What's wrong with Julia's joints? Julia's serious illness was the result of unsuccessful breast augmentation

In show business it is increasingly difficult to find a person who would not turn to plastic surgeons. Breast augmentation has become one of the most popular surgeries among celebrities. Young girls in pursuit perfect figure go to clinics plastic surgery, without thinking that any operation could be fatal...

About eleven years ago, singer Yulia Nachalova also enlarged her breasts. The artist was delighted with her bust. Julia chose outfits that emphasized her skill. plastic surgeons. The singer willingly posed for photographers and even starred in a photo shoot for Maxim magazine.

However, after some time, Nachalova felt discomfort. The examination showed that the implants did not take root, and malfunctions began in the body.

Due to complications after plastic surgery, Yulia Nachalova began to have problems with joints

Attentive fans of Yulia Nachalova have noticed that for several years in a row the singer has been diligently hiding her hands. Nachalova now performs quite rarely, but at many performances her hands are covered with black lace gloves.

Soon, Yulia Nachalova’s Instagram subscribers were able to see in some of the singer’s photographs that her hands had a strange shape.

Yulia Nachalova does not open up about her health problems, but her close friends told reporters that the singer suffers from gout:

Yulia's disease was discovered more than five years ago. Since then, she has manifested herself in different ways. Exacerbations occur periodically: the joints in the arms and legs increase several times. Of course she feels discomfort. After all, he is a public person, in plain sight all the time.

It all started after an unsuccessful breast surgery. The implants that did not take root caused blood poisoning. The singer found herself on the verge of life and death. Nachalova recalls that period with horror:

I almost died, but they pumped me out in time and put me on my feet. Now I am extremely careful about my own health

The singer gave up fast food, alcohol, meat and broths. However, sepsis caused complications on the kidneys, which led to problems with removing uric acid from the body. As a result, Yulia Nachalova regularly gets inflamed joints in her arms and legs.

Unfortunately, treating gout is a long process. In addition to diet, patients need to cleanse the body and blood, and take various medications for a long time.

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The Ininsky rock garden is located in the Barguzin Valley. It was as if someone had deliberately scattered the huge stones or placed them deliberately. And in places where megaliths are located, something mysterious always happens.

One of the attractions of Buryatia is the Ininsky rock garden in the Barguzin Valley. It makes an amazing impression - huge stones scattered in disorder on a completely flat surface. It was as if someone had either scattered them on purpose, or had placed them with intent. And in places where megaliths are located, something mysterious always happens.

Power of nature

In general, a “rock garden” is Japanese name artificial landscape, in which the key role is played by stones placed along strict rules. “Karesansui” (dry landscape) has been cultivated in Japan since the 14th century, and it appeared for a reason. It was believed that gods lived in places with a large accumulation of stones, and as a result, the stones themselves began to be given divine significance. Of course, now the Japanese use rock gardens as a place for meditation, where it is convenient to indulge in philosophical reflection.

And this is what philosophy has to do with it. The seemingly chaotic arrangement of stones is, in fact, strictly subject to certain laws. Firstly, the asymmetry and difference in the sizes of the stones must be observed. There are certain observation points in the garden, depending on the time when you are going to contemplate the structure of your microcosm. And the main trick is that from any observation point there should always be one stone that... is not visible.

The most famous rock garden in Japan is located in Kyoto - the most ancient capital country of the samurai, in the Ryoanji Temple. This is the refuge of Buddhist monks. And here in Buryatia, the “rock garden” appeared without human effort - its author is Nature itself.

In the southwestern part of the Barguzin Valley, 15 kilometers from the village of Suvo, where the Ina River emerges from the Ikat Range, this place is located with an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers. Significantly more than any Japanese rock garden - in the same proportion as a Japanese bonsai is smaller than a Buryat cedar. Here, large blocks of stone reaching 4-5 meters in diameter protrude from the flat ground, and these boulders go up to 10 meters deep!

The distance of these megaliths from the mountain range reaches 5 kilometers or more. What kind of force could scatter these huge stones over such distances? The fact that this was not done by a person became clear from recent history: a 3-kilometer canal was dug here for irrigation purposes. And here and there in the channel bed there are huge boulders that go down to a depth of 10 meters. They fought with them, of course, but to no avail. As a result, all work on the canal was stopped.

Scientists have put forward different versions of the origin of the Ininsky rock garden. Many people consider these blocks to be moraine boulders, that is, glacial deposits. Scientists call their ages different (E.I. Muravsky believes that they are 40-50 thousand years old, and V.V. Lamakin - more than 100 thousand years!), depending on which glaciation they are counting.

According to geologists, in ancient times the Barguzin depression was a freshwater shallow lake, which was separated from Lake Baikal by a narrow and low mountain bridge connecting the Barguzin and Ikat ridges. As the water level rose, a runoff formed, turning into a river bed that cut deeper and deeper into the hard crystalline rocks. It is known how storm water flows in the spring or after heavy rain erode steep slopes, leaving deep furrows in gullies and ravines. Over time, the water level dropped, and the area of ​​the lake decreased due to the abundance of suspended material brought into it by rivers. As a result, the lake disappeared, and in its place there remained a wide valley with boulders, which were later classified as natural monuments.

But recently, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences G.F. Ufimtsev suggested very original idea, which has nothing to do with glaciations. In his opinion, the Ininsky rock garden was formed as a result of a relatively recent, catastrophic, gigantic ejection of large blocky material.

According to his observations, glacial activity on the Ikat ridge manifested itself only in a small area in the upper reaches of the Turokchi and Bogunda rivers, while in the middle part of these rivers there are no traces of glaciation. Thus, according to the scientist, the dam of the dammed lake along the Ina River and its tributaries broke. As a result of a breakthrough from the upper reaches of the Ina, a large volume of blocky material was thrown into the Barguzin Valley by a mudflow or a ground avalanche. This version is supported by the fact of severe destruction of the bedrock sides of the Ina River valley at the confluence with Turokcha, which may indicate the removal of a large volume of rock by the mudflow.

In the same section of the Ina River, Ufimtsev noted two large “amphitheatres” (resembling a huge funnel) measuring 2.0 by 1.3 kilometers and 1.2 by 0.8 kilometers, which could probably be the bed of large dammed lakes. The dam’s breakthrough and the release of water, according to Ufimtsev, could have occurred as a result of seismic processes, since both slope “amphitheaters” are confined to the zone of a young fault with thermal water outlets.

The gods were naughty here

This amazing place has long been of interest to local residents. And for the “rock garden” people came up with a legend that goes back to ancient times. The beginning is simple. Once two rivers, Ina and Barguzin, argued which of them would be the first to reach Lake Baikal. Barguzin cheated and set off on the road that evening, and in the morning the angry Ina rushed after him, angrily throwing huge boulders out of her way. So they still lie on both banks of the river. Isn't it true that this is just a poetic description of the powerful mudflow proposed to be explained by Dr. Ufimtsev?

The stones still keep the secret of their formation. They are not only different sizes and colors, they are generally from different breeds. That is, they were broken out from more than one place. And the depth of occurrence speaks of many thousands of years, during which meters of soil have grown around the boulders.

For those who have seen the movie Avatar, on a foggy morning the Ina stones will resemble hanging mountains with winged dragons flying around them. The peaks of the mountains protrude from the clouds of fog, like individual fortresses or the heads of giants in helmets. The impressions from contemplating a rock garden are amazing, and it was not by chance that people endowed the stones with magical power: It is believed that if you touch boulders with your hands, they will take away negative energy, giving positive energy in return.

In these amazing places there is another place where the gods played pranks. This place was nicknamed “Suva Saxon Castle”. This natural formation is located near the group of salty Alga lakes near the village of Suvo, on the steppe slopes of the hill at the foot of the Ikat ridge. The picturesque rocks are very reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. These places served as a particularly revered and sacred place for Evenki shamans. In the Evenki language, “suvoya” or “suvo” means “whirlwind”.

It was believed that this is where spirits live - the masters of local winds. The main and most famous of which was the legendary wind of Baikal “Barguzin”. According to legend, an evil ruler lived in these places. He was distinguished by a ferocious disposition, he took pleasure in bringing misfortune to the poor and disadvantaged people.

He had his only and beloved son, who was bewitched by spirits as punishment for his cruel father. After realizing his cruel and unfair attitude towards people, the ruler fell to his knees, began to beg and tearfully ask to restore his son’s health and make him happy. And he distributed all his wealth to people.

And the spirits freed the ruler’s son from the power of illness! It is believed that for this reason the rocks are divided into several parts. Among the Buryats there is a belief that the owners of Suvo, Tumurzhi-Noyon and his wife Tutuzhig-Khatan, live in the rocks. Burkhans were erected in honor of the Suva rulers. On special days, entire rituals are performed in these places.

I feel terrible for the singer Yulia Nachalova! Young, beautiful, bright, stylish, successful - today she is fighting the disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of multiple bumps on the joints of the fingers. These growths are immediately noticeable.


On some social events the singer appears wearing gloves. When her hands are open, she tries to hide them. But inquisitive journalists still secretly spied on the star. And they were shocked.

For the first time, new growths on the artist’s hands were noticed a year ago. “Most likely, the girl is developing hygromas; people simply call them bumps,” the surgeon said then. “The performer can injure these lumps, and this, in turn, will lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, hygromas, growing, can put pressure on the nerve endings."

According to one version, these seals are the so-called Heberdn nodes. They are named after the British doctor who first described them. In the joints, the cartilage gradually breaks down, and hard projections form along its edges.

Publication from Days Ru (@dniru) Jun 21 2017 at 7:58 PDT

The artist’s press service spoke in more detail about the disease. “Yulia’s joints are simply inflamed, she has gout. This is not the first time the disease has manifested itself, but for some reason now everyone has begun to discuss Yulia’s hands in every possible way. There’s nothing wrong with it, there’s no need to escalate it. Now the artist has gone on a very strict diet that helps eliminate uric acid from the body and getting rid of the tumor,” Nachalova’s representatives said.

Yulia Viktorovna Nachalova - popular Russian singer, actress and TV presenter.

Childhood and education

Yulia Nachalova was born on January 31, 1981 in Voronezh. Julia's parents are professional musicians.

Father - Viktor Vasilievich Nachalov- composer. He has developed his own unique method for teaching vocals.

Mother - Taisiya Nikolaevna Nachalova.

From the age of two, Viktor Nachalov studied singing with his daughter. Yulia already learned to sing from the age of five, had a good vocal technique and knew how to improvise. Yulia Nachalova began singing on the professional stage from the age of five.

“I got on stage at the age of five. My parents at that time were artists of the Voronezh State Philharmonic, the group was called “Carousel”, there were about 16 people in it. Mom sang and dad led creative process. My dad, by the way, was a real revolutionary - at one time he became the first person in Voronezh to stage the rock opera “For adults about children, for children about adults.” After the premiere, a boom began in the city; it was impossible to get tickets,” Nachalova herself recalled.

The girl took part in the television competition " morning Star"(1991−1992) and became the winner. Helped Yulia and famous singer Irina Ponarovskaya. Nachalova subsequently went on concert tours with her.

Career of Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova had to combine concert activities with studying at school.

In 1992, Yulia Nachalova was invited to host the musical children's program “There-There News”. And in 1995, the young singer released her first album, “Ah, School, School,” at the Soyuz studio.

Also in 1995, Nachalova took part in the international vocal competition“Big Apple-95”, where she won the Grand Prix, despite strong competition from Christina Aguilera And Dinah Brown.

Two years later, Yulia Nachalova recorded the single “Hero of Not My Novel.”

In addition, Nachalova after graduation music school entered GITIS, which she successfully graduated from.

During this period, the singer continued to develop as an entertainment TV presenter. television programs. For some time Julia took part in popular show « Saturday evening", which was led together with Nikolai Baskov. Nachalova also hosted television programs on the Zvezda channel.

In 2010, Julia began working on the English-language album “Wild Butterfly”. The album contains eleven tracks. Nachalova wrote the songs together with the producer and composer Walter Afanasyev. The album “Wild Butterfly” was eventually released in 2013.

In the fall of 2012, the artist gave a concert in Moscow, at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", presenting a solo program " True stories. Benefit". The touching song “Mom” was added to the singer’s repertoire, which was appreciated by fans for its sincerity and warmth.

In 2014, Yulia Nachalova successfully performed on the Russia 1 TV channel in music show"One to one." Afterwards, in 2015, Nachalova again began acting as a TV presenter. She filmed the show “Two Voices” on STS. In the same year, Yulia Nachalova pleased her fans with a new video for the song “Wait for Me.”

In 2016, the artist presented new clip for the song "Far Beyond the Horizon".

Filming, filmography of Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova also proved herself as a film actress. She was invited to the first role Nelly Galchuk, who worked on the musical “Formula of Joy.” Julia gained her second film experience by starring with Vladimir Buldakov V lyrical comedy"The hero of her novel."

Then Yulia Nachalova starred in the series “Bomb for the Bride” and in musical comedy"D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Yulia Nachalova liked acting in films. The singer hopes that directors will invite her to new ones interesting roles.

Illness of Yulia Nachalova

In March 2018, Yulia Nachalova spoke about her illness. She decided to make a confession about the state of her health on the air of one of the television programs of Channel One, they wrote in the news.

It turned out that already for a long time the celebrity suffers from gout. For the first time, Yulia Nachalova learned about this illness eight years ago, but then it did not cause her much concern, so the singer ignored all treatment. However, the disease soon made itself felt with terrible pain.

Nachalova underwent treatment courses in different countries, but experts came to a disappointing conclusion: the celebrity will no longer be able to defeat gout due to late access to doctors. Julia admitted that she periodically experiences unbearable torment, but now she knows methods of dealing with pain.

Yulia Nachalova agreed to come to the television studio as a guest on one condition: if her hands, disfigured by the disease, were not filmed. And to be on the safe side, the celebrity put on opaque gloves.

Later, singer Yulia Nachalova posted on social media photograph, showing how the disease has changed her body. And, if earlier Nachalova tried to hide her illness, now she decided to show herself without Photoshop and gloves. Nachalova accompanied the photo with the hashtags “not a model” and “as it is.”

In the photo posted on Instagram, you can see Julia in a swimsuit. It can be seen that the singer has deformed joints in her hands. Internet users also noted this. People were divided into two camps. Some felt that it was not worth posting such a photo on the Internet. Others noted that Nachalova was still beautiful and wished her recovery. Here are just some of the responses: “The disease does not make anyone look good! Julia is courageous! Well done!”, “Well, look at your hands. Gout. Julia is very bright, her voice is extraordinary. I would really like to see her on stage. Julia, get well soon!”, “Having shortcomings, what is the need to be photographed like that! Unworthy flatterers,” “Girl, hold on.”

Personal life of Yulia Nachalova

The singer's first husband was the lead singer of the group "Prime Minister" Dmitry Lanskoy. Two years later, Julia left Dmitry because of her husband’s infidelity. The couple's problems began after Julia agreed to participate in the reality show " Last Hero».

In 2005, Julia began dating a football player Evgeniy Aldonin, and a year later the couple formalized the relationship. In December 2006, their daughter Vera was born.

“Everything started out great for Zhenya and me, but, probably, both he and I later did not have enough strength to walk side by side. We started spending more time apart. We learned to live without each other,” Nachalova recalled about the marriage.

Nachalova's second attempt at marriage was also unsuccessful, the couple separated after 5 years life together. The divorce attracted media attention. It was often said that the reason for the separation was Yulia’s affair with a hockey player Alexander Frolov. At first, the singer denied this information, but soon after the divorce the couple spoke about their relationship. Yulia Nachalova admitted that she met a hockey player in the USA, where she spent a lot of time.

The singer's fans hoped for Julia's quick wedding, but the lovers decided not to rush into getting married. According to the singer, Julia has already managed to fully experience the pros and cons family life.

In 2016, Yulia Nachalova officially announced her separation from Frolov. “My dear friends and fans. I want to do for you public statement. Alexander Frolov and I are no longer a couple! And I absolutely don’t want to comment on the reasons for the separation, but in order to avoid any gossip and rumors, I’m telling you about this myself absolutely openly. You deserve it. Life is beautiful and amazing, and everything that God doesn’t do is all for the better,” Nachalova wrote on her Instagram account.

Waiting for new news about personal life The singer wrote a humorous post on Instagram to Yulia Nachalova, announcing the father of her unborn child. Prokhora Chaliapin. Nachalova also posted a photo of happy Prokhor and Yulia standing in an embrace.

“The coolest reality showman. The ice between us began to melt. And at that very second he looked at me with his bewitching, languid gaze and said: “Wait, wait, baby. What year were you born there?” And I answered: “Nineties, nineties. And I realized that it was a failure! I started crying loudly and hysterically: “Why am I not born in 1952?” So, in quiet solitude, I sat down on the chair where he was sitting... And suddenly... I realized that I was pregnant! And for some reason it seems to me that this is Prokhor’s child. In short, we urgently need to go to “Let Them Talk” and do a DNA test in live“,” the singer signed the photo with Chaliapin, but not all subscribers appreciated the humor.

Scandals with Yulia Nachalova

In 2018, Yulia Nachalova was deprived by a court of her driver’s license for one and a half years for refusing to undergo a medical examination for alcohol.

As reported in the news, Nachalova was stopped at night in the west of Moscow while she was driving her Lexus. Suspecting that the girl was drunk, the police asked her to undergo an examination, but she refused. The Moscow Magistrate Court found the singer guilty under Part 1 of Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and deprived her of her driver’s license for one year and six months. She was also given a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

Julia Nachalova - singer, actress, TV presenter - often appeared at various social events and on the covers of glossy magazines. Today her name is somewhat forgotten. The reason for this is the move to America, the emergence of new talents, as well as a decrease in activity due to health conditions. But Yulia is still full of strength, optimism and faith in a bright future. She didn't quit creative activity, as many thought, continues to create videos and songs, although for now in Los Angeles.

The biography of Yulia Nachalova began on January 31, 1981, when, in fact, she was born. The girl's mother performed on stage, and her father was professional composer. It was he who discovered the girl’s hearing when she was about two years old, and began to actively study music. The father literally forced his daughter to pay as much attention to creativity as possible. Her parents took Yulia with them on tour, teaching her to the stage.

At the age of five, her first performance took place on stage in her native Voronezh. And at the age of eleven, the girl had already composed a song called “Teacher.” Two years later, the “Morning Star” competition took place, in which the young artist won.

She studied at the Gnessin School, actively studied singing career. In the early 2000s, she became famous as an actress, starring in the film “The Hero of Her Novel” and the musical “Formula for Joy.”

In 2005-2006, three albums of the singer were released: “Ah, school, school,” “Music of love” and “Let’s talk.” During the same period, Julia hosted the “Saturday Evening” program together with Nikolai Baskov.

In 2008, the album “ Best songs", his girlfriend recorded it together with her father, who is the author of many of her compositions. On stage in 2012 concert hall“Russia” presented a solo program called “Uninvented Stories”.

Yulia Nachalova was officially married twice. The singer went to GAGS for the first time with the lead singer of the “Prime Minister” group, Dmitry Lansky. Two years later the relationship collapsed.

The second chosen one was famous football player Evgeny Aldonin, to whom Julia became engaged in 2006. From this marriage there is a daughter, Vera. In 2011, the relationship came to an end.

Since 2011 I have been in civil marriage with Moscow club hockey player Alexander Frolov. The artist did not confirm the information about this romance for a long time, but then she finally introduced her chosen one. The media started rumors that it was because of this relationship that the marriage with Aldonin broke up. In the fall of 2016, Julia announced her breakup with the hockey player.

Health problems, hand disease

It became known that the artist had been suffering from the disease for about five years. On the covers of magazines, the singer can always be seen bright and happy. But Yulia Nachalova’s happiness is somewhat overshadowed by hand disease; in the photos of 2017-2018 this is especially noticeable.

The performer has had health problems for a long time. After the birth of her daughter, Julia did plastic surgery for breast enlargement. From an aesthetic point of view, the result was very good and pleased the girl: she began to appear in revealing outfits and even starred in a photo shoot for men's magazine. However, the consequences were not long in coming. The implants were not accepted by the body, and sepsis began. The singer was saved and the implants were removed.

After this, the singer had problems with her kidneys; uric acid was difficult to leave the body. The star has been struggling with gout for five years now. Due to gout, Yulia Nachalova’s hands began to become covered with growths and bumps. The appearance of painful hands in the 2017-2018 photo of Yulia Nachalova is not very pleasant from an aesthetic point of view, which greatly upsets the woman. She wore gloves for a long time. At first, this did not cause any suspicion, because the singer always looked happy and smiling, so it was impossible to understand that she had health problems.

Latest news about the singer

In mid-2016, Yulia Nachalova moved to live in America, in the city of Los Angeles. She was offered to host one of the programs about stars with Russian roots on a cable TV channel. Moreover, in America Julia Lately wrote down my new album, composer Walter Afanasyev helped her in this. The singer says that this move is temporary and is connected with creative plans.

In December 2017, Nachalova attracted the attention of the press after getting into a scandalous incident. At night, the performer’s car was stopped by traffic police officers.

The operatives noticed that the car was moving along an uneven trajectory and suspected that the driver was most likely in drunk. Yulia flatly refused to get out of the car and talk to law enforcement officers, and she also refused an alcohol test.

The singer herself admitted that she simply did not contact the operatives, as they behaved very rudely and demanded money. The performer also said that she did not drink alcohol, since with her gout this is strictly prohibited. However, the court recognized the fact of the offense and deprived the woman of her driver’s license for one and a half years. The defendant's lawyers will appeal the verdict.

This incident revealed the truth about Nachalova’s diagnosis to the general public. Recently, in photos from 2017-2018, Yulia Nachalova with sore hands can be seen more and more often. Recently, on her microblog, the star published a video from her native Voronezh, where the woman was visiting during the winter holidays. In the video, Yulia Nachalova showed her hands disfigured by the disease. Their appearance shocked many users, who began to console the singer and advise methods of treatment.