Evgeny Popov: biography, personal life. “Dark horse” with a tough voice: personal life and beloved man of TV presenter Olga Skabeeva

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are the presenters of the political program. And they are husband and wife. Reporters got married in New York. And the fact that the couple had a son, Zakhar, was announced throughout the country in the Vesti program. The love story of two talented journalists is in the program.

“We see Zakhar every day - morning and evening. We spend the whole weekend with him. He rightly demands attention from us. We discuss his problems, even discuss our problems, although he is only three and a half years old. Zakhar is very logical, everything is important to him to know, to charge everyone with good spirits. For example, in the morning we were going to kindergarten, that’s how he greeted everyone. We love our child endlessly,” this is how Olga and Evgeniy talk about their son.

Olga gave birth in January 2014. Evgeniy was on the Maidan at that moment. “All the mothers, after their children fell asleep, also went to bed. And I went into the corridor, where there was a large TV, and watched special broadcasts. I was very worried.” Then Evgeniy had a lot of work, he flew in to check on how pregnant Olga was doing, and soon flew back. And at the time of the birth of his son, Evgeniy was editing a film for the program. “This is our lot as a reporter. When it was necessary to pick up Olga and Zakhar from the maternity hospital, I flew in from Kyiv in the morning, took the family home, and flew away again in the evening,” says Evgeniy Popov.

Evgeniy Popov was on business trips in both Donbass and Syria. Olga, of course, was worried about her husband: “We are reporters. This is our job and this is our life: good, fun, and sometimes not so much.” “There is work, there is family - everything is important. But it is clear what comes first, what is a priority,” adds Evgeniy.

The spouses have different views on many things, this also applies to politics. “True, this is a secret. Sometimes we park near the house and cannot get out of the car because we had a big argument. We are together 24 hours a day. Our life is filled with a huge number of events - there is no time to stop, much less quarrel.”

Evgeny Popov comes from the Far East. “I graduated from the University of Vladivostok, worked in local news, and then I was invited to Vesti. Global professional happiness came. I tried very hard.”

Olga was born in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. After school she went to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Started working in the Vesti-St. Petersburg program.

Here's what Olga says about the wedding: “I was on a long business trip in Brussels, and Zhenya was working in New York. We decided that it would be more convenient to get married in New York. Because of work, we postponed the wedding several times. Therefore, we ourselves are still confused about numbers. In general, this happened in April 2013." And Evgeniy even had to do a report on the wedding day.

About family, about patriotism, about the dangerous side of the work of journalists, about their favorite cities and about saving a pigeon - Evgeniy and Olga told Boris Korchevnikov about all this in the program “The Fate of a Man.”

Olga Skabeeva is a Russian journalist, TV presenter of the Vesti.doc and 60 Minutes programs, winner of the TEFI award (2017).

Olga was born on December 11, 1984 in the town of Volzhsky, located in the Volgograd region. The girl studied well at school, and in high school she finally decided on her choice of future profession. Olga decided to become a journalist and purposefully began to prepare for entering a university.

First, Skabeeva got a job at the local newspaper “City Week,” where she gained her first experience in writing articles. Having made sure that the chosen profession was to her liking, Skabeeva leaves for the Northern capital and enters the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. The girl graduated from this university with honors.

While still studying, Olga began working in the “Vesti of St. Petersburg” program, and after becoming a certified specialist, she came to work at the federal editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

TV presenter

For her work at VGTRK, Olga Skabeeva received prestigious awards several times. Thus, in 2007, the television journalist received the “Golden Pen” in the “Prospect of the Year” category, as well as the youth award from the government of St. Petersburg. A year later, the young journalist was awarded the “Profession Reporter” competition prize in the “Investigation Journalism” category.

Olga Skabeeva on the air of the Vesti.doc program

Later, Skabeeva moved to Moscow, where she began hosting her own program “Vesti.doc” on the TV channel “Russia-1”. The program combined the principles of investigative journalism with communication with guests in the studio. Olga often criticizes the Russian opposition, for which she received the caustic nickname “iron doll” from her ill-wishers.

In 2016, Olga Skabeeva agreed to an interview with Hajo Seppelt, a native of Germany, who in 2014 released the documentary “Secrets about Doping: How Russia Makes Its Winners.” Information from the film formed the basis of a report on the use of doping by Russian athletes. The second part in this series, “Doping Secrets: Russian Red Herrings,” soon followed. A threat has arisen regarding the participation of the Russian sports team in the 2016 Olympics.

On the eve of the Olympic Games, Olga tried to personally find out from Hayo what specific facts he could provide in defense of his own position, after which the German journalist simply kicked the VGTRK film crew out of his own home. Subsequently, Seppelt explained that he had no bias only towards Russia; the German also conducted similar investigations in relation to athletes from Kenya, Jamaica, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and China.

Since September 12, 2016, together with another political commentator, Olga has been hosting the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”. The new program is debatable, and the topics chosen are sensitive and high-profile events in the country and abroad.

Olga Skabeeva has an unconventional way of presenting information. The TV presenter reports the news in a stern and harsh manner, with a slightly aggressive intonation. This unusual manner of broadcasting has already become Skabeeva’s calling card.

Personal life

The personal life of the television journalist turned out to be closely connected with her professional activities. In 2013, Olga Skabeeva married journalist Evgeny Popov, TV presenter of Vesti and Special Correspondent. The wedding took place in New York, as both reporters were at that time on a business trip abroad. The couple postponed their wedding ceremony twice due to urgent reporting.

Together with her husband, the television journalist hosts the new talk show “60 Minutes”, so the spouses do not separate either at home or at work.

In 2014, Olga Skabeeva gave birth to a son, Zakhar. The TV presenter was congratulated live on the important event by the entire Vesti team, wished health to the mother and baby and expressed hope for Skabeeva’s speedy return to the air. During the birth of the baby, Evgeniy Popov and the team of the “Special Correspondent” had to go to Kyiv for work, where events were developing rapidly at that time. But Evgeniy managed to fly to Moscow to take his family home from the maternity hospital himself.

At first, due to their busy schedule, the parents had to temporarily take the baby to stay with his grandmother in the Volgograd region, in Olga’s native city of Volzhsky. But soon the boy was reunited with his parents. Olga and Evgeniy spend evenings and all weekends with Zakhar. According to his parents, the boy is growing up as an inquisitive and friendly child.

It is worth noting that the TV presenter is demanding both of herself and of those around her. Olga believes that you need to approach work with complete dedication, work hard, otherwise it’s better not to do anything. Olga also believes that, both in the profession and in everyday life, you need to pay a lot of attention to every little detail, otherwise you will not achieve perfection in your chosen field.

Olga Skabeeva active user " Instagram", where the girl tries to highlight all the most interesting moments of her life. Frequent subjects of the photos that Olga posts on her account are members of the TV presenter’s family.

Olga Skabeeva now

Now Olga Skabeeva is at the peak of her professional career. In 2017, together with Evgeny Popov, the girl received the “Golden Pen of Russia” award from the Union of Journalists of Russia in the category “development of discussion platforms on Russian television.”

In October, together with her husband, she became a laureate of the TEFI-2017 award in the “Host of a socio-political prime time talk show” category in the “Evening Prime” category. The number of awarded journalists also included. The ceremony took place on the stage of the Rossiya Theater, and the award was presented by Deputy General Director of the TASS agency Mikhail Gusman.

Soon, a married couple of television reporters became guests of the “Fate of a Man” program, where the young people talked about the features of the profession and some facts of their biography.

In 2018, Olga Skabeeva distinguished herself with an original joke addressed to the President of the United States. The girl commented on the Telegram channel about Trump’s dismissal of the US Secretary of State after his support for the British Prime Minister. The British politician accused Russia of poisoning, which Tillerson supported. The TV reporter commented on the news with the following phrase: “Trump is still ours!”. Soon, viewers of the CNN channel, which does not hide its hostility towards the current US President, learned about Olga Skabeeva’s joke. But from TV screens the phrase sounded no longer in a humorous manner, but under the heading of hot news.


  • "Vesti St. Petersburg"
  • "Vesti.doc"
  • "News"
  • "60 Minutes"

    Indeed, Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, currently presenting the 60 Minutes program on the Russia TV channel, are husband and wife. Their marriage is over 3 years old, they have a small son who will soon turn 3 years old. O. Skabeeva comes from the Volgograd region, studied in St. Petersburg, and E. Popov studied in the Far East. And then we met in Moscow in the journalistic field. This is Popov’s second marriage, he was previously married to V. Churkin’s daughter, there were no children.

    Despite the fact that Skabeeva has a different surname from Popov, they are husband and wife. But, due to the fact that the names are different, few TV viewers realize this.

    In 2014, on February 14, Olga and Evgeniy had a son, who was named Zakhar. In 2017 the boy will turn 3 years old.

    Many people like Olga’s style of conveying information (despite her pleasant, pretty appearance), she speaks a little aggressively and harshly, she was even given the nickname iron doll and Mrs. metal voice.

    How old is Olga Skabeeva, where was she born.

    Olga Skobeeva and Evgeny Popov are husband and wife. True, it is not indicated when the wedding took place, but three years ago exactly.

    In 2014, their son was born. This is their only child so far.

    They are also connected by a joint broadcast. Skabeeva and Popov host the program for 60 minutes.

    Olga is a very popular television journalist and presenter on Russian channels. They live together, the couple officially got married in 2013. Popov had already been married once, but for Olga this was the first marriage. They met in Moscow and immediately showed sympathy for each other.

    They have a child together, a boy, who is almost three years old.

    They often perform together, even with the naked eye you can see how they harmonize with each other, their relationships, how they look at each other.

    They currently co-host the popular program 60 Minutes, are still preparing for new projects.

    Many people ask whether Skobeeva and Popov are married, so instead they appear on TV and their spiritual connection is difficult not to notice. If you thought so too, everything is correct - they are married.

    They got married 3 years ago, and a year after the wedding, Olga gave birth to Evgeniy’s son. They named him Zakhar. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a photo from the wedding of Skobeeva and Popov - they do not disclose the details of their personal lives.

    A beauty, a wonderful mother, a popular TV presenter, a journalist and just a good person, Olga Skabeeva. In 2013, she married TV presenter Evgeniy Popov. And in 2014, she gave birth to a baby who was named Zakhar. The couple hosts a talk show for 60 minutes, so the spouses will not melt away like at work at home and always together.

    Yes, they are spouses. This is Olga's first marriage. And Evgeniy was already married to the daughter of Vitaly Churkin. But it didn’t work out and they divorced in 2012. Consequently, they have been married to Olga Skobeeva since 2013. at the beginning of 2014 they had a son, who will soon be 3 years old.

    I like the program 60 Minutes and I watch it often, not only because I have a great respect for politics, but rather because I like the hosts of this program. Olga always looks smart and dresses strictly, but tastefully, without any bells and whistles in her clothes, as many program presenters do. Evgeniy is very attractive with his extraordinary intelligence and consistency in running such a complex program - on his program there is always a cultural conversation without shouting and hysteria. They have been husband and wife for three years now and look very harmonious side by side. Two years ago, Olga and Evgeniy had a son, and you can see from their eyes that they have a happy marriage.

    Olga SkAbeeva is now one of the most popular journalists and TV presenters in Russia. She is constantly on TV, on the Russia-1 channel she and her husband Evgeniy Popov rock the program for 60 minutes, they look very organic... Although I’m not the only one who notices her interesting pronunciation... for example, how she pronounces the word President and so on, it turns out funny , so cute, unobtrusive. After all, Olga Skabeeva is from the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region, although I, when communicating with friends from Volgograd, did not notice such a dialect. Indeed, Evgeny Popov is in his second marriage, the first was with the daughter of the Russian Representative to the UN, diplomat Vitaly Churkin. Popov was married to Olga Skabeeva for the second time in 2013, and on January 14, 2014, they had a son, Zakhar. By the way, here is their joint interview in the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 channel (RTR)

    After surfing the Internet, I was able to discover that Evgeny Popov and Olga Skobaeva have been husband and wife since 2013. They had a son, Zakhar, who is already 3 years old. Also, about living together, we can say that the couple feels good together.

She tried to kick Nikita Isaev, the leader of the New Russia movement, out of the studio. The woman was outraged by his statements that communism and fascism are similar things. The talk show discussed a law recently introduced in the Russian Federation equating the concept of “Russian world” with Nazi propaganda.

As it turned out, Isaev supports this initiative, and also approves of the demolition of monuments to Lenin in Ukrainian cities. Skabeeva, who disagreed with his position, noted that, fortunately, Isaev is not responsible for decision-making in the Rada. After which Isaev began to raise his voice and stopped responding to calls for order.

“Please get out of here. It seems to me that you are an idiot, Nikita Olegovich,” said Skabeeva.

Scandals during live broadcasts on Russian television are not uncommon. On the program “Evening with” Leader Vladimir clashed with the Samara deputy. During the broadcast, Zhirinovsky called Khinshtein “an ordinary envious person, an obscurantist,” while the Samara deputy began to record everything on camera.

In response to the insults, Khinshtein began to threaten that he would complain to the ethics commission.

On his Twitter, Alexander Khinshtein wrote that after the filming was completed, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in his characteristic manner, tried to drive him away from the program, calming down only after the cameras were turned on.

Another high-profile scandal occurred during the talk show “Meeting Place”. Russian television journalist Andrei kicked out the chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Center for Strategic Studies, Pavel Zhovnirenko, from the studio of his talk show “Meeting Place” live for trying to interrupt the host while he was introducing viewers to the situation before the next part of the discussion.

The issue was dedicated to the crisis in Ukraine. It was about the split of the church in Ukraine and the appointment by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople as his exarchs in Kyiv of Archbishop Daniel of Pamphylia from the USA and a bishop from Canada “in preparation for the granting of autocephaly in Ukraine.”

“I must remind you that even according to church canons, Patriarch Bartholomew does not have the right to make such decisions. Since he is not the main one...” the NTV presenter began the story, but from this point Zhovnirenko began to interrupt him.

“Can you be silent or not? Are you incontinent? — Norkin reacted. “Turn off his microphone, please, I just can’t work.”

The Ukrainian expert did not give in and continued to share his point of view.

“So, get out of here, please. You took me out. Please, leave the studio. Arivederchi,” the presenter decided.

The Ukrainian analyst left, but finally spoke: “You are afraid of the truth. But the truth will prevail. Russia will wake up from its sleep.”

“The person understands perfectly well that since he is older than me, I can’t give it to him on air,” Norkin explained.

In the same studio of the same program, during a discussion of the situation in Donbass, Norkin got into a fight with Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry. A German deputy who had visited eastern Ukraine was invited to be an expert on the program. He talked about the death of hundreds of children during the fighting. To this, Suvorov demanded to show photographs of the dead. Afterwards, Norkin grabbed Suvorov by the shoulder.

“I don’t remember who was the first to use physical force. Everything was in some kind of whirlwind, in a fog. Andrei Norkin jumped up to me, I managed to take off my glasses, and then they went into hand-to-hand combat, a pile of bodies fell on me,” Suvorov explained after the broadcast.

The presenter did not share his opinion about what happened. The television company itself commented on the brawl as follows: “The Meeting Place program is broadcast live. The most pressing topics are discussed. It happens that discussion participants cannot always contain their overwhelming emotions. The NTV channel apologizes to the viewers who witnessed this scene.”

The co-host supported her colleague: “After that rudeness and unprincipled position voiced by the Ukrainian expert, there could be no other outcome. Unfortunately, I am a woman and could not lend a hand.”

Olga Skabeeva is familiar to many Russian television viewers as talk show host "60 Minutes" is an outstanding representative of domestic journalism.

The reporting activities of the VGTRK employee were marked by many awards, the most significant of which was TEFI Award, received in 2017. This material will highlight the biography of one of the most recognizable Russian TV presenters.

Note to the viewer

Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva was born in 1984 in the small Soviet town of Volzhsky. During her school years, the future journalist showed a keen interest in literature and already as a high school student she decided on her vocation.

Even before entering the university, Olya managed to work as an author of articles in the editorial office of one of the newspapers in her city. The future winner of the TEFI award received her higher education at St. Petersburg State University.

After graduating Faculty of Journalism with honors, Olga Skabeeva has joined the staff of VGTRK specialists. Already at the start of her professional career, in 2007, the journalist received the “Golden Pen” award, acquiring the status of one of the most promising young reporters on domestic television. Olga Skabeeva was helped to consolidate her success by the prize she won at the “Profession – Reporter” competition in 2008.

Along with recognition, the journalist also came up the career ladder. Olga moved from the Northern Capital to Moscow, becoming the host of the program "Vesti.doc", broadcast on the federal TV channel "Russia-1".

The broadcast format combined elements of investigative journalism and direct communication with experts invited to the studio. During her work as the host of the program, Skabeeva was remembered by many Russian television viewers as a journalist who actively supported the political position of the current Russian government.

In the fall of 2016, Olga became the host of the popular domestic talk show “60 Minutes,” which discusses the most pressing social and political issues both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

The journalist’s calling card as the host of a discussion program was non-standard style of presenting information. When commenting on news or the opinions of participants in the controversy, the presenter always takes an uncompromising position.

Personal life

Olga Skabeeva’s family life is closely intertwined with her journalistic activities. In 2013, TV presenter married my colleague for work at VGTRK Evgenia Popova. The wedding ceremony took place in New York due to the fact that both journalists were on a business trip abroad to the United States.

It is known that the wedding took place on the third attempt, as the couple twice experienced delays due to urgent reporting. It should be noted that the spouses spend quite a lot of time together, since Evgeny Popov is Olga’s co-host on the TV show “60 Minutes.”

In 2014, in a family of journalists son Zakhar was born. Colleagues from VGTRK congratulated the couple on the birth of a boy in the Vesti program. It is known that during the birth, the father of the family was on a business trip in Kyiv, but managed to return to Moscow by the time the baby and mother were discharged from the maternity hospital.

A busy work schedule forced Olga to temporarily take her son to her mother in her hometown of Volzhsky. Today, the boy lives in the capital with his parents, who strive to devote every day of their day to him.

The life credo of a journalist is complete dedication to work and in household chores. Olga is firmly convinced that a responsible attitude even to small things allows a person to find the right path to self-improvement.

Like many modern media personalities, the journalist regularly posts on her personal Instagram account, actively sharing details from her personal life and professional activities with subscribers.

In February 2017, Olga and her husband won a prestigious award in the field of journalism "Golden Pen of Russia" for special services in the development of dialogue platforms on domestic TV.

Recently, the journalist and her husband Evgeny Popov took part in a television program "The Fate of Man". The couple shared with television viewers important memories from their professional activities and shed light on some details of their biography.

The couple admitted that they have diametrically opposed views on many political and social issues and regularly argue with each other. Fortunately, over the years of family life, the couple learned to come to a compromise in time and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family.

The further plans of Olga Skabeeva and her husband, by their own admission, are related to achieving new heights in reporting activities and further strengthening common family values.