An easy way to draw a rose. Learn to draw roses

You can give flowers not only in bouquets, but also in drawings. The most popular model for such images are beloved and unique roses. Although drawing a flower seems like a difficult task, it is largely a matter of technique. This means it’s time to practice the skills of creating an image of a beautiful rose on paper, using the recommendations of professional artists and simply lovers of fine art.

Tools and materials

Inspiration, patience and time are the main conditions that are necessary for both professional artists and simply lovers of this type of fine art. However, to create a beautiful drawing, you need to take into account several more important requirements regarding the necessary tools and materials.

Tricks to help a beginner

For inexperienced artists who are just practicing their skills in fine art, it is useful to follow the recommendations of experienced artists.

How to draw a rose

If there are perfections on earth, then roses can rightfully be considered one of them. And how else can one explain such incredible popularity of this plant.

This is interesting. Roses come from Persia (Iran). Rose is translated into Persian language as “gul”, which is derived from the second name of this state - Gulistan.

Petals can be directed towards each other, and not chaotically

To make the flower realistic, the lines must be soft and arched. It is better to draw such a rose with pencils: either simple or colored. This method of adding brightness will allow you to create the necessary volumes and shadows in the image. Moreover, coloring a flower is a necessary stage in creating a realistic picture.


  1. We make a sketch of the stem tilted to the right and show the oval of the future rose.

    Contour lines should be thin and smooth

  2. We draw the contours of the leaves, including the sepals.

    Usually four sepals are depicted

  3. We detail the veins on the leaves and draw a second line for the stem to make it thicker.

    Thicken the stem

  4. Let's move on to the image of small petals on a flower.
  5. We finish drawing the thorns on the stem.

    Adding thorns at the leaf locations

  6. We show the characteristic teeth on the leaves.

    Detailing the outlines of the leaves

  7. We are working on the tone of the rose.

    We start with tinting the sepals

  8. Using light strokes we tint the stem of the flower. If the drawing is planned in pencil, then take a hard-soft simple pencil. If in color, then use the desired shade.

    Make the spikes a little darker

  9. Using an eraser, we create gaps to give the drawing volume.

    Instead of an eraser, you can use a piece of blotting paper

  10. Shade the lines and make the color of the flower rich.

    Darkening the flower head

  11. Using an eraser, lightly rub the tone to give the flower a natural look.

    Rub the tint with an eraser to add naturalness to the picture.

This is interesting. To see the location of the shadows in the picture, you need to squint a little and look at the picture: the dark areas will be the location of the shadows.

Video: draw a rose in 7 minutes

Photo gallery: how to draw a rose in bud

Using a hard pencil, draw the outline of the rose. Add leaves and stem. Using a soft pencil, add shadows to the rose petals. Draw the upper petals. Draw leaves with a soft pencil. Detailing the stem.

Video: pay attention to the shadows, or draw a rosebud

How to draw a blooming flower

Roses can be recognized from thousands of other plants by their multi-layered flowers. So you should pay special attention to the process of drawing it. The simplest option would be to depict a flower using an auxiliary circle.


This is interesting. The ancient Romans considered the rose a symbol of silence, because if during a feast a white rose was hung over the guests, then everyone understood that what was said at the table was a secret. It is to this belief that we owe the expression Sub rosa dictum (“I said under the rose”).

Photo gallery: how to draw a rose with a pen

We draw an oval of the bud and the stem of the rose. Approximately in the center of the oval we make lines reminiscent of a spiral - future petals. From the spirals we draw the petals, paying attention to all the folds and bends. We refine the drawing by thickening the lines. We add shadows to create volume.

How to quickly and easily draw a bouquet of roses

It turns out that drawing a bouquet of roses is sometimes easier than choosing a live arrangement in a store. All it takes is 5 steps.


This is interesting. Roses have often become images of legends. One of the most beautiful myths is the story of the Greek goddess of beauty Aphrodite. When she learned of the death of her beloved Adonis, she went to the mountains of Cyprus to find his body. But the prickly thorns and sharp-angled stones wounded her legs until they bled, and from these droplets falling to the ground, red roses grew.

Drawing roses in a vase

The image of flowers in a vase only at first glance seems more complex than just a drawing of a stem with a flower. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to decide where to start: with roses or a vase. It will be easier for novice creators to first draw flowers and then choose the appropriate shape for the vase. In our case, it will be a bouquet of three roses in a round simple vase.


Video: master class on depicting a vase with roses

Drawing roses in watercolors

Watercolor is a great way to paint any flowers. These colors give the image a unique grace. Especially when it comes to such delicate flowers as roses.

This is interesting. The basic rule of painting with watercolors: you can apply a layer of paint only when the previous one has dried well. Therefore, working with these paints takes a lot of time.


  1. Making a sketch of flowers.
  2. Apply the first layer of paint to each petal separately.

    We sketch the flowers with a hard pencil so that the outlines can be easily erased or painted over

  3. We use pink and orange shades. To add brightness, add blue, cherry, and purple.

    For the stem and leaves we use a green palette and blue color

  4. After complete drying, we proceed to the background, which is created in the form of color spots. First, lightly wet the paper, then make strokes.

    Drawing the background in the form of spots allows you to create a blurred background

  5. Add shadows to the flower using yellow, blue and purple colors.

    Add shadows to the outer rose petals

  6. Let's add depth to the background by adding another layer of color.

    We enhance the brightness of the colors with another layer of watercolor

  7. We detail the roses by adding shadows and veins on the petals to some flowers.

    Veins on the leaves are one of the ways to make the image more naturalistic

We draw roses with gouache

Professional artists recommend covering the sheet with the contours with zinc white before painting the picture with gouache. They serve as a primer for subsequent paint application, and in addition, they allow you to avoid leaving unpainted areas on the finished image.

This is interesting. Zinc white is used to produce non-aqueous paint and varnish compounds. This white pigment has found application in all areas of artistic creativity to create a base for applying paint, as well as to obtain a light tone of color.


  1. Draw a pencil sketch of a flower.

    We start the gouache drawing with a pencil sketch of the contours of the flower

  2. Cover the sheet with zinc white.

    After applying white, there is no need to wipe off the pencil outlines at the end.

  3. We work on the background with wide multidirectional strokes, making them more saturated as they approach the flower.

    We start work by working out the background

  4. At the bottom of the picture we make a green background, which acts as a figurative representation of the leaves of the flower.

    The green background is a blurred image of leaves

  5. We look for darkened areas of the rose, apply darker paint to them.

    The flower is worked on from the center to the edges.

  6. We work on the medium-darkened parts of the flower with the same shade, but with the addition of white.

    To slightly lighten the tone of the paint, add white

  7. We slightly blur the boundaries of the transitions with water.

The most famous and sought after flower at all times is the rose. It is not surprising that there is often interest in how to draw a rose. After all, it is given as a gift for various holidays, depicted in illustrations on greeting cards, etc. This can be easily explained, because despite the sharp thorns, the rose has an incredibly pleasant smell and exquisite appearance. There are a large number of types and shapes of the petals of this flower, but today in my step-by-step lesson, we will learn to draw a standard rose. Regardless of the fact that the drawing is depicted with a simple pencil, the appearance of a beautiful flower does not lose its power.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First of all, we create a shape for the future flower, namely, we draw a circle:

Photo 2. Let's draw another shape in the middle of the circle. In its shape it will resemble a grain:

Photo 3. We begin to draw the middle of the rose. In the center, the petals fit very tightly to each other, so let’s outline their peeking tips:

Photo 4. On the right we add a petal. Its upper part will have a sharp end. Don't forget this considering all the petals. Please note that the growth of the petal begins from the central round shape:

Photo 5. On the left we will draw another petal, and also outline a shadow on it. It is located at the base:

Photo 6. Now let's draw the petal on top. It is located between the two petals and will resemble a slightly square shape:

Photo 7. We continue to add the petals of our rose. This time we will draw small curved petals on the left and bottom:

Photo 8. The outermost petals will be the largest of the entire flower. We make the ends sharp and the shape a little square:

Photo 9. We complete the construction of the rose. It’s not scary if the ends of the petals slightly extend beyond the previously outlined circle. After all, this flower does not have strictly defined boundaries:

Photo 10. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines:

Photo 11. We begin to apply a shadow to the middle of the rose. We make strokes from the place of petal growth to the top:

Photo 12. Let's draw the edges of the petals and the center, outline their clear shape:

Photo 13. From the middle we continue to cast a shadow on the nearby petals. The place where the petals grow will always be darker than the edges:

Photo 14. We will draw a shadow where the petals grow, and also add a little along the edge. This technique allows you to make the drawing more voluminous:

Photo 15. We continue to add shadow to the remaining petals, mainly to the right side of the rose:

Photo 16. We finish working on the shadow on the flower. We make the left part of the petals darker than the rest, because the light falls more on the right:

Does your child want to learn how to draw and is cranky because he can’t draw flowers? You can easily and simply draw a rose if you do it step by step. This type of drawing is accessible even to the smallest, you just need to pick up a pencil, prepare a blank sheet of paper and, following our detailed instructions, teach your child to draw such a wonderful flower as a rose.

So let's get started. Firstly set up a work desk. There is no other way, because the baby should feel like a real artist. A bright and free table is what you need. A comfortable chair for a child is also important, you don’t want the child to sit crouched or askew.

Secondly Let's prepare the artist's supplies:

  • blank A4 sheets (no need to shred),
  • a simple, better soft pencil,
  • eraser,
  • colored pencils or crayons (some people prefer paint).

Ready? Show your child the technological map. Don’t laugh, it’s called so complicated for you, dear adults, but for kids it’s just a template. To make the rose beautiful, we will draw it exactly according to the template. Explain to your child that step by step means in a clear sequence.

First step. First draw the stem. It doesn’t have to be straight, the stem can be slightly curved, because in nature there are no clear and regular lines. Our stem will go diagonally to the leaf. Draw a circle at the top of the stem with a thin line.

Second step. Let's make the rose stem thicker and draw a second line for this. Let's outline the basics of leaves and thorns on it, but what would we do without them? In the ball - the future bud, in the very center we will draw a central petal with a curl.

Third step. Let's draw the leaves. Three things will do just fine. Don't draw the jagged edge yet. Let's add three more petals to the central petal in the bud, as if emerging from one another.

Fourth step. Let's draw the rest of the rose petals. Notice each subsequent row of flower petals is slightly larger than the previous one. Decorate the leaves of the rose with veins, pay attention child that our painted flower is looking more and more like a real one.

Fifth step. Erase the extra lines in the bud so that only the petals remain. Draw a perianth on the rose - triangular sharp leaves peeking out from under the flower. make a carved jagged edge to all three leaves and add thorns.

All that remains is to paint. Although wait, the pot or maybe the rose will have a ribbon. Let the child come up with an addition to the flower himself. Ready? It's a matter of color. The petals are scarlet. stem dark green, dark thorns. Well, how did it turn out to be a rose? Be sure to date the drawing and place your child's drawing on a shelf or frame. I think drawing a rose was not difficult.

Good luck to you and your child in your creativity!

: daisies, buttercups, lilies, daffodils, violets and others. But the rose has long been considered the queen of all flowers. This delicate plant has a beautiful bud shape with many beautiful petals, prickly thorns, and an intoxicating aroma.

It is difficult to meet a person in the world who would not admire this elegant plant. It's no wonder that many people want to know, with all its small details. In this lesson we will show you how to draw a rosebud in stages and each stage will be accompanied by visual pictures.

Step by step lesson

Stage 1 - draw the contours

To begin, draw the outline of the future rose using thin broken lines. Outwardly, they are somewhat similar to a polyhedron. On the sides, draw small broken triangles - the leaves of the flower. Mark the middle with a barely noticeable circle. How to draw all the details is clearly visible in the first picture.

Stage 2 - add petals

This is a very enjoyable part of creating a rose on a leaf. In principle, petals can be drawn in any chaotic order. Show some imagination. Draw them with thin lines, making small smooth transitions. Pay special attention to the middle of the flower.

You will draw thicker lines during the drawing process, but now you should try not to make a mistake, and if the line is thick, after erasing with an eraser, a mark will remain on the paper. Draw a center line along the entire length of the side leaves.

Stage 3 - even more petals

Since our rose is not yet lush enough, we should add small graceful petals over the entire area. Smooth curves, curls, roundings - all this is a technique for drawing rose petals. Now you need to shape the side leaves. Look at how it is shown in the picture and make a similar appearance on your paper.

Stage 4 - finishing touches

All that remains to be done is to complete a few moments, after which your rose will look like a real one. When a flower grows in a flowerbed, the sun illuminates it and gives it its rays. Some petals and leaves are in the shade, giving the flower a mysterious and beautiful appearance.

Lightly shade the small areas of the rose, the middle and side leaves. If you followed all the tips, then your rose will definitely turn out as beautiful as the example.

How to draw a rose: photo

Video lesson

Let's warm up by starting with a simple bowl shape. Musicians warm up by playing scales, athletes warm up by stretching their muscles, and we artists warm up by drawing some simple basic shapes!!
1. Draw two anchor points, placing them horizontally, opposite each other.

2. Connect the dots with an ellipse.

The ellipse is one of the key shapes that is used to create thousands of objects. Similar in importance to the trapezoid, which allows you to draw boxes, tables, houses and so on, the ellipse will allow you to draw three-dimensional curved surfaces of cylindrical objects: a cup, a rose, a tiger cub, a hat, a jellyfish. Practice drawing six ovals in a row using anchor points.

3. Draw the bottom of the cup. 4. Using a guide line to the SW (you should draw it from memory), indicate the position of the light source in the upper right corner. Draw a horizon line. Shade the bowl from dark to light, creating a smooth, shaded transition. Look at the huge visual effect that little shaded piece in the right corner of the cup creates. This little shaded detail will be very important when you draw a rose, lily, orchid or any other flower.

5. Now, before drawing the rose, I want to introduce you to one important detail that I call “peeking” lines. This tiny detail - the small line of overlap that defines the folds or folds - has a huge visual impact, allowing you to make rose petals appear around the bud. The best exercise to introduce you to this fun flying flag exercise.
5a. Draw a vertical flagpole.5b. Pick two anchor points. 5th century Draw three quarters of an ellipse. 5g. Draw the width of the flag. 5d. Round the bottom edge of the flag a little more than the top. The bottom part is closer to you, so you need to distort it by bending it more than the top part.

5e. Draw the "peeping" line, the most important part of the exercise. This tiny line creates a huge visual effect. This uses overlap, location and size all at once.

5g. Looks great! Now let's spin the flag in the opposite direction.5z. Draw two anchor points of the ellipse. 5i. Draw three-quarters of the ellipse, but this time curl the top edge toward itself. 5k. Draw the width of the flag on each edge. Make sure you make the closest one a little longer so it appears closer.

5l. Curl the bottom of the flag. Remember to bend it a little more. This is where distortion is your friend. 5m. The lower back line should be drawn a little more curved than the front, guided by the law of location. Take a look at the sample.

5n. Now, let's apply all these curved lines to the swirly flag. This exercise will be transferred directly to the rose. Draw another flagpole. 5o. Pick two anchor points and draw half an ellipse that curves towards you. 5p. Start twisting the ellipse inward. 5 rub. Complete the spiral. Stretch it to the side and always keep the middle close. We'll also discuss this when we draw water ripples in a later tutorial. 5s. Draw the width of the flag. 5t. Curl the bottom edge of the flag a little more than the top. 5u. “Push” the back bottom edge further away. 5f. Draw the important "peeking out" lines of each edge. It's definitely "BAM!" the moment of a drawing when it becomes three-dimensional. 5x. Draw very dark "secret" shadows between the intersecting lines of the flag. As a general rule, the smaller the cracks, crevices, and corners, the more you will darken them and the more depth you will give to the drawing. Finish with blending. I know that the warm-up was a lot for one lesson;), but now it will be much easier for you. A good practice is to draw a cup and three different flags. Now let's use the techniques we just learned to drawing roses.

How to draw a rose?

6. Draw a bowl and add a stem to it. 7. Draw an anchor point in the middle of the bud. 8. Start drawing the petals in a three-quarter ellipse spiral. 9. Continue twisting the spiral, sticking to these ellipses. This distorted shape forms a three-dimensional bud. 10. Finish the spiral on the outside of the bud. Erase the extra lines.

11. Draw the central thickness of the petals and the first “peeking out” line. We're almost to the "BAM!" moment. 12. Draw the next peeking line. 13. Draw the remaining width line. BAM! Here it is - the depth has focused on our beautiful rose. 14. Draw very dark and very small “secret” shadows inside. Please note that you also need to do some shading along the edges of the petals. 15. Complete the rose by placing the light source in the top right corner and casting shadows on each curved surface opposite. Draw some thorns on the stem and leaves. Done!LESSON 9: PRACTICAL TASK
Take a look at the illustration below to get inspired to draw an entire bouquet.

Try to draw your own flower bouquet without my tips.
Look at other examples, get inspired and start practicing! Draw! Draw! Draw!

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