What is Katya Topuria's weight and height, body measurements, eye color, breast size, biography. Katie Topuria: what Instagram singer Topuria is hiding

Keti Topuria (real name - Ketevan Andreevna Topuria; Georgian ქეთა (ქეთევან) თოფურია). Born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. Georgian and Russian singer, lead singer of the group “A’Studio”.

Father - Andro Iraklievich Sanodze (born Topuria - changed his last name to his wife's maiden name), repeatedly convicted of murder, robbery, possession of weapons and drugs. In 2010 he died in prison.

Mother - Natalya Topuria, chemical engineer.

As Keti said, she not only has Georgian roots, but also Italian roots from one of her great-grandfathers. In addition, her grandmother is Polish. At the same time, she clarified that she considers herself Georgian.

She was alone in the family, which she greatly regrets - she really wanted to have a sister.

She inherited her singing talent from her grandfather, who sang well. Also in their house there were always various guests, many of them musicians. “And we all sang together,” she recalled.

Since childhood, she studied music - the music teacher from her home drew attention to her. “She paid attention to me, listened, came down and asked me to give her my home number. I come home, and my mother says that Izo called - that was her name - and said that you have a good voice. “You need to practice singing.” ", my mother concluded. I, of course, agreed," the artist shared.

At the age of 12 she received her first award - she took first place at the International Competition “Sea of ​​Friendship”, and at 14 she already won the Grand Prix of the International Competition “Path to the Stars”.

Also, from 8 to 12 years old, she studied at a school-studio for young fashion models.

She graduated from secondary school No. 60 in Tbilisi.

In 2003, she graduated from Zakharia Paliashvili Music College with a degree in vocal teaching.

In 2003, she entered Tbilisi State University to major in psychology, but interrupted her studies, accepting an invitation to replace Polina Griffis in the A’Studio group, and moved to Moscow.

Keti's candidacy was suggested to the A'Studio group by Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze when the musicians were on tour in Tbilisi. She was invited to the group when Polina Griffis left it. “When Polina, the previous soloist, left, producer Nato Dumbadze invited me to join the group. And I didn’t even know about it,” said Keti.

And in March 2005, Keti Topuria was introduced as the new vocalist of A’Studio.

A"Studio and Igor Krutoy - Dad Mom

“I sometimes envy myself. This is an unreal feeling, I wish this to all of you. You just need to work, work and work on yourself. No one will ever like you if you don't like yourself. Love yourself, and the earth will love you! Just remember: life is a boomerang. Do a lot of good. There is a god in every person. If you don’t want to offend God, don’t offend people,” says Keti.

Katie Topuria's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Keti Topuria:

The singer was credited with relationships with football players Dmitry Sychev and Kakha Kaladze, actor Igor Vernik, and singer Sergei Amoralov.

On September 7, 2013, Katie married businessman Lev Geykhman (born 1974), whom she had dated for 4 years before their wedding.

“For me, family is a very important concept. If I start a family, it will be forever,” the artist said in an interview. At the same time, she clarified that “when I start a family, I will have at least four children.”

The artist has a sun tattoo on her upper back, which signifies the light of life.

She resorted to plastic surgery. She herself admitted that she had rhinoplasty - changing the shape of her nose. She explained that the plastic surgery was forced: she went under the surgeon’s knife because she had a deviated nasal septum, which made it difficult to breathe. However, commentators are sure that Katie was simply making her nose too big.

Observers also noted that their shape had changed somewhat.

Video clips of Keti Topuria:

2005 - “You”
2005 - “I’m Flying Away”
2006 - “I still love”
2007 - “Running to you”
2007 - “Angel”
2008 - “My Kazakhstan”
2008 - “Heart to Heart” (feat. Inveterate Fraudsters)
2009 - “Just like everyone else”
2010 - “Morning exercises (We will live)” (feat. Leonid Rudenko)
2010 - “Fashion Girl”
2012 - “Just Goodbye”
2013 - “Once and For All” (feat. 3XL Pro)
2013 - “Dad, Mom” (feat. Igor Krutoy)
2014 - “The only thing” (feat. Thomas Nevergreen)
2015 - “This is love”
2016 - “Far” (feat. Centr)
2017 - “Only with you”

Keti Topuria- Russian singer of Georgian origin, lead singer of the group "A-studio".

Biography of Keti Topuria

Keti Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi, in the family of civil engineer Andro and chemical engineer Natalia. In 2010, Andro Topuria was detained while buying drugs, convicted, and soon died in prison.

Among the girl’s ancestors are Italians and Poles. Keti herself considers herself Georgian.

Katie’s talent was noticed by a music teacher living next door: she advised the parents to pay attention to their daughter’s vocal abilities. In 2003, Keti received a diploma in vocal teaching and entered the State University of Georgia at the Faculty of Psychology.

In 2014, Keti Topuria made her debut as a women's clothing designer and created her own brand, Ketione.

The creative path of Keti Topuria

At the age of twelve, Keti Topuria became a laureate of the international competition “ Sea of ​​Friendship", and two years later - the winner of the Grand Prix of the international competition "Path to the Stars".

By the time the group "A-studio" left Pauline Griffiths, Keti was already a famous singer in Georgia and had released two albums. Producer Nato Dumbadze invited her fellow countrywoman to become the vocalist of the group.

“Nato sent the guys my musical materials - they really liked it,” Keto recalled. “But when the time came to look at me, they hesitated: “Maybe we won’t? After all, she is Georgian. Probably black, big, with a mustache.”

On the eve of the twenty-year anniversary of this musical group, Keti Topuria officially became its soloist.

In 2015, Topuria performed the song “Without You” together with. The premiere took place at the New Wave music festival. Soon Katie’s hit came out: they recorded the song “The Little Prince” in the car during karaoke.

In 2017, Katie performed as a soloist in the song “Only with You,” about lovers who work at an Arctic station. The music was written and Baygali Serkebaev.

In 2017, the singer performed a duet with Emin, they recorded the disc “Forgive me, my love.” In the same year, Keti, together with the A-studio group, presented the song “Atlantis” from the repertoire at his creative evening.

Keto participated in a television program, show, and starred in a series about rappers.

Personal life of Keti Topuria

Football players courted a charming girl Kahu Kaladze And Dmitry Sychev, But Katie she preferred young people the same age as her father, TV presenter and showman Igor Vernik. True, the singer claimed that she and Igor were just friends. Then there were rumors about romances with the lead singer of the group "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" Sergei Amoralov and Russian pop star Vlad Topalov, but Keti said that she was dating a young businessman.

“I was on my way back from a tour... I was driving, tired,” recalled Katie’s meeting with the businessman. “I saw a young man with a very familiar face standing on the sidewalk. I slowed down and said hello. He nodded in response and began to approach. He says: “Hello, girl! You have a very familiar face. Where could I see you? I began to explain what might be on TV. He realized who I was and asked for my phone number. I refused to give the number. Then his driver and security blocked my path. But at the same time he did not behave at all arrogantly, he laughed, and I myself found it funny. I continued to refuse to give the number, then he said that he would recognize it anyway, named the name of our mutual friend, a musician, and I gave up. He insisted that I write down his number too.

After a four-year relationship, Keto and businessman Lev Geykhman got married on September 7, 2013. The marriage lasted four years. On June 15, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Olivia. In the summer of 2017, Keto and Lev divorced.

Since 2016, the singer has been dating the rapper. At first, the couple carefully hid the relationship, but in the fall of 2018, Katie and officially confirmed rumors of an affair. By that time, they had already introduced their children from previous marriages. The love affair lasted about two years. The musicians broke up on Keto's initiative. After this, Alexey, whose betrayal became known, tried to make amends to Keto. In June 2019, the singer admitted that her feelings for Guf still haven’t gone away.

Keti Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. Father - Andro Topuria, a civil engineer by training, was engaged in business. Later it became known that he is a crime boss. In 2010, Keti’s father, who by that time had taken the surname Sanodze, was sentenced to three years, and soon died in prison from heart failure. Mother - Natalia Topuria, chemical engineer.

From 8 to 12 years old, the future star studied at a school-studio for young fashion models. Katie started playing music as a child. A singing teacher who lived next door drew the parents’ attention to the child’s abilities and recommended that the girl seriously study vocals.

In 1998, Topuria graduated from the Goga Sudradze Children's Music School. At the age of 12, she received her first award - she took first place in the international competition “Sea of ​​Friendship”.

At the age of 14, Katie won the Grand Prix of the international competition “Path to the Stars.” After graduating from music school, the future star entered a music school, which she graduated in 2003.

After college, the future singer entered the State University of Georgia at the Faculty of Psychology. But in order to participate in the A"Studio group, Keti Topuria had to sacrifice her higher education.

The fact is that Polina Griffis left the group, and the musicians began to look for a new vocalist. Keti's friend, the famous Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze, suggested that the musicians from the group A"Studio listen to this record when they came on tour to Tbilisi. The guys liked the girl's vocals. She made such a strong impression on them that they suggested that she move to Moscow and become soloist of the group.

Keti Topuria: “As a child, I had cassettes with recordings of songs from this group, but I could not even think that I would ever work with my favorite musicians,” says Keti. “Mom was very surprised and happy when she found out that I became a soloist in such a famous group. And now I’ve met the guys myself.”

Since the end of 2004, Keti Topuria began working in the group as a vocalist, and in March 2005, the first album “Flying Away” by the A"Studio group with the participation of the singer was released.

During her career, the press repeatedly attributed affairs and secret weddings with various celebrities to Katie. According to rumors, she met with football players Kakha Kaladze and Dmitry Sychev, showman Igor Vernik, and singers Vlad Topalov and Sergei Amoralov. However, the star neither confirmed nor denied them.

Keti Topuria: “I don’t pay attention to the tall tales that the press comes up with,” Keti smiles. - For example, they wrote that I had an affair with Igor Vernik, although nothing of the kind happened. I’m generally only vaguely familiar with Dmitry Sychev. I admit, there was mutual sympathy with Vlad Topalov, but that was all there was to it... Rumors spread that we would soon get married to football player Kakha Kaladze. But we are just old friends, and I’m definitely not going to get married yet: I haven’t yet met the person with whom I would like to join my destiny. But I am a very amorous nature: as soon as I start to like someone, I immediately feel that I love him madly and I don’t need anyone else in the world.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 03 (01/10/2008)

For a long time, Katie refused to comment on her personal life, but in 2010 it became known that the singer was having an affair with businessman Lev Geichner, whom she met through mutual friends. In the summer of 2013, the lover of the A"Studio soloist publicly proposed to the girl for the first time. A significant event took place on June 18 as part of the celebration of Maxim Galkin's birthday.

On September 7, 2013, singer Keti Topuria and businessman Lev Geykhman got married in one of the Moscow registry offices. On September 9, the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall hosted the formal part of their wedding, as well as the celebration of Keti Topuria’s 27th birthday.

As part of the group A"Studio, Keti Topuria recorded the albums: “Flying Away” (2005), “905” (2007), “XX” (2007), “Total” (2007), “Waves” (2010), and also starred in clips: “Flying away” (2005), “Night-friend” (2005), “You” (2005), “I still love” (2007), “Running to you” (2007), “Heart to heart” (together with group “Dirty Rotten Fraudsters”, 2007), “Angel” (2007), “Just like everyone else” (2009), “Morning exercises (We will live)” (together with Leonid Rudenko, 2010), “Fashion Girl” (2010) , “Just Goodbye” (2012), “Once and For All” (together with 3XL Pro, 2013), “Dad, Mom” (together with Igor Krutoy, 2013).

On June 16, 2015, Keti Topuria and her husband Lev Geykhman had a daughter, Olivia. The singer gave birth in the USA, where she flew with her husband in the spring.


as part of the A"Studio group:
▪ Golden Gramophone Award (2005)
▪ Record Award (2006)
▪ Fashion People Awards (2007)
▪ Tarlan Prize (2007)
▪ MTV Russia Music Awards (2007)
▪ Ovation Award (2008)


Spouse - Lev Geikhman, banker, businessman (married 09/07/2013)
Daughter - Olivia (05/16/2015)


Kakha Kaladze, footballer (rumored)
Igor Vernik, actor (rumored)
Sergei Amoralov, singer (rumored)
Vlad Topalov (rumored)

Katie and Leva! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!” – he addressed the newly made parents. On September 7, 2013, singer Keti Topuria and businessman Lev Geykhman got married in one of the Moscow registry offices. Our selection includes the most striking images of domestic celebrities this week. Keti Topuria was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. “A-Studio” soloist Keti Topuria, who recently became a mother for the first time, showed a touching photo with her daughter Olivia.

Topuria has already spent several months in the States and will stay there until September. Let us remind you that pregnant Katie Topuria showed a big belly in a new video. The A’Studio group made a video for the song “Here it is love.”

A`Studio soloist Keti Topuria gave birth to a daughter in Los Angeles

In addition to this original address, Topuria occasionally used another one - Puzozhitel. Katie is in Los Angeles after giving birth. The 28-year-old lead singer of the group “A-Studio” first became a mother on June 15. She gave birth to a daughter in one of the medical centers in Los Angeles.

Katie Topuria on Cosmo.ru

The good news that the 28-year-old lead singer of the group A’Studio gave birth was reported by Sergei Kozhevnikov on Instagram. The artist shared a photo of the child’s foot on Instagram, announcing the date of birth and the girl’s name: “06/15/15. For news and online publications, a direct hyperlink, open to search engines, in the first paragraph to the cited article or news is mandatory.

Father - Andro Topuria, a civil engineer by training, was engaged in business. Mother - Natalia Topuria, chemical engineer. Katie started playing music as a child. In 1998, Topuria graduated from the Goga Sudradze Children's Music School. At the age of 14, Katie won the Grand Prix of the international competition “Path to the Stars.” On September 9, the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall hosted the formal part of their wedding, as well as the celebration of Keti Topuria’s 27th birthday.

Keeti Topuria (Ketevan Andreevna Topuria, cargo. ქეთა (ქეთევან) თოფურია; born September 9, 1986, Tbilisi, Georgia) - Georgian and Russian singer, vocalist of the A -Studio group. Keti's candidacy was suggested to the A-Studio group by Georgian producer Nato Dumbadze when the musicians were on tour in Tbilisi.

PHOTO: A’Studio lead singer Keti Topuria gave birth to a daughter

The athlete's chosen one was Keti Topuria's 23-year-old friend, model... A year ago, singer Keti Topuria launched her own clothing brand KETIone. Keti Topuria, who became a mother for the first time in June of this year, decided not to go on maternity leave and has already returned to work. Last week, Alexander Lebedev and Lena Perminova showed passion, Anfisa Chekhova sent a photo postcard from the Maldives to Ksenia Sobchak, and Keti Topuria washed the floors on the set of the Georgian “Voice”.

In the last week of August, Keti Topuria returned to Moscow from Los Angeles and immediately joined the work process. One and a half month old daughter Olivia completely captured the attention of 28-year-old Katie Topuria. A very funny photo appeared on Instagram of the young mother Keti Topuria. The singer took a photo with her husband, businessman Lev Geykhman, and the famous actor Al Pacino. On July 15, daughter Keti Topuria turned one month old. On the eve of Olivia's first little holiday, the 28-year-old singer posted several touching shots with the baby on Instagram.

A’Studio soloist Katie Topuria became a mother for the first time

Topuria periodically called her unborn child Puzozhitel. Topuria has been singing in the A’Studio group since 2005. She replaced the previous soloist Polina Griffis. Keti Topuria became a mother on June 16. The news about the birth of a daughter in the singer’s family was told by State Duma deputy, Maria Kozhevnikova herself, a twice-mother.

Keti Topuria's husband is 41-year-old businessman Lev Geykhman. Let us add that Keti Topuria has been the lead singer of the group “A-Studio” since 2005. Right before going on maternity leave, Katie recorded a new video for the romantic song “Here is Love.” According to media reports, Katie gave birth in Los Angeles, where she has been living in recent months with her husband. Katie actively walked in parks and even attended entertainment events.

It is reported that Topuria gave birth in Los Angeles, at the famous Cedars-Sinai clinic, where the children of singer Britney Spears and TV star Kim Kardashian were born. Stay up to date with all the news by installing the TSN app. With this simple and convenient application you will not miss a single event.

Note that for 28-year-old Katie and her 40-year-old husband, businessman Lev Geykhman, their daughter became their first child together. Fans rushed to congratulate Katie on the new addition to the family, and some wished that the newborn girl would receive the soul of a bright man. By the way, earlier, several months before giving birth, Katie admitted in an interview that she and her husband Lev Geykhman had not decided on the name of the child, so they were temporarily calling him Bezymyanka.

The singer gave birth to a girl. The use of materials and news from Today is permitted provided there is a link to Segodnya.ua. In 2010, Keti’s father, who by that time had taken the surname Sanodze, was sentenced to three years, and soon died in prison from heart failure.

From 8 to 12 years old, the future star studied at a school-studio for young fashion models. At the age of 12, she received her first award - she took first place in the international competition “Sea of ​​Friendship”. The fact is that Polina Griffis left the group, and the musicians began to look for a new vocalist. She made such a strong impression on them that they invited her to move to Moscow and become the lead singer of the group. During her career, the press repeatedly attributed affairs and secret weddings with various celebrities to Katie.

The singer gave birth in the USA, where she flew with her husband in the spring. In March 2005, she was introduced as the new vocalist of A-Studio. The third day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia took place at Manege. Vote and find out the results online! The 28-year-old lead singer of the group A’Studio became a mother for the first time on June 15, and after 1.5 months she showed fans her slender figure in a bikini.

The 28-year-old lead singer of the group A’Studio has already returned from maternity leave and has begun regular rehearsals. The singer enjoys dressing her up and sharing funny pictures on Instagram. Now the 28-year-old singer is in Los Angeles, where her mother and husband, businessman Lev Geikhman, help her care for her little daughter. Olivia will soon turn one month old, and on this occasion the star posted on her Instagram... Kozhevnikov congratulated the singer and her husband Lev Geykhman on the birth of their first child and published a photo of them with the baby on his microblog.

The lead singer of the A’Studio group, Georgian singer Keti Topuria, gave birth to a daughter, said Sergei Kozhevnikov, Chairman of the Board of Russian Media Group CJSC, on his Instagram. Moscow, June 16. The soloist of the Kazakh group A’Studio Keti Topuria gave birth to a daughter. Russian businessman Sergei Kozhevnikov announced this on his Instagram.

Topuria Ketevan Andreevna, this is the singer’s real name, was born on September 9, 1986 in Tbilisi. Her family was completely uncreative. Father, Andro Iraklievich, is a civil engineer by training, mother, Natalya Topuria, is a chemical engineer. Nevertheless, from early childhood, the parents strongly supported the girl in her desire to study vocals and brought their daughter to a music school. The lessons were not in vain, and already at the age of 12, Keti won her first victory in the vocal competition “Sea of ​​Friendship”, and a couple of years later she won the main award of the song festival “Path to the Stars”. There are rumors that she is a fairly popular singer in Georgia and even managed to record several albums, but this has not been confirmed in any way. Be that as it may, vocal success strengthened Katie’s desire to build a singing career in the future. And mother Natalya, who became a housewife after the birth of her daughter, was involved in her daughter’s diversified education. At the same time, Katie studied music, dancing, sports, and studied foreign languages.

After graduating from school No. 60 in 1998, Katie Topuria continued her studies at a music school, where she received a diploma in vocal teaching. Wanting to continue her studies, she entered Tbilisi State University, choosing the faculty of psychology. But she was unable to complete her studies, as an invitation followed to replace the departed lead singer of the A-studio group, Polina Griffis.

Since 2005, Katie has been successfully performing as part of “A-studio” and recording songs such as “I’m Flying Away” (2005), “Just like Everyone else” (2009), “Fashion Girl” (2010), “Papa, Mom” ( 2013), “Here it is love” (2015), “Only with you” (2017), which gained great popularity.

In addition, Keti Topuria is now known as the creator of the premium clothing brand KETIone, which is in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Personal life

The personal life of a beautiful, bright girl is full of rumors and assumptions. At various times, she was credited with having affairs with Dmitry Sychev, Kakha Kaladze, Igor Vernik and Sergei Amoralov. The singer herself says that she had extremely warm and friendly relations with these people.

In 2013, Keti Topuria married businessman Lev Geykhman. In 2015, the couple had a daughter, Olivia, in Los Angeles. Despite the fact that Katie repeatedly spoke in her interviews about the importance of family, they failed to save the marriage. Four years later, Keti Topuria announced her separation from her husband.

Now she is often seen with the rapper Guf, but Katie herself does not talk about her personal life.