Eniology is a new science about energy-information exchange. The truth about the sect "eniology"

Eniology is the science (pseudoscience) of energy-information exchange occurring in nature and society. Its creators and popularizers believe that everything that happens in the environment interacts with a person, having a direct impact on him.

The concept of “enio” was introduced in 1989 by F. R. Khantseverov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, former GRU colonel. He wrote several volumes of books, explaining from the point of view of eniology such phenomena as clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, UFOs, poltergeists.

What does eniology study?

Information, torsion, biological fields, energy channels, field structures are included in the field of view of the new science, the purpose of which is to study and disclose these concepts. Eniology takes a comprehensive approach to all processes occurring on our planet and in space, using various methods of obtaining information, including from the subtle worlds, cosmic intelligence (egregors, various levels of hierarchs, etc.).

Practical application of new science

Eniology, as a science, although not recognized by most scientists, explains the causes of physical and mental illnesses in humans. Followers of F.R. Khantseverov believe that well-being directly depends on lifestyle, emotions, actions, thoughts. For example, stomach diseases are provoked by frequent grievances, kidney diseases - by longing for dead people. Diseases associated with gynecology arise due to fortune telling of any kind. Problems with the spine indicate that a person is taking on an unbearable burden (in a figurative sense).

Studying energy informatics and applying it in practice allows us to eliminate many problems that negatively affect people’s health and life circumstances. Eniologists believe that anything can harm the human body, for example, encounters with UFOs or other unexplained phenomena. At the ENIO centers, which deal with neutralizing adverse effects, any person is offered assistance, including remote assistance. Work to eliminate various problems is called correction.

How does it happen? In simple terms, eniologists enter a person’s information channel and find the causes of problems in his field. After this, an appropriate program is put in place to eliminate any event that affects life and health. The impact occurs through sensory (energy) and thought forms. By correcting behavior and mental activity with the help of an eniologist, and then on their own, people forget for a long time or forever about various difficulties that interfere with a full life.

Eniologists are confident that human possibilities are practically limitless. But they have not been sufficiently studied by traditional science, so they are almost never used for the purpose of improving health or solving problems in other areas of life. Meanwhile, using the methods used in eniology, you can gain not only excellent health, get rid of many problems, but also move to a higher level of spiritual and material development. This applies to both the individual and the universe as a whole.

Theory about alien intervention in earthly life

An interesting theory is about the influence on the lives of people of aliens conducting various experiments on earthly inhabitants. It is possible that to many such a statement will seem complete nonsense. But eniology takes the topic of aliens very seriously. Therefore, one of the areas of the new science is ufology, which studies anomalous phenomena, including UFOs. For example, eniologists believe that religion is an alien program that spreads and propagates obscurantism throughout the world. By imposing various religious views on people, higher intelligent beings thus pose a great threat to the earthly community. His spiritual, moral and social values ​​suffer.

The penetration of alien civilizations is also dangerous for health, since an incorrectly oriented society, from the point of view of eniology, cannot be full-fledged, both physically and mentally.

Adherents of the science of energy-information exchange believe that there are numerous alien programs operating on our planet relating to economics, politics and other areas of life. With the help of extraterrestrial technologies, people are shown holograms: UFO flights, ghosts and other inexplicable phenomena. According to eniologists, the heads of many states lead their people at the direction of their “brothers in mind.”

A natural question arises: why are aliens doing this? Eniology tries to answer this question, to understand and explain why earthlings are punished. Apparently, for the mistakes made by humanity over the centuries. By endlessly fighting, killing each other throughout history, people are destroying the world in which they live. It is necessary to realize the mistakes and take the path of correction. In this case, the aliens may leave earthlings alone, seeing in them intelligent beings worthy of a better life.

Only posterity will see what actually happens. It is possible that in the future eniology will be recognized and will not be called a self-proclaimed pseudoscience. So far it does not fit into the traditional framework of academic knowledge.

Let's look at the chapter “Oh, this wedding. There is another “fun” magical ritual: a wedding. In order to implement it in life, the System had to organize material and monetary relations during the evolution of earthlings. Without this, nothing would have worked.

The entity whose projection on Earth is man is asexual. Separation by gender begins on the lower mental plane: the so-called male and female logic. Naturally, on the astral plane these differences are already fully expressed, as well as on the physical plane. In the future, the consequences of astral “mixing” or astral “overlapping” of male and female, human and animal will be considered. These processes, necessary for the System, could not be launched without wedding rituals.

If there were no various failures organized by the System, then the entity would come out as male and female halves simultaneously and in the same metacode
Male and female halves of the essence
Then these halves would unite naturally. A good example is Romeo and Juliet. Such integral entities are practically inaccessible to the System. Therefore, in the Field of Events the System is doing everything to prevent the halves from uniting. Remember how this sad story ended.

The introduction of material-monetary relations made it possible in society to create the need to unite halves of different entities. “You, Tanechka, are smart, with a higher education. And he is not a match for you at all. We will marry you the minister’s son!” But forcibly uniting halves of different entities simply does not work. This requires a magical ritual. Religion has taken on this function. At the wedding
. Wedding
there is a union of halves of different entities. At the same time, the exit into birth of those who were supposed to go into materialization is blocked and, on the contrary, access is opened for those who should not have been born on Earth - “not recorded in the Book of Fates.” This is adultery! Typical situation. She, the mother of three children, lived in the family for thirty years. Business trip to another city. She saw him. He saw her. No words were needed. Everything is clear. They finally met! And then let the crowd discuss: how did she dare to leave her family, children, work and go to that man forever...

You have to pay for everything. Money is paid for the wedding of the priest. At the same time, the system takes away potential. In addition, the wedding ceremony is used for the karmic transfer of oncology from those in power to those getting married and their environment. The crowns that witnesses hold over the heads of those getting married during the ritual, from an eniological point of view, are the oncology program. If earlier this program of karmic transfer was turned on after decades, now it is enough just to wish to go get married. The Dying System uses every chance to prolong its agony.

Currently, this magical ritual has been transferred to regular marriage registration. Notice what a “bright” mind thought of calling this a marriage! “Grooms, come to the table and sign your name.” A stamp in a passport or a wedding certificate is necessary for a material link to the monetary system. This lays out in advance a program for the breakdown of the family: who will get what in the event of a divorce.

It is clear that a family is not created when a priest or a registry office employee announces it. Creating a family is a decision of two people, two halves of one entity. And no one has the right to interfere with this. Those who oppose the creation of someone else's family automatically do not want the birth of children in this family. And you have to pay for this with oncology or stroke with subsequent paralysis. Therefore, advice to everyone: never interfere in someone else’s life! Even if they are your children.

After registration, it is customary to arrange a real feast: the more people, the better. It is clear that both well-wishers and envious people gather at the same table. When making a toast, the mental image of wishes is written down on alcohol and all products. A person can eloquently wish out loud happiness and all the best, and at the same time mentally: “Here you go, they threw a wedding for 200 people. Where did they steal so much money? May you all be empty!” The fewer people present at the wedding, the better.

Different nations perform this ritual in their own way. But the magical elements of this ritual are almost everywhere the same. Let's consider a typical southern Russian version.

Special buns called “bumps” are served to guests on a tray one by one. At the same time they say: “Dear guests, take away all the hardships and adversities from our young people!” In other words, this is a karmic transfer from the newlyweds to the guests. Guests should drink a glass of vodka and put a gift on the tray.

According to the script of the ritual, the bride’s shoe must be stolen and the “friend” must find it or buy it back. After that, he must drink champagne from this shoe. Remember Papus’s biological recipe for taming an animal? In the same way, through this ritual, the “taming of a friend” is carried out - the program of a “love triangle” is laid for the collapse of the family in the future. Nobody thinks: “that’s how it should be”!

Not everyone has enough money for a luxurious wedding, and therefore they rent wedding suits or from friends. The bride put on the veil of her friend, who had already divorced after the wedding, and together with the veil she wrote down the divorce program in her Information Fields. As already mentioned, you cannot attribute human addresses to things. Things are just things. Especially when performing magical rituals. It’s better to completely abandon all these wedding hand wraps with a towel, special super-expensive disposable clothes, numerous gluttonous guests and other useless nonsense. You will live happier.

The introduced custom of burying dead girls and women in wedding dresses also imposes a colossal negative impact on the wedding ritual! It was necessary to think of such a thing: marriage with death!

In rural areas, the entire village prepares for the wedding. The ubiquitous witch grandmothers also take part in this turmoil. They come running themselves and offer their services. They also helpfully rush to funeral events. Repeatedly I had to deal with situations where these grandmothers quietly added water to wedding dishes after washing the deceased. Some did this by order: for example, a neighbor who was not invited to the feast because of a scandalous situation that had occurred asked him to make it so that everyone would remember it. Other witches do this out of “love of art.” They can't live without doing bad things. There will definitely be a little granny at a wedding who will advise the bride and her friends to give their husbands or boyfriends a “wedding cocktail”: “Add three drops of menstruation to a bottle of red wine and let it drink. It will be yours until the grave!” The man then begins to drink heavily and beat his wife, trying to free himself from his wife’s embedded astral plan. Everything returns to normal. Now this magical ritual has taken on a catastrophic scale.

Three friends came to the Center for correction. Their whole life was going topsy-turvy and they were tormented by illnesses from which they could not recover. It all started abruptly and for all three of them at the same time. During the correction, it turned out that the cause of their problems was a love spell ritual. While still at school, they decided to test how it works. They took turns adding their periods to the same bottle of wine and gave a drink to a classmate at a party. The guy then ended up in a mental hospital. For this, karmic responsibility arose among the friends.

If now you yourself analyze similar events in your life, you will remember a lot of “wonderful” things in the wedding magic ritual. In order for magical programs to turn on better, stress is necessary. Therefore, according to the script, the wedding should end in a fight or scandal.

Many people now ignore the rules established by the System and live in a civil marriage. He and she just got together without any wedding and live happily. They are not going to get a divorce and divide their children and property.

Before throwing a chic, pompous wedding, think again about whether you need it.

Often, when conducting classes at the school of applied eniology, the author was asked almost the same question: “Is everything really so bad on our planet? After all, there are beautiful works of art, architectural masterpieces...”

Perhaps many years of exhausting work with patients has left a corresponding mark, but, in the author’s opinion, it is almost impossible to find on Earth any sphere of human activity that does not contain a negative factor.

Throughout the entire known period of history, humanity has been intensively developing ways and methods of self-destruction. And, first of all, through magical rituals. It is almost impossible to meet a person who has never told fortunes, summoned spirits, or cast a spell in his life. Especially in recent years, a magical epidemic has swept through all levels of society. Even if a person faces specific negative consequences of witchcraft, it is still difficult for him to give up this bad habit.

You explain to the patient that the reason for his illness is that he lit a candle in church “for health”, that this is a ritual of destructive magic, that thereby he introduced an envoltation program for himself and his loved ones, and he comes a week later and declares :

Your treatment only lasted three days!

Did you go to church again?

Yes. After your session, I went and put a candle on Pante-leymon so that your treatment would help better. I felt very good for three days. Nothing hurt, and then:
Sorry, I think or this could have been written by a person who doesn’t give a damn about the foundations of society or a person who was very unlucky with the female gender, that’s why he attacked everything related to love and marriage so furiously. How do you have to hate religion and God to write like that? It’s just what then Satan in human form

The most ancient people knew much more about the world around us. They knew that the world was multidimensional, they knew how to listen to nature, and felt the vibrations of the Universe. Unfortunately, modern man has lost these abilities given to each of us. The ancient science of eniology will help refresh your genetic memory, tell you about the energy-information exchange between people and the Cosmos, and reveal the secrets of the mysterious phenomena that we constantly observe around us: UFOs, ghosts, phantoms. From the book you will learn how not to fall for the bait of an energy vampire, why UV doubles appear, why some diseases cannot be cured by modern medicine, and much, much more. Learn new things, discover the secrets of the invisible world and believe in miracles.

What is eniology?

Everything wonderful, mysterious and unusual has always attracted people. Do UFOs and poltergeists exist, is it possible to see the future, learn to fly, move objects with the help of thought, is there life after death, does everything good and bad come back... These and other similar questions haunt people and push them to master the invisible. Man is a curious creature; he has always strived to see what is beyond the real. Moreover, is it so well known where this line is?

Eniology is a science that studies all these phenomena. We can say that this is the science of everything.

Eniology is also called bioenergy informatics, since its main postulate states that all living beings in the Universe are interconnected and all living organisms exchange energy.

The founder of eniology is considered to be Firyaz Rakhimovich Khantseverov, who at the end of the 80s of the last century became interested in ufology, dowsing, astrology, and in the wake of irrationalistic sentiments formed the All-Union Association of Applied Eniology, which studies the negative influence of UFOs, poltergeist and other anomalies that affect the well-being of people, as well as searching for opportunities to neutralize these phenomena. However, the roots of eniology are buried very deep. This science is closely related to esotericism, the founder of which was Hermes Mercury Trismegistus, who lived in the 3rd–2nd millennium BC. e.

Eniology is a kind of temple of knowledge, with the help of which a person has the opportunity to learn the rules of the Universe, and therefore, not to violate its laws. Since you don’t do anything bad, don’t shake your balance, then you will be fine.

We can say that eniology explains why there are so many misfortunes on Earth, why we are haunted by diseases, disasters, grief, and teaches how to cope with problems, what to do in order to become free, happy, healthy, live happily ever after, in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Nothing on Earth, or in the entire Universe, happens just like that. All phenomena and events are interconnected. This is confirmed by energy information fields interacting with each other. They transmit information that is properly recorded and is not lost anywhere.

It turns out that all actions and thoughts, all good and all bad are recorded on a kind of matrix, and then everyone is rewarded according to their deserts, that is, those who violated the laws of Nature will have to pay. It is no coincidence that the ancients believed that not a single person could live intelligently without fundamental knowledge of the laws of Nature, and in order to gain Knowledge, one must undergo initiation, master the sacrament of the mysteries. Man, although the crown of creation, is also dependent on many things.

Everything wonderful, mysterious and unusual has always attracted people. Do UFOs and poltergeists exist, is it possible to see the future, learn to fly, move objects with the help of thought, is there life after death, does everything good and bad come back... These and other similar questions haunt people and push them to master the invisible. Man is a curious creature; he has always strived to see what is beyond the real. Moreover, is it so well known where this line is?

Eniology is a science that studies all these phenomena. We can say that this is the science of everything.

Eniology is also called bioenergy informatics, since its main postulate states that all living beings in the Universe are interconnected and all living organisms exchange energy.

The founder of eniology is considered to be Firyaz Rakhimovich Khantseverov, who at the end of the 80s of the last century became interested in ufology, dowsing, astrology, and in the wake of irrationalistic sentiments formed the All-Union Association of Applied Eniology, which studies the negative influence of UFOs, poltergeist and other anomalies that affect the well-being of people, as well as searching for opportunities to neutralize these phenomena. However, the roots of eniology are buried very deep. This science is closely related to esotericism, the founder of which was Hermes Mercury Trismegistus, who lived in the 3rd–2nd millennium BC. e.

Eniology is a kind of temple of knowledge, with the help of which a person has the opportunity to learn the rules of the Universe, and therefore, not to violate its laws. Since you don’t do anything bad, don’t shake your balance, then you will be fine.

We can say that eniology explains why there are so many misfortunes on Earth, why we are haunted by diseases, disasters, grief, and teaches how to cope with problems, what to do in order to become free, happy, healthy, live happily ever after, in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Nothing on Earth, or in the entire Universe, happens just like that. All phenomena and events are interconnected. This is confirmed by energy information fields interacting with each other. They transmit information that is properly recorded and is not lost anywhere.

It turns out that all actions and thoughts, all good and all bad are recorded on a kind of matrix, and then everyone is rewarded according to their deserts, that is, those who violated the laws of Nature will have to pay. It is no coincidence that the ancients believed that not a single person could live intelligently without fundamental knowledge of the laws of Nature, and in order to gain Knowledge, one must undergo initiation, master the sacrament of the mysteries. Man, although the crown of creation, is also dependent on many things.

Energy information fields. Basic rules of eniology

Despite the fact that eniology is associated with esotericism, it should not be put on a par with magic, occultism, fortune telling and other magical manipulations. With their help, a person, solely because of his curiosity, hatred, momentary weakness, narrows his path, deprives himself and others of the right to choose, thereby causing irreparable damage to energy-information fields.

Yes, eniology teaches us to sense the invisible world, to “subdue” it, but it has different laws. But we'll talk about this later. For now, let's take a closer look at energy information fields. What are they? How are they related to humans?

Every creature or thing in the Universe has an energy information field. Each object carries some kind of information, and any interaction of a living being, including humans, with the environment is an exchange of energy and information. The process of such exchange is continuous and constant.

A person is very dependent on the external world, for example, fluctuations in the activity of the Sun, terrestrial magnetism, the Moon, electric and gravitational fields, and cosmic radiation. However, a person is also dependent on the internal energy that maintains his vitality. We are talking about supporting biological electromagnetic and energy information fields, which are inseparable from a living being. It is known that in the human body there are more than 25 types of known oscillatory processes, which are called biorhythms or biological frequencies.

The energy structure of the biofield is complex and has a hierarchical dependence of structure and interaction. However, we can say that only the outer part of this structure is accessible to human vision, since energy is vibrations of various frequencies, types and strengths.

In order for all vital systems to function well and a person to be “in shape,” a person’s fields must be in harmony. But it’s easy to upset the balance - any energy-information exchange can lead to an imbalance.

It is believed that energy information fields consist of four levels:

1) earthly – the level of everyday life;

2) astrological - the level of the natal horoscope, that is, the birth horoscope, which speaks about the purpose of each person;

3) the level of the star cluster - the purpose of the entire earthly civilization;

4) the level of the galaxy, in particular containing information about what intelligence is needed for.

Above all four levels rises the Absolute, which can be called God.

Information fields are very similar to a library or database. If you cannot find certain information at the lower level, you must go up and look for information there.

Life is a process of accumulation of energy-informational experience: information coming from outside is connected and analyzed, and then possible options for responding to external factors are developed.

That is why the desire for self-awareness, increasing the level of awareness for the entire external field is the path of global evolution of the energy information system.

However, for the external field, what is important is not the quantity of various information, but its quality and, especially, intensity, which is directly related to the general energy of the body, the level of free operational energy. The principle of radio signal transmission in space works here, when the sound waves that we hear are transmitted using more intense vibrations that are not perceived by us.

For the successful transfer of information accumulated by a person, a high intensity of this process is necessary, which is determined by the general energy level of the body.

Let's consider the human body from the point of view of the interaction of energy-information fields related to the work of tissues and organs. The basic principle underlying the functioning of individual organs and tissues is energy-informational specificity, that is, intercellular connections have their own specific wave and field characteristics and, moreover, such specification affects the cells themselves and the processes occurring in them. These interactions determine the level of energy integrating the tissue or organ, as well as the information level. Any organ or tissue represents a complex, specific energy-information field, where some of the interactions go towards integrating the field itself, and some towards communication with other fields. Organs cannot live without each other; the degree of their integration is quite high. A similar situation applies to compact organs, such as the liver or kidneys, and tissues found in different parts of the body, such as blood.

The energy-informational specificity of tissues and organs is perceived by us visually in the form of different appearances of organs, their color and shape. The specificity of tissue cells is very characteristic and can also be determined visually. But the visual, visual method of studying the structure of the body has significant drawbacks: we, unfortunately, see only a small part of life processes - that which is accessible to our perception. The main part of information processes, such as constant tissue identification and interaction of fields of organs and tissues, is inaccessible to us. For example, we are able to perceive a blow to the leg, a nerve impulse in the form of pain, but we do not distinguish a huge number of background signals entering the brain from different parts of the body; the feeling of our body is so familiar to us that we do not notice it. The same thing happens with hormonal regulation - a number of hormonal interactions go unnoticed, and only rare strong releases of some hormones, such as adrenaline, affect our centers of consciousness. The situation is similar with field interactions and the functioning of energy centers. We simply don’t notice them, without having to do so. Energy centers integrate the system on a subtle level, even less accessible to our perception than nerve impulses and hormonal influences.

The body's biofield is not a monotonous structure and repeats all the diversity of cells. Each cell or group of cells forms its own microfield, the interaction of these microfields also gives rise to turbulence, the energy of these microflows can be summed up into more powerful flows, and can exist separately. The most powerful fields relate to the activity of internal organs, the heart, endocrine glands, lungs and, of course, the brain and other large formations of nervous tissue. The fields of muscle, bone and skin tissues have less energy. Skin tissue is like a dielectric that completes the system.

The most powerful field energy centers of the body have been known to man for a long time; in the East they were called chakras. Knowledge of the field structure of the human body has neither logical justification nor evidence and is obtained on the basis of a vision of energy. The energy information center of the human body is located in the brain; biocurrents from the entire body are collected here, this information is analyzed, and testing impulses are sent back to the organs and tissues. This is how the body constantly identifies itself. Thus, tissue energy-informational specificity is repeated in the brain; nerve impulses from a certain organ have their own specific wave characteristics associated with the vital activity and energy level of this particular organ. In the brain there is a group of neurons responsible for identifying this organ; they are tuned specifically to its frequency.

The processes of thinking and consciousness connect us with existing matter of this kind that exists in the Universe. These energy information fields consist of a non-quantized form of matter that does not have the limitations inherent in quantum particles. This is an information bank of the Universe of infinite volume; our knowledge about the world is limited only by our ability to interact with these fields.

Our knowledge about the world is transcendental, we already have it, and the intrasystemic process of cognition only confirms the truth we know. The low energy potential of modern people, the existence of the body in a state of energy minimum, determine the low level of energy in the brain and, as a consequence, the weak energy of the brain’s biofield, and an insufficient level of energy-information exchange. The information antifield, the susceptibility of modern man to processes of intrasystem development block our consciousness from accessing information matter of a higher order. But this is a possible direction of our development; physiologically we have everything for such an information exchange.

It is necessary to cleanse the centers of a person’s consciousness, tune him into his own biofield through the subconscious, gain access for consciousness to the energy-information fields of the body and direct the energy of the field to external information exchange. Indeed, the key to external information fields is within us; our body is an unimaginable microcosm and holds no less secrets and mysteries for us than the entire Universe.

Animals and people who are in balance with the environment, in addition to rapid interactions, the maintenance of which is undertaken by the nervous system, always have the possibility of information exchange with the external field, and it is this information that allows them to survive in complex and extreme conditions of the wild. It is these abilities that we call extrasensory.

Human communities, out of balance, relied on the development of a short-range response system; this marked the beginning of the evolutionary progress of primitive communities. For Homo sapiens, the nervous system is not only an analyzer of short-range interactions, but also a long-range response information system. But since a person’s higher nervous activity interacts poorly with the external energy-information field, a person finds himself in an information vacuum, deprived of development prospects. No living creature can live without contact with the external field, and humans are no exception. Therefore, a person compensated for the exit from information exchange with the external field by creating his own artificial antifield.

The Antifield fills a person's powerful information centers with an abundance of empty information related to everyday affairs and the problem of survival.

It compensates for the information vacuum for a person and gives him false prospects for development. The information antifield not only sets the tone for technological development, creates comfortable living conditions, but also becomes a kind of protection for modern man. Close integration into society is a necessary guarantee of survival in the civilized world. However, such protection also blocks access to all external information. A person has not received anything new for a long time and is doomed to process a huge amount of information trash. Humanity trusts antifield technologies more than its natural abilities. The Antifield is a prison for informationally developed beings, primarily for humans.

What is the reason for refusing to develop natural extrasensory abilities? The fact is that these technologies are not competitive in the fight against anti-field technologies; they cannot be questioned. They can work only when a person really needs them, when a person does not doubt them, does not allow anyone to challenge these abilities.

Also, with the development of extrasensory abilities, a person loses the practical meaning of external information exchange, and he is always unsure of his abilities.

However, humanity has already thought about it. The lack of correct informational relationships between a person and the external field leads to many diseases, deterioration in the quality of the gene pool and a reproduction crisis. Traditional medicine and biotechnology are increasingly becoming powerless in the fight against illnesses and sometimes even worsen the human condition. In such situations, there is simply no other alternative for the patient other than energy-informational treatment. Of the information healing techniques, the most recognized at the moment is homeopathy. A related direction to homeopathy, herbal medicine is the oldest method of informational influence on the body. But both homeopathy and herbal medicine are based on the chemical transmission of information, so they can be easily understood and perceived. Another thing is non-contact energy-informational influence, when information is transmitted through field interactions between the patient and the healer.

Energy and information in the Universe are very closely connected, one might say they are intertwined. We repeat: everything in the world is interconnected.

Not a single event in a person’s life, and indeed on Earth and in the entire Universe, happens just like that. It often happens that in moments of misfortune we ask the question: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Why do I need all this?” But if you analyze the situation from the perspective of cause-and-effect relationships, it becomes obvious that for everything good and for everything bad, a person is rewarded according to his deserts, in order to restore balance and harmony. In nature, everything strives for balance, and man is an integral part of it.

But it would be a mistake to believe that a person is completely subject to fate. Man is free. And nothing should violate the main law of eniology - the law of the inviolability of the will. That is why you should stay away from magicians, fortune-tellers, and fortune tellers, since predictions launch a destructive program, and a person convinces himself that he is “destined by fate.”

Thought is material, it is embodied in the real world. So all anger, hatred, envy, intrigues will definitely return. It is no coincidence that all religions of the world, all legends and myths talk about this. The invisible world exists, and it is just as real as the physical one. If we are not yet able to understand and feel it, this does not mean that it does not exist.

Ancient occult sciences believe that man consists of seven principles, divided into higher and lower. The three highest principles constitute the undying part of man, his immortal individuality. This is the true man – the Spirit. The four lower principles constitute the mortal part of man, his temporary passing personality - the Soul.

Each of these seven human bodies corresponds to the seven planes of the Universe, consists of matter of the corresponding plane and must respond to the vibrations sweeping through this plane.

The seventh plane is the human physical body, the lowest principle, the densest shell. The sixth plane is the etheric body, or etheric double, which serves as a conductor of life, vitality. The next, fifth, lower shell is the Principle of Life. The fourth is the Astral, or Soul body - the conductor of all feelings, passions and desires. The astral body is also called the Christian soul.

The third, second and first shells are the highest. They are arranged as follows: Mental body - body of Thought, Higher Mind or Intuition, Spiritual body, Divine principle, eternal “I”, one essence with God.

At the present stage of his development, man responds to the vibrations of the gross physical plane, and very few of us respond to the vibrations of the other, more subtle and eternal worlds.

But let's return to destiny. Does fate exist? Is the purpose of a person determined, the important moments of his life?

We are used to thinking that life proceeds linearly. That is, it flows from birth to death. There is past, present and future, and it is a one-directional process. But this is not so, because the past and future are closely connected with a person’s present. The future is not predetermined; there are many options for development. As for the past, it is enough to turn to history. Any events are interpreted by a person from his current point of view. If you interpret events in the wrong way, then repeating past mistakes cannot be avoided. Until awareness comes, the lesson is not over and the teaching must continue.

If a person has programmed his mind that he is not able to influence his life, that he is just a small grain of sand in a big desert, then he will not be able to change anything.

If a person’s energy is balanced and he does not harm himself or the world around him with his thoughts and actions, then he will achieve everything he needs.

The earth is the place where man undergoes training, so he should not devote all his interest to the development of the Spirit, this is the main task.

Precisely because the Spirit of man is immortal, because his astral, mental and physical bodies influence the surrounding space, murder, including suicide, is the most terrible sin. After death, suicides continue to experience the horror of their dying hours until their natural hour comes. They killed the body, but how to kill the immortal Soul?

Each person lives in space as if enclosed in a cage that he built for himself. He is surrounded by a world of habitual thoughts. He looks at everything through the environment he has created, and the world seems to him reflected by the light that prevails in his consciousness. An optimist sees everything in a rosy light; a pessimist sees everything in gloomy tones. Until a person learns to strictly control his thoughts and feelings, he will not be able to see things as they really exist. He will see the world through his own environment, as through a bad mirror, distorting and discoloring. The gloomy mood that poisons the life of a person himself and the lives of those around him is not something fatal and irresistible, it is a product of his mental state, the result of how he perceives reality. For a person who wants to correct and rebuild his character, it is not enough just to control his thoughts. He needs to forget about all the things that distract him every day for at least 5 minutes and focus on the quality opposite to the shortcoming that he wants to get rid of. A person's character is built along the lines of his thoughts. Working on himself, on his improvement, he also works for Eternity, bringing a piece of good and bright into the world.

Man is a social creature; he cannot be alone for long. So he has to constantly spin around in the stream of other people's thoughts. If his mind is occupied with his own thoughts, he does not notice others, does not perceive them and does not respond to other people's vibrations. But if a person’s mind is not protected from negative vibrations, scraps of alien, usually ordinary, petty and vulgar thoughts penetrate it and clog it with useless and sometimes harmful influences. When in a crowd or on the street, it is best to immerse your mind in calm and bright thoughts or occupy it with repeating sayings or poems. Wherever we are, we fill the space around us with our thoughts. Wherever we go or go, they remain, trailing behind us in a long train. All of them are sowing that will not go to waste, it is perceived by ourselves and other people and creatures, and if the thoughts are good, bright, bringing peace and tranquility, then they do not breed sadness and anger. People, thanks to their selfishness, ignorance and carelessness, have created overly comfortable living conditions on Earth, which place a heavy, unbearable burden on our shoulders. These conditions cause envy, anger, and despair among millions of people. These thoughts rush from the midst of confused humanity into the astral world and respond to all sorts of troubles on Earth. The only means to prevent the fatal and sad consequences of bad thinking is to introduce a conscious culture in the field of thought.

Other funny definitions

Eniology is a collective science. It is capable of incorporating all modern and ancient scientific and non-scientific directions concerning the beginning, unfolding, folding and end of life, and allows the person of the third millennium to receive clarification about himself and his role, his tasks and goals during and after life on Earth .

Thus, eniology contains information about the Universe and man in the Universe. Information is energy. Eniology is knowledge about the energy-information exchange of a person with his environment. Thus, we have agreed that the science of eniology itself is energy.

Eniology, among many others, uses knowledge disguised in the Bible, Koran, Vedas, Puranas, parables, fairy tales, sayings, allegories, and also relies on the evidence of the exact sciences of our time and the experience of many previous generations. There is information about the use of the term “Eniology” by the ancient Romans, who used knowledge of energy-information exchange to calculate military actions.

Let's look at a few quotes. V. Yu. Rogozhkin, “Eniology”:

Eniology is a new and, at the same time, well-forgotten science of antiquity. Thousands of years ago, people already knew that the world is multidimensional, that the mortal physical body is just a part of a huge multidimensional organism called the Universe.

Sergey Binat, “Vibrational eniology”:

The word eniology itself consists of two parts. “Logos” (knowledge, word) - in the esoteric concept this is God, knowledge, study, cognize. And the “enyo” part stands for energy-information exchange. This means that eniology is a science that studies the exchange of information between material objects and objects of the subtle world. No science studies such a volume of space, such a volume of energies existing in space.

It is difficult or even impossible to imagine the amount of knowledge (information) on eniology. But they open up to the curious and hardworking. There should be no stops in the search for this knowledge.

From the point of view of eniology, everyone who seeks knowledge will always be a student. So it is, for we read in the book by S. V. Stulginskis “Cosmic Legends of the East”:

Knowledge about the Cosmos is accumulated by humanity slowly. Over the course of centuries, man has been discovering the laws of Nature, cosmic laws.

These laws existed even when people did not know about them. And now there are laws that have not yet been discovered by humanity. What we already know is our knowledge.

What we do not yet know is a mystery to us. But what is a mystery for us is knowledge for someone - there are beings in the Cosmos who know more. And to know something means to think about it.

This is how thoughts are created - and they live independently in space. The space is filled with images of Truth, people call them Ideas.

Invaluable treasures of the spirit hover in space. Few will understand the meaning of living spatial thought.


The abbreviation “enyo” was introduced by Firyaz Rakhimovich Khantseverov, who became the president of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences (Russian Federation) in 1995. Thus, for us Eniology stands for the science of energy-information exchange. This energy-information exchange occurs in our habitat.

But our habitat is not limited to earthly conditions. Therefore, eniology considers the entire versatility and totality of information about the origin of life in general and the principles of its development in space and time.

Eniology is complex knowledge that allows you to penetrate into the essence of what is happening.

Are you involved in eniology? - No! We are engaged in enioscience. So, for those who don’t know what it is. First of all, there is no center. There is V. Yu. Rogozhkin and his satellites. It is not difficult to assume that as soon as he leaves the center, everything will first go by inertia, and then cease to exist altogether. Who is V. Yu.? Yes, just a sorcerer. Casts spells at the level. NOU Scientific Research Center PE ENIO or, for simplicity, Enio LLC. By the way, the fact that a limited society is not easy. What does eniology do? - Well, they sit there and do magic. By the way, they do magic in basements. Viktor Yuryich is like a demon, lives in basements (dungeon, hell) and crawls out into the world only during seminars. The fashionable term energy information is not worth explaining. But the know speaks volumes. An educational institution, so to speak. With a slight movement of the hands, the center turns into... a consultation. There is no license! http://zeks5.narod.ru/audio/licenzia.mp3 And if the activity is not certified, then the consequences can be anything. For example, what happens if you cook food without a medical book? So if they cast a spell on you and you get worse, then we have nothing to do with it. We are an educational institution! Whoever says that this is a sect is an idiot. And the same is true with quackery. But it’s better to actually pull something off so that it works (they know how to do this, so they’re not charlatans), but we’re not responsible for the consequences. Enyo LLC is also a business enterprise. By the way, V. Yu.’s business is well established. “Scientific”, yes, like a sorcerer, V. Yu. clearly realized that he needed to practice. That’s how the idea of ​​creating it came about. From science, it is that patients act as laboratory rats on which witchcraft skills are practiced. Very good - now witchcraft skills are developed, and information is available about what is happening where. The hotline, well, so hot that it’s literally overheated from the volume of information that goes in one direction. Naturally V.Yu. is pleased. He also satisfied his educational interests. There is no license, the methods have changed over time, that is, they have been developed, and therefore pose a danger of causing harm. This is a fundamentally experimental work http://zeks5.narod.ru/audio/experiment.mp3. If someone kicks back, then that was necessary and sufficient. http://zeks5.narod.ru/audio/you_will_die.mp3. Total, for 2000 - 250 deaths, for 2010 - 600! That's all science is. Enyo LLC is a business project. This third idea appeared much later. As a matter of principle, we do not resort to advertising, but why, a book was written for this. Using NLP and other methods, the text of the book is formed in such a way that the reader has already undergone “correction”. Naturally, then he will run to the address and transfer the Nth amount to the limited society from his pocket.



  • Law of Karma- You have to pay for everything in this world. goodness and creation are the norm of life. Evil in all its forms and manifestations is punishable and, according to the law of “boomerang”, will definitely return to its creator.
  • Law of the Inviolability of the Will of the Individual and the entire civilization as a whole - he who has done evil, or in other words, who has violated the laws of energy-information exchange in the Universe, punishes himself, becomes his own executioner, dooming himself and the entire egregorial ethnos to extinction.

Energy informatics

  • Law of energy information exchange- starting from 5-dimensional spaces (astral plane), time, as a coordinate of a lower metric space, loses the meaning of a directed time flow. This can be represented as follows. If we look at the physical processes of the four-dimensional space familiar to us, at least through the astral plane (five-dimensionality), as, for example, Vanga did, we will see the information field of events (IFE), in which any person is born, lives and dies simultaneously in all his incarnation incarnations . Distance and mass do not play any role. It is thanks to the existence of this energy information law that it is possible to diagnose and treat patients at any distance from the healer and in any direction of the time flow - both in the past and in the future. Naturally, this opens up the possibility of conducting general healing, corrective and other sessions, since this law allows the healer to form an arbitrarily large number of his own astral-mental doubles (phantoms) at any distance from himself and in any time period. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the healer is directly in the hall where the patients are sitting, whether the broadcast is on radio, television, live or recorded. In any case, these corrections pass through the IPS of the entire Universe.


  • Aliens have long occupied the earth and implanted microchips in all heads of government and religious figures.
  • In preparation for colonization, they are changing the climate on earth (global warming) and reducing the human population.

Conspiracy theory

  • To exercise control, secret societies (Masons) are used, whose leaders are also controlled using implanted microchips.