Open lesson on the topic: “Human beauty (female image).” Human beauty

Fine art lesson construct

in industrial practice PM.01 “Teaching in primary general education programs in primary grades of compensatory and correctional developmental education”

students of group 46 "B" specialty44.02.05 “Correctional pedagogy in primary education”

Class: 4 "B"

UMK: School of Russia Program: NemenskyB. M. "Fine Arts"

Lesson topic: The beauty of man. The image of a Russian beauty. Drawing a portrait.

Target: development of aesthetic needs in the process of drawing up a portrait of a Russian beauty,determining the most effective ways to achieve results, determining ways to depict a portrait and ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Planned results:

Personal: students demonstrate the formation of aesthetic needs (needs for communication with art, needs for independent practical activity), values ​​and feelings.

Metasubject: demonstrateregulatory control systems (studentsO communicative UUD educational eUUD (general education): goal formulation; search and selection of information (logical): determine the most effective ways to achieve results, analyze the method of depicting a portrait;

Subject: demonstrate knowledge of ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature, in the process of drawing up a portrait of a Russian beauty.


Educational: to cultivate aesthetic needs (needs for communication with art, needs for independent practical activity), values ​​and feelings.

Educational: developregulatory control systems (studentsO exercise self-control, self-esteem, self-regulation, as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, know how to effectively organize their workplace, carry out cognitive and personal reflection);communicative UUD (express their thoughts fully and accurately; know how to listen);educational eUUD

Correctional and developmental: stimulate cognitive activity in the process of depicting the image of a Russian beauty; develop control, self-control, assessment and self-assessment, conscious self-regulation of cognitive activity through analysis of completed work; to develop the ability to organize one’s own activities and conduct them based on the plan of depicting a portrait; development of visual and auditory attention; development of thought processes; expansion of vocabulary.





    Color : consolidate the ability to select colors in accordance with the theme and subject of the image.

    Principles of education and training:

Principles of training:

    The principle of visibility.

    The principle of systematicity and consistency.

    The principle of accessibility.

    Principle of integrity

    Operating principle

    The principle of psychological comfort

Principles of education

    Creating a positive emotional uplift

    Education through interaction

Methods of training and education:

Teaching methods:

1. By source of knowledge:

    Verbal: conversation, explanation

    Visual: demonstration, illustration.

2. For didactic purposes:

    Methods for testing and assessing knowledge.

3. By level of inclusion in productive activities:

    Explanatory and illustrative

    Partially - search engines

4. Methods for developing mental functions:

    Statement of a problem or problem situation

5. Method for developing cognitive interest:

    Formation of readiness for perception.

Education methods:

1. Methods for children to comprehend their social experience, motivation for activity and behavior:

2. Methods of stimulating and correcting the actions and relationships of children in the educational process:


Form of organization of student activities: frontal, individual.

Means of education :

Demonstration: board, sample portrait, reproductions of artists, presentationPowerPoint.

Individual: instructional card for drawing a tree, landscape; thick sheet of paper, pencil, eraser, paints, brushes, wax crayons

Lesson type: .combined

Lesson structure:

    1. Organizational and motivational moment (1 min).

      Updating basic knowledge and methods of action. Identifying the problem (3 min).

      Perception (5 min).

      Demonstration of methods of action (5 min).

      Physical exercise (3 min).

      Verbal recitation of methods of action (9 min).

      Applying courses of action (9 min).

      Analysis of methods of action (3 min).

      Reflection on educational activities (2 min).

Information sources:

1. Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO: text of the amendment. And additional For 2011 / M - in education and science of Russia. Federation. – M.: Education, 2011. – 33 p. – (Second generation standards). – ISBN 978 – 5 – 09 – 025287 – 4.2.

2. Industrial practice “Teaching in primary general education programs in primary grades and primary classes of compensatory and correctional developmental education” [Text]: recommendations for students / T.V. Chashchina. – Kamensk-Uralsky, 2015. – 26 p.

3. “Fine arts. 4th grade” / B. M. Nemensky [and others]. – M.: Education, 2014

Board Layout:

October 18.




During the classes:

Lesson steps


training and education

Activities of teachers, students

Planned result

1.Organizational and motivational moment.

Task: create a positive emotional mood among students for the upcoming activity.

Methods for developing cognitive interest: a technique for creating psychological comfort.

Hello guys, let's smile at each other and give our good mood.

Please have a seat!

My name is Ekaterina Romanovna, today I will teach you a fine arts lesson.

Let's check your readiness for the lesson. I name the school supplies, and you check if you have them and put things in order on the table.

Today's lesson will require: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, paints and brushes.

I wish you success in your creative activities during the lesson.

Demonstrate: regulatory UUD (studentsO exercise self-regulation and know how to effectively organize their workplace)

2. Updating basic knowledge and methods of action. Identifying the problem.

Task: Together with the children, formulate the topic and goals of the lesson through a problem situation.

According to the source of knowledge acquisition - verbal: conversation; visual:demonstration,

According to the level of inclusion in productive activity - partially search, problem

Methods for developing cognitive interest: artistic expression.

To determine the topic of our lesson, look at the images

Guys, let's compare them. Firstly, let’s remember what genre they are depicted in? What is it called? Is it a portrait, still life or landscape? (portrait)

Why? What is a portrait?

Portrait is a genre of fine art. A portrait is a painting of a person or group of people. In portraits, artists strive not only to convey external resemblance, but also the character of a person.

What can a portrait tell us? (about a human)


Let's consider it again. Who is depicted in all the paintings? (girls).

Do you think these are beautiful girls? Can they be called Russian beauties? Why?

Tell me, guys, what do you think a “Russian beauty” should be like?

(Beautiful braid, rosy cheeks, beautiful outfit)

Well done, I see that you already have an idea of ​​what the Russian beauty looked like.

Guys, would you like to know even more about the Russian beauty?

Then what do you think the topic of the lesson will be?

And the topic of the lesson sounds like this, please read it. (Image of a Russian beauty).

So what can we learn in class today?

Find out what the Russian beauty looked like.

What will we learn to depict?

Learn to portray a Russian beauty.

Do you agree to work according to this plan?

Each nation has its own image of human beauty. In Russian peasant culture, the image of female beauty is softness, tenderness, and majesty.

Russian people have always attached great importance to the face as an expression of character and soul.

To look into a person's face meant to look into his soul.

Take a look at the faces of Russian women, what kind of look do they have?

– they seem to glow from within, emit a calm and clear glow, you want to sit next to them and warm up.

Look at their clothes? What clothes did they wear? What is it called? (I show in the picture) Kokoshnik, sundress, shirt.

And at the same time, her festive outfit is marvelous. Russian women sewed and decorated their clothes themselves, putting their soul into them, showing true artistic talent.

The meaning of embroidery was forgotten, but the tradition of decoration remained. Women wore a sundress over their shirt.

What kind of headdresses did Russian beauties wear?

In everyday life, girls wore braids.

On holidays, a Russian woman’s head was decorated with a wonderfully beautiful headdress, embroidered with pearls, colored beads, stones, and multi-colored threads.

In the names of the headdresses one can hear a relationship with a bird: kokoshnik, magpie, kichka.

Take a look at the reproductions of Russian artists. What do you think the artist was trying to convey to you through this painting? (children's assumptions). A majestic, bright image of a peasant woman with a simple soul, admiration for her grace and the “Russian” spirit in her eyes and pose.

Guys, are you ready to try to portray a Russian beauty today? (Yes)

Demonstrate:regulatory control systems (studentsOcarry out self-regulation);

communicative UUD (express their thoughts fully and accurately; know how to listen);

educational eUUD (general education): formulating the purpose of the lesson.

3. Perception


form a visual image of the correct drawing of a portrait

Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

According to the source of knowledge - verbal: story, conversation; visual:demonstration, practical: exercise.

According to the level of inclusion in productive activity – partially search,

Guys, how will we position our sheet when drawing a portrait?


How is a portrait drawn?

What do we need to know for this?

Let's do a little investigation

Look at each other.

What shape is the head? (round, oval).

What shape are the eyebrows and eyes? (arched eyebrows, oval eyes)

In the center of the eye is the iris, which determines the color of the eyes.

Where are the eyes located? (under the eyebrows)

Approximately in the middle of the face.

Look at each other.

Is it so?

By the way, the ears are in line with the eyes.

What shape does a person's nose have?

Where is it located on the face? (the nose is triangular in shape, can be large, straight, small; located in the middle of the face; the beginning of the nose is in line with the eyes).

What shape does a person's mouth have? (large round, located below the nose)

You must remember your facial expressions

An expression that depends on a person’s mood.

What kind of mood can a person be in? (happy, surprised, sad, angry, calm).

Because of this, the arrangement of parts of the face among themselves changes.

Educational e UUD:mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

4. Showing methods of action


Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

Technical: teach methods of depicting a portrait and ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature in the process of mastering the work with a brush and paints.

Compositional: improve compositional skills in the arrangement of the drawing, the location of the part of the face is symmetrical in accordance with the size;

According to the source of knowledge - verbal: explanation, conversation; story,

visual:demonstration, illustration.

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: methods of self-control.

Guys, look how I drew a portrait of a Russian beauty. Now I will tell you how I did it.

Where should we start drawing? (from the head). What shape is the head? (oval). So, the first step, I drew the head.

To make the face symmetrical, I placed dots and connected them.

This is the hairline, eye line, mouth line. Drawing a face is quite difficult.

Draw the neck. The width of the neck is equal to the width of the head, and the length is equal to its height. The shoulders are 2 times wider than the head.

We draw parts of the face. Draw the nose.. Draw it with a smooth arched line. Draw the wings of the nose.

The portrait is almost ready. All that remains is to give him individual features and turn him into a Russian beauty. I drew the girl a bright red and yellow kokoshnik and painted green eyes. And part of my sundress is also red.

educational e UUDmastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

Technical: teach methods of depicting a portrait and ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature in the process of mastering the work with a brush and paints.

Compositional: improve compositional skills in the arrangement of the drawing, the location of the part of the face is symmetrical in accordance with the size;

5. Physical exercise

Task: Relieve fatigue and muscle tension.

According to the source of presentation of educational material: Verbal (literary word)

Now let's rest, get up from your seats.

There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)

It's standing backwards. (Children turn.)

There is an old woman in that hut. (They shake a finger.)

Grandmother Yaga lives. (They shake the finger of the other hand.)

Hooked nose (Point with finger.)

The eyes are big, (Show.)

Like coals burning. (Shakes head.)

Wow, how angry! (Running in place.)

My hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

Let's move our eyes to the right, to the left, in a circle.

Quickly - quickly blink

Look at the tip of your nose

And look between the eyebrows.

Circle, square and triangle

We close our eyes. Now they blinked again.

Well done, let's keep working.

Regulatory UUD : volitional self-regulation.

6. Verbal

pronouncing methods of action.


Reproduce the plan for working on the portrait

Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

Technical: teach methods of depicting a portrait and ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature in the process of mastering the work with a brush and paints.

Compositional: improve compositional skills in the arrangement of the drawing, the location of the part of the face is symmetrical in accordance with the size;

Color : consolidate the ability to select colors in accordance with the theme and subject of art .

Application of methods of action




According to the source of knowledge acquisition - verbal: conversation; explanation

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: methods of control and self-control.

Guys, now I will teach you how to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty. Listen and watch carefully how we will do the work. Now we will begin to do the work together. Take a simple pencil

Where should we start drawing? (from the head).

Take the sketch of the head that is on your desk. Place it on a piece of paper, not too high and not too low, so that you can draw a beautiful headdress for the girl. Look how I placed the template on my sheet. Now circle it. (I circle it myself).

There are dots on your templates. Place these points on the oval line. Like this. Now let's connect the dots that are located opposite each other. This is how it is with me, look.

This is the hairline, eye line, mouth line. Now take the neck and shoulders template and trace the template. I'll circle with you.

We draw parts of the face. Draw the nose. Make approximate strokes where the nose will be located. Draw it with a smooth arc-shaped line. Draw the wings of the nose.

Let's move on to drawing the eyes. They are located just above the nose. The outer edges of the nose indicate where the inner corners of the eyes will go. Here you need to take into account an important factor: human anatomy is designed in such a way that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of another eye. Try to draw the eyes not too close and not too far apart.

Draw the upper and lower eyelids. In the middle of the eye we draw the iris and pupil. What else is missing from the eyes? That's right, eyelashes. Eyelashes are located both on the upper eyelid and on the lower one.

Draw the mouth. We draw the upper lip and give the girl a small smile. Raise the corners of the mouth a little. Then the lower lip. It is slightly wider than the top one.

Draw the ears. We draw two horizontal lines from the eyebrows and the tip of the nose. It is in this gap that we draw the auricle.

Now let's give the drawn face a flesh color? How do you think we can get it? (mix paints)

Do any of you know how to mix paints to get a complexion?

So let's take white, a little yellow and a little red. Let's mix them. And paint over the face and part of the neck. Look.

Fine. While your face is drying, add individual features to the portraits of your beauties. Draw a beautiful sundress and headdress. Think about what it will be like. Ribbon, kokoshnik or magpie. Don’t forget about the beautiful Russian braids that girls of that time had.

Guys, look at the board to see what kind of headdresses you can depict. Try to decorate them in bright colors.

Don't forget to erase the extra lines.

Practical work of children and correction of possible errors.

The parts of the face are not symmetrically located.

Incorrect placement of parts of the face.

Individual facial features are not drawn.

educational e UUD mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Fine: teach how to compose an image of a Russian beauty, determine the most effective ways to achieve results

Technical: teach methods of depicting a portrait and ways to solve problems of a creative and search nature in the process of mastering the work with a brush and paints.

Compositional: improve compositional skills in the arrangement of the drawing, the location of the part of the face is symmetrical in accordance with the size;

Color : consolidate the ability to select colors in accordance with the theme and

subject of the image

Color : consolidate the ability to select colors in accordance with the theme and subject of the image

8. Analysis of courses of action

Task: analyze painted portraits.

According to the source of knowledge acquisition – verbal: conversation.

Analysis of works

What is shown? (portrait)

Whose portrait is this? (Russian beauty)

What's her mood?

What is her character like?

How did you manage to convey such a mood and character?

Cognitive UUD:

the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

Communicative UUD

Analyze their creative activity


Task: summarize the lesson, reflect on the activity.

According to the source of knowledge acquisition – verbal: conversation.

Method of speech development: communicative (the ability to express one’s thoughts).

Reflexive technique: Incomplete sentence.

What new did you learn in class today?

What was the most interesting thing for you?

Have we completed all the tasks? Do you know what the Russian beauty looks like? How?

Have you learned how to portray a beauty in your drawings?

If you're happy with your job, raise your hands.

Let's take another look at our exhibition. Look what beauties you have created.

The bell is already ringing, remove everything from your desks.

Thank you everyone for the lesson, it was a pleasure working with you!


Regulatory UUD (studentsOexercise self-control, self-esteem, self-regulation, as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, carry out cognitive and personal reflection);communicative UUD (express their thoughts fully and accurately; know how to listen).

The purpose of the lesson:

  • form an idea of ​​Russian folk women's costume;
  • develop imagination, the ability to create decorations and work in a group;
  • cultivate interest in Russian culture and its traditions.


1. Greeting.

2. Subject message.

3. Musical epigraph – a fragment of the song “Russian Beauty”.

4. Literary epigraph (verse by O. Ostrovskaya “Russian Costume”).

An important peahen, a “dove of soul”
This has long been a name for a girl.
In difficult work, my back bent...
But she went out on holiday
In a marvelous outfit of peasant clothes
Where is the whole pattern about dreams and hope.
The neck was decorated with beads and monists;
Beads, corals, golden amber.
The most precious of all is the headdress -
Embroidered with beads and beaten with gold:
Kika, magpie - the dress of a young woman;
Braid, crown - decoration of a girl;
Collection, warrior - a dress for an old woman.
The most beautiful is the dress of a young woman,
This is how it has been preserved in Rus' from time immemorial.
Russian costume of unprecedented beauty.

Let's guys, let's see what the women's costume consisted of.

– This is a shirt, a sundress, a headdress.

Many artists depicted Russian beauties in national costume.

5. Show slides with paintings by artists (Vrubel, Argunov, K. Makovsky)

– Where else can you see folk costume?

How many of you know the name of women's hats?

In Russian folk costume, special attention was paid to women's headdress. From it one could find out what area she was from and what age she was.


The girls wore -

BANDAGE - a strip of fabric on a rigid base with ears for attaching ribbons

HOOP - made of tree bark or cardboard in the form of a circle, covered with fabric and richly decorated.

KOKOSHNIK (Kokosha-chicken) - was a light fan made of cardboard, covered with fabric and decorated. It was of various shapes - one-horned, two-horned, cylindrical, saddle-shaped.

VOYNIK is a round cap raised at the front and adjacent to the head at the back. Ribbons - ties - are sewn here, wrapping twice around the head. It was worn by married women.

– What were the hats decorated with?

These are beads, beads, pearls, gold threads, lace, foil, glass, precious stones.

6. Show slides with hats.

7. Phys. just a minute.

8. Practical work in groups.

Today you have to be a master of jewelry, i.e. designer and decorate the girl you have drawn with a kokoshnik; you come up with decorations yourself, using prepared material (cereals, beans, peas) and a pre-prepared kokoshnik shape. Glue them and paint them.

The fine arts lesson was conducted according to the B.M. program. Nemensky in 4th grade.

Lesson objectives:

  • show students the role of art in understanding the beauty of a Russian woman;
  • introduce students to Russian folk costume and the concept of “ensemble”;
  • develop skills and abilities when solving creative problems involving variation;
  • instill interest in Russian folk art;
  • continue the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking of students;
  • carry out interdisciplinary connections (literature, art, music, history);
  • instill in children a love for Russian history.


  • for the teacher - computer presentation, visual aids;
  • for students - blank figures of girls, watercolor or gouache paints.

Visual range:

Presentation with reproductions of paintings by M. Vrubel “The Swan Princess”, I. Argunov “Portrait of an Unknown Peasant Woman in Russian Costume”, K. Bryullov “Fortune Svetlana”, K. Korovin “Northern Idyll”, K Makovsky “At the Outskirts”, “Russian” beauty”, “Boyaryna at the window” and illustrations of Russian folk costume.

Literary series:

  • A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (excerpt);
  • N. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (excerpt);
  • N. Nekrasov “Frost, Red Nose” (excerpt).

Musical series: recording of Russian folk songs.

Progress of the lesson “The image of a Russian person. Female images in art"

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Guys, today in class we will continue to study the section “The Origins of Native Art.” Let's remember what topics we have already studied. (Slide No. 1).

All types and genres of fine art directly or indirectly tell about a person. The main object of art has always been a person, a complex spiritual world, character, mood.

II. Announcement of the topic.

The topic of our lesson: “The image of a Russian person. Female images in art" (slide No. 2).

III. Goal setting.

Teacher: Let's define the goals of our lesson. What would you like to learn in class? What would you like to learn?

VI. Work on the topic of the lesson. Learning new material.

Teacher: Each nation has its own understanding of male and female beauty. The image of a man is inseparable from work. In Russian peasant culture this is the image of a plowman.

What do you think of the female image? The woman was seen as the progenitor, the beginning of life, the mother of all nature. She was understood as an intercessor, the mistress of the house, and was valued for her dignity, spiritual responsiveness and warmth.

Russian beauty. Many works of art and literature are devoted to this image. What do we mean by the expression Russian beauty?

Let's turn to the works of great artists and to the artistic word about the beauty of women who lived in ancient Russian villages and cities. (Slide No. 3).

Student: They say there is a princess,
That you can't take your eyes off.
During the day the light of God is eclipsed,
At night the earth lights up -
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead the star is burning.
And she herself is majestic,
Performs like a peahen.

Student: The image of a bird is the oldest symbol of goodness and prosperity. In the image of the woman, in her costume, and most of all in the image of the white sleeves-wings, the image of a beautiful dream was expressed - a bird of happiness.

Student: “The Swan Princess” is one of the most poetic female images in the art of the artist Vrubel. Vrubel depicted the Swan Princess wearing a crown decorated with freshwater pearls and semi-precious stones. Vrubel lovingly sought to convey all the beauty of national women's clothing, its colors, close to their native nature. (Slide No. 4).

Student: There are women in Russian villages
With calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements
With the gait, with the look of queens.
A beauty that is a wonder to the world:
Blush, slim, tall,
She is beautiful in any clothes,
He is dexterous in any work.

Student: If you look closely at the portrait of a peasant woman made by the artist Argunov, you can see that she seems to radiate an even, soft radiance, she has light in her soul. A young girl is dressed in a festive red sundress with a white elegant blouse. A tall kokoshnik embroidered with gold emphasizes the girl’s noble, almost royal posture. (Storage No. 5).

Student: Our dances are famous everywhere,
Our dances are like fire.
A Russian beauty will come out,
Let it go to the accordion.
Russian boots embroidered with gold,
Narrow boots shine in the sun.
A beauty is walking, swimming like a swan
And everyone admires her beauty.

Student: Bryullov’s painting is inspired by Zhukovsky’s poem “Svetlana.” An episode of fortune telling is shown, which was part of the Christmas celebration. Bryullov depicted Svetlana in Russian national costume, sitting in front of a mirror, to which she turned her gaze. The artist created an impressive image of a young girl, attractive with her beauty and spontaneity.

Teacher: Guys, you looked at reproductions of paintings and listened to literary works. How did you imagine the image of the Russian beauty? What unites all these images?

All these images are united by a rich inner world, spiritual kindness, and hard work. Each painting reflected the national traditions of the Russian people. People believed: beauty is a good, protective force. Therefore, women sought to decorate their costume. Russian national costume has always been given special attention. (Slide No. 6).

Teacher: The ensemble of Russian folk costume creates a poetic image that is inseparable from work life, holidays, and rituals. The idea of ​​a Russian women's costume is associated with a shirt and a sundress.

The shirt, the basis of a woman's costume, was made of white linen. The shirt was decorated with embroidery, especially the collar, shoulders, chest and hem. (Slide No. 7).

Teacher: They put on a sundress over the shirt. The sundress was decorated on the front with a patterned stripe and braid. The hem of the sundress was decorated with a pattern that symbolized the fertility of the earth - rhombuses, triangles, squares with dots.

In the north, a sundress was often complemented by a swing-up chest piece called an epanechka. Epanechka is a short flared sleeveless blouse. (Slide No. 8).

Teacher: In the south of Russia, instead of a sundress, they wore a poneva - a homespun plaid skirt made of wool. It was trimmed with ribbons and braid. The poneva was accompanied by an apron decorated with patterns symbolizing earth and water - rhombuses, wavy lines, birds. (Slide No. 9).

On holidays, the head was decorated with a wonderful headdress - a kokoshnik. Kokoshniks were richly decorated with freshwater pearls, embroidery, and pendants. Girls flaunted their braids, and a married woman tucked her hair under her headdress.

V. Creative work.

Teacher: Today in class I suggest you create an image of a Russian beauty. What should you show in your work? That's right, you must reflect the beauty of Russian folk costume, convey the character of the girl and her mood.

(Russian folk songs are played during work.)

Teacher: Guys, we will place your work on the board.

  • What do you see on the board? (A small clearing near the forest).
  • What did the girls do in the clearing when they got together? (Did a round dance).
  • How do we position our girls? (Round).

(Students place the girl figures in a circle on the board).

  • What did the girls do when they joined the round dance? (Sang songs).
  • Let us sing the song “There was a birch tree in the field.”

(Performing a song with children).

VI. Summing up the work.

Teacher: Guys, what new did you learn in class? Have we achieved our goals? What have you learned about Russian folk costume? Well done, everyone worked very well today. Thanks everyone for the lesson.

Presentation “The image of a Russian person. Female images in art"

Abstract of an art lesson on the topic “The image of human beauty. Male image"

The purpose of the lesson : to acquaint students with the ideas of the Russian people - our ancestors - about the beauty of a man: a hard worker and defender of the Motherland and clan.

Tasks And: to introduce students to the image of the Russian hero in literature and painting, to develop imaginative thinking, to improve their skills in working in color, and to cultivate pride in their belonging to Russian history.

Equipment: for the teacher: methodological tables, reproductions, slides;
for students : paper, paints, brushes, palette, water jar.

Visual range : paintings by artists V. Vasnetsov, P. Korin.

Musical series:Russian folk songs (No. 5 – “Whether the falcon is clear”)

Literary series: excerpts from epics.


1. Organizational moment.
Over the centuries, every nation has developed an image of human beauty.
In the last lesson we talked about the beauty of a Russian woman. Today in class we will get acquainted with the image of male beauty.

2 . Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

The image of a man is always closely connected with his work. In Russian peasant culture this is the image of a plowman. The clothes of the Russian peasant were quite simple, not as elegant as a woman’s suit. A shirt, which was made from bleached linen, and trousers, bast shoes on the feet, and boots were festive footwear.

Embroidered patterns were applied along the collar, sleeves and bottom of the shirt. The shirt was belted with a sash. The clothes showed simplicity, comfort, some severity and modesty.

The image of the Russian peasant combines ideas about the unity of mighty strength and kindness - Good fellow. He knows how to work on his land and knows how to protect it. The beauty of a man has always been seen in the strength of a worker, the courage and nobility of a defender of the Motherland. To protect their lands, the Russians built defensive structures - fortresses, used forests, lakes, rivers, hills to protect them from enemies, but not only high walls protected our ancestors from enemies.

In peaceful days, the Russian man was a peasant, a plowman, a sower, and a breadwinner. And in the days of hard times he became a warrior, a defender. The image of the defender of the Russian land is sung in epics, this is the image of Russian heroes. The epics tell about the courageous struggle of the Russian people against their enemies - nomads. The most popular was the hero Ilya Muromets, a peasant son from the city of Murom. Ilya Muromets defeated Nightingale the Robber, Idolishche, and Kalin the Tsar.

He put a red-hot arrow,
Yes, I lowered the silk bowstring,
Is it his thuja red-hot arrow, -
So the red-hot arrow whistled,
And she hit the Nightingale the Robber,
And it hit him in the right temple;
She knocked down the Nightingale and from the damp oak
There is damp earth and feather grass.

Another favorite hero of the people was the hero Dobrynya Nikitich, who defeated the Snake on the Stream River.
Another hero is often found in folk epics - Alyosha Popovich. But not only in epics was the image created

Many Russian artists addressed this topic. Painting by Russian painter V.M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” (conversation based on the painting). It is emphasized that the artist, like the Russian people, endowed his heroes with national character traits that were respected by the people - courage, calmness, generosity, resourcefulness, readiness to make any sacrifice to defend the fatherland. The landscape in the picture emphasizes the sense of greatness and beauty of Russian soldiers.

Another artist P. Korin depicted the legendary defender of the Russian land - Alexander Nevsky (conversation based on the painting).

Let's look at what heroic equipment looked like. A chain mail consisting of metal rings was worn over ordinary clothes; slits were made on the sides of the chain mail to make it more convenient to mount a horse. Chain mail was expensive, so ordinary warriors wore leather shirts with sewn metal plaques. An important part of the equipment was a pointed helmet shaped like a church dome - an onion. A chainmail mesh fell off the helmet and protected the neck. Heroic weapons: sword, spear, bow and arrows, shield, axe.
Before moving on to independent work, you need to rest a little.

3. Physical education minute.
Everyone stood up quietly.

Hands up! Wider your shoulders!
One, two, three - breathe evenly!
They clapped their hands - one, two, three!
They stomped their feet - one, two, three!

4.Independent work of students.

Exercise: depict a portrait-image of a Russian hero.

Place the sheet vertically, in any version of the image: full-length, waist-deep or chest-deep. Outline the proportions of the figure: arms to the middle of the thighs, elbows to the waist, wide shoulders, powerful neck, strong legs. When drawing the head, take into account that the hero could have a mustache and beard. When working on the image of a weapon, you need to remember that you don’t need to draw everything at once - the hero could hardly hold a sword, spear, shield, bow, arrows, or club in his hands at the same time.

5. Lesson summary . Exhibition and analysis of works.

6. Generalization of the lesson topic. What qualities does the image of beauty of a Russian person, a Russian man include? Who was the Russian man in peaceful days? In the days of hard times? What weapons did the Russian heroes have?

7. Cleaning workplaces.

FINE ARTS Human Beauty Grade 4 Lesson 5

Primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 33, Simferopol

  • Goals: study images of female characters in paintings by Russian artists; carry out analytical work to compare them; introduce the ideals of Russian beauty; repeat the skills of depicting a person in a drawing; teach the depiction of elements of folk costumes; conduct the psychological mood of the lesson; introduce the terms “kokoshnik”, “sarafan”.
  • Kind of activity: drawing.
  • Planned results: schoolchildren will analyze the images in the portraits of Russian artists; repeat the specifics of making a portrait; will acquire knowledge about changing ideals of Russian beauty; practice painting a portrait; will be psychologically prepared for classes.

  • A portrait is a work of fine art containing the image of one or more people.
  • A portrait painter is an artist, a specialist in the field of portraiture.
  • Russian costume is national clothing.
  • Idyll is a short poetic work depicting a serene life.

  • What are genres in fine art?
  • What genres of fine art do you know?
  • You have already been drawing this year, what genre can your drawings be classified into? (Landscapes.)

  • There are paintings hanging here,
  • How many eyes do you want -
  • Here are the stands, and here are the display cases.
  • Today you came to the museum.
  • There are pictures for every taste here.
  • What does our viewer like?
  • Grove with red rowan -
  • This, dear friend,... .
  • Forest and field, meadow and river,
  • Blue skies
  • Beautiful places We look for half an hour.
  • I. Agapova

  • Today you will meet with a genre of fine art that is already familiar to you. To remember it, you will also have to solve a riddle.
  • We love paintings very much
  • And we will answer everything:
  • Here's a girl in a colorful fur coat -
  • This, dear friend,...
  • Mom is drawn here,
  • Grandfather and grandmother are behind her.
  • We will frame the portraits
  • And hang it on the wall.
  • I. Agapova

  • Before you start studying portraits of great Russian artists and creating your own drawings, let's get ready for the lesson. Sit comfortably, lean back in your chairs. Take as many deep breaths as you can. Cover your eyes.
  • The teacher pronounces phrases that the students repeat after him.
  • I enjoy working in art classes.
  • I can distinguish paintings by their genres and can tell about them.
  • I enjoy studying paintings by great artists.
  • I like to draw.
  • I enjoy appliqué and design.
  • My hands will become skillful.
  • I diligently complete all tasks.
  • I try to do everything the teacher asks, and I learn to do everything very well.
  • I ask you to take a deep breath and open your eyes.

  • The artist Ivan Petrovich Argunov was a serf who managed the palaces of Count Sheremetev.
  • I. Argunov was talented, his talent was noticed, he was trusted to draw portraits of gentlemen and even Russian queens. The main genre in which he worked was portrait. Argunov sought to show in portraits the natural strength and dignity of a person.

  • But one of his best works was a portrait not of a count or a queen, but of a peasant woman from the Moscow province, a reproduction of which is placed in the textbook. The master created a pure, clear image of a Russian woman with a calm and kind soul. This portrait is distinguished by the clarity of the drawing, the severity of the forms, and the thoughtful relationship of colors.

  • The second painting is called “Northern Idyll”, its author is the artist Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin. The word idyll means consistency, an ideal image. And indeed in his painting the artist conveys the character of such an idyll.

  • In many books you have already encountered a description of the image of a girl or woman - a Russian beauty.
  • I will remind you of one famous passage - the description of the Swan Princess from Pushkin's fairy tale.
  • Here she is, her wings shining,
  • Flew over the waves
  • And to the shore from above
  • She sank into the bushes.
  • Started up, shook myself off
  • And she turned into a princess.
  • And she herself is majestic,
  • Performs like a peahen.
  • The moon shines under the scythe,
  • And in the forehead the star is burning.

  • And here is a description of a Russian peasant woman, which was created by another Russian poet - N. Nekrasov.
  • There are women in Russian villages
  • With calm importance of faces,
  • With beautiful strength in movements,
  • With the gait, with the look of queens, -
  • Wouldn't a blind person notice them?
  • And the sighted man says about them:
  • “It will pass - as if it will illuminate the sun!
  • If he looks, he’ll give me a ruble!”
  • ...Beauty, the world is a wonder,
  • Blush, slim, tall,
  • She is beautiful in any clothes,
  • Dexterous for any job.

  • . Get started full face portrait drawing from an oval (it can be more or less oblong, depending on the shape of the head), divided by a line in half vertically. The horizontal line will also divide the oval in half; it passes at the level of the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye - the teardrop. The intersection of these lines, forming the so-called cross, will be the control point from which you need to build the rest of the face. To maintain the correct proportions of the face, it is necessary to determine the ratio of its width to height.

  • We outline all parts of the face. The nose fits approximately three times along the height of the face and is shaped like a prism.
  • When depicting eyes, you need to remember that each person has an individual pattern. It is determined by the size of the eyeballs and how they are located in the orbital sockets. The shape of the eyes also varies. The distance between the eyes is equal to the size of one eye. Exceptions depend on the physiological characteristics of the person, for example, close or far set eyes.
  • Draw the line of the mouth. We outline the ears.

  • Next, we outline the location of the pupil, the width of the open part of the eye, the thickness of the upper and lower eyelids. Making the outline of the nose more realistic. When drawing a mouth, keep in mind that its width is always greater than the width of the base of the nose. We outline the pattern of the lips, showing their character.
  • With the head not tilted, the earlobes are depicted slightly above the line of the mouth, and their upper points are slightly below the line of the eyebrows.

  • We work on all parts of the face in more detail.
  • We determine the shadow side of the face, using tone to help reveal the shape. We enhance the tone in places where the shape fades into shadow: on the cheekbone, left side of the forehead, chin, upper lip, left wing and at the bottom of the nose, on the neck. The surface of the forehead is divided into several planes - anterior, lateral and upper. The frontal tubercles serve as a reference point. The boundaries of these planes should be shown in tone.
  • We need to work on the nose in detail, since it is closest to us and the contrast of light and shadow on it will be the most obvious. At the final stage, the hair should be worked out in detail in some places, as well as expressive eyes, and a shoulder line should be outlined.

  • What is landscape?
  • What is a portrait?
  • Name the type of work you did in class today.
  • What supplies did you need?
  • What kind of portraits have you painted?
  • What rules must be followed when drawing a portrait.
  • What details of folk costumes did you use in your portraits?
  • Were you able to convey the characters of the heroines you drew?

  • Today you will create a syncwine on the theme “Portrait”.