Correct use of numerals in speech. Orthoepic norms

Numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes the number of objects ( five, twenty) or the order of objects when counting ( fifth, twentieth) without regard to the objects themselves. Therefore, in speech they are used in combination with nouns ( two students, third floor). In sentences, numerals are usually used before nouns ( thirty kilometers). Changing word order ( thirty kilometers) gives the meaning of the approximate quantity. Numerals have a complex declension system. It depends: 1) what category the numeral belongs to; 2) what is the numeral in composition (structure).

According to their meaning and grammatical features, all numeral names are divided into quantitative And ordinal .

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much? and denote the number of items ( three movie) or number ( ninety, one hundred and one). Cardinal numbers can be called:

a) integers ( six cases , twelve months);

b) fractional numbers ( two-thirds plot, two point six hectare) is fractional numbers ;

c) the number of two to ten objects as a whole (four peers, seven brave) is collective numerals .

It should be remembered that collective numbers do not combine:

1) with nouns denoting female persons;

2) with nouns denoting the names of animals, including young ones.

Collective numbers are most often used:

1) with masculine and general nouns naming male persons: two friends, three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: two hours, three sleighs, four days;

3) with nouns guys, children, people;

4) with personal pronouns: we you they: There are two of us, there are five of them.

Ordinal numbers answer the question which? and have a countable ordinal value ( third, seventy-sixth, four hundred and forty third).

In terms of composition (structure), quantitative and ordinal numbers can be:

1) simple , i.e., consisting of one root ( six, one hundred, thousand);

2) complex , i.e., consisting of two bases ( seventy, seven hundred);

3) composite , i.e., consisting of several words ( thirty three, one hundred twenty nine, thousand two hundred fifty six)

Features of declension of numerals

1. Numeral one changes according to gender and number, and therefore it is declined according to the type of adjectives, only in the nominative and accusative cases it has noun endings:

I. one, one A, one O, one And

R. one Wow, one Ouch, one Wow, one their etc.

2. Numerals two (two), three, four has a special system of case endings

R. dv wow, tr eh, four eh

D. door mind, tr eat, four eat etc.

3. Simple cardinal numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are declined as nouns of the 3rd declension, i.e. in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases they have an ending -And: until seven And o'clock at seven And for hours, about this And hours.

4. The numerals 40, 90, 100 have two forms:

I., V. – forty, ninety O, st O

R., D., T., P. – forty A, ninety A, st A

5. Numerals from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900 are compound words, and when they are declined, both parts change.

50 – 80

AND. heels b ten

R. heels And ten

D. heels And ten

IN. heels b ten

T. heels yu ten

P. (o) heels And ten

200 – 400

AND. two hundred And

R. dv wow hundred

D. dv mind stam

IN. two hundred And

T. two me hundred

P. (o) dv wow stakh

500 – 900

AND. heels b hundred

R. heels And hundred

D. heels And stam

IN. heels b hundred

T. heels yu hundred

P. (o) heels And stakh

It should be remembered that for numerals denoting whole tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, a soft sign is written after the first root in the nominative and accusative cases.

6. For compound cardinal numerals denoting whole numbers, all the words from which they are composed are declined

AND. seven hundred sixty eight

R. seven And hundred pole And ten eight And etc.

7. When declension of fractional numerals, both parts change: the first part is declined as a numeral, denoting an integer, the second – as a plural adjective: to tr eat heels th (D.p.), with tre me heels mi (T.p.).

If a fractional number denotes the number of objects, then the noun with it is always in the genitive case: one second hectare(I. p.), to one second hectare(D. p.).

Fractional numbers one and a half (one and a half) And one and a half hundred when declined they have two forms:

I., V. – one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred

R., D., T., P. – one and a half, one and a half hundred

8. Collective numbers in oblique cases have the same endings as plural adjectives:

AND. four cubs

R. four s cubs

D. four th to the cubs

The collective numerals oba (both) in the masculine and neuter gender in oblique cases have a stem ‑both‑, and in women's -both-. Wed: with ob O them boys, But: with ob e them girls. Only numerals can be combined with feminine nouns both: both friends, both desks.

9. Ordinal numbers are declined according to the type of adjectives, since they also change according to gender, number and case. Wed:

AND. fourth th– new th

R. fourth Wow– new Wow

In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes during declension:

AND. th year

R. one thousand nine hundred ninety-four Wow of the year

It should be kept in mind that ordinal numbers -hundredth, ‑thousandth, ‑millionth, ‑billionth written together: six hundredth kilometer, two thousandth copy.

In comparison with other parts of speech, numerals are represented in modern Russian by a rather limited group of words. However, despite the small number, the use of numerals causes certain difficulties.

1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them:

Normative colloquial

eight eight

eighty eighty

fifty fifty

sixty sixty

Numeral eight hundred in T.p. has options: eight hundred And eight hundred. Both of these options are normative.

2. Numerals one and a half, one and a half and one and a half hundred have only two forms: in the nominative and accusative cases - one and a half(M. and Wed. R.), one and a half(f.r.), one and a half hundred; in indirect cases – floor at tora, floor at toast.

3. When connecting a compound numeral ending in two three four(22, 23, 24 ...102, 193 etc.), with nouns that have only plural forms, syntactic incompatibility arises. Misuse: twenty two days, twenty two days, twenty two days. In such cases, either lexical editing or grammatical restructuring of the structure is carried out: twenty two days or within twenty two days.

4. In normative speech, the use of words is strictly limited both And both in all cases: both brothersboth sisters. Violation of this rule is undesirable even in oral speech.

5. In combinations two (three four) and more the controlled noun is placed in the singular genitive case. numbers: two or more options, three or more difficult forms.

6. Words two three four, used with animate nouns, have the form V.p., similar to R.p.: met two friends And three friends, advised four students.

7. The designs are correct 35.5 percent A (Not: percent), 12,6 kilometer A (Not: kilometers), that is, with a mixed number, the noun is controlled by a fraction, not a whole number. Also: 45.0 (forty-five and zero tenths) seconds, 6 and 7/8 meters (six and seven-eighths of a meter).

8. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used) are combined:

a) with masculine and general nouns naming persons: two friends, three orphans;

b) with nouns denoting paired objects and used only in the plural form. numbers: two sleds, three tongs;

c) with nouns children, guys, people, with a noun face in the meaning of "person": two children, three boys, four unfamiliar faces;

d) with personal pronouns we you they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

e) with nouns denoting young animals: seven kids, four kittens.

9. When constructions are synonymous with cardinal and collective numerals such as two friends - two friends You can choose one of the options. It is preferable to use collective numerals:

a) with substantivized masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick, seven playing;

b) with masculine nouns ending - A: two men, three elders.

On the other hand, it is preferable to use a cardinal number:

a) with some m.r. nouns naming persons by profession, occupation, position, etc.: three professors, six majors;

b) with inanimate nouns in indirect cases: to two sleighs, about three days.

However, in combination with the word clock, the choice of a collective or cardinal number is semantically distinctive: six hours are missing - six hours are missing.


Words are written:

a) single-digit cardinal numbers, if they do not have units of measurement ( seven cases, five machines);

b) multi-valued cardinal numbers with which the paragraph begins. (In this case, it is better to construct the phrase so that the numeral is not the first word of the paragraph).

Written in numbers:

a) multi-valued cardinal numerals (with the exception of numerals with which the paragraph begins);

b) numbers with abbreviated units (single-digit and multi-digit).

After listing homogeneous numbers (quantities and ratios), the abbreviated designation of the unit of measurement is placed only after the last digit. For example: 5, 15 and 30 l. When written in Arabic numerals, cardinal numbers do not have case endings. For example: in 30 groups(it is forbidden: in 30 groups).

Ordinal numbers are usually written in words. When written in Arabic numerals, ordinal numbers have case endings.

Increasing the case ending in ordinal numbers indicated by Arabic numbers, according to established tradition, is carried out as follows:

a) one letter is added to the numeral if the last letter is preceded by a vowel sound, for example:

b) a two-letter increment can be added to numerals if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a consonant, for example:

If two ordinal numbers follow one after the other, separated by a comma or a connecting conjunction, then the case ending is increased for each of them, for example: 1st, 2nd rows; 9th and 10th grades.

Ordinal numbers do not have case endings: a) after the noun to which they refer ( in ch. 2); b) when writing in Roman numerals ( XX century; it is forbidden: XX century); c) in the bibliographic description except for the edition number ( v.3, issue 4) However, if the generic word comes after the numeral, then it is necessary to act according to the general rule, for example: in volume 6; on page 85. Word year or the name of the month in the date follows the number, for example: In 2014, May 9, 1945(it would be a mistake to write In 2014, May 9, 1945). However, if the word year or the name of the month is omitted, or placed before the number, or separately from the number in another word, it is recommended to build up the case ending, for example: in May, on the 20th; year 1993; 1941 struck; the concert was moved from May 20 to the 29th.

Formation and use of numerals also obeys certain rules, non-compliance with which leads to speech errors. Norms for the use of numerals in the modern Russian language are unique and specific. The numeral is a lexically closed category that is not replenished today with new units. However, the use of numerals is a serious speech problem. So, for example, complex numerals such as eighty, seven hundred - the only group of words in which both parts are declined: eighty, seven hundred (creative fall.), about eighty, about seven hundred (prev. fall.) - have practically lost the declension system in modern speech . This is a violation of the norm that is imperative, that is, mandatory for all speakers of a given language. In modern colloquial speech, the inflection of complex numerals is lost, which is also facilitated by the professional speech of mathematicians, but in official speech the norm requires the inclination of both parts of complex numerals.

Declension rules extremely simple:

· when declension of compound numerals changes all the words included in it: the library has been replenished five hundred forty three books; O five hundred forty three books we talked about; five hundred forty three students received student cards;

· when declension of ordinal numbers only the last word changes: we meet twenty-fifth, in one thousand nine hundred and forty-one;

Word thousand acts as both a noun and a numeral, therefore in tv.p it can be used - thousand and thousand. Dispositive norms of forms tv.p. - eight and eight, but the literary language prefers the first form.

At formation of phrases “numeral + plural noun. h." collective (up to 5) and quantitative (c5) numerals are used: three friends, five soldiers, eight days. Collective numerals (two, three, ..., ten) are not used in official speech, although their meanings are the same as cardinal numerals. But even in colloquial speech their use is limited: they are not combined with names of feminine persons, with inanimate nouns, with names of high ranks and positions (hero, general, professor, etc.).

Collective numbers combine with the names of male persons (except for the names of high ranks, positions): two boys, six soldiers ; With names of the cubs: seven kids, five wolf cubs ; with substantivized adjectives: seven cavalry, four military ; with nouns that have only plural form: two hours, four scissors, five days ; with nouns: children, guys, people- three guys, four strangers . Combinations like 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34 102, 103, 104, days are impossible in Russian, since they require a form of a collective numeral, which cannot be part of a compound numeral. If necessary, you should use synonymous expressions with lexical replacement: 22 days have passed, the twenty-second day has ended etc. As we see, collective numbers don't go together with nouns denoting female persons. You can't say: of five daughters ; and also with masculine nouns denoting the names of animals: one cannot say - three wolves .

In combinations with nouns female used in Russian numeral “both”, and with nouns masculine - "both"": with both banks and along both rivers.

The declension of the numeral depends on the gender of the noun "one and a half". The masculine and neuter genders take the form one and a half in the nominative and accusative, and one and a half in the rest; the feminine gender is one and a half - in the nominative and accusative, and in the rest - one and a half: limit yourself to one and a half meters, add to one and a half thousand.

Difficulties are also observed when the use of fractional and mixed numbers. In what number should the nouns “percent” and “centner” be put if they have a mixed number? You should say: forty and a half percent, but five and five tenths of a meter, since in a mixed number the noun is controlled by a fraction.

Formation and use of numerals also obeys certain rules, non-compliance with which leads to speech errors. Norms for the use of numerals in the modern Russian language are unique and specific. The numeral is a lexically closed category that is not replenished today with new units. However, the use of numerals is a serious speech problem. So, for example, complex numerals such as eighty, seven hundred - the only group of words in which both parts are declined: eighty, seven hundred (creative fall.), about eighty, about seven hundred (prev. fall.) - have practically lost the declension system in modern speech . This is a violation of the norm that is imperative, that is, mandatory for all speakers of a given language. In modern colloquial speech, the inflection of complex numerals is lost, which is also facilitated by the professional speech of mathematicians, but in official speech the norm requires the inclination of both parts of complex numerals.

Declension rules extremely simple:

    when declension of compound numerals, all the words included in it change: the library has been replenished five hundred forty three books; O five hundred forty three books we spoke; five hundred forty three

    students received student cards; when declension of ordinal numbers only the last word changes: we meet

Word thousand twenty-fifth, in one thousand nine hundred and forty-one;

At acts as both a noun and a numeral, therefore in tv.p it can be used - thousand and thousand. Dispositive norms of forms tv.p. - eight and eight, but the literary language prefers the first form.

formation of phrases “numeral + plural noun. combine with the names of male persons (except for the names of high ranks, positions): two boys, six soldiers ; With names of the cubs: seven kids, five wolf cubs ; with substantivalized adjectives: seven cavalry, four military ; with nouns that have only plural form: two hours, four scissors, five days ; with nouns: children, guys, people- three guys, four strangers . Combinations like 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34 102, 103, 104, days are impossible in Russian, since they require a form of a collective numeral, which cannot be part of a compound numeral. If necessary, you should use synonymous expressions with lexical replacement: 22 days have passed, the twenty-second day has ended etc. As we see, collective numbers don't go together with nouns denoting female persons. You can't say: of five daughters ; and also with masculine nouns denoting the names of animals: one cannot say - three wolves .

In combinations with nouns female used in Russian numeral “both”, and with nouns masculine - "both"": with both banks and along both rivers.

The declension of the numeral depends on the gender of the noun "one and a half". The masculine and neuter genders take the form one and a half in the nominative and accusative, and one and a half in the rest; the feminine gender is one and a half - in the nominative and accusative, and in the rest - one and a half: limit yourself to one and a half meters, add to one and a half thousand.

Difficulties are also observed when the use of fractional and mixed numbers. In what number should the nouns “percent” and “centner” be put if they have a mixed number? You should say: forty and a half percent, but five and five tenths of a meter, since in a mixed number the noun is controlled by a fraction.

21 + 22. Norms for the use of verbs and verb forms

Formation and use of verbs and verb forms in speech must be normative, but in case of violation of norms, gross grammatical errors occur. The verb is a rather complex part of speech in terms of form use . Errors when using the verb and its forms connected with:

    improper education;

    ignorance of the stylistic differences of individual verb forms;

    non-observance of alternations at the base of the verb;

    non-normative formation of imperative forms;

    incorrect formation of aspectual pairs of verbs.

Among Russian verbs there is a group of words called insufficient verbs. Usually these verbs do not have the 1st (sometimes 2nd) person singular present and future tense. Thus, it is impossible in language (unless this is done with a special stylistic purpose) to say : I calve or bud, flow or rust , since these actions denote processes occurring in inanimate nature or in the animal and plant world, they also include actions related to the functioning of the human body (dissolve, stick together) and abstract meanings (read, conclude).

Absent in the language system and 1st person forms of verbs win, convince, find yourself, feel, wonder, dare, blow, buzz, immortalize, nonsense, mischief, since, formed theoretically, these forms are not very pleasant to the ear. If you need to use them in speech, you should use a descriptive form: I can convince, I want to appear, etc.

Another group of words forms the so-called abundant verbs:rinse, cluck, purr, drip, move, splash, scour, sway, splash– which assume two forms of the present tense: e.g. cackling and clucking . It should be noted that the second form is colloquial. And in other verbs, doublet forms express semantic differentiation: so , splash (sprinkles) - “sprinkle, sprinkle”, and splash (sprinkles) - “scatter in drops, scatter drops.”

Failure to follow rotations at the base of the verb is due to the influence of vernacular: can't say burns, protects, guards should burn, protect, guard. Using Type Forms condition – condition, summarize - sum up, concentrate - concentrate with vowel alternation fundamentally refers to the dispositive norm of use, but forms with - O are the property of book speech. For this reason, the following phrases should be considered correct: The development of science determines technical progress. At the end of the lesson, you should summarize everything that was said. Of the past tense forms such as dry - dried, wet - wet, preference is given to the shorter one. You should not use colloquial forms in speech: let's run, we want, (follows – we run, we want ) so these verbs have a special conjugation system, called differently conjugated.

Difficulties arise when forming imperative forms from the verbs to go, to go. Forms go (those) and go (those ) have a colloquial connotation and should not be used in literary language. The form should be used as a replacement - go (those), although the verb itself no longer exists in the language system.

Speech errors in the formation of aspect pairs of a verb arise when replacing different-root aspect pairs with single-root ones ( put - put, put - put) and in the formation of a verb that does not exist in the language system ( divide – divide). The norm assumes the use of a pair lay and lay, divide and divide, lay and lay.

You need to be careful with bi-aspect verbs type wound, execute, order, marry. In their use, an error in understanding entails an error in speaking and writing, when a native speaker perceives a two-aspect verb as one-aspect: he married her.

Species diversity(or temporary inconsistency) can arise from the unmotivated use of both imperfect and perfect verbs in one sentence: As soon as you get into the forest, you will immediately see the golden autumn dress. (Follows: as soon as you get there... ) A similar mistake also occurs with the incorrect use of the participle - good with the meaning of the future tense from perfective verbs: The book describes events taking place in the 15th century ( You should: took place in the 15th century ) Errors on collateral inconsistency may be associated with the wrong choice of verb voice, including participle voice: The toys produced by the Zagogrsk factory are known all over the world. Or: Incessant applause. ( You should: released... non-stop. )

At When forming participles, you need to remember that participles formed from prefixless verbs with the suffix -well- usually retain it ( get wet - wet, sticky - stuck, stalled - stalled), and those formed from prefixed verbs are usually used without it ( get wetwet, stick - stuck, deaf - deaf.) In some cases, forms with the suffix ( stuck, disappeared) or parallel forms - with and without suffix ( withered - withered, withered - withered, dried up - dried up, etc.)

A speech error can occur when the same forms of the verb are abused (in particular, forms of participle, gerund, infinitive.): Should not be allowed in winter leaving water to freeze in pipes . (Follows: Water should not be left in the pipes in winter, as it may freeze). Birds arriving from the south and occupying empty nests hatch their chicks. (Follows: Birds that fly from the south and occupy empty nests...)

Errors associated with the use of verbs and verb forms in - Xia Verbs starting with - Xia cannot be used if they have the same two meanings - passive and reflexive: Cucumbers are washed under running cold water. Citizens walking along the boulevard . (Follows: Wash cucumbers under running cold water. Townspeople walking along the boulevard.) However, if we are talking about automatic action, the form on -xia cannot be replaced by a personal verb: The door opens automatically. Form for -xia preferred in scientific texts when it is important to focus attention not on the subject, but on the object of the action: The report addresses the following issues.

When using participles we must remember that they are formed from transitive and intransitive verbs of the perfect and imperfect form, from verbs of each of the three voices: active, passive and neuter: walk - walking, stop - stopping, discuss - discussing . However, a number of imperfective verbs do not form participles: bake, sleep, protect, stab and etc. You cannot form participles from most verbs with a suffix -Well-:sour, smell, wither, look, also from part of verbs of 1st conjugation, forming the basis of an indefinite form with the help of a suffix -A, and the basis of the present (or future simple) without this suffix: knit - knit, plow - plow, dance - dance. Participle with suffix -teach, -yuchi except being are usually used in folk poetic speech: looking, playing, thinking

Perfect participles with a vowel stem can be used in two forms - With suffixes -V And - lice:having written - having written, having closed - having closed, bending - bending . In modern literary language, forms with the suffix are used -V. Forms on – lice inherently archaic, colloquial or colloquial in nature: He sat with his eyes closed. ( You should: He was sitting closing my eyes.) Possible options frozen - frozen, wiped - wiped, erased - erased(the second form in each pair is conversational in nature). In this case, you should only pronounce bringing out(without bringing it out),sweeping (not sweeping), finding (not having found), taking (not having taken), making a mistake (not making a mistake), carrying (not having carried), etc.

In pairs putting - putting (putting your hand on your heart), gaping - gaping (listen to the gaping mouth), fastening - reluctantly (agree reluctantly), breaking - breakneck (rush headlong), letting down - later (work carelessly) and so on. the second forms are outdated and are preserved only in phraseological expressions. An outdated shade is also observed in the forms remembering, meeting, bored, discovering, turning, leaving, forgiving, falling out of love, placing, seeing, hearing, grasping and etc.

Forms not commonly used in modern language running, burning, searching, carrying, writing, stabbing, dancing, walking, laughing, scratching, etc.

In speech, the norms for the use of numerals are often violated. To avoid mistakes, you must remember the following rules.

· In complex cardinal numbers from 50 before 80 , from 200 before 900 both parts bow: im.p. fifty - dat.p . fifty,tv.p. fifty;im.p. three hundred - dat.p. three hundred, tv.p . three hundred.

· In a compound cardinal number, all its constituent parts are declined: im.p . two thousand six hundred thirty - dat.p. two thousand six hundred thirty, tv.p . two thousand six hundred and thirty.

· In ordinal numbers only the last word is declined: im.p. two thousand six hundred and thirty - dat.p . two thousand six hundred and thirty, tv.p. two thousand six hundred and thirty.

· When specifying a date, the ordinal number is declined, the name of the month is placed in the genitive case: by the fifth September I, with Eight th March A .

· Compound numerals ending in two three four (32, 33, 34 etc.) are not combined with nouns that have only plural forms. For example, the following construction would be incorrect: thirty two days or thirty-two days. In these cases, lexical replacement (word replacement) or grammatical restructuring (construction replacement) is used: thirty-two days, within thirty-two days.

· When a mixed numeral noun is governed by a fraction, it is used in the singular genitive case: 2 2/5 (two and two fifths) meter A ; 5,2 (five point two) seconds s etc.

· Collective numbers two, three, four etc. used: a) with masculine and general nouns: three young men(But: three girls), two orphans; b) with nouns children, guys, people, faces: two children, four unfamiliar faces; c) with nouns used only in the plural: two trousers, four days(But: five six etc. days); d) with the names of baby animals: two puppies, three bear cubs(But: two dogs, three bears); e) with substantivized adjectives and participles: four Russians, three killed; f) with personal pronouns: there are two of us, there are five of them; g) in the meaning of substantivized numerals: I know two.

· In book speech, in the presence of synonymous constructions, it is preferable to use combinations with cardinal numerals: not two professors, A two professors; Not three fighters, A three fighters etc .

· Forms one and a half, both used with masculine and neuter nouns: a month and a half, an apple and a half, both students, both windows; forms one and a half, both– with feminine nouns: a week and a half, both girls.

· Numeral both-both is not used with nouns that do not have a singular form, since it does not have a gender category. Wrong: with both/both scissors; Right: with both scissors.

· In oblique cases, numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred have shapes one and a half, one and a half hundred.