Draw a birch trunk. Autumn birch gouache step by step

How to draw a birch tree step by step.

Anyone can immediately recognize a birch tree both in winter and summer by the white color of its bark. Birch bark is very white with longitudinal light brown specks, but they are small and indistinguishable on the scale of the entire tree. From a distance, we also see marks on the birch trunk - black cracks in the bark and traces of dead branches. On large branches the bark is also white, but on thinner ones it is dark brown, almost black. In silver birch (also known as weeping birch), young thin branches often hang in long strands. But, I note, this is not the case with all birches. Very often you see birch trees growing nearby and one is all drooping, the branches hang like a living curtain, and the second one stands cheerfully, like a linden tree or a poplar tree - no despondency.

Comrades, when learning to draw trees in kindergarten, children are presented with the image of a “birch”, reminiscent of a triangle... in general, a speckled carrot with four or five hanging branches. Having mastered this image, children subsequently stamp any “birch” tree like this, introducing some variety only in the width of the base of the “trunk”, that is, from an acute triangle the trunk gradually turns into an obtuse one. I don’t know what to do with this. Just DO NOT teach such distorted and schematic conventional signs. But in kindergarten this is almost inevitable. What to do now, how to draw a birch realistically?

Well... consciously abandon the stereotypes instilled in infancy and try to see a real tree, and not a template imprinted in the head. In fact it is possible.

Why am I talking about this? - Because children, when drawing both from imagination and from life, operate mainly with cliches hardened in infancy and experience strong internal resistance to the very idea of ​​drawing from life. Therefore, I would teach drawing trees from life only to teenagers who have already gained awareness and only to those who love plants and really want to learn how to draw trees in a similar way. This is my opinion. What do you think about this?

So, let’s draw a birch tree step by step.

The sequence is the same as always when drawing plants: first draw a diagram of the trunk and branches with a pencil.

Let us denote the crown and individual large branches:

Here I confess honestly, from this point on I have already painted houses - with felt-tip pens and then with watercolors. My resolve is definitely not enough to go out alone with a box of watercolors, water and brushes. The ability not to be embarrassed in public does not develop overnight.

Drooping branches with small leaves were painted with pokes - brush number 1.

Of course, graceful white birches are one of the most common and beloved trees. Poets often devote lines of their beautiful poems to them, and artists depict their black and white trunks on their colorful canvases. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a birch, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the work of the most famous painters by visiting the nearest museum of fine arts. You can also draw a birch tree with a pencil directly from life, by going to some park or even to a deciduous forest.
Before you draw a birch you should prepare:
1). Eraser;
2). Album leaf;
3). Pencil;
4). Liner;
5). Multi-colored pencils.

The easiest way to understand how to draw a birch tree with a pencil step by step is if you don’t rush, but slowly draw each tree step by step:
1. Draw a horizon line. Draw a thin path approximately in the middle. Mark five birch tree trunks. Try to keep the trees of different sizes;
2. Draw tree trunks, depict branches and outline the stripes characteristic of birch trees;
3. In the distance, mark the outlines of the forest. Draw a couple of rocks in the foreground;
4. Mark the foliage of the trees;
5. Now you know how to draw a birch tree step by step using a pencil. But this is just a sketch that needs to be colored. But first, outline the sketch with a liner. Also shade the birch trees with a liner, using it to depict a pattern characteristic of them;
6. Use an eraser to delete the original sketch;
7. Use a dark gray pencil to paint over the stripes, as well as the birch branches;
8. Shade the stones with brown and gray pencils;
9. Color the birch foliage green;
10. Use blue to indicate the clouds and shade the sky;
11. Paint the forest dark green and the grass bright green;
12. Tint the path with brown shades.
Now the birch tree is drawn and painted with a pencil. To make the landscape more realistic and colorful, it is better to use gouache or watercolor. Birch trees can also be drawn with a regular pencil, working out the drawing in more detail using shading. You can create a very beautiful picture if you paint a bright autumn landscape, because in September the foliage of these wonderful trees acquires a magnificent golden yellow hue. Birch trees also look wonderful in winter, when their bare branches are decorated with lush snowdrifts.

Inna Koltsun

Drawing materials:


Watercolor paper;

Brushes are round and flat;

Glass of water;

A cloth for wiping brushes;


Stage 1: Draw the background and field:

Let's take it a sheet of paper vertically, make a white blur gouache to the middle of the sheet(paint must be wet).

Then we wash yellow, red, brown paint over the white paint, lightening from the middle of the sheet to the top.

We paint the remaining lower part of the sheet black, slightly climbing onto the horizon line and blurring it. Let the drawing dry a little.

Using a large, hard, dry brush, we make colored spots using the "poke" on the black bottom background of the sheet ( colors: yellow, red, ocher, green, white, blue, thus it will turn out field or flowering meadow.

Stage 2: Draw birch:

Mix ocher and white on the palette gouache until a beige tint is obtained. Then we draw the trunk birch flat brush, down up. At the base birch trees press the brush tightly, and then, lifting it to the top, gradually turning it on its edge and slowly tearing it off the paper (paints take it generously)

On the right side birch brown gouache using a thin brush we outline the trunk birch trees, then with a flat dry brush we wash the paint towards the middle of the trunk.

Then we draw the branches with the thinnest brush birch trees, rotating it back and forth between your fingers (the brush should be wet and the branches birch trees go not only up, but also down).

Let's take it thin brush with black gouache and draw black spots

bark (lentils) different in shape and length (they should not be repeated and be symmetrical).

At the end of our drawing we draw foliage birch trees. Take the big one, dry, hard brush, on it take green gouache and draw foliage using the method "poke".

That's all - the painting is ready!

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Autumn birch in gouache. A picturesque image of a birch tree on tinted paper. Master class with photos

Nadeenskaya Elena Alekseevna
Job title: art teacher
Place of work: Municipal educational institution "Arsenyevskaya Secondary School", Arsenyevo village, Tula region
Description: the material will be of interest to primary school teachers, fine arts teachers, educators, additional education teachers, creative children aged 7-12 years
Purpose: use in art lessons
Target: acquaintance with the technique of drawing autumn birch in gouache.
- improve skills in working with gouache;
- develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing;
- develop color sensitivity and imagination;
- cultivate neatness and love of creativity.
-brushes No. 3, 5,
- A4 format, light blue.

I love Russian birch
Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
In a white sundress,
With handkerchiefs in pockets,
With beautiful clasps
With green earrings.
I love her, from across the river,
With elegant mantles,
Then clear, ebullient,
Then sad, crying.
I love Russian birch
She's always with her friends
In the spring there is a dance,
Kisses, as usual,
Goes where there are no fences,
Sings where it's not supposed to,
The wind bends down
It bends and doesn’t break!
(Alexander Prokofiev)

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress,
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Will a thunderstorm pass over her?
Will the swamp darkness cling to you -
Shaking off the rain, he smiles
Birch is cheerful again.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to my heart,
And a lot of thoughtful songs
People sing about her.

He shares joy and tears with her,
And so her days are good,
What seems - in the noise of a birch
There is something from the Russian soul.
(Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky)

1. We outline the outline of the birch trunk with white gouache.

2. Fill the birch trunk with white gouache, add shades of pink and yellow.

3. With a thin brush we outline the branches of the birch.

4. Use yellow gouache to outline the birch foliage and add grass at the base of the tree trunk.

5. Use green to shade the birch foliage and outline individual blades of grass under the tree.

6. Add orange color to the main color of the birch crown and to the image of the grass.

7. Draw the trunk of the birch, add a pattern on the bark, outline the branches of the birch with a thin brush.

8. Add shades of deeper green to the tree crown and the grass underneath. Let's clarify the details.

The work is ready.

Thank you for your attention!

In order to draw a birch correctly and beautifully, you need to know its features, what distinguishes it from other trees. Before you begin, study the structure of this plant, the features of its leaves, inflorescences, and shoots. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily display them together in your drawing. It doesn't matter what colors you use. If you know what exactly you are drawing, you will certainly succeed!

Step by step drawing of a birch tree

  • You need to start the drawing by drawing auxiliary lines, which should represent the future trunk and converge at the top of the tree. It is necessary to take into account that these trees are quite slender, so the base of the trunk should not be too thick; in addition, this tree, as a rule, does not have pronounced bends.
  • Then mark the largest branches. Usually they begin to protrude quite high from the trunk. Therefore, the segments that will be the prototype of the branches must be drawn higher.
  • Draw convex and concave parts along the trunk and branches of the future tree. Then pay attention to the condition of the cortex. For example, old trees have a lot of irregularities, various cracks, and tubercles on it, which, of course, should not be ignored in the drawing.
  • Also worthy of attention is thin birch bark, which tends to peel off slightly from the trunk. Taking into account all these nuances in the drawing will make it more realistic.

  • Now that the main “frame” is completed, start drawing young, thin shoots, those same hanging branches with which many people associate this tree. These shoots are very long, thin and flexible, so they bend under the weight of leaves, buds and inflorescences.
  • If necessary, complement our birch tree with “earrings”. The size of these decorations is approximately equal to the size of a large birch leaf. They always hang down. Usually, earrings are grouped in two or three pieces. These inflorescences form many scales. Catkins grow at the ends of long shoots.
  • Start drawing the leaves. They are shaped like an egg or diamonds, but pointed at the end. The edges of the leaf have many serrations, and on the leaf itself the axis of the stalk and several lateral grooves extending from it are clearly visible.

  • When all the contours are ready, you need to move on to coloring. Remember that the bark does not have to be pure white. Its color depends mainly on the lighting. For example, if you want to depict a birch tree at sunset, then there will definitely be reddish and yellowish-orange shades in the trunk. Spots and longitudinal stripes on the trunk should be black and gray in color. Birch leaves need to be given a rich green color. Those of them that are younger have a shade close to the color of young grass, while the older leaves have a darker color. The color of long shoots is fundamentally different from the color of the trunk and branches - it should be brown-black. The tone of the shoots will also change depending on the lighting.

How to paint a birch tree in oil or watercolor?

First we draw a birch trunk, without any irregularities or spots. In the example, the trees stand against the light, so the trunk is darker in the middle, and is “highlighted” at the edges. The trunk in the dark parts will have a bluish-gray tint. It is also necessary to darken the bottom of the trunk a little.

Then we begin to work with dark spots. They must be applied over the entire area of ​​the trunk. If you plan to depict a young birch tree, then the spots should be placed horizontally; if the tree is older, then vertical bark defects predominate on it. Closer to the ground, there are more spots and cracks. At the very base of the trunk, their pattern is such that it gives the impression of a black, coarse cloth draped over the trunk. Don't paint the spots particularly carefully just yet. Just mark their location with light gray paint.

The outer side of the stain is slightly behind the wood, so the edges should be lighter. When lightening the edges, you need to pay attention to which side receives more light, this is where the spots need to be lightened. Vertical uneven lines inside the spot are needed to give a natural look. They must be painted with paint that is a tone or slightly lighter than the stain itself.

Inside the spot, on the side of the illuminated edge, it is necessary to add paint darker than the spot itself. In order for some paintedness to disappear, you need to shade the paint with a dry brush. Apply horizontal, soft lines along the entire trunk. For this, it is best to use a single brush, and black paint can be mixed with blue and white.