Summary of art nodes in the middle group. Summary of GCD on fine arts in the middle group on the topic: “Beautiful flowers

Elena Andreeva
Summary of GCD for fine art in the middle group

Summary of GCD for fine art in the middle group.

Theme "Indoor plants in a pot. Cactus"

Target: learn to convey the image of a houseplant (cactus) in a pot using unconventional painting techniques.

Preliminary work: work in a corner of nature, looking at illustrations of plants, highlighting common features and differences.

Equipment and materials: jars for water, gouache paints, brushes, album sheets, pictures of cacti, forks.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

Children sit in a circle on the carpet.


Guys, today we will draw a houseplant that we have in no group. I'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

He is prickly, green-skinned,

And he looks like a hedgehog.

It grows on the window,

It blooms very rarely.

Answer: Cactus.


Why do you think we have cacti in no group? (The cactus has spines that can be pricked and injured).

We will now look at the pictures to see what cacti are (there are cacti different: round, oval, small, large, long).

And since this is an indoor plant, what should we draw it in? (in a pot).


Let's come to our corner of nature and look at the flower pots (the pots are also all different, they are narrower at the bottom than at the top)

Main part.

Take a seat at the tables. We found out that cacti are different and flower pots are also different, so all your work will be different too.

I suggest you think about what color you will paint the pot. Dip the brush into water, remove excess water on the edge of the jar and pick up paint. At the bottom of the album sheet we draw a small line in the middle, and a little higher we draw a longer line, connect the top and bottom, and paint over our pot.

What color is our cactus? (green)

We rinse the brush and pick up green color. Let's draw the cactus itself.

What else does a cactus have? (needles)

How can we draw needles? (brush, fingers, stick, etc.)

I suggest you try drawing needles with a fork. Dip the tines of a fork into the paint and apply it to your cactus.

Well done. We drew a cactus. Our flower pot has dried up and we can decorate it (children decorate the flower pot at their own request)

Look what wonderful cacti you have made. (an exhibition of children's works is being organized)

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson on Fine Arts + FEMP in the middle group "Cat from geometric shapes" Program objectives: Educational: Consolidate.

Goal: to introduce children to arts and crafts. Educational objectives: - continue to introduce Khokhloma painting, its color.

AbstractGCD for drawing

in the middle group.

Area of ​​activity:

artistic and aesthetic.

Educational area:

artistic creativity.

Subject: « Spring"

Educator: Kolotushkina M.G.

Target: teach children to notice changes in nature with the arrival of spring, to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of spring nature; cultivate interest and respect for nature.

Educational objective:

- expand and enrich children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature in early spring;

- teach children to conduct a conversation based on a picture, read poetry clearly and expressively, and activate children’s vocabulary;

- strengthen the ability to workwith a brush.

Developmental tasks:

- activate the development of curiosity and imagination in children, develop attention and memory;

- develop imaginative thinking, perception, imagination, creativity in children;

- develop emotional responsiveness when encountering beauty: music, paintings.

Educational tasks:

- cultivate love for native nature;

- develop the ability to work together, cultivate independence, activity, and accuracy.

Preliminary work:observations in nature; reading works of fiction describing the spring landscape; learning poems about spring; acquaintance with methods of unconventional drawing; looking at reproductions of paintings and illustrations about spring.

Equipment and materials: reproductions of paintings and illustrations about spring;

watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins; tape recorder, music about spring.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, let's remember a poem about spring.


Spring walked along the edge of the forest,
She carried buckets of rain.
Stumbled on a hill -
Buckets tipped over.

The drops rang -
The herons began to scream.
The ants got scared -
The doors were locked.

Buckets with rain Spring
I didn’t get it to the village.
A colored rocker
Fled to the skies
And it hung over the lake -

- Spring is a wonderful time of year, it is in spring that everything comes to life, is born and the joy and fullness of life is especially well felt. A lot of poems, music, and paintings have been written about spring. Let's look at some of the paintings painted by great artists.

Children look at reproductions of paintings by I.I. Levitan “March”;

A.K. Savrasova “The rooks have arrived.”

- Children, look carefully and tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings?

- Why did you decide so? What happens to nature in spring? (Everything comes to life, the snow melts, the sun shines, the sky turns blue, birds fly in, the first flowers appear.)

- What happens to trees in spring? (The buds swell and leaves appear.)

- Which birds are the first to fly to us from warm countries?

- That's right, guys. And in the spring the sun laughs tenderly, streams run loudly, snowdrifts melt. Everyone is enjoying the sun. Let us also rejoice in him.

Children's drawings lie on a pre-prepared table. Attached to the easel is a landscape sheet on which the same drawing is drawn as the children's.

- In the last lesson we started drawing spring. What have we drawn? (heaven and earth)

- Let's look at our clearings. Some of them turned out sad, not like spring at all.

Probably winter has bewitched them, let’s break the spell on our clearings.

- Let's imagine that we are the great artists of Spring. What could we draw in our meadows to make it feel warm and cheerful like spring?(Children's expected answers: sun, grass, flowers)

- Well done! Now let's start drawing, but first we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Sun, wake up sun”

- How will we draw a tree......?

The teacher calls one child at a time to the easel, and the children show how to depict this or that object.

Educator: Well, now sit down at the tables and let's start drawing.

The teacher plays classical music by Tchaikovsky “Seasons: MARCH, APRIL, MAY.”

Children work independently; the teacher provides assistance if necessary.

At the end of the work, the children examine each other’s drawings, exchange remarks, evaluate their work, noting what was most successful. The teacher praises the children for the beautiful landscapes that will decorate the group and make it elegant.


-What did we do today? What new things have you learned? Did you like the lesson?

- Well done, you tried your best and painted excellent spring pictures that great artists can envy.

This concludes our lesson. Thank you all very much!


Learn to hold the brush correctly, adjust the pressure, carry out the sequence of operations.

Continue to develop the ability to draw vertical lines,

To consolidate knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs (cats - kittens).

Develop children's oral dialogic speech, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Induce a feeling of joy in the process of visual activity.

Maintain interest in this type of activity.

Cultivate accuracy when working with gouache.

Preliminary work:

Looking at a toy (cat), looking at an object image of a cat, watching a cat, productive activity: modeling “The cat arched its back”, reading nursery rhymes “Cat. Kitten, Kitty”, “Pussy, pussy, how are you?”, poems, dramatization game “Why are you sad, little pussy?”, outdoor game: “The mice are dancing in a round dance”, didactic games: “Who is talking like that?” “Who is this”, “Whose children?”, “Who is eating what?”.

1. Org. moment.

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

and let's smile at each other.

2. A guest came to us, we will find out who she is when we guess the riddle.

Mystery .

Shaggy, mustachioed,

There are scratches on his paws and he is lapping up milk.

Sings songs (children's answers)

Looking at a cat.

What animal is a cat, wild or domestic?

Who are her cubs?

What does a cat like to eat?

Do you know poems about a cat?

Reading poetry at the request of children.

Boris Zakhoder – Kiskino grief
Pussy is crying in the corridor.
She has great grief:
Evil people to poor Kiska
They don't let you steal sausages!

Why is pussy crying?

Agnia Barto – Truck
No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

What did the cat do?

Tatyana Efimova – A cat walked around the yard
A cat was walking around the yard,
The cat got her feet dirty.
They don't let the cat into the house -
Feet get dirty all over!
All her four heels
They leave fingerprints!
What should the poor cat do here?
She needs to wash her feet!

Why is the cat not allowed into the house?

What needs to be done to help her?

Nursery rhymes

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy!

Like our cat
The fur coat is very good.
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.

Dramatization at the request of the children.

Vladimir Orlov – Sad pussy
Why are you crying, pussy?
My bowl is empty!
I ate a piece of bacon
And now I feel sad.
Why did it become sad?
Because it was delicious!

Nursery rhyme

Pussy, pussy, how are you?

Why did you leave us?

I don't want to live with you,

There's nowhere to put the tail!

Walk, yawn, step on your tail!

3. - What do kittens like to play?

(children's answers)

You know, our guest came to us with a request.

She prepared beautiful bows for the kittens, but got caught in the rain and only one bow remained.

Examination of the sample. Comparison.

What is the difference?

(children's answers)

How can we help our guest?

(Let's draw dots and stripes)

4. Demonstration of the teacher’s performance of work.

5. Creative activities of children.

(Musical accompaniment)

6. Final conversation.

Who came to visit us?

How did we help her?

Why does she need bows?

7. Gratitude from the cat.

(Surprise bag - fish-shaped cookies for each child)

Children say goodbye to guests:

And now we will smile,

let's hold hands tightly,

And goodbye to all the guests,

Let's say together: “Goodbye!”

Summary of GCD on art in the middle group

"Dymkovo Lambs"

Target: Introduce children to arts and crafts products - the Dymkovo toy.Raising children aesthetically through folk art.

Tasks :

    Teach children to make a pattern from elements of Dymkovo painting (dots, rings, circles, stripes)

    Strengthen the ability to use the end of a cotton swab to apply dots, draw circles around dots, and use a separate cotton swab for each paint.

    Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, creativity. Arouse interest in folk toys.

    Foster independence and accuracy in work.

Materials: Dymkovo clay toys, pictures of Dymkovo toys, lamb templates, a beautiful box, gouache, cotton swabs, sippy cups, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator - Guys, today they brought this box to our group as a gift. Let's see what's in it. (Opens the box). What is this? (Toys) These are Dymkovo toys.

They are sleeping by the highway
In the hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,
Bound by ice.
Soft snow falls
Blue smoke billows.
Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,
It's like there's smoke all around,
Blue distances.
And the village is big
They called it Dymkovo.

They loved songs and dances there,
Miracle fairy tales were born in the village.
The evenings are long in winter,
And they sculpted there from clay.

For many years, such toys have been made in the village of Dymkovo. Craftsmen sculpt them from clay, bake them in a kiln, paint them with white paint, and then decorate them with different patterns. Look how beautiful they are. (I draw the children’s attention to pictures depicting Dymkovo toys) There are young ladies, horses, lambs, turkeys, and roosters. What color paints did the masters use? (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, blue, black) Let's take a close look at what folk craftsmen painted on toys (dots, circles, stripes, waves) Guys, what do circles look like? (sunny) What about the dots? (seeds, flowers). Well done. The stripes look like the sky or earth, and the wavy lines look like water or a river.

Guys, do you want to become folk craftsmen yourself and decorate a Dymkovo toy? (Yes) There is something else in the box here. (takes out lamb templates) And here are the round lambs.

Lamb whistle
The left horn is a curl,
The right horn is a curl,
There is a flower on the chest.

I suggest decorating the lambs with dots and circles. I explain that the children will draw with cotton swabs. A separate stick should be used for each paint.

Children independently make a pattern on the silhouette of a lamb, depict the elements, and choose a color.

Helping children with difficulties, individual work.

At the end of the work, while the paint dries, we conduct a physical education session.

To begin with, you and I
We only turn our heads. (Rotate your head.)
We also rotate the body.
Of course we can do this. (Turns right and left.)
And now we squat.
We understand perfectly well -
We need to strengthen our legs
One two three four five. (Squats.)
Finally reached out
Up and to the sides. We caved in. (Stretching up and to the sides.)
Flushed from warming up
And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)


Offer to make an exhibition out of the completed works. When analyzing, note the location of the patterns, color, accuracy in work.

Our lambs are so smart and cheerful! Thank you for your work, masters! This concludes our lesson.

Target: Involve children in the world of fairy tales.
- Develop the articulatory apparatus, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary: rustles, animals. Develop the ability to listen and hear the question.
- Learn to create an image, draw a character from a fairy tale, develop children’s interest in visual arts.
- To cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale characters, to create a desire to help them. Maintain a positive emotional attitude in children from meeting their favorite fairy tale characters. Develop ideas about kindness, mutual assistance and friendship.
Educational area:"Artistic creativity"
View: productive activity (drawing)
Type: integrated
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Health”
Material for the lesson:
- 2 round and square colored cardboard boxes (Appendix 1);
- silhouettes of animals (wolf, fox, hare, bear, rooster), (Appendix 2);
- album, paints, pencil, sippy cups, brushes.

Toys: kids, Baba Yaga, bear, piglets, grandmother.

Paper silhouettes: wolf, fox, hare, cockerel, bear.

Magic casket.

Technical equipment: music center (Music "Visiting a fairy tale", calm music)
Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, watching DVDs, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, showing puppet theaters.
Methods and techniques:
-Telling the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
-Looking at illustrations.
-Conversations with kids.
Source: Collective creativity of preschool children: Lesson notes / ed. A.A. Gribovskaya. - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. - 192 p.

Lesson plan.
I. Introductory part - organizational point. (5 minutes)

1.1. Reading a poem.

1.2. Conversation about fairy-tale characters, solving riddles.

Goals: Having a positive attitude towards the world. Formation of skills of interaction with peers and adults.

II. Main part (20 minutes)

2.1. A surprise moment, a riddle about a kolobok.

2.2. Fizminutka

2.3. Conversation about the fairy tale “Kolobok”

2.4. A surprise moment, grandma's arrival. Drawing koloboks.

Goals: Active interaction with peers and adults. Showing initiative and independence. Show curiosity. Construction of a speech utterance. Formation of the ability to make one’s own decisions, relying on one’s knowledge and skills in various types of activities. Follow social norms of behavior and rules. Development of gross and fine motor skills.

III. Final part. Summing up the results of activities. (5 minutes)

Targets: Reflection. Formation of skills for assessing your own results.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part

Children enter the group to the music (Visiting a fairy tale). At the beginning of the lesson, a poem is sung by the children.

There are many different fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But to live in the world
We can't live without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
Let's say to the guest: "Come in."
V.A. Steklova

Guys, today we will have an unusual activity.
(Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher is in the center, next to a small table).
But first tell me, do you like fairy tales?

Sample answers from children: Yes, we love you, we love you very much...
Additional education teacher:

What fairy tale heroes do you like?

Sample answers from children: kind, cheerful...
Additional education teacher:

In front of you is a magic chest where heroes from different fairy tales are hidden.
Do you want to guess them? Whoever guesses the answer will be able to play with them after class.

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children? (Seven kids)

An old woman flies on a magic mortar
So fast that the wind whistles behind her.
She lives in a fabulous, earthly wilderness -
Hurry up and name the old woman! (Baba Yaga)

Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? …(Bear)

The nose is round with a snout,
Small crochet tail.
They were friendly brothers
The evil wolf was defeated.
Answer me guys
These brothers... (Piglets)

Guys, how can you call all these heroes in one word? (fairy-tale heroes)

II. Main part

Additional education teacher:

And this morning I met a fairy-tale character who would like to meet you and make friends, and also tell you a very interesting story. Would you like to meet him?
Sample answers from children: Yes, sure…
Additional education teacher: Listen to the riddle:

It is shaped like a ball.
He was once hot.
Jumped off the table onto the floor
And he left his grandmother.
He has a ruddy side...
Did you find out? (Kolobok)

Additional education teacher: And here he is. (Puts a square-shaped bun on the table) Hello, children, I am a bun! Is there something wrong? Why are you laughing?
(Children are surprised, laugh, express their impressions) There is no such thing as a bun, in a fairy tale it is round, it rolls, it left its grandmother.
Additional education teacher:(takes out a round one from behind a square bun). Everything is clear, the bun decided to joke with us. Kolobok is very cheerful and loves to ask riddles and perform various tasks. Do you love it?
Sample answers from children: And we love.
Additional education teacher: Today the bun will tell us his tale, but be very careful, because the bun can make mistakes, and you need to correct his mistakes. Ready?
Sample answers from children: Yes, we are ready.
Additional education teacher: So, the old woman baked a bun. The gingerbread man lay there, lay there, and rolled. Come on guys, we'll go after him.
The children go out onto the carpet and stand scattered.
Physical education minute.

Kolobok, kolobok, warm and rosy. (tilts to the right, left)

Jump and jump, jump and jump, our friend has started, (jumping, running in place)

He turned right, then he turned left, (turns right and left)

Then it spun with a leaf (rotate 360 ​​degrees)

then he became friends with the little squirrel. (squat)

Rolled along the path (running in a group)

and fell into my palms. (children run up to the teacher)

Additional education teacher: So Kolobok fell into my hands. And in the fairy tale, what animals did he meet on the way? I’ll show you their silhouettes now, and you can guess. (Hangs silhouettes of animals on the board next to the kolobok)
Children name the animals: wolf, fox, hare, cockerel, bear.
Additional education teacher: But in the fairy tale, Kolobok did not meet all the animals. Who's the odd one out?
Sample answers from children: Kolobok has never met a cockerel in a fairy tale; he is superfluous.
Additional education teacher: Right. Remember who Kolobok met first in the forest?
Sample answers from children: Kolobok met a bunny.
Additional education teacher: Who did Kolobok meet second? Third? The last one?
- What happened to Kolobok at the end of the fairy tale?
- Why did the Fox manage to eat Kolobok?
-What is the Fox like in a fairy tale? (Cunning, deceiver, evil)
Well done boys!
Takes out grandma's doll

Grandmother: Hello guys!
Children: Hello.
Grandmother: Kolobok ran away from me, I got bored alone, I don’t know what to do.
Additional education teacher: Guys, let's give grandma a lot of koloboks and draw them. What is the shape of the bun?
Sample answers from children: Round.
Independent activity of children accompanied by calm music.
Children sit at tables, draw a kolobok

III. Final part.

Additional education teacher: Please, grandma, look at what wonderful drawings we have made. Let's say goodbye to grandma. Thank you and the fairy tale about Kolobok! Until next time.
Additional education teacher: Guys, our interesting journey with the kolobok has come to an end. And I would really like to know if you liked this activity? (children's answers)
Additional education teacher: Well done! Well done! Let's display your drawings at our exhibition.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.