Microwave oven: harm or benefit. Is microwave oven harmful to our health?

Since the creation of microwave ovens, debates have periodically flared up between physicists and medical specialists about the benefits and harms of this technical achievement. In fact, without certain knowledge about the effect of microwave oven radiation on the human body and the impact of microwaves on the food cooked in it, many people are afraid to use it.

It is worth noting that these fears are not groundless: a useful invention for the kitchen can indeed become unsafe under certain conditions. But if the operation of a microwave oven is organized in accordance with all technical requirements, ultra-high-frequency waves will fulfill their culinary purpose without much harm to humans.

The principle of operation of a microwave oven

The process of heating food in a microwave is based on the effect of radiation generated by a magnetron. It is thanks to the ultra-high frequency of the microwave (2450 GHz - in contrast, for example, to the 50 Hz frequency of the current in the industrial power supply network) that heating is carried out almost instantly, which is the main advantage of the device.

The most important condition for successful heating of a product is the presence in it of dipoles - molecules with an uneven distribution of charges and a total electric charge equal to zero, due to the polar arrangement of positive and negative charges in the atom. The most striking representatives of dipoles include water molecules, which means that all products with high humidity will be more susceptible to the influence of microwaves. At the same time, vegetable oils do not have dipole molecules, so heating them in the microwave is impractical.

Thanks to the electromagnetic field created in the microwave oven, the dipoles inside the product rotate 180 degrees about 6 billion times per second. This incredible speed causes the molecules of the substance to undergo friction, which causes the internal temperature of the product to rise. It is in this physically explainable transformation of electrical radiation into thermal energy that many see the harm of microwaves.

Harm and benefits of a microwave oven

Some people believe that the direct radiation emanating from a microwave oven while it is on can harm someone nearby. Many explain this risk by the fact that the human body consists of more than 70% water, that is, dipole molecules that are particularly sensitive to the influence of microwaves. Because of this influence, the structure of water allegedly changes, as its ionization occurs (the appearance of an additional electron in a water atom or the loss of an existing one). Therefore, destruction and deformation of molecules occurs not only in the heated product, but also in the human body. However, this opinion is erroneous.

Science claims that the concept of “structure” in relation to water (namely water, not ice) is not applicable, which means that it is impossible to destroy or change its structure.

The Internet is filled with such slogans

Is there scientific evidence that microwave ovens are harmful?

A microwave oven is not always dangerous for humans, but only under specific circumstances. Direct damage can be caused by the cumulative effect of microwave radiation generated by the magnetron. This becomes possible only in two cases:

  1. If the shutdown mechanism does not work when the door is opened or not tightly closed. Manufacturers convince that the device has double guaranteed protection of the consumer from unwanted radiation, however, the automatic shutdown system occasionally fails.
  2. If, as a result of carbon deposits or other reasons, the door seal is compromised. Microwaves can leak through the smallest holes or cracks. These outwardly invisible defects most often appear after prolonged use of an electrical appliance.

The leakage of microwaves through unnoticeable cracks, and even more so through an open door when the generator is not turned off, can cause significant harm to a person, including burns to internal organs.

Symptoms of exposure to microwave waves

You can suspect that a person has been harmed by a microwave oven based on the following signs:

  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of signs of heart failure;
  • blurred vision;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness and reasonless crying (in children).

If such symptoms were detected after being near a working electrical appliance, this is an almost 100% signal that its housing has depressurized.

Methods for checking a microwave oven for radiation leakage

To check whether a microwave oven in use is dangerous or whether there is radiation leakage through invisible cracks in the door, you can use several popular methods. You can also use a special microwave radiation detector.

Manual verification methods

These methods, in the absence of a special device, are quite simple, but some of them do not always give reliable results. However, if you are unable to purchase a detector yet, you can check the oven as follows:

To carry out the most popular, but most unreliable method of testing for harmfulness, you will need two mobile phones. You need to put one of them in the microwave and close it tightly without turning it on. Then call it from another mobile phone. If it rings, it means that the waves are freely passing through the protective door both from the outside and from the inside.

Experts consider the disadvantage of this method to be the difference between the operating frequencies of microwave ovens and mobile phones, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the harm or benefit of the device in this way.

Checking with a detector

The most reliable and effective test remains using a special device called a microwave radiation detector. Necessary:

  1. Place a glass of cold water in the stove.
  2. Close the door and turn on the oven.
  3. Bring the detector closer to the door and slowly move it along the perimeter and diagonally of the door, stopping at the corners. In the absence of radiation, the instrument needle will be in the green zone, and the slightest leak will cause it to move to the red zone.

Recommendations for safe use of a microwave oven

It is known that as you move away from the microwave, the power of microwave wave energy quickly decreases, so it is safest to be at some distance from it while the microwave oven is operating.

Near the operating device (about 2 cm from the outer wall), the level of permissible radiation should not exceed 5 mW per 1 sq. cm.

A microwave, the harm and benefits of which depend on compliance with the operating rules, with such radiation is absolutely safe for the human body. However, there are other reasons why this kitchen appliance can cause harm. Therefore, you should consider the rules for handling it:

  • When operating an electrical appliance, stay away from it.
  • Do not place the microwave oven near the stove or the dining table.
  • Use only for quick defrosting and heating food.
  • Place heated products in an open, not hermetically sealed form (this even applies to sausages in thick cling film).
  • Do not place metal utensils or ceramic containers with metallic paint rims inside - this will cause an arc to occur that threatens the integrity of the magnetron and protective casing.
  • Make sure that the protective door is clean and do not allow carbon deposits to form on it, which could lead to depressurization of the housing.

People who have an implanted pacemaker should not use a microwave device.

Which dishes are not suitable for the microwave and why?

When operating a microwave oven, it is prohibited to use the following types of utensils:

  1. Made of metal. Any of its types - cast iron, steel, brass, copper - reflect microwaves, preventing them from penetrating the product. In addition, being electrically conductive, they can provoke spark discharges and the formation of an electromagnetic field, which is dangerous for microwave ovens.
  2. From glass and porcelain, if such dishes have a pattern applied with gold or other paint that may contain metals. Even a half-erased pattern may contain metal particles, which, under the influence of a microwave, can spark and create a field.
  3. Made of crystal. Its complex structure may contain particles of silver, lead and other metals; in addition, an obstacle to its use is the heterogeneity of thickness (faceted surface), due to which such dishes can shatter into pieces under the influence of microwaves.
  4. It is not recommended to use disposable tableware made of thin plastic or waxed cardboard, unglazed ceramics, or plastic that is not resistant to high temperatures.

Even in a second, microwaves cause dipole molecules to rotate “around their axis” billions of times. Therefore, it is better not to risk either the dishes or the serviceability of the microwave oven itself, so that it works in the kitchen for a long time and safely.

This heated article is author's personal opinion.
BRIEFLY, its contents can be summarized as follows:

1. Much has been said about the dangers of food heated in the microwave, but you need to correctly distinguish what is true in these horror stories, and what - pseudoscientific conclusions sucked from thin air.

2. If you have doubts about the quality of such food, you can prefer microwave ovens more traditional heating methods. It’s easier than puzzling over the opuses of journalists and Internet babbles.

3. In addition to the issue of influence on food, there is another question electromagnetic field Microwave ovens. It is quite intense, but there are ways to avoid its harmful effects– see the link at the end of the article.

4. See the comments for the most “juicy”. But you must read the article!

Recently, there have been many reports in the electronic media that food heated in a microwave oven can be hazardous to health. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out.

A microwave oven (or microwave oven) is named according to its operating principle. Heating occurs due to the effect of microwave radiation on the heated product.

Microwaves are ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (2450 Megahertz - a frequency designated by the US Federal Communications Commission in 1945 specifically for household appliances). Frequencies close in range are used for cell phones, Bluetooth, digital television transmission, and other means of communication and information transfer.

The microwave oven is quite simple. Each microwave oven contains a high-voltage transformer that produces high voltage. A magnetron that converts electrical energy into a microwave electromagnetic field. Control system (buttons, knobs, timers, display, etc.). These are the basic elements of every modern microwave oven.

Heating of food in the stove occurs for the following reason. Microwaves primarily affect molecules of water, sugar and fat. Thus, water molecules consist, as everyone knows from school years, of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. These atoms in the normal state are at absolute rest, since they have the opposite charge. Microwaves act directly on atoms, causing them to spin. As a result, the water heats up.

There is an opinion that as a result of such movement, reorientation of molecules occurs, isomerism (isomers appear). This causes the destruction of molecules, the breakdown of the original molecular structure of the products. Again, you just have to turn to your 8th grade school chemistry textbook to find out that isomerism is the phenomenon of the existence in nature of compounds (isomers) with identical composition and molecular weight, but different in structure and properties. This can be illustrated by the example of different words consisting of the same sounds, for example: bar and slave. But it’s easy to swap letters in words, but break a molecule, even something as simple as a water molecule, even after it has warmed up and turned into steam - impossible at home. If you have opposing opinions, write in the comments - only with appropriate justification. (Addendum dated December 11, 2018, we quote the reader’s comment: “An elementary way to destroy a water molecule into HOH gas is electrolysis. If the author studied the material taught at school, he should know about it. There are plenty of videos on the internet. The energy required for electrolysis is small - 2 volts. There’s simply no point in comparing it with microwave radiation.”

It is also worth noting that any method of preparation leads to a change and breakdown of complex organic compounds into simpler and more convenient for digestion, otherwise a person could easily eat, for example, raw meat. In addition, there is evidence that due to rapid heating in a microwave oven, pathogenic microbes die faster and more reliably, but there are slightly fewer vitamins in food than in raw foods, and much more than in foods prepared in a different way [G.S. Sapunov, 2007].

Those. We can, of course, say that the food you take out of the microwave after heating is no longer what it was before, because it is... hot food.

Now let's delve into history. There is also a story circulating on the Internet that the first microwave ovens came from the Nazis. They were used to heat food for soldiers. During times of hostilities, this was convenient and gave soldiers time to concentrate on other more important tasks. It was also the Nazis who began the first clinical trials of microwave radiation on a heated product. Then the results of these studies came to the USSR, and the research was continued by Soviet specialists ( the sources of all this information are not indicated). As a result, the USSR allegedly banned microwave ovens and published the results of studies reporting the dangers of this radiation. Following us, these stoves were allegedly banned in a number of eastern countries.

For example, other sources claim something completely different: the microwave oven was invented by the American engineer Percy Spencer, who worked for the military-industrial company Raytheon, and on October 8, 1945, he registered a patent for his invention. After which his native company began developing a “peaceful radar for cooking,” which, in fact, was what it needed in the conditions of the end of the war [Vladimir Tuchkov, 2007].

We don’t know what about the ban on microwave ovens in the USSR, but it clearly did not exist in the 80s, when Soviet factories began producing microwave ovens, for example, the “Dnepryanka-1” model from the Dnieper Machine-Building Plant.

“In the USA, experiments were carried out on volunteers. 16 people were selected. For some time, one group (8 people) was given food cooked in a microwave oven. Others were fed food prepared in the traditional way. Then the groups' blood was taken for analysis.
All people who ate microwave food showed changes ( decreased hemoglobin, increased cholesterol). In this regard, a clear conclusion was made about the dangers of food heated in a microwave oven.
– It was discovered that some of the amino acids in milk and cereals turned into carcinogens.
Defrosting frozen fruit caused the appearance of carcinogens in their composition.
- Even fast exposure of vegetables to microwaves transforms in their composition alkaloids into carcinogens.
– There was a general nutritional reduction all products."

In any case, if you don’t trust the microwave, if you don’t like the taste of food cooked in it, if you are afraid for your children and yourself, no one is forcing you to use a microwave oven. But you shouldn’t believe everything that ignorant journalists write. It’s better to take the same thing that microwaves have more seriously. Therefore, the oven must be used in compliance with the safety regulations set out in its instructions. Timely replacement of the furnace sealing element and its repair should only be carried out by a professional who has undergone special training.

For your safety, you can read:

Over the past decade, apartments have been filled with all kinds of technical devices designed to help in everyday life. A person has difficulty remembering how he used to do without air conditioning, a steamer, a food processor and a mixer. The microwave oven has a special place - it is the one that can evenly heat up dinner within a minute and feed the whole family. The idyll of technological progress is spoiled by lonely negative messages - “Microwave damage can threaten your health!”

Harm of microwave ovens: myth or reality

Before you sound the alarm, you need to understand the operating principles of a microwave oven. The main mechanism of this household appliance is a magnetron. This is the device that studies electromagnetic waves , which they try to scare housewives with. How a microwave oven works:

  1. After starting the device, the magnetron begins to emit ultrahigh-frequency radiation.
  2. The waves (up to 12 cm long) are reflected from the body covered with a special coating and create an electromagnetic field in the middle of the chamber.
  3. Molecules of water and fat, under the influence of microwave radiation, begin to oscillate chaotically, which leads to heating of the product.

When using a new generation microwave device at home, the harm of the microwave is zero. Now about the quality of food that has been in the working chamber of such an oven:

  • Nutrients. Thanks to the rapid heating of the product, the amount of nutrients is retained by 70% more than when cooking on a stove.
  • Carcinogen. During standard heat treatment using a frying pan, carcinogenic elements appear on the surface of the product. They accumulate in the body and over time lead to serious illnesses. In a microwave oven, the waves heat the dish directly, and not the dishes, which certainly prevents the appearance of a carcinogen.

With high probability it can be said that the danger of a microwave oven is a far-fetched myth. In terms of the taste of the dish, the health benefits and the time spent on preparing food, the microwave will give odds to any similar household kitchen appliance.

Harm from electromagnetic radiation

The electromagnetic background has increased significantly over the past decade. Yes, the scientific process has brought many useful devices into our lives, but we should not forget about the environmental catastrophe that hangs over all of humanity:

  • Low frequency radiation. Household electronics, power lines, electronic room wiring.
  • Radio waves. AM and FM radio stations, mobile phones.
  • Infrared radiation. Incandescent lamp.
  • Ultraviolet radiation. Solarium.

As can be seen from the list of electromagnetic spectra, a microwave oven, or more precisely a magnetron, emits low-frequency radiation. If the electrical appliance did not have protective functions, the influence of microwaves could cause a person to:

  • Genetic changes.
  • Deviations in the nervous system.
  • Reformatting of the pituitary system.

A person can harm his health with the help of microwave waves if he places his hand or head in the working area of ​​the microwave. But the design of the equipment includes a fuse that will not allow the magnetron to operate with the door open. And this completely eliminates the occurrence of accidents.

In this video, physicist Petr Pozharov conducts an experiment and measures the electromagnetic background from a regular home microwave:

Microwave damage

The use of microwave waves in the modern world is growing every day. If previously devices equipped with this technology were used in industry, medicine and the military sphere, now such equipment can be seen in the apartment of any average resident of the country:

  • Wi-Fi router.
  • Microwave oven.
  • Radio navigation devices.
  • Cellular.

The radiation power of such devices is so low that the harm that the human body can receive tends to zero. This, of course, will not happen if the device is fixed. Otherwise, the operation of microwave waves may negatively affect:

  • Brain tissue.
  • Organs of vision.

For the most suspicious, we note: ultra-low waves quickly dissipate in the atmosphere. Even if, for one reason or another, the microwave transmits harmful radiation, at a distance of half a meter from it (the length of an outstretched arm), the power of the waves decreases by more than 50 times.

Important: make sure the door is in good condition

Waves of low-frequency radiation, like the rays of the sun, have a straight trajectory. Seeing a hard surface in front of you, the signal either weakens significantly or does not pass through the obstacle at all. In the case of a microwave oven, the body of which is made of a special material, the door remains a vulnerable point:

  • Minimum clearance. There should not be large gaps between the body and the door. Ideally, these two elements create one whole.
  • Special material. The mesh under the glass is made of a special plastic that can receive and absorb harmful radiation.

If there is a new generation model in the kitchen, and it is working properly, there is no need to worry - even if you press your nose against the glass of the door, there will be no negative effects from the microwave on the body.

Microwave in the military sector

In the United States, scientists found a completely different use for microwave waves - the “Ray Gun” was created. The device shoots low-frequency beams and has the following characteristics:

  • Radiation frequency - 100 Gigahertz.
  • Accurate shooting distance - 1200 meters.

If the US Department of Defense is not yet confident in the effectiveness of the new weapon, law enforcement officials are considering using a “Ray Gun” to disperse demonstrations: the beam penetrates 0.5 mm deep into the skin and causes heating of internal organs and tissues. There is no danger to health, but the fervor of the demonstrators is noticeably subsiding.

This you need to know: proper operation of the microwave

Proper operation of the microwave will reduce the cooking time, the service life of the electrical appliance and preserve health for the whole family:

  • Tightness. Even a small crumb that gets between the door and the housing can damage the seal of the electrical appliance.
  • Dishes. No plastic utensils. Even if there is a sign allowing this, it is best to use glass products.
  • Products. Some products are not suitable for cooking in a microwave oven: raw eggs explode when exposed to waves, and oil or fat can ignite at high temperatures.

Damage to a microwave oven if its body is not damaged - false threat. Most likely, therefore, the average person is frightened by manufacturers of alternative household appliances: steamers, ovens and cookers. If you actively use a Wi-Fi router or mobile connection, then you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of household appliances.

Video about the dangers of microwave ovens

In this video, scientist Leonid Stasov will tell you how harmful a microwave oven is and will justify everything from a scientific point of view:

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine a comfortable and cozy life without many household devices. They allow you to quickly prepare food, wash dishes, wash clothes, etc. The microwave is considered one of the most ingenious creations of mankind - a technique created for cooking, heating and defrosting food. It is easy to use, convenient, and allows you to take care of breakfast or dinner without hassle. But does it really only bring benefits? Let's dispel, and perhaps confirm, some existing myths about the dangers and benefits of a microwave oven.

About the appearance of this miracle

The first mention of such a device appeared in Germany. At the very beginning of World War II, special devices were created to quickly prepare meals for German soldiers, the principle of operation of which was similar to modern microwave ovens.

Following the Germans in 1942, the American scientist Percy Spencer worked on a device that emitted ultra-high frequency waves. The discovery of the warm effects of waves happened by accident after Spencer placed his sandwich on the device, which quickly heated up. Thus, the physicist discovered the microwave, and three years later received a patent. The first microwave ovens appeared in 1947 in military canteens. They were not similar to modern devices; they were distinguished by their enormous size - over 160 cm, heavy weight - about 340 kg and the highest cost - thousands of dollars.

Next for creating a device for heating food Japanese scientists from the Sharp Corporation undertook. Their idea was a success, and in 1962 the first microwave ovens appeared on store shelves. In 1979, the developers supplemented the device with a microprocessor control system. The microwave oven gained its greatest popularity in the late nineties, when consumers began to purchase equipment en masse.

Operating principle of the device

To find out how a microwave oven works, you need to understand what elements it consists of. The “heart” of the device are:

  • magnetron- electric vacuum diode emitting microwave frequencies;
  • transformer- a device for high-voltage power supply of the emitter;
  • waveguide- a device necessary for transmitting radiation from the magnetron to the camera.
To prevent the emitter from heating up, the furnace design is supplemented with a fan that continuously cools the air. Device base- a metal chamber with a door where food is placed. In the middle of the metal chamber there is a table that rotates slowly during operation. The built-in timer, circuits and circuits provide control of time, programs and operating modes of the device.

The operating principle of the oven is quite simple. The magnetron emits waves that are transmitted along a waveguide that reflects magnetic radiation. As a result of this action, the molecules of the products begin to actively move, thereby creating friction, which results in the release of heat. Microwaves penetrate only 3 cm deep into the food. The rest of the food is heated through thermal conductivity, from the surface heated layer. The installed rotating plate allows you to heat food evenly in the microwave oven.

Did you know?Whole chicken eggs can explode in the microwave. The fact is that due to the strong evaporation of the liquid, high pressure is created inside the product, which can lead to its rupture. Also, you should not reheat sausages covered with film.

How do microwaves affect

Microwave is an easy-to-use, functional and practical household device that allows you to significantly save time on heating/defrosting food. Nevertheless, disputes continue to arise among scientists regarding the harm and benefits of the device. You need to understand how microwaves work and what happens to food.

What happens to the product

The effects of a microwave oven are fundamentally different from all cooking methods, which also affects the taste of food. Food heated in the microwave turns out less juicy and has a loose texture. This is due to the fact that during traditional cooking, heat gradually goes inward, and as a result, grilled foods get an appetizing crispy crust, and boiled and stewed foods are juicy. Microwaves have the opposite effect. The oven does not heat the product itself, but the water inside it, which quickly boils and evaporates. Because of this, the structure of the food becomes less dense and dry than after frying or stewing.

What happens to the person next to you?

Electromagnetic radiation, which is produced by a microwave oven does not have a negative impact on a person if he is located at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the operating device. The radiation power is so low that the harm that the body can receive is practically zero.

Important! It is dangerous to be near a working microwave if the housing is damaged or the device is malfunctioning.

A stove has a negative impact on human health only when directly, for a long time, near a working device. Among the main factors of harm are:

  • changes in the composition of lymph and blood;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increased risk of malignant tumors;
  • disorders related to changes in the internal potential of cell membranes.
When operating equipment, for human safety, it is recommended to move a few meters away from it.

What happens to a person who eats heated food?

It is known that food changes its chemical structure during any heat treatment, which can lead to a decrease in beneficial substances and an increase in others, for example, lycopenes. It is believed that microwave waves do not alter foods in ways that are more harmful than other cooking methods. Most scientists agree that food that is heated for a short time retains more valuable components compared to frying or stewing.

To date, there is no scientific evidence that food becomes carcinogenic after heating. In order for such changes to occur in products, they must be exposed to radioactive waves or fried in fat, which is the cause of carcinogens. Again, Food can be cooked through the oven for a short time, which allows you to preserve maximum beneficial properties.

There have been no cases in medical practice that would prove that certain diseases in humans arose as a result of eating food heated in a microwave. There is still a risk for a person if he eats food heated in a faulty oven for a long time or is constantly in close proximity to a working appliance.

Benefit or harm: let's try to figure it out

Disputes among scientists regarding the effects of microwave ovens on the human body have not subsided for many years. But before you go to the store for new equipment, you should study the most common opinions and arguments about it.

Arguments for harm

Discussions about the dangers of a device are primarily related to its emissions. The most powerful microwaves negatively affect not only food, but also the human body. They are capable of destroying products, changing their composition at the molecular level, making them carcinogenic, which, in turn, can cause changes in the composition of blood and lymph, leading to the formation of cancer cells.

Scientists from Sweden have proven that under the influence of microwaves a lot of carcinogen acrylamide is formed in baked goods. Scientific facts published in 1992 in America state that under the influence of microwaves, over a billion polarity changes are formed in molecules in one second. Changes in molecules in this case are inevitable. It was noted that amino acids found in food are susceptible to isomeric deformation and also degenerate into toxic forms.

Findings made by Russian researchers and published in the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in 1991 confirmed that harm from stoves exists, and it is real, and concerns a person’s prolonged presence near a working device. In this case, deformations in the composition of the blood and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system may occur.

In 1992, American scientists tried to find out what effect microwaves have on food heated in the oven. From their findings it was found that that after heating the food comes out with the presence of microwave energy, which is absent in food prepared in the usual thermal way. It was noted that people who took such food for a long time had a drop in their hemoglobin levels and developed anemia.

Why is it useful?

While there is ongoing debate about the dangers of microwaves, its benefits have long become obvious to many users. This is an easy-to-use, control and maintain kitchen appliance that allows you to quickly heat, cook or defrost food.

Heating food in an oven does not require the use of fats or oils that are necessary when heating it in a frying pan. The risk of getting a burnt dish is also minimized.

Important!It will be possible to make statements about the benefits or harm of the oven only after the features of the microwave have been thoroughly studied. Today there are many questions and gaps in this topic.

Using a microwave can significantly save time and reduce energy costs.

So in the end: dispelling the myths?

It’s worth understanding a little about the myths that exist among users.

  • The microwave may explode if metal containers are used. In fact, the maximum that can happen to technology- this is a failure of the magnetron due to the occurrence of a spark.
  • Microwaves destroy food at the molecular level and make foods carcinogenic. There is some truth here; under the influence of microwaves, many chemical compounds are degenerated into unknown elements, among which carcinogens can form. It is always important to choose the right dishes for heating food, because if a plate with a bright color is exposed to the waves, then the food in it can actually turn into poison.

  • The oven is radioactive and can increase radiation levels. The waves emitted by the device are non-ionizing, they do not have radioactive effects on food or other substances.
  • When the microwave operates for a long time at high power, equipment located in the area where the device is located may break down. In real, electromagnetic radiation is so small that it cannot damage devices. Some models of microwave ovens can interfere with mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

Did you know?When heating water in a stove, you must be extremely careful, because it can overheat - heat above the boiling point. Such overheated water is dangerous; it can boil at the slightest careless movement and, thereby, burn your hands.

Taking care of the little ones: is the microwave harmful for children?

Considering the different opinions about the beneficial and negative properties of microwave ovens, I would like to analyze what harm it can cause to a child’s body. Parents often use a stove to heat milk or formula. This is strictly prohibited!

Scientific facts confirm that many amino acids found in natural milk and artificial substitutes, under the influence of radiation they degenerate into isomers that have neurotoxic and nephrotoxic effects. This leads to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and kidney function.

If you still have fear: how to check the device for radiation

If you doubt the safety of your microwave, Experts advise conducting a simple experiment. To do this you need to use two mobile phones. One of them should be placed in the oven and the door should be closed (do not turn on the microwave!). From the second phone at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the device, you need to dial the number of the first cell phone. In the event that the phone is out of network coverage, the oven can be considered reliable and safe. If the signal is present, it means that the equipment is damaged and it is better not to use it.

How to protect yourself 100%

Whether a microwave is harmful or beneficial is a moot point. However, to minimize possible negative impacts, the rules for its operation must be followed:

  • It should be installed away from places where you dine, cook, or spend a lot of time. It is optimal to place the stove in places where you rarely appear unnecessarily.
  • Do not use the device for cooking. Reduce its operation to heating or defrosting only.
  • Do not place metal utensils or devices with steel frames in the oven. Even small decorative metal elements can harm the operation of the magnetron, which will affect the operation of the entire structure. An improperly operating stove emits a huge number of substances harmful to the human body.
  • When operating the device, you must be at a distance (1.5-2 m is sufficient).

  • Do not open the door while the equipment is operating, as all radiation is released directly at you. The doors can be opened 3-5 seconds after the work process has stopped.
  • Always keep the device clean, since microwaves do not have an antibacterial function, and gradually the chamber becomes overgrown with a large amount of pathogenic bacteria.

Is it worth buying a microwave oven?

If you can do without a microwave, then do. If she has become an integral part of your everyday life and you cannot imagine a normal, comfortable life without her, then give preference to equipment from proven, well-known manufacturers. The larger the manufacturer, the more interested he is in the quality of the product and its high consumption. Original devices undergo a series of environmental and safety tests, have all the necessary certificates and permits, and comply with international standards and sanitary and hygienic norms.

Precautions for use

If you do not plan to give up such a benefit to humanity as a microwave, then it is recommended to take certain precautions:

  1. The device must be installed correctly. Installation is carried out on a flat, horizontal surface, at a height of 90 cm of the floor.
  2. Ventilation openings should not be blocked. There must be a distance of at least 15 cm between the wall and the device.
  3. It is better to allocate a separate place for the stove, away from the stove and other electrical appliances.
  4. Use dishes made of heat-resistant, durable, thick glass or high-temperature resistant plastic for food.
  5. It is forbidden to open the door during operation, so as not to receive a “dose” of radiation.
  6. Do not heat large amounts of food at one time.

Microwave or regular oven: which is better to heat food in?

Heating food in a conventional oven is carried out due to the flow of hot air emanating from the walls of the appliance. It’s as if the products are “enveloped” in heat that penetrates deep into the food. In a microwave oven, heating occurs due to the so-called dipole shift that occurs under the influence of microwaves. The dipoles begin to actively move, rub against each other, thereby causing heat. Due to this, you can feel a big difference in the taste of the dishes. Food from the oven is more aromatic, juicy and tasty.

If we consider the time parameter, then a microwave device heats up food faster than an oven, which makes it possible to save time. In addition, in the microwave the risk of food burning is minimized and there is an excellent opportunity to cook without consuming fat.

Solving the dilemma of using a microwave oven, All possible risks should be assessed and expert opinions should be studied. In any case, the decision is yours, and if it leans towards purchasing the device, then use it strictly according to the instructions and carefully follow all safety measures.

The first microwave ovens were jokingly called bachelor's kitchen appliances. Perhaps the first generation of these devices justified this definition. But now microwaves have added so many different functions that their talents have become truly countless.

This device is controlled by a processor, which, based on the given parameters, can itself offer a recipe. And soon this wonderful culinary assistant will learn to perceive the voice commands of her mistress.

But, contemplating the leisurely rotation of defrosted products or the heating of ready-made dishes, you involuntarily ask yourself whether a microwave oven has an effect on the human body? This question is far from idle.

The physics of a microwave oven

Let's remember the basic concepts of a school physics course. The heating effect in a microwave is achieved due to the effect of microwave radiation on the products in the oven.

The source of these radiations is the magnetron. Microwave radiation frequency is 2450 GHz. The electrical component of this radiation has an orienting effect on the dipole molecules of the substance. A dipole is a molecule with charges of opposite signs at its different ends. The electric field manages to rotate the dipoles 180 degrees 5.9 billion times per second. This frantic speed leads to friction of molecules and heating of the substance consisting of them.

Microwave radiation penetrates no deeper than 3 cm, and further heating is carried out due to heat transfer from the outer layers to the inner ones. Pronounced dipoles are water molecules. Therefore, liquids and moisture-containing foods heat up faster. Vegetable oil molecules are not dipoles. Do not try to heat them in the microwave.

Microwave radiation used in a microwave oven has a wavelength of about 12 cm. Being on the frequency scale between radio and infrared waves, they have similar properties to them.

What is the harm from a microwave oven?

People are happy to believe rumors and myths. Let's check the existing rumors about the dangers of microwave ovens.

First of all, let's talk about the risk posed by radiation from a microwave oven. Among nutritionists and physicists, debates on this topic flare up and then subside.

Let's turn to possible negative impacts. Direct harm is possible in the form of radiation emanating from a working microwave.

A negative side factor may be the deformation and destruction of molecules and the creation of radiolytic compounds, that is, non-existent in nature, under the influence of the same ultrahigh frequencies. The microwave's impact on food doesn't end there.

Microwave radiation can cause ionization of water molecules (the loss or acquisition of an extra electron by an atom). And this already changes its structure.

The harmfulness of such water to living organisms was tested by an experiment on two identical plants, one of which was watered with ordinary boiled water, the other with water boiled in a microwave. The experiment was stopped on the 9th day because the second plant died. It was then that this water was dubbed “dead” water, extending this term to products that had been cooked with microwave radiation.

What can be countered to these arguments? Only the scientifically based opinion of physicists who claim that waves of this length do not have an ionizing effect on living tissue. Consequently, they cannot affect the atomic-molecular structure of a substance, but can only cause it to heat up... Moreover, since the efficiency of the magnetron reaches 80%, culinary processing of products occurs extremely quickly. And the prepared dishes lose a minimum of nutrients.

Further, the microwave oven body itself reflects the resulting radiation, preventing it from passing out. The glass part of the door is screened with a metal mesh that does not allow “harmful” waves to pass out. When the door is opened, the automation immediately turns off the magnetron. By the way, its power is very high - several hundred watts. If, when you open the door, the protection that turns off the magnetron does not work, and you find yourself at the mercy of the radiation from the generator, then severe harm and even burns to your internal organs are guaranteed!

It would seem that the harm from the microwave is neutralized by its thoughtful design. But confidence in its complete safety will be greatly shaken if we tell you that insidious microwaves have the ability to literally “leak” through tiny cracks and holes and are perfectly absorbed by moisture-containing objects, which is the human body. The reason for the appearance of cracks may not be a manufacturing defect, but a careless housewife who allowed carbon deposits to accumulate on the door.

When discussing the harm caused by a microwave oven, we should not forget about the cumulative effect of microwave radiation. If there is indeed even a slight leak, the harmful effects will accumulate as the appliance is used. The harm caused can be expressed:

  • dizzy;
  • drowsiness;
  • in blurred vision;
  • in the appearance of signs of heart failure;
  • Children may experience unreasonable crying and nervousness.

How to check a microwave oven for radiation and leaks

On the vast expanses of the Internet you can find descriptions of several ways to test a microwave oven for radiation.

However, the effectiveness of all the proposed methods may be questionable. Testing using cellular devices is unreliable simply because the operating frequencies of mobile phones and microwaves are different.

The most reliable method is to check using a special microwave radiation detector. Place a glass of cold water in the microwave oven, close the door and turn on the oven.

Bringing the detector close to its front wall, we trace it around the perimeter and diagonal of the door, fixing it at the corners. If there is no radiation, the indicator needle will not leave the green zone of the scale. If it is within the red zone, there is a leakage of microwave radiation. The method is effective and absolutely reliable.

Rules for safe use of a microwave oven

The officially permissible microwave radiation that a microwave oven can expose to a person without harm to his health throughout its entire “life” two centimeters from the front wall is approximately 5 milliwatts (mW) of microwave radiation per square centimeter. This figure is much lower than the maximum permissible level. And as you move away from the microwave oven, the wave energy decreases very quickly.

All microwave ovens have two independent locking systems, which prevents accidental opening of the door while the appliance is running.

The question of why a microwave oven is dangerous is more reasonable to consider from the perspective of when it is dangerous.

Even if you have made sure that your microwave oven is sealed, you should not commit obvious violations when using it.

If you use the microwave correctly, place it correctly in the kitchen, and keep it clean, then the microwave oven does not pose any harm to human health. Enjoy it for your health!