Maxim Postelny (Plazma): “Family for an artist is a grave.” Plazma: Russian romantics sing in English Max bed personal life

The Plazma group burst onto the airwaves of radio stations in 2000 almost instantly. The hits Take My Love, The Sweetest Surrender, Lonely, You"ll Never Meet An Angel, One Life are an amazing combination of English text and European high-quality sound for Russia. Meanwhile, the authors of these energetic melodies - Maxim Postelny and Roman Chernitsin - are simple guys from Volgograd Now they are going to turn their duet into a trio.

You are looking for a girl to join your team. For what?

Maksim: We have long wanted to have a couple of moving girls in the team. Well, or one girl who will play the keys, tambourine or harmonica. In a word, something bright and scenic. And then suddenly it became interesting how female vocals would sound within the Plazma group. Why not? There are a lot of girls singing! Unlike us, she could sing in Russian.

What should this girl look like?

Roman: Well, we don’t have strict requirements for appearance: blonde or brunette. The most important thing is that she is a person; she exudes special energy. We don’t yet know what our final choice will depend on... Maybe on vocal abilities or the ability to present oneself. Or maybe she will be something special in appearance.

Maksim: If she is a truly charismatic person, I am even ready to give her my place in the team. Is it true! The layout will be like this: in front is Roman, slightly approaching him on the line is a girl. Well, behind me, your humble servant. And behind me is the whole armada of musicians.

Was it difficult in Moscow when you arrived?

Roman: Yes, first year. When we left for Moscow, we were a very popular group in Volgograd. But in the capital no one knew us; in the metro, of course, they didn’t recognize us.

Maksim: The toughest part was that the girls didn’t throw themselves at their necks!

Perhaps the capital's stylists worked their magic on your stage images?

Roman: We have never had a stylist do something drastic with us against our wishes. We always try to listen to the stylist, but so that this does not contradict our inner feelings.

Maksim: I generally let my hair grow and grow, and when I got married, my wife immediately cut it off. Then another girl appeared, her hair became even shorter. When I become bald, know that I have achieved what I dreamed of! There are a lot of girls!

Roman is married to singer Irina Dubtsova. What about your personal life, Maxim?

Maxim: I'm free. I am in a creative search. I have no special requirements for a potential companion. It seems that she is blonde, height 180, 90-60-90, nose such and such, eye shape such and such. Only stupid girls are annoying.

How do you like to relax?

Roman: As a rule, we gather with a narrow circle of close friends and go to quiet places. When we have little time, we go to Volgograd; if we have a lot of time, we fly abroad. Lying on the beach for hours is the dumbest thing you can think of. If we are abroad, we rent a car and drive around the sights, climb mountains and waterfalls.

Maksim: Yeah, tell me how we got lost in Malaysia.

Novel: We were at the waterfall and decided to take a walk along the tourist route. But they made a mistake and took the path that led to the top of the mountain. We walked and walked, naively thinking that it would end any moment and we would return to the same place. In short, we climbed this mountain for three hours.

Maksim: And then we descended for four hours! Without water, under the scorching sun, through the jungle, wearing sandals. When we went down, we met a Russian. He looked up at the top and asked, “Have you been there?” We nodded. The tourist looked at us like we were idiots. This is vacation! And on the beach...

Is it common for you to do such crazy things?

Maxim: Only by mistake! We're on the wrong path! No, we are not very extreme people. We are not skydivers, surfers, or divers. Where we allow ourselves to go a little extreme is on the road. We love an active driving style. Thank God, the quality of the surface of Moscow roads allows this.

But what about kilometer-long traffic jams?

Maxim: Oh! I get mad in traffic jams, I start hitting the steering wheel, you know, like in the movies, honking. Then it goes away, and I stupidly drive in traffic. Well, how can you get used to sitting on a hot stove? I can't do this!

Novel: I'm more tolerant. I often sing in the car and write songs.

Do you remember what a fan did that surprised you?

Maxim: Roman’s shirt was torn.

Novel: Once journalists wrote that one fan tore my shirt, and I fastened it with pins, on this basis I felt like a designer and decided to model clothes. One girl took this information at face value. At one of the concerts, I decided that if she tore my shirt, I would be very happy and again accomplish a design feat. When I got close to the edge of the stage, she frantically began to pull at my sleeve. And she tore it off safely! I was very upset, it was my favorite shirt.

But communication with fans can also be pleasant?

Maxim: Recently, a girl fan gave me an encyclopedia about dragons. I'm such a hardened Tolkienist. A stunning book, covered in stones. Inside are all types of dragons, samples of their skin... Stunning! I will remember this gift for the rest of my life.

Did you have musical abilities since childhood?

Roman: I didn’t go to music school, unlike Max. His parents sent him there by force; he was a very undisciplined child. Is not it?

Maksim: Well, at first I wanted to go to music school, but then I lost interest. At this moment, parents supported the initiative: “What? The piano has been bought, go!” That's why I didn't quit.

Novel: In deep childhood, from the point of view of my parents, I did not show any signs of craving for music. But the parents still asked: “Do you want to go to music school?” I became hysterical, fell on the floor, kicked my legs... My parents came to the conclusion: he definitely doesn’t gravitate toward music. At school I had a B in singing. I drew cars in class and chatted with my neighbor.

Maksim: And I got a C in singing!

Novel: In the last year of school we ended up in the same ensemble. After finishing school, everyone went somewhere else. And Max and I were obsessed with the idea of ​​writing our own songs, singing in our own group. We thought it was very romantic.

If only there were a couple more hours in the day. What would you spend it on?

Maksim: For even numbers - sleep, for odd numbers - sex!

Could you go to a monastery?

Novel: No!

Maksim: Well, if for a couple of months...

To the women's?

Maksim: Yes! Great idea!

The Plazma group is unique in the domestic show business. Its participants dared to sing in English for a Russian-speaking audience and at the same time gained all-Russian fame. The group's first two albums sold more than a million copies, and their songs regularly topped the charts. Since the release of her debut album in 2000, “Plasma” has won almost all possible national music awards and was even awarded an award for the largest number of radio broadcasts. The Cleo correspondent discussed the news with group members Maxim Postelny and Roman Chernitsyn about their work and personal life.

We haven’t heard anything about the Plazma group for a long time, and even your official website has not been updated since spring. What is this connected with?

Blitz survey “Cleo”

Are you friends with the Internet?
Maxim: I have not been friends for long, but quite actively. For example, I am a big supporter of so-called “social networks”.
Novel: I'm friends.

Do you have a talisman?
Maksim: There is, and more than one, but I don’t like to say which ones.
Novel: No.

Did you have a nickname as a child?
Maksim: Yes, Chekist. I received it because at school I could easily solve the “ciphers” of secret notes that my classmates passed on in class.
Novel: By and large, there was no nickname.

What turns you on?
Maksim: Women. Especially smart women.
Novel: Love, creativity. Child.

Maxim Postelny: Well, our official website is a separate issue; it’s just undergoing a protracted rework. Well, as it happens: they paid people, but they only promise “Now, now, we’ll do everything...” - and do nothing. So the site will soon be new and active... And in fact, we have a lot of events going on. Due to the fact that we travel a lot, we rarely visit Moscow. And in order to “shine”, you need to be here, in the capital, so that you are constantly shown, invited to filming, interviews. And if you go to the studio to work, then you wear what is comfortable for you. And if you are going to some kind of party after this, then you need to go home and dress “secularly”. Oh come on.

Novel: Now we have a couple of days break, and we can get to some filming. If we regularly get up at eight in the morning, of course... But in general, we travel a lot, and we simply don’t have time to shine on the screen.

It's clear. In that case, tell us about the Plazma news.

Maksim: We're working! We are writing songs, planning to shoot videos. We have a new project called Telegram, which consists of all the members of Plazma plus two people - a bassist and a drummer. And even those “Plasma” songs that we perform in this project sound completely different.

Maksim: I go to a resort in Volgograd. And if you go to Volgograd and don’t start a romance, or even two, or even three, it means losing your trip.

Novel: As for me, I didn’t start it.

Maksim: Well, Roman leads a family lifestyle with us.

By the way, Roman, how is your relationship with Diana Younis developing?

Novel: They are developing well. By the way, she and I met in this cafe (“De Marco” - author’s note), where we are sitting now. Diana was then the lead singer of the VIP group, and it so happened that with this group we had a common PR director, and she very often pulled me and Diana to all sorts of social events. That's how we got along with her.

Do you live together?

Novel: Yes.

Are you thinking about having a child together?

Novel: They arise, but we are not making any concrete plans yet.

How often do you see your son Artem? Do you consider yourself a good father?

Novel: As often as possible. Just half an hour ago I broke up with him. I try to take part in his upbringing as much as I can, and in this sense there are no obstacles or problems. As for whether I am a good father, I would like to refuse to comment here. I believe that a child should ideally live with two parents, including his father. I don’t have the opportunity to be with him as long as I would like, so there will certainly be some gaps in my father’s upbringing, as well as in my mother’s. The child lives here and there...

Maxim Postelny, what’s going on on your personal front? I remember there were many reports in the press about your affair with Alena Vodonaeva, what is your relationship now?

Maksim: I loved, love and will love Alena, unconditionally. Well, what kind of relationship can we have after she got married... Friendly. Like with a person who got married.

Do you have any permanent relationships?

Maksim: Eat. Some. And all are permanent. Place a remark somewhere that says “he’s joking,” otherwise not all of my regular relationships know about each other, and I might get “cuffed in the horns.” (Laughs).

Maxim, once in an interview you said that the institution of marriage has long outlived its usefulness. So you're not going to get married again? Never ever?

Maksim: So let's say this can happen only if everything happens very quickly and I lose control of the situation. Like: we met today, and tomorrow we’ll go to the registry office. If I have time to think for at least two days, then never!

How do you take care of yourself? Do you go, say, to fitness?

Maxim Postelny: I believe that sex can keep anyone in great shape. Many hours. This requires much more effort and energy than any exercise machine. For example, I haven’t been going to fitness for six months now...

Novel: I want to state that I strongly condemn this position. Otherwise it will turn out that he is carrying all this, and I kind of agree. It is clear that a sane person cannot take this seriously.

Maksim: And now the remark is more traditional, because what I said before is unlikely to come across in an interview. You need to lose weight not in the gym, but at the table. People, learn to eat properly. Avoid mayonnaise, ketchup, Coca-Cola, all fast food...

Has your group been affected by the economic crisis?

Maksim: No, I didn't touch it. The work schedule just changed a little: we started performing less at corporate events, and we perform more in clubs. The type of activity has just changed a little.

Novel: For example, this makes me happy. Because people come to clubs who came to listen to us, unlike corporate events, where someone ordered us, and everyone else is forced to endure. These changes are nice. In addition, we are pleased with the number of people who come to listen to us.

Who in your group writes the lyrics and who writes the music? Or is it collective creativity?

Maksim: The lyrics are written by Roman, and the music is a collective creation. True, I am more involved in producing in the future - mixing and so on. Although we also do this together.

Not long ago there were reports in the press that when you were in Kyiv, you sang a duet with Andrei Yushchenko, the son of the Ukrainian president, and in general became very good friends. Tell us about it.

Maxim Postelny: Yeah, I read that crazy article too. In fact, we were just sitting in the same club where there was karaoke. There Roman performed his songs, and Andrey performed his. There is something duet in this, of course, but we didn’t sing together. And then, leaving the club, we said goodbye to him. This can probably be considered as “making friends.”

Novel: By the way, congratulations to him on his marriage to a beautiful girl who will certainly be a kind, good wife to him.


Maxim Postelny: “There was no concept. We just tried to do everything the same way as our foreign idols.”
Roman Chernitsyn: “The fact is that we started writing our first songs back in our school years. And then there could be no talk about the situation or format. Music only later became our job, which brings in little money.”

Roman Chernitsyn: “We spent a lot of time proving that this is absolutely normal.”
Maxim Postelny: “Our country is jingoically patriotic, and for any reason. That’s why it’s still hard for us. And it’s never been easy. Why do we perform songs in English? Yes, because we can do it, as it seems to us , good. The voice is an instrument. And English fits well with music. After all, in the West no one really listens to the text."

Maxim Postelny: “We ended a five-year contract with him. So we worked honestly all these years for the common good. As they say, from bell to bell. After we became free, we felt the strength to move on on our own. When spouses live "We've been together for a long time, then during a divorce, the division of property does not always happen peacefully. It seemed to Dima that everything was fine, but we saw that what was happening was unfair. The main thing is that everything ended well."

Maxim Postelny: “Who do the French, Irish, and Germans send? Unprofessionals! And it’s not very pleasant when our top artists compete with biology teachers.”
Roman Chernitsyn: “And it often happens that they don’t look their best against their background.”
Maxim Postelny: “It’s not even that. They just treat this competition lightly and freely. But here it’s like they send people into space. Like athletes to the Olympics. Only victory! Forward, Russia! And what kind of competition can there be when this competition - pure taste? There, victory does not always depend on the quality of the song. Everything depends on the geopolitical situation in the world. Therefore, from this point of view, the competition is no longer very interesting. How can you say which song is better and which is worse? Only time can tell ". This is the first reason why we don’t particularly strive to go there. And the second is that we don’t decide this, everything is done by specially trained people with budgets. And if in Russia something has a huge rating and resonance, then the big show sharks do it business."

Roman Chernitsyn: “I just got divorced this year.”
Maxim Postelny: “Are you really divorced?”
Roman Chernitsyn: "In what sense?"
Maxim Postelny: “It’s official.”
Roman Chernitsyn: “What does officialdom have to do with it? It doesn’t matter at all. I broke up with the person I lived with. Therefore, this year I’m unlikely to have time to start a family or have a child. But next year I’ll try.”

Maxim Postelny: “Family for an artist is a grave!”
Roman Chernitsyn: “But I don’t share his views. This is nonsense. You can’t generalize like that in any way. All people are different.”
Maxim Postelny: “And I told you about myself.”
Roman Chernitsyn: “For some it’s a grave, for others it’s an incentive and inspiration.”

Maxim Postelny: “Initially, we just wanted to attract a girl to the group. We were interested in collaborating with a person who had established himself as an individual. And a song was created based on the story created. Within the framework of this project, we were able to take the liberty of singing in Russian. But you can’t to say that "Plasma" sang in Russian. And then, it was not a duet story, then we would really invite a real artist."

Maxim Postelny: “Girls, music, drugs! (Laughs.) Just kidding! Roman, how do you relieve stress? Do you drink?”
Roman Chernitsyn: "What?"
Maxim Postelny: “Roman drinks, and I, naturally, go to the climbing wall, to the gym, to the pool. The fact that Roman drinks is also a joke. (Laughs.)”
Roman Chernitsyn: “Aha! We already made a joke once! In one magazine I was exposed as a complete alcoholic. My mother was in shock! They wrote that I like to drink vodka around the corner, in the alley and from the throat! And about Max they wrote that He doesn't drink at all! Is that normal?"
Maxim Postelny: “Well, I know what to say. And you decided to joke.”
Roman Chernitsyn: “Yes, I was joking. And it turned out that I was drinking myself in the gateways!”

It is simply impossible to confuse the Plazma group with anyone else in the Russian world of show business. This is the only group in the country that performs songs of its own composition exclusively in English. Plazma is Roman Chernitsyn (vocals, music, lyrics) and Max Postelny (backing vocals, keys, music, arrangement). They met in a school group in Volgograd, after which they created their own duet “Slow Motion”. Their first success came when they were invited to work in nightclubs and discos. Then there were big concerts at city holidays and at the local Sports Palace, girls standing at the entrance, painted walls with declarations of love, a constantly ringing phone.

Roman Chernitsyn and Max Postelny happily answered our questions.

Guys, this is not your first year in the scandalous world of show business. Tell me, what qualities should an aspiring artist have in order to survive in the musical jungle?

Max: First, you should ask yourself the question - why do you want to get into show business? In general, the advice is universal for any business - you need to have talent, luck and work hard.

Novel: It all depends on the person’s goal - someone just wants to be on stage, no matter in what capacity, and someone wants to engage exclusively in their creativity, like us. In the first case it is easier - if you are good-looking and have vocal and choreographic abilities, there is a chance to be noticed. But if you are confident in yourself as a composer and performer, this is more difficult. For a breakthrough you need a hit that millions will love; it requires talent and intuition. If this is not the case, then even determination is sometimes not enough. Don’t forget about the financial side of creativity - in order to convey your creativity to someone, you need money, this is no secret to anyone. A reasonable question: where can I get them? Basically, there are two options - find an interested producer or sponsor. But, in any case, you need to be aware that the money invested will have to be returned.

You are a male group that recently acquired a soloist - Alena Vodonaeva. Weren't you embarrassed by her scandalous reputation, which could negatively affect the image of your group?

Max: Our fruitful cooperation continues to this day. We were not at all afraid of ruining our reputation, because Alena may be scandalous only in the media, but in reality she is beautiful. Now we are going to record our second single together.

Novel: Yes, we continue to be friends and we don’t give a damn about the fact that someone thinks that she has a scandalous reputation. In life she is sweet, and we prefer not to listen to public opinion, which is formed by the yellow press.

- Nowadays many artists suffer from star fever. Are you by any chance starstruck?

Max: We definitely don’t suffer from star fever. Some artists may be susceptible to it, but I will never say bad things about a person behind his back. I just want to note that ordinary people also suffer from the asterisk.

Novel: No one but us suffers from star fever, only we are susceptible to this disease! We turned to psychologists and various specialists, because we are always in unrealistic pathos. This is a joke, just in case. No, we don’t have star fever. As for other artists - it’s difficult for me to say anything about them - everyone behaves adequately with us. It’s just that often journalists or fans mistake ordinary fatigue for star fever. Few people understand that it is really hard to be a recognizable person, always in sight. As soon as the artist allows himself to demonstrate fatigue, he will immediately be accused of arrogance. Often you just want to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, and at this moment those around you demand attention and smiles. And if you don’t answer at least one of these requests, everyone will decide that the artist has become a star.

- As public people, you are always the objects of all kinds of gossip and rumors...

Max: I don't believe gossip. My reaction to gossip about me is that if they say it, it means they remember it.

Novel: I don’t believe rumors, because from my own experience I know what percentage of truth there is in them. Despite the fact that I’m used to all sorts of nonsense in the yellow press, sometimes they’ll write something that’s really offensive and unpleasant. Basically, of course, this concerns personal life. A year ago, when I was going through a divorce, I read so many things that were very upsetting. No matter how hard I try to abstract myself from it, it still hurts. Even my colleagues at work sometimes believe this. It's a shame that people think worse of a person than he is because of gossip.

- What about friendship? What do you value in people? Maxim, are you still on

Max: Who has a lot of real friends?! Friendship is a strange, all-encompassing concept. I am firmly convinced of one thing - a friend is a friend in need. I still use classmates, but I have almost no time to communicate through this service. I don’t even have time to add all my new friends, let alone messages. Friends, please don't be offended! As soon as I have time, I will answer everyone.

Novel: It's hard to define exactly what friendship is, but I've been pretty damn lucky in my life with friends. I have few of them, most of them are childhood friends from the 80s. Communicating with them is a great joy for me; with them I can be myself and behave the way we behaved 20 years ago. It seems to me that such feelings of comfort and coziness prolong youth.

- Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

Max: I believe if an unattractive woman and a man are friends. If she is beautiful, then there will be sexual overtones in any case, but whether it comes to life or not is a completely different matter.

Novel: More likely yes than no, although this is rarely found in its pure form. In my opinion, such relationships are still based on the sympathy of at least one partner for the other. Although it is impossible to speak for everyone, all people are different, such friendships can happen. Gay men tend to be great friends with women.

- What does a woman want? Why a man?

Max: A woman wants stability, and a man wants search. The question is to ensure that these conflicting needs are in harmony in a relationship.

Novel: I think it is impossible to give a general answer to this question, because all people have different priorities. It is clear that everyone wants happiness and love, but everyone expresses this differently.

- I wonder if fame interferes with communicating with women?

Max: It doesn’t interfere with communication; on the contrary, it even helps. But in choosing a life partner it creates some difficulties. I want my companion to be independent and independent. In this matter, I am of the opinion: “I wish your wife to love you even when you are poor.”

Novel: I would beware of the word “fame”; “fame” is closer to me. No, it doesn’t bother me, on the contrary, it helps. The famous person has a large social circle due to constant concerts and meetings. Plus, when a person is visible, they show increased interest in him, so I always have a large choice of those with whom I want to communicate.

Recently, some Internet portals wrote that you bet three thousand dollars on who would be the first to tie the knot. It is known that Roma has an affair with Diana Younis. Max, don't you think this novel has commercial overtones?

Max: Yes, it's true, we argued, but I think because of three thousand they won't get married. I am now alone and in search of a normal independent person, who, as it turns out, is difficult to find. I want to find a woman for whom money is not the main thing.

Are you going on tour to Azerbaijan? Are you familiar with Azerbaijani culture, which of our singers do you know or have heard of?

Max: I periodically listen to Azerbaijani music, but, alas, I don’t know anyone by name. Regarding concerts, if they invite you, we will be happy to come.

Novel: Unfortunately, we are practically not familiar with the Azerbaijani stage. Of course, we all know Muslim Magomayev, but we don’t know any of the modern artists. We were in Baku once, a long time ago, it seems, in 2001, and we really liked the city: its beauty, its atmosphere, and a very warm welcome, I remember the concert was very positive. As for plans to come, this does not depend on us, but only on you, the organizers, we will gladly come to you.

- Your wishes to the readers of the site.

Max: Health, more money, so that your loved ones are in order, and also joy - this distracts from other problems.

Novel: A spring mood, so that the crisis affects less, or better yet completely bypasses, peace, love, and, of course, happiness.

Most often, musical groups have a clear leader who represents the group at meetings and interviews. And there are those who prefer to remain behind the scenes. The second category, of course, includes Maxim Postelny, a modest musician, keyboardist, arranger and backing vocalist. The group had a bright highlight - they dared to sing in English for a Russian-speaking audience, and at a time when this was a novelty.


In 1972, a potential musician, Maxim Postelny, was born in the city of Volgograd. The beginnings of talent in the boy were immediately visible. He was enrolled early in a music school to study piano. After school, Maxim Postelny entered the School of Arts. Already during his studies, he was a keyboard player under the leadership of Andrei Tryasuchev, who was the author of the material. At that time, the band broke up, but cooperation with Tryasuchev opened up new prospects for the young keyboard player. At the age of 16, Maxim Postelny met Roman Chernitsyn, with whom he founded the group "Plasma" and recorded his first hit tune - Take My Love. The mastery of the arrangement was demonstrated, and then all the melodies to Chernitsyn’s texts were composed exclusively by Maxim. The members of the group immediately decided that all songs in the group’s repertoire would be only in English. According to the musicians themselves, this fact is evidence that they are fans of Western progressive music. In addition, the guys wanted to demonstrate the ability of Russians to make high-quality music.


Maxim Postelny turned out to be a creative person. His biography is very interesting, and its bright moments only confirm this opinion. For example, at the end of 2001, members of the group shot a video with the participation of cats of the breed. After the cute clips, stories followed with the plot of a real action movie, and with the participation of Dmitry Malikov, who, to put it mildly, is difficult to fit into such a genre. The group's second album - "607" - became more serious and demonstrated the growth of the guys. The album is distinguished by its lyricism, and the songs on it seem to be a serious step forward. Since 2003, the geography of the band's tours has expanded - the group visited Vietnam, Finland, France and the Baltic states. The clips became more philosophical. In the center there were now stories about salvation, life, choice. Western DJs showed interest in the tracks. In 2007, a joint track with Alena Vodonaeva appeared - “Paper Sky”. In 2009, the group “Plasma” had a very real chance to go to the Eurovision Song Contest, but at the last moment their luck ran out.

Among other things

In parallel with the development of the group, Maxim Postelny felt growth. He starred in the short film “Cognac” by Alexander Gritsenko, where he played almost himself, that is, a successful, handsome and rather romantic guy. In 2010, together with Roman Chernitsyn, Maxim took part in the “Rich and Famous” program, where the guys talked about recording a new album and plans for the future. A year later, Maxim starred as a guitarist in Dominic Joker's video. Bed is a very versatile guy. He loves Western music, is interested in ceramics and martial arts, and thanks to the latter hobby he maintains excellent athletic shape. In his free time he prefers to go to the climbing wall. Maxim sincerely loves his native Volgograd, admires Suzdal, and seeks inspiration in the beauties of London.

From personal experience

What can you find out about the mysterious person who, without a doubt, is Maxim Postelny? His personal life does not grace the front pages of the tabloids, although the guy actively uses the Internet, has many friends and has even been seen in some provocative relationships. Maxim himself admits that he is interested in smart girls, but at the same time he is not against holiday romances, and notes that a vacation without a couple of romances is wasted. Mentions of Maxim Postelny’s connection with Alena Vodonaeva often appear online. Maxim sincerely assures everyone of his friendly feelings, mentioning that Vodonaeva herself is in a relationship with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Maxim’s former relationship with Alena began in a work environment. With the help of her boyfriend, Vodonaeva became a member of the Plasma group. The girl admitted more than once that Bestelny was a real gentleman and that she was truly happy with him. Are such perfect relationships a thing of the past? Time will tell.

When you have a moment to rest

An incredible workaholic with an interesting character - this is exactly how Maxim Postelny positions himself. His height, weight, and even his train of thought have changed over the years, but his main goal has remained the same. Max always wanted to be close to music. It is his drug and his greatest pleasure. Bed's lifestyle is close to completely healthy; He is actively involved in sports, which is why he has gained a little weight in his muscles. Now he is credited with about 80 kg of weight and 177 cm of height. Max fell in love with the classic style, but with some concessions. He wears suits with original ties and does not consider himself a clothes maker. He is not enthusiastic about vegetarianism, but tries to eat a balanced diet. In his free time, Maxim communicates with friends, among whom he confidently includes his bandmate Chernitsyna.

What will happen next?

"Plasma" remains on the horse, and one of the reasons is following its star. Maxim Postelny writes excellent music, and the guys recently released a new video for Tame Your Ghosts and promise that a new album is coming soon. In Postelny’s personal life, everything is quiet and changes. I have a daughter. He got divorced more than ten years ago and since then has been in no hurry to go to the registry office again. Now he is a successful young man, ready for promising relationships and fruitful work.