Quest game “Through the pages of Russian fairy tales. Methodological development on the topic: quest game “along the roads of fairy tales”

"Quest game based on fairy tales."

for children of senior preschool age.


Abdullina Z.Z.

Target: creating conditions for developing children’s interest in fairy tales through a quest game.



To develop children's knowledge about one of the genres of folklore - folk tales;

Replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales, riddles, stories;


Develop the ability to competently and expressively express your thoughts, speech, and logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of memory, attention, imagination;


Foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.


Musical arrangement:

"Visitingfairy tales » composer V. Dashkevich.

Progress of the quest game:

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tighter

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, do you love fairy tales? In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And to amuse their kids, adults began to invent for them fairy tales, jokes, nursery rhymes. The kids grew up and their children told, transmitted "word of mouth". And these children - to their children. In Russian folk tales there are various objects that have magic properties: tablecloth - self-assembled, magic wand, boots - walkers, magical fruits and fruits, flying stupa, etc. Magic objects help heroes overcome difficulties, obstacles, surpass extraordinary strength that an ordinary person cannot succumb to.

Most often, the most ordinary household items that heroes use are endowed with magical properties. day: buckets, stove, mirror, ball of thread.

And most importantly, they are magical fairy tales always end in victory "of good" above "evil" and in the end fairy tales The main character will receive a reward.

There are many fairy tales in the world,

Children love fairy tales

Everyone wants to visit them

And play a little

We'll go after the ball,

Let's get into a good fairy tale!

(While we followed the ball along the magic path, our parents were preparing to meet us in a fairyland)

Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because it’s not without reason that you can read in many fairy tales phrase: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Guys, the ball led you and me to the apple tree, look who’s meeting us? (Masha and the Bear) What fairy tale are they from? ( "Masha and the Bear")

The apples on the apple tree are not simple, but with riddles.

Mashenka asked us riddles.

There is no river or pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

He was chilling at the window

Then he took it and drove away

To be eaten by a fox. ( "Kolobok")

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. ( "Princess Frog")

The little goats opened the door

And everyone disappeared somewhere. ( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

The good blue river helped,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to our mother and father.

Who took my brother away? Name the book! ( "Swan geese")

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rolled around the village

And he married the princess. ( "At the behest of the pike")

The chicken needs to run

Save the rooster quickly

He was in such a hurry

Poor guy choked ( "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

Carrying her home... ( "Masha and the Bear")

Well done, you solved all the riddles! Our journey continues.

We'll go after the ball,

And where will we end up?

The ball led you and me to the hut, but who is sitting next to it? (Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

What dear guests have come to see me! How glad I am to see you, otherwise they have completely forgotten me, abandoned me. What has it come to - they are bypassed, afraid, considered evil. But I’m not like that at all. I'm even very good! I read fairy tales. Do you want me to tell you? Oh, no, I’d better check if you know well fairy tales.

Baba Yaga showed us illustrations for fairy tales, and we guessed them.

Baba Yaga:

Well done! You know well fairy tales!


Well, Baba Yaga is not evil at all. Guys, let's play a game with her "At Granny Malanya's"?

A game "Grandma Malanya"(Everyone stands in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child portraying Grandma Malanya. The children in the circle, together with the adults, begin to sing a funny song, accompanying it with expressive movements).

At Malanya's, at the old lady's (children move in a circle holding hands).

Lived in a small hut

Seven sons

All without eyebrows (cover eyebrows with hands).

With ears like these (show "big" ears)

With noses like these (show "a big nose")

With such a mustache, (show mustache)

With such a head (show "big" head)

With such a beard (show "long" beard)

Didn't eat anything (squat down) We sat all day

They looked at her

They did it like this. (repeat any movement after the leader)

Baba Yaga:

Thanks guys, you made me laugh. I look forward to your visit, see you again!

We'll go after the ball

And where will we end up?

And the ball led us to Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa the Wise:

Hello guys! My name is Vasilisa the Wise. I came to you from a fairy tale. I heard rumors that you really like to play fairy tales. So I want to play a game with you "Guess".

What song did the bun sing?

What did the goat sing to her kids?

What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

What did the animals ask in the fairy tale? "Teremok" before you go in there?

What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

Well done! I am very pleased with your knowledge! The magic ball calls you on the road, and I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

You roll, roll, little ball,

Through the field and forest,

Show us all the paths

Where would our legs go?

And the ball brought us to visit the devil.

I'm an old, decrepit goblin,

I live in forest moss,

When evening comes

I'm sad about the past.


Koschey was visiting yesterday.

What have you done, just oh!

I mixed up all the pictures

He confused all my fairy tales.

You must collect pictures

Name a Russian fairy tale.

Unexpectedly for all of us, a gray goat came to visit Leshy. It turns out he was looking for guys.

Little gray goat:

The fairy tale inhabitants are in trouble! We need to help them! I received letters asking for help, but I can’t figure out who they came from. Please help me!

-“Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf”. (kids)

-“Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg". (mouse)

-“Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole.”. (wolf)

- “Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon". (Masha)

-“Help, my brother has turned into a little goat”. (Alyonushka)

-“It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair.”. (little bear)

Thank you guys for your help! Leshy, let's go help out fairy tale inhabitants! Goodbye, see you again!

You roll, roll a ball,

Through a field and a forest.

We will go after the ball and where will we end up?

I am Marya the Artisan -

Russian beauty!

And I can do everything, and I can do everything!

Weave a blanket, I will embroider stars on it,

Forests and fields, as well as the moon.

I'll bake a pie, I'll set up a samovar,

And I will invite you all to the feast as soon as possible.

Marya the mistress:

Guys, help me please.

I found objects in the forest, but I don’t know whose they are. They are in this basket.


Well, guys, let's help Marya the Artisan find the owners of these items? (Yes)

Marya the Artisan takes turns taking out objects from "Magic Basket", what about children They say: from which fairy tale are lost things.

Pie – "Masha and the Bear", "Swan geese".

Egg - "Chicken Ryaba".

Turnip – "Turnip".

Apple - "Swan geese".

Fish - "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf", "At the behest of the pike".

Rolling pin – "Fox with a rolling pin".

Three spoons - "Three Bears".

Marya Iskusnitsa:

Well done boys! You know a lot of fairy tales. Tell me, what is the most important thing in Russian folk tales? (good conquers evil)

It's time for me to say goodbye to you. See you again in the magical land of Fairy Tales! I wish you a good journey, and I will give you a sweet gift on your way!


Our journey through fairy tales is coming to an end. You have seen many fairy tales today. Which fairy-tale characters have we met? (Masha and the Bear, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa the Wise, Leshy, the gray Goat, Marya the Artisan) What words do fairy tales end with? ( “They began to live - to live and make good things”. "That'sthe end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done".)

Where is our magic ball?

Roll, roll,

Magic ball

Straight to the house, to the doorstep!

There are many fairy tales in the world,

Kind and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give you warmth,

May goodness forever

Quest game “Journey to the world of fairy tales”

Goal: to promote the establishment of interpersonal relationships between the children of the group, their parents and teachers; bring joy to children, evoke an emotionally positive response in their souls.


1. Educational: clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about the names, authors and characters of children’s fairy tales; be able to recognize a fairy tale from an assignment; show interest in dramatizing fairy tales.

2. Developmental: development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of expanding knowledge about fairy tales; developing the ability to answer questions; activation of the dictionary.

3. Educational: manifestation of a friendly attitude towards each other in the work of a single team.

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”, reading an excerpt from A. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (“By the Lukomorye there is a green oak”), watching the cartoon “The Golden Key”, learning finger gymnastics “Frogs”.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, attributes – the Frog Princess swamp, a magic hummock, green paper for origami, Lukomorye puzzles, oak, leaves on an oak tree with letters, attributes for staging the fairy tale “Turnip”, candle, secret message, honey .

Participants: fairy-tale characters: Fairy, Frog Princess, Cat, Malvina, Baba Yaga (parents), children of the kindergarten preparatory group.

(1 slide)

The music of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Hello! Let's welcome our guests.

We'll all join hands

And let's smile at each other.

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend,

Let's smile to everyone around us!

Amazing! We gave each other a smile, which made us feel lighter, warmer and more comfortable. And we begin our game.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Everyone loves fairy tales

Adults and children love

They love to listen and watch

Fairy tales can warm the soul.

First child. Miracles happen in them

Fortunately, people find a way.

And, of course, good!

Second child. There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Third child. Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking on our door,

Let's say to the fairy tale: “come in”!

Educator. I'm glad that you all love fairy tales, I also really love fairy tales. I want to show you a book that contains all the fairy tales of the world. Would you like to see? 2 slide

Children look and find blank pages.

Educator: I can't understand anything! What happened?

Look at the screen. We received a letter. Who is it from?

Who flies on a mortar in the forest?

And lives in a hut there?

Who always scolds children?

Doesn't let you listen to fairy tales?

Who is this? Did you guess it?

Did you recognize Baba Yaga?

I'll show you a dirty trick!

I'll mix up all the fairy tales,

So that children don’t know kindness !

Baba Yaga enchanted a book of fairy tales.

Look - all the fairy tale heroes are mixed up! What should we do? What do you think needs to be done? (Children's options are listened to). Let's try to get to the land where fairy tales live.

Let's say the magic words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And you will find yourself in a fairyland! (sound of magic)


Fairy Fairy Appears

Fairy. Hello, guys and adults, I am the Fairytale Fairy! I am very glad that you are in our country; all fairy-tale heroes really need your help. Baba Yaga mixed up all the fairy tales so that children could not read them. We need to find Baba Yaga and force him to lift the spell. Are you willing to help us? But the road ahead is not easy, many difficulties await you. All along the way you will receive hints that will help you get to Baba Yaga. Here's your first clue, guess my riddle : Everyone goes around this place: here the earth is like dough; there is sedge, hummocks, mosses... there is no support for the feet” (swamp).

Educator: Where do you think we should go? (to the swamp)

Fairy: I will help you, because I am a Fairy of a fairyland and I can do miracles! And a magic wand helps me with this. Now I’ll wave my magic wand and you and I will find ourselves in a swamp. Let's say the magic words together:

Bim-bam, bim-bom

We will now enter a fairy tale,

Tick-tock, tick-tock

I will say it and it will be so!

(The Frog Princess comes out from behind the screen)

1st station – Swamp of the Frog Princess.

Educator: Guys, who do you think it is? (Frog) What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? (Princess Frog)

Princess Frog: Hello! That's right, I am the Frog Princess. Do you know the other heroes of this fairy tale?

(Tsar, Ivan Tsarevich, Brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey, Baba Yaga)

Presenter: Which heroes in this fairy tale are good, that is, positive, and which are evil, negative? Why do you think so?

Fairy: Who came up with this fairy tale? (people, that’s why the fairy tale is called Russian folk)

Educator: Guys, prove that this is a fairy tale, not a story.

(A fairy tale is a fascinating, interesting story, often with a happy ending.A fairy tale is an invention, sorcery, magic.A story, as a rule, is a chain of true events that happened or can happen in life).

Princess Frog: Guys, our swamp is somehow gloomy and dull. You can't hear the cheerful croaking of frogs. Let's populate it with frogs? (Walk to the table and sit down)

Educator: But before we start, let's stretch our fingers.

Two laughing frogs
(Show the index and middle fingers, pick up the rest.)
They jumped and galloped.
(Depict jumping in the air with your fingers.)
Paw - clap, Another - clap,
(The palm is rhythmically slapped on the leg.)
The cheeks were swelling.
(Show roundness with fingers around the cheeks.)
We saw a mosquito
(Make a pinch of three fingers, depict the flight path of a mosquito, and trace it with your eyes.)
They shouted: “Kva-kva-kva!”
(The thumb is placed opposite all the others and they represent opening and closing the mouth.)
The mosquito flew away like the wind.
(Make a sharp movement of the hand forward, extending the index finger.)
It's good to live in the world!
(Stroking the chest with the palm.)

(together with the heroes they make an origami frog)

Princess Frog: Let's settle our frogs in the swamp (music - frogs croaking). What a great fellow you are, what a fun swamp we have created.

Now it’s my turn to help you, I know why you came to me, I know that Baba Yaga enchanted the book of fairy tales. She hid a clue for you in this swamp. Let's look for her. Be careful.

The clue is under the bump.

Princess Frog: Well done! We found a clue. The clue for the puzzle is the picture “Lukomorye”.

2nd station – Lukomorye.

Fairy: Where do you think we should go next? (To the oak tree)

(Children, together with the Fairy and the Frog Princess, go to the tree)

Educator: Let's close our eyes and breathe in the fresh sea air.

Music plays and children do breathing exercises.

(The learned cat comes out and reads a poem)

Cat:“Lukomorye has a green oak tree,

Golden chain on the oak tree

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain..."

Educator: How interesting. Who is this? This is a scientist cat.

Fairy: Do you know what work this Cat is from? ( from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”). Who wrote the poem? (A.S. Pushkin)

Educator: What other fairy tales did A.S. write? Pushkin?

Cat: Mrr! Yes, I am a learned cat, but where are you from and where are you going?

(Children's answers).

Cat: Mrr! And the road there is not close. First complete my task.

Educator: What, cat?

Cat: I suggest playing a fairy tale, and you will find out which one when you guess the riddle.

Grandfather once raised

This vegetable for lunch

And then he was dragged

Together with my grandmother as best I can...

Presenter: Don't need a hint

Children know the fairy tale. (Turnip)

Princess Frog: Name the heroes of this fairy tale and the author.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you now assign roles, choose the necessary attributes for yourself and play the fairy tale “Turnip”

Cat: Well, are you ready? ?

Fairy tale dramatization

J. Millis
My grandfather once planted
Miracle turnip in the garden
And in about five weeks
The turnip was unrecognizable.
Yellow ball, big as a house
There are a lot of vitamins in it,
Only grandfather, no matter how hard he tried, -
The delicious ball remained in the ground.
Grandma helps grandpa
Grabs a turnip by the top,
But she settled down firmly in the ground
Uncooperative turnip.
Grandma and grandpa immediately wave,
Calling my granddaughter Masha.
But, although there were three of them,
Turnip - right there! What's happened?
Nothing to do and granddaughter
She called the dog Zhuchka.
The four of them are now
Pulling a turnip from the ground.
And the stubborn root vegetable
It doesn't go and doesn't go.
And the cat runs to the rescue,
And behind her is a tiny mouse.
The six of them again
Yes, grab the turnip at once!
Together, we pushed together -
They took the turnip out of the ground!

Fairy: What a great fellow you are. How great everything turned out for you!

Educator: Guys, tell me, how many heroes are there in the fairy tale “Turnip”? Who is standing in front of grandma? After your granddaughter? In front of the mouse? What is your hero?

Cat: Now let's look for a clue. (Hint on the tree, you need to assemble a word from letters)

Cat: It starts with the letter "M".

The letters must form the word “Malvina”.

Cat: Do you know who Malvina is? (girl from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”)

Princess Frog: Who wrote it? (Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy) Who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Pinocchio) Who else, besides Bratino, are the heroes of the fairy tale? (Papa Carlo, Cat Basilio, Fox Alice, Pierrot, Karabas Barabas)

Educator: Which character do you like the most? Name his good qualities. Which heroes don't you like? Why? Why did good defeat evil in this fairy tale?

3rd station “Visiting Malvina”

Music sounds, Malvina enters the hall


A new game has arrived -

Not an easy task.

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

I love music very much, I love to sing and dance. Do you like music? Now you will hear songs from fairy tale or cartoon characters. Try to remember the names of these fairy tales. (An audio recording of songs from the fairy tales “The Bremen Town Town Musicians”, “The Golden Key”, “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Luntik”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Well, Just Wait”) .

Malvina: Well done! We completed the task! I have a letter for you with a spell written on it; when we cast it, we will find ourselves in the domain of Baba Yaga.

Malvina gives a letter with no words.

Malvina: What's happened? Baba Yaga's pranks again?

Fairy: Dont be upset! I know how to decipher the spell. It is written in milk. When heated, the milk begins to burn and turns brown, i.e. our letters will turn from invisible to visible.

Educator: Fairy, so we need to heat the letter? Guys, tell me how to handle fire?

(conducting an experiment)

Princess Frog: Guys, can you conduct such an experiment on your own, without adults?

Educator: Let's name situations when fire is good and when fire is bad.

Fairy: Let's recite our spell.

Together: Shari-vari-ap.

Music sounds and Baba Yaga enters the hall.

Baba Yaga: I smell it, I smell it, it smells of the human spirit. Hello Hello. Why are you quiet? Tell me why you came?

(children's answers) Do you want to disenchant a book of fairy tales? Why, everything is good there, I like it! Okay, we persuaded you, but first complete my tasks, and if you don’t complete them, the fairy tales will remain mixed up. Let's check how you know the names of fairy tales. I will tell you the name, and you tell me whether it is correct or not. And the wise Owl will help me, he will tell the right answers.

Baba Yaga: First fairy tale "Geese-Crows"

Slide 17 (visual gymnastics)

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka” (And who did Ivanushka turn into in this fairy tale? (Draw a kid)

“Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf” (show us the gray wolf)

“At the command of a dog” (how a pike swims)

"Pasha and the Bear" (walk like a bear)

Baba Yaga: Well done, you did it! Well, you have to! Did not expect! You are truly brave and smart! So be it, I’ll break the spell of your magic book

(says a spell)“Bring the fairy tales to life and come visit!” , Something doesn't work for me. Can we leave it like that?

Princess Frog: No, Baba Yaga, we have completed your tasks, disenchant the book!

Fairy: Or maybe we can try everything together?

(say a spell)

Fairy: Well done boys! We couldn't have done it without you.

Presenter: Baba Yaga, we ask you not to play any more pranks.

Baba Yaga: I see that you are smart and brave, you know a lot of fairy tales. I will no longer disturb you or your book.

Princess Frog: Today our fairy tale comes to an end. Guys, do you remember what words Russian folk tales usually end with? (And I was there, I drank honey, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth)

Cat: We want to give you a barrel of honey, so you can drink tea with honey and remember our journey.

Educator: Thank you for the delicious honey. Our fabulous journey has ended. It was attended by: children of the preparatory group, as well as (introduce all participants). Well, shall we go and drink tea with sweet honey?

Quest “Visiting the Fairy Tale”

Target: creating conditions for the development of cognitive and reader interest in fairy tales through quest games.


Replenish the literary baggage of younger schoolchildren with fairy tales and riddles;

Involve high school students in the event;

Create conditions for the development of memory, thinking, creative potential;

- ensure the safety of the event.

Time: 30-40 minutes

Materials: route sheet, key phrase , riddles, bucket, broom, letters from fairy-tale characters,

General idea: get the key phrase. At each stage there are moderators (high school students) who monitor the correct completion of tasks and give participants a fragment of a key phrase. After all the fragments have been collected, the team collects the entire statement, returns to where the quest began and shows the result to the teacher-organizer.

Key phrase: « A fairy tale is a lieyes in ithint,good fellowslesson» A.S. Pushkin"The Tale ofgolden cockerel"(the phrase is divided into __ parts and each part is given to participants for completing the task)

Progress of the event:

Teacher-organizer (PO): An exciting adventure awaits you today. You will try to find a wise thought that a very famous writer once said, find out in which fairy tale this phrase was mentioned for the first time. And for this we will go to the wonderful world of fairy tales. I hope that you know various fairy tales well: folk tales, tales of Russian and foreign writers. Therefore, the obstacles that await you on the way to your goal will not be difficult for you. (The team is given a route sheet).

1 station “Glade of Mysteries”

Guess the fairy tale character

    The guy got off his favorite stove,

I trudged to the river for water.

Caught a pike in an ice hole

And from then on I had no worries. (Emelya)

    On a marsh hummock

The bride is waiting

When will I get her

The prince will come. (Princess Frog)

    Lots of silver and gold

He hid it in his chests,

He lives in a gloomy palace

And he steals other people's brides. (Koschei the Deathless)

    Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden,

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day. (Firebird)

    It was baked from flour,

It was freezing at the window.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok)

    Almost became the mole's wife
    And a mustachioed beetle!
    I flew with the swallow
    High under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

    The granddaughter went to her grandmother,
    I brought the pies to her.
    The gray wolf was watching her,
    Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

2nd station "Sportivnaya"

The game is called "Baba Yaga" .

Progress of the game : The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket or bucket), the other on the ground. He holds a broom in his hand. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting point and pass the broom to the next player.

3 station "Pochta"

Imagine that fairy tale characters could send you telegrams. Find out the heroes from whom the telegrams came, naming the hero and the tale.

1. “It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair.”

Answer: Teddy Bear ("Three Bears")

2. “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf”

Answer: Little Goats ("Seven Little Goats")

3. “Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg"

Answer: Mouse (“Ryaba Hen”)

4. “I just can’t come: “The old woman is more foolish than before.”

Answer: Old Man (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

5. “Help, my brother has turned into a little goat”

Answer: Alyonushka (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”)

6. “Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I'm marrying a frog"

Answer: Ivan Tsarevich (“The Frog Princess”)

4 station "Restoration"

(For each correctly collected picture and the name of a fairy tale, the team receives 1 point)

Game "Collect a fairy tale."
Children assemble images from cut-out picture puzzles and call them a fairy tale.

Snowy... (Queen) Scarlet... (flower)

Zayushkina... (hut) Ugly... (duckling)

Red... (Cap) Boy. .. (with a finger)

Doctor...(Aibolit) Tiny... (Khavroshechka)

5 station "Cinema"
(For each correct answer the team receives 1 point)

Find out from fragments from cartoons what kind of fairy tales these are?

“As the pike commands!” A.N. Tolstoy

“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” A.S. Pushkin

“Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen

“The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.N. Tolstoy

“12 months” by S.Ya. Marshak

The children have formed a phrase, they run to the starting point and tell it to the organizing teacher and all the high school students. + small reward + reflection

Quest - game "On the roads of fairy tales"

Target: comprehensive development of children in various areas

(physical, cognitive and social-communicative).


- development of social and communicative qualities;

- ability to collectively solve common problems;

- solving problem situations;

- ability to perform various game tasks;

- broadening one's horizons;

- development of logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;

- vocabulary enrichment;

- instilling interest in reading;

- improvement of movement coordination;

- fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Location :

Educational institution(stations can be located in different parts of the school: in the library, in the literature room, in the gym, in the music room, etc.).

Equipment :

route sheet for each team, puzzles, things for the “Museum of Fairytale Objects”, prizes (books),drawing supplies, video file with cartoon excerpts, basket or bucket, broom, soundtrack of the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale”


A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”

Collection of Russian folk tales.

Collection of fairy tales by Russian writers.

Fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Fairy tales of foreign writers.

http:// learningapps. org/ , http:// puzzleit. org/ , http:// rebus1. com – creation of interactive games

https:// youtu. be/ cRy8 JUASLiI ) - cartoons

Purpose of the quest - collect a key phrase. The team that does it first wins.Students receive an advanced task: prepare a team name, motto, emblem.Teams are given route sheets (blank), in which the names of the stages are recorded and a mark is placed on their completion. (Appendices). Tasks can be created either in an interactive version using various Internet services (then at the stage of the game where such tasks will be present, access to the Internet is required), or in a traditional version (tasks are printed or read out to the participants).

At each stage there are moderators who monitor the correct completion of tasks and give participants a fragment of a key phrase.

After all the fragments have been collected, the teams collect the entire statement, return to the hall where the quest began and show the result to the organizer. Team captains give the completed route sheets to the organizer, who records the completion time of all tasks. Teams gather in the hall to sum up the results, announce the winning team and reward.

Key phrase:

« A fairy tale is a lie yes in it hint, good fellows lesson » A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of golden cockerel" ( the phrase is divided into 8 parts and each part is given to participants for completing the task)

Progress of the game

Teams gather in the hall to the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Presenter's word:

An exciting adventure awaits you today. You will try to find a wise thought that a very famous writer once said, find out in which fairy tale this phrase was mentioned for the first time. And for this we will go to the wonderful world of fairy tales. I hope that you know various fairy tales well: folk tales, tales of Russian and foreign writers. Therefore, the obstacles that await you on the way to your goal will not be difficult for you.

Route sheets are issued to teams.

The teams begin to walk the route.

1 station “Glade of Mysteries”

1. Guess the fairy-tale character

    The guy got off his favorite stove,

I trudged to the river for water.

Caught a pike in an ice hole

And from then on I had no worries. (Emelya)

    On a marsh hummock

The bride is waiting

When will I get her

The prince will come. (Princess Frog)

    Lots of silver and gold

He hid it in his chests,

He lives in a gloomy palace

And he steals other people's brides. (Koschei the Deathless)

    Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden,

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day. (Firebird)

    It was baked from flour,

It was freezing at the window.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok)

    Almost became the mole's wife
    And a mustachioed beetle!
    I flew with the swallow
    High under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

    The granddaughter went to her grandmother,
    I brought the pies to her.
    The gray wolf was watching her,
    Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. Based on the passage, determine the name of the fairy tale

1. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp.
And in that swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin
She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. ("Princess Frog")

2. There is no river or pond.
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

3. The little goats opened the door
And everyone disappeared somewhere. ("The Wolf and the Little Goats")

4. He was chilling at the window
Then he took it and drove away
To be eaten by a fox. (“Kolobok”)

5. The apple tree helped us,
The stove helped us
The good blue river helped,
Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,
We got home to our mother and father.
Who took my brother away? Name the book? ("Swan geese")

6.Devouring rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rolled around the village
And he married the princess. ("By magic")

7. A girl is sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He, without knowing it,
He carries her home. … ("Masha and the Bear")

8. The chicken needs to run
Save the rooster quickly
He was in such a hurry
Poor thing, he choked. ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")

2nd station "Sportivnaya"

The game is called "Baba Yaga" .

Progress of the game : The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket or bucket), the other on the ground. He holds a broom in his hand. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting point and pass the broom to the next player. This task is performed by all team members. (When summing up, the time spent on the game is taken into account).

3 station "Pochta"

Imagine that fairy tale characters could send you telegrams. Find out the heroes from whom the telegrams came, naming the hero and the tale.

(For each correct answer the team receives 1 point)

1. “I will come with gifts, since I am the only one who wove fabrics for the whole world.”

Answer: Second sister (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

2. “It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair.”

Answer: Teddy Bear("Three Bears")

3. “I can’t come to you, I’m very busy, because I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope and make a damned tribe!”

Answer : Balda (“The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.”)

4. “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole”Answer: Wolf("The Fox and the Wolf")

5. “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf”

Answer: Little Goats ("Seven Little Goats")

6. “Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg"

Answer: Mouse (“Ryaba Hen”)

7. “I just can’t come: “The old woman is even more crazy than before.”

Answer: Old Man (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

8. “Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon"

Answer : Masha("Masha and the Bear")

9. “Help, my brother has turned into a little goat”

Answer: Alyonushka(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

10. “Wait, wait, I’m in a hurry, and the wind is making a cheerful noise, the ship is running cheerfully past Buyan Island.”

Answer: Shipbuilders (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

11. “Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I'm marrying a frog"

Answer: Ivan Tsarevich("Princess Frog")

4 station "Restoration"

(For each correctly collected picture and the name of a fairy tale, the team receives 1 point, time is taken into account)1. Game “Collect a fairy tale.” Children assemble images from cut-out puzzle pictures and call them a fairy tale.

2. Game "Fairytale Lotto"

Collect the name of the fairy tale

The Snow Queen)

The Scarlet Flower)

Zayushkina... (hut)

Ugly duck)

Little Red Riding Hood)

Boy. .. (with a finger)

Dr. Aibolit)

Tiny... (Khavroshechka)

5 station "Museum of Fairytale Objects"

Children take turns naming objects and saying which fairy tale they are from (author's fairy tales)

    Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”)

    ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio...”)

    The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella, H.H. Andersen “Cinderella”).

    Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood, the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)

    Flower (“Flower-seven-flowered” by V. Kataev)

    Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, fairy tale of the same name by V. Gauf)

    Lamp (L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”)

    Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”)

    Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

Station 6 "Artist's Workshop"

Draw a portrait of the fairy-tale character Kikimora. Each team member draws individual parts. (The quality of the drawing and time are assessed).

7 station "Blitz tournament" (For each correct answer the team receives 1 point, time is taken into account)

    In what fairy tale did Ivan, the widow’s son, put Baba Yaga in the oven on a shovel? ("Morozko")

    In which fairy tale and who helped the girl spin while Baba Yaga was heating the stove? (mouse, “Geese-swans”).

    Who wrote the fairy tale about the Snow Queen and what is the name of the country in which she lived? (H.K. Andersen. The Country of Lapland).

    What kind of character is this from Russian fairy tales, about whom they say: “There is honey on the tongue, but ice on the mind.” (Fox).

    In which fairy tale does an ax keep you warmer than a fur coat? ("Two Frosts")

    What were the names of the boy and girl from H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen” (Kai and Gerda).

    How many teeth does Baba Yaga have? (one).

    Which door can be opened with a golden key? (The door in Papa Carlo’s closet behind the painted fireplace).

    Name the heroes of the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (Pinocchio, Pierrot, Harlequin, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina, Turtle Tortilla).

    What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?

    What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

    What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

    What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

    Who did King Dadon turn to with a request for help? (To the Golden Cockerel)

    Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (Mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

    What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)

17. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest? (in 3 clicks)

8 station "Cinema" (For each correct answer the team receives 1 point)

Find out from fragments from cartoons what kind of fairy tales these are? For completing the task correctly, the team receivesnext fragmentkey phrase.

Closing remarks from the presenter .

I congratulate the teams for their active participation in the game.You have collected a statement by the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin about fairy tales, which we can see in “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.” And I hope that this journey through fairy tales has become not only exciting for you, but also somewhat instructive. And these words:« A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows » you will remember and will continue to read fairy tales with pleasure: folk, Russian and foreign writers.


1st team route Route of the 2nd team

1. Library

1. Dining room

2. Music class

2. Gym

3. Gym

3. Classroom

4. Dining room

4. Library

5. Classroom

5. Foyer 2nd floor

6. Foyer 1st floor

6. Literature room

7. Foyer 2nd floor

7. Foyer 1st floor

8. Literature room

8. Music class

Route sheet

Team: ______________________________________________

Start of the game (hour, minutes): ___________________________________

Stage name

Mark on completion of the stage

1 station

2 station




4 station


5 station


6 station


7 station


8 station


Key phrase:

End of game (hour, minutes): ___________________________________

Key phrase




Puzzles for the task “Collect the name of a fairy tale”

The Snow Queen

The Scarlet Flower

Zayushkin's hut

ugly duck

Little Red Riding Hood

Tom Thumb

Dr. Aibolit

Tiny Khavroshechka

Sample illustrations for fairy tales

(for cut-out picture puzzles)

Goal: to develop curiosity and interest in reading books; enrich students' vocabulary; to cultivate an attentive reader and love of books, the ability to work in a team.

The game is designed for students in grades 5-6. High school students can serve as sentries and “station guards.” Students receive an advanced task: prepare a team name, motto, emblem corresponding to the theme of the event; reread the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, the fables of I.A. Krylov; As homework, prepare a dramatization of the fable.

Equipment: route sheet for each team, puzzles, items for the Lost and Found, prizes (books)

A route sheet (made in the form of a fairy-tale map with stations marked on it) is given to each team, taking into account the fact that they should not intersect at the same station - the game is played simultaneously for all teams. For example, 1 team goes along the route: Lost and Found - Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles-illustrations - Fables of I.A. Krylov - Numbers, 2nd team: Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles - illustrations - Fables by I.A. Krylov - Figures - Lost and Found, etc.

Student fans who do not take part in the game remain in the assembly hall and perform the following tasks: prepare an illustration for the work (the captains receive the task when drawing lots), answer quiz questions. The points they receive are summed up with the team’s results when summing up the results.

A table is attached to the route sheet:

Stations can be located in different parts of the school: in the library, in the elementary school, in the literature room, in the gym, in the music room, in the assembly hall.

A sentry stands near each station and asks each team a riddle. After the correct answer is received, the team goes to the station it needs. The correct answers are recorded by the jury members on the team route sheet.

Time spent at stations is limited - 5 minutes.

Riddles of the sentries:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root.
Talking to us
In a language everyone can understand. (Book)

You are familiar with the expressions:
About the first pancake, which is always lumpy,
About the rubbish that is carried in public...
What do people call them all? (Proverbs)

White field, Black seed, He who sows it rejoices. (Letter)

I carry a new house in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. The residents here are made of paper, everyone is terribly important. (Briefcase, books, notebooks)

A short phrase where the sounds are similar. We often cannot say it. Trains us on diction, sometimes with rhyme. What is the name of? Who can guess? (Patter)

In preparation for the event, it is necessary to draw (print) scrolls, make illustration puzzles, letter puzzles, select items for the Lost and Found Office, and think over the design of all stations.


Stage one. Presentation of teams (name, motto. For example, “Wings” - “If you read a lot, you gain wings in life!”, “Sorcerers” - “As soon as we wave our wand, we will immediately find the answer to everything”)

The captains are presented with scrolls. They return to the teams to read and answer. The team that gives the answer first receives an extra point and the opportunity to choose a route sheet.

My dear friends!

I found myself on a desert island and really need your help. In order to save me, you must go through a difficult path, demonstrate the courage and knowledge of true connoisseurs of the Russian word and great literature.

The one who first remembers my name will go on this journey along the shortest path.
(Robinson Crusoe, hero D. Defoe)

Stage two. Teams are sent to different stations so as not to interfere with each other in solving assigned tasks. Having answered the questions correctly, they receive further instructions along the route.


Fold the PUZZLES

(you can print out the illustration for the work of art yourself), guess the author and the title of the book: Baron Muhhausen (R. Raspe), Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson), Harry Potter (Joan Rolling). For a complete correct answer (folded picture, book title, author) - 3 points.


Blitz tournament. The team answers questions about the fairy tales of A. S. PUSHKIN

  1. How many years did the old man fish? (thirty years and three years)
  2. Who did King Dadon turn to with a request for help? (To the Golden Cockerel)
  3. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest? (in 3 clicks)
  4. How long was the old woman queen? (two weeks: “one week, another goes by”)
  5. How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught the goldfish? (3 times)
  6. On what island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (on Buyan Island)
  7. How many years did Balda have to collect the rent from the devils? (3 years)
  8. What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
  9. Who did Prince Elisha turn to with a request for help? (sun, month, wind)
  10. Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (Mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

For all tasks - 10 points, for each incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Continue the famous lines from the fables of I.A. KRYLOV.

  1. And Vaska listens... (and eats)
  2. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down... (Everyone is not fit to be a musician).
  3. The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies... (And the boots are made by the shoemaker)
  4. The cuckoo praises the rooster... (Because he praises the cuckoo)
  5. The Swan rushes into the clouds, the Cancer moves back... (And the Pike pulls into the water)
  6. The titmouse made a name for itself... (but didn’t set the sea on fire)
  7. Did you sing everything? This is the thing... (So go and dance!)
  8. Ay, Moska, know... (she is strong, since she barks at an elephant)
  9. No wonder they say... (that the master’s work is afraid)
  10. Helpful fool... (more dangerous than the enemy)

For answers to all questions - 10 points (for each - 1 point)



Which literary heroes lost these things? Name the author and title of the fairy tale.

  1. Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”)
  2. ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio...”)
  3. The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella, H.H. Andersen “Cinderella”).
  4. Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood, the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)
  5. Flower (“Flower-seven-flowered” by V. Kataev)
  6. Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, fairy tale of the same name by V. Gauf)
  7. Lamp (L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”)
  8. Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”)
  9. Hat (Joan Rolling. Harry Potter)
  10. Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

For a complete correct answer (name of the hero, title of the fairy tale, name of the author) - 1 point, for an incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Make up the name of a work of art from the letters. State the author's name.


For a complete correct answer - 2 points


NUMBERS in literature.

Name works of art whose titles contain numbers.

For each answer 1 point. For an incomplete answer - 0.5 points.

For example, the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, the books by J. Verne “40 Leagues Under the Sea”, “80 Days Around the World”, A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”.

Stage three.

Teams submit route sheets to the jury. Points are counted and the times for completing the stages are compared.
Teams demonstrate homework (dramatization of fables, fairy tales)
An awards ceremony is taking place.