Graduation at a music school is the official part. Scenario for graduation at a music school

A music school is a special world, not like a general education school. The main difference is that students of the same class or stream overlap only in common subjects, such as solfeggio, musical literature and choir.

A subject (specialty, instrument), when a student masters the program individually under the guidance of a teacher, takes up more hours in the learning process.

An individual program in all subjects for those who are lagging behind or, conversely, for especially gifted students, almost eliminates contact between pupils and each other - many children see each other only at exams and annual final concerts.

This explains the less unity of students, which leads to the fact that organizing a graduation ceremony at a music school is somewhat more difficult than.

Place in music

It would seem that the solution to easily organize the final celebration lies on the surface - parents and teachers should take everything into their own hands, and leave the students the role of performers. But this is not a solution - there is no sadder story than glorifying something with which you do not agree.

A script written for students by dedicated teachers, whose teacher duty obliges them to glorify the educational process, while children do not always support these sentiments, is unlikely to be successful and sincere. Even with boundless love for music on the part of students, they see not only bright aspects and high aspirations in learning. Each side perceives the knowledge of music from its own angle.

In this regard, it is best to find activists from among the pupils, fathers and mothers and energetic teachers with a sense of humor to create a unified scenario in which every opinion has a place.

The script can be based on real stories and incidents from the world of music, anecdotes and aphorisms of the greats.

From school to school

Trying to raise their offspring into well-rounded individuals, many parents enroll their children in all available clubs, sections and additional education institutions. As a result, the school day looks something like this:

  1. From a regular school, a child goes to a sports school.
  2. At the end of the training, on legs giving way from fatigue, she wanders into the music room.

A frequent theme played out at graduation parties at a music school is the coexistence of compulsory education and additional education, when children who are heavily occupied in other educational systems do not have time to prepare for classes at a music school, and teachers are forced to treat this more than humanely.

Flight of a supersonic bumblebee

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s interlude “The Flight of the Bumblebee” is the most popular work among virtuoso guitarists. Famous rock musicians, following the example of Joey DiMaio, who played “Flight of the Bumblebee” on bass guitar in 1988 and made the first rock arrangement of the work, include excerpts from it in their performance programs.

Musicians are attracted not only by the beauty, but also by the difficulty of reproducing a masterpiece. It was this circumstance that gave rise to such massive interest in the interlude and a separate direction - performing it at speed.

The music, of course, loses its features, but every year “Bumblebee” “flies” faster and faster, and the Guinness Book records more and more super-fast records - from a tempo of 270 beats per minute to 2000 bpm.

It is this theme that is regularly played out in youth comedies, where the main characters are young musicians with ambitions and a desire for fame.

You can joke endlessly about the desire to finish the program as quickly as possible and do something else. In a well-known joke, a violinist at a symphony music concert looks at his watch and suddenly begins to play his part twice as fast, explaining his actions to his neighbor by saying that he is afraid of missing the train.

Students often “push” the tempo out of a desire to hide those notes and fragments that they do not succeed in.

Music and music

You can also be ironic about the quality of a musical product. This topic is close not only to future conductors and composers, but also to everyone else.

“Everyone can do this, but you give Murka,” a phrase born of Soviet cinema, perfectly draws the line between professional and, so to speak, amateur (consumer) attitude to musical material.

Another aspect of the same topic is the attitude towards music as an activity. Is music a serious and worthy pursuit?

There is a story that once, when Fyodor Chaliapin was riding in a cab, he, out of curiosity, asked what the master was doing. Fyodor Ivanovich replied that he was singing. “We’re all singing,” the cab driver retorted, “but I’m asking about business.”

It’s hard to suffer, or Don’t torture the cat

Odessa humor is extremely rich in anecdotes about studying at a music school, in particular, violin class, and about applying the results of studies in real life. But the process of finding the right note and learning homework in other subjects is no more humane in relation to the forced listener.

Compassionate neighbors even sometimes call the police when they hear the heartbreaking sounds that the instrument emits during practice.

“Don’t torture the cat!” or “Don’t make fun of Beethoven!” - not fictitious, but real complaints from others, which are sometimes heard by students of music schools, their parents and those on duty at the law enforcement stronghold.

For graduation at a music school, the script simply must include a play on this important component of the educational process.

Fuss around the piano

The prom program in music schools has always been and will continue to be very demanding of the material performed - here you cannot limit yourself to “three chords”. But the classical repertoire doesn’t really allow you to expand if you really want to approach the issue with humor. What can you change, sing and play in a new way and not be accused of bad musical taste?

There are two main approaches to this issue:

  1. The first, like many decades ago, assumes that the student receives the mandatory program for the exam and final performance from the teacher. The result is a classic (and sometimes boring) concert in every sense.
  2. It’s a different matter when the exam is on its own, and farewell to school is based on the “Last Bell” principle, in which the musical components are determined by the students themselves.

Having freedom of creativity, you can turn to:

  • romances performed by a duet;
  • vocal works by Soviet authors, which can easily be divided into 2, 3 and four voices (“Three White Horses”, “Grass at the House”, “City Flowers”, “Uchkuduk”, etc.);
  • operetta parts;
  • fragments of musicals and rock operas.

The theme song for a music school graduation can be either light and cheerful or serious in terms of the thought it contains. The latter includes the song of the group “Autograph”, “Monologue”, which has been covered more than once by masters of the Russian stage - “Monologue” about the fate of a stage person and issues of continuity.

Another work that you can look at when preparing for a musical skit comes from the world of rock music from 1975 - “Bohemian Rhapsody” by the group “Queen”.

This 4-voice composition combines several independent musical styles (opera, ballad, a cappella singing, heavy metal with falsetto singing), and therefore can be performed by a mixed vocal cast. The unusual musical form and frequent mood changes provide an excellent opportunity for dramatic experiments (especially if you do not go into the plot of the composition and start only from the musical theme). “Killer Queen” by the same authors is also interesting from the point of view of reworking and execution.

Instrumentalists who are capable of forming a trio, quintet or chamber orchestra for the sake of a common cause should familiarize themselves with the extraordinary presentation of material by the Hamburg chamber music quartet “Salut Salon”.

The musicians not only perform their parts masterfully, but add theatricality to them - they comprehensively and with good humor play out the images that this or that piece gives rise to in them.

Look for the note!

Improvisation is an important component of any musical direction - it is a special art that borders on science. Each style has its own improvisational canons, and representatives of different musical movements are very jealous of their directions, but train their sense of humor on fellow tribesmen from other musical “camps”.

You can take as a basis and reinterpret the famous anecdote about a blues guitarist and his colleague from a metal band who took part in a competition for the title “Best Guitarist of the Year.”

Contrary to the expectations of the public, the winner was not the one who produced dizzying passages, but the one who played only a couple of notes. When the loser asked the panel of judges about the motives for such a decision, the chairman of the jury replied: “You are still looking for your note, but he has already found his.”

The search for the right note, both in a practical and philosophical sense, can be made one of the leitmotifs of the plot of the farewell cabbage concert, since it is characteristic and necessary for a creative person to be in search, so as not to turn from a person of art into a craftsman.

Yeranui Markaryan
Scenario for prom at a music school

Graduation script

Prepared by teacher

folklore MKU DO

"Dorinskaya Children's Art School"

Volgograd region,

Uryupinsky district

Markarian Eranui.

Prom script

(The action takes place in the hall of a music school)

Orchestra "Dobryanka"

Presenter:(Music leading beginning)

Dear guests, parents! We are pleased to welcome you to this bright and festive hall. The “Dobryanka” folk instrument orchestra, led by Yuri Yurievich Zheleznikov, performed before you.

Another school year has ended.

Why does this happen: in September it seemed that the school year would last forever, but May came and you realized that it was only a moment?

Yes, because we never had time to be bored! There were so many interesting things at school - competitions, concerts, festivals, laureates and diploma winners. We have someone to be proud of! And also interesting trips and creative meetings.

That's why the school year flew by so quickly.

And our students will sing about their native art school.

(Song “Pinocchio”) (Music Pinocchio)

1. Who visited this school

I met good people.

Peace and creativity live here,

And they will find an approach to everyone,

People in the area recognize the school

Tell me, what is her name?

Chorus: Muses-kal-ka….

2. Here every day and every hour

The cases are with us.

We dance, we study, we sing,

And we live very happily,

They don't let us get bored at school,

Tell me, what is her name?

Chorus: Mu-zy - kal-ka….

3. It contains children and teachers

They live like a friendly family.

And every person will say,

There is simply no better school!

Comfort and coziness are created in it!

Tell me, what is her name?

Chorus: Mu-zy-kal-ka...

Music. (According to the presenter)


Who, tell me, is in our school.

All questions will be resolved,

Who calmly and skillfully

In charge of everything!

A little excited with us,

What happens in moments of separation

He is the head of our art school

Wise advisor and friend.

The floor is given to the director of our school, Natalia Vladimirovna Matveikina.

Director's speech.

(The director congratulates everyone on the end of the school year. He speaks briefly about the results of the year, about the laureates of competitions and festivals, the best students, teachers, etc.).

Director: At this point, I declare our meeting dedicated to the end of the school year closed.

Graduates run out. (For the 1st exit of graduates).

Graduates with indignation:


How is it closed? What about us, graduates?


Didn't we finish school?

Will we not be given certificates?

Director: Maybe you haven't passed all the exams yet.

Let's remember how it all began?

The rest of the graduates come out, stylized as babies.


And it all started from scratch.

Just remember yourself.

The graduates (playing along) wipe away their tears.


Do you remember how much there was:

Tests and exams,

Concerts and holidays.

And ratings from “two” to “five”.


Do you remember how we skipped classes?

How did you not want to study the graduation program?


But we always had reasons.

Our teachers are smart and understood everything.


And now the last class.

You know, they teach here,

We sing and play music.

And when they teach you how to play,

And perform on stage.

They play "Dog Waltz". (They bow and take their seats on the stage on pre-arranged chairs.)

Music. (According to the presenter)


Valentina is a talented, gifted musician. More than once during my years at art school. She took part in competitions and shows at various levels, where she won prizes.

She will perform A. Dubuc “Variations on a Theme of R. n. p. “There’s a snowstorm blowing along the street.”


Dmitry is an amazing and talented person. Over the years, he studied at the folklore department and during this period he reached great heights, he participated in almost all competitions and always took prizes. He will perform for you, R. N. P. “The old grandfather conceived it”


Daniel is a modest and hardworking person. He took part in regional competitions and won prizes. We hope that the musical knowledge and skills he has acquired will help him in his life's journey.

He will perform the work of St. Petersburg “Tango”.


Aksinya is a cheerful and sociable person. Overcoming difficulties and learning the basics of piano music, she successfully graduated from the piano department. She performed at competitions and won prizes. Aksinya will perform “Sonata in B flat major” by Haydn.

Music. (Words from graduates)


Goodbye music school,

It's time for us to part with you.

Thank you for these feelings

For the frank light of art,

Lessons of truth and goodness.


Or maybe we won’t say goodbye forever today.

And they don’t really want to give us certificates.


It really wasn't that bad.

Can I stay for a couple more years?


Dear graduates! The final chord of our school symphony was the exams, in which you showed your best side. Today you say goodbye to our school, but not to music. We invite our dear graduates to enter the hall and take their places of honor!

(MUSIC EXITING THE HALL) (To the music, graduates pass through the entire hall and are seated in the 1st row)


Well, graduates,

The moment of celebration has arrived,

And the document that they will give you,

I've been waiting for everyone for so many years!

The floor for congratulations and presentation of certificates is given to the deputy for educational work, Olga Nikolaevna Vasyutina. (Order read out)

The director congratulates the graduates and presents certificates of completion of the Children's Art School. (TUSH)


With words of congratulations,

And parting words in good time

The first class arrived today,

Congratulations on your triumph!

You can use 5-10 first-graders in the performance; they read one quatrain one after another.



We will follow you

All seven years the class is class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.

Dunno comes out. HE wore a bright blue hat, canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors."


Wait, wait!

I don't want to wait seven years!

In a year I learned the notes -

Am I a musician or not?

I can play the button accordion

Play Goedicke's play,

And the evidence is

Should get it too!


What are you, what are you! Is it possible to

Become a musician in a year!


What else is there to study? I know all seven notes!

There are no more of them, I found out on purpose.


Well, now you will see that you are too small to graduate!

Seventh graders can play scales in thirds,

We just learned to distinguish them by signs!

Well, for now we’ll have “Spillkins”, And even then counting out loud!

Like on the gas, then on the brake, They press on the pedals.

And our legs also don’t reach the ground!


Yeah... Perhaps I should graduate

It's too early for you, friends.

I'll stay for now too.


For your problems

We've gone off topic

We turned to comparisons,

And they forgot what they came with.

And we came to congratulate you,

Wish you a happy life,

And our native school,

Never forget!

Song “From a Smile” (MUSIC)

Presenter: Maria Kasyanenko “The Lonely Shepherd” performs before you

Presenter: For you, a musical number performed by Elena Sukhonina and Arina Danilenko “Bear with a Doll”

Music (according to the words of the presenter)

Throughout your many years of study at our school, your teachers walked hand in hand with you. And only thanks to their skills, honed by many years of work, teaching talent, boundless patience, sensitivity and kindness, we all safely lived to see this wonderful day for all of us.

Today words of farewell are heard here, And everyone around wishes you well.

Graduates, in moments of parting

Teachers give you parting words.

Teachers who are graduating their students today are invited to the stage.

(Teacher's Music)

Teacher of the piano department Stolyarchuk Galina Anatolyevna, Samarskaya Yana Yuryevna.

Teachers of the folk department Vera Aleksandrovna Kadymova.

Teacher of the folklore department Eranui Samvelovna Markaryan.

A word of congratulations from the teachers.

Presenter. A musical gift from wind instrument teacher Timofey Alexandrovich Danilenko

Presenter. Now the training is over, Maybe for some it’s torment,

We won’t reveal the secret, Do you have anything to tell us?

A response from graduates is provided.



Thank you, dear ones, from the bottom of my heart (VALYA)

For the fact that you found a little bit of good in us.

For not being afraid of adversity and grief,

You carried your kindness, you are the sea.

Thank you for everything you sang, (DANIEL)

For all that we managed to find out,

Because the moment has come,

When hands became skillful,

And the sounds became music,

And the instrument became obedient.


Sincerely thank you very much, (Dima)

We tell all teachers.

Be young and happy

Peace, long life, health to you!


Let another generation, (Ksyusha)

Without indifference and laziness,

Always breaks in here.

Among your troubles and everyday life

All: We will never forget you!

Farewell our masters!

Song “Musicians of Bremen” (Music MUSICIANS OF BREMEN)

Song: There is nothing better in the world,

How to teach us songs and verses.

It’s good to pick up solfeggio,

And gnaw on the granite of science with love! (2p)

At school they only received knowledge

This requires perseverance and attention.

We will love all teachers,

We will not forget any of them! (2p)



Last night - and you are the winners!

The credit goes to your parents too!

A child's success largely depends on the support of their parents. Today we say thank you to the parents of all our graduates, who have shown care and attention to the creativity of their children all these years. And how much effort our parents spent so that you could study peacefully at art school!



The floor is given to parents of graduates


Presenter:. The dance ensemble “Emerald” performs in front of you School Waltz

Presenter. (MUSIC END)

When you see such happy and joyful faces, you simply physically feel how your emotional uplift is transmitted to everyone present here! I am sure that each of us now, at this moment, has a soul singing!

Now school is behind us, exams are all over,

They call you graduates, but all the main things are ahead of you!

We believe that school will always be your home!

Graduate, the school will remember you, And don’t forget it!

Let faith in yourself fill you with strength, We tell you.

Prom script

at the children's music school


Compiled by: Korosteleva O.V., Paritskaya A.V.

Presenter: Cherevako E.G.

Date: 05/26/2016

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” sounds. The music gradually fades away, and the presenter appears on stage:

“What an unusual day today!
We are happy and sad at the same time,
And perhaps you won’t find the words,
To express your feelings to us.

Everything is ready, everything is ready:
flowers, smiles and words!
Meet me in this bright hall
heroes of the great celebration!

(The presenter invites the graduates to come up to the stage. “Waltz” by G. Sviridov from the music for the film “Metel” sounds)

The gala evening is declared open!

The floor is given to the director of the Dorogobuzh Children's Musical school for Rezakov Mikhail Vasilievich(the order is read out and certificates are presented, certificates, letters of gratitude)".

During the presentation of certificates, the presenter reads out short characteristics in verse for each graduate (see appendix).

List of graduates:

  1. Kushlyanova Daria
  2. Svechkareva Anastasia
  3. Ismailova Elmira
  4. Grokhotov Timofey
  5. Zueva Anna
  6. Lebedeva Alexandra
  7. Ovchinnikova Daria
  8. Latosh Makar
  9. Makeeva Kristina
  10. Minnikova Anastasia
  11. Snegireva Elizaveta
  12. Solovyov Daniil
  13. Germanova Nargilya
  14. Zharkova Svetlana
  15. Malyas Ekaterina
  16. Popenkova Evgenia
  17. Stepanova Ksenia

At the end of the presentation of certificates, graduates read poems addressed to the director and teachers:

Graduate 1: /director/

How difficult it is for you sometimes

Lead the entire school

Understand everything and solve everything.

Know that he will not forget you

Our musical release!

Graduate 2: / teachers /

Even if the world is very turbulent these days,

Are you tired of evil and vanity,

But believe me, we will be worthy of you,

You taught us lessons in kindness.

Graduate 3: /to teachers/

We thank all the teachers,

For tenderness, kindness and affection,

which for many years

You gave to us without fail.

Graduate 4: /to teachers/

We wish you all health and happiness,

More smiles and warmth in the heart,

And so that your work is wonderful

Bringing satisfaction and joy!

Graduate 5: /to teachers/

Our worries, worries, sorrows

You certainly always noticed.

We wish you to remain like this

And never change for anything.

Graduate 6: /to teachers/

Our dear teachers!

You didn’t look for easier ways,

Mind and heart, soul and warmth

They gave it to the younger generations.

Khotkina Galina Borisovnareads a poem

“Don’t you dare forget your teachers” by Andrey Dementyev

Don't you dare forget your teachers.
They worry about us and remember us.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for our returns and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And, no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher happiness happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
We don’t send them congratulations on New Year’s Eve.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
They are waiting for us. They're watching us
And they rejoice every time for those
Who passed the exam somewhere again
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget your teachers.
Let life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget your teachers!

Presenter : “Thank you, Galina Borisovna, for the wonderful poems!

Dear graduates! They came to congratulate you children , who just recently took their first steps along the road leading to the Beautiful Land of Music. First-graders have a word!”

First graders come out.

1st: With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time,

The first class arrived today,

Congratulations on your triumph!

2nd: We will follow you
Eight years of class after class.
Somehow don't forget
You then congratulate us!

3rd: We came to congratulate you all
Wish you a happy life,
And our native school
Never forget!!!

Presenter: “ What will the graduates’ response be?”

There is a piano intro.

Four girls come forward to perform musical ditties.

  1. Take care of your ears -

The violin is not easy to listen to.

But for the harm, give it better

Milk for teachers.

2. Accordionists saw, saw,

But they won’t cut it out

Without sonatina errors,

You can't play on an empty stomach.

3. Very general background

We love it so much!

There is no need to pull the fur at all

The sound is still there!

4. At solfeggio I am with Masha -

We can't live without each other!

After all, Masha writes dictations,

And I build the chords.


We know all the secrets now

Everything has been checked more than once.

We will become excellent students

Please accept us into first class!

Presenter: “This is what our graduates are like: young, beautiful, musical, and even with a sense of humor! But it’s time for us to remember that not only the students who studied and the teachers who taught attended the Children’s Art School, but also parents who both taught and studied at the same time. These words are for you, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents!”

Graduates: /Parents/

Thank you, our dear parents!

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples.

And for the wrinkles of my own face

Let us bow to you from the waist down to the ground -

We wouldn't have gotten anywhere without you!

Graduates (CHORUS): THANK YOU!


Beautiful parental kindness
There is nothing more expensive in the world!
So that the path of children is bright and clear,

We have worked with you for many years!

Word from parents is givenOvchinnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna:

“Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. On behalf of the parents, I want to say many words of gratitude to the teachers of our children.

Many guys came here as kids and before your eyes they grew and matured. You know all their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages. You treat each of your students as a unique personality, as the only one in the world.

In our school, teachers created an atmosphere of mutual understanding, kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded by constant attention, which is the main merit of the school director, Mikhail Vasilyevich Rezakov.

I want to express my deep gratitude and deep appreciation to you for your professionalism, generosity, attention and love, dedication to your profession and your students. Your participation and advice were always correct and appropriate. You instilled in our children the main thing - a love of art.

It is unknown what their fate will be, but their love for music will remain with them forever.

Thank you for that!"

Graduates perform a song based on

“The song doesn’t say goodbye to you”:

At night the stars
They run along blue rivers into the distance.
In the morning the stars
They go out without a trace.
Only school remains with a person,
School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings
On any road, to the side of any
We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.
The music will stay with you!

Presenter: " Our graduates have prepared a small concert! This is not just another end-of-year concert. They achieved these results gradually, step by step from year to year! We overcame difficulties and laziness. Not everything worked out the first time, or even the fifth time. But it was interesting! Together we learned the secrets of music. And now to go through life with this knowledge is our destiny!”

We invite you to the stage:

Ovchinnikova Daria

P. Tchaikovsky. "Autumn Song"

Latosh Makar

A. Pirunov. "Echo"

Lebedeva Alexandra and Solovyov Daniil

V. Tsoi. "Cuckoo"

Grokhotov Timofey

Russian folk song “Will I go, young girl?” Arranged by M. Shcherbakova

Zueva Anna

I. Dunaevsky. “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”

Accompanist – Irina Robinets

Presenter: Our gala evening has come to an end, and we, teachers, want to tell our beloved graduates that the doors of this school and our hearts remain open for them forever!


Characteristics of each graduate in verse

Grokhotov Timofey

In all classes he catches every word,

He is firm in his convictions, like a diamond.

Moreover, he is silent, but if he says a word,

It’s not just in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

Solovyov Daniil

- Who he will be, no one knows yet

Reliable in friendship, ideal son,

He plays guitar in the ensemble,

You won't find anything like this anymore - there's only one like it!

Minnikova Anastasia

- I am never indifferent to someone else’s grief,

Easy to communicate with and knows a lot about friendship,

She is sweet, beautiful and airy

Like a young blossoming flower!

Makeeva Kristina

- She is calm, patient,

She dances and sings beautifully,

There are many advantages - you can’t count them all,

Christina has all the best!

Zueva Anna

- Eyes like the sky blue,

Smile, flaxen hair,

And so graceful and sweet,

What drives boys crazy!

Lebedeva Alexandra

- Calm and charming

Sings and plays beautifully

Dreams of a concert stage!

Latosh Makar

He is important, strict, leisurely,

Courteous to all adults,

Plays the piano great -

The path to music has been open for a long time!

Ovchinnikova Daria

- Sweet, cultured, not arrogant,

Plays great, dances beautifully,

He understands art -

We all really like it!

Svechkareva Anastasia

She is smart, hardworking,

Always beautiful and polite.

Nastasya knows her worth -

Everyone respects our Nastya!

Ismailova Elmira

She is kind and calm

She's smart and worthy

She's sweet, she's soft -

Our Elya is very nice!

Kushlyanova Daria

She is quiet, soft, principled,

And in character - well, just perfect!

And she looks very good too,

Especially gorgeous braid!

Snegireva Elizaveta

- Charming, slim,

Both diligent and smart!

Both fine art and piano

– she mastered everything!

Germanova Nargilya

Laureate, singer, activist,

She is now an artist!

Always behaves decently

Excellent studies in both schools!

Zharkova Svetlana

Your hair is beautiful

And you yourself are good!

The gaze of your eyes is always clear,

And your soul sings!

Malyas Ekaterina

There is no better color

When the apple tree blooms!

There is no better moment

When Katya enters the classroom!

Popenkova Evgenia

Always quiet, always obedient,

How bright the early morning is,

I am not indifferent to folk music,

She sings like a nightingale!

Scenario for Graduation Party - Graduation party at a music school

The song “The Road of Good” is playing


Good evening, dear guests!

Our door is open to all friends!

Throw away your sad thoughts.

Let us part, but now

We are connected by a great feeling

Forever, no matter where we have to live,

Good and eternal art

It has also taken root in our hearts.

Years dedicated to the three muses

Give your whole life a new taste.

After us, cherish these shoots

There will be a school and a university...

Everything that became dear to you at school

It will always be just as expensive:

We'll surprise you with a clear field,

Spring water rings.

In life you will definitely find

There are so many colors that you can’t count them.

And, to great joy, you will understand:

There is a triumph of harmonies in the world!

Please accept our congratulations,

Dear graduates!

You all deserve respect

For the hard work.

Everybody wants to see your change

Of course, it’s better to see them.

Get up on stage together!

Song “Children of the World Make Friends”


To your home school

Don't accidentally forget

Come on, everyone for questions

Answer without hesitation! The presenter asks questions - one at a time to everyone.

Who is your favorite teacher?

Which office has the fakest piano?

Why do you love solfeggio?

Who in your class encouraged others to skip class?

How many seats are there in the concert hall?

What is missing in our school?

What inscriptions did you make on your desks during your studies?

How much does the microphone weigh?

Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

How many lessons does your teacher teach per day?

What were you asked when you entered 1st grade?

How many times have you forgotten a change of shoes?

Will art be your profession?

How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?

After this fun survey, the presenter continues the program.


Remember the first day of September?

How far this date is from us!

Our long lesson is over,

There was only no bell since class.

Remember, school is the beginning of everything,

There are miraculous sources of many rivers here.

The time has come for it to ring for you

The very last, farewell call!

The last bell sounds. At your discretion, it can be an ordinary electric bell, or a bell in the hands of a first-grader girl, who is carried to the stage by a graduate. Then the school principal takes the floor. He congratulates the graduates and their parents and presents them with certificates of completion of the art school.

After this short concert, the floor is given to parents and graduates. They will thank teachers for their hard work. In their speech, you can use a poem dedicated to the school principal.

Leading: And now first-graders take the stage to congratulate the graduates.


With words of congratulations

And parting words in good time

First class arrived today

Congratulations on your triumph!

We will follow you

All seven years the class is class.

Somehow don't forget

You then congratulate us.

Children's song "Bobik" performed by Korotya Ruslan

M. Krasev “Lullaby” performed by Danil Papkov

Bel.n.p. "Oh, jigune, jigune" performs Nazimova Dilfuza

Czech.p. "Annushka" performed by Daria Kharlanova

Sladek "The Rich Groom" performed by Cousin Violetta

Leading: Let another generation

Without indifference and laziness

It bursts in here in the morning.

Like the summer sun

Song "Chimney Sweep" performed by Vika Makarova

"Gnomes" performed by Chupina Masha.

Leading: At night the stars run into the distance along blue rivers.

In the morning the stars go out without a trace.

Only school remains with a person,

School is your faithful friend forever

Through the years, through partings

On any road, to the side of any

We won’t say “Goodbye” to the music.

The music will stay with you!

Song "New Song"Performed by Aliya Nizyamova


A beautiful garden where sounds bloom

The melodies are wonderful and random.

And hands catch on the keyboard

Harmonies are unexpected secrets.

“I will sow quinoa on the shore” performed by Nikitina Louise.

Leading: Today the music is heard

Not at all what it used to be.

The soul string rings -

"A game" performed by Karimova Madina


At concerts in this hall

We play the piano

Classics, pop, jazz

Whatever you want - everything is for you!

"Frog Jazz" performed by Vdovina Ekaterina

"Orange Sky" performed by Julia Andreeva

Leading: Being a flutist is not so easy; we blow it every time, but in a concert performance you won’t take your eyes off us

Revutsky “Song” performed by Marina Andreeva


I heard the doors slam in the corridor,

Everything starts, everything is completed on time.

What will happen after all this? And there will be a lesson.

Last lesson.

"Cancan"performed by Alena Gudkova and E.V. Safiullova.

Leading: He looks like a brother to the button accordion, Where there is fun, there he is. I won’t give any hints, everyone knows the accordion.

Ital.n.p. "Santa Lucia" performed by Sharkaeva Amalia

Host: School years! There are so few of them!

But nothing will pass without a trace.

The road to school will not be forgotten,

Friends never say goodbye.

“Both at school and at home” performed by Safiullina Liana

Olya: That's a year of study behind us

Rise and fall ahead

And this evening we wish

Walk happily through life

"Three Girlfriends" performed by the vocal group “Sunny Rain”

Anya and Elvina:

We wish you inspiration

Less failures and tears

So that you find something you like

And love music seriously

"Rio Rita" performed by Ilvina Timerbulatova and Anna Fazlaeva

Leading: The school gave you warmth

Taught me to love music

I had a carefree childhood

In this school you have.

But where did all this go?

There was and is no answer! Summer has already arrived,

And we are losing you!

Leading: We invite parents to the stage to say words of gratitude to teachers and parting words to graduates.

The kindness of a beautiful parent There is nothing more valuable in the world

So that everything turns out great for us -

Give us parenting advice!

A word to parents

Graduate Julia:

From this stage we send thanks to you!

For being in the whirlwind of affairs

You were so wise and beautiful!

We wish you to always be busy!

All: Thank you!

Graduate Masha: Our heart will not forget about you

We will think about you often

And believe that we love you

And we will be waiting for new meetings with you

Graduate Nelya.

Our school welcomes us all as friends,

But seven years and seven winters have already flown by...

And today we sadly say goodbye to her,

And we say thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

“You have to trust the young” graduates and senior group sing

The music gets louder, graduates get up from their seats and go to their teachers with bouquets of flowers.

Scenario for Graduation Party at Music School
“School, my school, goodbye!”

Year and place of creation of the work: Taseevo, 2012

Description of work: School years are wonderful. It seems that school years are the best years in every person’s life. How many warm memories are associated with school: the first fives and twos, the first declarations of love, the first steps into adulthood. But everything ends someday. Years pass unnoticed, and now, the farewell prom. When organizing a graduation party at a music school, you always want to make this evening special, unforgettable and original, unlike any other. The script is the author's, using some fragments from the Internet. The words of the graduates are poems of their own composition.

Purpose: The prom scenario will be of interest to teachers-organizers of music schools, art schools, and parents.

Goal: creating a positive emotional atmosphere for graduates.
Activate acquired knowledge, skills, abilities and the ability to apply them in practice;
Develop the ability to perform on stage in front of an audience;
Enrich the spiritual world of children through musical plays.
Develop the creative abilities of students and graduates;
To cultivate a love for music as an art that has the greatest power of emotional impact on a person;
Cultivate respect for teachers, students, and parents.

The hall is festively decorated, music is playing, the presenters appear on stage
Presenter 1: It rings so timidly, so unsteadily
That voice of the first chord.
Lives and gains strength,
Already fluttering across the keys,
Sometimes he laughs, sometimes he cries,
He dances and sings.
A string stretched like a bow,
Her music is so tender!
Already heard in the aching sound
And the light of the soul, and pain, and torment,
Suddenly he shuddered
Soared up proudly
Strengthened, juicy chord sound!
And he beamed And verse And now
The school year has ended.

Presenter 2: Hello dear children, dear parents, teachers, guests!

Presenter 1: Today in our hall it is warm from your smiles, light from your happy eyes, and happy that another school year has ended.

Presenter 2: The school year is behind us.
A wonderful summer holiday is ahead.
And everyone in our school is happy.
There will be no dictations or tests.

Presenter 1: We studied for a whole year,
Going through the learning journey.
We have all exhausted our strength.
It's time to rest.

Presenter 2: Today we will present to your attention a creative report entitled “Difficult everyday life at our favorite music school, or what we have learned in a year.”

Presenter 1: And, of course, today we will honor our dear graduates.

Presenter 2: Let us consider our festive evening open.

Presenter 1: And we invite the youngest students of our school first to this stage.

Musical numbers for students in grades 1-2
There is a girl at our school - an excellent student, Christina Tyulpanova, and for you she will play Albina Gnessina's "Etude".
Everyone knows, without any pretense, that Dunev Matvey is a great button accordion player.
He will now perform for you “It’s not the wind that bends the branch”
A song about a wizard will be performed by Daria Pestenko, (“The Half-Educated Wizard”),
Our Kislova Yana, Steibeld “Adagio” plays for you zealously,
Easy, technical, fun,
Lyosha plays all the plays.
We invite Alexey Yakubovich to the stage,
We want to hear his performance. R.N.P. "Korolek"
Sturmo Arina is impatiently waiting for her turn to perform. We invite her to the stage, we want to hear a song about “Papa”,
Volkova Evgenia will now perform, R.N.P. “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” she will play,
Sladchenko Sasha plays the button accordion,
He touches everyone with his play.
He will perform a technical sketch for you,
We ask him to clap loudly afterwards. Gavrilov “Etude”,
Dunev Matvey will perform the song “Balalaika”,
Denis Chernov plays and his heart skips a beat. R.N.P. "Like under an apple tree"
Lapa Natalya will delight us, she will perform the piece simply great.
It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together, and of course it’s better to sing in chorus. The junior choir will perform the song “The Good Miller”.

Presenter 2: Yes, our graduates once came to the music school with the same young children back in 2006.

Presenter 1: Everything was interesting and unfamiliar to them, and they wanted to quickly learn to play an instrument, sing, and become great artists.

Presenter 2: The years have flown by unnoticed. There was everything: joys and failures, victories in competitions, unlearned scales and etudes, twos and fives. Sometimes I just wanted to throw the notes into the far corner, slam the piano lid and say, “That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m leaving music school.”

Presenter 2: And here they are, beautiful, charming graduates sitting in front of us.

Junior school students come out and represent the graduates

Student 1:
Today there is a small graduation at school,
There are only two graduates - brother and sister.
Like a thread and a needle, they are together everywhere,
At their desks, at concerts they sing and play plays.

Student 2:
Sasha is our activist, smart, beautiful,
Whatever she undertakes, she succeeds.
He performs on stage - he defends the honor of the school,
Completes all homework strictly.
As soon as he touches the keys, his soul freezes.
Sasha plays the piano so well.
And the ringing little voice drove everyone in the area crazy,
All her friends tell her about this.
Talented, diligent, beautiful and successful.
Sasha, dear, we congratulate you.
We invite you to the stage to loud applause.

Student 3:
We will say this about Dima - a joker and a merry fellow.
A charming boy, a bully and a naughty boy.
Very smart and capable, but sometimes lazy.
Scales and pieces will be remembered in spring, summer and winter.
He will remember the lessons in solfeggio, music. lit.,
To which I came so often, like a blank slate.
He forgot his notes, book, pen, pencil, notebook,
Everyone was worried about him - but he passed the subject with an A.
He often performed on stage, sang in duets and alone,
Let’s be honest, Dima is great, he’s the only one we have. We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts, to loud applause
We invite you to the stage.

Presenter 2:
In every family there is a head who decides everything,
Protects the family from adversity and failure.
A music school is also a family,
All our friends have become family and friends here.

Presenter 1:
Who's in charge at school? We all know about this
The director is our favorite, we respect her.
Ensures discipline, solves all matters,
It's high time to invite her to the stage.

A student runs in and says in fear
Guard, trouble, trouble.
The director disappeared without a trace.
All that's left of him (shows the director's notebook)
Oh, trouble, trouble.

Presenter 2:
Wait, don't rush,
Tell me with feeling.
What did you see, how did you find out?
Why is our director missing?

So I'm going to school.
The prom has begun.
Everyone is in the hall, and everyone is on stage,
And the director is at the porch.
I asked her quietly:
“Are you going to perform soon?”
And she answers me:
“I came out to breathe some air.”

Presenters together: Well, what about you?

Student: I went to class, sat down at the piano,
I remembered the play I played.
Something hurt my heart,
My soul suddenly became sick.
I walked through the school and looked around.
The director has disappeared. Oh, trouble.

(Runs away. Graduates are confused)

What to do, tell me,
Where to look for a director?
Graduation certificates
She should give us

We studied quite a bit here,
How many pieces were played, scales.
And now the time has come
We urgently need to graduate.

But how do we leave school?
We need certificates!

Maybe one more year
Shall we spend time here, me and you?
Let's play the scales again,
Let's remember Bach and Mozart.

No, no, no, darling
I want to finish school.

Music sounds, Music Fairy enters

Fairy of Music:
I am the Fairy of Music, I live in this school.
And every day I meet guys
Cheerful and perky, affectionate and kind,
Everyone here speaks a special language.
Today is a holiday at school - the school year is over,
Today the school graduates two children.
But only Chernomor, it is cruel and vicious,
He kidnapped the director and doesn’t want to return him.
I left you a message, read it quickly.
All hope is on you, save the director.

Gives a message, graduates read

Your director is hidden in a safe place,
It won't be easy for you to find it.
You will prove to everyone that your studies were not in vain.
That you deserve the title of graduates!

Well, it’s time to go
Ah, dear friend,
Hurry, forward, we will win.

From the captivity of the evil Chernomor
We will free Tatyana Nikolaevna.

The graduates and the Music Fairy leave.
Presenter 1: In the meantime, our graduates are looking for Tatyana Nikolaevna, we bring to your attention the best performances of our guys:
Musical numbers:

The song “Tuchka” will be performed by Evgenia Volkova.
We invite Lazicka Victoria to the stage, we want to hear Handel’s “Minuet”,
Danil Borisov is an ace in accordion performance.
And now he will show you the highest class. Ojakäer “Call to work”, Estonian polka,
The song “Brownie” will be performed by Yana Kislova.
Anastasia Plekhova will perform music from the film “We’ll Live Until Monday”
There is one guy at school - Konstantin Kravchenko
He plays masterfully and congratulates you on the holiday. Kravchenko Konstantin and Papusha A.N., Smerkalov “Moscow Round Dance”,
Nastenka has a very clear little girly voice, we ask her to sing a song, or maybe ditties. The song “The Witch” will be performed by Anastasia Akhmaeva,
Yulia Tolkacheva will perform “Etude” for you, please clap very loudly for her afterwards.
Kraus Nadezhda is invited to the stage. We adore her beautiful game. Bach "Sarabande"
Plekhova Nastya, Kislova Yana will perform the song “Girls from a Fairy Tale”

Graduates enter

Where can we look for her?
Can it really wait?
A year, two, or maybe three?
Sasha, Sasha, look.

(points to the side where the first-graders are sitting)

That the kids became quiet,
How did you find yourself here?

First grader 1:
Chernomor gave us a task,
I'll wait for you here in the forest.
Prepared tests
I'll bring them now.

Brings notes on which assignments for graduates are written:
Graduates draw out notes

First grader 2: Let's start testing, here's your first task
To your home school,
Don't forget by chance, Come on, everyone answer the questions without hesitation!

Who is your favorite teacher?
Why do you love solfeggio?
How many seats are there in the concert hall?
What is missing in our school?
What inscriptions did you make on your desks during your studies?
What advice would you give to the school principal when you leave?
Why did you need this education?
Did your neighbors often knock on the radiator when you played scales?
Did your parents have to convince you from time to time to continue attending our school?
How many concerts have you taken part in over the years?
How many directors changed during your training?

First grader 3:
Every day, year after year,
You went to school.
And now we want to know
What did they teach you?

Graduates draw notes with riddles

I stand on three legs, Feet in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What is my name? ...(Piano.)
How is a piano similar to a running car? They have one part called... (Pedal.)
Chaliapin sang to the envy of everyone, He had enormous talent, All because he studied the Art of what is called... (Vocal.)

Sleep and rest are forgotten: He writes a song... (Composer.)

First grader 4:
We ask for parents and everyone sitting in the hall,
Perform your ensemble with soul and love.

The graduates perform the ensemble; at the end of the play, the director comes on stage

Presenter 1: So you saved the director,
You are real graduates.
The floor is given to the school director.

Director's speech, presentation of certificates, diplomas

Presenter 2: And now it’s time to give the floor to those who have been with you all these years, who led you through the world of beautiful art, who rejoiced with you in creative victories, and who were upset when something didn’t work out.

Presenter 1: We invite music school teachers to the stage: Tatyana Valerievna Trifonova, Tatyana Nikolaevna Grigorieva, Marina Aleksandrovna Goleschikhina, Elena Anatolyevna Abols, Valentina Anatolyevna Azarova, Anatoly Nesterovich Papush.

The director rewards the teachers, and then the teachers give a speech.

Presenter 2: Graduates have a response for their favorite teachers.

I enter school so timidly,
Every corner here is familiar.
How quickly time has flown by
There is no need to rush to class.
It's all behind us. It's time for excitement.
It's time for exams
But only a feeling of regret
That we are parting forever.

I enter school so timidly.
I meet dear friends.
Favorite teachers, what skillfully
They helped us all become stronger.
Thank you, our relatives
For your hard but honorable work.
For always being there,
We were not allowed to turn away from the path.

Because you are heartbroken
For each of us, always
They taught us, sparing no effort,
They gave everything to us in full.

Thank you! We are indebted to you,
And a low bow to you for the warmth of your soul.
We so want you to be proud of us,
We will meet your hopes and dreams.

The graduates' song is played for teachers.

Presenter 1: These concert numbers are performed for our graduates and spectators.

Musical numbers:

Anastasia Plekhova sings for you, “Ivan and Marya”,
Albinoni “Adagio”, Tatiana Root will perform for you on the piano.
You will be pleased with your friends, Liza Borisenko; after the performance, your compliments are waiting for you. She will perform “Kumparsita”,
Lebedeva Alina, Trifonova T.V. "Northern lights",
Tatyana Root sings for you, “I will become the sea”,
Sitting behind the scenes, Ksyusha Zaitseva is trembling.
Don’t worry, our Ksyusha, everyone is happy to listen to you. Kosenko "Waltz"
Senior choir “The swans flew away.”

Presenter 2: We invite to the stage those people who know better than anyone what the years of study at a music school were worth. After all, it was before their eyes that their children turned from little inexperienced musicians into real artists. Only they know how much effort was put into getting this path to the end.

Presenter 1: Together with the graduates, their parents are happy and sad. Dear parents, the floor is yours.

Congratulations and awards to parents
Presenter 2: Graduates, a reply to you.

There is nothing more expensive in the world
Walk around the earth at least a thousand times.
There is nothing more precious in the world,
Motherly, fatherly love.

Their love always warms
In heat and cold it protects us from troubles.
Their love helps us live,
And cope with the difficulty
When there is no more strength.

The love of mom and dad is holy,
And you can’t compare it with anything.

The most dear to us,
Nothing can replace it.

Together: thank you for being there and walking this path with us.

Graduates perform a song dedicated to their parents.

Presenter 1:
Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
This day, this hour has come.
School sees you off with excitement
School childhood is leaving now!

Musical numbers of graduates:
Abakumova Alexandra, Astor Piazzolla “Libertango”,
Abakumova Alexandra, Sheiko “Moments”,
Soloviev Dmitry “Etude”,
Soloviev Dmitry, Tchaikovsky “Swan Lake”.

Presenter 2: And now it’s time to reward those children who studied excellently throughout the school year and took an active part in the life of the school. The floor is given to the school director.

awarding honors students and school activists

We were all gathered together for a farewell ball.
On such a wonderful, wonderful evening,
Our hall is warmed with smiles,
Love, friendship. Forever
The music of the heart has connected
The native school became a home,
And we will never forget
Love and care of teachers.

It was all here: the downs, the ups,
Sometimes there are tears in my eyes.
We walked towards a dream, towards the stars,
And now the hour of farewell has come.
It's time to say goodbye. A little sad.
Everything is behind us, the diploma is in hand.
And my soul is sad, empty,
And you ask: “What then?”

Farewell hour. And like birds
We're leaving the nest
To return one day,
Music has made you friends forever.

The final song of the graduates is played.
Presenter 1:
Your finest hour has come - graduation ball, farewell
For the last time on this stage you,
And in this moment happy and sad
We just want to say a couple of lines.

Presenter 2:
May a bright star shine in your life,
And music always sounds in the heart.
The school graduates you, but remember for you,
The music room door is always open.

Presenter 1: Let us consider our festive evening closed.
Presenter 2: We wish you guys, parents, a good rest in the summer, and gain new strength to conquer new heights in school life.