Learn to dance Arabic dances at home. Oriental dances for beginners

Belly dancing dates back to ancient times and is now very popular all over the world because it is feminine and exotic. It helps develop plasticity in women, allows them to feel their feminine strength, strengthen different muscle groups, which in turn has a positive effect on health and prolongs youth. Every girl of any build and age can learn to dance belly dance, and the basic technique can be mastered on their own.

Impact on the body

  • Belly dancing is a great way to get rid of a couple of centimeters on your waist, improve your health and become slimmer.
  • In addition to influencing the opposite sex, this dance improves the well-being of the weaker sex.
  • With the help of rhythmic movements, blood circulation improves and flexibility develops.
  • When you perform this dance, all muscle groups are activated, even those you don’t even know about! You will not achieve a similar result even from gymnastic exercises.
  • Training has a beneficial effect on joints, stooping disappears, and posture improves.
  • During belly dancing, blood circulation in the pelvic area is activated.
  • People who lead a sedentary lifestyle should definitely take up belly dancing (cashiers, pharmacists, IT workers, office workers, and so on).

Thus, if you dream of improving your posture, becoming slim, and getting rid of your belly fat, then you should start exercising.

However, women who have set themselves the goal of learning belly dancing should remember that only healthy women can practice it. If you have diseases of the digestive system, female organs, spine, blood vessels, then classes are contraindicated for you. It is better to consult your doctor before starting.

How to learn to dance belly dance

  1. The easiest way is to enroll in special courses, which can be found in all cities, but if for some reason you do not want to study with a teacher, you can use video lessons on DVD or instructions on the Internet. When you work on the elements, do not forget about their presentation - the mood, facial expressions, gaze, emotions with which you fill the dance are important.
  2. To begin with, you should learn simple movements of your hips - just move them left and right, while trying not to move your upper body. Then gradually make it more difficult - change body positions without ceasing to move your hips: for example, bend forward or backward. Be sure to practice while listening to music to learn how to get into the rhythm.
  3. In addition to smooth movements, there are also sharp movements of the hips - strikes up and down, as well as shaking the hips, which can be fast and slow. Start mastering slow shakes, and at the same time, alternately raise your hips to the music.
  4. Then, when you feel that you can shake faster, start to speed up, but you need to make sure that the fast shake is as clear and accentuated as the slow one. It is usually done on the full foot of both feet, but you can bring one foot forward, making the movement more graceful and difficult.
  5. When you bring your leg forward and shake your hips, you create a magical rocking effect, and you can also do various circles, slides, figure eights, arcs and other elements.
  6. If you need to move around in the dance, you should use a side step, which will help you gracefully swing your hips, and then try to combine the wave with the side step - to do this, you need to transfer your body weight to the front leg, and at the same time perform a wave with your stomach and chest.
  7. Separately, you should practice doing a figure eight with your hips - in this exercise, you actually draw a horizontal figure eight around you in the air with your hips. Move your left hip slightly to the left and, without lifting your heels from the floor, perform a left turn of the figure eight. Then move your hip as far back as possible and draw the second turn of the figure eight with your right hip. Loop the exercise. Then try to draw an even circle with your hips around your own body, while keeping your body stretched and not bending your back.
  8. To make a rocking motion with your hips, you need to move your right leg forward, stand on your toes and, rolling from foot to foot, alternately move your left and right hips.
  9. If you master the basic movements, you can proceed to more complex ones - for example, rolls and domes performed with the stomach.
  10. While dancing, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees, and move your arm gracefully at the top, emphasizing and accompanying the movements of the body.
  11. And in the end, we advise you to watch the video lessons presented, which will help you study all the movements in more detail, and you can also read the article.

Video lessons

In the East, belly dancing has become a traditional art form that women are taught from infancy. Belly dancing among oriental beauties is not only energetic body movements, it is a special ritual with the help of which a woman becomes closer to a man. Belly dancing lessons for beginners can be found in any city today, and you can also buy or find training videos on the Internet.

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, belly dancing brings a lot of benefits to the female body. This is an excellent physical warm-up accompanied by rhythmic music, during which all the muscles of the body work. Regular training allows beauties to acquire a slender figure and significantly increase self-esteem. For beginners, the best option is to study at home using videos. Lessons for beginners are offered by famous choreographers - videos with Alla Kushnir and Valeria Putitskaya will help you master the basic elements that you can hone at any convenient time.

It is especially useful for those who want to acquire a wasp waist and a flat stomach to engage in this type of art.

Belly dancing brings great benefits to girls who are preparing to become mothers. To dance beautifully, you need to use everything: body movements, arms, alluring curves of the neck, a mysterious look and a beautiful smile.

The main advantages of oriental dance classes:

To learn the intricacies of oriental dance, it is better to regularly visit dance halls, where the instructor can point out mistakes. If you lack the desire and opportunity, you can take lessons at home via video. The same applies to beginners who, for certain reasons, are embarrassed to visit public places. Home training has one significant advantage - you can study movements at any convenient time.

Belly dance with Valeria Putitskaya

Video lessons with choreographer Valeria Putitskaya allow beginners to smoothly move from awkward hip movements to the beat of music to graceful oriental dance. The master clearly shows how to work the muscles correctly, make turns, maintain posture, combine movements of the arms and legs. The most complex dance consists of simple elements that professionals sometimes perfect for years. Therefore, for beginners, dance lessons with Valeria Putitskaya provide the basics, which are important for subsequent training.

The choreographer begins a belly dancing lesson with a warm-up and attaches great importance to stretching. During the warm-up, Valeria teaches:

  • movements of the hips, buttocks from lesson 3 (key, barrel, turns, shaking, figure eight, waves, etc.);
  • chest movements;
  • neck movements;
  • hand movements.
Belly dancing, which Putitskaya masters perfectly, is the result of her long training with the world's most famous choreographers. In addition, the dancer has her own studio and is involved in judging at competitions. Fame came to her after participating in the TV show “Dancing” (3rd edition).

Ballydance with Alla Kushnir

Alla Kushnir begins her lessons by mastering breathing techniques, then begins teaching basic elements. Breathing exercises before classes allow a woman to relax, better feel the rhythm, hear music and coordinate movements. Alla amazingly combines plastic body movements and monotonous muscle training in her lessons.

Alla Kushnir is a beautiful woman with an oriental appearance, a professional master choreographer who knows everything about belly dancing. In this training video, Alla will tell you how to correctly do simple movements with your stomach, hips, and chest. Her portfolio includes 32 lessons in which the master gives detailed instructions and reveals the secrets of oriental dances. Alla Kushnir became famous after participating in the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent”; in season 3 she was already greeted as an accomplished star.

Oriental dance lessons from Alla are suitable for both beginners and those who already have sufficient knowledge.

In one video, the choreographer practices tactics from simple to complex, gradually combining several simple elements into a single body movement. For those who already have basic technique, you can skip the first 3 lessons.

For beginners, the choreographer offers a course of 6 lessons, including:

  • Lesson 1 – learning basic movements;
  • Lesson 2 – working the abdominal muscles and arms;
  • Lesson 3 – work of the hips and buttocks;
  • Lesson 4 – burning fat;
  • Lesson 5 – combining elements into a dance;
  • Lesson 6 – generalization.

Today, oriental dancing is popular all over the world - it is a great way to get your health in order, get back in shape and become desirable to the man you love. Belly dancing is accessible to any woman, especially since it is possible to learn how to move beautifully at home for free with the help of an instructional video.

Physical activity benefits any body. But if men like strength exercises, most women prefer dance programs. There are many of them, they are varied, as they say, for every taste. One of the popular trends is dancing for weight loss at home. Videos of such lessons have long taken their place among the arsenal of those losing weight at home. Dance programs for weight loss differ in many ways. When choosing yours, you need to take into account your physical fitness, intensity of exercise, musical preferences and much more.

Among the popular modern dance styles are the following:

  • Eastern dance,
  • indian dances,
  • latina,
  • step dance,
  • strip dance,
  • hip-hop,
  • club dancing,
  • ballroom

You can increasingly find tango schools. It is not difficult to assume that hip-hop is more popular among young people, just like club dancing or strip dancing. The older generation gravitates towards tango, like any classic. But oriental dancing is in favor with ladies of any age.

Do you want to understand what is your dance program, what kind of dances do you need to lose weight? Video lessons for beginners will give an idea of ​​the intensity of the load, the plasticity of movements and the direction of the musical accompaniment. Van needs more movement and fiery rhythms - choose Latin or hip-hop, if you gravitate towards smooth steps and lyrical music, your element is ballroom dancing. But if you like oriental melodies, bewitching, alluring and smooth movements, feel free to take up oriental dances.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Dancing tango at home or learning pole moves is somewhat unusual. But belly dancing is quite suitable for home practice. Moreover, oriental dance lessons for weight loss, videos of which are not difficult to find, are designed for any level of training. Even if you have never danced, you will master the initial skills quickly enough. From now on, everything will only go progressively. From lesson to lesson you will feel more confident, you will learn to enjoy not only physical activity, but also the fact that you will be able to do what seemed unattainable just yesterday.

Remember, no matter what your body is at the moment, it should not become a reason for refusing to dance. The grace of a woman sometimes means much more than her volume!

What dances help you lose weight quickly?

Without a doubt, the fastest results come from the most intense dances. Breakdancing, fast ballroom dancing, such as quickstep, cha-cha-cha, and jive hold the palm. But, despite the fact that oriental dancing does not give such a quick effect, it is most beneficial for the female body. Yes, there is no such intense and forceful load, but flexibility and coordination develop, plasticity improves and the muscles that make a woman a woman are trained. There is an opinion that ancient oriental dances are not only a way to attract male attention, it is also a kind of medical procedure aimed at improving women's health.

Oriental dancing for weight loss at home

When choosing which dances to do to lose weight, pay attention to oriental dances. With regular exercise, even if not immediately, you will begin to lose weight. The load is distributed in such a way that the muscles in the most problematic areas are tightened. Hips and buttocks become more and more attractive from time to time, arms and shoulders become more expressive, waists become thinner and thinner.

There are a variety of dances you can dance at home to lose weight. When practicing from a video, first watch everything carefully; do not try to immediately repeat complex movements. After all, if something doesn’t work out right away, it will be quite difficult psychologically to force yourself to repeat it. Remember the golden rule: from simple to complex. Only after mastering the lesson well should you move on to a more complex level.

It’s not without reason that those who choose belly dancing for weight loss don’t start their reviews with how much their weight has decreased. Most of the fans of eastern movements say that their general condition is improving, and not only physical. The mood, perception of the world, awareness of one’s place in this world change as the woman begins not only to copy the teacher’s movements, but also to dance. After all, dance is creativity, you want, even philosophy. By dancing, we don’t just train our muscles, we improve spiritually, no matter how trite it may sound.

Video lessons for beginners: Oriental dancing for weight loss

To achieve the best effect, it is quite possible to combine oriental and fast dances for weight loss. Even so, depending on the mood, today it’s a belly dance, and tomorrow it’s a fiery cha-cha-cha. More energetic dances will provide additional physical activity, while oriental dances will help develop flexibility and smooth movements.

It is important to note that, as in any other case, regularity of exercise is the basis. Even if you’re not in the mood, try, make an effort, but don’t skip training. Once, twice, three times, and now you don’t feel like it at all. Don’t look for excuses for yourself, don’t come up with excuses - just get up and dance, in a few minutes you will forget about your “I don’t want to.”

Belly dance for weight loss. The video will help you not only get your figure in order. Video lessons will teach you the basics, and as you progress, you will learn new movements. When the time comes, the teacher on the screen will become the source of your creativity. You will learn not only to repeat, but also to improvise or build your own dance line.

From time immemorial, people have been attracted to oriental beauties and their charming ability to move. Nowadays anyone can learn this art of belly dancing, even at home. After all, there are a large variety of techniques that allow you to teach this, at first glance, seemingly difficult art.

At the same time, it is a symbol of femininity, sexuality and charm. Many admirers of oriental belly dancing say that it not only teaches beautiful and smooth movements, but also allows you to get rid of extra pounds. The important thing here is to learn how to perform all the movements correctly, and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result. Belly dancing to burn fat is an excellent alternative to diets and traditional physical activity (,). But there is nothing to be surprised here, because there are special techniques that can surpass many methods of body correction.

For those who don’t know how to learn oriental belly dancing at home, but really want to, it’s worth knowing that this is an opportunity not only to receive aesthetic pleasure. Spending this time brings many benefits. To rhythmic music, movements are performed in which all the muscles of the body work. If you practice belly dancing regularly, you may be surprised at the results, because this way you can get a slim and toned figure. In addition, during classes, self-esteem increases, the woman begins to love herself and her body.

For those who don’t know how to learn belly dancing at home, you need to know that classes have a lot of advantages, such as:

  • Receiving aesthetic pleasure
  • Feeling great
  • Development of a sense of rhythm
  • Increased body endurance
  • Active weight loss process
  • Femininity and sophistication
  • Self-confidence and love for your body.

If a girl wants to get a flat stomach and a wasp waist, then oriental belly dancing will be an excellent help in this field. It is impossible not to note their benefits for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. During belly dancing, all muscles are involved, you need to move your body, neck, smile beautifully, and hone the mystery in your gaze. In order for all the subtleties of the process to become known, you need to do this regularly. The advantage of home schooling is the fact that you can study at any convenient time.

Home belly dancing training is the best option for beginners. Famous choreographers record their videos where they teach how to master the basic elements. Such a tutorial will greatly help you feel much more confident in classes with a trainer.

Video lesson No. 1, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (basic movements)

Belly dancing as a way to lose weight

Dreams of a thin waist haunt many representatives of the fairer sex. A wasp waist, toned and thin hips are the main culprits of these desires. Oriental belly dancing, contrary to popular belief, is not smooth and melodic. These are rhythmic and intense movements that involve all muscle groups, not just the abdominal area. While listening to pleasant music, you can move your body and work on your muscles, making them more elastic and toned.

Along with these movements, centimeters on the body begin to “melt away”. Oriental dances last so long that there is enough time for body changes. Blood flow in the body increases during belly dancing, and this in turn has a positive effect on the process of fat breakdown.

Belly dancing classes are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Many girls begin to dance oriental styles, this allows them to develop femininity and refinement of character.

Physical activity is the best option for weight loss because you need to burn more calories during the day than you consume through food. It is belly dancing that can burn a sufficient amount of calories. This sports method easily replaces the standard ones.

Video lesson No. 2, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (arms and waist muscles)

Additional belly dance elements

So that while dancinglook harmonious, it is important to choose many elements, in particular:

  • Costume
  • Shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Makeup.

Even beginner level requires looking beautiful in belly dancing. Maintaining a dancer's sexy image is extremely important. In addition, the costume and additional elements allow you to completely immerse yourself in belly dancing.

Practical advice: It is better to buy a belly dance costume after some time has passed after classes; in any case, the figure will become more feminine and the waist will become more refined. Beginners will only need a short top and breeches.

Once the basic movements are learned, you can purchase a loincloth with coins. This element looks playful and sexy, and also creates a special mood. And now to talk about shoes. All Arabic dances are performed barefoot. Thus, a special connection between man and the Earth is noted. If you don’t want to dance barefoot, then socks, slippers or ballet shoes will do.

Basic belly dance moves

Belly dancing lessons for beginners may seem difficult, because at the same time you need to control every part of your body, move your arms beautifully, control your facial expressions, gaze, and smile. However, learning belly dancing can be started with simple videos.

By gradually performing the following dance movements, you can quickly and easily master this, at first glance, difficult direction:

  • The basic belly dance movement is rocking. It must be performed correctly while standing on tiptoes. The legs need to be placed together, they bend slightly at the knees. Mentally draw a vertical line through your navel. Move your hips along this line, but the navel should remain motionless.
  • Pendulum– the technique of the exercise is to lift the right thigh to the armpit, move it to the right side and lower it down again. We do the same with the left thigh.
  • Circular rotations of the hips. It is important that your back is level and straight during movements. You need to imagine a circle in front of you, use your buttocks to outline it, while bending your lower back as much as possible.
  • Circles. You need to describe a circle with your hips, while the pelvis needs to be pulled back, and the hip is thrown from top to bottom. The next laps must be non-stop. You can do circular rotations in the horizontal direction, vertical. They can be large, small, or medium. A new movement can result if movements are made in the frontal plane.
  • Wave. In this case, you only need to move your hips. The upper body remains motionless. You need to stand on high half-toes, half a turn. You need to move in a vertical plane and describe a circle through the hip bones. It is possible to move forward or to the side. You can do side or frontal wave rotations.

Such exercises are just the initial stage. There are many other techniques that need to be improved step by step to achieve good results. Oriental belly dancing is not only a beautiful figure, but also graceful posture, femininity and sophistication.

Video lesson No. 3, belly dance from Vina and Nina Bidashi (hips and buttocks)

Video belly dancing lessons for beginners - how to learn belly dancing at home?

The best thing master the skill of belly dancing An experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. We will tell you what you need for this in our article.

Where to start learning belly dancing for beginners at home - paraphernalia and basic rules

Belly dancing requires a woman ability to relax those muscle groups who are not currently employed. This is the only way a dancer can perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dancing lessons will require a lady forming your own sexual image as a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. Plays an important role here suit, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dance performer.

  • To choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that In the first months of training, a woman’s figure will change significantly . The waist will become more refined, and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of attire for oriental dances after some time has passed.
  • For beginners, belly dancing is best danced in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image loincloth with coins , creating the intended mood during training.
  • As for belly dancing shoes, let us remember that there has long been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus celebrating the inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can wear shoes ballet flats, Czech shoes or socks.

In order to perform belly dance harmoniously and correctly, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a certain style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dance

Video: belly dancing - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dance is "rocking chair". To perform this movement, a woman must rise on tiptoes with her legs together, bend her knees slightly and mentally draw a vertical line through her navel. Along this line you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel remains in place. You can do the dance elements up - down or forward - back.

To perform down-up movements, i.e. — in the vertical plane , put your feet together, rise onto your toes and bend your knees slightly. We take turns pulling the thighs up to the armpits so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This dance element can also be performed moving forward.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) We stand on our full feet, bending our knees slightly. Bend your lower back as much as possible and move your pelvis back. We lead him forward and pull his pubis towards the navel. Moving your hips plastically, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is at the navel. Speeding up the pace, we switch to shaking our belly.

  • The next element of belly dancing is "pendulum" . To perform the exercise from top to bottom, lift the right thigh up to the armpit, move it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by moving the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled toward the armpit. Lower the right thigh diagonally down, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Don’t forget - when dancing an element, you need to make sure that your back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, we mentally imagine a circle. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, arching the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to bring your pubis onto your stomach as much as possible.
  • Reset circles. We describe a circle and, moving the pelvis back, perform a hip reset from top to bottom. In the next laps the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is motionless. To perform the element, we stand on high half-toes, facing the viewer half a turn. In the vertical plane we imagine a circle whose axis passes through the thigh bones. In the direction from below - forward - up - back we try to describe it with our hips. This element can be performed moving to the side or forward. There are several types of waves - lateral and frontal.

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