Construction of a solar camp in Artek. The development of documentation for the reconstruction of the Solnechny camp of the Artek International Children's Center has been completed

GURZUF VILLAGE /Republic of Crimea/, March 16. /TASS/. All residential buildings of the new Artek camp "Solnechny" will be built and delivered turnkey in 2018, and in the summer of 2019 the camp will welcome its first children on vacation. The head of the territorial department of the Stroygazmontazh company, which is building the camp, Gleb Ivanov, told reporters about this on Friday.

“By the end of this year, we must ensure that the dormitory buildings are fully ready on a turn-key basis, with interior decoration and communications. By the summer of next year, the camp will welcome its first children,” Ivanov said.

Construction of the new camp began last year. It will be able to accommodate 2 thousand children; for this purpose, 12 residential buildings will be created.

The camp will also have a reception building with a medical center and a sports palace with a swimming pool, a climbing wall, halls for table tennis and martial arts, outdoor sports grounds on the roof of the building and a multi-purpose hall with 500 seats.

The central part of the educational center will appear in the form of an atrium 20 meters high and an amphitheater. Around it there will be classrooms, a media library, laboratories and a dining room with 1,200 seats.

With the opening of the Solnechny complex, Artek will accept 5 thousand children per shift and more than 50 thousand children per year. As the Artek press service noted, to date, more than 2 billion rubles have been spent on the construction of the new camp, which makes it one of the largest children's investment projects in Russia in recent years.

Project history

The construction of Solnechny continues the implementation of the Soviet master plan for the construction of the Bolshoi Artek, approved in 1970 by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (author of the master plan - architect A. T. Polyansky). The construction of the Solnechny camp was suspended during Soviet times due to difficult natural conditions that did not allow the safety of the buildings to be ensured by the technologies of that time. Subsequently, the issue was closed due to the collapse of the USSR until 2014.

As Gleb Ivanov explained, modern technologies make it possible to build this camp; in particular, 3 thousand piles were used to strengthen the slopes.

The Artek press service noted that the new camp is being built in accordance with environmental requirements, and also decided on the issue of preserving the historical objects discovered here.

“On the construction site, work was carried out in advance to ensure the safety of archaeological heritage sites, thanks to which the foundation of a 6th-century Christian basilica and an ancient Crimean Tatar necropolis were discovered and museumized. The territory of historical monuments was excluded from the development plans,” the press service explained.

About "Artek"

In the past, "Artek" was the famous pioneer camp of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Crimea became part of Ukraine, the children's center experienced serious underfunding from the state, and issues of its possible sale to private individuals were discussed.

After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, the situation in Artek began to change. In the spring of 2014, it was transferred to the balance of Crimea, then the center became federal property.

On March 12, 2015, the Russian government approved the development program of the IDC until 2020, which provides for major repairs of facilities, reconstruction and construction of camps and infrastructure facilities. In addition, the financing of the complex is provided for by the federal target program for the development of Crimea.

Now "Artek" is a complex of nine children's camps (more than 300 buildings and structures). The international children's center occupies over 200 hectares, and its coastline stretches for 7 km. According to the director of Artek, in the first quarter of next year the number of children who have spent their holidays in the camp since 2014 will exceed the 100,000 mark.

How to build a city of happiness. Reconstruction brought the legendary Artek back to life

29.08.2018 / "Arguments and Facts"

To get to the International Children's Center in Crimea, 15-year-old Yamal resident Nyakucha Laptander walked 50 km across the tundra from his home to the nomadic school, where the coveted ticket awaited him.

Other Artek residents have not so unusual stories, but for everyone a trip here is a joy that turns into happiness, which they feel when immersed in the local atmosphere.

However, this happiness might not have happened - it would have died without being born, along with “Artek” itself, already sentenced to death by the Ukrainian authorities...

Talents come at a price

Probably every pioneer of the Soviet era dreamed of visiting Artek. Not only the wonderful sea and beautiful southern nature attracted us, but also the special spirit of this camp. “An Artek member today is always an Artek member!” - sang the lucky ones who got here. And indeed, they carried the fire of the pioneer bonfires in their hearts throughout their lives.

But then the International Children's Center, which found itself on the territory of Ukraine, experienced difficult times. There was no strong owner, there was no understanding of what to do with all this wealth of the bygone Soviet era. As a result, the buildings collapsed and deteriorated, enterprising businessmen illegally rented out the children's beach, and built houses right on the territory of the center in which they accommodated vacationers. It seemed that this land would never belong to the children again.

This picture of devastation and desolation was seen by specialists from the Stroygazmontazh (SGM) company, the general contractor and designer of the reconstruction of the International Children's Center. And now a little over 3 years have passed...

“Hello, our dear passerby, you look like the sun,” joyful children’s voices greet us. The guys climb together from the sea to the buildings along a neat path surrounded by flowers and trees. Judging by the bright yellow T-shirts, they are from the Yantarny camp.

Now each of the center’s camps has its own uniform, made in its color scheme. Form is an important point. After all, people get here not for money, but for achievements. Children come from families of all income levels. And the form does not allow one to be divided according to material criteria. It is sewn by designers of a fashionable domestic company. Not only is it comfortable and suitable for a certain time of year, it is also very beautiful.

In the center, the guys show all their abilities. Some show success in mathematics, some in chemistry, and some shine in amateur theater. For this purpose, 50 children’s creativity studios operate in Artek, and specialized teams are formed in creative, sports, and tourism areas. Here they value their individuality and understand: talented, active - they all have a chance to become outstanding individuals. But for now these are just children who sincerely enjoy every sunny day, gentle sea and new friends.

The buildings are still surrounded by greenery. Even with the laying of new communications, it was possible to preserve it. Photo: courtesy of the press service of MDU Artek

Photos of devastation

We follow the guys to their buildings. Here is the Yantarny camp, which fully lives up to its name. Bright, airy, with stylish wooden beams, surrounded by tall cedars and cypresses. The building blends so harmoniously into the environment that it looks like part of a single whole. It and 8 other camps were restored by the specialized construction company Gazregion (subsidiaries of SGM) and other contractors. “Azure”, “Cypress”, “Crystal”, “Sea”, “River”, “Lake”, “Forest”, “Field”... Anyone who was in Artek as a child brightens up just from these names in my heart.

Construction began a little over 3 years ago in accordance with the state program of the Russian Federation “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020.” This year the Stroygazmontazh Group of Companies celebrates its 10th anniversary. And the completion of the reconstruction of 9 Artek camps, which has become a socially significant and socially important project for the whole country, is a good gift for the anniversary.

By the way, if you want to know what happened here and how hard the architects and builders had to try, just look at the photographs on the billboards installed at each transformed building. They show shots of buildings that have decayed over the decades. The contrast with what you see around is simply amazing. It’s hard to believe that just 4 years ago, most of the buildings, not only did not have a modern appearance, they posed a threat to the lives of children.

If we look at the official examination data for 2014: 80 thousand sq. m. m of buildings and structures were completely worn out, 15 thousand m of utility networks were dilapidated. According to Rospotrebnadzor, out of 10 camps available in Artek, only 5 were operating. Moreover, two had temporary permission to receive children. Is it any wonder that the International Children's Center stood empty for most of the year?! The guys came only for summer shifts, and every year there were fewer and fewer of them.

They built it as if it were for their children.

Now only black and white photographs, stories of center workers and builders, and the Almazny camp remind us of the former devastation. The only one that has not yet been affected by reconstruction. The once beautiful case truly lived up to its name. But today it is a gray dilapidated building, looking at the surrounding green beauty through the eye sockets of broken windows. It’s scary to get close to it, let alone look inside. According to the builders, some other camps looked about the same.

“We worked on the territory of the existing center. One building was being renovated, and children lived in the next one. We had to comply with special conditions regarding safety precautions, noise parameters, and cleanliness. But, unfortunately, there is no parquet construction. Therefore, we worked as quickly as possible in order to save the guys from inconvenience as soon as possible,” says Head of the territorial production and construction department of Stroygazmontazh Gleb Ivanov. - The amount of work was truly colossal. First, the buildings were examined and the degree of wear was determined. Sometimes it was easier to demolish and build new. But at the same time, everything must correspond to a single concept, which the former Artek lost. Now each camp has its own flavor, and at the same time they all fit harmoniously into the overall picture.”

Meanwhile, the children encouraged the workers. When passing by a construction site, they made sure to say hello and say thank you for what they were doing for them. The especially creative ones came up with chants of gratitude and tried to shout them out loud - they even drowned out the noise of running machines.

“It just touches the soul. How can you not try,” Ivanov smiles. “We do it for ourselves, for our children.”

Another difficulty was that the new management of the center tried to reduce the downtime of the camps. Therefore, it was necessary to hand over the building exactly on the day for which it was planned, and to have time to rebuild it conscientiously. After all, the children were literally already standing at the doorstep with their suitcases.

At the same time, they built camps, canteens, and a huge, 4.5 thousand-seat Artek Arena - it has already been tried out by many metropolitan celebrities. Outdoor and indoor swimming pools have been restored, a rope park and a climbing wall have appeared. This year Artek will already be able to accommodate 40 thousand children. And the country’s government plans to accommodate up to 100 thousand children per year.

Do you need luxury?

Construction is still going on in the center - in Solnechny. But in other camps no traces of recent work are visible. Luxurious flower beds, centuries-old trees, green terraces running down steps to the sea. Meanwhile, under many plantings it was necessary to literally open up the ground in order to replace worn-out communications, some of which had served for 50 years or more.

But nevertheless, the green appearance of Artek was preserved in the same way as the general features inherent in the International Children's Center back in Soviet times, only in a brighter, more comfortable and modern format. Of course, without the luxury of modern resorts, but do children really need it?

“When our people began to actively travel abroad, the concept of children's recreation somehow transformed. And we are still struggling with this attitude of our parents. Adults make such demands on infrastructure as if they were sending a child to a five-star hotel. Many people don’t understand that children are interested in and need something completely different,” explains Director of the International Children's Center Alexey Kasprzhak. Treating the child with respect is what he says is most important.

New camp "Solnechny"

“The camp in this place was planned back in the USSR. But they never started construction. It turned out to be too difficult from a technological point of view. Strong engineering protection is required. Now there is twice as much concrete underground as at the top of the slope,” said the director of Artek.

Was it worth building in such a difficult place, where you had to literally bite into the slope, forming ledges and spending a lot of effort, time and money on engineering protection? Kasprzak is sure: it was worth it. First of all, for general safety. Without him, the two parts of Artek were torn apart, and any enterprising businessman could wedge in here - arrange paid beaches and dubious entertainment. It would take a long time to prove that the land belongs to the state. And the new camp unites both parts.

The camp turns out to be very beautiful. The cases will bear the names of the months and have the colors of the seasons. They have spacious rooms for 5 people, comfortable beds, armchairs and absolutely stunning views of the sea. There will be a feeling of spaciousness inside: high ceilings, huge halls that will be separated from the living quarters by stained glass windows...

And “Solnechny” is a project for a new school, where not subject-based learning will dominate, but opportunities for comprehensive self-development. To raise free, thinking and daring individuals who, like their parents, will carry the fire of the Artek fires in their hearts.

The old “Artek” has been restored, and a new children’s center camp is now being built on the territory that was previously empty. Photo: Anatoly Podarevsky

Where, how and what are Artek residents fed?

Each dining room in Artek, like its camps, has a special twist. For example, “Teremok” is built in the form of a fairy-tale house, everything inside is decorated with carvings and Gzhel painting. In the “Circle” you are amazed by the luxurious view from the panoramic windows. The same huge windows and wonderful views are in the dining room of the Gorny camp. However, the most important thing is that the food is very tasty everywhere. Upon entering the dining room it smells of cinnamon and fresh rolls. I just want to try everything. And considering that children are constantly in the fresh air, and even in perpetual motion, they do not have problems with appetite.

“Children form their own diet. Choose from three proposed complexes. After the main meal, you can go to the “animation station” for something sweet. Buns, pancakes, jam, which we prepare new every day,” the canteen manager Andrei Semyonov points to the distribution tables.

Every child here has their favorite dishes, but - unfortunately or fortunately - they are rarely repeated. A varied menu has been developed for 14 days. By the way, baby food standards are very strict. No spices are used in the kitchen; sour cream is boiled. But they refused to eat pork - firstly, it is heavy food, and secondly, they do not want to offend Muslim children. However, the children happily picked up dishes from poultry, beef or fish and devoured them on both cheeks. After all, there are still so many interesting things ahead, you need to strengthen your strength.

What did Samantha Smith teach you?

Residents of various countries and religions visit here, everyone lives peacefully and amicably. On the seashore I meet a group of children from South Africa chattering happily. Ours are nearby. Christians and Muslims, representatives of the European race and African Americans splash heartily in the waves of the Black Sea, shivering slightly from the cool water. For some of them, the Crimean summer is not the hottest.

According to Alexey Kasprzhak, children tend to be friends and treat each other with trust. Last year, people from 63 countries of the world visited here - 700 children. Volunteers also come from everywhere. Next to a girl from California at the end of her shift there may be a native of Syria in a strict hijab. However, this has always been the case at Artek.

Camp counselors tell camp newcomers about an American girl Samantha Smith, to whose memory the alley is dedicated here. Like many iconic places from the times of the USSR, it has been carefully preserved. Thirty years ago, almost every pioneer knew the story of this schoolgirl who became a goodwill ambassador for the United States. And now the guys are listening with bated breath. “It’s a shame that Samantha died so young. She probably did a lot of good things for her time. The main thing is that it showed that our country is ready to receive all guests with cordiality and peace,” the Artek resident shared with us Nina Ivanchenko.

By the way

Now there are still residential buildings on the Artek land. For their owners, who found themselves hostage to the situation, a house is being built in Gurzuf at the expense of the budget - 12 floors, 226 apartments - turnkey: plastic windows, interior doors, laminate flooring and light wallpaper. That is, having moved, you can immediately celebrate your housewarming without being distracted by finishing work.

As explained project manager Evgeniy Duganov, used special materials and made the reinforcement necessary for the construction of housing in a seismic zone. There are 95 piles 25 m long under the slope near the house, and 188 piles under the house itself. So the housing will be not only comfortable, but also safe. And, of course, free.

International Children's Center "Artek" will celebrate its anniversary with a large-scale reconstruction

Photo: At the opening of the first shift of 2015, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the children's center

Tomorrow the Artek International Children's Center (ICC) celebrates its ninetieth birthday. By this date, six out of ten camps had been reconstructed - “Lazurny”, “Yantarny”, “Khrustalny”, “Morskoy”, “Rechnoy” and “Ozerny”. As part of the project of the second phase of large-scale reconstruction, which is under consideration, four more camps will be overhauled: “Kiparisny”, “Lesnoy”, “Polevoy”, “Gorny”, the press service of the Artek International Children's Center told RBC-Real Estate. .

It is also planned to build a new camp - “Solnechny”, the idea of ​​which appeared in the 60s of the last century and belongs to the architect Anatoly Polyansky, who in 1967 was awarded the USSR State Prize for the development of “Artek”. “Solnechny” will presumably be built between the “Kiparisny” and “Lazurny” camps. However, the specific parameters of the project have not yet been determined, the press service of Artek said.

Last year, a development concept for Artek until 2020 was developed. The document defined the strategy for creating, on the basis of the complex, an international platform for innovative forms of education, upbringing, recreation and health improvement for children. The main emphasis is on the educational component. In particular, it is planned to create a cluster called EAST, which will unite 14 centers with various sections, clubs, clubs, and thematic studios. Currently, four areas are planned to be implemented:

Eco - tourism, archeology, geology, educational eco-trails;

Art - literary and linguistic center, crafts center, art school, film studio;

Sport - martial arts center, ice palace, children's naval fleet, sports sections;

Techno - programs on nanotechnology, robotics, modeling, astronautics, children's railway.

How will Artek change in the future?

New life

The first stage of the reconstruction of Artek was completed in early June - in time for the opening of the first shift. The work has been carried out since the end of 2014. As part of the project, 24 residential buildings were reconstructed, three canteens, a gym and a swimming pool with sea water were modernized, the IBC press service reported. The curator of the Artek reconstruction project is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets.

Opening of the first shift of the 2015 season.Photos courtesy of the Artek press service

During the first stage of reconstruction of Artek, six camps were repaired:

Camp "Morskoy"

5 low-rise buildings

Season: all year round

Shift: 420 people

The rooms in the buildings are designed for eight to nine people. On the territory of the camp there is a conference room, an Internet club, a sports and games room (billiards, table tennis, chess), sports grounds, nine indoor halls, four open areas for 100-200 people. The Morskoye dining room is equipped with modern equipment.

Camp "Morskoy" is the first-born of "Artek". It is located right by the sea. It was on this spot that once upon a time, back in 1925, the tents of the first Artek members stood, and on June 16 the first Artek assembly took place.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the lands of the modern children's camp "Morskoy" belonged to Count Gustav Olizar. The estate was called “Kardiatrikon” (translated in Greek as “medicine of the heart”).

Camps “Yantarny” and “Khrustalny”

Opening: winter and summer 1966 respectively

Two five-story twin buildings

Season: all year round

Shift: 360 and 390 people respectively

Rooms for eight to nine people with modern interiors and furniture. After reconstruction, the entire infrastructure in both camps was radically changed and living conditions were improved. The buildings have games and music halls, children's cafes, household rooms and modern dining rooms. Near Yantarny and Khrustalny there is an Artek school, a medical complex, a sports palace with a swimming pool and a small stadium.

The Gorny Park is located nearby. Crimean and exotic plants grow here. Just above Yantarny there is another unique ancient park - Gartvis Park, founded in the first half of the 19th century and named after its founder - the second director of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Nikolai Gartvis. The largest swamp cypress in Crimea grows here.

Camp "Lazurny"

Opening: 1937

Four two-story dacha buildings

Season: all year round

Shift: 390 people

Ten-bed rooms with two-level beds with built-in bedside tables and wardrobes. Facilities (showers, toilets, drying and ironing rooms) are located on the floor.

On the territory of the Lazurny camp there is a stadium, a tennis court, a summer cinema, a children's cafe and a souvenir shop. Nearby is the Suuk-Su Palace, the cultural and historical center of Artek with a library, a cinema and concert hall, and a museum and exhibition complex (including the Artek and Cosmos history museums). The Lazurny dining room, built in 1954 in the style of palace architecture, consists of three halls - pink, blue and green.

"Lazurny" has been part of "Artek" since 1937. It was this year that the rest house of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “Suuk-Su”, in which members of the government rested, was transferred to “Artek” and received its name.

Camp "Rechnoy"

Opening: June 1962

Five two-story buildings

Season: June to September

Shift: 460 people

The camp buildings are located in a park area and have comfortable terraces overlooking the sea. They bear the names of rivers: “Angara”, “Volga”, “Irtysh”, “Yenisei”, “Amur”. The rooms are designed for nine to ten people, equipped with new furniture - bunk beds, built-in wardrobes and bedside tables; amenities (showers, toilets) are on the floor.

On the camp grounds there is an outdoor swimming pool with sea water and water attractions, two sports grounds, and a large fire pit where all general camp events are held.

Camp "Ozerny"

Opening: June 1962

Five two-story buildings

Season: June to September

Shift: 475 people

The “Ozerny” buildings, which are located in the park area, are named after lakes: “Seliger”, “Ilmen”, “Baikal”, “Sevan”, “Balkhash”, each of them is home to two or three detachments - 10-12 people in the rooms (two-level beds, built-in wardrobes and bedside tables, showers and toilets on the floor). The sliding windows offer a panoramic view of the picturesque Artek Bay.

On the territory of the camp there are two outdoor swimming pools with sea water and water attractions, a fire pit, sports, playgrounds, and observation decks. The Teremok dining room has a stylized design and is equipped with modern equipment.

Historical reference

In 1925, in the Crimea on the Black Sea coast in the village of Gurzuf, 12 km from the resort city of Yalta, a small tent camp “Artek” was created, which over several decades turned into a real country of childhood. Now the international children's center "Artek" is a modern complex that includes ten children's camps with developed infrastructure, as well as tourist centers and hotels for adults. In each shift (21 days) it receives up to 3.6 thousand children, during the year - about 30 thousand. In 2000, in Tokyo, Artek was recognized as the best children's center among 100 thousand children's camps from 50 countries.

Archival photos from TASS and the Artek camp

“Artek” occupies an area of ​​208 hectares, of which 102 hectares are park areas. The coastline with children's beaches stretches for 7 km from Mount Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) to the village of Gurzuf. In total, the Artek complex consists of 440 buildings, including 36 dormitory buildings, 10 canteens, a motor depot for 50 buses, a children's base-hotel in the city of Simferopol (200 beds), a health center and a medical complex (145 beds); a yacht club with the ability to moor 30 vessels and its own pleasure boat “Artek” (150 seats); two internet clubs, a cinema.

The sports base "Artek" is the central stadium of the camp with 7 thousand seats, which meets international FIFA standards, 11 sports fields and courts, 4 outdoor swimming pools with slides, a sports palace with an indoor swimming pool, gymnastics and gyms. For Artek residents who ended up in the camp during school hours, there is a school with 1,270 places. The Artek museum and exhibition complex includes 5 museums, including the Cosmos Museum, which was founded in 1967 by the first cosmonaut on the planet, Yuri Gagarin.

In the mountains of the Crimean Nature Reserve, Artek owns two tourist bases - Dubrava (1100 m above sea level) and Krinichka (700 m above sea level) - for 40 people each.

Vladimir Mironov

Children's camp “Solnechny”. Sleeping buildings.


Design, construction and reconstruction
International Children's Center "Artek", Republic of Crimea.

Volumetric-spatial and architectural-artistic solutions for the dormitory buildings were developed taking into account the local landscape and climatic conditions.

The complex consists of two buildings: Western and Eastern, with a capacity of 500 people each.

The buildings are designed in the form of three 2-storey blocks, terracing located one above the other on a complex terrain overlooking the sea.

Each of the blocks is rectangular in plan, with protruding balconies, dedicated entrance groups, external open staircases and amphitheaters.

Along the main facades facing the sea, rooms with rectangular and triangular balconies are located.

The roof is used with landscaping elements.

In the center of each building there is an entrance group consisting of stairs, ramps and amphitheaters connecting the floors and the usable roof of each block.

Along the side facades, external open staircases adjoin the buildings.

Between the buildings there is a central improvement staircase with amphitheaters and recreation areas, connecting the buildings with each other, the embankment and the pedestrian area.

Spacious residential rooms, interactive recreation areas and general purpose premises included in the dormitory buildings meet all modern requirements for living comfort and ease of use of buildings.

3d visualization:

Completed by an established team of professional architects, designers, visualizers,

working in the industry of photo-realistic 3D visualization and having extensive experience in using 3D programs, scripts and plugins

which allows you to perform 3D visualization-animation in the shortest possible time and with the highest quality.

The work was published in the magazine “Architectural Bulletin” No. 5, 2017

Project details

Location: Republic of Crimea Year: 2015-2017 Total area: 17824.4 m Building height: 29 m Capacity: 1000 people Status: Design, construction and reconstruction 3D visualizers.

15.07.2018 12:51

While the residents of Gurzuf are proving their right to sunbathe on the Gurovsky stones in the European Court, Artek is building up the coastline. The cyclopean concrete building of the new Solnechny camp with futuristic structures on the roof was cast right on the beach. Excavations are underway higher up the slope: archaeologists have discovered ancient burials. The construction is in full swing, and persistent rumors are creeping around Gurzuf: its ideological inspirer, Artek director Alexey Kasprzhak, is going to resign.

Photos of the large Artek construction site were sent to the editors of Notes by residents of Gurzuf. They say that it was not easy to get them, because the construction of the Solnechny camp on Gurovsky stones is carefully guarded. Therefore, it was not possible to photograph in detail what was happening on Gurovka - the composition in the photographs is clearly lame.

But the footage that came into our possession shows the scale of construction. There is virtually nothing left of the Gurovka that residents and guests of Gurzuf remember. The beach was wiped off the face of the earth, the forest was ground into fine mulch, and the Muslim cemetery was destroyed.

So far, most of the slope of Gurovka has not been built up - and is a gigantic construction site with wide roads for the passage of construction equipment. The first building of Solnechny is being built below. Progress is obvious. This is what it looked like in September 2017:

And this is what it looks like now:

On the roof you can see futuristic forms from the project presented in 2016 by the SGS company

Do you remember how picturesque the slope of the Gurovsky stones was?

Slope over Gurovsky stones, 2017

And now there is only a desert rolled out by the tires of heavy trucks and the tracks of excavators. Work on the Gurovsky Stones does not stop day or night, although at recent public hearings on the EIA, the project developers assured that night work at the construction site is not envisaged.

Two meters from the parking lot for construction equipment there are excavations. Archaeologists discovered ancient burials at the Solnechnoye construction site. What kind of culture this is and what century it belongs to, our “photojournalists” were unable to find out: in the daytime, when there are people at the excavation site, it is too dangerous to appear on Gurovka - security may seize you.

This spring, Gurzuf activists, who lost to Artek in the courts for the right of local residents to use the Gurovskie Kameny beach, filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights. They believe that the Russian courts denied them wrongfully, and are ready to prove that the section of the coast between the Kiparisny and Lazurny camps, according to documents, never belonged to Artek. It was registered as an international children's center already under Russia, in 2015 - and since then local residents have been suing Artek for the right to freely use the beach.

Now only construction workers swim in Gurovka. Their trailers are right next to the water

But looking at the photo, you understand that these efforts are useless. After all, if the incredible happens and the beach is sued, it will be impossible to return it to its original state. The pistachio forest will never grow here, and the beach cannot be restored.