Primitive architecture presentation. The origins of architecture in primitive society

“The art of primitive man” - Painting in a cave. Trypillian culture. Malta. Cave images. Lasko. Expressive sculpture. Rock carving of a bison. Primitive art. Dolmens. Appliqué on the saddle cover. Ceramics and ornamental elements. Monuments of Paleolithic art. The art of primitive man.

“Ancient painting” - The first artists of the earth. How did the history of architecture begin? Menhirs from Karnak. Table. Images of animals on the walls of the Altamira cave. Bison. Fighting archers. Goals. Ensemble of megaliths. Imprint of a human hand. France. Menhirs. "Jumping cow" and "pony". "Pasta" frieze on the ceiling of the Altamira cave.

“Figures of women” - Clay figurines of people. Schematic contour drawings. True meaning. Cult of fire. General proportions of the figure. The oldest sculptural image of a person. "Venus" by the first artists of the Earth. Archaeologists. Animal sculptures. Women-mothers. Women's figurines. Figures of women. Researchers.

“The Emergence of Primitive Art” - Discovery of cave painting. Bison hunting. Complex. Archaeological excavations. Drawing and magical ritual. Animal images. The emergence of art and religion. The emergence of religion. Pithecanthropus. Mysteries of ancient drawings. Ancient stone structures.

“Features of primitive culture” - Culture of primitive society. Chauvet Cave. Rotunda with bulls. Drakensberg Mountains. Cave of hands. Traditional art. Religious ideas of ancient man. Art at the dawn of humanity. Contemporary painting. Cave Lascaux France. First drawings. Pesh-Merle Cave. Rock painting. Features of Paleolithic painting.

"Cave paintings" - Male images in the Paleolithic era are very rare. Cave paintings from the Paleolithic era. In the last period, realistic images are completely absent. For engravings of the middle and final madeleine, more delicate detailing is typical. The nature of Paleolithic art. Technique of Paleolithic art. Primitive sculptors were not even interested in facial features.

There are 11 presentations in total

The origins of architecture date back to the late Neolithic. It was then that stone was already used for the construction of monumental buildings. But the purpose of most of the monuments that have come down to us from that period is not known.

A menhir is usually a free-standing stone with traces of processing, sometimes oriented in some way or marking a certain direction.

A cromlech is a circle of standing stones, in varying degrees of preservation and with different orientations. The term henge has the same meaning. This term is usually used in relation to structures of this type in the UK. However, similar structures existed in prehistoric times also in Germany (Goloring, Goseck Circle) and in other countries.

A dolmen is something like a stone house.

They are all united by the name “megaliths,” which simply translates as “big stones.” For the most part, according to some scientists, they served for burials or were associated with the funeral cult. There are other opinions. Apparently, megaliths are communal buildings with a socializing function. Their construction represented a most difficult task for primitive technology and required the unification of large masses of people. Some megalithic structures, such as the complex of more than 3,000 stones at Carnac (Brittany) France, were important ceremonial centers associated with the cult of the dead. Other megalith complexes have been used to determine the timing of astronomical events such as solstices and equinoxes. In the Nabta Playa area in the Nubian desert, a megalithic structure was found that served for astronomical purposes. This structure is 1000 years older than Stonehenge.


Stonehenge is a structure of 82 five-ton megaliths, 30 stone blocks weighing 25 tons and 5 huge so-called trilithons, stones whose weight reaches 50 tons. Folded stone blocks form arches that once served as a perfect indicator of the cardinal directions. Scientists suggest that this monument was built in 3100 BC by tribes living in the British Isles to observe the Sun and Moon. The ancient monolith is not only a solar and lunar calendar, as previously thought, but also represents an accurate cross-sectional model of the solar system.

Cromlech Broughgar or Sun Temple, Orkney. Initially it had 60 elements, but now it consists of 27 rocks. Archaeologists date the Cromlech of Brodgar or the ring of Brodgar to 2500 - 2000 BC. The Ring of Brodgar was first mentioned in the 1529 manuscript “Description of the Orcadian Islands” by a certain Joe Ben, a wandering monk or pilgrim whose identity is not precisely established. Not only the Brodgar monument, but also the more ancient one, located here, the cromlech of Stenness, and in general, everything around them, in this small area - the entire area - ritual, sacred, communicative - is literally stuffed with mounds, group and individual burials, even “ cathedral”, as well as the dwellings and villages of the Neolithic people. All these monuments are united into a single complex, protected by UNESCO. Archaeological research is currently being carried out in Orkney.

The most famous dolmens are located in Scandinavia, on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe and Africa, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the Kuban region, and in India. However, most of them are in the Caucasus - about 2.5 thousand! Here along the Black Sea coast (megaliths generally gravitate towards the seas) you can find “classical” tiled dolmens, monolithic dolmens, entirely hollowed out in the rock, dolmen structures made from a combination of stone slabs and blocks laid in two or more rows. They also talk about the spiritual content of these amazing structures, their energy charges. Scientists believe that the approximate age of the dolmens is 3-10 thousand years.

Log buildings (second half of the 2nd millennium BC - beginning of the 1st millennium), in particular mounds, are a common type of memorial structures. Their prototype was residential log houses. When erecting a mound, a powerful wooden frame with a wooden floor was built in a pit, inside which a burial chamber was located. Sometimes the space between the two chambers was filled with stones. The chambers were covered with rolls of logs, which were covered with birch bark and bark. Then they covered it with earth, forming a mound, often of considerable height. A stone was thrown onto the top of the hill.

Log dwellings were the first step towards creating above-ground logged wooden buildings. Long horizontally laid logs made multifaceted buildings, which over time transformed into one-room rectangular houses. There was a fireplace in the middle, with smoke coming out of a hole in the roof above it. This type of building was later called "megaron", the basis of Greek architecture

Thus, primitive art is presented in the following main types: graphics (drawings and silhouettes); painting (images in color, made with mineral paints); sculptures (figures carved from stone or sculpted from clay); decorative arts (stone and bone carving); reliefs and bas-reliefs.

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Primitive art. The presentation was made by: Elvira Pikova, 10th grade student of the MKOU secondary school in the village of Kobra. Supervisor: E. A. Rychkova.

What was the impetus for the creation of the first cave painting? What lightning flashed in the brain of the very first artist? Did it occur to him to trace the shadow on the rock with a square? Or did the hand itself begin to apply strange strokes and zigzags on the same rock? At that moment, from the darkness of complete, almost animal, ignorance, a powerful light shone, which later, through centuries and millennia, would be called the all-encompassing word - Art. The most ancient images on the walls of caves: chaotic wavy lines and handprints. This hand is the forerunner of the hands of Rublev, Leonardo, Picasso. This is the beginning of world artistic culture. Primitive art existed on all continents (except Antarctica), and arose simultaneously in different parts of the planet.

Primitive art is the art of the era of primitive society. Having emerged in the late Paleolithic around 33 thousand years BC. e., it reflected the views, conditions and lifestyle of primitive hunters (primitive dwellings, cave images of animals, female figurines). Experts believe that the genres of primitive art arose approximately in the following sequence: stone sculpture; rock art; clay dishes. Neolithic and Chalcolithic farmers and herders developed communal settlements, megaliths, and pile buildings; images began to convey abstract concepts, and the art of ornament developed.

The technique of making tools and some of its secrets were passed down from generation to generation. Excavations at sites of Upper Paleolithic people indicate the development of primitive hunting beliefs and witchcraft among them. They made figurines of wild animals from clay and pierced them with darts, imagining that they were killing real predators. They also left hundreds of carved or painted images of animals on the walls and vaults of caves. Archaeologists have proven that monuments of art appeared immeasurably later than tools - almost a million years. In ancient times, people used materials at hand for art - stone, wood, bone. Much later, namely in the era of agriculture, he discovered the first artificial material - refractory clay - and began to actively use it for the manufacture of dishes and sculptures. Wandering hunters and gatherers used wicker baskets because they were easier to carry. Pottery is a sign of permanent agricultural settlements.

Rock art is mainly divided into three periods: Paleolithic art; Mesolithic art; Neolithic art.

Paleolithic art is the most ancient. Cave painting of that time could convey shape, volume and movement. Famous sources of paleolithic art are the caves of Lascaux and Altamira.

Mesolithic art is associated with the depiction of fellow tribesmen, with group scenes of hunting, pursuit and war. Each human figure is depicted very conventionally, the emphasis is on actions. For example, archery, spearing or chasing fleeing prey.

Neolithic art was in demand during the Stone Age. Rock art is becoming more and more conventional. The drawn people and animals become more and more attractive, conventional images of tools and weapons, vehicles and geometric shapes appear.

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