Types of posters. What types of electrical safety posters and signs are there? How to create an advertising poster yourself

In the modern world, a poster is something familiar that a person encounters several times a day and therefore has already learned not to react to it. However, just 100 years ago this thing was a curiosity and made everyone who saw it freeze in admiration and believe everything that was written on it. How did the poster come about? What is this? What types of posters are there? Let's find out about it.

The meaning of the word "poster"

First of all, it is worth understanding the definition of the noun in question.

Sometimes they are called posters or playbills.

Typically, such images are mounted on the walls and doors of buildings or in specially designated places. Some poster lovers cover their homes with them.

In a narrower sense, this word refers to a specific type of graphics.

Also, this noun was the name of one of the most famous propaganda publishing houses of the USSR, which existed from the mid-70s until 2006. Throughout this time, “Plakat” specialized not only in the production of products of the same name, but also in the printing of postcards, portraits, photographs, etc. . P.

Etymology of the term in question

Having learned the answer to the question: “What is a poster?”, it is worth considering the origin of this noun.

This word was first recorded in the Russian language in 1704. However, it began to be actively used only at the end of the 19th century.

It came to Russian from Latin, French and German. In the twilight of the Roman Empire, citizens often used the term placatum to describe advertisements.

Several centuries later, the verb plaquer (“plaster something”) was formed from placatum in French. And he, in turn, contributed to the emergence of placard.

The term was borrowed from the French by the Germans and slightly modified - das Plakat. It was in this form that this noun appeared in the Russian language and has been preserved to this day.

It is worth noting an interesting fact: in France today the term placard is used extremely rarely; instead, the word affich is relevant. And in English-speaking countries it is called a poster.

Features of posters

An image of this kind has a number of special features that distinguish it from others.

First of all, this is the purpose for which it is created: to attract the attention of others and inform them about something. In this regard, posters and inscriptions on them are usually made large and bright. In addition, they use a minimum of text so as not to bore observers with long reading and enable them to quickly understand the meaning.

As a rule, the inscription on the poster is some kind of catchy slogan (often with an element of humor or play on words) and the name of the product or service about which this image was made.

The history of the poster

Information and propaganda posters first began to be used by mankind back in Ancient Egypt. True, at that time posters were used to capture runaway slaves.

The Greeks and Romans turned out to be more practical and cultural. They used leaflets with pictures and text to communicate sales offers and also as theater posters.

The first poster (in its modern sense) was drawn by order of the British bookseller Batdold in 1482. With its help, the businessman tried to advertise the new edition of Euclidean Geometry.

After this, posters appeared quite rarely for several centuries. However, in the middle of the 19th century. French lithographer Jules Cheret decided to develop Batdold's idea. In 1866, he opened his own workshop in Paris, specializing in Cheret's enterprise, which was a huge success. In a couple of years, he created more than a thousand bright posters inviting people to attend performances or exhibitions. Each of his posters was a real work of art, and they were all made by hand. By the way, it was Shere who laid down the basic principles of the art of poster design, which have not lost their relevance today.

By the end of the 19th century. posters have become an integral part of any important event. At the same time, more and more often they began to be used not as posters, but for advertising some goods or services.

Residents of the Russian Empire during these years knew quite well what a poster was. This was due to the fact that in the last decades of the 19th century. the creation of advertising images became very popular in the empire. This is evidenced by the fact that during this period the World Exhibition of Posters and Playbills was held in Russia.

The use of political posters especially increased after the outbreak of the First World War. To encourage young men to volunteer for the front, as well as to encourage citizens to help the state financially, thousands of posters were printed and drawn in all European countries.

After the revolution of 1917, on the territory of the former empire, for several years only one type of propaganda images was created - a political poster. All heads of state understood its significance very well, so such products were often produced with the last money, instead of giving them to starving citizens.

When repairing, adjusting or installing electrical installations, it is very important to use special posters and electrical safety signs. They are designed to prohibit actions related to turning on or off devices, which in turn are used to supply/disconnect voltage. In simple words, various kinds of signs notify personnel that work is taking place in a certain area, so touching buttons, switches and machines is strictly prohibited. In addition, posters and safety signs used in electrical installations can be used to inform that a person is approaching a live object, or to indicate the workplace. In this article we will look at what types of posters and signs in electrical engineering there are, where they are used and what requirements apply to the places where they are installed.


So, prohibitory signs and posters in electrical installations include the following:

This entire list of posters is prohibitive and is used in the electric power industry. Please note that the products can be portable or stationary (installed once). An important requirement is that safety signs and posters must be made from electrical insulating materials. Metal plates may only be used if they are permanent and located at a sufficient distance according to the requirements from elements that may be energized.


Warning signs and posters are used to inform a person about approaching an area that is energized. This type of safety signs includes:


This type of safety posters and signs are designed to indicate the location of work in electrical installations, as well as the safe approach to it. The kit includes:


The only instructional poster is “Grounded,” which indicates that the electrical installation is grounded and no voltage must be applied to it. Installation location – drive of switching devices. If a prohibition and an instruction sign are used at the same time, the latter must be posted in the foreground.

So we have provided posters and safety signs used in electrical installations. Please note that it is allowed to increase the size of the plates when installing them on large equipment. In this case, the magnification must be done in a ratio of 2:1, 4:1 or even 6:1. You can get additional information about sizes in SO 153-34.03.603-2003. We hope you now know what types of electrical posters and signs are divided into, and what are the conditions of use for each classification.

When working with electricity, there is always a risk of electric shock for industrial personnel or home craftsmen. To prevent voltage from being mistakenly applied to electrical equipment during repairs and other work, special posters and electrical safety signs are used. There are not many of them, but their importance can hardly be overestimated (photo below).

Set of signs for working with electricity

Classification of posters

According to GOST rules, posters are divided into several groups:

  1. Prohibiting actions with switching devices (switching) in order to prevent voltage from entering current-carrying devices near the workplace. Labels are placed on switch control elements. The goal is to prevent contact with voltage from conductive elements at the work site.
  2. Warning about the close placement of live electrical equipment that poses a danger to others.
  3. Prescriptive actions in compliance with electrical safety requirements.
  4. Pointing for grounding a place in an electrical installation (location of portable grounding).

Posters are divided into portable and stationary. They are produced as signs from dielectric material (different types of plastic).

On electrical installations with exposed live parts, it is unacceptable to use portable temporary metal signs. At a distance from live elements, metal plates can be used on electrical installations.

Indications of signs can be applied with paints through a stencil. The image must be resistant to industrial conditions or weather conditions. At electrical installations, on overhead power lines (overhead power lines) made of concrete or metal, and other similar places, signs are painted or glued with film.

When visibility is poor, signs need to be illuminated. At the same time, the colors need to maintain their natural appearance without distortion.

Types of signs (sizes, shape, inscriptions) are developed in accordance with GOST and TU according to which they are manufactured.


  1. “Working under tension. Do not turn it on again"– to prohibit connecting the overhead line manually when the protection is automatically triggered, until the action is agreed upon with the line repair managers. Posters should be hung directly from the control elements of switching devices when performing repairs. Dimensions 50x100 mm, bordered with a 5 mm wide red stripe.
  2. "Do not turn on. People are working"– means prohibiting the connection of voltage to the facility where repairs are being carried out. The sign is hung on the control elements of switching devices. Dimensions 100x200 and 50x100; the border is the same, but can be 10 mm wide.
  3. "Do not turn on. Work on the line"– a prohibition notice is posted on the control elements of switching devices that provide connection to the line. The dimensions of the poster do not differ from the previous one, and also correspond to GOST.

Electrical safety prohibition posters

Graphically, the signs are designed as follows:

  • background white;
  • red letters and border;
  • with white edging.

The image indicated in the last paragraph of the above list is distinguished by a red background without border and white letters.


The signs inform about the presence of current conductors in electrical installations that are located nearby and pose a danger (Fig. below):

  1. “Stop! Voltage"(Fig. a) - posters used for substations (SS) and power plants (ES), on fences to conductive elements of closed switchgear (closed distribution installations). When working from below from the ground to the outdoor switchgear, signs are hung or fixed on structures near the work area and placed in the direction of passage to live elements. The background with the edging is white, the border with the arrow is red, the letters are black. Dimensions – 300x150. The arrow image is made in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026.
  2. “Don’t get in! Will kill"(Fig. b) – warning about the location of live electrical equipment at the top. The design of the sign is the same as in point 1. Dimensions – 300x150.
  3. "Trial! Life threatening"(Fig. c) - the poster is portable and warns that tests are being carried out, and also that there is a danger of electric shock if you are inside a fenced area. Dimensions – 300x150. The design is the same as the previous ones.
  4. "Dangerous! Electric field! Passage is prohibited without protective equipment."(Fig. d). The electric field generated by very high voltages (more than 330 kV) can also have a dangerous effect on humans when the voltage reaches 15 kV/m. The sign is permanent, located at a height of 180 cm on the fence of the site. Its dimensions are 200x100.
  5. "Carefully! Electrical voltage"(Fig. e) - a sign made in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026 - a warning about the danger of getting under voltage in electrical installations of substation and power supply systems, on the doors of transformer chambers, assemblies and switchboards, on the fences of current-carrying elements. The image is a triangle with an arrow and a black border on a yellow background. Dimensions for doors are from 80 to 360 mm, and for containers with equipment – ​​from 25 to 50 mm. On overhead line supports and outdoor switchgear fences, a border with an arrow is applied with paint, which should not be washed off. The background here is the base material.

Electrical Safety Warning Posters


Signs are used to designate approaches and places for repairs at electrical installations, where it is safe to:

  1. “Work here” is a sign to indicate a safe area.
  2. “Climb here” – indicates the path to climb to a height.

The poster is made as a white square with black letters and blue edging (pic. below).

Mandatory posters are used to indicate safe approaches and locations for work.


“Grounded” (Fig. below) – designation of the grounding location, shows that voltage supply to it is unacceptable. Suspended on the switching elements of switching devices. The plate is made as a blue rectangle with white inscription (GOST R 12.4.026).

Sign indicating grounding location

Video about electrical safety

You can learn more about electrical safety rules and regulations by watching this video.

Portable posters or signs are most often used. They are used when carrying out various works on electrical installations. Permanent posters are used less frequently. Electrical safety signs are installed only permanently.

According to GOST requirements, portable posters are installed from dielectric materials. Permanent posters and signs can only be metal if they are located away from live elements.

A poster is a large image, visible from afar, usually with a short advertising, informational, educational or propaganda text.

The main task of a poster is to attract attention and convey information through an image with a minimum amount of text, then the following requirements are imposed on it: the possibility of quick and undistorted perception at a distance, high information content of all elements (images, text) and presentation of information in such a way that it was perceived in a holistic manner and was remembered for a long time. For this reason, posters most often use images of objects, photographs of places or events, contour graphics and other similar images. Also very important is the correct selection of text information and the choice of the most suitable font, the choice of color and the competent choice of the place in which the elements of the poster will be located.

Posters are printed on a variety of materials: regular and photo paper, self-adhesive film, plastic, fabric, natural canvas and many other media. Poster sizes are usually standard sheets from A3 - 297x420 mm, to A1 - 594x841 mm. Less commonly, posters are printed on A0 paper – 841x1189 mm. To protect the surface from moisture and mechanical damage, the poster can be laminated or varnished with VD or UV varnishes. To more conveniently attach the poster to the surface, use double-sided tape, which is glued to the back of the poster.

According to their purpose, posters can be divided into three main types:

1 Posters for political propaganda. These posters, as the name suggests, are used by various political parties and movements during election campaigning as visual advertising for their candidate. This type of posters is in turn divided into.

In contact with


Advertising posters need to be designed correctly. They may or may not attract the audience's attention. Either way, posters represent your company. First you need to decide what information you want to convey to the public. Then try to write a short message. The fewer words the better. After that, add a concept, frame your message.

What is the history of the advertising poster

The first posters appeared in Ancient Egypt. Of course, ancient images have nothing in common with modern posters. As you know, slavery flourished in those days, but in rare cases slaves ran away from their masters. The latter needed to post information about what happened, for which advertisements were created. They are the “ancestors” of modern advertising posters.

Culture developed; in Ancient Greece and Rome, with the help of posters, the population was informed about upcoming performances and tempting trade offers. As a matter of fact, today we see advertising posters used for similar purposes.

Probably few people know, but the poster has an official birthday, or rather the year – 1482. Bookseller Batdold from England was the first to use an advertising poster for the new edition of “The Geometry of Euclid”. The first poster has not survived to this day; we can only guess what it looked like, but a copy from 1491 has survived. He advertised the chivalric novel La Belle Melusina. This poster is distinguished by the fact that for the first time erotic motifs were depicted on it.

At the end of the 18th century (in 1796), the German Alois Senefelder came up with a new method for printing images. The design began to be applied to a special stone using a chemical composition, then it was covered with paint, which remained only on the image. This method was much cheaper. Until 1860, advertising posters were printed on a white or colored background, but only with black ink.

The next important stage in the development of advertising posters is the discovery of the chromolithography method. It is a mistake to believe that it belongs to the Frenchman Godefroy Engelman, who in 1838 received two thousand francs for it. In fact, six years earlier, the Russian artist Korniliy Tromonin, using chromolithography, printed illustrations for a book about Prince Svyatoslav. The book sold 600 copies. In addition, Kornily Yakovlevich was the first to create albums with color reproductions of paintings.

The next significant year was 1865. At this time, printing technology became easier thanks to photochromolithography, invented by Baron von Ransonette of Austria. This method was based on a photographic image and made it possible to obtain almost any shade of blue, red and yellow. In this way, it was possible to make cheap reproductions that conveyed the artist’s natural colors.

In 1866, the graphic artist and set designer Jules Chéret from France founded a small lithograph in the country's capital. He determined what a poster should be - catchy (due to bright colors), concise and so that the text and image could be seen “on the go”, and attention could concentrate on the main thing. He designed more than 1,000 posters, mainly advertising exhibitions and masquerades.

At the end of the 19th century, in 1897, an exhibition of posters and posters was held in St. Petersburg, which attracted people from all over the world. A large number of artists came to this exhibition with their best works. It was visited by many spectators, everyone was impressed by what they saw. Thus, the poster received universal recognition.

During World War I, propaganda posters were used that encouraged young people to join the army, help the wounded, sign up for war loans, etc. This is where the history of the social poster began.

In 1917, posters became less and less advertising and became propaganda. Political posters appeared at this time. Artists of the early 20th century (Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Rodchenko, the Shtenberg brothers and El Lissitzky) tried to show in their paintings the social changes taking place in society at that time.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the USSR needed to mobilize all possible resources. One of the ways of calling was a poster. Soviet artists who worked on the TASS Windows project. The images were copied using stencils and hung in Moscow and other cities. We all know the poster “The Motherland is Calling!”, authored by I. Toidze. He appeared a week after the start of the war. The phrase was translated into all languages ​​of the peoples of the Soviet Union, and the circulation amounted to several million copies. I. Toidze depicted a generalized image of the Fatherland. A simple Russian woman is excited by everything that is happening and demonstrates an inviting gesture.

Social posters were very common, but don't forget about advertising posters. It is a mistake to assume that the advertising poster appeared in Russia recently. Its story begins in 1925, when a poster called on people to buy shares of the Dobrolet joint-stock company. The advertisement was very aggressive and read: “He is not a citizen of the USSR who is not a Dobroleta shareholder.” Nevertheless, this approach had a positive effect, since the capital of the joint-stock company increased 2.5 times over the year.

The Soviet economy was destroyed due to wars, and Soviet society suffered from revolutions. Advertising posters contributed to the development of both the economy and society. They promoted various products, including hygiene and healthy lifestyle items.

1) Lengiz

This is a poster from 1925, which depicts a Komsomol girl in a headscarf. This is exactly how Komsomol activists walked in the 1920-1930s. This poster calls for overcoming illiteracy in the USSR. Lengiz is the Leningrad State Publishing House. The authors of the poster are artist Rodchenko A.M. and photo reporter L. Brik.

2) Mosselprom

3) LED

SID - Sokolniki Correctional House, in which the Hercules oatmeal factory was located.

4) Yeast and alcohol

5) Rezinotrest

This poster was also designed by A. Rodchenko and V. Mayakovsky in 1923. He advertises that pacifiers for children were produced by Rezinotrest.

6) GUM

7) Magazine "Crocodile"

During Soviet times, the satirical magazine "Crocodile" was published. The advertising poster was created in 1925 by S. Senkin. The poster features a photo cartoon.

8) State plant "Zarya"

The poster was created by N. Shuvalov in 1926 and advertises cream soda - a drink of the 2nd state plant "Zarya", which operated in Rostov-on-Don. The man on the advertising poster tries the drink blindfolded, but nevertheless easily recognizes cream soda.

What types of advertising posters are used today?


For the theater, the main thing is the corpse and the game. Corporate style and individuality sometimes fade into the background. Some theaters don’t even have enough money for decorations and costumes for actors, so very little attention is paid to posters. Previously, posters were designed only in single copies. They were often created on their own. Over time, more and more theaters are financed by private individuals, and therefore theater posters are ordered in large quantities.

Information and advertising poster

Such a poster not only advertises, but also notifies the target audience about planned exhibitions, cultural events, etc. He offers specific products and services, uses certain points to attract public attention.

Political, propaganda poster

Before the First World War, political posters were used for commercial advertising purposes, but after that they began to serve more and more purposes. Political advertising appeared.

Among wartime posters, three groups can be distinguished:

  1. Conscription of soldiers into the armed forces.
  2. Raising funds for the war.
  3. Showing the whole world the face of the enemy.

War posters around the world were printed for two purposes: to inform the population about something and to arouse in them a negative attitude towards the enemy. Wherever the posters were created, in the USSR or Germany, they differed little in structure. During World War II, propaganda and political posters were actively printed all over the world.

Currently, in our country, on the eve of elections, various posters are created depicting candidates and their slogans. The designs come in a wide variety, using the latest developments to effectively influence voters.

Movie poster

The cost of making a film includes not only the cost of filming, but also the cost of running an advertising campaign. Posters are often used for these purposes. As a rule, several variants are produced, but with the same style and design. A movie poster should convey the main mood of the film and emotions.

Music posters

When a musician plans a tour, various products are prepared: T-shirts, stickers, badges, souvenirs, logos, posters with the image of a celebrity. Fans buy products before concerts, so products do not stay on display for long.

Typically, a music poster contains a portrait of the artist or band. Symbols with a certain meaning, graphics, etc. are applied to it. Sometimes posters are dedicated to a specific song.

Not all performers like to put their portrait on the poster. Often the basis is a graphic collage, a drawing, or abstract font compositions are printed.

Sports poster

Advertising posters are also used for sporting events, be it the Olympic Games or even a regional sports competition. Fans spare no expense in purchasing a poster with their idol. When developing sports posters, the psychology of fans is always taken into account; product design technologies fade into the background.

Social poster

Social media posters are usually designed in an edgy style so that people are sure to pay attention to it. The reader should retain in his head a specific image and thoughts that the creators put into the poster. As a rule, they succeed in their plans, and the poster hits a person’s perception. Such products, of course, will not change the world, but perhaps they will force people to change something in their lives.

How are advertising posters printed?

Printing methods for posters and banners:

1. Offset printing of posters and banners:

  • low cost of posters for large circulations;
  • high quality printing;
  • use of special paints.

2. Digital printing of posters and banners:

  • printing A3 posters in small editions;
  • urgent printing of posters in one day.

3. Large format printing of posters and banners

  • printing large format posters;
  • circulation from one copy;
  • high quality poster printing 720-1440 dpi.

Additional processing of posters and banners:

  • lamination of posters with matte and glossy laminating film;
  • use of UV varnish, selective and structural;
  • foil stamping on banners and posters;
  • embossing;
  • lamination (rolling onto foam board and plastic);
  • cutting – production of posters of individual shapes and sizes;
  • gluing double-sided tape to posters and banners;
  • installation of piccolo, eyelets, frames, holders;
  • racks, frames, profiles.

What is the most popular format of advertising posters?

A4 format. Size ≈ 21cm x 30cm

Such posters are suitable for small spaces; they are also used in multifunctional stands. The A4 format is ideal for placing educational or promotional information in a small area.

A3 format. Size ≈ 42cm x 30cm

As a rule, this format is used to post campaign information. It is suitable for any room. Typically, posters of this format are placed in corridors, on staircases, in laboratories, and also in production rooms. The material you can use is banner fabric or plastic. In this case, the advertising poster can be placed on the facade of the building.

A2 format. Size ≈ 42cm x 60cm

Educational material is presented on A2 size posters. Accordingly, they are located where training is carried out: in halls, classrooms, laboratories, etc.

A1 format, size ≈ 84cm x 60cm

Posters of this format are usually used for propaganda. They print large images and some text in large font, because it should be possible to read it from afar. If the posters are far from the eyes, then the fullness of perception is not lost. They are placed outdoors or in large spaces such as classrooms, lecture halls, auditoriums, and hallways.

Create a unique design, and specialists will process the images, the high quality of which is very important when printing. If you use excellent quality large format printing, you will get vibrant colors and your poster will last a long time.

A0 format posters = 841x1189 mm

This format can be used to print advertising posters and is also used for scientific and decorative purposes. From the A series, the A0 format is the largest. If you need to interest viewers at a long distance and present the material brightly, then it is better to use A0.

The poster can contain pictures, text, tables, and diagrams. They are used in clinics, at scientific conferences, and in educational institutions.

You can decorate a room with large posters if you print portraits, photos of landscapes, reproductions of paintings, frame them and hang them on the walls. In short, the A0 format is perfect for interior design.

But still, large posters are mainly used for advertising. Manufacturers order large quantities of A0 format posters and hang them in as many people as possible.

Where is advertising posters allowed?

You need to know the rules for placing outdoor advertising, but the peculiarity is that each city in Russia has its own rules. Let's consider the Moscow norms. In the capital, in 2013, rules were adopted according to which Moscow is divided into Center, North, South, West and East. Each territory allows certain types of structures.

There are very strict restrictions in the center of Moscow: screens, banners and 3x6 boards are prohibited.

Thirteen formats of outdoor advertising are allowed: media facade, supersite 15x5 meters, advertising on a public toilet/kiosk, at bus stops, balloon, cityboard 2.4x1.8 or 3.7x2.7 meters, superboard 12x4 meters, billboard 3x6 meters, stand for posters, balloon, poster stand, city format 1.2x1.8 meters.

Signs are allowed to be placed on buildings on the first or second floor, not higher. Streamers with logos are prohibited on balconies, canopies, stucco moldings of buildings, roofs, and columns in the center of Moscow. Company signs located in houses must be located only within the area of ​​the company premises, and the size cannot exceed half a meter in height and 60 percent of the length of the facade (but not more than 10 meters).

When creating a sign design, take into account the architectural features of the building in which the business is located. The advertising poster must fit into the urban environment. Various materials can be used, with stone, metal, glass and wood being preferred. It is prohibited to post contacts and advertising text.

Colored decorative panels are often used to display signage. In fact, this is allowed, but if your company is located in the city center, then it is better not to use the “underlay”, as it spoils the appearance of the building. Historical buildings are prohibited from being covered with decorative panels.

Since 2013, work has been underway to restore order in the outdoor advertising market. As a result, advertising decreased by seventy percent. Hundreds of obtrusive signs and approximately 40,000 advertising structures have disappeared from the streets.

What are the stages of creating an advertising poster?

Outdoor advertising must convey its message to the target audience. Motorists can only focus their attention on an advertising poster for 3-5 seconds, so the message must be as accurate and memorable as possible. If you focus on pedestrians, then they have more time - about half a minute.

For an advertising poster to be effective, you need to go through several stages. It is better to hire specialists for this, especially if you own a large brand. However, history knows many successful examples when advertising projects were developed by freelancers and were very successful.

The article will not touch on the marketing component; we will only consider the stages associated with communications.

Stage 1. Strategy.

Developing an advertising message begins with strategy. You need to understand how you can attract the target audience on a subconscious level (insight). Advertising communications will be based on this. In particular, the Apple brand uses such insight - “Think different!” That is, if you want to be different from everyone else, use Apple products. The Nike brand uses the “Just do it!” insight, which encourages you to prove to yourself that nothing is impossible in this world, you need to overcome self-doubt.

Stage 2. Creativity, art direction and copywriting.

Once you come up with a strategy, you need to generate advertising campaign ideas. They must correspond to the insight and meet the needs of the brand’s target audience, including aesthetic ones. At the second stage, the visual part is developed, the color scheme is determined, images and a slogan are invented.

Many ideas invented by creatives change beyond recognition at this stage, because all people imagine any image completely differently. Designers are engaged in giving pictures rigidity or flexibility, conservativeness or innovation, strength or lightness, aggressiveness or friendliness.

How to create an advertising poster yourself

If you yourself decide to develop an advertising poster for a company or some product, then it will take a lot of effort so that you are not only satisfied with the result, but also for this poster to work. Advertising should attract the attention of the target audience and create a positive image of the enterprise. To do this, you need to follow certain rules. Below are instructions for creating an advertising poster.

Step 1. Download and install the graphic editor. To create an advertising poster you need some kind of graphic editor. For example, Adobe Photoshop or Coral Draw. If you have already worked with any other program, then you can use it. Please note that the program must be purchased. If it turns out that the poster was made from a pirated version, you will be fined and the poster will have to be removed.

Step 2. We go through several lessons on mastering the basic functions of the editor. To create an advertising leaflet, you don’t have to study the program thoroughly, just understand the basic functions. If you study the tool well, then developing an advertisement will not take much time, and the project will turn out to be original.

Step 3. Start with an idea. First, create a layout, think over the main highlight so that the poster is attractive. It must have a specific thought that will attract attention or stay in the head for a long time, just like the advertisement itself.

Step 4. Let's draw 2-5 options, depending on the number of ideas you have. Create simple layouts, select pictures for them, sample fonts and think about where the text will be located. From the resulting layouts, select the three most successful in your opinion and modify them. Don't settle on one option, even if you think it's the best. Choose a few more, and you may find that one of them is more presentable.

Step 5. Don't forget to set the poster parameters at the very beginning of work. You need to know the dimensions of the advertising poster at the very beginning. If you design a poster in one size, and then, having found out the necessary parameters, stretch it, you will end up with a blurry drawing.

The best advertising posters: 5 components

1. Eye-stopper. This is what the consumer can “catch onto” in your advertising. To make an advertising poster memorable, you need to surprise and amaze the audience.

2. Poster title mandatory, it emphasizes the importance of advertising. The title should be written in a clear font and highlighted in a color that is very different from the background.

3. Brevity is the sister of talent. This rule also applies to advertising posters. Make the font large and easy to read; it should not compete with the title. And place a trademark or logo in the corner.

4. Contact information. Don't forget to place it on your advertising poster. Otherwise, where should a person who is interested in your offer turn? As a rule, it is located at the bottom of the poster.

5. Game of colors. It is better to use bright colors that catch the eye, otherwise your advertising will go unnoticed. Try yellow, it's easy to remember.

How much do custom advertising posters cost?

If you need an advertising poster in A1, A2 or A3 format, then its price depends on the method of production. There are two main options – offset and digital printing. It is difficult to say which one will be cheaper, since it depends on the number of copies and the time spent.

The price is influenced not only by technology, but also by the quality of the media. To find out the cost of a poster, poster or placard, decide what margin of safety of the product you need.

Regular paper is cheap, but if you are advertising on the street, it will not last long. Photo paper, vinyl film, etc. will be more reliable than plain paper.

Where and how to order an advertising poster

Are you thinking about where to order an advertising poster? Surely you want the materials to be of high quality, the prices to be reasonable, and the order to be completed on time? Then contact reputable printing houses, they will be able to satisfy all your requirements.

The SlovoDelo printing house is one of such companies. It has been on the market for more than 15 years and provides customers with high-quality advertising products. In addition to advertising, our specialists are engaged in packaging, producing calendars, POS materials, etc.

The SlovoDelo company works with its clients in stages:

1. Receive a request and estimate the cost.

To determine the price, provide the manager with the following information:

  • Do you have a ready-made advertising poster layout, or does it need to be modified, or even developed from scratch?
  • number of copies;
  • product format;
  • chromaticity (colorfulness);
  • paper type and thickness;
  • Is additional finishing required?

The SlovoDelo printing house accepts orders for the production of any edition of products.

2. Agreement and payment.

  • For the first order - prepayment of 100% by non-cash method.
  • For regular customers, other payment options are possible; the terms are discussed individually with your manager.