Summary of GCD in the younger group: “Finger theater based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip. Finger Theater "Turnip"



    Grandfather (circle an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom) Grandmother (circle your head from top to chin with your hands, as if you were putting on and tying the corners of a scarf under the chin) Granddaughter (draw a bow on the top of your head - finger game “Bow” (fold the fingers of both hands in a pinch and connect fingertips in a figure eight). thumb stretch out, connect the pads - this is the “muzzle” of the dog. Raise your index finger and little finger up - these are the “ears”). Cat (finger game “Cat”: connect the middle and ring fingers with the thumb so that you get a ring - this is the cat’s “face”. Raise your index finger and little finger - this is how the cat’s “ears” stick out). Mouse (finger game “Mouse”: stretch the thumb, middle and ring fingers forward and connect - you get a sharp “muzzle” of a mouse. Bend the index and little fingers and press them to the middle and ring fingers - these are “ears”).


Turnip (with both hands, from top to bottom, “draw” a circle in the air with the tip pointed downwards).

Grandfather planted a turnip in the garden

(knock index finger right hand on the palm of the left)

And in the fall I decided to dig

The turnip has grown big

Like this - like this

(circle hands big circle in the air)

Then my grandfather called my grandmother

But grandma couldn’t either

Then my granddaughter came running

She promised to help pull out the turnip

Zhuchka - a dog, with a cat Murka

They also wanted to help my grandfather

But they couldn’t pull out the turnip

(shake head from side to side)

Little gray mouse

Such a coward

(cross your arms over your chest and move your fingers over your hands as if you want to warm up)

Helped my grandfather

And I was able to pull out a turnip

Who gets to work together

(palms joined, rounded)

That's how everything works out!

(fold your right hand into a fist, raise your thumb up)

Finger game – fairy tale “Kolobok”



    Grandfather (circle an imaginary beard with both hands from top to bottom) Grandma (circle your head from top to chin with your hands, as if you were putting on and tying the corners of a scarf under the chin) Kolobok (finger game “Ball”: connect the tips of your fingers so as to form a “ball”. The fingers should be slightly bent. Hare (finger game “Hare”: clench your hand into a fist, and raise your index and middle fingers. Move them - these are “bunny ears.” Fox (finger game “Fox”: join your palms like this. To thumbs turned out to be raised up and slightly apart. These are fox “ears”; bend your index fingers and little fingers; this will be the fox “muzzle”). Wolf (finger game “Wolf”: bring your palms together so that your thumbs are raised up and slightly apart. These are the wolf’s “ears”. Bend your index fingers - this is the wolf’s “forehead”. The remaining fingers are the “muzzle”). Bear (finger game “Bear”: rest all your fingers, except the middle one, on the table - these are the “legs” of the bear). Bend your middle finger and lift it - you get a bear “head”.

Grandmother and grandfather lived together

They decided to make a bun

They swept the barn

(with both hands pretend to sweep with a broom)

They scraped the bottom of the barrel

(scrape the table with both hands)

The result is a bun

That's how ruddy the side is

Rolled out of the door

(rotate with hands)

And no one could catch up

He rolled through the forest

(keep rotating your arms)

And the hare found himself

The hare wanted to eat him

But I decided to listen to the song

Nearby lived a gray wolf

With teeth like these

(join your palms at the base and tap with your fingers spread out as if with “teeth”)

He wanted to eat the bun

But I couldn’t catch up

The bear is big and shaggy

In the forest I sucked my paw

And the bun rolled by

(rotate with hands)

I took it and stopped

I sang a song to the bear

(put your hand to your ear as if you want to listen)

And he came to the fox in time

And the fox was cunning

She deceived Kolobok

He decided to sing her a song

And jumped on the fox's nose

(touch nose)

And the fox raised his nose

And she swallowed the bun

(open your mouth wide and then close your mouth)

Our fairy tale has come to an end

And who listened, well done!

(pat yourself on the head).

Performance script: " Finger Theater Turnip."

Target: Development of children's speech through oral folk art.


1. To form cognitive activity, introducing children to the national culture;

2. Continue getting acquainted with folklore works;

3. Develop fine motor skills fingers using finger theater;


Finger theater from a fairy tale« turnip» ; soft toy dog, tabletop theater based on a fairy tale« turnip» .

Preliminary work:

1. Reading a nursery rhyme about a dog “Eat, doggy!”

2. Learning the game "A dog came to us";

3. Examination of toys and illustrations based on the fairy tale « turnip» .

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher meets the children, greets them, says how smart they all are today, everyone’s eyes are sparkling.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Yes we love (children's answer).

I see your eyes sparkle!

And I want to invite you to take a trip to a fairy tale, on a fairy train.

Well, let's get comfortable and start the engine.

Let's go puff - puff - puff.

Carriages, trailers

They rumble along the rails

They are transporting, transporting trailers

In a fairy tale guys.

Here we are, guys, in a fairy tale.

Oh, guys, something happened here, it’s so quiet, where did everyone go?

No one in sight?

No, the children answer.

You know, kids, you and I are now going to look for our fairy tale.

One two three four five,

Let's look for a fairy tale!

Who knows what fairy tale these characters are from?

Children call fairy tales.

And who else is missing, what fairy tale heroes have we not found?

Yes, of course, grandparents.

Where are they?

Yes, they are our grandparents.

Where is their granddaughter?

And here she is, granddaughter.

And now we can tell you what kind of fairy tale this is?

That's right « turnip» .

And where is turnip?

Guys, look at this turnip the dog Bug hid it and doesn’t want to give it to us.

Do you know why?

She wants us to play with her.

The teacher comes up and takes the dog while reading nursery rhyme:

Eat, doggy: am, am!

I'll give the dog some porridge.

The dog is eating in a bowl,

And my daughter - from a spoon.

The teacher turns to dog:

“Bug, sit in a circle, and we’ll play with you.”

The game is being played "A dog came to us",

A dog came to us

Smart dog.

Plays with the children

Barks very loudly:

Woof woof woof!"

Educator:- How does the dog bark?

Children:- Woof woof woof!

Educator:- The dog is kind. She loves to play with the guys. Do you want to play with her?

Children: -Yes!

The teacher puts the dog on the opposite side, speaks:

Let's go up to the dog and pet it.

The children and their teachers go to the dog and pet it. Dog "barks and runs" for the children. The children run to their chairs.

Educator: - The dog didn’t catch up with anyone! Children run fast. Now you will catch up with the dog.

The teacher imitates a dog running, the children catch up with it and stroke it.

The game is repeated 2 times.

Then the teacher says:

Children, who came running to play with you today?

Children: -Dog.

Educator: - You liked playing with the dog, and the dog likes playing with you. Well done, everyone tried their best, ran fast, played merrily, and the dog Zhuchka I gave away the turnip.

But ours are sad for some reason fairy-tale heroes, What's happened?

What? Yes, they want us to show a fairy tale about them, shall we?

Quiet, quiet kids

You listen about turnip

The tale may be small, but about important matters,

Starts off right:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat - Murka,

And in the basement there is a little mouse, Next to my grandfather’s vegetable garden, The fairy tale will go on...

Children and their teacher show a fairy tale ( finger theater« turnip» ).

At the end of the tale, the whistle of the locomotive is heard.

Teacher - well, guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. And so that our heroes don’t get bored, we’ll take them with us. We all sit down in the trailers and hit the road. Here comes the locomotive, taking the children to kindergarten. Tu-tu-tu.

turnip- a short fairy tale for children with a huge amount repetitions Shows that together, as a family, it is always easier to do things than alone. Introducing children to theatrical activities contribute to the child’s exploration of the world human feelings and communication skills, developing the ability to empathize. Thanks to theater a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude for good and evil.

Publications on the topic:

"Turnip" Musical piece based on the Russian song of the same name folk tale“Turnip” for children 4-5 years old Author Shelest S.V. - director of the theater.

"Finger theater made of felt" My group of children really likes to play and show theater, both girls and boys. Present in the group.

Dear colleagues! Let me introduce you to my “Book of Fairy Tales”! One of my hobbies is felt toys. In my opinion.

Finger puppet theater is a fun educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination and strengthens fine motor skills.

Finger theater is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. These could just be individual pupae, animals,...

Tatyana Lybina

Fairy tale turnip carries enormous development potential! Except finger and tabletop theater You can play the fairy tale with flat Velcro toys. They can be made of paper or, like mine, felt.

In addition to the repeating plot, which wonderfully develops memory, attention, speech, what else does a fairy tale teach? Turnip ""?

Ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) ,

Adjectives denoting size (large, small, larger, smaller,

We develop spatial representations (right, left, in front, behind, etc.) ,

You can build a lot of activities based on its plot!

The fairy tale characters are made of felt, on back side Velcro. Can be played on carpet, carpet or any surface (who chicks Velcro) and just on the table.

All heroes are made of felt:turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. All characters are positioned sideways with arms and paws outstretched.

Thanks to this arrangement of the heroes, it is convenient to place them closer to each other. And one gets the impression that the characters are holding each other’s hands.


Grandfather planted turnip and says:

Grow, grow, turnip, sweetie!

Grow, grow, turnip, strong!

Grew turnip is sweet, strong,

big - very big.

Grandfather went pick a turnip: pulls, pulls,

can't pull it out.

A mouse for a cat

Cat for a bug

A bug for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter for grandmother,

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather for turnip

Pulls - pulls and pulled out turnip.

I don’t stop there and continue to work in this direction.

Thank you for watching.

Publications on the topic:

“Finger theater in origami style” Origami is an art that attracts both adults and children; it has long crossed the borders of its homeland.

Finger Theater. Jr preschool age is very important for the development of children, and of course the main activity is play. My children.

Leading children's activities early age is a game. From the first days in kindergarten me with lullabies, nursery rhymes and jokes.

Parents have been thinking about choosing toys since birth. IN modern world a huge number of countries and companies that produce them. What.

Children not only love fairy tales, for them fairy tales are a world in which magic lives. Finger Theater is unique opportunity arrange.

Presentation "Finger Theater "Kolobok" I work as a teacher with children younger age. Of course we love fairy tales. This school year my topic for self-education has become.

As you know, children really like to watch and act out fairy tales, stories, and various plots themselves. Summer is beautiful time for dolls.

Finger Theater "Repka" - cheerful and useful way introduce two to three year old children to this Russian folk tale. And the “artists” of this theater - finger puppets - can easily be made with your own hands from felt. The first acquaintance with both the fairy tale and puppet theater on your fingers you can do it, for example, like this:

You begin to tell the fairy tale “Grandfather Planted a Turnip” (we put a Grandfather doll on the little finger). “The turnip has grown big and big!” (we take the turnip in our hand and hold it near Grandfather). “Grandfather began to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out!” (a child’s hand with outstretched fingers moves like a pendulum, either towards the turnip or away from the turnip). “Grandfather called Grandfather” (we put Grandma’s doll on the baby’s finger). “Grandma for Dedka, Dedka for the turnip.” (lightly hit the character you are calling with your index finger). “They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!” (again we make a pendulum movement, “pull out” the turnip). So, we gradually add characters from the fairy tale. When all the fingers on one hand are occupied by the artist dolls, we put them on the other hand. After this, we “pull” the turnip with two handles - the pendulum movement is coordinated by both hands at the same time. At the end of the fairy tale, when “They pulled out a turnip!” lightly push the child’s arms, simulating the “blow” of a pulled out turnip. And then you can “feed” all the dolls-artists with the vegetable taken from battle.

Now we’ll tell you how to make actors for the turnip finger theater.

You'll need:

  • Felt in various colors
  • Threads are black and match the color of felt, you can use floss in 2 folds
  • Black beads for eyes
  • Black beads for noses
  • Needle, scissors, stapler

Master class on making finger puppets with your own hands from felt.

Granddaughter Mashenka.

Draw your own template or print a ready-made one. Size finger puppet given for a child, it is also suitable for a mother’s finger.

Cut out the template and pin it onto the fabric using a stapler. Cut out the felt according to the pattern.

For the head, cut out one piece from felt flesh-colored, the second - from hair color. We cut out 2 parts of the dress and arms, one bang.

Sew together the two parts of the base. We overlap two pieces of felt and sew them together.

Embroidering Mashenka's face

We make the eyes from beads. We embroider the nose with pink satin thread, and the mouth with a stem stitch.

We sew the two parts of the base together with a buttonhole stitch, placing handles between them. Place the bangs on top of the front side.

We cut the bangs - we get hair.

Mashenka is ready.

The base consists of two parts: the head and the shirt. It is better to embroider the nose using satin stitch, but you can also sew on a pink bead. For the beard, we sew a bunch of white floss threads with a needle just below the nose, trim it, and straighten it. The eyebrows are done, but you can just make a few straight stitches.

The base consists of two parts: a scarf and a dress. After sewing the base, we sew the face of the headstock to one of the sides of the base, placing the ends of the scarf under the face. We embroider the nose with satin stitch, the mouth and eyebrows with straight stitches.

We sew the overlay onto the muzzle when we make the antennae. The nose is a bead.

It’s better to make a black cat right away, since many Russian folk tales involve a black cat. We sew the paws from the bottom using black threads to create claws.

Health-saving technologies used in the context of the work done.

Physical education lesson “Turnip”

Here we planted a turnip (bend over)
And they poured water on her (imitates movements)
Now let’s pull it (imitates movements)
And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitates the movement)
And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show strength)

Physical education lesson “In the vegetable garden – Turnip”:

We'll go to the garden. Children walk in a circle and pretend

Let's pick up some vegetables. how they will pick vegetables.

In our garden

There is no more beautiful turnip than ours! Stroke your face with your hands

Round side, Side turns

Yellow side Bends to the sides

Gingerbread Man sits on the garden bed Children squat

He is rooted firmly into the ground

Let's pull it kids! Forward bends

Pull - pull

So they pulled out the turnip! Hands up

And she is juicy, round, big, Hands to the sides

In a word, it was a success -

It lit up like a yellow sun! Children close their eyes and squint

Hands are raised up.

Outdoor game "Turnip - turnip".

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words:


Grow, grow strong.

Neither small nor large, (they lower their hands down, raise them up)

To the mouse's tail. (spread arms to the sides)

Yes! (clap)

The children clap their hands, and the turnip dances.

Finger game “We will cook compote”

We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruit. Here. ( left palm hold with a ladle

Use the index finger of your right hand to “stir” the compote)

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand. (bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We cook, we cook compote.

Let's treat honest people. (hold your left palm like a ladle, use the index finger of your right hand to stir the compote)

Physical education lesson “How glad we are!...”:

Guys, do you think that grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, Bug and mouse were happy about the turnip? (children's answers)

This is how they rejoiced:

Physical minute

We're kicking, stomping,

We clap-clap our hands,

And then jump

And one more time.

And then squat down,

And then squat down,

And again - in order.

And let's clap our hands

One two Three!

And we'll shake our heads

One two Three!

Everyone dance with us

One two Three!

Physical education lesson “We love to play sports!”

We love to play sports. (hands in front of chest, jerks with arms.)

We will try very hard.

Throwing and receiving the ball (simulate throwing the ball)

Throw it accurately into the distance.

Dexterously jump rope (jumping in place)

I don't feel sorry for my feet at all.

Squat and stand up again (children squat and stand up.)

Raise your hands quickly. (raise their hands up).

Lean right, left. (tilts to the right, left)

Finger game “How we planted a turnip”:

The sun came out.

Sunshine, shine, shine!

Seed, grow - grow!

Leaves appear

Flowers are blooming.

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