Quotes David Bowie.



It is very difficult to be a destroyer of morality in a world where there is no morality left.


At least once in your life, be in the company of a corpse. The complete absence of life is the most serious challenge that can be thrown at a person.


The past seems shorter and shorter to me, the future - without any meaning. As long as I live, my reality will always be just the moment.

You can neither win nor lose until you race.

Every morning I woke up and took myself apart brick by brick, threw away everything that I didn’t like, and then built a new person.

I prefer reviews from children to reviews from critics, since the latter are not professionals in expressing their own opinions.

I love shock tactics. In my opinion, creativity that does not shock is devoid of any meaning.

Drugs are a common occurrence in the life of a rock musician. I am glad that I experienced everything that is possible and everything that is not possible, but I would not want to recommend such an experience to anyone.

I hate people who don't know what to do with their free time.

You need to do not what you’re supposed to do, but what your soul wants.

Very few people can say: I love humanity. I'm not one of them.

I once asked Lennon what he thought about what I was doing. It'll do, he said, but it's just rock 'n' roll with a little lipstick on top.

Man of the 21st century is a pagan: he has no inner light, he destroys a lot and creates little, and, most importantly, he does not feel the presence of God in his life.

Drug addiction is like flying on a spaceship: you can explode at any moment. I made a space journey and returned to earth unharmed. However, many of my friends and acquaintances scattered somewhere in orbit.


I would like to see artists have power over this planet. They are the only ones who can do anything. How can we trust these fucking politicians with our lives?

I'm a ready made star, just add water!

Life is an interweaving of many events in a probabilistic coordinate system.


I am not an intellectual - moreover, I am seriously concerned about the attempts of the American press to advertise me as a “new wave intellectual.” Who am I? I'll try to formulate it. A master of tactile thinking, let's say. Yes, I experience the world by touch.

As you get older, you realize that almost all platitudes, clichés and popular opinions are true. Time really does go faster with each passing year. Life is indeed very short - as they warn about it from the very beginning. And it seems that there really is a God. Because if all the other statements are true, why shouldn't I believe this one?

David Bowie [ˈboʊ.i] is a British rock singer and songwriter, as well as a producer, engineer, artist and actor. For fifty years he was engaged in musical creativity and often changed his image, which is why he is called the “chameleon of rock music.” At the same time, Bowie managed to maintain his own recognizable style, successfully combining it with current musical trends. Bowie is considered an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s. He influenced many musicians and was known for his distinctive voice and the intellectual depth of the work he created.

Having released the David Bowie album and several singles in the early years of his career, David Bowie nevertheless became known to the general public only in the fall of 1969, when his song “Space Oddity” reached the top five in the British hit parade. After three years of experimentation, he reappeared in public in 1972 during the heyday of glam rock, creating a flamboyant androgynous character named Ziggy Stardust. His hit single "Starman" from the famous album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars entered the top ten of the UK charts. During his relatively short tenure as Ziggy Stardust, Bowie often employed musical innovations and unusual visual staging.

In 1975, Bowie achieved his first major success in America with the number one single "Fame", co-written with John Lennon and Carlos Alomar, and the hit album Young Americans, the style of which the singer described as "plastic soul". The album's sound represented a radical shift in Bowie's musical style, which initially alienated many of the singer's British fans. He then lived up to the expectations of his label and American fans with the release of the minimalist Low, the first of three discs in Bowie's so-called Berlin Trilogy, recorded with Brian Eno over the next two years. All three albums entered the top five of the UK charts and received extremely positive reviews from critics for a long time.

After faltering commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie reappeared at number one in the UK charts in 1980 with the single "Ashes to Ashes" and the album Scary Monsters. In 1981, he and Queen recorded “Under Pressure,” another single that reached the top of the British charts. Bowie's new peak of commercial success came in 1983 with the release of the album Let's Dance, which included hits such as "Let's Dance", "China Girl" and "Modern Love". Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical genres, including white soul, industrial, AOR and jungle. His last studio album was Blackstar, released on January 8, 2016.

In 2000, the weekly New Musical Express conducted a survey among musicians of various styles and genres. There was only one question: “Which musician had the greatest influence on your own work?” According to the results of the survey, David Bowie was recognized as the most influential musician of the century. Bowie achieved recognition also as a film actor; Among his most famous roles are the alien Thomas Jerome Newton in The Man Who Fell to Earth, the vampire John in The Hunger, and the goblin king Jareth in Labyrinth.

In 2002, Bowie was ranked 29th in the BBC's 100 Greatest Britons poll. Over the course of his career, he sold over 136 million records, making him one of the ten most successful artists in British popular music history. Six of his albums are included in Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him 39th on its list of the 100 Greatest Rock Artists of All Time and 23rd on its list of the 100 Greatest Vocalists of All Time.

On January 8, 2016, Bowie turned 69 years old, but two days later the musician died of liver cancer, which he had been battling for the past year and a half. The singer died surrounded by his family.

“Chameleon of rock music” David Bowie is, perhaps (no, not perhaps, but it is) the most outstanding musician of the postmodern era, who completely erased the boundaries between music and art as such. He once wore eccentric outfits and admitted his bisexuality, but now everything has changed, because Bowie himself has changed. He is 65 years old and has indeed become a more soulful performer, although he has not lost his own style. In addition to the fact that David is a musician, he is also a good artist, whose works could (and perhaps will) be seen at several exhibitions. In addition, Bowie is an actor. Truly, if a person is talented, then he can develop his “I” in almost any path.

According to several polls, David Bowie was in the lead as the most recognizable, beloved and successful Briton. Even though his time, no matter how sad it may sound, has passed, but even now he has countless fans (I myself am amazed at the number of them, although for those who grew up in the 70s and 80s, this would not be surprising). David Bowie is happy not only as a creative unit, but also as a man, because... For more than 20 years he has been married to the beautiful model Iman, whom he lovingly calls not only an incredibly beautiful woman, but also an excellent person and a wonderful mother. I decided to listen to his music and, you know, I liked it (be sure to listen to at least a couple of singles and you will already be wondering what else he has to offer).

I'm an instant star. You just need to add water and mix a little.

It's unlikely that anyone will remember me in a thousand years.

I can’t even imagine how many thousands of times and how many thousands of people came up to me and said, “Hey, let’s dance.” (“Let’s Dance” is one of Bowie’s most famous singles). God, I hate dancing. This is so stupid.

Here in New York people often shout to me: Hey Bowie! And that's okay, I'm fine with it. Because in London everyone screams "Dave" and that makes me want to break their fucking heads. My name is David and I hate being called Dave. By the way, I think that everyone knows this well.

I never fully wanted to become an American. That's why everything I buy and wear is made in Europe.

I love New York and can't imagine living anywhere else. It's probably surprising that I became a New Yorker because I never even thought about it.

I didn't know Charlie Chaplin. But when I lived in Switzerland, he was my neighbor—or rather, his body. He was buried in the Anglican Church yard, down the street from my house. And then some mu****s stole his coffin (in 1978, the coffin with Chaplin’s body was dug up and stolen) and began to demand money from his family. It was terrible, especially since I knew his family - they were good people.

No, I didn't write Golden Years (Bowie's 1975 song) for Elvis. But Elvis heard my demo because we were at the same record company and Elvis' manager thought I should write some songs for Presley. There was talk that I should be introduced to Elvis and that we should work together, but it never came to fruition. But I would be happy to work with him. By the way, one day he sent me a note: “I wish you a good tour and all the best.” I still have it, because Elvis didn’t leave notes around.

I once asked Lennon what he thought about what I was doing. It'll do, he said, but it's just rock 'n' roll with a little lipstick on top.

I invented a new image for myself so often that today it seems to me that I was originally a plump Korean woman.

I am often offered roles in bad films. And, basically, these are some kind of possessed p****s, transvestites or Martians.

It is difficult to live in harmony with chaos.

I have no sense of humor - this is the biggest misconception about me. I must have looked really serious once upon a time. But this is only because I was very shy back then. Actually, that’s why I turned to drugs so much at one time. When you're on cocaine, you talk and smile for three people.

I did without drugs until 1974. Not so little, right? And the interesting thing is that all the things that I have ever done or tried to do interested me long before I became interested in cocaine. So maybe drugs didn't change my life at all. Although they helped me penetrate the dark corners of my mind.

I'm more balanced now, that's for sure. But to achieve this, I ate a million pills.

I was terrible when I was young.

I remember my first love very well: we went to school together, and she was the first girl in the class who grew boobs.

Sex became something very important to me at the age of 14. I didn’t care how or with whom it happened. For me, only sexual experience was important. So when I brought this guy home after school and fucked him on my bed, it just added to my experience. And then I thought, well, if I ever go to prison, I think I know how to not get bored there.

It is very difficult to be a destroyer of morality in a world where there is no morality left

I knew few real rebels who were ready to die for their beliefs. Even James Dean didn't want to die.

You should always be wary of those who came under the spotlight by accident, without any talent. Such people have a terrifying ability to communicate with the stars, taking them into their arms and giving them kisses. But these people are only able to reflect light and are not able to emit it.

You can neither win nor lose until you race.

I think I have the ability to bring out the best in talented people.

The long list of advice I like to give to all aspiring musicians usually ends with: “If it itches, try to see a doctor as soon as possible.”

It amazes me that people take everything I say seriously. Even I don't take it seriously.

I write about suffering – my own and others’. The rest doesn't interest me much.

I was one of the first to learn about Chernobyl - outside of Russia, of course. We were recording the album in Switzerland at the time. It was a pleasant April evening, and everyone poured out onto the lawn in front of the studio. In front of us were the Alps and a lake, and then our sound engineer, who stayed in the studio and listened to the radio, shouted: “Some kind of pi**** is going on in Russia!” It turned out that he picked up some kind of Swiss radio station, and they, in turn, picked up some kind of Norwegian wave. The Norwegians tried to shout to someone. They said that huge clouds were moving from the direction of Russia, and these were not just rain clouds. Actually, this was the first news about Chernobyl. I called a journalist friend in London, but he had not heard of anything like this - Chernobyl hit the main news only a few hours later. I remember that it was a very strange feeling: realizing that you were one of the few who knew about the threat hanging over the planet.

Very few people can say: I love humanity. I'm not one of them.

I don't believe in demons. I don't believe in sinister otherworldly forces. I do not believe that there is anything outside of man that can create evil.

I have always tried to remind eternity that even it can come to an end someday.

As you get older, you realize that almost all platitudes, clichés and popular opinions are true. Time really does go faster with each passing year. Life is indeed very short - as they warn about it from the very beginning. And it seems that there really is a God. Because if all the other statements are true, why shouldn't I believe this one?

I'm not really an atheist, and that bothers me.

It's a pity, gentlemen, because he has absolutely no one to learn from.

Man of the 21st century is a pagan: he has no inner light, he destroys a lot and creates little, and, most importantly, he does not feel the presence of God in his life.

I hate people who don't know what to do with their free time.

I consider myself a completely happy person. Unlike many, I took advantage of everything that was allowed to me.

You probably think that being a rock idol married to a supermodel is the best thing that can happen in this life? In principle, this is how it is.

I don't know yet what I'll do next year. But whatever it is, I won't be bored.

I'm not sure I'll be working with any record label in a few years. I'm not sure that the music distribution system itself will remain the same as it is today in the near future. A complete change in everything we know and think about the music business will happen in the next ten years, and no one can stop this process. For example, whether anyone wants it or not, I am absolutely sure that such a thing as intellectual property will very soon get a big blow.

I'm not a prophet or a stone age dude. I'm a mere mortal with the makings of a superman. And I'm still alive.

Quotes David Bowie

David Robert Jones (born January 8, 1947), better known under the pseudonym David Bowie, is a British rock musician, singer, producer, audio engineer, composer, artist, and actor.

David Bowie rose to fame in the 1970s with the advent of glam rock. He is called the “chameleon of rock music”, since Bowie has been able to adapt to new trends in the musical world for almost 40 years, boldly experimenting with different styles - from classic rock and glam to electronics and metal. At the same time, Bowie managed to maintain his own recognizable style, successfully combining it with current musical trends.

I hate people who don't know what to do with their free time.

Man of the 21st century is a pagan: he has no inner light, he destroys a lot and creates little, and, most importantly, he does not feel the presence of God in his life.

You can neither win nor lose until you race.

I'm not a prophet or a stone age dude. I'm a mere mortal with the makings of a superman. And I'm still alive.

Very few people can say: I love humanity. I'm not one of them.

I once asked Lennon what he thought about what I was doing. It'll do, he said, but it's just rock 'n' roll with a little lipstick on top.

It's unlikely that anyone will remember me in a thousand years.

Life is an interweaving of many events in a probabilistic coordinate system. I just observe what is happening, extrapolate individual facts and try to predict how their consequences will intersect in the future. In this sense, it is very interesting to delve into the past: you choose any sphere of human activity, note some random events - say, 40 years ago, and begin to trace their historical consequences. There is no more exciting activity for me right now.

You need to do not what you’re supposed to do, but what your soul wants.

I'm a ready made star, just add water!

It is very difficult to be a destroyer of morality in a world where there is no morality left.

As you get older, you realize that almost all platitudes, clichés and popular opinions are true. Time really does go faster with each passing year. Life is indeed very short - as they warn about it from the very beginning. And it seems that there really is a God. Because if all the other statements are true, why shouldn't I believe this one?

At least once in your life, be in the company of a corpse. The complete absence of life is the most serious challenge that can be thrown at a person.

I prefer reviews from children to reviews from critics, since the latter are not professionals in expressing their own opinions.

I would like to see artists have power over this planet. They are the only ones who can do anything. How can we trust these *** politicians with our lives?

I constantly feel that some essential important link is missing in my life, but I can’t understand which one. One thing is clear: I am a toy in the hands of fate, which means I myself have the right to experiment with my own environment. The main method is simple: you need to bring people to a state where they are simply forced to react to me. I love shock tactics. In my opinion, creativity that does not shock is devoid of any meaning. My experiments are not always pleasant; Some of them seem offensive and even dangerous to me. But hearing about my own “corrupting influence” on young people is simply funny to me. I must have been deprived of the feeling of “high responsibility” since childhood.

I am absolutely cold and indifferent to everything. But in this case, I ask myself, where does this turbulent source of creative energy come from? I don't understand. David Bowie's songs don't belong to me - I just release them through myself into this world. Then I listen and am amazed: their author, whoever he was, at least experienced strong feelings! It is not possible for me to know such people. I am constantly in a state of internal numbness, wandering through life completely emotionless. I'm not a person, I'm a piece of ice.

Is it true that it only takes one lucky chance to discover your talent? Do you think that fate is really predestined, or do you need to wisely take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself, trust your instincts and work towards your dreams? David Bowie, while still a child, had the opportunity to hear recordings of legendary performers when his father brought home a collection of records. The boy persistently pursued his dream. To buy his first saxophone, he was forced to carry heavy orders for a butcher shop. His step was resourceful, and his path was super successful, but also thorny. The megastar, singer and actor, producer and artist left us in 2016, but left a huge creative legacy to the hearts that loved him.

  • You need to do not what you’re supposed to do, but what your soul wants.
  • As you get older, you realize that almost all platitudes, clichés and popular opinions are true. Time really does go faster with each passing year. Life is indeed very short - as they warn about it from the very beginning. And it seems that there really is a God. Because if all the other statements are true, why shouldn't I believe this one?
  • At least once in your life, be in the company of a corpse. The complete absence of life is the most serious challenge that can be thrown at a person.
  • The past seems shorter and shorter to me, the future - without any meaning. As long as I live, my reality will always be just the momentary.
  • Drugs are a common occurrence in the life of a rock musician. I am glad that I experienced everything that is possible and everything that is not possible, but I would not want to recommend such an experience to anyone. Drug addiction is like flying on a spaceship: you can explode at any moment. I made a space journey and returned to earth unharmed. However, many of my friends and acquaintances scattered somewhere in orbit.
  • Very few people can say: I love humanity. I'm not one of them.
  • Every morning I woke up and took myself apart brick by brick, threw away everything that I didn’t like, and then built a new person.
  • I hate people who don't know what to do with their free time.
  • I am absolutely cold and indifferent to everything. But in this case, I ask myself, where does this turbulent source of creative energy come from? I don't understand. David Bowie's songs don't belong to me - I just release them through myself into this world. Then I listen and am amazed: their author, whoever he was, at least experienced strong feelings! It is not possible for me to know such people. I am constantly in a state of internal numbness, wandering through life completely emotionless. I'm not a person, I'm a piece of ice.
  • It is difficult to live in harmony with chaos.