Description of Pechorin in the novel Our Hero. The character of Grigory Pechorin in the novel “Hero of Our Time”: positive and negative traits, pros and cons

Grigory Pechorin is the central character of M. Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time,” which appeared in the late 30s and early 40s of the 19th century and caused ambiguous and very diverse reactions from readers. This is the first socio-psychological novel in Russian classical literature and all plot twists, events and secondary characters are shown in order to fully reveal Pechorin’s character and personal characteristics.

The novel includes five stories, representing some stages in the development of Pechorin's personality and revealing all the depths of his complex and ambiguous character to the reader.

Characteristics of the hero

Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is a young attractive aristocrat and officer from St. Petersburg, a typical representative of the youth of the 30s of the nineteenth century. He has received proper education and upbringing, is rich and independent, has an attractive appearance and is popular with people of the opposite sex. At the same time, he is dissatisfied with his life and is spoiled by luxury. He quickly gets bored with everything and sees no opportunity for himself to become happy. Pechorin is in perpetual motion and in search of himself: now he is in a Caucasian fortress, now on vacation in Pyatigorsk, now with smugglers in Taman. Even death awaits him when he travels from Persia to his homeland.

With the help of a detailed description of the hero's appearance, the author tries to reveal his character to us. Pechorin is not deprived of masculine attractiveness, he is strong, slender and fit, the military uniform suits him very well. He has curly blond hair, expressive brown eyes, cold and arrogant, they never laugh and it is impossible to read thoughts from their expression. Blonde hair combined with a dark mustache and eyebrows give his appearance individuality and originality.

(Pechorin on horseback, drawing)

Pechorin's soul burns with a thirst for activity, but he does not know where to apply himself and therefore, wherever he appears, he sows evil and sadness around him. Because of a stupid duel, his friend Grushnitsky dies, through his fault the daughter of the Caucasian Circassian prince Bela dies, for the sake of entertainment he falls in love with himself, and then leaves Princess Mary without regret. Because of him, the only woman he loved, Vera, suffers, but he also cannot make her happy and she is doomed to suffer.

The image of the main character

Pechorin is drawn to people, longs for communication, but does not see a response in their souls, because he is not like them, their thoughts, desires and feelings do not coincide at all, which makes him strange and unlike others. Pechorin, like Pushkin’s Evgeny Onegin, is burdened by his calm and measured life, but unlike Pushkin’s hero, he is constantly looking for ways to add spice to his life, and not finding it, he suffers greatly from it. His own whims have always been and will be in first place for him, and he is ready to do anything to satisfy his desires. He likes to manipulate people and subjugate them, he enjoys power over them.

At the same time, Pechorin also has positive qualities and, in addition to reproaches and censure, he fully deserves sympathy and sympathy. He is distinguished by a sharp mind and, judging others, is quite self-critical and demanding of himself. Pechorin is no stranger to poetry and lyrical moods; he subtly feels nature and admires its beauty. During a duel, he shows enviable courage and bravery, he is not a coward and does not retreat back, his cold-bloodedness is at its best. Despite his own egoism, Pechorin is capable of real feelings, for example in relation to Vera; it turns out that he can also be sincere and knows how to love.

(M.A. Vrubel "Duel of Pechorin with Grushnitsky" 1890-1891)

Pechorin's personality is so complex and ambiguous that it is impossible to say with certainty what feelings he evokes in readers: sharp condemnation and hostility, or sympathy and understanding. The main features of his character are the inconsistency between his thoughts and actions, opposition to surrounding circumstances and turns of fate. The hero is seething with desires to act, but most often his actions result either in empty and useless actions, or, on the contrary, bring pain and misfortune to his loved ones. Having created the image of Pechorin, a unique hero of his time, whose prototypes Lermontov met at every step, the author wanted to focus on the moral responsibility of each person for his thoughts and actions, for life choices and how they can affect the people around him.

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Quoted description of Pechorin based on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".

Pechorin Onegin Lermontov image

Student of class 10-B

Galichyan Oleg

“He was of medium height; his slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong build, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate changes, not defeated by either the debauchery of metropolitan life or mental storms; his dusty velvet frock coat, buttoned only by the two lower buttons , allowed me to see the dazzlingly clean linen, revealing the habits of a decent man; his soiled gloves seemed deliberately sewn on his small aristocratic hand, and when he took off one glove, I was surprised by the thinness of his pale fingers. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed "The fact that he did not wave his arms is a sure sign of some secrecy of character. However, these are my own remarks, based on my own observations, and I do not at all want to force you to believe in them blindly. When he sat down on the bench, his straight waist bent as if he did not have a single bone in his back; the position of his whole body depicted some kind of nervous weakness: he sat as Balzac’s thirty-year-old coquette sits on her downy chairs after a tiring ball. At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than twenty-three years, although after that I was ready to give him thirty. There was something childish in his smile. His skin had a certain feminine tenderness; his blond hair, naturally curly, so picturesquely outlined his pale, noble forehead, on which, only after long observation, one could notice traces of wrinkles that crossed one another and were probably visible much more clearly in moments of anger or mental anxiety. Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of the breed in a person, just like the black mane and black tail of a white horse. To complete the portrait, I will say that he had a slightly upturned nose, teeth of dazzling whiteness and brown eyes; I must say a few more words about the eyes.

First of all, they didn't laugh when he laughed! -Have you ever noticed such strangeness in some people? This is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep, constant sadness. Because of the half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent shine, so to speak. It was not a reflection of the heat of the soul or the playing imagination: it was a shine, like the shine of smooth steel, dazzling, but cold; his gaze - short, but penetrating and heavy, left an unpleasant impression of an indiscreet question and could have seemed impudent if he had not been so indifferently calm. All these remarks came to my mind, perhaps only because I knew some details of his life, and perhaps to another person he would have made a completely different impression; but since you will not hear about it from anyone except me, you must inevitably be content with this image. I will say in conclusion that he was generally very good-looking and had one of those original faces that secular women especially like."

From the short story "Maksim Maksimych". Quoted description of Pechorin

Great love for the Caucasus

1 . There is no female gaze that I would not forget at the sight of curly mountains illuminated by the southern sun, at the sight of the blue sky or listening to the sound of a stream falling from cliff to cliff.

2 . “Soon they transferred me to the Caucasus: this is the happiest time of my life. ”

3 . Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children; everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again the same as it once was and, most likely, will be someday again.

Active nature, striving for constant movement

1 . Fame is luck, and to achieve it, you just need to be clever. ( h. I " Bella")

2 . Ideas are organic creatures, someone said: their birth gives them a form, and this form is action; the one in whose head more ideas were born acts more than others; because of this, a genius chained to an official desk must die or go crazy, just as a man with a powerful physique, with a sedentary life and modest behavior, dies of an apoplexy.

3 . To many, all epitaphs seem funny, but not to me, especially when I remember what lies underneath them.

Passion for controversy

1 . Russian young ladies for the most part feed only on platonic love, without mixing into it the thought of marriage; and platonic love is the most restless.

2 . Music puts you to sleep after dinner, but sleep after dinner is great: therefore, I love music in a medical sense.

3 . Almost all passions begin this way, and we often deceive ourselves greatly, thinking that a woman loves us for our physical or moral merits; of course, they prepare her heart to receive the sacred fire, but still the first touch decides the matter.

4 . Since poets have been writing and women have been reading them (for which we have our deepest gratitude), they have been called angels so many times that they, in the simplicity of their souls, actually believed this compliment, forgetting that the same poets for money called Nero a demigod

1 . I confess that I have a strong prejudice against all the blind, crooked, deaf, dumb, legless, armless, hunchbacked, etc. I noticed that there is always some strange relationship between a person’s appearance and his soul: as if with the loss of a member the soul loses some kind of feeling. ( " Magazine Pechorina" , " Taman")

2 . You men do not understand the pleasures of a glance, a squeeze of a hand, but I, I swear to you, listening to your voice, I feel such a deep, strange bliss that the hottest kisses cannot replace it.

3 . To be the cause of suffering and joy for someone, without having any positive right to do so - isn’t this the sweetest food of our pride? What is happiness? Intense pride.

4 . My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those I loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure: I only satisfied the strange need of my heart, greedily absorbing their feelings, their joys and sufferings - and never could get enough.

Not sincerity

1 . I lied; I wanted to piss her off

2 . “I told the truth - they didn’t believe me: I began to deceive; Having learned well the light and springs of society, I became skilled in the science of life. ”

3 . I understood him, and he doesn’t love me for this, although outwardly we are on the most friendly terms.

Manipulation of people

1 . Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself. ( " Magazine Pechorina" , " Princess Mary")

2 . One should never reject a repentant criminal: out of despair he can become twice as criminal... and then...

3 . There is immense pleasure in possessing a young, barely blossoming soul! She is like a flower whose best fragrance evaporates towards the first ray of the sun; you need to pick it up at this moment and, after breathing it to your heart’s content, throw it on the road: maybe someone will pick it up!

4 . Ambition is nothing more than a thirst for power, and my first pleasure is to subordinate to my will everything that surrounds me; to arouse feelings of love, devotion and fear - isn’t this the first sign and the greatest triumph of power?


1 . Oh self-love! you are the lever with which Archimedes wanted to lift the globe! ( " Magazine Pechorina" , " Princess Mary")

2 . Some consider me worse, others better than I really am... Some will say: he was a kind fellow, others - a scoundrel. Both will be false. After this, is life worth the trouble? but you live out of curiosity: you expect something new... It’s funny and annoying!

3 .". It’s true that I had a high purpose, because I feel immense strength in my soul. "


1 . Here are the people! they are all like this: they know in advance all the bad sides of the action, they help, advise, even approve of it, seeing the impossibility of another means - and then wash their hands and turn away with indignation from the one who had the courage to take on the entire burden of responsibility. They are all like that, even the kindest, smartest!

2. I am stupidly created: I do not forget anything

3 . Every reminder of past sadness hits my soul painfully and brings out the same sounds.

Attitude towards friendship and love

Attitude towards friendship and love

1 . A strange thing is the human heart in general, and the female heart in particular!

2 . I have already passed that period of spiritual life when one seeks only happiness, when the heart feels the need to love someone strongly and passionately - now I only want to be loved, and then by very few; Even it seems to me that one constant attachment would be enough for me: a pathetic habit of the heart!

3 . The restless need for love, which torments us in the first years of youth, throws us from one woman to another, until we find one who cannot stand us: here our constancy begins - a true endless passion, which can be mathematically expressed by a line falling from a point to space; the secret of this infinity lies only in the impossibility of achieving the goal, that is, the end.

Relationships with women

1 . Breed in women, as in horses, is a great thing; this discovery belongs to Young France. She, that is, the breed, and not Young France, is mostly revealed in her step, in her arms and legs; especially the nose means a lot. A correct nose in Russia is less common than a small leg. ( " Magazine Pechorina" , " Taman")

2 . We must give justice to women: they have an instinct for spiritual beauty ( " Magazine Pechorina" , " Princess Mary")

3 . Women only love those they don't know.

4 . Women! women! who will understand them? Their smiles contradict their gazes, their words promise and beckon, and the sound of their voice repels... Either in a minute they comprehend and guess our most secret thought, or they do not understand the clearest hints... ( Grushnitsky)

5 . There is nothing more paradoxical than the female mind; It is difficult to convince women of anything; they must be brought to the point where they convince themselves; the order of evidence with which they destroy their prejudices is very original; in order to learn their dialectics, you need to overturn in your mind all the school rules of logic.

Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin

Onegin and Pechorin are representatives of a certain historical era. In their deeds and actions, the authors reflected the strength and weakness of their generation. Each of them is a hero of his time. It was time that determined not only their common features, but also their differences.

The similarity between the images of Evgeny Onegin and Grigory Pechorin is undeniable. Origin, conditions of upbringing, education, character formation - all this is common to our heroes.

These were well-read and educated people, which placed them above other young people in their circle. Onegin is a metropolitan aristocrat with a rich inheritance. This is a person with a very complex and contradictory character. He is talented, smart and educated. Evidence of Onegin’s high education is his extensive personal library.

Pechorin is a representative of the noble youth, a strong personality, there is much that is exceptional and special about him: an outstanding mind, extraordinary willpower. Possessing significant abilities and spiritual needs, both failed to realize themselves in life.

In their youth, both heroes were carried away by a carefree social life, both succeeded in the “science of tender passion”, in the knowledge of “Russian young ladies”. Pechorin says that when meeting a woman, he always unmistakably guessed whether she would love him. It only brings misfortune to women. And Onegin did not leave a very good mark on Tatiana’s life, not immediately sharing her feelings.

Both heroes go through misfortunes, both become responsible for the death of people. Both Onegin and Pechorin value their freedom. The indifference to people characteristic of both, disappointment and boredom affect their attitude towards friendship. Onegin is friends with Lensky because there is nothing better to do. And Pechorin says that he is not capable of friendship, and demonstrates this in his cold attitude towards Maxim Maksimych.

It becomes clear that there are differences between the heroes of the novels by Pushkin and Lermontov. Onegin is an egoist, which in principle is not his fault. The father paid almost no attention to him, giving his son to tutors who only praised the guy. So he grew into a person who cared only about himself, about his desires, not paying attention to the feelings and suffering of other people. Onegin is not satisfied with the career of an official and a landowner. He never served at all, which sets him apart from his contemporaries. Onegin leads a life free from official duties.

Pechorin is a suffering egoist. He understands the insignificance of his position. Pechorin counts himself among their pitiful descendants, who wander the earth without pride and convictions. The lack of faith in heroism, love and friendship deprives his life of values. He does not know why he was born and why he lives. Pechorin differs from his predecessor Onegin not only in temperament and willpower, but also in the degree of his attitude towards the world. Unlike Onegin, he is not just smart, he is a philosopher and thinker.

Both Onegin and Pechorin, disillusioned with the lives around them, go to a duel. However, everyone has their own reason. Onegin is afraid of public opinion, accepting Lensky's challenge to a duel. Pechorin, shooting with Grushnitsky, takes revenge on society for unfulfilled hopes.

Fate sends Lermontov's hero test after test, he himself seeks adventure, which is important. This attracts him, he simply lives for adventure. Onegin accepts life as it is, goes with the flow. He is a child of his era, spoiled, capricious, but obedient. Pechorin's disobedience is his death. Both Onegin and Pechorin are selfish, but thinking and suffering heroes. Because by hurting other people, they suffer no less.

Comparing the descriptions of the heroes' lives, one can be convinced that Pechorin is a more active person. Onegin, as a person, remains a mystery to us.

But for us these heroes remain interesting and important, as possessors of high human virtues.

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“A Hero of Our Time” is the first psychological novel in our country, in which Lermontov, by analyzing the actions and thoughts of the main character, reveals his inner world to the readers. But despite this, characterizing Pechorin is not an easy task. The hero is ambiguous, as are his actions, largely due to the fact that Lermontov created not a typical character, but a real, living person. Let's try to understand this person and understand him.

The portrait description of Pechorin contains a very interesting detail: “his eyes did not laugh when he laughed.” We can see that the hero is reflected even in his external description. Indeed, Pechorin never feels his life entirely; in his own words, two people always coexist in him, one of whom acts, and the second judges him. He constantly analyzes his own actions, which is “observation of a mature mind over itself.” Perhaps this is what prevents the hero from living life to the fullest and makes him cynical.

The most striking character trait of Pechorin is his selfishness. His desire at all costs to arrange everything exactly as it came to his mind, and nothing else. By this he reminds that he does not retreat until he gets what he wants. And, being childishly naive, Pechorin never realizes in advance that people may suffer from his petty selfish aspirations. He puts his own whim above the rest and simply does not think about others: “I look at the suffering and joy of others only in relation to myself.” Perhaps it is thanks to this trait that the hero moves away from people and considers himself superior to them.

The characterization of Pechorin should contain one more important fact. The hero feels the strength of his soul, feels that he was born for a higher goal, but instead of searching for it, he wastes himself on all sorts of trifles and momentary aspirations. He constantly rushes around in search of entertainment, not knowing what he wants. So, in pursuit of small joys, his life passes. Without any goal in front of him, Pechorin wastes himself on empty things that bring nothing but short moments of satisfaction.

Since the hero himself does not consider his life to be something valuable, he begins to play with it. His desire to enrage Grushnitsky or turn his gun on himself, as well as the test of fate in the chapter “Fatalist” - all these are manifestations of morbid curiosity generated by the hero’s boredom and inner emptiness. He does not think about the consequences of his actions, be it even his death or the death of another person. Pechorin is interested in observation and analysis, not the future.

It is thanks to the hero’s introspection that Pechorin’s characterization can be completed, since he himself explains many of his actions. He has studied himself well and perceives each of his emotions as an object for observation. He sees himself as if from the outside, which brings him closer to the readers and allows us to evaluate Pechorin’s actions from his own point of view.

Here are the main points that a brief description of Pechorin should contain. In fact, his personality is much more complex and multifaceted. And it’s unlikely that a characterization can help to understand it. Pechorin needs to be found within himself, to feel what he feels, and then his personality will become clear to the heroes of our time.

The novel “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov can be considered the first socio-psychological and philosophical work in prose. In this novel, the author tried to display the vices of an entire generation in one person, to create a multifaceted portrait.

Pechorin is a complex and contradictory person. The novel includes several stories, and in each of them the hero reveals himself to the reader from a new side.

The image of Pechorin in the chapter “Bela”

In the chapter “Bela” it opens to the reader from the words of another hero of the novel - Maxim Maksimych. This chapter describes Pechorin’s life circumstances, his upbringing and education. Here the portrait of the main character is also revealed for the first time.

Reading the first chapter, we can conclude that Grigory Alexandrovich is a young officer, has an attractive appearance, at first glance pleasant in any respect, he has good taste and a brilliant mind, an excellent education. He is an aristocrat, an esthete, one might say, a star of secular society.

Pechorin is a hero of our time, according to Maxim Maksimych

The elderly staff captain Maxim Maksimych is a gentle and good-natured man. He describes Pechorin as quite strange, unpredictable, and unlike other people. From the first words of the staff captain, one can notice the internal contradictions of the protagonist. He can be in the rain all day and feel great, and another time he can freeze from a warm breeze, he can be frightened by the slam of window shutters, but he is not afraid to go to the wild boar one on one, he can be silent for a long time, and at some point a lot talk and joke.

The characterization of Pechorin in the chapter “Bela” has practically no psychological analysis. The narrator does not analyze, evaluate or even condemn Gregory, he simply conveys many facts from his life.

The tragic story of Bel

When Maxim Maksimych tells a traveling officer a sad story that happened before his eyes, the reader becomes acquainted with the incredible cruel egoism of Grigory Pechorin. Due to his whim, the main character steals the girl Bela from her home, without thinking about her future life, about the time when he will finally get tired of her. Later, Bela suffers because of Gregory’s emerging coldness, but cannot do anything about it. Noticing how Bela is suffering, the staff captain tries to talk to Pechorin, but Grigory’s answer causes only misunderstanding in Maxim Maksimych. He can’t wrap his head around how a young man, for whom everything is going very well, can still complain about life. It all ends with the girl's death. The unfortunate woman is killed by Kazbich, who previously killed her father. Having fallen in love with Bela as his own daughter, Maxim Maksimych is amazed at the coldness and indifference with which Pechorin suffered this death.

Pechorin through the eyes of a traveling officer

The characterization of Pechorin in the chapter “Bela” differs significantly from the same image in other chapters. In the chapter “Maksim Maksimych” Pechorin is described through the eyes of a traveling officer who was able to notice and appreciate the complexity of the protagonist’s character. Pechorin's behavior and appearance are already attracting attention. For example, his gait was lazy and careless, but at the same time he walked without swinging his arms, which is a sign of a certain secrecy in his character.

The fact that Pechorin experienced mental storms is evidenced by his appearance. Gregory looked older than his years. The portrait of the main character contains ambiguity and inconsistency; he has delicate skin, a childish smile, and at the same time deep. He has light blond hair, but a black mustache and eyebrows. But the complexity of the hero’s nature is most emphasized by his eyes, which never laugh and seem to scream about some hidden tragedy of the soul.


Pechorin appears by itself after the reader encounters the thoughts of the hero himself, which he wrote down in his personal diary. In the chapter “Princess Mary,” Grigory, having a cold calculation, makes the young princess fall in love with him. As events unfold, he destroys Grushnitsky, first morally, and then physically. Pechorin writes all this in his diary, every step, every thought, accurately and truly assessing himself.

Pechorin in the chapter “Princess Mary”

The characterization of Pechorin in the chapter “Bela” and in the chapter “Princess Mary” is striking in its contrast, since in the second mentioned chapter Vera appears, who became the only woman who managed to truly understand Pechorin. It was her that Pechorin fell in love with. His feeling for her was unusually reverent and tender. But in the end, Gregory loses this woman too.

It is at the moment when he realizes the loss of his chosen one that a new Pechorin is revealed to the reader. The characterization of the hero at this stage is despair, he no longer makes plans, is ready for stupid ones and, having failed to save his lost happiness, Grigory Alexandrovich cries like a child.

Final chapter

In the chapter “Fatalist,” Pechorin reveals one more side. The main character does not value his life. Pechorin is not stopped even by the possibility of death; he perceives it as a game that helps to cope with boredom. Grigory risks his life in search of himself. He is courageous and courageous, he has strong nerves, and in a difficult situation he is capable of heroism. You might think that this character was capable of great things, having such a will and such abilities, but in reality it all came down to the “thrill”, to the game between life and death. As a result, the strong, restless, rebellious nature of the protagonist brings people only misfortune. This thought gradually arises and develops in the mind of Pechorin himself.

Pechorin is a hero of our time, a hero of his own, and of any time. This is a person who knows habits, weaknesses and, to some extent, he is an egoist, because he thinks only about himself and does not show concern for others. But in any case, this hero is romantic, he is opposed to the world around him. There is no place for him in this world, his life is wasted, and the way out of this situation is death, which overtook our hero on the way to Persia.

Grigory Pechorin is the main character of the novel. A unique personality that no one has been able to fully understand. Such heroes are found in every time. Any reader will be able to recognize himself in him with all the vices characteristic of people and the desire to change the world.

The image and characterization of Pechorin in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” will help you understand what kind of person he really is. How the long-term influence of the surrounding world was able to leave its mark on the depth of character, turning the complex inner world of the main character upside down.

Pechorin's appearance

Looking at a young, handsome man, it is difficult to determine how old he really is. According to the author, no more than 25, but sometimes it seemed that Gregory was already over 30. Women liked him.

“...he was generally very handsome and had one of those original physiognomies that are especially popular with secular women...”

Slim. Superbly built. Athletic build.

“...of medium height, his slender, thin figure and broad shoulders proved his strong build...”

Blond. The hair was slightly curled. Dark mustache and eyebrows. When meeting him, everyone paid attention to his eyes. When Pechorin smiled, the gaze of his brown eyes remained cold.

"...they didn't laugh when he laughed..."

It was rare that anyone could bear his gaze; he was too heavy and unpleasant for his interlocutor.

The nose is slightly turned up. Snow-white teeth.

“...a slightly upturned nose, dazzling white teeth...”

The first wrinkles have already appeared on the forehead. Pechorin's gait is imposing, slightly lazy, careless. The hands, despite the strong figure, seemed small. The fingers are long, thin, characteristic of aristocrats.

Gregory dressed immaculately. The clothes are expensive, clean, well ironed. Pleasant aroma of perfume. The boots are cleaned to a shine.

Gregory's character

Gregory's appearance completely reflects the inner state of his soul. Everything he does is imbued with a precise sequence of steps, cold prudence, through which emotions and feelings sometimes try to break through. Fearless and reckless, somewhere weak and defenseless, like a child. It is entirely created from continuous contradictions.

Grigory promised himself that he would never show his real face, forbidding him to show any feelings for anyone. He was disappointed in people. When he was real, without guile and pretense, they could not understand the depth of his soul, accusing him of non-existent vices and making claims.

“...everyone read on my face signs of bad feelings that were not there; but they were anticipated - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of guile: I became secretive. I felt good and evil deeply; no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive; I was gloomy, - other children were cheerful and talkative; I felt superior to them - they put me lower. I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me: and I learned to hate...”

Pechorin is constantly searching for himself. He rushes about, looking for the meaning of life, and does not find it. Rich and educated. A nobleman by birth, he is used to hanging out in high society, but he doesn’t like that kind of life. Gregory considered her empty and worthless. A good expert on female psychology. I could figure out each one and understand from the first minutes of the conversation what it was. Exhausted and devastated by social life, he tried to delve into science, but soon realized that power does not lie in knowledge, but in dexterity and luck.

Boredom was eating away at the man. Pechorin hoped that the melancholy would go away during the war, but he was wrong. The Caucasian War brought another disappointment. Lack of demand in life led Pechorin to actions that defied explanation and logic.

Pechorin and love

The only woman he loved was Vera. He was ready for anything for her, but they were not destined to be together. Vera is a married woman.

Those rare meetings that they could afford compromised them too much in the eyes of others. The woman was forced to leave the city. It was not possible to catch up with my beloved. He only drove the horse to death in an attempt to stop and bring her back.

Pechorin did not take other women seriously. They are a cure for boredom, nothing more. Pawns in a game where he set the rules. Boring and uninteresting creatures made him even more despondent.

Attitude towards death

Pechorin is firmly convinced that everything in life is predetermined. But this does not mean that you need to sit and wait for death. We must move forward, and she herself will find the one she needs.

“...I like to doubt everything. I always go forward when I don't know what awaits me. Since there is nothing worse than death, and it can happen - and death cannot be avoided!..”