"Alice in Wonderland", the story of the book's creation. Chess, talking flowers and Through the Looking Glass

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Tell me, my friend, where does the day begin? A? If you walk above the earth with the sun, then how can you determine where Tuesday ends and where Wednesday begins? English writer Lewis Carroll believed that this was probably happening somewhere over the ocean, and they are such large seas and oceans and everyone knows so little what is happening there above them... So no one has ever seen how Tuesday becomes Wednesday.

There is a lot of uncertainty in strange country,
You can get confused and lost,
Even goosebumps run down my spine,
If you imagine what could happen.
Suddenly there will be an abyss and a jump is needed,
Will you chicken out right away? Will you jump boldly?
A? Eh... That's it, my friend,
That's the whole point.
Good and evil in Wonderland - as they are everywhere,
But only here they live on different banks.
Here on the roads different stories wander,
And fantasies run on thin legs.

Once upon a time there was such a wonderful writer Lewis Carroll. Stop! Confusion has already begun. Get used to it, my friend - there will be plenty of confusion here. And what kind a real fairy tale, real interesting game happens without confusion? So what's the confusion here? He lived... The fact is that he lived to live, but he did not exist. A? Uh...

Because in fact there was a completely different person, whose name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. One day, he began to tell a fairy tale to Alice, a little girl he knew, and that’s when the writer Lewis Carroll was born, because when he later published it, he signed it with this fictitious name. And he began to live and is still living... So he lived for you. A? Uh...

So what's left after a jar of jam is eaten? What remains when the song is sung? What remains of Lewis Carroll is his smile. Who is that smiling? Lewis Carroll himself, or maybe the Cheshire cat (a character from his fairy tale)? Listen to the end and if you pay attention and then think a little more, you will definitely understand!

We will start this story with a riddle,
Even Alice is unlikely to answer,
What remains of the fairy tale later,
After it was told?
Where, for example, is the magic horn?
Kind fairy where did you fly off to?
A? Eh... That's it, my friend,
That's the whole point.
They don't evaporate, they don't dissolve,
Told in a fairy tale, flashed in a dream.
They move to a magical Wonderland,
We will, of course, meet them in this fabulous country...

Chapter I: Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice was tired of sitting idle with her sister on the river bank; Once or twice she looked into the book that her sister was reading, but there were no pictures or conversations there.

What good is a book, thought Alice, if there are no pictures or conversations in it?

She sat and wondered whether she should get up and pick flowers for a wreath; her thoughts flowed slowly and incoherently - the heat made her sleepy. Of course, it would be very nice to weave a wreath, but is it worth getting up for it?

Suddenly a white rabbit with red eyes ran past.

Of course, there was nothing surprising in this. True, the Rabbit said as he ran:

Oh, my God, my God! I am late.

But this didn’t seem particularly strange to Alice. (Remembering this later, she thought that she should have been surprised, but at that moment everything seemed quite natural to her.) But when the Rabbit suddenly took his watch from his waistcoat pocket and, having looked at it, rushed on, Alice jumped to her feet. Then it dawned on her: she had never before seen a rabbit with a watch, and with a vest pocket to boot! Burning with curiosity, she ran after him across the field and just managed to notice that he had ducked into a hole under the hedge.

At the same moment, Alice darted after him, not thinking about how she would get back out.

The hole at first went straight, smooth, like a tunnel, and then suddenly dropped steeply down. Before Alice could even blink an eye, she began to fall, as if into a deep well.

Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, only she had enough time to come to her senses and think about what would happen next. At first she tried to see what was waiting for her below, but it was dark and she saw nothing. Then she began to look around. The walls of the well were lined with cabinets and bookshelves; Here and there pictures and maps hung on nails. Flying past one of the shelves, she grabbed a jar of jam from it. The can said ORANGE, but alas! it turned out to be empty. Alice was afraid to throw the can down - lest she kill someone! On the fly, she managed to stuff it into some closet.

That's how it fell, that's how it fell! - thought Alice. “Falling down the stairs is now a piece of cake for me.” And our people will think that I am terribly brave. Even if I had fallen off the roof, I wouldn’t have made a peep.

It is quite possible that this would be the case.

And she kept falling and falling. Will there never be an end to this?

I wonder how many miles I've flown already? - Alice said out loud. - I'm probably approaching the center of the earth. Let me remember... It seems about four thousand miles down...

You see, Alice had learned something of this kind in her homeroom lessons, and although now was not the most opportune moment to demonstrate her knowledge - no one could hear her - she could not resist.

Yes, that’s right, that’s what it is,” Alice continued. - But I wonder what latitude and longitude I am at then?

To tell the truth, she had no idea what latitude and longitude were, but she really liked these words. They sounded so important and impressive!

After a pause, she began again:

But won't I fly right through the whole earth? This will be funny! I get out and people are upside down! What are their names there?.. Antipathies, it seems...

In the depths of her soul, she was glad that no one could hear her at that moment, because the word sounded somehow wrong.

I'll have to ask them what their country is called. “Excuse me, madam, where am I? In Australia or New Zealand?

And she tried to curtsy. Can you imagine curtseying in the air while falling? How do you think you would make it?

And she, of course, will think that I’m scary, ignorant! No, I won't ask anyone! Maybe I'll see a sign somewhere! And she kept falling and falling. There is nothing to do - after a pause, Alice spoke again.

Dina will be looking for me all evening today. She's so bored without me!

Dina was their cat's name.

I hope they don’t forget to pour her some milk in the afternoon... Oh, Dina, darling, what a pity that you’re not with me. True, there are no mice in the air, but there are more than enough midges! I wonder if cats eat midges?

Then Alice felt that her eyes were closing. She muttered sleepily:

Do cats eat midges? Do cats eat midges?

Sometimes she succeeded:

Do midges eat cats?

Alice did not know the answer to either the first or the second question, and therefore she did not care how they were asked. She felt herself falling asleep. She already dreamed that she was walking hand in hand with Dina and asked her with concern:

Admit it, Dina, have you ever eaten midges?

Then a terrible crash was heard. Alice fell on a pile of dead wood and dry leaves.

She was not hurt at all and quickly jumped to her feet. I looked up - it was dark there. Another corridor stretched in front of her, and at the end of it the White Rabbit flashed. There was not a moment to lose, and Alice rushed after him. She heard the Rabbit say as he disappeared around the bend:

Ah, my mustache! Ah, my ears! How late I am!

Turning the corner, Alice expected to immediately see the Rabbit, but he was nowhere to be found. And she found herself in a long, low hall, illuminated by a row of lamps hanging from the ceiling.

There were many doors in the hall, but all were locked. Alice tried to open them - first on one side, then on the other, but, making sure that none of them gave in, she walked along the hall, sadly wondering how she could get out of here.

Suddenly she saw a glass table on three legs. There was nothing on it except a tiny golden key. Alice decided that it was the key to one of the doors, but alas! - either the keyholes were too big, or the key was too small, but it didn’t fit into any of them, no matter how hard she tried. Walking through the hall a second time, Alice saw a curtain that she had not noticed before, and behind it was a small door about fifteen inches high. Alice inserted the key into the keyhole - and, to her greatest joy, it fit!

She opened the door and saw behind it a hole, very narrow, no wider than a rat’s. Alice knelt down and looked into it - in the depths she could see a garden of amazing beauty. Oh, how she wanted to get out of the dark hall and wander between the bright flower beds and cool fountains! But she couldn’t even stick her head into the hole.

Even if my head went away, thought poor Alice, what’s the use! Who needs a head without shoulders? Oh, why don’t I fold up like a spyglass! If only I knew where to start, I probably could have done it.

You see, there were so many amazing incidents that day that nothing seemed completely impossible to her now.

There was no point in sitting by the little door, and Alice returned to the glass table, vaguely hoping to find on it another key or, at worst, a manual for folding it like a spyglass. However, this time there was a vial on the table.

I'm quite sure it wasn't here before! - Alice said to herself.

A piece of paper was tied to the neck of the bottle, and on the piece of paper in large beautiful letters was written: “DRINK ME!”

This, of course, was very nice, but smart Alice was in no hurry to follow the advice.

First of all, you need to make sure that there is no mark anywhere on this bottle: “Poison!” " - she said.

You see, she had read all sorts of lovely stories about children being burned alive or being eaten by wild animals - and all these troubles happened to them because they did not want to follow the simple rules that their friends taught them: if you keep them in holding a red-hot poker in your hands, you will eventually get burned; if you slash your finger deeper with a knife, it usually comes out of your finger there's blood coming out; If you drain a bottle marked “Poison!” at once, sooner or later you will almost certainly feel unwell. Final Rule Alice remembered clearly.

However, there were no marks on this bottle, and Alice risked drinking a little from it. The drink tasted very good - it was somewhat reminiscent of cherry cream pie, pineapple, roast turkey, fudge and hot buttered toast. Alice drank it completely.

What a strange feeling! - Alice exclaimed. - I probably fold up like a spyglass.

And I was not mistaken - she was now only ten inches tall. She thought that now she could easily pass through the door into the wonderful garden, and she was very happy. But first, just in case, she waited a little - she wanted to make sure that she was not getting any smaller. This worried her a little.

And she tried to imagine what the candle flame looked like after the candle went out. As far as she remembered, she had never seen anything like this.

After waiting a little and making sure that nothing else was happening, she decided to immediately go out into the garden. Poor thing! Approaching the door, she discovered that she had forgotten the golden key on the table, and when she returned to the table, she realized that now she could not reach it. Through the glass she clearly saw the key lying on the table from below. She tried to climb onto the table using the glass leg, but the leg was very slippery. Tired of her futile efforts, poor Alice sat down on the floor and began to cry.

Well, that's enough! - She strictly ordered herself a little later. - Tears of sorrow will not help. I advise you to stop this very minute!

She always gave herself good advice, although I didn’t follow them often. Sometimes she scolded herself so mercilessly that her eyes filled with tears. And once she even tried to spank herself on the cheeks for cheating while playing a game of croquet alone. This silly girl loved to pretend to be two different girls at once.

But now, no matter how much you want, this is impossible! - thought poor Alice. - I’m barely enough for one!

Then she saw a small glass box under the table. Alice opened it - inside there was a pie, on which was beautifully written in currants: “EAT ME!”

Well, said Alice, I will do so. If at the same time I grow, I will get the key, and if I shrink, I will crawl under the door. I just want to get into the garden, but it doesn’t matter how!

She took a bite of the pie and thought anxiously:

Growing or shrinking? Growing or shrinking?

At the same time, Alice put her hand on the top of her head to feel what was happening to her. But, to her greatest surprise, she became neither taller nor shorter. Of course, this is what always happens when you eat pies, but Alice had managed to get used to the fact that only amazing things were happening around her; It seemed boring and stupid to her that life was going on as usual again. She took another bite and soon ate the whole pie

Chapter II. Sea of ​​tears

Getting weirder and weirder! - Alice cried. In amazement, she completely forgot how to speak. - Now I move apart like a spyglass. Goodbye legs!

(At that moment she just looked at her feet and saw how quickly they were rushing down. Another moment - and they would disappear from sight.)

My poor legs! Who will wear your shoes now? Who will put on your stockings and shoes? I can’t reach you now, my dears. We will be so far from each other that I will have no time for you at all... You will have to do without me.

Then she became thoughtful.

Still, you need to be more kind to them,” she said to herself. “Otherwise they’ll take it and go in the wrong direction.” OK! For Christmas I will send them new shoes as a gift.

And she began to make plans.

We'll have to send them by messenger, she thought. - This will be funny! Gifts to your own feet! And what a strange address!

"Fireplace Mat"

(which is near the Fireplace Grille)

Right Leg

Greetings from Alice."

Well, what nonsense am I talking about!

At that moment she hit her head on the ceiling: after all, she stretched out to about nine feet, no less. Then she grabbed the golden key from the table and ran to the door to the garden.

Poor Alice! Could she go through the door now? She only managed to glance into the garden with one eye - and then she had to lie down on the floor. There was no hope of getting through the hole. She sat down on the floor and started crying again.

“Be ashamed,” Alice said to herself a little later. - Such a big girl (she was right here, of course) - and you cry! Stop it now, do you hear?

But the tears flowed in streams, and soon a large puddle about four inches deep formed around her. Water spilled across the floor and had already reached the middle of the hall. A little later, the pitter-patter of small feet was heard in the distance. Alice hastily wiped her eyes and waited. It was the White Rabbit returning. He was dressed smartly, holding a pair of kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other. As he ran, he muttered quietly:

Oh, my God, what will the Duchess say! She'll be furious if I'm late! Just furious!

Alice was in such despair that she was ready to turn to anyone for help. When the Rabbit caught up with her, she timidly whispered:

Sorry sir...

The rabbit jumped, dropped his gloves and fan, darted away and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

Alice picked up her fan and gloves. It was hot in the hall, and she began to fan herself.

No, just think! - she said. - What a strange day today! And yesterday everything went as usual! Maybe it was me who changed overnight? Let me remember: this morning when I got up, was it me or not me? It seems that I’m not quite me anymore! But if this is so, then who am I in this case? It's so difficult...

And she began to turn over in her mind her friends who were the same age as her. Maybe she turned into one of them?

Anyway, I'm not Ada! - she said decisively. - Her hair is curly, but I don’t! And I'm certainly not Mabel. I know so much, but she knows nothing at all! And in general, she is she, and I am me! How unclear everything is! Well, let me check whether I remember what I knew or not. So this means: four times five is twelve, four times six is ​​thirteen, four times seven... So I will never reach twenty! Well, okay, the multiplication table is not important! I'll try geography! London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome... No, everything is wrong, everything is wrong! I must have turned into Mabel... I'll try to read How Treasured...

She folded her hands in her lap as if she were teaching a lesson and began. But her voice sounded somehow strange, as if someone else was hoarsely pronouncing completely different words for her:

How he values ​​his tail

Little crocodile! -

Purrs and curls over the sand

Neil diligently foams!

How skillfully he moves

A neat claw! -

Like he thanks the fish,

Swallowing it whole!

The words are not the same! - said poor Alice, and her eyes filled with tears again. - So, I’m still Mabel! Now I have to live in this old house. And I won’t have any toys at all! But the lessons will have to be taught endlessly. Well, it's decided: if I'm Mabel, I'll stay here forever. Let them try then, let them come here for me! They will hang their heads down and begin to call: “Come up, my dear, to us.” And I’ll just look at them and answer: “Tell me first who I am!” If I like it, I’ll go up, and if I don’t, I’ll stay here until I turn into someone else!”

Then tears flowed from her eyes.

Why doesn't anyone come for me? I'm so tired of sitting here alone!

With these words, Alice looked down and, to her surprise, noticed that while she was speaking, she had pulled a tiny Rabbit glove onto one hand.

How did I do this? - she thought. - Apparently, I’m shrinking again.

Alice stood up and went to the table to find out how tall she was now. Apparently, it was no more than two feet in height, and it continued to shrink rapidly. She soon realized that it was the fan she was holding in her hands that was to blame, and she immediately threw it to the floor. And she did well - otherwise she might have disappeared completely!

Ugh! Barely escaped! - said Alice, frightened by such a sudden change, but glad that she had survived. - And now - to the garden!

And she ran to the door. But alas! The door was locked again, and the golden key still lay on the glass table.

It's not getting any easier hour by hour! - thought poor Alice. - I have never been such a baby before! My business is bad! Worse than ever...

Then she slipped and - bang! - splashed into the water. The water tasted salty and came up to her chin. At first she thought that she had somehow fallen into the sea.

In that case, she thought, we could leave by rail.

Alice had only been to the seaside once in her life, and therefore it seemed to her that everything was the same: in the sea - bathing cabins, on the shore - kids with wooden shovels building sand castles; then - boarding houses, and behind them - the railway station.

Soon, however, she realized that she had fallen into a puddle of tears that she herself had cried when she was nine feet tall.

Oh, why did I cry so much! - thought Alice, swimming in circles and trying to figure out which way the shore was. - It would be stupid if I drown in my own tears! Serves me right! Of course that would be very strange! However, today everything is strange!

Then she heard some splashing nearby and swam there to find out who was splashing there. At first she decided that it was a walrus or a hippopotamus, but then she remembered how tiny she was now, and, looking closely, she saw only a mouse, which, apparently, had also fallen into the water.

Should I talk to her or not? - thought Alice. - Today everything is so amazing that perhaps she can speak too! In any case, it's worth a try!

And she began:

O Mouse! Don't you know how to get out of this puddle? I'm so tired of swimming here, O Mouse!

Alice believed that this was how mice should be addressed. She had no experience, but she remembered a Latin grammar textbook that belonged to her brother.

“Nominative - Mouse,

Genitive - Mice,

Dative - Mice,

Accusative - Mouse,

Vocative - O Mouse!

The mouse looked at her with bewilderment and winked lightly at her (or so it seemed to Alice), but did not say a word in response.

Maybe she doesn't understand English? - thought Alice. - What if she’s French by birth? She sailed here with William the Conqueror...

Although Alice was proud of her knowledge of history, she was not very clear about what happened when. And she started again:

Ou est ma chatte? (Where is my cat? (French).)

This phrase was listed first in the French textbook. The mouse rushed out of the water and trembled all over with horror.

Sorry! - Alice said quickly, seeing that she had offended the poor animal. - I forgot that you don’t like cats.

Don't like cats? - the Mouse cried shrilly. - Would you love them if you were me?

“Probably not,” Alice tried to reassure her. - Please, don't be angry! It's a pity that I can't show you our Dina. If you only saw her, I think you would fall in love with cats. She’s so sweet, so calm,” Alice continued thoughtfully, swimming lazily in the salty water. - He sits by the fireplace, purrs and washes himself. And so soft, you just want to pet it! And how she catches mice!.. Oh, sorry! Excuse me, please!

The Mouse's fur stood on end. Alice realized that she had insulted her to the core.

“If it’s unpleasant for you, we won’t talk about it anymore,” said Alice.

We will not? - cried the Mouse, trembling from head to the very tip of its tail. - You might think that I started this conversation! Our family has always hated cats. Low, nasty, vulgar creatures! I don’t want to hear about them!

Good good! - said Alice, hurrying to change the conversation. - And... dogs... do you like?

The mouse remained silent.

Such a cute dog lives next to us! - Alice continued joyfully. - I would really like to introduce you to him! Little terrier! His eyes are sparkling, and his fur is brown, long and wavy! If you throw him something, he immediately carries it back, and then sits on his hind legs and asks to be given a bone! You can’t remember everything he does! His owner is a farmer, he says: this dog has no price! He killed all the rats in the area and all the mice... Oh, my God! - Alice said sadly. - I think I offended her again!

The mouse swam away from her with all its might, even waves appeared in the water.

Mouse, dear! - Alice shouted after her affectionately. - Please, come back. If cats and dogs are not your thing, I won’t say another word about them!

Hearing this, the Mouse turned and slowly swam back. She turned terribly pale. (“Out of anger!” thought Alice).

“Let’s climb out onto the shore,” said the Mouse in a quiet, trembling voice, “and I will tell you my story.” Then you will understand why I hate cats and dogs.

And in fact it was necessary to get out. The puddle became more and more crowded from all the birds and animals that had fallen into it. There were Robin Goose, Dodo Bird, Laurie the Parrot, Ed the Eaglet and all sorts of other amazing creatures. Alice swam forward, and everyone followed her to the shore

Chapter III. Running in circles and a long story

The company that had gathered on the shore had a very unsightly appearance: the feathers of the birds were ruffled, the fur of the animals was soaked through. Water flowed from them in streams, everyone was cold and uncomfortable.

First of all, of course, it was necessary to decide how to dry as quickly as possible. They began to hold advice. In just a few minutes, Alice already felt as if she had known them all for a century. She even argued with Laurie the Parrot, who pouted and just kept saying:

I'm older than you, and I know better what's what!

Alice demanded that he say how old he was, but Parrot resolutely refused. That was the end of the dispute.

Finally the Mouse, whom everyone treated with respect, shouted:

Sit down, everyone sit down and listen. You'll be dry in no time!

Everyone obediently sat in a circle, and the Mouse stood in the middle. Alice didn't take her eyes off her - she knew that if she didn't dry up right away, she was in danger of catching a severe cold.

Ghee-ghee! - cleared throat with important look Mouse. - Is everyone ready? Then let's begin. This will dry you out in no time! Silence! “William the Conqueror, with the blessing of the Pope, quickly achieved the complete subjugation of the Anglo-Saxons, who needed firm power and had seen many unjust seizures of the throne and lands in their lifetime. Edwin, Earl of Mercia, and Morcar, Earl of Northumbria..."

Y-yes! - said the Parrot and shuddered.

Excuse me,” the Mouse asked, frowning, with excessive politeness, “it seems you said something?”

“No, no,” Parrot hastily answered.

It sounds like it seemed to me,” said the Mouse. - So, I continue. "Edwin, Earl of Mercia, and Morcar, Earl of Northumbria, supported William the Conqueror, and even Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury, thought it prudent..."

What did he find? - asked Robin Goose.

“... found it,” answered the Mouse. - Don’t you know what “this” is?

“I wish I didn’t know,” answered Robin Goose. - When I find something, it's usually a frog or a worm. The question is, what did the archbishop find?

The mouse did not deign to answer him and hurriedly continued:

- “...found it prudent and decided, together with Edgar Zteling, to go to Wilhelm and offer him the crown. At first, Wilhelm behaved very restrained, but the impudence of his Norman warriors...” Well, how are you drying up, my dear? - she asked Alice.

“It’s just pouring out of me,” Alice answered sadly. - I don’t even think about drying out!

In this case,” Dodo declared, “I propose to adopt a resolution for the immediate dissolution of the meeting in order to take the most urgent measures for the speediest...

“Speak humanly,” said Eaglet Ed. - I don’t even know half of these words! And, in my opinion, you yourself don’t understand them.

And Eaglet turned away to hide his smile. The birds chuckled softly.

“I wanted to say,” Dodo said offendedly, “that we need to organize a Run in a Circle.” Then we'll be dry in no time!

And what is it? - asked Alice.

To tell the truth, she was not very interested in this, but Dodo was meaningfully silent - apparently, he was waiting for the question. And since everyone was also silent, Alice had to ask.

Rather than explain, said Dodo, it’s better to show!

(Maybe you’d like to play this game sometime in the winter? In that case, I’ll tell you what Dodo did.)

First he drew a circle on the ground. True, the circle was not very even, but Dodo said:

The correctness of the form is immaterial!

And then he placed everyone in a circle without any order. No one gave commands - everyone ran when they wanted. It was difficult to understand how and when this competition should end. Half an hour later, when everyone had run over and dried out, Dodo suddenly shouted:

The run is over!

Everyone crowded around him and, breathing heavily, began to ask:

Who won?

Dodo could not answer this question without thinking carefully. He froze in place, putting his finger to his forehead (this is the position Shakespeare is usually portrayed in, remember?), and was lost in thought. And everyone stood around and waited silently. Finally, Dodo said:

Everyone wins! And everyone will receive rewards!

And who will distribute them? - everyone asked in unison.

“She, of course,” answered Dodo, pointing his finger at Alice.

Everyone surrounded Alice and shouted vyingly:

Awards! Awards! Give out rewards!

Alice was confused. Confused, she put her hand into her pocket and pulled out a bag of candied fruit.

(Fortunately, the tears did not soak them.) She distributed them to those gathered - each with a candied fruit, as soon as there was enough.

But she also deserved a reward,” said the Mouse.

Of course,” Dodo said importantly. And, turning to Alice, he asked:

Do you have anything left in your pocket?

“No,” Alice answered sadly. - Just a thimble.

Give it here! - Dodo ordered.

Here everyone again crowded around Alice, and Dodo solemnly handed her the thimble and said:

We ask you to accept this elegant thimble as a reward!

This short speech was met with general applause.

Alice found this whole ceremony very funny, but everyone looked so serious that she did not dare laugh. She wanted to respond to Dodo's speech, but could not think of anything and only bowed decorously and took the thimble.

Everyone started eating. There was a terrible noise and commotion. The big birds instantly swallowed their candied fruits and began to complain that they didn’t even have time to taste them. And the smaller birds had candied fruits stuck in their throats - I had to slap them on the back. Finally, everyone ate, sat down in a circle again and asked the Mouse to tell them something else.

“You promised to tell us your story,” said Alice. - And why do you hate... K and S.

She uttered the last phrase in a whisper, afraid that she would offend the Mouse again.

“This is a very long and sad story,” the Mouse began with a sigh. After a pause, she suddenly squealed:


About the tail? - Alice repeated in bewilderment and looked at her tail. - Sad story about the tail?

And while the Mouse was talking, Alice still couldn’t understand what this had to do with the mouse’s tail. Therefore, the story that the Mouse told looked like this in her imagination:

The scratcher said to the mouse:

Here's the deal

we will go to court with you,

I'll sue you.

And don't you dare deny

we have to get even

because all morning

I'm sitting idle.

And this is impudent

The mouse answered like this:

Without trial and without investigation,

sir, they are not doing business. -

Me and the court, me and the investigation, -

Tsap-scratch answers her. -

I will condemn you to death.

That's where you're screwed.

You're not listening! - the Mouse said sternly to Alice.

No, why not,” Alice answered modestly. - You have already reached the fifth curl, haven’t you?

Nonsense! - the Mouse got angry. - Always all sorts of nonsense! I'm so tired of them! This is simply unbearable!

What should you take away? - asked Alice. (She was always ready to help.) - Allow me, I’ll help!

I won’t even think about it! - the Mouse said offendedly, got up and walked away. - You're talking nonsense! You probably want to insult me!

What do you! - Alice objected. - I had no idea about this! You just get offended all the time.

The mouse only grumbled in response.

Please don't leave! - Alice shouted after her. - Tell us your story!

And everyone supported her in chorus:

Yes, yes, don't leave!

But the Mouse just shook her head impatiently and ran faster.

What a pity she didn't want to stay! - Laurie the Parrot sighed as soon as she was out of sight.

And old Medusa said to her daughter:

Ah, dear, let this serve as a lesson to you! You must always control yourself!

Hold it a minute better language“, mummy,” young Medusa answered with slight irritation. - It’s not for you to talk about this. You'll even make an oyster lose patience!

If only our Dina could come here! - Alice said loudly, not addressing anyone in particular. - She would have dragged her back in a moment!

Let me ask you: who is this Dina? - asked Laurie. Alice was always happy to talk about her favorite.

This is our cat,” she answered readily. “You can’t even imagine how she catches mice!” And there are so many birds! Once - and swallowed it, didn’t even leave the seeds!

This speech made a deep impression on those gathered. The birds hurried home. Old Magpie began to wrap herself in a shawl.

I'll go home! - she said. - The night air is harmful to my throat.

Let's go home, my dears! It's time for you to go to bed!

Soon, under various pretexts, everyone went home, and Alice was left alone.

And why did I talk about Dina! - Alice thought sadly. - Nobody likes her here! But better than cats you won't find it! Oh, Dina, my dear! Will I ever see you or not?

Then poor Alice began to cry again - she was so sad and lonely.

A little later, the light sound of footsteps was heard again. She looked back. Maybe it was the Mouse who stopped being angry and came to finish his story?

Chapter IV. The bill goes down the drain

But it was the White Rabbit. He slowly trotted back, looking around nervously, as if he was looking for something. Alice heard him mutter to himself:

Ah, Duchess! Duchess! My poor paws! My poor mustache! She orders me to be executed! Give me something to drink, he orders! Where did I lose them?

Alice immediately guessed that he was looking for a fan and white gloves, and began to look for them, wanting to help him out of the kindness of her heart. But the fan and gloves were nowhere to be found. Everything around has changed - the large hall with the glass table and the door has disappeared somewhere, as if it had never existed.

Soon the Rabbit noticed Alice.

Hey, Mary Anne,” he shouted angrily, “what are you doing here?” Run home quickly and bring me a pair of gloves and a fan! Hurry up!

Alice was so frightened that she rushed as fast as she could to fulfill the order. She didn't even try to explain to the Rabbit that he was mistaken.

“He probably mistook me for a maid,” she thought as she ran. - He’ll be surprised when he finds out who I am! All the same, I’ll take him the gloves and fan, if I can find him, of course!

At that moment she saw a clean house. On the door was nailed a copper plaque, polished to a shine, and on the plaque was written: “B. RABBIT".

Alice entered without knocking and ran up the stairs. She was very afraid to meet the real Mary Anne. Of course, she would simply kick her out of the house, and then she would not be able to take the fan and gloves to the Rabbit.

How strange it is that I am at the Rabbit's beck and call! - thought Alice. - It’s still not enough for Dina to give me instructions!

And she began to imagine how it could be. - “Miss Alice! Come here quickly! It’s time to go for a walk, and you’re not dressed yet!” - “Now, nanny! I have to watch the mouse hole until Dina returns. She told me to watch so that the mouse didn’t run away!” However, Dina will probably be kicked out if she starts giving orders like that!

Thinking in this way, she made her way into a small room, sparkling with cleanliness. There was a table by the window, and on it, as she had hoped, lay a fan and several pairs of tiny gloves. Alice took a fan and a pair of gloves and was just about to leave the room when she suddenly saw a small bottle by the mirror. It didn't say "DRINK ME!" on it, but Alice opened it and brought it to her lips.

As soon as I swallow something, she thought, something interesting happens. Let's see what happens this time! I would really like to grow up again. I'm tired of being such a baby!

And so it happened - and much faster than Alice expected. Before she had time to drink even half of it, her head hit the ceiling. She had to bend down so as not to break her neck. She quickly put the bottle on the table.

Well, that's enough, she said. - I hope I stop there. I won’t fit through the door anyway. Why did I drink so much!

Alas! It was too late; she grew and grew. She had to kneel down - and after a minute this was not enough. She lay down with one arm bent at the elbow (the arm reached right up to the door), and the other clasping her head. A minute later she felt cramped again - she continued to grow. She had to put one arm out the window and stick one leg into the chimney.

There’s nothing more I can do, no matter what happens,” she said to herself. - Will something happen to me?

But, fortunately, the effect of the magic drink ended there. She didn't grow any more. True, this did not make her any easier. There was no particular hope for salvation, and it is no wonder that she became sad.

It was so good at home! - thought poor Alice. - There I was always the same height! And some mice and rabbits were not my order. Why did I go down this rabbit hole! And yet... yet... I like this kind of life - everything here is so unusual! I wonder what happened to me? When I read fairy tales, I knew for sure that such a thing could not happen in the world! And now I’ve fallen into them myself! You need to write a book about me, a big, good book. When I grow up and write...

Here Alice fell silent and sadly added:

Yes, but I’ve already grown up... At least here I have nowhere else to grow.

What if I stop there? - thought Alice. - Perhaps this is not bad - then I won’t grow old! True, I will have to learn lessons all my life. No I do not want to!

Oh, how stupid you are, Alice! - she objected to herself. - How to study lessons here? You barely have enough space yourself... Where are you going to put your textbooks?

So she talked and argued with herself, taking first one side and then the other. The conversation turned out to be very interesting, but then someone’s voice was heard under the windows. She fell silent and listened.

Following this, the patter of small feet was heard on the stairs. Alice realized that it was the Rabbit looking for her, and, forgetting that she was now a thousand times bigger than him and had nothing to fear from him, she trembled so much that the whole house shook.

The rabbit walked up to the door and pushed it with his paw. But the door opened into the room, and since Alice rested her elbow on it, it did not budge. Alice heard the Rabbit say:

Well, I'll go around the house and climb out the window...

Oh no! - thought Alice.

Having waited until, according to her calculations, he should have approached the window, she randomly stuck out her hand and tried to grab him. A scream was heard, something flopped and rang. broken glass. Apparently, he fell into the greenhouses in which cucumbers were grown.

Then an angry scream was heard.

Pat! Pat! - Rabbit shouted. - Where are you?

I'm here! I'm digging apples, your honor!

I'm digging apples! - the rabbit got angry. - Found the time! Better help me get out of here!

The sound of broken glass rang again.

Tell me, Pat, what's that there in the window?

The hand, of course, is your honor!

(He pronounced the last two words as one - it turned out something like “yours!”)

Bludgeon, what kind of hand is this? Have you ever seen a hand like this? She barely fit through the window!

It is, of course, so, your honor! Only this hand!

In any case, she doesn’t belong there! Go and clean it up, Pat!

There was a long silence, only a whisper was heard from time to time:

Your honor, my heart is not in my heart... Don’t, your honor! I ask you to...

You're such a coward! Do what you're told!

Here Alice moved her fingers in the air again. This time two screams were heard. And glass began to fall again.

How big the greenhouses are there! - thought Alice. - I wonder what they will do now! "Take her away, Pat!" I would be glad to get out of here myself! If only they could help me!

She waited a little longer, but everything was quiet. A little later, the creaking of wheels and the roar of voices were heard. There were many of them, and everyone was talking vying with each other.

Where's the second staircase?

I should have only brought one. The second Bill will bring!

Hey Bill! Get her here!

Place them from this angle!

We must tie them first! They don't even reach the middle!

They will get it, don't be afraid!

Hey Bill! Catch the rope!

Will the roof hold up?

Carefully! This tile is wobbly...

Lost it! Falling!

Take care of your heads!

A loud crash was heard.

Well, who did this?

It seems to me that Bill!

Who will climb into the pipe?

I won't go! Climb yourself!

Well, I do not! Not for any reason!

Let Bill climb!

Hey Bill! Do you hear? The owner tells you to climb!

Ah, that's it! - Alice said to herself. - So Bill has to climb? Everyone blames him! I would never agree to be in his place. The fireplace here, of course, is not big, you can’t really swing it, but I can still kick it!

Here comes Bill! - she said to herself and kicked with all her might. - I wonder what will happen now!

First she heard everyone shout:

Bill! Bill! There goes Bill!

Hey, there, by the bushes! Catch him!

Keep your head up!

Give him some brandy!

Down the wrong throat...

How's it going, old man?

What was that, old man?

Tell me what happened, old man!

I don’t know myself... Thank you, no more needed. I feel better now... I just can’t get my thoughts together. I feel like something gave me from below - and once into the sky, like a firecracker!

That's exactly what a joke is! - the others echoed.

We need to burn the house down! - the Rabbit suddenly said.

Just try it - I'll set Dina on you!

There was instant dead silence.

I wonder what they will do now? - thought Alice. - If they had any sense, they would have taken off the roof!

About two minutes later, movement began again below. Alice heard the Rabbit say:

To begin with, one car will be enough.

Cars of what? - thought Alice.

She was perplexed for a short time. The next minute a hail of small stones rained down through the window. Some hit her right in the face.

“I’ll stop this now,” thought Alice.

Dead silence fell again.

Alice, meanwhile, was surprised to notice that the pebbles, falling on the floor, immediately turned into pies. Then it dawned on Alice.

If I eat the pie, she thought, something will definitely happen to me. I have nowhere else to grow, so I'll probably get smaller!

She swallowed one pie and was happy to notice that her height had decreased. As soon as she was so small that she could walk through the door, she immediately ran out of the house and saw a whole crowd of birds and animals under the windows. In the middle lay poor Lizard Bill on the ground; two guinea pigs supported his head and gave him something to drink from a bottle. Seeing Alice, everyone rushed to her, but she took off and soon found herself in a dense forest.

“First of all, you need to take on your previous appearance,” said Alice, making her way through the trees. - And then - find the way to that wonderful garden. That’s what I’ll do - you can’t think of a better plan!

Indeed, the plan was wonderful - so simple and clear. There was only one bad thing: Alice didn’t have the slightest idea how to pull it all off. She peered anxiously into the thicket, when suddenly someone barked loudly right above her head. She shuddered and looked up.

The giant puppy looked at her with huge round eyes and quietly extended his paw, trying to touch her.

Little, little, little! - Alice said ingratiatingly and tried to whistle for him, but her lips trembled and the whistle did not work. What if the puppy is hungry? What the hell, he’ll still eat it, no matter how you curry favor with him!

Alice bent down, picked up a stick from the ground and, without realizing what she was doing, handed it to the puppy. The puppy squealed with happiness, jumped with all its paws into the air and grabbed the stick. Alice dodged and hid behind a thistle bush, afraid that the puppy would trample her in joy. As soon as she appeared from behind the bush, the puppy again rushed at the stick, but did not calculate the strength and flew somersaults. Playing with him, thought Alice, is like playing with a draft horse - just look, you will die under the hooves! Alice ducked behind the thistles again. But the puppy could not tear himself away from the stick: he ran away, rushed at it with a hoarse bark, and then ran away again. Finally, he got tired and, breathing heavily, sat down at a distance, sticking out his tongue and half-closing his huge eyes.

The time to sneak away was perfect. Alice didn't waste a minute. She ran until she was completely out of breath from fatigue and the puppy’s barking died away in the distance. Then she stopped and, leaning against the stem of the buttercup, began to fan herself with its leaf.

What a wonderful puppy! - Alice said thoughtfully. - I could teach him different tricks, if... if only I were required height! Oh, by the way, I almost forgot - I need to grow up some more! Let me remember how this is done? If I'm not mistaken, you need to eat or drink something. Just what?

And really, what? Alice looked around at the flowers and herbs, but saw nothing suitable. Nearby stood a mushroom - large, almost as tall as her. She looked behind him, and under him, and on both sides of him. Then it occurred to her that, for that matter, she could see if he had anything on his hat?

She stood on her tiptoes, looked up, and met the eyes of a huge blue caterpillar. She sat with her arms crossed over her chest and languidly smoked a hookah, not paying any attention to what was going on around her.

Chapter V. The Blue Caterpillar gives advice

Alice and the Blue Caterpillar looked at each other for a long time without saying a word. Finally, the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth and slowly, as if half asleep, spoke:

Who are you? - asked the Blue Caterpillar. The beginning was not very conducive to conversation.

“I really don’t know now, madam,” answered Alice timidly. - I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but since then I have already changed several times.

What are you making up? - the Caterpillar asked sternly. -Are you out of your mind?

“I don’t know,” answered Alice. - It must be in someone else's. You see...

“I don’t see,” said the Caterpillar.

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to explain all this to you,” Alice said politely. - I don’t understand anything myself. So many transformations in one day would confuse anyone.

It won’t knock you down,” said the Caterpillar.

You probably haven’t encountered this yet,” Alice explained. - But when you have to turn into a chrysalis, and then into a butterfly, it will also seem strange to you.

Not at all! - said the Caterpillar.

“Well, perhaps,” said Alice. - I just know that it would be strange for me.

You! - repeated the Caterpillar with contempt. - Who are you?

This brought them back to the beginning of the conversation. Alice got a little angry - the Caterpillar spoke to her very unfriendly. She straightened up and said, trying to make her voice sound more impressive:

I think you should tell me first who you are.

Why? - asked the Caterpillar.

The question puzzled Alice. She couldn't think of anything, and the Caterpillar seemed to be in a very bad mood, so Alice turned and walked away.

Come back! - the Caterpillar shouted after her. - I need to tell you something very important.

It sounded tempting - Alice had returned.

Keep calm! - said the Caterpillar.

This is all? - Alice asked, trying not to get angry.

No,” answered the Caterpillar.

Alice decided to wait - she had nothing to do anyway, but what if the Caterpillar would tell her something worthwhile? At first she sucked on the hookah for a long time, but finally took it out of her mouth and said:

So you think you've changed?

Yes, madam,” answered Alice, “and it’s very sad.” I change all the time and don’t remember anything.

What don't you remember? - asked the Caterpillar.

Read “Papa William,” suggested the Caterpillar.

Alice folded her hands and began:

“Papa William,” said the curious little boy, “

Your head is white.

Meanwhile, you are always standing upside down.

Do you think this is right?

In early youth,” the elder said in response, “

I was afraid to spread my brains

But, having learned that there are no brains in my head,

I stand calmly upside down.

“You are an old man,” continued the curious youth, “

I noted this fact at the beginning.

Why did you do it so cleverly, father,

Triple somersault?

“In early youth,” the old man answered his son, “

I rubbed myself with a special ointment.

For two shillings of the bank - one spool,

Here, would you like to buy a jar to try?

“You are not young,” said the inquisitive son, “

You have lived for almost a hundred years.

Meanwhile, two geese at dinner alone

You destroyed it from beak to paws.

In early youth, the muscles of your jaws

I developed the study of law,

And so often I argued with my wife,

What I learned to chew to perfection!

My father, will you forgive me, despite

To the awkwardness of such a question:

How did you manage to keep a living eel?

Balanced on the tip of the nose?

No, that's enough! - said the indignant father. -

There are limits to any patience.

If you finally ask the fifth question,

You can count them step by step!

“Everything is wrong,” said the Caterpillar.

Yes, that’s not entirely true,” Alice agreed timidly. - Some words are wrong.

“Everything is wrong, from the very beginning to the very end,” the Caterpillar said sternly.

There was silence.

How tall do you want to be? - the Caterpillar finally asked.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter,” Alice said quickly. - But, you know, it’s so unpleasant to change all the time...

“I don’t know,” the Caterpillar snapped.

Alice was silent: she had never been contradicted so much in her life, and she felt that she was losing patience.

Are you satisfied now? - asked the Caterpillar.

If you don’t mind, madam,” answered Alice, “I’d like to grow up a little bit.” Three inches - such a terrible height!

This is great growth! - the Caterpillar shouted angrily and stretched out to its full length. (It was exactly three inches.)

But I'm not used to it! - poor Alice said pitifully. And I thought to myself: “How touchy they are all here!”

“You’ll get used to it over time,” the Caterpillar objected, putting the hookah in her mouth and releasing smoke into the air.

Alice waited patiently until the Caterpillar deigned to pay attention to her again. About two minutes later, she took the hookah out of her mouth, yawned - once, twice - and stretched. Then she crawled off the mushroom and disappeared into the grass, saying goodbye to Alice:

If you bite on one side, you will grow, on the other, you will shrink!

On the one hand what? - thought Alice. - On the other side of what?

“Mushroom,” answered the Caterpillar, as if having heard the question, and disappeared from sight.

Alice looked thoughtfully at the mushroom for a minute, trying to determine where it had one side and where the other; the mushroom was round, and this completely confused her. Finally, she made up her mind: she wrapped her hands around the mushroom and broke off a piece on each side.

I wonder which one is which? - she thought and took a small bite from the one she was holding in right hand. At that very moment she felt swipe from below to the chin: he hit his feet!

Such a sudden change frightened her greatly; There was not a minute to lose, for it was rapidly decreasing. Alice took up another piece, but her chin was pressed so firmly against her legs that she could not open her mouth. Finally, she succeeded - and she took a small bite of the mushroom from her left hand.

Well, my head is finally free! - Alice exclaimed joyfully. However, her joy immediately gave way to anxiety: her shoulders disappeared somewhere. She looked down, but saw only a neck of incredible length that rose like a huge pole above the green sea of ​​foliage.

What kind of green is this? - said Alice. -Where did my shoulders go? My poor hands, where are you? Why can not I see you?

With these words, she moved her hands, but still could not see them, only a rustling sound passed through the foliage far below.

Convinced that it would not be possible to raise her hands to her head, Alice decided to bend her head towards them and was delighted to see that her neck, like a snake, bends in any direction. Alice arched her neck in a graceful zigzag, preparing to dive into the foliage (it was already clear to her that these were the tops of the trees under which she had just stood), when suddenly a loud hissing was heard. She shuddered and stepped back. A turtle dove rushed straight into her face, furiously beating its wings,

Snake! - shouted the Turtle Dove.

I'm not a snake! - Alice was indignant. - Leave me alone!

And I say, snake! - Turtle-Dove repeated somewhat more restrainedly.

And, sobbing, she added:

I tried everything - and all to no avail. They are not happy with anything!

I have no idea what you are talking about! - said Alice.

Tree roots, river banks, bushes,” the Turtle Dove continued, not listening. - Oh, these snakes! You can't please them!

Alice became more and more perplexed. However, she understood that until the Turtle Dove finished, it was pointless to ask her questions.

Not only do I hatch the chicks, I also guard them day and night from snakes! It’s been three weeks since I’ve slept a wink!

“I’m very sorry that they bother you so much,” said Alice. She began to understand what was going on.

And as soon as I settled down on the highest tree,” the Turtle Dove continued louder and louder and finally breaking into a cry, “as soon as I thought that I had finally gotten rid of them, no! They're right there! They're coming at me straight from the sky! Ooh! Snake in the grass!

I'm not a snake! - said Alice. - I just... just...

Well, tell me, tell me, who are you? - picked up the Turtle Dove. - It’s immediately obvious that you want to invent something.

“I... I... a little girl,” Alice said not very confidently, remembering how many times she changed that day.

“Well, of course,” replied the Turtle Dove with the greatest contempt. “I’ve seen a lot of little girls in my time, but not one with a neck like that!” No, you can't fool me! A real snake - that's what you are! You will also tell me that you have never tried eggs.

No, why, I tried,” answered Alice. (She always told the truth.) - Girls, you know, eat eggs too.

“It can’t be,” said the Turtle Dove. - But, if this is so, then they are snakes too! I have nothing more to say.

This thought struck Alice so much that she fell silent. And the Turtle-Dove added:

I know, I know, you're looking for eggs! Whether you are a girl or a snake, it makes no difference to me.

But it doesn’t matter to me at all,” Alice hastened to object. - And, to tell the truth, I’m not looking for eggs! And even if I were looking, I still wouldn’t need yours. I don't like raw ones!

Well, then get out! - said the Turtle Dove gloomily and sat down on her nest again.

Alice began to descend to the ground, which turned out to be not at all easy: her neck kept getting tangled among the branches, so she had to stop and pull her out of there. A little later, Alice remembered that she was still holding pieces of the mushroom in her hands, and began to carefully, little by little, bite off first one, and then another, now growing, now shrinking, until finally she took on her former appearance.

At first it seemed very strange to her, since she had already become unaccustomed to her own height, but soon she got used to it and began to talk to herself again.

Well, half of the plan is done! How amazing all these changes are! You don’t know what will happen to you in the next moment... Well, that’s okay, now I’m the same height again. And now we need to get into that garden. I would like to know: how to do this?

Then she came out into a clearing where there was a small house, no more than four feet high.

“Whoever lives there,” thought Alice, “I can’t go there like this.” I'll scare them to death!

She began to eat the mushroom and did not go near the house until she was reduced to nine inches.

Chapter VI. Pig and pepper

She stood for a minute and looked thoughtfully at the house. Suddenly a livery footman ran out of the forest and banged on the door. (She decided that it was a footman by the livery; judging by his appearance, it was just a bream.) Another livery footman with a round face and bulging eyes, very similar to a frog, opened the door for him. Alice noticed that they both had powdered wigs with long curls on their heads. She wanted to know what was happening here - she hid behind a tree and began to listen.

Lackey-Bream took out a huge letter from under his arm (as big as himself, no less) and handed it to Little Frog.

“Duchess,” he said with extraordinary importance. - From the Queen. Invitation to croquet.

The Frog accepted the letter and just as importantly repeated its words, only slightly changing their order:

From the Queen. Duchess. Invitation to croquet.

Then they bowed to each other so low that their curls got mixed up.

Alice laughed so hard that she had to run further into the forest so that they wouldn’t hear; when she returned and looked out from behind the tree, Footman-Bream was no longer there, and Little Frog was sitting on the ground near the door, staring blankly at the sky.

Alice timidly approached the door and knocked.

There’s no point in knocking,” said the Lackey. - For two reasons there is no point. First of all, I'm on the same side of the door as you. And secondly, they make so much noise there that no one will hear you anyway.

Indeed, there was a terrible noise in the house - someone was squealing, someone was sneezing, and at times a deafening ringing was heard, as if dishes were being broken.

Tell me, please,” asked Alice, “how can I get into the house?”

“You could still knock,” continued the Frog, without answering the question, “if there was a door between us.” For example, if you were there, you would knock and I would then let you out.

All this time he, without stopping, looked at the sky. This seemed extremely impolite to Alice.

Perhaps it’s not his fault, she thought. “It’s just that his eyes are almost on top of his head.” But, of course, he could answer questions.

How do I get into the house? - she repeated loudly.

“I’ll sit here,” said Little Frog, “at least until tomorrow...

At that moment the door swung open and a huge dish flew at the Frog’s head. But Little Frog didn’t blink an eye. The dish flew past him, lightly hitting him on the nose, and crashed into the tree behind him. “Or until the day after tomorrow,” he continued, as if nothing had happened.

How do I get into the house? - Alice repeated louder.

Is it worth going there? - said Little Frog. - That is the question.

Maybe it was so, but Alice didn't like it at all.

How they love to argue, these little animals! - she thought. - They'll drive you crazy with their conversations!

The little frog apparently decided that now was the time to repeat his remarks with slight variations.

“So I’ll sit here,” he said, “day after day, month after month...

What should I do? - asked Alice.

“Whatever you want,” answered the Frog and whistled.

There’s no point in talking to him, Alice thought with annoyance. - He's so stupid!

She pushed the door and entered.

There was a column of smoke in the spacious kitchen; in the middle, on a rickety stool, the Duchess sat and rocked the baby; the cook leaned over the stove a huge cauldron filled to the brim with soup.

There's too much pepper in this soup! - thought Alice. She started sneezing and couldn't stop.

In any case, there was too much pepper in the air. Even the Duchess sneezed from time to time, and the baby sneezed and squealed without respite. Only the cook did not sneeze, and even a huge cat that sat by the stove and smiled from ear to ear.

Please tell me why your cat smiles like that? - Alice asked timidly. She didn't know if it was good for her to speak first, but she couldn't help herself.

Because,” said the Duchess. - It's a Cheshire cat - that's why! Oh you little pig!

She said the last words with such fury that Alice jumped straight up. But she immediately realized that this did not apply to her, but to the baby, and continued with determination:

I didn't know that Cheshire cats always smile. To tell the truth, I didn’t even know that cats could smile.

“They know how,” answered the Duchess. - And almost everyone is smiling.

“I’ve never seen a single cat like this,” Alice noted politely, very pleased that the conversation was going so well.

“You haven’t seen much,” the Duchess snapped. - That's for sure!

Alice didn't like her tone at all and thought it would be better to move the conversation to something else. While she was wondering what else she should talk about, the cook took the cauldron off the stove and, without wasting words, began to throw everything that came to her hand at the Duchess and the baby: a dustpan, a poker, and coal tongs flew at their heads. ; they were followed by cups, plates and saucers. But the Duchess didn’t even raise an eyebrow, even though something hit her; and the baby had been crying so hard before that it was impossible to understand whether he was in pain or not.

Be careful, I beg you,” cried Alice, jumping up in fear. -

Oh, right on the nose! Poor nose!

(At that moment a huge dish flew right past the baby and almost cut off his nose.)

“If some people didn’t meddle in other people’s affairs,” the Duchess grumbled hoarsely, “the earth would spin faster!”

“Nothing good would come of it,” said Alice, rejoicing at the opportunity to show off her knowledge. - Just imagine what would happen to day and night. After all, the earth rotates in twenty-four hours...

Turnover? - repeated the Duchess thoughtfully. And, turning to the cook, she added:

Take it into circulation! First, chop off her head!

Alice looked anxiously at the cook, but she did not pay any attention to this hint and continued to stir her soup.

It seems like twenty-four,” Alice continued thoughtfully, “or maybe twelve?”

“Leave me alone,” said the Duchess. - I've never been good with numbers!

She sang a lullaby and began rocking the baby, shaking him violently at the end of each verse.

Beat your son

Because he sneezes.

He's teasing you for sure

Deliberately annoying!

(He was picked up by the baby and the cook)

Woof! Woof! Woof!

The Duchess sang the second verse. She threw the baby up to the ceiling and caught him, and he squealed so much that Alice could barely make out the words.

Any son gets beaten by his mother

Because he sneezes.

He might love pepper

But he just doesn’t want to!

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Hold it! - the Duchess suddenly shouted and threw the baby to Alice.

You can rock it a little if you like. And I need to go and change for croquet at the Queen's.

With these words she ran out of the kitchen. The cook threw a pan after her, but missed.

Alice almost dropped the baby from her arms. He looked kind of strange, and his arms and legs stuck out in different sides like starfish. The poor thing was puffing like a steam locomotive, and was bending all over, so that Alice had difficulty holding him.

Finally, she understood how to handle him: she took him by his right ear with one hand, and his left leg with the other, twisted him into a knot and held him, not letting go for a minute. So she managed to take him out of the house.

If I don’t take the baby with me, thought Alice, they’ll kill him in a day or two. Leaving him here is simply a crime!

She said the last words out loud, and the baby grunted quietly in agreement (he had already stopped sneezing).

“Don’t grunt,” said Alice. - Express your thoughts in a different way!

The baby grunted again. Alice looked at his face with alarm. It seemed very suspicious to her: the nose was so turned up that it looked more like a snout, and the eyes were too small for a baby. Overall, Alice didn’t like his appearance at all.

Maybe he just sobbed, she thought and looked into his eyes to see if there were any tears there.

There were no tears in sight.

“Tell you what, my dear,” said Alice seriously, “if you are going to turn into a pig, I won’t know you any more.” So watch it!

The poor thing sobbed again (or grunted - it's hard to say!), and they continued on their way in silence.

Alice had already begun to think about what to do with him when she returned home, when suddenly he grunted again, so loudly that she was frightened. She peered into his face and saw clearly: it was a real pig! It would be stupid to carry it any further. Alice let him go to the ground and was very happy to see how cheerfully he trotted away.

If he had grown up a little, she thought, he would have turned out to be a very unpleasant child. And like a pig he is very cute!

And she began to remember other children who would have made excellent piglets.

If only I knew how to transform them, she thought and shuddered. A few steps away from her, the Cheshire Cat sat on a branch.

Seeing Alice, the Cat just smiled. He looked good-natured, but his claws were long and he had so many teeth that Alice immediately realized that he was not to be trifled with.

Kitty! Cheshik! - Alice began timidly. She didn't know if he would like the name, but he only smiled wider in response.

Nothing, thought Alice, he seems happy. She asked out loud:

Please tell me where should I go from here? Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.

“I don’t care...” said Alice.

Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

Just to get somewhere,” Alice explained.

“You’ll definitely end up somewhere,” said the Cat. - You just need to walk long enough.

It was impossible not to agree with this. Alice decided to change the subject.

What kind of people live here? - she asked.

“Over there,” said the Cat and waved his right paw, “the Hatter lives.” And there,” and he waved his left hand, “the March Hare.” It doesn't matter who you go to. Both are out of their minds.

What do I need madmen for? - said Alice.

“There’s nothing you can do,” the Cat objected. - We are all out of our minds here - both you and me.

How do you know I'm out of my mind? - asked Alice.

Of course, not in his own way,” answered the Cat. - Otherwise, how would you end up here?

This argument did not seem convincing to Alice at all, but she did not argue, but only asked:

How do you know that you are out of your mind?

Let's start with the fact that the dog is sane. Agree?

Let’s say,” Alice agreed.

“In my opinion, you don’t grumble, but purr,” objected Alice. - At least that's what I call it.

Call it what you want,” answered the Cat. - The essence does not change. Are you playing croquet at the Queen's today?

“I would really like to,” said Alice, “but I haven’t been invited yet.”

Then see you in the evening,” said the Cat and disappeared.

Alice was not very surprised by this - she had already begun to get used to all sorts of oddities. She stood and looked at the branch where the Cat had just been sitting, when suddenly he appeared again in the same place.

By the way, what happened to the child? - said the Cat. - I completely forgot to ask you.

“He turned into a pig,” answered Alice, without blinking an eye.

“I thought so,” said the Cat and disappeared again.

Alice waited a little to see if he would appear again, but he did not appear, and she went to where, according to him, the March Hare lived.

“I’ve already seen hatmakers,” she said to herself. - The March Hare, in my opinion, is much more interesting. Besides, it’s May now—perhaps he’s already come to his senses a little.

Then she looked up and saw the Cat again.

What did you say: a piglet or a gosling? - asked the Cat.

“I said: into a pig,” answered Alice. -Can you disappear and appear less suddenly? Otherwise my head is spinning.

“Okay,” said the Cat and disappeared – very slowly this time. The tip of his tail disappeared first, and his smile last; she hovered in the air for a long time, when everything else had already disappeared.

Y-yes! - thought Alice. - I’ve seen cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat! I have never seen anything like this in my life.

Having walked a little further, she saw the house of the March Hare. It was impossible to make a mistake - on the roof of the rabbit fur there were two pipes sticking out, surprisingly similar to rabbit ears. The house was so big that Alice decided to first eat some of the mushroom she was holding in her left hand. After waiting until she was two feet tall, she walked hesitantly towards the house.

What if he is still violent? - she thought. - I’d rather go to the Hatter!

Chapter VII. Mad Tea Party

Near the house, under a tree, there was a laid table, and at the table the March Hare and the Hatter were drinking tea; Between them the Dormouse Mouse was fast asleep. The Hatter and the Hare leaned on her, as if on a pillow, and talked over her head:

Poor Sonya, thought Alice. - How uncomfortable she must be! However, she is sleeping, which means she doesn’t care.

The table was large, but the teapots sat at one end, in the corner. Seeing Alice, they shouted:

Busy! Busy! There are no seats!

As many places as you like! - Alice was indignant and sat down in a large chair at the head of the table.

“Drink some wine,” the March Hare cheerfully suggested.

Alice looked at the table, but saw neither bottles nor glasses.

“I don’t see him,” she said.

Still would! He's not even here! - answered the March Hare.

Why are you offering it to me? - Alice got angry. - That's not very polite.

Why did you sit down without an invitation? - answered the March Hare. - This is also impolite!

“I didn’t know that this table was just for you,” said Alice. - There are many more devices here.

You've grown too tall! - the Hatter suddenly spoke. Until now he had been silent and only looked at Alice with curiosity.

It wouldn't hurt to get a haircut.

“Learn not to get personal,” Alice answered, not without severity. - This is very rude.

The Hatter opened his eyes wide, but could not find what to answer.

How is a raven similar to a desk? - he asked finally.

That’s better, thought Alice. - Riddles are much more fun...

“I think I can guess this,” she said out loud.

Are you saying that you think you know the answer to this riddle? - asked the March Hare.

Absolutely right,” Alice agreed.

“I would say so,” noted the March Hare. - You should always say what you think.

That’s what I do,” Alice hastened to explain. - At least... At least I always think what I say... and it’s the same thing...

“Not the same thing at all,” objected the Hatter. - So you will say something else good, as if “I see what I eat” and “I eat what I see” are the same thing!

So you will also say that “What I have, I love” and “What I love, I have” are one and the same! - picked up the March Hare.

“So you will say,” Sonya said without opening her eyes, “as if “I breathe while I sleep” and “I sleep while I breathe” are the same thing!

For you, in any case, it’s the same thing! - said the Hatter, and the conversation ended there.

Everyone sat in silence for a minute. Alice tried to remember what little she knew about ravens and desks. The Hatter was the first to speak.

What date is today? - he asked, turning to Alice and taking his watch out of his pocket. He looked at them with alarm, shook them and put them to his ear.

Alice thought and answered:


“They’re two days behind,” sighed the Hatter.

I told you: you can’t grease them with butter! - he added angrily, turning to the March Hare.

The oil was the freshest,” the Hare timidly objected.

“Yes, but there must have been some crumbs in there,” the Hatter grumbled. - There was no need to spread it with a bread knife.

The March Hare took the watch and looked at it sadly, then dipped it into a cup of tea and looked again.

“I assure you, the oil was the freshest,” he repeated. Apparently, he couldn’t think of anything else.

Alice peered curiously over his shoulder.

What a funny watch! - she remarked. - They show the date, not the hour!

What's wrong with that? - muttered the Hatter. - Does your watch show the year?

Of course not,” Alice answered readily. - After all, the year drags on for a very long time!

Well, it’s the same for me! - said the Hatter.

Alice was confused. The Hatter’s words seemed to make no sense, even though each word individually was understandable.

“I don’t quite understand you,” she said politely.

Sonya is sleeping again,” the Hatter noticed and splashed hot tea on her nose.

Sonya shook her head in annoyance and, without opening her eyes, said:

Of course, of course, I was just about to say the same thing.

Did you guess the riddle? - asked the Hatter, turning again to Alice.

No,” answered Alice. - I give up. What's the answer?

“I have no idea,” said the Hatter.

“Me too,” said the March Hare.

Alice sighed.

“If you have nothing to do,” she said with annoyance, “you should come up with something.” better riddles no answer. Otherwise you are just wasting your time!

“If you knew Time as well as I do,” said the Hatter, “you wouldn’t say this.” You won't lose it! That's not the one they attacked!

“I don’t understand,” said Alice.

Still would! - The Hatter shook his head contemptuously. - You probably never talked to him!

“Maybe she didn’t talk,” Alice answered cautiously. - But more than once I thought about how to kill time!

Ahh! then everything is clear,” said the Hatter. - Kill Time! How could he like this? If 6 you didn’t quarrel with him, you could ask him for whatever you want. Let's say it's nine o'clock in the morning - it's time to go to class. And you whispered a word to him and - r-time! - the arrows ran forward! Half past two - lunch!

(- That would be good! - the March Hare sighed quietly.)

Of course, that would be wonderful,” Alice said thoughtfully, “but I won’t have time to get hungry.”

At first, perhaps not,” replied the Hatter. - But you can keep the hands at half past one as long as you want.

That's what you did, right? - asked Alice.

The Hatter shook his head grimly.

No, he answered. - We quarreled with him in March - just before this one (he pointed with a spoon at the March Hare) went crazy. The Queen was giving a big concert, and I had to sing “The Owl.” Do you know this song?

You are blinking, my owl!

I don't know what's wrong with you!

“I heard something like that,” said Alice.

You are high above us.

Like a tray above the sky!

Then Sonya perked up and sang in her sleep: “You are blinking, blinking, blinking...”

She couldn't stop. The Hare and the Hatter had to pinch her on both sides to keep her quiet.

I had just finished the first verse when someone said: “Of course, it would be better if he kept quiet, but we have to kill time somehow!” The Queen will shout: “Kill Time! He wants to kill Time! Cut off his head!

What cruelty! - Alice exclaimed.

Since then,” the Hatter continued sadly, “Time has never crossed a finger for me!” And the clock is still six...

Then it dawned on Alice.

Is that why tea is served here? - she asked.

Yes,” answered the Hatter with a sigh. - It's always time to drink tea here. We don't even have time to wash the dishes!

And you just change seats, right? - Alice guessed.

Quite right,” said the Hatter. - Let's drink a cup and move on to the next one.

And when you reach the end, then what? - Alice ventured to ask.

What if we change the subject? - asked the March Hare and yawned widely. - I'm tired of these conversations. I suggest: let the young lady tell us a fairy tale.

“I’m afraid I don’t know anything,” Alice was frightened.

“Then let the Dormouse tell the story,” cried the Hatter and the Hare. - Sonya, wake up!

Sonya slowly opened her eyes.

“I didn’t even think about sleeping,” she whispered hoarsely. - I heard everything you said.

Tell a story! - demanded the March Hare.

Yes, please tell me,” Alice picked up.

“And hurry up,” added the Hatter. - Otherwise you’ll fall asleep again!

Once upon a time there were three sisters,” Sonya began quickly. - Their names were Elsie, Lacey and Tilly, and they lived at the bottom of a well...

What did they eat? - asked Alice. She was always interested in what people eat and drink.

“Kissel,” Sonya answered, after thinking a little.

Always the same jelly? “It’s impossible,” Alice objected softly. - They would get sick then.

They got sick,” said Sonya. - And very seriously.

Alice tried to understand how it was possible to eat one jelly all her life, but it was so strange and surprising that she just asked:

Why did they live at the bottom of the well?

“Have some more tea,” said the March Hare, leaning towards Alice.

More? - Alice asked again with offense. - I haven't drunk anything yet.

“She doesn’t want any more tea,” the March Hare said into space.

You probably want to say that she doesn’t want less tea: it’s much easier to drink more, not less, than nothing,” said the Hatter.

“Nobody asked your opinion,” said Alice.

Now who's getting personal? - asked the Hatter triumphantly.

Alice didn't know what to answer to this. She poured herself some tea and buttered the bread, and then turned to Sonya and repeated her question:

So why did they live at the bottom of the well? Sonya thought again and finally said:

Because there was jelly in the well.

There are no such wells,” Alice shouted indignantly. But the Hatter and the March Hare shushed her, and the Dormouse muttered sullenly:

If you don’t know how to behave, prove it yourself!

Sorry,” Alice said obediently. - Please continue, I won't interrupt anymore. Maybe there is one such well somewhere.

She also said “one”! - Sonya snorted.

However, she agreed to continue the story.

And I must tell you that these three sisters lived happily ever after...

Happily? - asked Alice. - What were they singing?

They didn’t sing, they drank,” Sonya answered. - Kissel, of course.

“I need a clean cup,” the Hatter interrupted her. - Let's move.

And he moved to the next chair. Sonya sat in his place, the March Hare - in Sonya's place, and Alice, reluctantly, in the Hare's place. One Hatter won; Alice, on the other hand, lost badly because the March Hare had just knocked the milk jug into his plate.

Alice didn’t want to offend Sonya again, and she carefully asked:

I don’t understand... How did they live there?

“What is there not to understand,” said the Hatter. - Fish live in water. And these sisters lived in jelly! Do you understand, silly?

But why? - Alice asked Sonya, pretending that she had not heard the Hatter’s last remark.

Because they were sweet young ladies.

This answer was so confusing poor Alice that she fell silent.

So they lived,” Sonya continued in a sleepy voice, yawning and rubbing her eyes, “like fish in jelly.” They also drew... all sorts of things... anything that starts with M.

Why on M? - asked Alice.

Why not? - asked the March Hare.

Alice remained silent.

“I’d like to draw too,” she finally said. - At the well.

Draw and inject? - asked the Hare.

Sonya meanwhile closed her eyes and dozed off. But then the Hatter pinched her, she squealed and woke up.

“Starts with M,” she continued. - They drew mousetraps, a month, mathematics, a lot... Have you ever seen how they draw a lot?

Lots of what? - asked Alice.

“Nothing,” answered Sonya. - Just a lot!

I don’t know,” Alice began, “maybe...

If you don’t know, be silent,” the Hatter cut her off.

Alice could not stand such rudeness: she silently stood up and walked away. The Dormouse immediately fell asleep, and the Hare and the Hatter did not pay any attention to Alisa’s departure, although she turned around twice, hoping that they would come to their senses and call her back.

Looking back in last time, she saw that they were putting Sonya in the teapot.

I will never go there again! - Alice repeated to herself, making her way through the forest. “I’ve never seen such a stupid tea party in my life!”

Then she noticed a door in one tree.

How strange! - thought Alice. - However, today everything is strange. Let me go through this door.

So she did.

And again she found herself in a long hall near a glass table.

Well, now I’ll be smarter,” she said to herself, took the key and, first of all, unlocked the door leading to the garden. And then she took out pieces of mushroom that were in her pocket and ate until she was a foot tall. Then she made her way along a narrow corridor and finally found herself in wonderful garden among bright colors and cool fountains.

Chapter VIII. Royal croquet

At the entrance to the garden there was a large rose bush- the roses on it were white, but three gardeners stood nearby and diligently painted them red. Alice was surprised and came closer to find out what was happening there. As she approached, she heard one of the gardeners say to the other:

Be careful, Five! You splashed me again!

“It’s not my fault,” answered Five gloomily. - It was Seven who pushed me under the elbow!

Seven looked at him and said:

That's right, Five! Always blame it on someone else!

“You’d better keep quiet,” said Five. “Yesterday I heard with my own ears how the Queen said that it’s high time you cut off your head!”

For what? - asked the first gardener.

This doesn't concern you, Deuce! - Seven snapped.

No, it does,” objected Five. - And I’ll tell him why. Because he brought the cook tulip bulbs instead of onions!

Seven threw the brush.

Well, you know, such injustice... - he began, but then his gaze fell on Alice, and he fell silent. The other two looked back, and all three bowed deeply.

Tell me, please,” Alice asked timidly, “why are you painting these roses?”

Five and Seven said nothing, but looked at Two; he looked around and said quietly:

You see, young lady, it was necessary to plant red roses, but we, fools, planted white ones. If the Queen finds out, we'll have our heads cut off, you know. So, young lady, you see, we are trying here before she comes...

At that moment Five (he had been peering into the garden all this time) shouted:


The gardeners fell on their faces. Footsteps were heard. Alice turned around - she couldn't wait to see the Queen.

Ten soldiers stepped forward with pikes in their hands; they were very similar to gardeners - the same flat and quadrangular, with arms and legs at the corners. Ten courtiers walked behind them; their clothes were embroidered with crosses, and they walked in twos, like soldiers. The royal children ran behind the courtiers, on whose clothes were embroidered hearts in red gold; there were also ten of them; cute little ones held hands and happily jumped up and down as they walked. They were followed by guests, more and more Kings and Queens. The White Rabbit was there too; he said something quickly and nervously and smiled at everyone. He walked past Alice and did not notice her. Behind the guests was the Knave of Hearts, carrying a crown on a scarlet pillow. And this magnificent procession was closed by the RED KING AND QUEEN.

Alice hesitated: maybe she too should fall on her face at the sight of such a brilliant procession? However, she did not remember any rules about this.

And in general, why organize processions if everyone falls on their faces? No one will see anything then...

And she remained standing.

When the procession reached Alice, everyone stopped and stared at her, and the Queen asked sternly:

Who else is this?

She turned to Knave, but he only smiled and bowed in response.

Fool! - the Queen said, shaking her head irritably. Then she turned to Alice and asked:

What's your name, child?

“My name is Alice, with Your Majesty’s permission,” Alice answered politely.

Yes, it's just a deck of cards! Why should I be afraid of them?

Who are they? - asked the Queen, pointing to the gardeners who had fallen around the bush. They lay face down, and since the shirts of everyone in the deck were the same, she could not make out whether they were gardeners, or courtiers, or perhaps her own children.

“How should I know,” answered Alice, surprised at her courage. - It doesn't concern me.

The queen turned purple with rage and sparkled as if wild animal, with her eyes, screamed at the top of her voice:

Cut off her head! Chop off...

Nonsense! - Alice said very loudly and decisively.

The queen fell silent.

And the King put his hand on her shoulder and timidly said:

Come to your senses, my friend! She's just a child!

The Queen angrily turned away from him and ordered the Knave:

Turn them over!

Knave carefully turned the gardeners over with the toe of his boot.

Get up! - the Queen shouted in a loud, shrill voice. The gardeners stood up and began to bow to the Queen, the King, the royal children and everyone else.

Stop it this very minute! - the Queen screamed. - Your bows made me dizzy!

And, looking at the rose bush, she added:

What were you doing here?

With Your Majesty’s permission,” Deuce began humbly, dropping to one knee, “we wanted...

All clear! - said the Queen, who meanwhile was carefully examining the roses. - Cut off their heads!

“Don’t be afraid,” said Alice. - I won’t let you offend.

And she put them in a flower pot that stood nearby. The soldiers walked around, searched and walked away.

Well, did they cut off their heads? - shouted the Queen.

Their heads are gone, Your Majesty,” the soldiers barked.

Great! - the Queen screamed. - Shall we play croquet?

The soldiers silently looked at Alice: apparently, the Queen was addressing her.

Let's play! - Alice shouted.

Went! - the Queen roared.

And Alice entered the crowd of guests, asking herself in bewilderment what would happen next.

What... what beautiful weather today, isn't it? - someone said timidly. She looked up and saw the White Rabbit walking nearby and looking at her worriedly.

Yes, the weather is wonderful,” Alice agreed. - Where is the Duchess?

Shhh,” the Rabbit hissed, looking around anxiously. He stood on tiptoes and whispered right in her ear:

She was sentenced to death.

For what? - asked Alice.

I think you said, “What a pity”? - asked the Rabbit.

“I didn’t think so,” answered Alice. - I don’t feel sorry for her at all! I said: “For what?”

“She slapped the Queen,” said the Rabbit. Alice snorted happily.

Quiet! - the Rabbit was scared. - What if the Queen hears! You see, the Duchess is late, and the Queen says...

Everything is in place! - the Queen shouted in a thunderous voice.

And everyone ran, bumping into each other, falling and jumping up. However, a minute later everyone was already standing in their places. The game has begun.

Alice thought that she had never seen such a strange croquet ground in her life: all potholes and furrows. Hedgehogs served as balls, flamingos served as hammers, and soldiers served as gates. They made a bridge and stood there while the game was going on.

At first, Alice could not cope with her flamingo: as soon as she put it upside down under her arm, pulled its legs back, aimed and was about to hit the hedgehog with it, he arched his neck and looked straight into her eyes, so surprised that she began to laugh ; and when she manages to lower him head down again, lo and behold! - the hedgehog is no longer there, he turned around and quietly trotted away. In addition, all her hedgehogs fell into ruts, and the gate soldiers straightened up and went to the other end of the site. In short, Alice soon decided that this was a very difficult game.

The players hit everything at once, without waiting for their turn, and all the time they quarreled and fought over the hedgehogs; Soon the Queen became furious, stamping her feet and shouting every now and then:

Cut off her head! Off with his head!

Alice became worried; True, she and the Queen had not yet had an argument about anything, but it could arise at any moment.

What will happen to me then? - thought Alice. - They love to chop off heads here. It's strange that anyone else survived at all!

She looked around and began to think about how to sneak away unnoticed, when suddenly something incomprehensible appeared above her head. At first Alice could not understand what it was, but after a minute she realized that a smile was floating lonely in the air.

“This is the Cheshire Cat,” she said to herself. - That's good! At least there will be someone to talk to!

Well how are you? - asked the Cat as soon as his mouth appeared in the air.

Alice waited until the eyes appeared and nodded.

It’s useless to answer now anyway, she thought. - I'll wait until ears appear - or at least one!

A minute later the whole head appeared; Alice put the flamingo on the ground and began her story, glad that she had someone to talk to. The cat obviously decided that the head was enough and did not appear further.

“In my opinion, they don’t play like that at all,” said Alice. - There is no justice, and everyone is shouting so much that own voice Can not hear. There are no rules, and if there are, no one follows them. You can't imagine how difficult it is to play when everything is alive. For example, the gate that I need to go through now, let's go for a walk on the other side of the site! I would have driven the Queen’s hedgehog away now - but he ran away as soon as he saw mine!

How do you like the Queen? - the Cat asked quietly.

“I don’t like it at all,” answered Alice. - She's so...

At that moment she noticed that the Queen was standing behind her and eavesdropping.

He plays so well,” Alice said quickly, “that you should at least give up right away.”

The Queen smiled and walked away.

Who are you talking to? - asked the King, approaching Alice and looking curiously at the floating head.

“This is my friend, the Cheshire Cat,” answered Alice. - Allow me to introduce...

“I don’t like him at all,” said the King. - However, let him kiss my hand if he wants.

“I don’t have any special desire,” said the Cat.

“Don’t you dare speak insolently,” muttered the King. - And don't look at me like that.

And he hid behind Alice.

“Cats are not forbidden to look at kings,” said Alice. - I read this somewhere, I just don’t remember where.

No, he must be removed,” the King said decisively.

Seeing the Queen passing by, he shouted:

Darling, tell me to remove this cat!

The Queen had one answer to everything.

Cut off his head! - she shouted without looking.

I'll bring the executioner myself! - the King said joyfully and ran away.

Alice heard the Queen shouting something loudly in the distance and went to see what was happening there. She had already heard the Queen order the heads of three players to be cut off for missing their turn. In general, Alice did not like what was happening very much: there was such confusion around that she could not understand who should play. And she wandered back, looking for her hedgehog in the ruts.

She immediately saw him - he was fighting with another hedgehog. I would have struck him, but Alisin’s flamingo wandered to the other end of the garden; Alice saw him trying unsuccessfully to fly up the tree.

When Alice finally caught him and brought him back, the hedgehogs had already stopped fighting and ran away.

Well, so be it, thought Alice. - Anyway, the gates are gone too.

She put the flamingo under her arm so that it would not run away again, and returned to the Cat; she wanted to talk to him more.

Approaching the place where his head was floating in the air, she was surprised to see that a large crowd had formed around. The executioner, the King and the Queen argued noisily; each shouted his own, not listening to the other, and the rest were silent and only shifted awkwardly from foot to foot.

Seeing Alice, all three rushed to her so that she could resolve their dispute. They repeated their arguments loudly, but since they were all talking at once, she could not understand what was going on.

The executioner said that you cannot cut off a head if there is nothing else besides the head; he has never done this and is not going to do this; he's too old for this, that's what!

The king said that since there is a head, it can be cut off. And there is no need to talk nonsense!

And the Queen said that if they didn’t stop chatting right away and get down to business, she would order everyone’s heads to be cut off!

(It was these words that plunged society into despondency.)

Alice couldn't find anything better to say:

The cat belongs to the Duchess. It would be better to consult with her.

“She’s in prison,” said the Queen and turned to the executioner. - Take her here!

The executioner rushed as fast as he could to carry out the order.

As soon as he ran away, the Cat's head began to slowly melt into the air, so that by the time the executioner brought the Duchess, the head was no longer visible. The king and the executioner rushed around the croquet court, and the guests returned to the game.

Chapter IX. The Tale of the Turtle Kwazii

“Oh, dear, you can’t even imagine how glad I am to see you,” the Duchess said tenderly, took Alice by the arm and led her aside.

Alice was pleasantly surprised to see the Duchess in such a good mood, and thought that it must have been the pepper that made her so hot-tempered.

When I become a Duchess,” she said to herself (without much hope, however), “I won’t have any pepper in my kitchen.” The soup is delicious without it! Because of the pepper, it’s true, they start contradicting everyone...

Alice was very happy that she had discovered a new rule.

Vinegar makes them sulky, she continued thoughtfully, mustard makes them sad, onions make them cunning, wine makes them guilty, and baking makes them kinder. What a pity that no one knows about this... Everything would be so simple. If only you could eat the baked goods, you would become better!

She completely forgot about the Duchess and shuddered when she said directly into her ear:

You're thinking about something, my dear, and you don't say a word. And the moral from here is this... No, I can’t figure it out! Nothing, I'll remember later...

Or maybe there is no morality here,” Alice noted.

How is it not! - objected the Duchess. - Everything has its own morality, you just need to be able to find it!

And with these words she pressed herself close to Alice.

Alice didn’t like this at all: firstly, the Duchess was so ugly, and, secondly, her chin was exactly at the level of Alice’s shoulder, and this chin was very sharp. But there was nothing to do - Alice couldn’t ask the Duchess to move away!

The game seems to have become more fun,” she noted, in order to somehow keep the conversation going.

“I completely agree with you,” said the Duchess. - And the moral from here is: “Love, love, you move the world...”

“But it seemed to me that someone said that the most important thing is not to meddle in other people’s affairs,” Alice whispered.

“So it’s the same thing,” said the Duchess, digging her chin into Alisa’s shoulder. - And the moral from here is this: think about the meaning, and the words will come by themselves!

How she loves to find morality everywhere, thought Alice.

“You are, of course, wondering,” said the Duchess, “why I don’t put my arm around your waist.” To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure about your flamingo. Or should I still take the risk?

“He may bite,” said the prudent Alice, who did not at all want the Duchess to hug her.

“Quite right,” agreed the Duchess. - Flamingos bite as well as mustard. And the moral from here is this: they are birds of a feather!

Only mustard is not a bird at all,” Alice noted.

“You are, as always, absolutely right,” said the Duchess. - What clarity of thought!

It seems that mustard is a mineral,” Alice continued thoughtfully.

Of course, a mineral,” confirmed the Duchess. She was ready to agree with everything Alice said. - Mineral of enormous explosive power. They make mines out of it and lay them in mines... And the moral from here is this: a good mine for bad game- the most important!

“I remember,” said Alice suddenly, having ignored the Duchess’s last words. - Mustard is a vegetable. True, it doesn’t look like a vegetable - but it is still a vegetable!

“I completely agree with you,” said the Duchess. - And the moral from here is this: every vegetable has its time. Or, if you want, I’ll formulate this more simply: never think that you are different from what you could be otherwise than by being different in those cases where it is impossible not to be otherwise.

It seems to me that I would understand better,” said Alice politely, “if I could write it down.” And so I didn’t really understand it.

“This is all nonsense compared to what I could say if I wanted,” replied the flattered Duchess.

Please don't worry, said Alice.

“Well, isn’t this a concern,” the Duchess objected. - I give you everything I had time to say.

A trifling gift, Alice thought to herself. - It’s good that they don’t give these for birthdays!

However, she did not dare say this out loud.

Are you thinking about something again? - asked the Duchess and again stuck her chin into Alisa’s shoulder.

Why shouldn't I think? - answered Alice. She felt somehow uneasy.

Why shouldn't a pig fly? - said the Duchess. - And morality...

Here, to Alice's great surprise, the Duchess fell silent and began to tremble. Alice looked up and saw that the Queen was standing in front of them, crossing her arms and frowning menacingly.

“Fine weather, Your Majesty,” the Duchess whispered faintly.

“I’m warning you honestly,” the Queen shouted and stamped her foot. - Either we will lose your company, or you will lose your head. Decide now - no, twice as fast! The Duchess made up her mind and immediately disappeared.

Let’s get back to our game,” said the Queen to Alice.

Alice was so frightened that, without saying a word, she followed her to the landing. Meanwhile, the guests took advantage of the Queen's absence and rested in the shade; however, seeing that the Queen was returning, they hastened to their places. And the Queen, approaching, simply announced that a minute of delay would cost them all their lives.

While the game was going on, the Queen constantly quarreled with the players and shouted:

Cut off his head! Off her shoulders!

The soldiers got up from the ground and took the unfortunate people into custody. As a result, there were fewer and fewer Vorotsev. Less than half an hour later, there were none left at all, and all the players waited with trepidation for the execution.

Finally, the Queen stopped playing and, catching her breath, asked Alice:

Have you seen the Quasi Turtle?

No, said Alice. - I don’t even know who he is.

“Of course,” said the Queen. - This is what quasi-turtle soup is made from.

“I’ve never seen or heard of it,” said Alice.

Then let's go, said the Queen. - He will tell you everything himself.

And off they went. As she left, Alice heard the King quietly say to the guests:

We forgive you all.

That's good! - Alice was delighted. (She was very sad, thinking about the scheduled executions).

Soon they saw the Griffin, fast asleep in the sun.

Get up, you slacker,” said the Queen, “take this young lady to the Quasi Turtle.” Let him tell her his story. And I have to go back: I ordered the execution of someone there, I need to see that everything is as it should be.

And she left, leaving Alice with the Griffin. He didn’t inspire much confidence in Alice, but, thinking that it was probably calmer with him than with the Queen, she stayed.

Laughter - and that's all! - he muttered, either to himself or to Alice.

Laughter? - Alice asked confused.

Well, yes,” answered the Griffin. - All this is fiction. Execute! He'll say it too! They never had this kind of thing. Okay, let's go!

Everyone here just says “let’s go”! - thought Alice, obediently trailing behind the Griffin. - Never in my life have I been pushed around like that!

After walking quite a bit, they saw the Quasi Turtle in the distance; he lay on a rocky ledge and sighed with such melancholy, as if his heart was breaking. Alice felt sorry for him from the bottom of her heart.

Why is he so sad? - she asked the Griffin. And he answered her with almost the same words:

All this is fiction. Sad! Say it too! He has nothing to be sad about. Okay, let's go!

And they approached the Quasi Turtle. He looked at them with big eyes full of tears, but said nothing.

This young lady,” the Griffin began, “wants to listen to your story.” Take this story out and give it to her! That's it!

Well, I’ll tell you,” Kwazii said in a dull voice. - Sit down and don’t open your mouth until I finish.

The Griffin and Alice sat down. There was silence.

I don’t know how he’s going to finish if he can’t start,” Alice thought to herself.

But there was nothing to do - she waited patiently.

Once upon a time,” Turtle Quasi finally said with a deep sigh, “I was a real Turtle.”

And again there was silence. Only the Gryphon occasionally cleared his throat, and Kwazii sobbed incessantly. Alice was just about to get up and say: “Thank you, sir, for a very fascinating story.” But then I decided to wait a little longer.

Finally, Turtle Kwazii calmed down a little and, sighing heavily, spoke.

When we were little, we went to school at the bottom of the sea. Our teacher was the old Turtle. We called him Sprutik.

Why did you call him Octopus, asked Alice, if in fact he was the Turtle?

We called him Octopus, because he always walked with a twig,” replied Turtle Kwazii angrily. -You're not very smart!

“I would be ashamed to ask about such simple things,” Gryphon picked up.

They both fell silent and stared at poor Alice. She was ready to fall through the ground. Finally, the Griffin turned to the Quasi Turtle and said:

Come on, old man, hurry up! You can't sit here all day...

And Kwazii continued.

Yes, we went to school, and our school was at the bottom of the sea, although you may not believe it...

Why? - Alice objected. - I didn’t say a word.

No, she said,” Kwazii insisted.

Don't mind! - shouted the Griffin. But Alice didn’t even think of objecting.

We received the best education,” continued Turtle Kwazii. - And no wonder - after all, we went to school every day...

“I also went to school every day,” said Alice. - There's nothing special about it.

Did they teach you anything additional? - Kwazii asked with concern.

Yes,” answered Alice. - Music and French.

What about washing? - Turtle Kwazii said quickly.

No, of course not,” Alice answered indignantly.

Well, that means your school wasn’t very good,” Kwazii said with relief. - And at our school they always added to the bill: “Additional fees for French, music and laundry.”

Why do you need laundry? - asked Alice. - After all, you lived at the bottom of the sea.

I couldn’t do the laundry anyway,” Turtle Kwazii sighed. - I couldn’t afford it. I studied only compulsory subjects.

Which? - asked Alice.

At first, as expected, we sneezed and squealed,” answered Turtle Kwazii. - And then they began to perform the four actions of Arithmetic: Sliding, Lamentation, Tenderness and Exhaustion.

I’ve never heard of “Lamentation,” Alice ventured to remark.

I've never heard of "Lamentation"! - exclaimed the Griffin, raising his paws to the sky. - What is “read”, I hope you know?

Yes,” Alice answered hesitantly, “look at what is written in the book and... read.”

Well, yes,” said the Griffin, “and if you don’t know what “wail” means, then you’re a complete fool.

Alice lost all desire to find out what “Lamentation” was, she turned to the Quasi Turtle and asked:

What else did you learn?

We also had Reefs - Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, Dirty Writing and Coltsfoot. And also Mimic experiments; Our mimic was an old eel, he came once a week. He taught us Trikonometry, Physiognomy...

Physiognomy? - asked Alice.

“I can’t show this to you,” answered Turtle Kwazii. - I'm too old for this. But Gryphon did not deal with it.

“I didn’t have time,” Gryphon confirmed. - But I received a classical education.

Like this? - asked Alice.

“Here’s how,” answered the Griffin. “My teacher, the old crab, and I went outside and played hopscotch all day. What a teacher he was!

A true classic! - Kwazii said with a sigh. - But I didn’t get to see him... They say he taught Brass, Drama and Mexico...

“That’s for sure,” Gryphon agreed. And both hung their heads and sighed.

How long did your classes take? - asked Alice, hurrying to change the conversation.

“It depended on us,” answered Turtle Kwazii. - As soon as we take everything, we’ll finish it.

Will you borrow? - Alice was surprised.

Why are the classes called that? - Gryphon explained. - Because during classes we occupy our teacher’s mind... And as soon as we occupy everything and leave nothing for him, we’ll end right there. In such cases they say: “He’s got a lot of mind.” Do you understand?

This was so new to Alice that she couldn’t help but think about it.

What then happens to the teacher? - she asked a little later.

Maybe that’s enough about the lessons,” the Griffin intervened decisively. - Tell her about our games...

Chapter X. Sea quadrille

Turtle Kwazii took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. He looked at Alice - apparently he wanted to say something, but he was choked by sobs.

Well, it’s like there’s a bone stuck in his throat,” said the Gryphon, after waiting a little.

And he began to shake Kwazii and hit him on the back. Finally, Turtle Kwazii found his voice and, shedding tears, spoke:

You probably didn't live long at the bottom of the sea...

“I didn’t live,” said Alice.

And she must have never seen a live lobster...

But I tried it...” Alice began, but caught herself and shook her head. - No, I haven’t seen it.

So you have no idea how nice it is to dance a sea square dance with lobsters.

No, I don’t,” Alice sighed. - What kind of dance is this?

First of all,” began the Griffin, “everyone lines up on the seashore...

In two rows! - shouted Turtle Kwazii. - Seals, salmon, marine; turtles and everyone else. And as soon as you clear the shore of jellyfish...

“And it’s not so simple,” Gryphon inserted.

First you take two steps forward... - Turtle Kwazii continued.

Taking the lobster by the hand! - shouted the Griffin.

Of course,” confirmed Turtle Kwazii. - You make two passes forward, throw yourself at your partners...

You change the lobsters and come back in the same order,” the Griffin finished.

And then,” continued Turtle Quasi, “you throw...

Lobsters! - shouted the Griffin, jumping into the air.

Swim after them! - the Griffin yelled joyfully.

Tumble into the sea once! - exclaimed Turtle Kwazii and walked with a wheel in the sand.

And you return to shore! That’s all the first figure,” said Kwazii in a suddenly falling voice. And the two friends, who had just been jumping like crazy on the sand, became sad, sat down and looked longingly at Alice.

This must be very beautiful dance, - Alice noted timidly.

Do you wanna take a look? - asked Turtle Kwazii.

“Very,” said Alice.

Get up,” Kwazi ordered the Griffin. - Let's show her the first figure. It’s okay that there are no lobsters here... We can do without them. Who will sing?

“Sing,” said the Griffin. - I don’t remember the words.

And they danced importantly around Alice, waving their heads to the beat and not noticing that every now and then they were stepping on her feet. Turtle Kwazii began to sing a sad song.

The cod says to the snail: “Hurry up, my friend, go!”

A dolphin will step on my tail - it trails behind.

You see, crabs and turtles are rushing past us to the sea.

Today we have a ball on the seaside, will you dance with us?

Do you want, can, can, do you want to dance with us?

You don't know how nice, how fun it is to be a cod.

If they throw us into the sea and the wave of the sea sweeps us away!”

"Oh! - the snail squeaked. - They will throw us far!

I don’t want to, I can’t, I don’t want to dance with you.

I can’t, I don’t want to, I can’t start dancing!”

“Oh, what is so far? - answered the cod. -

Where it is far from England, France is close.

Many miles from the shores there are shores again.

Don’t be timid, my snail, and come dance with me.

Do you want, can, can, do you want to go dance with me?

Can you, would you, would you, could you come dance with me?”

“Thank you very much,” said Alice, glad that the dance was finally over. - It was very interesting to watch. And I really liked the song about cod! So funny...

“By the way, about cod,” Turtle Quasi began. - You've seen her, of course?

Yes - said Alice. - She sometimes came to us for lunch.

She fell silent in fear, but Turtle Kwazii was not embarrassed.

I don’t know what you mean by this,” remarked Turtle Quasi, “but since you’ve met so often, you, of course, know what she looks like...

“Yes, I think I know,” Alice said thoughtfully. - The tail is in the mouth, and everything is covered in breadcrumbs.

“You’re wrong about the crackers,” objected the Quasi Turtle, “the crackers would have washed away into the sea anyway... Well, her tail, however, is in her mouth.” The fact is that...

Then Turtle Kwazii yawned widely and closed his eyes.

“Explain to her about the tail,” he told the Griffin.

The fact is, said the Griffin, that she really loves to dance with lobsters. So they throw her into the sea. So she flies far, far away. So her tail gets stuck in her mouth - so tightly that you can’t get it out. All.

Thank you,” said Alice. - It is very interesting. I didn't know any of this about cod.

If you want,” said the Griffin, “I can tell you a lot more about cod!” Do you know why they call it cod?

“I never thought about it,” Alice answered. - Why?

“There’s a lot of cod,” said the Griffin significantly.

Alice was confused.

Lots of cod? - she asked again in bewilderment.

Well, yes,” confirmed the Griffin. - It’s a so-so fish, it’s of little use, but there’s a lot of cod.

Alice was silent and just looked at the Griffin with wide eyes.

“He loves to talk,” continued the Griffin. - As soon as it starts to crack, just run away. And I chose the same friends for myself. One old man, Sudachok, comes to see her. They gossip from morning to night! And Pike also runs in - so she pikes everyone. Sometimes Som also doubts everything... And when they all get together, they make such a noise that your head is spinning... Do you know Beluga?

Alice nodded.

So they brought it to her. No way, poor thing, she can’t come to her senses. Everything roars and roars...

That's why they say: “Roars like a beluga”? - Alice asked timidly.

Well, yes,” said the Griffin. - That's why.

Then Turtle Kwazii opened his eyes.

Well, enough about that,” he said. - Now tell me about your adventures.

“I’ll be happy to tell you everything that happened to me this morning,” Alice said uncertainly. - But I won’t talk about yesterday, because then I was completely different.

Explain yourself,” said Turtle Kwazii.

No, adventures first,” the Griffin interrupted him impatiently. - It takes a long time to explain.

And Alice began to tell everything that had happened to her from the moment she saw the White Rabbit. At first she felt a little uneasy: the Griffin and Turtle Kwazii moved so close to her and opened their eyes and mouths so wide; but then she became bolder. The Griffin and the Quasi Turtle were silent until she got to the point of meeting the Blue Caterpillar and trying to read "Papa William" to her. Then Turtle Kwazi took a deep breath and said:

Very strange!

It couldn't be weirder! - picked up the Griffin.

“All the words are wrong,” said Turtle Kwazii thoughtfully. - It would be nice if she read something to us. Tell her to start.

And he looked at the Griffin as if he had power over Alice.

How everyone here likes to give orders, thought Alice. - All they do is force them to read. You'd think I was at school.

You've boiled me! Oh, where's my wig?

And straightened his vest and bow with his nose.

He walks on his toes like a London dandy.

If the sandbank is deserted and quiet all around,

He shouts that he doesn't care about sharks

But as soon as he spots sharks in the distance,

He will hide in the sand and shout guard!

“It’s completely different from what I read as a child at school,” Gryphon noted.

“I have never heard these verses,” said Kwazi. - But, to tell the truth, this is terrible nonsense!

Alice said nothing; she sat down on the sand and covered her face with her hands; She really couldn’t believe that things could still be the way they were before.

“She can’t explain anything,” the Griffin said hastily.

And, turning to Alice, he added:

Why does he walk on his toes? - asked Kwazii. - Explain this to me at least.

This is such a position in dancing,” said Alice.

But she herself did not understand anything; she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Alice did not dare to disobey, although she was sure that everything would turn out wrong again, and continued in a trembling voice:

I was walking through the garden one day and suddenly I saw

How the Owl and the Jackal shared the cake.

And the Jackal swallowed the gingerbread whole,

And he only gave Owl a saucer with a rim.

And then he suggested to her: “Let’s finish the division -

You take yourself a spoon, I’ll take a fork and knife.”

And, having eaten, the Jackal lay down on the grass,

But first, for dessert, he swallowed...

Yes, perhaps that’s enough,” said the Griffin to great joy Alice.

Do you want us to dance again? - continued the Griffin. - Or would it be better if Kwazii sings a song for you?

Please, a song, if possible,” Alice answered with such fervor that the Griffin only shrugged his shoulders.

There’s no arguing about tastes,” he noted offendedly. - Sing her “Evening Food”, old man.

Turtle Kwazi took a deep breath and, sobbing, sang:

Evening food, favorite Sea Soup!

When you shine, green and thick, -

Who will not breathe, who will not understand you then,

Evening food, blissful food!

Evening food, blissful food!

Blessed E-yes!

Blessed E-yes!

Evening food

Blessed, blissful Food!

Evening food! Who, contrary to the heart,

Will he ask for salmon and demand cod?

We will forget everything for you, almost

rum is this blessed Food!

This blessed Food for free!

Blessed E-yes!

Blessed E-yes!

Evening food

Blessed, blissful FOOD!

Repeat the chorus! - said the Griffin.

Turtle Kwazii opened his mouth, and at that moment he heard in the distance:

The trial is coming!

Let's run! - said the Griffin, grabbing Alice by the hand and dragging her along, without listening to the end of the song.

Who is being judged? - Alice asked, breathless.

But the Griffin only repeated:

Let's run! Let's run!

And he increased his pace.

And the breeze from the sea carried a sad chant:

Evening food

Blessed, blissful Food!

It sounded quieter and quieter and finally became completely silent.

Chapter XI. Who stole the pretzels?

The King and Queen of Hearts sat on the throne, and the rest of the cards and many different birds and animals crowded around. In front of the throne stood between two soldiers the Knave in chains. The White Rabbit was hovering near the King - in one hand he held a pipe, and in the other a long parchment scroll. There was a table in the middle, and on the table there was a large dish of pretzels. They looked so delicious that Alice's mouth began to water.

They would rather finish judging, she thought, and serve the treat.

However, there was no particular hope for this, and she began to look around in order to somehow pass the time.

Alice had never been to court before, although she had read about it in books. She was very pleased that almost everything here was familiar to her.

“There’s the judge,” she said to herself. - If he's wearing a wig, that means he's a judge.

The judge, by the way, was the King himself, and since he had to put the crown on his wig, he did not feel too confident. Besides, it wasn't very pretty.

These are jury places, thought Alice. - And these twelve creatures (she had to use this word, because there were animals and birds), apparently, are the jury.

She repeated the last word to herself two or three times - she was very proud that she knew such a thing. difficult word; there weren't many girls her age, Alice thought (and she was right about that), who understood what it meant. However, calling them “jurors” would also be correct.

Meanwhile, the jury was quickly scribbling something on the slates.

What are they writing? - Alice asked the Griffin in a whisper. - After all, the trial has not yet begun...

They are writing down their names,” the Griffin whispered back. - They are afraid that they will be forgotten until the end of the trial.

They're stupid! - Alice said loudly in an indignant tone, but at the same moment the White Rabbit shouted:

Don't make noise in the courtroom!

And the King put on his glasses and looked anxiously into the hall: apparently, he wanted to find out who was making the noise. Alice fell silent.

From her place, she saw - as clearly as if she was standing behind them - that the jury immediately began to write: “They are stupid!” She even noticed that one of them did not know how to spell “stupid” and had to ask a neighbor to find out.

I imagine that they will write there until the end of the trial! - thought Alice.

One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked all the time. This, of course, Alice could not bear: she came up and stood behind him; Seizing an opportune moment, she deftly snatched the stylus. She did all this so quickly that the poor juror (it was little Bill) did not understand what had happened; Having looked for a lead, he decided to write with his finger. This was of little use, since the finger did not leave any mark on the slate.

Herald, read the accusation! - said the King.

The White Rabbit blew the trumpet three times, unrolled the parchment scroll and read:

The Queen of Hearts baked pretzels

On a fine summer day.

The Jack of Hearts was smarter than everyone else

And he stole seven pretzels.

Consider your decision! - the King told the jury.

No, no,” the Rabbit hastily interrupted him. - It is too early. Everything must be done according to the rules.

Call the first witness,” the King ordered. The White Rabbit blew the trumpet three times and shouted: - First witness!

The first witness was the Hatter. He walked up to the throne, holding a cup of tea in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

I apologize, Your Majesty,” he began, “that I came here with a cup.” But I was just drinking tea when they came for me. Didn't have time to finish...

“I could have made it in time,” said the King. - When did you start?

The Hatter looked at the March Hare, who was following him hand in hand with the Dormouse.

The fourteenth of March, I think,” he said.

“The fifteenth,” said the March Hare.

“The sixteenth,” Sonya muttered.

Write it down, the King told the jury, and they quickly wrote down all three dates on the slates, and then added them up and converted them into shillings and pence.

Take off your hat, said the King to the Hatter.

“She’s not mine,” replied the Hatter.

Stolen! - the King shouted in triumph and turned to the jury, who immediately took up their slates.

“I keep them for sale,” explained the Hatter. - I don’t have my own, because I’m a Hat Maker.

Then the Queen put on her glasses and looked straight at the Hatter - he turned pale and shifted from foot to foot.

Give your testimony,” said the King, “and don’t be nervous, otherwise I’ll have you executed on the spot.”

This did not really cheer up the Hatter: he stomped on the spot, looking fearfully at the Queen, and in confusion took a bite of a piece of a cup instead of a sandwich.

At that moment, Alice felt somehow strange. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her, but finally it dawned on her: she was growing again! At first she wanted to get up and leave the courtroom, but, on reflection, she decided to stay and sit until there was enough room for her.

Could you not push so hard? - asked Sonya, who was sitting next to her. - I can barely breathe.

“I can’t help it,” Alice said guiltily. - I'm growing.

“You have no right to grow up here,” Sonya noted.

“Nonsense,” answered Alice, emboldened. - You know very well that you yourself are growing.

Yes, but I’m growing at a decent speed,” Sonya objected, “not like some... It’s just funny, growing like that!”

She pouted, stood up and walked to the other side of the hall. Meanwhile, the Queen kept looking straight at the Hatter, and before Sonya had time to sit down, the Queen frowned and ordered:

Submit here a list of those who sang at the last concert!

Here the poor Hatter trembled so much that his shoes fell off both feet.

Give your testimony,” the King repeated angrily, “or else I will have you executed.” I don't care if you're nervous or not!

“I’m a small man,” said the Hatter in a trembling voice, “and before I had time to drink tea... only a week has passed since I started... I had almost no bread and butter left... and I kept thinking about the owl above us , which is like a tray above the heavens...

About what? - asked the King.

Tray... above the skies...

“Well, of course,” the King said sternly, “under your breath is one thing, but above the skies is something completely different!” Are you taking me for a fool? Continue!

“I’m a small person,” the Hatter continued, “and only after that everything began to blink before my eyes... only suddenly the March Hare said...

“I didn’t say anything,” the March Hare hastily interrupted him.

No, I did,” objected the Hatter.

“I didn’t think so,” said the March Hare. - I deny everything!

“He denies everything,” said the King. - Don't put it in the protocol!

Well, then, that means Sonya said it,” continued the Hatter, looking at Sonya with alarm. But Sonya did not deny anything - she was fast asleep.

Then I cut myself some more bread,” continued the Hatter, “and buttered it...

But what did Sonya say? - one of the jurors asked.

“I don’t remember,” said the Hatter.

Try to remember,” the King remarked, “or else I’ll have you executed.”

The unfortunate Hatter dropped the cup and sandwich from his hands and dropped to one knee.

“I’m a small person,” he repeated. - And I kept thinking about the owl...

“You yourself are an owl,” said the King.

Here is one of guinea pigs applauded loudly and was depressed. (Since this word is not easy, I will explain to you what it means. The servants took a large bag, put the pig in it upside down, tied the bag and sat on it.)

“I’m very glad that I saw how this is done,” thought Alice. - Otherwise, I read so often in the newspapers: “Attempts at resistance were suppressed...” Now I know what it is!

Well, that's enough, - said the King to the Hatter. - Stop it!

“And I’m already all round,” the Hatter objected joyfully. - My hats are round, blanks too...

You're a complete idiot, that's what you are! - said the King.

Then the other pig applauded and was depressed.

Well, we’re done with the pigs, thought Alice. - Now things will be more fun.

“You are free,” said the King to the Hatter.

And the Hatter ran out of the courtroom, not even bothering to put on his shoes.

“And cut off his head there in the street,” added the Queen, turning to one of the servants.

But the Hatter was already far away.

Call a witness,” the King ordered.

The witness was the cook. She held a pepper shaker in her hands. She had not yet entered the courtroom, and those who were sitting near the door all suddenly sneezed. Alice immediately guessed who was about to come in.

Give your testimony here,” said the King.

“I won’t think so,” answered the cook.

The King looked at the White Rabbit, puzzled.

Your Majesty will have to cross-examine her,” whispered the Rabbit.

Well, to the cross, so to the cross,” the King sighed, crossed his arms over his chest and, frowning menacingly, squinted his eyes so much that Alice was frightened. Finally, the King asked dully:

What are pretzels made of?

“Mainly from pepper,” answered the cook.

“From jelly,” said a sleepy voice behind her.

Grab this Sonya! - the Queen screamed. - Cut off her head! Get her in the neck! Suppress her! Pinch her! Cut off her mustache!

Everyone rushed to catch Sonya. There was a commotion, and when everyone finally sat down again, the cook disappeared.

That’s good,” said the King with relief. - Call the next witness!

Now, darling, you cross-examine her yourself. And then I got a headache.

The White Rabbit rustled the list.

I wonder who they’ll call now, thought Alice. - So far they have no evidence...

Imagine her surprise when the White Rabbit screamed in his thin voice:

Chapter XII. Alice testifies

Here! - Alice shouted, forgetting in her excitement how she had grown in the last few minutes, and jumped up from her seat so quickly that the edge of her skirt touched the bench on which the jury was sitting - the bench overturned and all the jury fell down on the heads of the sitting audience. There they lay, reminding Alice of the fish that had also lain helplessly on the floor a week ago, when she accidentally knocked over the aquarium.

Excuse me, please! - Alice cried sadly and began to hastily select the jury; the aquarium incident was on her mind, and for some reason it seemed to her that if the jury was not picked as quickly as possible and put back in the bench, they would certainly die.

The court will continue to work only after all the jurors have returned to their seats,” the King said sternly.

I repeat: that's it! Every single one! - he said with emphasis, without taking his eyes off Alice.

Alice looked at the jury and found that in her haste she had placed Bill the Lizard upside down on the bench; The poor thing wagged its tail sadly, but could not turn over. She quickly took him and sat him down as expected.

She thought to herself:

Of course, it doesn't matter at all. Whether upside down or upside down, he is of no use in court.

As soon as the jury had come to their senses a little and had received back the slates and boards that had been lost in the fall, they began diligently to write the history of the incident. Only Bill sat motionless, his mouth wide open and staring at the sky: apparently, he could not come to his senses.

What do you know about this case? - asked the King.

“Nothing,” answered Alice.

Nothing at all? - the King persistently asked.

“Nothing at all,” Alice repeated.

“This is very important,” said the King, turning to the jury. They rushed to write, but then the White Rabbit intervened.

Your Majesty wants, of course, to say: it doesn’t matter,” he said respectfully. However, at the same time he frowned and gave signs to the King.

“Well, yes,” the King said hastily. - That's exactly what I wanted to say. Doesn't matter! Of course it doesn't matter!

Important - no matter... no matter - important...

Some jurors wrote down "Important!" and others wrote down "Not important!" Alice stood so close that she could see everything perfectly.

It doesn't matter, she thought.

At that moment the King, who was quickly writing something in his notebook, shouted:

I looked at the book and read:

- “Rule 42. Anyone over a mile tall should leave the hall immediately.”

And everyone stared at Alice.

“I don’t have a mile in me,” said Alice.

No, there is,” objected the King.

“You are two miles, no less,” added the Queen.

“I’m not going anywhere,” said Alice. - And in general, this is not a real rule. You just made it up.

This is the oldest rule in the book! - objected the King.

Why is it then 42nd? - asked Alice. - It should be the first!

The king turned pale and hastily closed the book.

Consider your decision,” he told the jury in a quiet, trembling voice.

The White Rabbit hurriedly jumped up from his seat.

With Your Majesty’s permission,” he said, “there is more evidence here.” One document has just been found.

What's in it? - asked the Queen.

“I haven’t read it yet,” answered the White Rabbit, “but, in my opinion, this is a letter from the accused... to someone...

Of course, to someone,” said the King. - It is unlikely that he wrote a letter to anyone. This is not usually done.

Who is it addressed to? - one of the jurors asked.

“No one,” answered the White Rabbit. - In any case, nothing is written on the back.

With these words he unfolded the letter and added:

This is not even a letter, but poetry.

The accused's handwriting? another juror asked.

No, answered the White Rabbit. - And this is most suspicious of all.

(The jury was confused.)

That means he forged the handwriting,” the King noted.

(The jury brightened.)

With Your Majesty’s permission,” said Valet, “I did not write this letter, and they will not prove it.” There is no signature.

So much the worse,” said the King. “That means you were up to something bad, otherwise you would have signed up like all honest people.”

Everyone applauded: for the first time all day, the King said something really smart.

Guilt has been proven,” said the Queen. - Chop him...

Nothing like this! - Alice objected. - You don’t even know what the poems are about.

Read them! - said the King to the Rabbit.

The rabbit put on his glasses.

Where to start, Your Majesty? - he asked.

“Start from the beginning,” the King answered importantly, “and continue until you reach the end.” When you get there, finish!

Dead silence reigned. This is what the White Rabbit read.

I know you talked to her

And with him, of course, too.

She said, "Very sweet,

But he can't swim."

So and so were there

(What everyone in the world knows)

But, if things were set in motion.

You would be in charge.

I gave them three, they gave us five,

You promised them six.

But everyone came back to you again,

Although they were mine.

You weren't involved with her

Such an evil thing

Although he once said,

That they were tired of everything.

She sure is hot

Don't argue with me in vain.

Yes, you see, cut from the shoulder

Not so safe.

But he shouldn't know about it

(Don't accidentally blurt it out).

The rest of the century has nothing to do with it,

And this is our secret.

This is a very important piece of evidence,” said the King, rubbing his hands. “Everything we heard today pales in comparison to her.” Now let the jury consider their...

But Alice did not let him finish.

If any of them can explain these verses to me, - said Alice, - I will give him sixpence. sense!

The jury wrote: "She is sure there is no meaning in them," but none of them made any attempt to explain the verses.

If they make no sense, said the King, so much the better. There is no need to try to explain them. However...

Then he put the poems on his lap, looked at them with one eye and said:

However, I think I can explain something, “... but he can’t swim...”

And, turning to the Knave, the King asked:

You can't swim, can you?

Nobby shook his head sadly.

Where should I go? - he said.

(This was true - it was paper, after all.)

“Yes,” said the King and again bent over the poems. “...They know everything in the world” - this is, of course, about the jury. “I gave them three, they gave us five...” So that’s what he did with the pretzels!

But it says that “everyone came back to you again,” Alice noted.

Of course they are back,” the King shouted, triumphantly pointing to a dish of pretzels on the table. - It is obvious. “She’s hot, of course...” he muttered and looked at the Queen. -Are you hot, darling?

“Well, I’m unusually reserved,” answered the Queen and threw the inkwell at Little Bill. (The poor fellow had given up writing on the board with his finger, discovering that he was leaving no mark on the board, but now he hastened to start writing again, dipping his finger in the ink that was dripping from his face.)

“Cut from the shoulder...” the King read and looked at the Queen again. - Do you ever cut from the shoulder, darling?

Never,” said the Queen.

And, turning away, she screamed, pointing her finger at poor Bill:

Cut off his head! Head off the shoulders!

“Ah, I understand,” said the King. - You cut from our shoulders, I don’t cut from our shoulders!

And he looked around with a smile. Everyone was silent.

It's a pun! - the King shouted angrily.

And everyone laughed.

“Let the jury decide whether he is guilty or not,” said the King for the twentieth time that day.

No! - said the Queen. - Let them pass judgment! Whether he’s guilty or not - we’ll figure it out later!

Nonsense! - Alice said loudly. - How can such a thing come to mind!

Be silent! - shouted the Queen, turning purple.

“I won’t think so,” answered Alice.

Cut off her head! - the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.

Nobody moved.

Who are you afraid of? - said Alice. (She has already grown to her usual height.) - You are just a deck of cards!

Then all the cards rose into the air and flew into Alice's face.

She screamed - half scared, half angry - and began to fight them off... and found herself lying on the shore, her head in her sister’s lap, and she was quietly brushing dry leaves that had fallen from a tree from her face.

Alice, honey, wake up! - said the sister. - How long have you been sleeping?

What a strange dream I had! - said Alice and told her sister everything she remembered about her amazing adventures that you just read about.

And when she finished, her sister kissed her and said:

True, the dream was very strange! Now run home, otherwise you'll be late for tea.

Alice jumped to her feet and ran. And while she was running, she kept thinking about what kind of wonderful dream she had.

And her sister remained sitting on the shore. Leaning on her hand, she looked at the setting sun and thought about little Alice and her wonderful Adventures, until she fell into a half-asleep. And this is what she imagined.

First she saw Alice - again small arms wrapped around her knees, again large sparkling eyes looking up at her. She heard her voice and saw Alice shake her head to push away the hair that was always getting into her eyes from her forehead. She listened: everything around came to life, and the strange creatures that Alice had dreamed of seemed to surround her.

The long grass at her feet rustled - it was the White Rabbit running past; in a pond nearby, a frightened Mouse swam with a splash; the clink of dishes was heard - it was the March Hare feeding his friends endless tea; The Queen screamed shrilly: “Cut off his head!” Again the baby sneezed on the Duchess’s lap, and plates and saucers were whistling around; again the cry of the Griffin was heard in the air, the creaking of a stylus on the board, the squeal of a depressed pig and the distant sob of the unfortunate Kwazii.

So she sat with her eyes closed, imagining that she, too, had found herself in Wonderland, although she knew that if she opened them, everything around her would become familiar and ordinary again; it will only be the wind that rustles the grass, sends ripples across the pond and shakes the reeds; the clinking of dishes will turn into the tinkling of a bell on a sheep's neck, the Queen's shrill voice into a shepherd's cry, the cry of a baby and the cry of a Griffin into noise barnyard, and the moaning of the Quasi Turtle (she knew it) would merge with the distant mooing of cows.

And finally, she imagined how her little sister would grow up and, having retained a simple and loving child’s heart in her mature years, begin to gather other children around her, and how their eyes would sparkle from wondrous fairy tales. Perhaps she will tell them about Wonderland and, sharing with them their simple sorrows and simple joys, she will remember her childhood and happy summer days.

The fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” is such a significant work for world literature that many, following English poet Let's dress up, the day when it appeared is compared in scale, for example, to US Independence Day.

The story of Alice falling down the rabbit hole and ending up in the land of the absurd is believed to have appeared on July 4, 1862. On this hot summer day, in the company of three girls, eight, ten and thirteen years old, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and a friend were traveling by boat on the Thames. To while away the time of walking and relaxing on the shore, Dodgson allegedly told the story of the real adventures of the girls’ middle sister, Alice Lidell.

History of creation

The writer had been working on the handwritten version of the tale since November of that year, and in the spring of the following year, 1863, the manuscript was shown to George MacDonald, another friend of Dodgson. In its final form, it was presented on November 26, 1864 to Alice Lidell with the dedication: “To my dear Girl, in Memory of Summer Day"and was called "Alice's Adventures Underground."

The manuscript version was significantly revised and published on July 4, 1965 by Macmillam and Co with illustrations by John Tenniel. The author came up with literary pseudonym, Lewis Carroll, by translating the name and surname twice into Latin and back into English.

Description of the work and main characters

There are several main characters in the fairy tale. Its plot plays on the characteristic features of social and political life England of the 19th century, the scientific community of that time, folklore.

The plot begins with a description of a trip along the river, which actually took place in the summer of 1862. The fabulousness of the action begins when, during a stop on the shore, Alice sees a rabbit running away in a hat and gloves, rushes after him and falls into a hole. After flying through it, she lands in an underground wonderland. The plot of the adventure revolves around Alice's search for the door to the garden, which she saw through the keyhole in the White Rabbit's house after landing. While looking for a way out into the garden, the heroine constantly finds herself involved in various absurd situations with other characters in the fairy tale. The work ends with another absurd adventure, during which Alice wakes up and sees that she is still in the company of friends on the river bank.

The main character and other characters

Each character in the tale personifies one of the phenomena that existed in England at that time. Some have prototypes among real people surrounded by Dodgson and Alice Liddell. Under the name of the Dodo bird, for example, the author hid himself. In the March Hare and Sonya, contemporaries recognized the identities of three famous philosophers of that time.

There are several other main characters in the fairy tale: instantly demanding executions Queen of Hearts, ugly Duchess, crazy " small man"The Hatter (Hatter), constantly crying about his plight, the Quasi Turtle, the Griffin, the Cheshire Cat, known from the beginning of the fairy tale, the White Rabbit and the Caterpillar.

The author left only the image unchanged and not needed to be decrypted main character, although he always emphasized that he was not based on a real child. Alice, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, is easily recognized as the middle daughter of Professor Lidell. The girl has a talent for benevolent curiosity and a logical mind of an original nature.

Analysis of the work

The idea of ​​a fairy tale is based on playing out phenomena and events through the prism of the absurd. The implementation of the idea became possible thanks to the image of the main character - Alice is trying to find a logical justification for the ridiculous situations in which she finds herself. Thanks to this technique, the absurdity of the action emerges in striking relief.

Carroll introduced into the plot many phenomena that existed in English life that time. By playing them out in a fairy-tale plot, he invites the reader to recognize them. The work is a kind of game with contemporaries regarding their erudition and knowledge of the history of England, modern life countries. Many riddles introduced in the fairy tale do not have a clear answer, and therefore are considered unsolved to this day.

So, it remains a mystery what Carroll hid under the name Mary Ann, whom the White Rabbit called Alice, and why she had to find a fan and gloves. There are several possible solutions. Some researchers, for example, associate the appearance of the name with French Revolution, whose weapon was the guillotine. Thus, in their opinion, Alice is connected with two other characters, the Queen of Hearts and the Duchess, who have a penchant for violence.

The mathematician Dodgson introduced a large number of logical and mathematical riddles into the work. Alice, for example, falling into a hole, tries to remember the multiplication table. Having started counting incorrectly, the heroine unwittingly falls into a mathematical trap, cleverly set by the author. Throughout the entire action of the tale, the reader is required to solve many puzzles, which Carroll scattered endlessly throughout the text.

The fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” is equally interesting to children and adult readers, which is quite rare in literature. Everyone, regardless of their level of erudition, finds food for thought in the work. The tale has a high artistic value, thanks to its subtle humor, excellent literary style, complex, entertaining plot.

Lewis Carroll

Alice in Wonderland. Alice in the Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

Along the river, bathed in sunshine,

We glide on a light boat.

Golden noon flickers

A trembling haze through and through.

And, reflected by the depths,

Green smoke froze the hills.

River peace, and silence, and heat,

And the breath of the breeze,

And the shore in the shadow of the carved

Full of charm.

And next to my companions -

Three young creatures.

All three ask to hurry up

Tell them a story.

One is funnier

the other is worse,

And the third made a grimace -

She needs a stranger fairy tale.

Which paint to choose?

And the story begins

Where transformations await us.

Can't do without embellishment

My story, no doubt.

Wonderland meets us

Land of Imagination.

Wonderful creatures live there,

Cardboard soldiers.

The head itself

Flying somewhere there

And the words tumble

Like acrobats in a circus.

But the fairy tale is coming to an end,

And the sun moves towards sunset,

And a shadow slid across my face

Silent and winged,

And the glare of the sun's pollen

River rapids are being crushed.

Alice, dear Alice,

Remember this bright day.

Like a theater scene,

Over the years he fades into the shadows,

But he will always be close to us,

Leading us into a fairytale canopy.

Somersault after the rabbit

Alice was bored, sitting on the river bank with nothing to do. And then my sister buried her face in a boring book. “Well, these books without pictures are so boring! - Alice thought lazily. The heat made my thoughts confused, my eyelids stuck together. - Should we weave a wreath? But for this you need to rise. Go. Pick. Dandelions."

Suddenly!.. Before her eyes! (Or in the eyes?) A white rabbit flashed by. With pink eyes.

Well, let it be... Sleepy Alice was not at all surprised. She didn't move even when she heard the rabbit's voice:

- Ay-yay! I'm late!

Then Alice wondered how she was not surprised, but the amazing day was just beginning, and it is not surprising that Alice had not yet begun to be surprised.

But here the Rabbit is necessary! - He took out a pocket watch from his vest pocket. Alice became wary. And when the Rabbit, looking at his vest pocket watch, ran at full speed across the clearing, Alice took off and waved after him.

The rabbit darted into a round rabbit hole under the bushes. Alice, without hesitation, dived in after him.

At first the rabbit hole went straight, like a tunnel. And suddenly it ended abruptly! Alice, without having time to gasp, fell down into the well. And upside down!

Either the well was infinitely deep, or Alice fell too slowly. But she finally began to be surprised, and the most amazing thing is that she had time not only to be surprised, but also to look around. The first thing she did was look down, trying to see what was waiting for her there, but it was too dark to see anything. Then Alice began to stare around, or rather, at the walls of the well. And I noticed that they were all hung with dishes and bookshelves, maps and pictures.

From one shelf Alice managed to grab a large jar on the fly. The jar was called "ORANGE JAM". But there was no jam in it. Out of frustration, Alice almost threw the can down. But I realized in time: I could just slam someone down there. And she managed, flying past another shelf, to point an empty can at it.

- I’ve gotten the hang of it, I’ve gotten the hang of it! - Alice was delighted. “Now if I were to roll down the stairs or, even better, fall off the roof, I wouldn’t be able to stay long!”

Truth be told, it's hard to hold on when you're already falling.

So she fell

and fell

and fell...

How long will this continue?

– I would like to know where I flew to. What point am I at? Is it really in the very center of the Earth? How far is it? Some thousands of kilometers. In my opinion, to the very point. Now just determine this point, what latitude and longitude it is at.

To tell the truth, Alice had no idea what LATITUDE was, much less LONGITUDE. But she realized that the rabbit hole is wide enough and the path is long.

And she flew on. At first without any thoughts, but then I thought: “What a thing it will be like if I fly right through the entire Earth! It will be fun to meet the people who live below us. That’s probably what they’re called – ANTI-UNDER-US.”

However, Alice was not entirely sure of this and therefore did not say such a strange word out loud, but continued to think to herself: “What is the name of the country where they live then? Do you have to ask? Excuse me, dear antipodean... no, antimadame, where did I end up? To Australia or New Zealand?

And Alice tried to bow politely, curtseying. Try squatting on the fly, and you will understand what she did.

“No, perhaps it’s not worth asking,” Alice continued to think, “and what the hell, they’ll be offended. I'd better figure it out myself. According to the signs."

And she kept falling

and fall

and fall...

And she had no choice but to think,

and think

and think.

“Dina, my little cat, I can imagine how much you will miss me in the evening. Who will pour milk into your saucer? My only Dina! How I miss you here. We would fly together. How would she catch mice in flight? There are probably bats here. A flying cat could easily catch bats. What difference does it make to her? Or do cats see it differently?”

Alice had been flying for so long that she was already feeling seasick and starting to feel sleepy. And already half asleep she muttered: “Bats. Are they mice or clouds?..” And she asked herself: “Are clouds of cats flying? Do cats eat clouds?

What difference does it make what you ask if there is no one to ask?

She flew and fell asleep,

fell asleep

fell asleep...

And I already had a dream that she was walking with a cat under her arm. Or with a mouse under a cat? And he says: “Tell me, Dina, have you ever eaten mouse fly?..”

Suddenly - bang-bang! – Alice buried her head in dry leaves and brushwood. Arrived! But she wasn't hurt at all. In the blink of an eye, she jumped up and began to peer into the impenetrable darkness. A long tunnel began right in front of her. And there the White Rabbit flashed in the distance!

Lewis Carroll

Alice in Wonderland


Sliding carelessly through the water,
We are sailing further and further.
Two pairs of handles beat water
With an obedient oar,
And the third, guiding the way,
He's fiddling with the steering wheel.
What cruelty! At the hour when
And the air fell asleep
Intrusively asking me to
Told them a fairy tale!
But there are three of them, and I am alone,
Well, how can I resist?
And the first order comes to me:
- It's time to start the story!
- Just more fables! -
The second order sounds
And the third one interrupts the speech
Many times per minute.
But soon the voices fell silent,
The children listen to me.
Their imagination guides them
Through a fairyland,
When am I tired, the story
Involuntarily slowed down
And put it off “for another time”
I begged them tearfully
Three voices shouted to me:
- Another time - it has come! -
So about the land of magical dreams
My story has taken shape
And adventures arose
And the swarm ended.
The sun sets, we sail
Home tired.
Alice! A story for children
I give it to you.
In a wreath of fantasies and miracles
Weave my dream
Keeping it like a memorial flower,
That I grew up in a foreign land.

Chapter first

Down the rabbit hole

Alice was tired of sitting on a hill next to her sister and doing nothing. Once or twice she glanced furtively at the book her sister was reading, but there were no conversations or pictures there. “What good is a book,” thought Alice, “if there are no pictures or conversations in it?”

Then she began to think (how is this even possible in such an unbearable hot day, when drowsiness overcomes), whether she should get up to go pick daisies and weave a wreath or not, when suddenly the White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.

There was, of course, nothing special about this. Alice was not surprised when the Rabbit muttered under his breath:

- Oh, my God, I'll be late!

Thinking about it afterwards, Alice could not understand why she was not surprised when she heard the Rabbit speak, but at that moment it did not seem strange to her. However, when the Rabbit took his watch out of his waistcoat pocket and, looking at it, ran on, Alice jumped up, realizing that she had never before seen the Rabbit in a waistcoat and with a watch. Burning with curiosity, she rushed after him and managed to see him duck into a rabbit hole under a hedge.

Alice followed him without even thinking about how she would get out of there.

At first the rabbit hole was straight like a tunnel, but then it ended so suddenly that Alice did not have time to come to her senses as she flew down somewhere, as if into a deep well.

Either the well was too deep, or Alice fell too slowly, but she had time to look around and think about what would happen next.

At first she looked down, but it was so dark that it was impossible to see anything. Then she began to examine the walls of the well; there were many cabinets with books and shelves with dishes, and in some places they hung on the walls geographic Maps and paintings. Flying past one of the shelves, Alice grabbed a jar standing on it. There was a paper label on the jar that said “Orange Jam.” However, to Alice's great chagrin, the jar was empty. At first she wanted to just throw the can, but, afraid of hitting someone in the head, she managed to put it on another shelf that she flew past.

“After such a fall,” thought Alice, “I won’t be afraid to fall down the stairs. And at home everyone will probably consider me very brave. It seems to me that if I fell from the roof of even the tallest building, it would not be as unusual as falling into such a well.”

Thinking like this, Alice fell lower and lower and lower.

“Will there really be no end to this? - she thought. “I would like to know how many kilometers I managed to fly during this time?”

“I,” she said loudly, “now I’m probably not far from the center of the Earth.” And before it... um... it seems six thousand kilometers away.

Alice had already studied various subjects and knew something. True, it was inappropriate to boast about my knowledge now, and there was no one to brag about, but still, it was useful to refresh my memory.

– Yes, the center of the Earth is six thousand kilometers away. What latitude and longitude am I at now? “Alice didn’t have the slightest idea about latitude and longitude, but she liked to utter such serious, clever words.

- Or maybe I’ll fly through the whole Earth through! – she suggested. - How funny it will be to see people walking with their heads down! They seem to be called antipathies. (Here Alice paused and was even glad that she had no listeners; she felt that this word was wrong and that these people were not called antipathies, but something else.) I will ask them what country I ended up in. "Please tell me, madam, is this New Zealand or Australia? - I’ll ask some lady (Alice wanted to curtsy at the same time, but it was terribly difficult to do on the fly). Only she will probably decide that I’m completely stupid and don’t know anything! No, it's better not to ask. Maybe I can read on the sign what country it is.

Time passed, and Alice continued to fall. She had absolutely nothing to do, and she again began to think out loud:

– Dina will miss me very much this evening (Dina was the name of Alisa’s cat). I hope they don’t forget to pour milk into her saucer in the evening... Dina, my dear, how I wish you were here with me now! True, there are no mice visible here, but you could catch bat, and she is very similar to ordinary. - Then Alice suddenly felt sleepy, and in a very sleepy voice she said: - Do cats eat bats? “She repeated her question over and over again, but sometimes she made a mistake and asked: “Do bats eat cats or not?” - However, since there is no one to answer, does it really matter what you ask?

Alice felt that she was falling asleep, and now she dreamed that she was walking with Dina and saying to her:

- Admit it, Dinochka, have you ever eaten a bat?

And suddenly - bang! – Alice fell on a pile of leaves and dry branches.

But she was not hurt at all and immediately jumped to her feet. Alice looked up, but there was impenetrable darkness above her head. And right in front of her stretched a long passage, and Alice managed to notice the White Rabbit, who was running as fast as he could along this passage. There was not a minute to lose. Alice rushed after him like the wind, and heard him mutter as he turned the corner:

- Oh, my ears and whiskers! How late I am!

Alice was very close to the Rabbit when he turned the corner. She rushed after her, but the Rabbit suddenly disappeared. And Alice found herself in a long hall with a low ceiling, from which hung lamps that illuminated the room.

The life of a modern person is such that he is constantly running somewhere, worrying about something and wanting to do something as quickly as possible. But he completely forgets about miracles. But there are people who notice them, love them, and they certainly happen to them! The girl Alice is a living example of this.

There is probably no other kinder, more fascinating and instructive story than Alice in Wonderland. Let's tell you how a curious girl became convinced that Wonderland existed, and heroically helped its good inhabitants defeat the evil Queen.

We'll tell you short story fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland". The characters will also not be left out of attention.

Lewis Carroll - the one who invented Wonderland

A mathematician and a man with a unique imagination is the Englishman Lewis Carroll. "Alice in Wonderland" is not his only work. Soon he wrote a continuation of the adventures - “Alice Through the Looking Glass”.

“The Logic Game” and “Mathematical Curiosities” are Carroll’s books generated by his second calling - the profession of a mathematician.

Was Alice a real girl?

It is known that the fairy-tale Alice had a prototype in real life. She was quite a pretty and funny girl, and her name was the same as the main character.

It was Alice Liddell, the daughter of one of Carroll's friends, who gave the writer the idea for his main work. The girl was so sweet and capable that Carroll decided to make her the heroine of a fairy tale.

Alice Liddell lived a happy and long life: She gave birth to three sons and died at the age of 82.

In general, Lewis Carroll was distinguished by his funny attitude to women: he called (considered) them girls up to the age of 30. However, there is some truth in his words... Scientists have long noticed that there is a category of girls that matures very slowly (at 25, such people look 16 years old).

The plot of the fairy tale. How did the main character get to Wonderland?

Alice was sitting with her sister on the bank of the river. She was bored, frankly speaking. But then a cheerful rabbit ran nearby with a clock in its paws.

The curious girl ran after him... The rabbit was not at all simple - he carried her into the hole, which turned out to be quite deep - Alice flew for too long. She landed in a hall with many locked doors.

Alice was faced with the task of getting out of the room. She dares to eat height-altering items. First Alice turns into a giant, then into a little one.

And finally, almost drowning in her own tears (the author very epically shows the absurdity of a woman’s cry), she climbs out through a small door. A bottomless Wonderland stretches out before Alice...

The Mad Tea Party and the finale

Next the girl is met interesting characters with whom she will have tea. On the way, Alice sees the Caterpillar. She advises her to eat mushrooms in order to regain her normal height. Alice follows her advice (even this can’t be done in a dream): after various metamorphoses, normal growth returns to the girl.

During the Mad Tea Party, Alice learns about the evil Queen she must defeat. This happens to the accompaniment of the Hatter's arguments about the nature of time.

Characters from the book "Alice in Wonderland"

Many interesting creatures inhabited Wonderland, let's give a brief description of them:

  • The never-growing girl Alice is dedicated to her separate chapter our article.
  • The Mad Hatter is one of the participants in the Mad Tea Party and Alice's friend.
  • The Cheshire Cat is a magical animal with a charming smile.
  • Queen of Hearts - obviously
  • The White Rabbit is a positive hero who gave news to Alice about the misfortune that happened in Wonderland.
  • The March Hare is a participant in the Mad Tea Party. Carroll gave him the epithet crazy: he lives in a house where all the furnishings are shaped like a hare's head.
  • Sonya the Mouse is another participant in the Mad Tea Party. It is distinguished by its ability to suddenly fall asleep and wake up. During its next rise it issues some interesting phrase. For example: “I breathe when I sleep” is the same as “I sleep when I breathe!”
  • The Blue Caterpillar is a wise character from Wonderland. Asks Alice difficult questions; tells how you can change the size of your body by biting into a mushroom from different sides.
  • The Duchess is an ambiguous rather boring young lady who participated in the Royal Croquet tournament.

The first four characters are the main characters from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”. These heroes will be examined in detail.

The ungrown girl Alice

“This strange girl just loved to split herself into two, becoming two girls at the same time.”

Without the main character, the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” is unthinkable. The characters are masterfully created, but some still become forgettable over time. It is impossible to forget Alice, she is so unusual and intellectually developed for her age. What is she like, this girl?

The book itself says nothing about Alice's appearance. An illustrator who draws pictures for a children's fairy tale gave the girl blond hair. Carroll, in his drafts, endowed the heroine with a beautiful head of brown hair, the same as that of the aforementioned Alice Liddell. In all other respects, the main character was just a nice child. But with personality traits everything is much more interesting.

Alice is an eternal dreamer. She is never bored: she will always invent a game or entertainment for herself. At the same time, the main character is extremely polite to everyone, regardless of the person’s origin and his personal qualities. Well, she is moderately naive - this is due to her young age and daydreaming.

Another integral feature of Alice is curiosity. It is thanks to him that she gets into all sorts of troubles and adventures. In the team she plays the role of an observer: she definitely needs to see how the matter ends. But if she becomes interested, she will go to the end to satisfy her curiosity. And he will get out of any situation unharmed, thanks to his inexhaustible ingenuity.

Alice's friend is the Mad Hatter (Hatter)

“Nowadays everyone travels by rail, but hat transportation is much more reliable and pleasant.”

Is one of key characters fairy tales.

The Hatter and Alice became friends. In Wonderland, the heroes are very different, but the gallant Hatter is one of a kind. This slender young man has a great eye for hats. Expertly makes wigs for every taste.

He delivered Alice to the Queen's palace in his wonderful hat (of course, the main character did not have any problems with reducing her height).

Cheshire Cat

Carroll turned out to be resourceful. "Alice in Wonderland" is full of various fairy-tale characters, but this hero has a special charm.

The fairy tale would not be so funny if it were not for the Cat. Alice in Wonderland interacts with this character and finds him to be a very intelligent animal.

It is notable for its ability to move in space - to suddenly disappear and appear. At the same time, the Cat himself disappears, but his amazing smile continues to float in the air. When Alice began to be “stupid,” the character annoyed her with philosophical arguments.

In the 2010 film, the Cat confirmed that he is a positive character: he helped avoid the execution of the Hatter.

Queen of Hearts

“Cut off the head” or “Head off the shoulders” are the sorceress’s favorite phrases.

An obvious anti-hero or just a witch (as she was called in the film) is the Queen of Hearts. Alice appeared in Wonderland for a reason, but with the goal of defeating the evil sorceress and restoring justice.

The Queen is very powerful and cruel woman: mocks the cute creatures of Wonderland. Believes he has the right to carry out mass executions. Also commands cards and the monstrous Jabberwock. Feeds on people's positive emotions. But she is powerless against the smart and inventive Alice.

The plot of the 2010 film

We will look at the film adaptation of Tim Burton's fairy tale, which took place 4 years ago. The film turned out to be successful, so we recommend watching it.

Alice is initially shown as a little girl who is tormented by the same nightmare. She comes to her dad, he loves her very much and calms her down, saying the phrase “Mad men are smarter than everyone else.”

Next, the main character is shown as an adult 19-year-old girl. She has to marry a man whom she does not love, moreover, he is boring to her to the point of nausea. But then a funny White Rabbit appears on the horizon, waving at Alice for a watch. Of course, the girl runs after him, falls into a hole and ends up in Wonderland...

Various events happen to the main character, quite similar to the plot of the fairy tale. We will not describe them verbatim (if anything, there is a film) and will immediately move on to describing the roles.

Film "Alice in Wonderland", characters

  • Alice - Mia Wasikowska. The actress became world famous after playing the role of the main character. She fit into the image one hundred percent.
  • Mad Hatter - Johnny Depp. Made up, gallant and extravagant - this is how we know the Hatter. At the end of the film, the actor masterfully dances the Jig-Dryga.
  • Red (Red, Evil) Queen - Helena Carter. This actress is great at playing negative roles.
  • White Queen - Ann Hataway. Kind, thoughtful, affectionate, knows how to prepare various medicinal potions.

Much more than just a children's story

Almost every line of the book has a double meaning associated with mathematics and metaphysics. The Hatter indulges in philosophical discussions about the nature of time during the Mad Tea Party. There is an example of verbal recursion when Alice dreams of chess, and the black king (from the game) dreams of the main character.

"Alice in Wonderland" is most interesting fairy tale, which does not allow us to forget that miracles happen in this world. She is loved not only by children, but also by adults, because she is filled with kindness, subtle humor and optimism. Its characters are also charming. “Alice in Wonderland” (photos of the main characters are in the article) remain in the memory for many years.