Calculate biological rhythms online. Biorhythms: calculation for every day

The changes that occur in our lives and consist of certain cycles are reflected in each of us in one way or another. They imprint their expression both on a person’s appearance and on his inner thinking and subconscious. The successful or not entirely successful completion of any task is determined by the balance of ebbs and flows in our internal energy. This kind of balancing can be measured by the cyclical nature of current biorhythms. It turns out that even initially they are formed human biorhythms by date of birth. Their starting points are located in our brain and heart muscle.

We will try to reveal in more detail what these strange indicators are and how they affect us in this review.

What affects biorhythms

Scientists have proven the influence of certain factors on them. They can be from the social sphere or natural. Scientists have known for a long time about the cyclical nature of processes occurring in the human body. We will try to talk about this phenomenon in an accessible form. What are biorhythms and how can they be measured.

Physiological human biorhythm

This factor characterizes the general physical condition of a person. It defines the following main indicators:

  • the total amount of internal energy of people;
  • efficiency, stamina, tirelessness, strength, ability to survive in extreme conditions, etc.;
  • the ability to restore the activity of the whole organism as a whole;
  • pride, activity, resourcefulness;
  • efficiency of metabolic processes.

How do biorhythms affect athletes?

For athletes, determining this indicator is quite important. They are exposed to constant physical activity, which is part of their daily work.

If you identify the periods that are most favorable or unfavorable, you can:

  • regulate the intensity of training;
  • less chance of getting various types of injuries,
  • the athlete makes the most of his inner potential.

What is spiritual (emotional) biorhythm

This indicator assesses the general state of a person in terms of emotional perception of the world.

He is prescribed the following main directions:

  • sensuality, vulnerability, the ability to empathize with other people;
  • the main manifested emotional impulses;
  • general mood and attitude to the surrounding reality;
  • knowledge based on intuition;
  • abilities for creative activity.

How to determine a person’s biorhythms by date of birth

Human biorhythms by date of birth are very important for the female half of the population, for those whose work involves constant communication, and for people associated with creativity. It is important to determine its impact on relationships in the family and between two lovers. The ability to balance the processes occurring in our soul has a very positive effect on communication with others.

Highly intelligent biorhythm

With its help, the mental characteristics of people are determined. Depending on how the sinusoid of a given biorhythm is located, the following appears:

  • the ability to reason, think, think through logical chains;
  • determine the relationships between processes;
  • prudence and foresight;
  • the ability to carry out rational actions.

You might be wondering if there is a dependency named:

Each change in the cycle of intellectual biorhythm is most clearly felt by representatives of professions associated with intellectual work.

These include:

  • teachers,
  • journalists,
  • writers and others.

Experts studying this area believe that the balance of this indicator directly affects the activity of the thyroid gland. In addition, cyclical changes in biorhythm play a role in increasing (decreasing) labor productivity.

How to calculate human biorhythms by the clock

External conditions play an important role in changing the cyclicity of the corresponding processes. Balancing biorhythms shows how productive a person is in a certain period of the day.

In addition, the calculation must be carried out based on the time of the time zone where he lives.

Time Description of biorhythm cycles
4:00 The body begins to prepare for the rise
5:00 Body temperature rises, hormones for vigorous activity begin to be released
6:00 The amount of cortisol in the blood increases
7:00-9:00 Full readiness of internal organs for rising, exercise and eating
9:00 Maximum performance indicator, short-term memory works confidently
9:00-10:00 Time to act, the brain functions confidently
9:00-11:00 The body is able to optimally perceive the effects of medications, immunity increases
Until 11:00 The most intense period of activity of all organs
12:00 It is necessary to reduce physical activity, the performance of the brain hemispheres decreases
13:00 Ready to eat
13:00-15:00 Need a short rest to recuperate
After 14:00 Sensitivity to pain is reduced
15:00 The beginning of long-term memory
16:00 A second wind opens, the ability to work increases
15:00-18:00 The optimal period for sports activities
16:00-19:00 Increased intellectual abilities
19:00 Ready to eat
After 19:00 Increased response to external stimuli
After 20:00 Stabilization of the general mental state, walks in the air are effective
After 21:00 Increased immunity, readiness for sleep
22:00 The optimal reasonable time to sleep

Dependence of biorhythms on time zones

Over time, the internal biorhythms of each of us adapt to the time zone in which we are located. In this case, the functioning of all organs occurs strictly according to the clock. Therefore, it is very important to understand your inner need in order to make the most effective use of your strength in all areas of activity.

How to reschedule a flight easily

When moving to another hourly dimension, for example, during a flight, a certain period needs to pass and our organs adapt to the environment.

  • Most often, it takes about a day for each hour, but not less than three days.
  • Researchers have found that moving from east to west is easier for all people than from west to east. This happens due to the great influence of the processes occurring in our body.
  • This means that adjusting to a different hour measurement is more difficult, especially with a difference of seven or more hours.
  • It is important to be able to study human biorhythms by date of birth in order to apply your knowledge for practical purposes.

Biorhythms online calculation, magic or yourself

In the modern world of developed information technologies, a great variety of special programs are freely available to help identify the performance of the human body at a given time.

Such indicators will tell us at what period of the day we are alert and active, and when our strength leaves us and we need rest and peace.

  • The programs assume that you will not even think about the factors and prerequisites that should be taken into account when calculating. All you have to do is enter the data of the person being analyzed, and you will be presented with a graphic image with recommendations and advice. But these are all software tools.
  • You can and should calculate your biorhythms yourself simply based on your date of birth and the readings in the tables below.

Good for fatties:

Human biorhythms by date of birth for a month

Take into account such an important point as the seasonal influence on our well-being.

  • The longer the daylight hours, the more active and active we are.
  • Please note that in those regions where the winter is long and protracted, a person most often falls into a state of apathy and prolonged depression.
  • How to determine biorhythm compatibility
  • When you are making plans to marry your loved one, it is very important to first calculate and compare your general biorhythms.
  • The most ideal option for a successful union would be one where one’s biorhythms are on the rise, while the other’s are declining.

In this case, the energy of both partners will not be in constant stagnation, which will eliminate quarrels and all sorts of misunderstandings in the relationship.

Learn more about the psychology of compatibility:

If you compare and analyze biorhythms by date of birth online with decoding of several people, you can sometimes identify inconsistencies in characters and thereby a lack of mutual understanding.

Due to the fact that they are strictly individual for everyone, therefore, only those who are compatible in all respects will create the need for constant communication and feeding with positive emotions.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine them visually. For this purpose, special online programs have been created, with the help of which you can easily find the value you need.

Biorhythm compatibility

The compatibility of two people is divided into several types.

The most common groups are presented in the table.

Compatibility name Description
  • Lowest level of compatibility.
  • In rare cases, harmonious relationships in bed can lead to the creation of a stable and strong union.
Based on common interests
  • In this case, partners are connected not only by sexual affection.
  • A woman and a man living together experience comfort, coziness and a sense of a stable state of affairs.
  • In such a union, both partners feed on each other’s positive emotions.
  • This allows them to prevent routine and dullness in their joint relationship.
  • Such communication can be quite long-term and harmoniously developing.
  • But, in the end, they still want sensual nourishment, which they do not have.
  • People always solve all the troubles and troubles that arise through joint efforts.
  • Such marriages are created when both have the ability to see everything beautiful in the surrounding everyday life.
  • We can talk about a long-term and strong alliance.
  • Even if fate decrees that they separate, friendly relations remain for many years.

The influence of biorhythms on human life

Any of us would like to know what type of compatibility our relationship with our chosen one can be classified as. It is not possible to do this on your own, so you should use a special formula.

Calculation of biorhythms based on your date of birth

  • Anyone can find out a person’s biorhythms by date of birth in a matter of seconds or determine compatibility with nearby people.
  • It is only important to follow the correct sequence of this calculation. You need to carefully read the proposed formula.
  • At first, it would be better if you try to calculate the indicators for yourself, analyze the result, and then you can move on to identifying compatibility.

How to calculate correctly

We present to your attention the formula itself:

B = (sin (2pi*t/P))*100%

Instead of literal values, you need to substitute the appropriate parameter:

Pi = 3.14 (i.e. the number π itself),

T – the number of days that have passed from the date of your birth to the current period,

P = (23,28,33) (i.e. the biorhythm phase itself).

Example of calculating exact data

You can try to calculate biorhythms and their influence on the life of a certain fictional character.

  • For example, it could be Vitaly Nikolaevich Razumov.
  • His date of birth is May 25, 1985 (age 33).
  • Let today's date be May 31, 2018.

To correctly find out the number of days between two dates, take a regular calculator. With its help you can easily determine the difference. Now insert all the numbers into the above formula, rounding the values ​​to hundredths.

Proceed carefully, carefully adding and subtracting all values. There should be no mistakes in your actions; they should be completely eliminated.

How to determine your biological activity clock

Experts have found that the average person stays in this real world for about ninety years. Various studies are conducted every day aimed at changing these statistics and increasing the age segment. But many of us have noticed that some at 70 years old feel young and energetic, while others at 25 are already tired of life and are in a state of apathy.

Individual biological clocks play an important role in this state of affairs. Moreover, which is typical, their meaning in many cases does not coincide with the earthly schedule.

How to stay energetic

Do you think that it is impossible to prolong the youthful state of your body and strengthen the condition of your internal organs on your own? But that's not true. It will be enough to learn to calculate a person’s biorhythms by date of birth in order to navigate the most optimal time of increased working capacity and the need for rest.

It will be enough just to follow the following rules:

  1. Become a self-confident person who strives for harmonious development in all respects and senses. In this case, you will not only adjust your biological clock in accordance with the requirements of your body, but also eliminate the likelihood of many ailments.
  2. Always manage your time wisely so that you have time to rest.
  3. Unfavorable factors such as stress, depression or constant fatigue cause a negative reaction in your internal clock. Under the influence of such conditions, they begin to walk a little faster. It is in your hands to postpone the time of sudden death and set yourself up for positive emotions if you learn to relax.
  4. Pay attention to your inner world, with which you should live in harmony, then your body will learn to use hidden reserves if necessary.
  5. Learn to live according to a set daily routine. Compose it for yourself and clearly monitor the implementation of each point.
  6. Eating should be done at a strictly defined time, just like going to bed or getting up. All your internal organs will soon learn to work in this mode with a clearly established sequence.

Biorhythms and diet

So that a person can independently determine his biological internal clock, we can recommend an appropriate exercise. It should be done in the evening, while in bed.

How to prolong youth

  • Closing your eyes, stretch your back and try, with the help of your consciousness, to see your body completely, in all corners.
  • Your state should be relaxed, feel the warmth inside, give overstrained muscles a little rest, breathing evenly and not too deeply.
  • Do it daily, and soon you will be able to feel each of your organs and determine what biorhythms each of them follows.

So, why is the calculation of biorhythms on In-contri more accurate, or coincides with other reliable sources? Because the calculation uses all 7 biorhythms corresponding to the 7 chakras, and the values ​​are refined to 4-6 decimal places. These clarifications do not have such a noticeable effect on daily analysis, but if you are calculating compatibility between people whose ages differ by 3, 5 or even 10 years, then the exact periods play a significant role in the result. Here are the calculation periods that are used on In-contri:

Physical - 23.6884 days - corresponds to the lower Muladhara chakra

Emotional - 28.426125 days - second chakra of Svadhistan

Intellectual - 33.163812 days - third chakra of Manipura

Heart - 37.901499 days - fourth chakra Anahata

Creative - 42.6392 days - fifth chakra Vishuddha

Intuitive - 47.3769 days - sixth chakra Ajna

Highest chakra - 52.1146 days - seventh chakra Sahasrara

There is an immediate difference from all other approaches: we will not have values ​​​​from -1 to 1, which the biorhythm sinusoid takes. All values ​​will be positive. Only our scale is from 0% to 100%. Later you will also understand why this is so.

For those who want to know now: from experience, we will say that it is psychologically difficult to constantly see “cons” in your schedule. Some even became depressed because of this. Therefore, to maintain sanity, it is better to let everything be in percentages.

We just ask you not to be too fanatical when studying the result of calculating your biorhythms. The fact is that I had to deal with people who “calculated” their every step according to their biorhythms so much that it was not they who began to use this truly useful tool, but he who started using them. Although this is not the purpose of biorhythms at all. If you use them wisely, as, by the way, even some professional athletes do, calculating their physical biorhythm, then you can get good results and avoid obvious mistakes in actions.

A Brief History of Biorhythm Research

The history of the appearance of biorhythms does not contain anything mystical. Three medical scientists independently observed rhythms of activity in certain areas (physical, emotional and intellectual) in their patients, recorded them, compared them with each other, with the date of birth of each patient, and analytically arrived at... different periods. Actually, it was on these differing data that the first programs on biorhythms were built in the 70-80s, and a real boom in passion for this not at all trivial theory began. The situation is similar to that in astrology: there were a lot of charlatans and “online calculators”, everyone’s results were different, and there was no understanding of how it works. Perhaps the most offensive thing is that at the dawn of the twentieth century, it was our compatriots who were the pioneers in the study of biorhythms, and many years later, already at the end of the century in our country after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the influx of magician-astrologers in the fifth generation, the topic of biorhythms was just as trampled into the mud as professional astrology. One of the last nails in the coffin of biorhythms in RuNet was the well-known program “Biorhythms Online” with a yellow smiley icon. The massive popularity of its first erroneous version did its job: people entered their dates of birth, the dates of birth of their partners, received awkward results and abandoned this topic because it simply did not work. On that moment.

However, in the West, this fascinating theory, which once began from mere hypotheses and approximate experimental results, has found a second life. In particular, they have long since drawn a parallel between biorhythms and chakras and derived a formula for biorhythms through the number Pi, thanks to which everything fell into place. There are no more disputes about what to call this or that rhythm, when everything is already known about the 7 chakras, there are no longer periods of 28 or 27 days, but there are exact period values ​​that are used in all calculations on the In-contri website.

Disputes over periods of biorhythms now resemble disputes about the lunar cycle, which is not 27 or 28 days, as they even write in some books, but 27.32166 days.

Therefore, friends, anticipating your questions in the spirit of “why is it so here and so there,” we answer: where the results are the same, the periods are correct, and where the results are different, the periods are not correct. The most interesting thing is that in the second version of the popular calculator “Biorhythms Online 2.0” 10 years ago there was an attempt to rehabilitate itself for the first version - they still included updated periods. It's a shame that this didn't save the program.

There are several options for biorhythmic programs:

- seven-year life cycles, while each cell of the human body is completely renewed in seven years, that is, after seven years, each atom of the human body is replaced by another atom. You could say that every seven years each of us turns into a completely different person. The life graph by date of birth clearly shows in which years you can move mountains, and when you need to reduce your life activity.

- medium-term cycles that take place every month. For women, a clear example is the monthly reproductive cycle.

- short-term (daily) cycles. These are cycles of digestion and sleep, requiring daily work of the nervous, hormonal and other systems distributed over time.

Why count them?

If you know the formula by which you can calculate the beginning of a cycle, its end, its minimum and maximum points, then conscious interaction with your resources will expand your capabilities:

  1. Like horoscopes, calculating biorhythms allows you to think about planning your life for the near future or longer term. All major projects in life need to be planned, and then short-term ones must be drawn up using long-term plans.
  2. The ability to decipher the meaning of biorhythms will allow you to become as focused and productive as possible on days when the biorhythmic schedule is favorable, to seize all the opportunities presented to you without fear of not being able to cope and not being on time.
  3. If the day is “at zero”, a clear awareness of this will allow you to help yourself in time: redistribute your time, leaving only urgent matters, take a walk, meditate, opening the chakras, switch to activities that charge you with energy.

When drawing up a schedule, three types of biorhythms are superimposed on the calendar: physical, emotional and intellectual. Each has its own duration (23 days, 28 and 33 days, respectively) and two phases. In the first phase, the resources of physical strength, emotionality and intelligence grow, reach a peak in the middle of the cycle, then begin to decrease and pass the lowest point of minimum resource activity.

There is a version that each resource is associated with the activity of its own part of the human hormonal system:

- physical strength is associated with the activity of the adrenal glands, adrenaline. The state of this resource needs to be monitored when planning your physical activity and sporting events. Attentive attention to physical health is especially important for people who already have diseases: in this case, the lack of stress on the body leads to faster failure. And at the same time, there is a danger of overloading yourself on days when you should rest. This is where it’s worth doing the math, but it’s easier to calculate your personal training schedule online, taking into account the phase of the cycle.

— the resource of emotional intelligence is linked to sex hormones.

But the influence of hormones is not limited to relationships with the opposite sex, family and sexual spheres, emotionality affects a person’s integration into society, it is the ability to read the reactions of other people, understand their real hierarchy and relationships, and correctly build one’s own relationships in a team and in life.

— intelligence is regulated by the thyroid gland. The resource of intelligence is the ability to think logically, to move from the level of problems to the level of generalizations, conclusions and abstract solutions; it depends on the state of neural connections in the brain. Neural chains are developed throughout life, and the processes of remembering and forgetting are associated with them. Their functioning will also be different on different days.

How to use the calculation results?

In order to create a personal biorhythm chart, just enter your date of birth online into the free service.

— the physical state in the positive phase is characterized by good sleep, appetite, clear coordination of muscles and brain, and consistently good health. In the negative phase, all reactions and metabolism slow down, and chronic diseases worsen. In peak phases, there is risk both at the high peak and at the bottom of the chart. At the peak of well-being, oddly enough, the risks are also high, because a person slightly overestimates his physical capabilities, being under the influence of increased adrenaline. There is a risk of not maintaining your balance and slipping, or getting into an accident due to dangerous driving.

— the emotional state in the growth phase means enthusiasm, pleasure, emotional involvement in the processes occurring in your life. At the peak, which lasts up to two days, a person is prone to emotional swings (spontaneous purchases, rash actions). Understanding that this is just a period and you just need to endure it can save you from stupid things (for example, calling your ex, or an extra piece of cake). In the fading phase there will be emotional detachment, isolation, possibly with elements of depression at the bottom point.

— intellectual state is assessed according to the criteria of attention, perception, thinking and memory. As the graph rises, these indicators improve, and after the peak passes, it becomes more difficult to concentrate, perception (visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile) becomes dull, thinking loses speed, memorization and recall worsen.

Biorhythm calculation services

  1. Calculator as a percentage of each parameter today with a brief interpretation of the result:
  2. A service that online calculates biorhythms for one person or for partners, there is a calculation of partner compatibility:
  3. A graph with an additional negative scale (intuitive and more visual than a scale from zero up): There is also a calculation of critical days for the year ahead.

A conscious attitude towards your life, planning, helping your body, mind and taking into account your emotional needs is the only way to be a truly happy person. The biorhythm chart is a good helper in this matter.

"Common sense would have prevented many divorces...
like many marriages."
from the laws Murphy's law

Select the year, month and day of your birth:

* Select the year, month and day of your birth

Your date of birth:

Select a year to find your perfect compatibility:

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Enter dates of birth:

*Enter your dates of birth

*Enter at least 2 dates of birth

Date of birth 1:

Date of birth 2:

Date of birth 3:

Date of birth 4:

Date of birth 5:

Date of birth 6:

Date of birth 7:

Prince Charles was born on November 14, 1948, and Princess Diana on July 1, 1961. Compatibility of smart rhythms - 85%
emotional rhythms - 70%
physical rhythms - 17%
The average percentage is 57.

Analysis. A beautiful tale of love with a tragic outcome. Unfortunately, many seemingly successful marriages (or love relationships) end in car accidents. High compatibility of intellectual and emotional rhythms can overwhelm partners with a sea of ​​feelings, intoxicate them and lift them to unprecedented heights. But sooner or later the holiday ends, and a hangover called “sex” sets in. With this compatibility of physical rhythms, there is no need to talk about harmonious sexual relationships. Sooner or later, there are partners (old and not so old) who open up new, brighter facets of intimate relationships...

And Byron is right when he notices gloomily,
What the world owes, like a gift,
Because there is no time for Laura
She did not marry Petrarch.
I. Guberman

Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, and Hillary was born on October 26, 1948.
Intelligent - 99%
Emotional - 8%
Physical - 30%

Analysis. Marriage of convenience. This is what he is holding on to. There is no need to talk about feelings. Problems of a sexual nature. In such a marriage, the woman especially suffers. But without his wife, Clinton would hardly have become president. And it will be lost without her. This family will survive on calculations. It is interesting to check the compatibility of the former president with Monica Lewinsky, born July 23, 1973:
Intellectual - 22%
Emotional - 50%
Physical - 98%

This compatibility is only suitable for sexual relations: you can achieve the highest pleasure. A good addition to my wife. If the compatibility of emotional rhythms was greater, it is unlikely that Lewinsky would talk about her relationship: she would silently love, suffer and look for a meeting.

It is very interesting to consider love triangles from the point of view of biorhythm compatibility. This is my favorite topic. As a rule, biorhythms very well show problem areas in human relationships. In my life, I have only twice encountered people who had good biorhythm compatibility with both their spouse and lover.

  • Alla Pugacheva born April 15, 1949. Compatibility with Vladimir Kuzmin (May 31, 1955):
    intellectual rhythms - 92%,
    emotional – 80%,
    physical – 29%.
    There is a similar situation with Philip Kirkorov (April 30, 1967):
    intellectual – 92%,
    emotional – 99%,
    physical – 0% (zero).
    Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976:
    intellectual – 69%,
    emotional – 16%,
    physical – 71%.
    No comments.
  • Madonna(August 16, 1958) with her first husband Sean Penn (August 17, 1960) had the following compatibility:
    intellectual – 85%,
    emotional – 88%,
    physical – 43%.
    This couple lacked sexual harmony. I can’t say that it’s completely, but I’ve never been complete either. Their daughter Lourdes should be involved in sports, dancing or aerobics. With Guy Ritchie (September 10, 1968) the situation is more harmonious:
    intellectual – 96%,
    emotional – 57%,
    physical – 71%.
    Of course, compatibility can be higher, but common sense and mutual respect will allow this couple to live in harmony for decades.
  • Tom Cruise born July 2, 1962, Mimi Rogers - January 27, 1955:
    intellectual – 68%,
    emotional – 0.5%,
    physical – 17%.
    With Nicole Kidman (June 20, 1967):
    intellectual – 22%,
    emotional – 80%,
    physical – 8%.
    With Katie Holmes (December 18, 1978):
    intellectual – 85%,
    emotional – 25%,
    physical – 43%.
    “And the same rake greets me” V. Vishnevsky. Cruise will have to continue his search.
  • Demmy Moor(November 11, 1962) with Bruce Willis (March 19, 1955) apparently had a strong physical attraction:
    intellectual – 31%,
    emotional – 0.5%,
    physical – 100%.
    With Ashton Kutcher (February 7, 1978) compatibility is much better:
    intellectual – 99%,
    emotional – 68%,
    physical – 98%.
    So it would be right away! But Kutcher was still walking under the table back then.

You can find many more famous couples, but I don’t see the need for this. You have the opportunity to practice both calculations and analysis yourself. If you compare the results of different methods, there may be discrepancies with the Internet program. It included average coefficients for three biorhythms. But the error is only a few percent.

year 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 19 24 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197 3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199 8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 202 3 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Calculation date

day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 month January February March April May June July August September October November December year 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 19 60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200 9 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Human life, like everything in nature, is subject to the influence of cyclical changes. The success of a particular type of activity at each moment in time is determined by the balance of the inflow and outflow of its internal energy. This balance changes according to .

Physical biorhythm

Characterizes the amount of internal energy of the body, as well as indicators such as endurance, activity, reaction speed and others. Also, the physical biorhythm determines the body’s ability to recover, enterprise and ambition. Metabolic efficiency indicators depend on it.

An assessment of a person’s physical condition must necessarily include a study of this biorhythmic cycle. This is especially important for athletes, for whom heavy physical activity becomes an integral part of daily work. Determining favorable and unfavorable periods will make it possible to vary the intensity of training. In this way, a person can avoid injury and make the most of his internal resources.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm

This biorhythm determines your internal emotional state. A person’s sensitivity, his perception, as well as the entire range of feelings and emotions that accompany everyday life directly depend on the course of his cycle. Also, the mental biorhythm is responsible for creativity and intuitive knowledge. It is especially important to consider the emotional cycle for women and all people engaged in creative activities or those whose work involves communication.

The impact of mental biorhythm on family and love relationships is very clear. Since its cycle determines the tendency to empathy, vulnerability and touchiness, these factors can have a significant impact on the communication of two close people.

Intellectual biorhythm

This biorhythmic cycle characterizes a person’s mental abilities. The ability to think, draw logical conclusions, compare facts, and find connections depends on the position of the sinusoid of the intellectual biorhythm. In addition, this biorhythm is responsible for forethought and caution, determining the rationality of human actions. People in intellectual professions - teachers, writers, journalists, financiers, etc. - feel the changes in the cycle especially clearly.

There is a version according to which there is a relationship between intellectual biorhythm and the secretion of the thyroid gland. There is also data confirming the dependence of labor productivity on changes in the cycle of this biorhythm.

Do you want your friends to calculate their biorhythms too? Share the link with them:

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