rights.

Gaining administrator rights gives access to system files, and if you accidentally change system files, your smartphone may stop working completely. If you are unsure of your competence, then it is better not to resort to this method.

To obtain root rights, use the KingRoot or Kingo Root program. Download the apk file and install the application manually. After you open administrator rights, you need to download another application that will transfer files to the SD card. There are many of them, we will look at one of the popular ones - Link2SD.

Please note that after transferring to a USB flash drive, program widgets will stop working. Also, when connected to a computer, applications on the SD card will not appear.

If the problem is with the device

First of all, try restarting your phone or tablet, this may solve the problem. If not, then you need to clear the cache.

Temporary files only slow down the system and take up unnecessary space. From time to time you need to clear the cache so as not to clog your device with garbage.

To clean you need:

You can also use third-party programs to clear the cache, for example Clean Master.

And the most radical way would be to return the device to factory settings. To do this, go to settings and select “Backup and reset”. Before doing this, be sure to remove the SD card and copy important files.

This method can be used if nothing helps at all, since with a “hard reset” the user loses all his data.

Troubleshooting problems with the Play Market

Many errors arise due to the incorrect operation of the Play Market itself. To correct the situation you need:

After these steps, you need to re-enter your account login and password in the Play Market.

Troubleshooting internet problems

You can identify a weak Internet connection by the following signs:

  • download does not start;
  • The download has started, but the download bar shows 0%;
  • Play Market freezes when loading;

To make sure there is no internet connection, try opening any page in your browser. If there is no connection:

Please note that when using mobile internet, downloading large files may take a long time. In this case there is no problem, the download progress will change very slowly.

If applications are not downloaded via the mobile Internet

If applications cannot be downloaded via the mobile Internet, then perhaps you have a ban on the use of downloads with a mobile connection. To remove the ban, you need to use the standard “Downloads” application (if you have one on your device):

  1. Go to the menu.
  2. Open the Downloads app.
  3. Go to settings.
  4. Uncheck the box next to “Upload via Wi-Fi only.”

Date and time settings

If you have the wrong date set on your device, most applications will not work, including Google Play. The fix for this problem is simple:

After these steps, Google Play should start loading applications normally.

Updating the system

In the absence of system updates, the Google Play application may lack some components to work correctly. To fix this:

Incompatible applications

Some applications can affect the operation of Google Play. Basically these are various burglars. The most popular of these is Freedom for in-game purchases. The solution in this situation is simple: you need to remove the conflicting program. To do this you need:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Open "Applications".
  3. Find the program you need.
  4. Click "Delete".

Enable "Download Manager"

When the Download Manager is disabled, the device cannot download anything, including through the Play Market. To enable:

How to avoid problems in the future

Most download problems are caused by the user. To always download apps safely, you need to keep your device in order:

  • regularly clean the cache and other garbage;
  • delete unnecessary files;
  • install updates on time;
  • do not download dubious applications.

Video: fixing basic errors in the Play Market

The problem of downloading applications from Google Play is in almost all cases easily solved, even if the user is not very well versed in the issue.

After troubleshooting, the main thing is not to forget to maintain the device in working condition so that there are no malfunctions in its operation.

After updating to one of the new versions of iOS, some users encounter problems downloading applications to their device. Such applications “hang” like dead weight with the “Waiting” status and do not respond to clicks. We described how to solve this problem in this manual.

1. Check the status of Apple servers

The first thing you should do if you encounter an error with applications stuck during the download process is to check the status of Apple's servers. To do this, you need to go to this page and make sure that the App Store is working properly. Malfunctions in the Apple app store do not happen very often, however, it is because of them that downloading applications may not start.

2. Make sure you have a consolidated storage space on your iPhone

Applications may freeze during the loading process for a very obvious reason - they may simply not have enough memory space. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Storage and iCloud usage» and check how much free space is left in your device’s memory. If there is not enough space, click " Control" and remove unnecessary applications.

3. Check your internet connection

Then you need to make sure that the iPhone has access to the Internet. You can check if you are connected to the Internet by launching Safari and going to any web page. It sounds stupid, but quite a few people face problems when downloading applications on the iPhone precisely because of a lack of Internet connection.

4. Restart your iPhone

Rebooting your iPhone can also fix the problem. It is immediately recommended to force a reboot by simultaneously holding down the Home and Power buttons until the Apple logo appears. On iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, instead of the Home button, you need to press the volume down button.

5. Delete the application and try to download it again

The problem may be related to the specific download session during which the failure occurred. Deleting the application and then re-downloading it from the App Store often helps to fix it. To delete an application, simply long-press on its icon and, after switching to edit mode, click on the cross in the upper left corner.

6. Push a stuck download with another app

Download any free application from the App Store. Downloading it can restore proper connection to the Apple application store, as a result of which problematic applications will begin to be downloaded.

7. Re-login to the App Store

In a large number of cases, re-authorizing in the App Store can solve the problem. To do this, go to the App Store application, click on the button with your account name (located at the very bottom on the “Selection” tab) and select “Log out” in the window that opens. After that, click “Sign in” and sign in again using your Apple ID account information.

8. Reset network settings

Another way to fix the problem with applications stuck during the download process is to reset your network settings. Go to menu " Settings» → « Reset" and select " Reset network settings" Confirm the reset and check if the problematic applications have started loading.

9. Sync iPhone with iTunes

Simply syncing your iPhone with iTunes can also help. Connect your mobile device to your computer using a USB cable, launch iTunes and click " Synchronize».

Hi all! Recently I encountered a rather unusual problem - on my iPhone, the icons of several applications became gray and the words “waiting” or “cleaning” appeared at the bottom. This usually happens when updating the program - it starts downloading again, the “waiting” message (if you don’t have one) appears, after a few seconds it disappears and the downloading begins. This is a standard situation in general.

But this time everything was different. There were several such “waiting” applications and, despite a good Internet connection, the download did not start. What a load! Even in various ways it didn’t work. It's a strange problem, but it can and should be solved. Now we’ll find out how, let’s go!

Naturally, despite the fact that the title of the article mentions the iPhone, all the methods listed below will work on the iPad, iPod Touch and any other Apple device running the iOS operating system (you never know what else it will release there :))

Application "pending"? A reboot will help!

Let's start with the simplest options and gradually move on to more complex ones. And the easiest and most accessible manipulation will be to simply reboot the device. Yes, yes, this is the most popular solution that has helped many. Just reboot your device and, with a high degree of probability, after that the “waiting” inscription from the application icon will disappear and the download will resume.

Why and in what cases does this work? Most likely, you are trying to update or download a large application over the cellular network, but Apple simply does not allow this and the applications hang. So, rebooting is one of the points to solve this problem. More details about this.

Program loading stuck? Pause it and start downloading again!

The second way to get rid of "waiting" applications is to resume downloading it. The only negative is that the usual way - clicking on the icon several times - is unlikely to be possible. You will need to find this particular program in the application store. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Let's go to the App Store.
  • We are looking for an application that is stuck in a waiting state.
  • Click the “install” button.
  • The application is updated or reinstalled.

By the way, if something is not there, then try restarting the App Store and resetting its cache. There is one for this purpose.

Logging in and out of your account will solve the problem of frozen applications

Sometimes, all you need to do is simply sign out of your Apple ID account and sign in again. One of the most universal methods - it even helps to get rid of What can we say about some waiting programs :)

The algorithm of actions is simple - first we log out of the account:

  • Open the settings.
  • Click iTunes Store, App Store.
  • At the top we see your Apple ID, click on it.
  • Go out.

To be sure, reboot and repeat all steps in reverse order, i.e. Log in to your account on your phone or tablet.

Applications are not downloading completely? Let's use iTunes!

You can try to download programs to the end using iTunes. To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer.
  2. We are waiting for iTunes to detect the device.
  3. Click on the application tab.
  4. We perform synchronization.

After this, in iTunes you will be able to manage all the programs that are on your device. Including those “waiting”. We try to update, delete or download them again.

A few more reasons why apps are “waiting” on iPhone and iPad

If all the previous methods did not help, then there are a few more points that are worth paying attention to.

The operation of the iPhone (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X), as well as the iPad Air and Pro, as a rule, does not cause any complaints from their owners. However, sometimes various troubles can happen (applications are not downloaded or updated in the AppStore). You can easily deal with most of them yourself, without the help of professionals.

Some users are faced with a very strange situation - new application updates are not downloaded to the iPhone or iPad, and it is also impossible to download any application from the App Store. Are you familiar with this problem? If yes, then read our article, which describes methods to eliminate it. We hope that these tips will be useful to you and you will be able to download and update the necessary applications again.

There are many reasons why this issue occurs in the App Store, so let's look at some solutions.

Check your internet connection

The first thing you need to do is make sure your device is connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or cellular network. Suddenly, what should I do?

  • If using Wi-Fi, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and make sure the wireless connection is turned on.
  • If you're using cellular data, go to Settings > Mobile data and make sure it's turned on.

One of the reasons for the inability to download data over the Internet is poor connection quality. You can try switching from Wi-Fi to a mobile network or vice versa and check if updates can be downloaded. Here's how to e 6, 7, 8, X.

Check if airplane mode is turned off

If airplane mode is turned on, it must be turned off. There is also one trick to solve the problem when the application from the App Store is not downloaded or updated - turning airplane mode on and off. To do this, go to Settings, turn it on, wait 15 - 20 seconds, and then turn it off again. The method may seem stupid, but try it anyway!

If this method does not produce results, then try other methods to solve the problem.

Reload the app in the App Store

Sometimes applications can behave very strangely and not at all as they should. The App Store is no exception. What should you do if it's not working and your iPad or iPhone won't load or update apps? A forced shutdown and restart is required.

To perform this, double-tap the home screen button and the applications you recently launched will open in front of you. To close the App Store, find it and slide it to the top of the display. After that, go to your home screen and launch the App Store again.

Enable automatic date and time setting

Users have noted that going to settings and turning on automatic date and time settings makes it easy to fix the problem. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  • Open "Settings";
  • Then go to "General";
  • Select "Date and Time";
  • Click the switch next to Automatic Installation.

If this option has already been enabled on your smartphone/tablet, then proceed to the next step.

Reboot your device

Users often forget how effective rebooting a device can be in case of various failures. Before moving on to the next steps, simply turn your phone off and on.

To do this, press and hold the screen lock button, and then slide the Move to turn off text. After your device turns off, press and hold the screen lock button until the Apple logo appears.

Sign out of the App Store

Exiting and then logging into the App Store can help solve the problem when updates are not downloaded on the iPhone and iPad. Do the following:

  • Go to "App store";
  • Next, select your Apple account;
  • Click "Logout";
  • Sign in to your account again.

An error occurred and how to fix it?

If this method does not help you, then move on to subsequent solutions.

Update your IP address

If you're connected to a Wi-Fi network, updating your IP address can restore your iPad or iPhone's ability to update and download apps. It's very simple:

  • Open "Settings";
  • Select "Wi-Fi";
  • Find your Wi-Fi network and click on the (i) icon to the right of it;
  • Tap Update IP Address.

Free up space on your device memory

If you don't have enough memory, your device won't be able to update or download apps to your iPhone or any other device. You can increase your free space by deleting unused apps, photos, videos, and music. It is recommended to save the files in an archive before deleting. The following is the procedure for clearing memory.

  • On your home screen, find the icon for the app you want to uninstall;
  • Press and hold the icon until it starts to shake;
  • Select "X";
  • Click "Delete";
  • The application will be deleted from memory.

Update your software

A bug in iOS may be the reason why the iPhone does not update or download applications from the AppStore. If you have a new version of iOS, we recommend downloading and installing it. This can be done online or using iTunes.

To update the operating system you need:

  • Place iPhone on charge;
  • Connect to a Wi-Fi network;
  • Open “Settings”;
  • Select “System update”;
  • Click "Download" and then "Install" or "Install Now."

It doesn’t work, what should I do?

To update your system using iTunes, do the following:

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of iTunes;
  • Connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer;
  • Launch iTunes;
  • Select your device;
  • Click "Summary";
  • Click “Check for updates”;
  • Select "Download and Update" or "Update".

Read also:

Make sure all restrictions are disabled

iOS has a feature that allows you to disable some iPhone features, which may be useful, for example, for parents or system administrators. This also applies to the ability to download applications. If you can't install a downloaded app, there may be a restriction activated on your phone.

Check whether the ban on downloading the application is enabled:

  1. Go to “Settings”;
  2. Select "General";
  3. Click "Restrictions";
  4. If required, enter your password;
  5. Check the "Install Applications" menu. If the switch is white and set to Off, you won't be able to update apps. Move it to the "On" position (this will change the color to green).

Uninstall and then install the application again

This method works when the device is stuck in standby, installation or download modes, or when the message “The update cannot be installed on this Apple account” appears. Here is the order of its implementation:

  • Completely remove the application from your device.
  • Open the "App Store" and find the deleted application.
  • Click "Get" to install again.

We hope that this method helped you solve the problem when the application on the iPhone does not download or update. If not, then move on to the next one.

Reboot your router

Problems with the Internet connection may be the reason why applications cannot be downloaded. Unplug the router, wait 30 seconds, and then turn it back on. In addition, you may need to update your router firmware.

Check - maybe the reason is in one of the applications

In some cases, one of the applications may cause problems downloading or updating. The solution is to uninstall apps one by one until you can no longer download content from the web. It may take a long time, but such a procedure can be effective.

Ten sequential options for solving a problem.

“This didn’t happen under Jobs,” is the first phrase that comes to mind when you’ve been trying for an hour to bring to life the frozen gray icon of a downloadable application from the App Store.

About problems with software update And error when downloading applications Apple does not comment. The solution has to be sought by going through all the stages one by one: from simple to complex.

Note: To combat the problem of “gray waiting icons” and errors when downloading applications from the App Store, it is recommended to perform all stages one by one. At any time, the download can proceed further and there will be no need to carry out the subsequent steps described in these instructions.

Step 0. Read the news

Before you scold your smartphone or tablet, don’t be too lazy to look through the site’s news feed :) You will probably find news that “App Store servers have fallen” or the App Store application store, and the company is doing everything possible to correct the current situation.

Step 1. Check your Internet connection

The reason why the application may not load or update may be a simple lack of Internet traffic or problems in the operation of the Wi-Fi wireless network around you. The icon of working Wi-Fi, 3G or LTE doesn’t mean anything.

Solution: Open the Safari browser and go to any Internet page. If everything is fine with the connection, we move on.

Step 2. Stop downloading

A frozen gray icon that remains in the “Waiting” or “Downloading” status for a long time is a reason to stop downloading.

Solution: Tap on the icon to stop the download. Tapping again may solve problems and the application will start loading.

Step 3. Turn airplane mode on and off

You can also try to resume downloading by briefly switching to Airplane mode.

Solution: While on the Springboard screen, perform the piles from bottom to top and click on the image of the plane. Wait a few seconds and disable the mode by tapping the icon again.

Step 4. Uninstall the application and reinstall it

In this situation, completely uninstalling the application (if possible) and then reinstalling it can help in this situation.

Solution: Hold your finger over the “problem icon” and wait until it enters edit mode (shaking icons). Tap the cross that appears next to the icon and delete the application. Open the App Store and reinstall.

Step 5. Parallel installation of the second application

You can restore the download and establish a connection to the App Store by downloading any additional application.

Solution: In the App Store, download any application you find. After the download starts, a frozen application can automatically continue installation.

Step 6: Login to your account again

You can resuscitate a frozen application by logging out of your account and re-authorizing it.

Solution: Open the App Store on your iOS device and go to the Selection. Tap on your account name and in the window that opens, select Go out. On the same page, log back into your account and download the application again.

Step 7. Reboot your iOS device

As another option for treating a gray application that is frozen and stuck in loading, you can resort to rebooting the device.

Solution: Hold down the Power key and turn off the device. Once turned on again, the application may automatically begin installation. Alternatively, use a hard reset: hold down the Power and Home keys for a few seconds.

Step 8. Sync purchases from Mac/PC

If none of the above points helped, and the application still flatly refuses to load (and there is no way to either pause installations or delete it), you need to synchronize with the desktop version of iTunes.

Solution: Connect your iOS device to a computer or laptop running iTunes. Make sure that you are signed in to a valid Apple ID account (the account under which the application is downloaded from the App Store must match the one authorized in iTunes). Select "Synchronization".

Step 9: Hard reset

You can resume downloading the application in a radical way by performing a complete reset.

Solution: Start small and implement Resetting network settings: open Settings – Reset – Reset network settings. If this does not help, get ready to completely reset all settings. Before performing this action, create a backup copy of your iOS device. Open Settings – General – Reset – Reset all settings.

Step 10: Enter DFU Mode

The last hope for being able to get the desired application or update right now is to switch your smartphone or tablet to DFU mode.