Do-it-yourself painting of boxes: master class and ideas for creativity. DIY box painting: master class and creative ideas How to paint a malachite box

The most magical and incredible time is the procedure for receiving a gift. The mystery, the hope of receiving the secret and the festivity of everything that happens makes any person relive the secret moments from childhood, when all dreams were dashed with a wave of the parents’ hand. How to draw a gift so that it differs from an ordinary box or parcel? Easily. It is enough to draw a beautiful wrapper and a large, colorful bow for it.

Black and white side view example

Let’s now look in detail at how to draw a gift box. Let's start with the box. Draw a rectangle. This will be the box itself. We place a rectangle lying on it, but its height should be small, and its length should be greater than the length of the bottom one. Now we draw a strip of tape vertically in the foreground. We attach a bow on top, which consists of two semicircles and two ends of the ribbon.

We draw the drawing with a thicker pencil or felt-tip pen.

We erase the auxiliary lines. The gift box is ready.

Second option

Let's change the configuration of the product a little and look at how to draw a gift with a pencil. Let's remember geometric shapes and draw a three-dimensional brick.

We make a strip of wrapping tape on the front and sides. From above they should intersect at right angles. At this point we make six turns in the form of ovals.

We draw all the lines with a thick felt-tip pen.

Shade the box with a blue pencil and add round blue polka dots to its entire surface. We paint the tape itself red. To add realism to the work, draw a shadow behind the box with a black pencil.

Green gift

Now let’s unfold the box and look at it from the end. So, how to easily draw a gift. In the foreground is the edge of the box. From it we draw two rectangles to the left and right. Above. Stepping back a little from the border, we draw another line parallel to the top one. This will be the border of the lid. We draw a straight line from the edge diagonally, which will end on the opposite edge. Draw another diagonal on the sides. It turns out to be a box.

We make a large bow on the lid in the cross area.

We highlight all the necessary zones with a felt-tip pen, leaving areas on the strip unpainted.

We erase the auxiliary lines.

We make the box green. And the bow and ribbon are red. An excellent and high-quality gift is ready.

Half a turn

If you couldn’t master the previous three options perfectly, then you should move on to this step-by-step master class. Let's look at how to draw a gift step by step. We position the box so that in the foreground there is not only an edge, but also a little edge. We make two rectangles of different sizes and draw part of the lid on them.

Add a top rectangle and wrap the gift in ribbon. We attach a bow on top.

All that remains is to paint it. We make the side edges pink, and the top of the box light pink. Paint the tape yellow.

The final touch: add a shadow in the form of a dark stripe under the lid, and make white polka dots across the entire area of ​​the box.

Drawing with children

The last option is a group of such gifts. Let's look at how to draw a gift for a child. We make a low but wide box with hearts on the front edge. We attach a bow on top.

Behind this box we draw a narrow but tall one with circles on the front edge. Add a bow on top.

In the background we make the box larger and higher. On the front edge we draw oblique lines.

All that remains is to paint them with bright flowers at your discretion.

Such bright decor will allow you to somewhat decorate the modest packaging design. The more interesting and mysterious the shape and size, the more fun it is for the birthday boy to guess the contents. Often a small but very expensive gift can be packaged in a large number of different bags, boxes and other containers. As a result, the holiday turns out to be truly exciting and exciting.

Every novice artist often wonders how to draw the desired object easier and faster. The article tells you how to draw two similar objects step by step: a box of matches and an open cardboard shipping box.

How to draw a box?

A box is a small box for matches, most often small in size, with a mandatory strip on the sides for lighting matches. To draw it, you need to remember your school geometry course. The box is an ordinary parallelogram figure created from two equal parallelepipeds connected by vertical lines.

  • Step 1. To put it simply, all the sides of the box are rectangles, slightly flattened at the corners to give perspective and realism to the image; in geometry they were called parallelepipeds. Therefore, in order to draw a box, you need to draw such a parallelepiped. The box in the figure will be open, so we will divide the figure into two unequal parts. The larger part will be the body of the box, and the smaller part will be its retractable box:
  • Step 2. Then you need to make a three-dimensional rectangle out of a flat one; for this you need to finish drawing the remaining edges. The lower rectangle is located at a short distance from the upper one, and some of its edges are invisible, so they are not displayed in the picture. However, all internal and external edges that are visible to the eye should be clearly visible in the drawing. All lines from the top surface of the box to the bottom must be strictly vertical, and the remaining lines must be parallel to each other.
  • Step 3. We mark matches inside the box. It is desirable that they be the same size, and it is easiest to draw when the matches fit tightly together. Then we draw and color the match heads. We paint the side of the box completely, since there is a rough layer there for lighting matches. And the boxes take on real sizes and shapes. As you can see, drawing boxes is not that difficult.

  • Step 4. Finally, add some shadows, come up with an inscription, and you get a pretty realistic matchbox.

How to draw a box with a pencil. Step-by-step instruction.

A box is a soft box for storing various items. Most often it is made of cardboard, fabric or plastic. The box weighs much less compared to a box. However, the main difference between these containers is the ability to roll the box when not needed and reassemble it if necessary, while the box cannot change its shape and takes up a lot of space when empty.

Similarly, you can draw a box of matches and an ordinary cardboard box. Let's look at how to draw a box with a pencil step by step.

  • Step 1. The beginning of the box image is the same as in the case of a box of matches: it is a rectangular figure with the corners slightly modified to show the fullest perspective.

  • Step 2. Next, you need to finish drawing the side sheets of the box that cover it when packing; the dimensions of the sides coincide with the dimensions of the edges, and their height is significantly lower so that the box can be conveniently packed. Let's look at how to draw an open box.

  • Step 3. Let's remember the geometry again. The next step is to remove the extra lines that may not be visible to the eye when looking at the actual box.

  • Step 4. Finally, we add a little shadow using shading to give visual volume and realism to our image.

How to best apply shading to a drawing

  • Strokes should be applied with soft, careful movements.
  • There should be no bends or curls at the end of each stroke.
  • The strokes should be very similar to each other visually in length and thickness.
  • Different pressure on the pencil is not allowed when applying shading on one face.

You can lightly rub the drawing with your fingertip, and then the shading will smooth out, and the box will turn out less angular and visually softer.

Little tricks

  • For drawing, it is better to take a soft pencil marked M or 2M.
  • It is also better to use an eraser more often than less.
  • It is better to choose an eraser based on its softness and quality of pencil removal, and not on its appearance.
  • Never use an eraser on the end of pencils. Most often they spoil the paper and the drawing does not look so neat.

A box is a useful thing for storing other things. In most cases these are jewelry. For some, jewelry is gold and diamonds, and for others, letters from a loved one and photographs of old friends who have long been no longer with us. People have always been and will be sentimental about such things, so they created special places to store memories. After such a lyrical introduction, I am now obliged to teach you how to draw a box with a pencil. In my example, it is wooden, but there are other modifications, from different available materials. I assume your grandparents also have a wooden box. Do you have?

How to draw a box with a pencil step by step

Step one. I draw a parallelepiped and another rectangle next to it. The first will then turn into a box, and the second into a lid for the box.
Step two. Both of these objects are connected using a simple metal mechanism, which is used in doors, windows and any objects that open.
Step three. I add a chain and trace the contours of the box.
Step four. There is always a shadow inside the box. The deeper and more capacious the box, the darker its interior will be. Here's how to add shadows to the box:
Let's draw some more? I advise you to draw it now.

Boxes and caskets appear in many literary works. A box is a symbolic thing, it is a kind of storage that can hide a variety of things from treasures to all the sorrows of humanity. As was the case with Pandora's box. Drawing boxes is not that difficult - they mostly have clear geometric shapes and are made from a wide variety of materials. For example, one of the most famous is the malachite box from Bazhov’s tale.

You will need

  • Paper, pencil, eraser, ruler, materials for coloring of your choice, images with malachite products.


The box can be of any shape - a parallelepiped, a cylinder, a truncated pyramid and even a ball. The most traditional form for depicting a malachite box is a parallelepiped at the base and a truncated pyramid-lid.

Draw a straight horizontal line - it will be the line of the table on which you will place the box. Then draw a parallelepiped - from the angle of view that you like best. Don't forget about the laws of perspective.

Now you need to draw the lid. You can make it simply flat, in the shape of a parallelepiped, a truncated pyramid, or semicircular - in the shape of half a cylinder. It can be closed, slightly open or folded back. If you are drawing a slightly open lid, remember the laws of perspective and shadow.

Draw shadows using shading and shading. Now it’s the turn of the malachite pattern. Look at the images with malachite products - the pattern on the stone can be different. Sometimes it is arranged in circles, like on a cut of a tree trunk, sometimes in stripes, sometimes in a mosaic.

Draw small details - fittings, decorations. Malachite boxes are often depicted with cameos – lizards – to bring the product closer to Bazhov’s tales.

And now the fun part - coloring the picture. Pay attention to what colors malachite has - light green, emerald and other cold shades of green alternate, forming patterns and veins. The ideal option for painting such a box is watercolors, although gouache is also suitable. The sketch can also be colored with colored pencils.

You can draw any other boxes - wooden, beaded, decoupage or papier-mâché. You can experiment with colors, materials, shapes.