Korney Chukovsky quotes. Quotes and sayings by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

"What will I tell the children about Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky."

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky famous children's writer. He was born a very long time ago, in our city of St. Petersburg. But even as a child, he was forced to move with his mother to Odessa. He spent his childhood there and studied at the gymnasium. His mother was a laundress, and he had no father. Korney Ivanovich’s mother earned very little money, but despite all the difficulties future writer I didn’t give up and still studied well, studied a lot on my own and passed the exams well to graduate from school.
Chukovsky began to be interested in poetry from an early age, writing poems and even poems. The future poet led Personal diary, which was his friend all his life, he wrote down all his thoughts in it.

After studying, Korney Ivanovich decided to return to St. Petersburg again with the firm intention of becoming a writer. He visited magazine editorial offices and showed his works, but was refused everywhere, this did not stop him. In St. Petersburg he met many writers, this helped him a lot in the future, they gave him a lot good advice.

Then he became a correspondent for the Odessa newspaper Odessa News, where he sent his materials from St. Petersburg.

Despite all the difficulties, Korney Ivanovich did not stop working. He worked in many cities, even in London, where he learned well English language and met a lot of people famous writers.
Then he returned to his homeland in Russia and became a permanent figure in literature and art. He was also a war correspondent for a newspaper.

Later M. Gorky, another famous writer, invited Korney Ivanovich to become the head of the children's department of one publishing house. While working as a manager, Chukovsky began to pay attention to the speech of young children and began to record it. From these notes a book was later compiled, which was called “from two to five.” It contains statements and thoughts of young children from 2 to 5 years old.

He became a children's writer by accident; one day, while returning with his son to St. Petersburg, he told him a fairy tale about a crocodile to the sound of wheels. The child listened very carefully. Several days passed, Korney Ivanovich had already forgotten about that moment, and his son remembered the whole story by heart, with all the details. This is how the fairy tale “Crocodile” was born and since then Chukovsky has become a favorite children's writer.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky also translated from foreign languages, best works world literature. Korney Ivanovich's books were illustrated best artists.
IN last years throughout his life, Korney Ivanovich often met with children in the city of Peredelkino, where he built Vacation home. There he gathered around himself great amount children and organized a “Hello Summer” and “Goodbye Summer” holiday for them.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born in our city St. Petersburg and despite all the difficulties and moves to other cities, he returned to St. Petersburg many times and lived in it. He lived and worked on the streets of Akademichesky Lane, Zagorodny Prospekt, Manezhny Lane.

Korney Ivanovich was not only a children's writer, he was also good translator, critic, poet, literary critic and simply a very good and talented person.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov), born March 19, 1882, St. Petersburg. Famous Russian poet, publicist, critic, translator and literary critic. Known for children's fairy tales in verse and prose. Died October 28, 1969, Moscow.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases - Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich

  • Don't put out the fire, otherwise you won't be able to sleep.
  • Anyone told to tweet, don't purr.
  • Translation is a self-portrait of the translator.
  • A children's writer should be happy.
  • In a child's understanding, happiness is the norm of existence.
  • The older the woman, the larger the bag in her hands.
  • You have to live in Russia for a long time, then something will work out.
  • Our grandmother slaughtered geese in the winter so that they would not catch a cold.
  • The only thing that is firmly in my body is false teeth.
  • Everything that ordinary people want, they pass off as a government program.
  • Few manage to stay in literature, but almost no one manages to stay.
  • Folk poetry in its highest achievements is often children's poetry.
  • When you are released from prison and you go home, these minutes are worth living for!
  • Writing talent lies in the ability to choose the right word and put it in the right place.
  • If you want to shoot a musician, insert a loaded gun into the piano he will be playing.
  • The external similarity of a translation to the original does not at all serve as evidence that this translation is of good quality.
  • The past is always beautiful and never tragic. The real thing is tragic. An outlived tragedy is a legend.
  • Freedom of speech is needed by a very limited circle of people, and the majority, even intellectuals, do their job without it.
  • Words that serve as rhymes in children's poems are the main carriers of meaning. They bear the greatest burden of semantics.
  • No, rudeness does not nest in books, but in the family and on the street. I have never yet seen a person who learned to swear from books.
  • This is the main danger of bad translations: they distort not only individual words or phrases, but also the very essence of the translated author.
  • Whitman would not have been a poet of cosmic times and spaces if he had not made an attempt to transform the entire universe, the entire surrounding world, into democracy.
  • Anyone who is not sensitive to style has no right to translate: he is a deaf person trying to reproduce for you the opera that he saw but did not hear.
  • This often happens with poets: when translating them, translators stick out their ego too much, and the more expressive the personality of the translator himself, the more it obscures the translated author from us.
  • A translator is, first of all, a talent. In order to translate Balzac, he needs to at least partially transform himself into Balzac, to assimilate his temperament, to become infected with his pathos, his poetic sense of life.
  • “Language is like clothing,” says an English linguist. And indeed, people don’t wear tailcoats when skiing. No one shows up to the ballroom wearing a grubby jacket that's good enough for menial gardening work.
  • Bad translators suffer from a kind of anemia of the brain, which makes their text thin. Such translators have a miserable vocabulary: every foreign word has only one meaning for them.
  • The Russian language is so capricious, strong and tireless in its creativity that it will turn any foreign word in its own way, equip it with its own, brilliantly expressive prefixes, endings, suffixes, subordinate it to its tastes, and sometimes whims.
  • People most often speak in clichés out of inertia, without at all experiencing the feelings they are talking about. That’s why in the old days there were so many cliches in bureaucratic speech, created specifically to cover up disregard for the fate of people and things.

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Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Starting from the age of two, every child becomes a short time a brilliant linguist, and then, by the age of five or six, he loses this genius. There is no longer a trace of it in eight-year-old children, since the need for it has passed.”

In confirmation of this website selected some delightful children's sayings from the book "From Two to Five" by a favorite childhood author. Just enjoy:

  • Two-year-old Sasha was asked:
    - Where are you going?
    - Behind the sand.
    - But you already brought it.
    - I'm going for more.
  • - Is it possible to get married again?
  • - I'm daddy's helper.
  • A four and a half year old girl was read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”
    “Here is a stupid old man,” she was indignant, “he asked the fish for something new house, then a new trough. I would immediately ask for a new old woman.
  • Mom: - Son, if you don’t eat porridge, I’ll call Baba Yaga!
    Son: - Do you think she will eat your porridge?
  • - Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had a little prince.
  • - Mom, cover my back leg!
  • - Grandma, are you going to die?
    - I'll die.
    - Will they bury you in a hole?
    - They'll bury it.
    - Deep?
    - Deep.
    - That's when I'll turn your sewing machine!
  • - How old are you?
    - It’s almost eight, but for now it’s three.
  • - Nanny, what kind of paradise is this?
    - And this is where the apples, pears, oranges, cherries...
    - I understand: heaven is compote.
  • - Dad, turn the TV down, I can’t hear the story.
  • On her birthday, Yana (4 years old) changes clothes for the arrival of guests:
    - Well, now I’ll be so beautiful that you all won’t think it’s enough.
  • - Daddy, daddy, buy me a drum!
    - Well, I already have enough noise!
    - Buy it, daddy, I will play it only when you sleep!
  • - Volodya, you know: the rooster’s nose is its mouth!
  • Lyalechka was sprayed with perfume:
    I'm so smelly
    I'm all so stuffy.
    And spins around the mirror.
    - I, mommy, am beautiful!
  • The upset father reports that he crashed the car. Five-year-old Nyura consoles him:
    - But now you don’t have to buy gasoline!
  • - Dad, look how your pants are frowning!
  • - Oh, mom, what fat-bellied legs you have!
  • - Mom, give me a thread, I’ll string beads.
  • - Our grandmother slaughtered geese in winter so that they would not catch a cold.
  • - Mom, how I feel sorry for the horses that they can’t pick their noses.
  • - At first I was afraid of the tram, but then I got used to it and got used to it.
  • The grandfather admitted that he does not know how to swaddle newborns.
    - How did you swaddle your grandmother when she was little?
  • - Oh, mom, what a lovely thing!
  • - Well, Olya, that’s enough, don’t cry!
    - I’m not paying to you, but to Aunt Valya.
  • - What did you scratch yourself on?
    - About the cat.
  • - When will you play with me? Dad comes home from work and goes straight to the TV. And my mother is such a lady! - I started washing right away.
  • - You know, dad, all animals have their backs up and their bellies down!
  • - Who is more beautiful - dad or mom?
    - I won’t answer you because I don’t want to offend my mother.
  • - Grandma, look how stupid the ducks are - raw water drinking from a puddle!
  • On the bus, a four-year-old boy sits in his father’s arms. A woman enters. A polite boy jumps up from his father’s lap:
    - Sit down please!
  • A first-grader returns from school on September 1st. Mom asks her:
    - Daughter, what did you learn today?
    - I learned to write!
    - On the first day? What a child! And what did you write?
    - Don't know. I haven't learned to read yet.
  • Nastya, 4 years old.
    - Mommy, please give me a sister, but only an older one!
  • Masha (3 years old) saw the wrinkles on her father’s forehead, stroked them and said:
    - I don’t want you to be angry!