How to improve your writing literacy in Russian. How to improve literacy in the Russian language: tips and assistant services, your reference book

If you are in doubt about how to write a particular word, you can always check it on the old and respected portal “”. To do this, the site has a search form for web dictionaries. In addition, “” offers visitors a text course “Online Tutor” with spelling and punctuation rules, as well as interactive dictations and other tasks to consolidate the material covered.

2. “Language Eye”

This program, in the creation of which teachers from St. Petersburg State University participated, is an original collection of short articles about the history, syntax, phonetics, stylistics and other sections of the Russian language.

Due to the hyperlinks that link the texts, the format of the reference book is reminiscent of Wikipedia. After launching the program, its wonderful design catches your eye: it looks unusually stylish for its subject matter.

“True Words” is a children's interactive Russian language textbook. Accessible and fun materials from this resource, written by professional teachers, will help your child fill in the knowledge gaps in the school curriculum.

The site uses game mechanics and bright design to involve the child in the educational process and teach him to write without mistakes. The system evaluates students using tests and provides parents with statistics on progress. The site is paid, but trial lessons are freely available.

4. “The Russian language is literate”

This program contains more than 16,000 test tasks on spelling, punctuation and more. According to the developer, Russian language experts took part in drawing up the questions. When faced with a difficult test, you can request help - the program will display the theory section associated with the question.

"Spelling" allows you to improve your command of the Russian language in practice. If you have to write a lot of texts, then you can check them in this service. The system analyzes what is written taking into account numerous language norms, indicates errors and displays the rules associated with them. The service operates on a paid subscription basis, but the cost of the tariffs is unlikely to scare away an interested user.

6. "Punctuation"

With this program you can check and, if necessary, improve your punctuation knowledge. It works like this: they show you sentences from famous books, and you add punctuation marks. The system evaluates the result and comments on errors.

Only 20 proposals can be processed for free, another 200 are available for a symbolic price.

Dictations based on the works of outstanding Russian writers appear on this resource of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. Each text has gaps - you need to insert the missing characters, choosing them from the options provided. Upon completion, the system counts the number of errors made and displays the result.

8. "Spelling"

Apparently, “Spelling” is a program from the developer of the already mentioned “Punctuation”. The applications are very similar, but if the previous one was devoted to punctuation marks, then “Spelling” helps improve your spelling skills.

The system shows sentences with missing letters. You fill in the blanks, and the app points out your mistakes and provides spelling rules associated with them.

25 offers are available to every user for free. A few hundred more can be purchased for a small amount.

Greetings, dear friends! Pavel Yamb is in touch. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, Russia is one of the most literate countries in the world, since almost all of its citizens can read and write, I very often come across words such as “cute”, “birthday” or “birthday”, etc. .

Do you agree that well-written articles are more pleasant to read than text riddled with errors? It seems that at school everyone had lessons in Russian literature and language, but most, it seems, either lost the acquired skills or did not listen to the teacher at all. So how can you refresh your memory? How to “raise” the literacy of a great, powerful adult? After all, competent people achieve success faster!

Let's first take a sober look at the situation, at what level our literacy is. Not happy? Let's begin to enrich our knowledge.

What and how to read?

One of the ways to become a Russian language guru, which we are constantly advised, is to read more. On the one hand, it’s correct: when you read a lot, you remember more words and know how to spell them. But not all literature is equally useful. The best option for useful reading is the classics. There are a lot of interesting works that were not included in the school curriculum, some we read in an abbreviated “demo” version, and others we forgot, so pleasant emotions are guaranteed. For example, from textbooks, the only thing I remember is “The Master and Margarita”.

There is such a technique as spelling reading. Its principle is that children are taught to read as it is written, and not as is commonly spoken. Particular attention is paid to long and complex words that are pronounced syllable by syllable. In this case, auditory memory is connected to visual memory. This is how we quickly remember how words are written. Then, using the “like-dislike” method, you can intuitively determine how an unfamiliar word is spelled.

As you read, you will get a feel for the style, see the compatibility of words, and expand your vocabulary. What if not reading contributes to this?!

Desk book? Dictionary!

Increasing literacy levels is not a matter of one day or even a few months. If you decide to thoroughly improve your literacy, then your reference book should be a Russian language dictionary. If you have the slightest uncertainty about the correct spelling, you should contact it. Have you come across an unfamiliar word? Also open a dictionary, find out the meaning and how to write. Another good way to expand your vocabulary.

Don't be afraid that large volumes will fill the room. After all, electronic versions of all dictionaries are freely available on the Internet. Here,

Modern people also have the opportunity to improve their literacy online with the help of special resources. For example, there is such a useful service -, with explanations, rules, reference materials. We go to the site, type a questionable word in the line, press Enter - and the correct answer is before our eyes. Comfortable! And this is not the only site of this kind.

Pay attention to such resources as:

  • “Total dictation” – a complete online school, everything is free;
  • "True Words"– native speech courses for primary and secondary school children, linguistic games, online Olympiads. The service is paid, but you can try the free option;
  • "I can write"– Russian language lessons, paid and free courses, webinars, textbooks, tests;
  • "Education in Russian"– free interactive textbooks, online platforms for learning Russian as a foreign language;
  • “Write more vividly”– a free course that will help rid your texts of verbal garbage;
  • ""– online magazine about Russian language and literature.

Let's play and improve literacy

You can learn literacy easily and playfully. Do you like to solve crosswords? Wonderful! This means you learn new words and remember how they are written. Word puzzles, tests, anagrams, charades, and rebuses also perfectly develop our intellectual abilities.

If you cannot achieve good results on your own, take literacy courses. With the help of specialists, things will go much faster. Such courses are also available online.

There are also assistance services for improving literacy, for example, Leave a request and study with a Russian language or literature tutor via Skype.

Compliance with Russian language requirements is mandatory by default in any field. So, we remember or learn the rules. In the case where the work is checked before sending, why not ask him to report every violation of language norms? If you learn the rule, you improve your literacy. If you do this all the time, you will be able to compete with the inspector.

But not everyone has a colleague who is a proofreader. Then your salvation is textbooks. Don't be lazy, open them more often, read the rules yourself!

Today - dictation

In my opinion, this is the best way to improve literacy in the shortest possible time. You don’t even need assistants: there are enough interactive dictations on the Internet to insert missing punctuation marks and spelling marks. The benefit is double: interesting and educational.


Write every day, this way you will increase your literacy level in the near future and develop the skill of recognizing mistakes at the level of intuition. Constantly, a lot, interesting! Not everyone can boast of innate literacy; you will have to work hard to get such a useful advantage. The more we write, the fewer mistakes we make. Tested in practice!

There is another way to improve language skills like calligraphy. Calligraphic handwriting develops concentration, helps to fix a phrase in memory and even remember the rule! Write slowly - this method also works when typing on a computer. Think, and not rush at full speed.

Interestingly, the initial misspelling is etched in the memory. A persistent skill in writing with errors appears. To get rid of it, you will have to spell the word correctly at least a hundred times. After about a hundred repetitions at one time, I stopped writing “Hello” - I constantly missed the letter “v” at the skill level.

You know, even without being super literate, you can make good money. The higher your knowledge of the language, the higher your earnings.


Are you familiar with the expression “it’s asking for a comma”? The logic of presentation and the rhythm of the sentence suggest that a punctuation mark is needed here. To feel this rhythm, listen to audio books and pay attention to the spoken phrases. This way you will learn to determine where a comma is needed.

Situations that are out of the ordinary

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the Russian language is actually very flexible. If you find an error in a customer's keyword, do not rush to correct it. It is quite possible that this is a special requirement, that is, it should be so. The reason is simple. Most Internet users type search queries incorrectly. When the number of queries with errors increases noticeably, some webmasters use such words as keywords.

Some statistics

Statistics show that the Russian language consists of approximately 500,000 words. But in everyday life we ​​only use about 3000.

According to, a schoolchild’s vocabulary is 2000–5000 words, an adult has 5000–8000 thousand words, an adult who has received a higher education has about 10,000, and an erudite has 50,000 available.

So, let’s summarize how to quickly increase your literacy level:

  1. Read a lot, especially classical literature.
  2. Check the dictionary often, both in volumes and online.
  3. Let online resources like become your friends.
  4. Solve crosswords, charades, puzzles.
  5. If you can’t achieve results on your own, work with a tutor.
  6. Take literacy classes.
  7. Write.
  8. Listen to audiobooks!

Bye to you. Pavel Yamb was with you. Be literate, write comments to this article without errors :)

P.s. What words did you have problems with?

And here is a cool tip on our topic today:

I want to support the youth of our project (from 10 and above - my grandson will soon be 10 years old, and therefore I understand this audience well) - this instruction will help you.
The ability to write correctly will help your career.
And here is a great place where you can practice (but not to the detriment of readers).
This is how to train, I will write in this instruction.

Difficulty level: Not difficult

1 step

I, like many of you, probably chased dogs too much as a child. And that’s why I had big problems with literacy. And when I began to write a lot, my “literacy” greatly hindered me.
But somehow a thin book fell into my hands (perhaps it was called like this instruction). I was already an adult - and in this book “about literacy in 5 minutes” a lot coincided with what I already knew, in particular with my knowledge and experience about memorization and memory.
So, the first tip - maybe you will be lucky too - you need to look for such a book.

Step 2

This little book (it was so thin that I called it so affectionately) said something like this:
“We read a lot. But for the most part, the books we read are written competently - in any case, the texts of these books were edited by a competent editor. And that’s what we’re using here for “literacy in 5 minutes.”
So step two - do not re-read your poorly written personal diaries (or instructions of the same quality), but read good books - the more, the better for your literacy. YOU WILL GET USED TO READING LITERATE SPEECH.

Step 3

So, you go to work or school along the same road, and if nothing changes on the road, then you don’t notice the old things. But if suddenly, where there was nothing standing yesterday, you find, say, a green tree right in the center of your path - you will immediately notice it, stop, as if you have stumbled.

It’s the same when reading texts: when everything is written without mistakes, it’s like the old way to work or school. But if you encounter an error while reading, you will definitely stumble. So - a mistake is like that Christmas tree on the road.
So, step three – you stumbled while reading the text, stop and look to see if it’s a mistake.

Step 4

Step four.
Now type your text. Then be sure to re-read it, where you stumbled - there is an error. She needs to be dealt with.
(Here, I hope YET, there are instructions that not only the author did not check for errors, but, apparently, did not read at all after typing the text - this is disrespect for readers and is detrimental to his rating.)
Of course, use error checking in the editor, where you made a mistake - think why, and if you didn’t stumble during the first reading - think again.

Step 5

Fifth step.
This is already an advanced level.
In the place where you stumbled, for example, a word is spelled incorrectly, but you don’t know how to write it correctly - we look into the dictionary. After 3-4 such climbs, you will be able to remember the correct spelling of the word.

Step 6

Step six, although it is useful to do it first, is motivation to improve your literacy.
For example, I needed the described technique, which in an instant transferred me from semi-literate to more or less literate, so that I would not be ashamed of my numerous texts.

Step 7

However, relatively recently I gained additional motivation. When studying a foreign language without Russian grammar, it is very difficult, or better yet, impossible (if, for example, you confuse parts of speech with parts of a sentence - say, verbs with predicates.)
Yes, here is the next step to understanding grammar - study grammar (if you are still in school - treat Russian as your favorite subject - your career, that is, your whole life, depends on it.
If you are already working, you can take a thicker grammar manual.

We repeat:
1. Read more books.
2. Re-read our texts.
3. Where we stumbled, we correct the mistake.
4. We don’t know how to fix it - we look into the dictionary and grammar.
5. We treat the language with love.

6. We buy an interesting book on linguistics (for example, “A Word about Words” by Uspensky).
7. We pleasantly shock the audience with a competent letter.

  • Now I take great pleasure in reading books on linguistics that tell about how our language developed. This is the next level, but in my experience it is a mandatory level for improving your literacy.

Literacy in its most direct sense is a person’s ability to write correctly and structure his speech in accordance with the rules of his native language. Literacy can be innate or acquired.

If you write without errors, but at the same time cannot reproduce a single rule of the Russian language and do not voraciously read the classics, you have innate literacy. It is based on a sense of language at the genetic level.

Acquired literacy is the result of self-development and self-improvement, tireless work on oneself.

The path to literacy is a staircase with many steps

In the modern world, literacy is a person’s calling card. In its absence, you cannot get a good, well-paid job - HR managers monitor this nuance already at the stage of accepting an application or resume. It has been noticed that people who have correct speech, a rich vocabulary and the ability to write without errors achieve success in any chosen field. A literate person is a priori perceived as intellectually developed; he is respected more than others. But improving literacy is not a matter of overnight success. You will need patience and perseverance in this noble endeavor.

Literacy Methods

First, determine what are your “weak” sides and what you would like to “improve”: spelling, punctuation, grammar, speaking skills. Self-analysis must be objective. Next, make a short plan for yourself and move towards your designated goal using the following literacy development methods.

The first method is to read classical literature. The benefits of reading good books cannot be overestimated. Even if you have read all the literature provided for in the school curriculum at one time, there are still many new works that - believe me - will definitely interest you. It is possible that you will comprehend what you once read in a different way - thanks to the acquired life experience. While reading, you can feel the style of the work, the combination of words, and punctuation features. Your vocabulary will certainly expand. In addition, reading helps develop visual memory. But you need to read slowly, thoughtfully, comprehending each phrase. Pay special attention to complex words and long sentences with complex punctuation.

The second method is to arm yourself with dictionaries. This can be either a book or an electronic version. If you are in doubt about writing this or that word, or come across a new word whose meaning you did not know until now, do not be lazy to look in the dictionary. Over time, you will need it less and less.

The third method is to learn the rules of the Russian language. One rule per day is enough.

The fourth method is to listen to audiobooks. For the development of literacy, it is very useful to listen to correct “live” speech. Your auditory memory won't hurt you.

Fifth method - write dictations. Start with an easy text, increasing its complexity and volume over time.

The sixth method is to make it a rule to write correctly everywhere. Even in social networks, chats and forums - where it is considered normal to distort words, conveying only their meaning (“finally”, “what a thread”).

The seventh method is to try making an audio or video recording of your speech. If you listen to yourself from the outside, it will be easier for you to understand what are the mistakes in your speech.

The eighth method is to develop literacy in a playful way. Feel free to get involved in crossword puzzles and computer games that help develop your intellectual abilities (anagrams, charades, puzzles and others).

The ninth method is to sign up for Russian language courses. Getting help from a professional never hurt anyone.


  • Don't know how to improve your literacy? We'll tell you!

Russian language and speech culture is one of the basic subjects in the school curriculum. Unfortunately, with age, the skills acquired over several years of studying the native language language, are gradually lost. Sometimes you are amazed at the broken language our deputies, members of the government and other high-ranking officials speak. The question arises: is it possible to improve the Russian language in an adult, and how to do this?


In fact, it is possible to improve the level of proficiency in your native language, but this does not take a couple of days or even a couple of months. First of all, make sure that the Russian dictionary language and a grammar reference with your reference books. Don’t be lazy to consult the dictionary again if you are not sure of the meaning of a word or its spelling. If you hear something new, then spend a couple of minutes figuring out its meaning and. This way you can significantly expand your active vocabulary. By the way, these days it is not at all necessary to purchase a thick paper dictionary by Dahl or Ozhegov. Electronic versions of almost all Russian dictionaries language are freely available on the Internet.

The second important point is reading. Unfortunately, with each passing day we read fewer and fewer books. We are used to getting information from television programs, online news sites, or the radio. We often spend our free time looking at the screen rather than reading our favorite book. However, it is reading that helps us improve the level of our native language. language. By reading various books, we expand our vocabulary and learn to combine lexical units. In addition, when reading, our brain automatically remembers the correct spelling of words, which reduces the number of spelling errors in writing. It goes without saying that reading books significantly broadens your horizons.

Literacy in written language is a kind of calling card of a person. If he writes with numerous spelling and grammatical errors, in many cases it will be difficult for him to apply for a prestigious, well-paid job. Therefore, improving writing literacy is a fairly urgent task for many people.


Knowledge of the rules is necessary, but not the only condition for competent written speech. A literate person may no longer remember the rules that he once learned - he just knows exactly how to write. To achieve such “innate” literacy, you need to read high-quality Russian literature. The correct construction of phrases, the spelling of words by the classics of Russian literature should be deposited in the mind, becoming a kind of template.

Did you know that literacy is "a means of expanding personal freedoms and opportunities, as well as an instrument for developing human potential"? This is the definition that precedes the RIA Novosti literacy test.

There is still some definiteness, but you can hardly argue with him. An illiterate copywriter is, in principle, possible, although extremely rare.

However, literacy superheroes are also rare among copywriters. Rather, we can talk about authors who are more or less indifferent to issues of literacy.

But it’s not just copywriters who need to be literate. Despite the fact that videos, pictures, and infographics are becoming more and more popular, active Internet users write something every day. And, of course, it will be better if what comes out of your keyboard is clear to everyone you address.

Luckily, there are very simple ways to improve literacy. Choose from these magnificent seven the methods that suit you.

Method number 0. Write dictations, take courses

With the help of dictations, they not only check the level of literacy, but also improve it. However, this method, like taking courses or classes with a tutor, for the most part causes rejection. Many will say: “We studied and studied at school, and now after school we can write dictations.” Therefore, we believe that this method is zero and is used only by professionals.

For example, the copywriters of our Bureau have already written a dictation, and repeated and reinforced the most difficult rules at the Intensive Russian Language Workshop, which took place in the summer.

Method number 1. Read books and look in dictionaries

Psychologists have long studied the connection between reading and writing. One of their conclusions speaks in favor of the fact that reading is a must.

To write correctly, it is not enough to know the rules. It is necessary to constantly accumulate “images of words with traditional spellings.” And this can only be done while reading.

Method #2: Write and Edit

Another immutable rule for improving literacy is to study the rules in the semantic context of speech. That is, it is better not to know the rules and write than to know all the rules by heart but not write.

What you have written needs to be edited. But you don’t have to edit only your texts. Finding errors in “other people’s” texts, books and magazines increases spelling vigilance.

Method number 3. Spelling reading

Perhaps spelling set the teeth on someone's lips back in school. We were taught to say out loud and silently every word we read, to dictate to ourselves when we write.

If ordinary reading, in which we may not pronounce every word, helps to accumulate word images through visual memory, then orthographic reading also uses speech motor memory for the same purpose: to preserve word images that correspond to the spelling norm.

Method number 4. Copy and rewrite

Regular copying also helps in improving writing literacy. However, to make this activity meaningful, it is better to take notes.

Cheating is more effective if you arm yourself with a ballpoint pen and a notebook. But you can transfer this activity to a computer, especially when mastering the touch typing method.

If you wish, you can use this algorithm:

1. Read the sentence.

2. Repeat it from memory.

3. Determine which spellings are found in the sentence.

4. Read it spelling and repeat from memory, pronouncing all the sounds.

5. Close the text and write down the sentence.

6. Test yourself on the text.

Method #5: Maintain a style sheet

This method is proposed by the American writer Jen Yager in her book “Writers are not born. How to write successful texts - from business letters to books and articles.”

A style sheet helps improve the quality of your writing. Its essence is quite simple. We divide the page into two columns. In the left column we write down all the words in which we often make mistakes. The right column contains everything related to grammar and the use of words.

Method number 6. Play word games and draw

To remember the spelling of a particular word/rule in which you constantly make a mistake, you can draw the word or rule. How you do this depends only on your imagination.

To improve literacy, it is also useful to solve charades and puzzles, crosswords and anagrams.

There are a huge number of word games. And probably everyone played them as a child.

Method number 7. Buy a textbook and complete all the exercises

Another method that is reminiscent of school days and can cause hostility. But we couldn’t help but mention him. Because this method is also one of the most effective.

It's one thing when you have to open a textbook and do some kind of assignment almost every day. It’s completely different when you perform the same exercises on your own initiative.

Some of them simply took Rosenthal's textbook and went through all the exercises from cover to cover.