Exhibition for AIDS Day. Virtual book exhibition dedicated to World AIDS Day

“AIDS without myths and illusions”

Virtual book exhibition, dedicated
World AIDS Day

“The fight against AIDS is not popular topic, but we need to constantly talk about it.”
Ravena Johnson
Vice President of the American Foundation for AIDS Research.

About a quarter of a century ago, people encountered a new, previously completely unknown and terrible disease– acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The AIDS epidemic has rapidly begun to penetrate our lives and has now spread to almost all countries and continents. AIDS is spreading at a very high rate, including in Russia. There is an opinion that at present, all of humanity as a whole can be considered a group vulnerable to AIDS.

The HIV and AIDS epidemic is biggest event twentieth century, but with the advent of the new millennium nothing has changed and it still threatens man. In order to protect the country’s population from a terrible disease, it is necessary to take urgent measures now, and this implies multi-stage cooperation of all structures interested in this and support from the state.
To draw attention to this problem of people around the world, in 1988, a UN resolution officially declared a special day - December 1 - World AIDS Day. On this day, the world community expresses solidarity with people affected by the epidemic and holds numerous events in support of efforts to combat AIDS throughout the world.

The symbol of the fight against AIDS is the red ribbon; no action in this area can now be done without it. This ribbon, as a symbol of AIDS awareness, was conceived in the spring of 1991. The red ribbon is the first step in the fight against HIV infection. We must always remember that judging or treating people living with HIV/AIDS with bad attitudes simply drives the epidemic underground, creating ideal conditions for the spread of HIV. The only way to make progress in the fight against the epidemic is to replace shame with solidarity and fear with hope.

Alexandrova, N. V. Modern models of psychotherapy for HIV/AIDS: textbook manual for doctors and psychologists /N. V. Alexandrova, M.Yu. Gorodnova, E.G. Eidemiller. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010. - 191 p.
IN textbook the experience of conducting psychotherapy with patients with HIV/AIDS at different stages of the disease, with mothers of children with this disease, staff of departments for adults and children with HIV/AIDS, staff for prenatally infected children abandoned by their parents is summarized. The experience of psychotherapeutic work with groups at risk for possible infection and with patients outside medical institutions (in public organizations, uniting this contingent of patients and their environment).
For medical psychologists, psychotherapists, narcologists, social workers.

HIV INFECTION: clinic, diagnosis and treatment/ under general ed. V.V. Pokrovsky. — 2nd ed., rev. and additional - Moscow: GEOTAR-MED, 2003. - 488 p.: 73 ill.
The book presents the most current information on the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection. The issues of damage to vital organs and body systems during HIV infection are considered. Particular attention is paid to ways of providing psychological assistance HIV-infected persons and aspects of ethical and legal relations.
Intended for epidemiologists, infectious disease doctors, dermatovenereologists, general practitioners, students, residents of medical universities, and may also be interesting and useful to a wide range of readers.

Libman, G. HIV infection/ G. Liebman, H. J. Makadon; lane from English edited by A.I. Mazusa, T.P. Bessaraba. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. - 560 pp.: ill.
Every day our knowledge about HIV infection is expanding, and the standards for managing and treating patients with HIV infection are becoming more complex. This publication presents vital information about the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment of HIV infection; In addition, practical recommendations on counseling, primary care for HIV-infected patients, and prevention of HIV transmission are provided. Separate sections are devoted to drug resistance, methods of overcoming it, and complications of long-term treatment. At the end of the book there is a short reference book of medicines.
The publication is addressed to infectious disease doctors, therapists, clinical residents and interns.

Malov, V. A. Infectious diseases with a course on HIV infection and epidemiology: textbook manual for students of educational institutions. prof. education / V. A. Malov, E. Ya. Malova. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 416 p.
General and special questions infectious pathology. The etiology, epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major infectious diseases are described in detail. Particular attention is paid to the role nurse in organizing the care and treatment of infectious patients.
For students of secondary medical education institutions.

Markhotsky, Ya. L.: textbook. allowance/ Ya. L. Markhotsky. — 2nd ed., rev. - Moscow: Higher School, 2004. - 110 p.: ill.
The manual provides basic information about the causative agent of AIDS, modes of transmission, clinical manifestations, protective measures, and also highlights the socio-psychological, moral, legal and ethical aspects of the prevention of HIV infection among various categories of the population.

Rakhmanova, A. G. HIV infection in children/ A.G. Rakhmanova, E.E. Voronin, Yu.A. Fomin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 448 p. - (Quick Start Guide).
Here is the first edition, dedicated to issues pediatric HIV infection in Russia. Based on our own work experience (1991-2002), the guide addresses issues related to the classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection and opportunistic infections in children, medical, psychological and social support for families. The new organizational forms of medical and social assistance children with HIV infection. Based on the work experience of a specialized department (shelter) organized on the basis of the RKIB for abandoned children with HIV infection, schemes of treatment and rehabilitation measures, monitoring of clinical and laboratory indicators are proposed. The book uses materials from the Canada-Russia AIDS Project (1998-2002). The publication is intended for infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, pediatricians, dermatovenerologists, therapists and senior students medical universities.

Tarantula, V. 3. His name is AIDS: the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse.- Moscow: Languages Slavic culture, 2004. - 400 pp.: ill.
Few people know about the cause of this deadly disease, the history of its occurrence, how it spreads, treatments and other numerous aspects associated with AIDS. About all this and we're talking about V this book, written in popular science form.
The book is intended for the widest range of readers: for medical personnel and doctors of all specialties, for teachers, students and professors of medical and biological universities, for young people entering life, and in general for everyone educated people who want to know more about themselves and the dangers that surround them.

Kharkevich, O. N. Public health problems in HIV infection, drug addiction, substance abuse and ways to solve them: manual / O. N. Kharkevich. - Minsk: Academician. ex. under the President of the Republic Belarus, 2010. - 71 p.
The book includes 5 chapters on the problem of protecting public health under the threat of the spread of HIV infection, AIDS, drug addiction and substance abuse.
Intended for students and higher education students educational institutions.

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day

The most dangerous misfortune and the most terrible disease in our reality (in reality modern civilization Today) is considered Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

27 years have passed since the organization of World AIDS Day, an annual date that appeared in 1988. A special date in the international calendar was proclaimed by the World Health Organization and is celebrated under the motto “Striving for zero: zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero deaths due to AIDS." This day serves as a reminder of the need to stop the global spread of the human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic.

For World AIDS Day in public libraries municipal district In the Blagoveshchensk region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, preventive events and thematic meetings were organized. The main focus of the events held for teenagers was on the topic of HIV/AIDS prevention. The organizers of the events drew the attention of young people to the fact that each person bears personal responsibility for protecting both himself and others from infection. Only knowledge and self-control can protect against the incurable disease AIDS.

On December 1, the city and district libraries held information hours “The Road to the Abyss” (Osipovskaya Rural Library), “AIDS – a Disease of the 21st Century” (Sanninskaya Rural Library), “On edge of the abyss"(Ilikovsk Rural Library), interactive platform "Together against AIDS" (CRH MBUK MCB), conversation - a chance "Contract with yourself and with the world" (Staronadezhdinsk Rural Library) preventive information day "No need to be afraid, you need to know" ( Novonadezhdinsk Rural Library), oral journal with a video presentation “AIDS – the plague of the 20th century” (Ilino-Polyanskaya rural library).

December 1 in Central district library passed interactive platform “Together against AIDS” , dedicated to World AIDS Day. Pupils of the 8th grade of gymnasium No. 1 in Blagoveshchensk and Young Guards were invited to the event.

The host of the event, Elena Popkova, told the children about HIV infection, AIDS, how HIV goes into the AIDS stage, how HIV can be detected, how infection with this virus occurs, and prevention measures. At the same time, the book exhibition “Everyone saved is worth its weight in gold” was demonstrated to the guests.

A thematic video film “About AIDS” was shown, according to Luiza Suteeva, an activist of the youth volunteer movement “Restless Hearts”: “Showing such films influences the audience and contributes to the formation of tolerance towards those infected with AIDS.”

Youth volunteer movement"Restless Hearts" was shown in the skit " Stop – AIDS”, reflecting information that this problem can affect every person. The host of the event announced to those around him the statistics and dynamics of the incidence of AIDS, the importance of taking preventive measures, and outlined the opportunity to undergo free anonymous HIV testing at the Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases.

At the end of the event, the guys booklets were distributed "5 steps to stop HIV." The purpose of the event was to form among young people a correct understanding of AIDS as a real threat to human life, and to familiarize them with the basic measures of AIDS prevention.

Information hour “The Road to the Abyss” , aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing drug addiction, which is the main source of the spread of AIDS, was carried out by the Osipovka rural library (librarian Natalya Nikolaevna Makoveeva) together with an employee of the paramedic and obstetric station for students of the secondary school in the village of Osipovka.

Participants of the event were presented with articles on the topic, collected in thematic dossiers “Towards a future without drugs”, “Know to survive”, leaflets “No to drugs!” were distributed, statistics on AIDS patients in the Republic of Bashkortostan this year were given.

Conversation-chance “Contract with yourself and with the world” conducted by the librarian of the Staronadezhda Rural Library, Irina Vasilievna Sergeeva, for high school students in order to prevent the incidence of AIDS.

During the conversation, teenagers received detailed answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the event: “Where did the disease come from?”, “What are the consequences of HIV disease?”, “How is the immunodeficiency virus transmitted?”, “Who is most often infected by age and age?” gender." The librarian informed the audience about measures to prevent the disease, announced hotlines where one can get information about institutions conducting HIV testing, and provided information on the incidence of AIDS in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Blagoveshchensk region.

An hour of information on AIDS prevention and promotion of a healthy lifestyle “AIDS is a disease of the 21st century” was held in Sanninskaya rural library(librarian Safina Farida Yunusovna).

During the event, the librarian provided the audience with information about the disease, as well as about the Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, the prerequisites and necessity of its formation and its current activities. The conversation was accompanied by a review of the book and illustration exhibition of the same name and the distribution of leaflets “5 steps to stop HIV”, “HIV and AIDS: Simple rules security."

Ilikovskaya rural library (librarian Zilya Rifkhatovna Gaitkulova) held for teenagers information hour “On the edge of the abyss”, aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS among young people, developing attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation.

The librarian explained what HIV infection is, how it differs from AIDS, and what stages the disease develops.

The Novonadezhda rural library (librarian Mirkhaidarova Rufina Gabdinurovna) was held preventive information day “No need to be afraid, you need to know” . The purpose of the information day is to attract the attention of adolescents and their parents to the problem of the disease through familiarization with the history of the disease; developing the idea of ​​AIDS as a real threat to human life; informing about the ways of HIV transmission and the possibility of infection, about preventive measures. Participants in events held on this day by the library learned that the ability to conduct healthy image life is a sign of a person’s social maturity, his high culture, education, perseverance and will. On this day, the library held: a conversation with an electronic presentation “About World AIDS Day” (event participants were teenagers), a conversation reviewing the information stand “Think” (for livestock farmers of the Niva agricultural production complex). A photo stand of the same name was set up in the foyer of the Novonadezhdinsky SDK.

At the end of the events, the librarians expressed confidence that all participants would lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of their health and the health of their loved ones, and the symbol of our compassion, support and hope for a future without AIDS is the red ribbon “Red Ribbon” (inverted “ V") - will someday become an attribute of a defeated disease.

Lead methodologist

T.A. Permina

“Behave prudently - among thousands of people only one dies natural death, the rest die as a result of a reckless manner of being.”

Medieval philosopher Maimonides

On December 1, a lecture was held at the Mezhgorye-Central library "Know today to survive tomorrow" dedicated to World AIDS Day.

This time, the participants of the event were schoolchildren of the 8th and 9th grades of MBOU secondary schools No. 2 and No. 3.

IN reading room The library organized a book exhibition “Until trouble knocked on the door.” Readers are presented with literature on the history of the disease, routes of transmission of the virus, syndromes and risk groups, treatment and prevention of HIV infection, and books devoted to the problems of drug addiction.

Library staff began the event by talking about the significance of this day throughout the world. Those present were told about the history of HIV/AIDS and the emblem of World AIDS Day - the red ribbon.

The conversation was continued by an invited specialist from medical unit No. 142, an infectious disease doctor, E.N. Rozhkova. She focused the audience's attention on the statistics of HIV/AIDS incidence in the city of Mezhgorye and the Republic of Bashkortostan and conducted a survey with schoolchildren.

The librarians tried to convey to the audience the idea that the problem of HIV concerns everyone today. The virus does not choose people by social status, lifestyle and habits and can enter the body of any person. Every 6 seconds, someone in the world becomes HIV positive. It depends only on ourselves whether we will remain healthy or live with HIV.

Until each of us changes his attitude towards the problem and
behavior, it is impossible to expect that the growth of new cases will stop.

At the end of the event, each participant received a leaflet “AIDS - the plague of the 21st century,” which tells about the dangers of contracting HIV infection and ways to prevent this disease.

We were born to live
Maybe we shouldn't destroy the planet?
There is a better answer than “yes”,
Let's say no to AIDS and drugs!
Choose life for yourself!

AIDS, like a fire, has engulfed almost every country in the world. There are many opinions and rumors surrounding the issue of HIV/AIDS. The time has come when everyone should know how not to get sick themselves and how to live next to HIV-infected people.

The term HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus), AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) refers to the period of illness preceding the death of the patient and characterized by his extremely serious condition.

AIDS is one of the most important and tragic problems, which arose before all humanity at the end of the 20th century beginning of XXI century. In terms of its consequences, AIDS is no less dangerous than nuclear war. AIDS is a serious medical, biological, social, economic, political and legal problem.

The State Public Health Institution “PCC AIDS and IZ” informs: in 2017, 3,322 cases of HIV infection were again registered.
IN Perm region Over the past week, 79 new cases of HIV infection were identified, of which 22 were in Perm: six in Sverdlovsk, four each in Kirov and Ordzhonikidze, three in Industrial and Dzerzhinsky, two in Motovilikha districts.
Ten new cases were registered in the city of Berezniki, seven in the Perm region, six in the city of Lysva, four in the city of Krasnokamsk, three each in the cities. Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Tchaikovsky, Kuedinsky district, two each in the cities. Kungur, Chusovoy, Vereshchaginsky, Gornozavodsky districts, one each in the city of Dobryanka, Bardymsky, Bolshesosnovsky, Kungursky, Nytvensky, Ordinsky, Ochersky, Sivinsky, Chernushinsky and Kudymkarsky districts of the region.

In the Perm region, the sexual route of infection predominates - 65.9% (in Perm - 70.2%). The parenteral route of infection through intravenous use of psychoactive substances amounted to 33.2% (in Perm - 29.2%). According to an epidemiological investigation, 52.7% of people infected through sexual contact in the region were infected by HIV-infected drug users.

Remains actual problem birth of children by HIV-infected women. A total of 5,157 children were born to HIV-positive mothers, including 446 in 2017. From 1998 to 2017, 267 children were diagnosed with HIV infection, of which 163 were born to mothers diagnosed with HIV infection, 98 to mothers with IFA "neg." at the time of birth, 6 arrived from other territories.
The number of HIV-infected people in institutions of the GUIN system is only 2956 people.
In total, 32,521 cases of HIV infection were registered in the Perm Territory, the number of PLHIV (people living with HIV) is 26,507 people, the prevalence rate is 1,007.1 per 100 thousand population.
During the entire observation period, 6,014 people died among HIV-infected people (of which 1,208 in 2017).
In order for humanity to survive and reduce the risk of infection and spread of the disease, people must know as much as possible about this disease. In this regard, we present to your attention virtual exhibition“AIDS without myths and illusions”, which contains a lot of information about the historical and epidemiological features of HIV/AIDS, the main routes of its spread, the development and clinical manifestations of AIDS, the prevention and treatment of this disease.

Baronenko V.A. Health and Physical Culture student.-M.:Alfa-M, 2003
The textbook includes basic sections of health problems in the age aspect. It presents modern approaches to the formation of a student’s health culture based on systematization latest achievements modern science and health practices. The main evolutionary factors of a healthy lifestyle are revealed in detail, taking into account the characteristics of a student’s adaptation to educational process. The book contains a chapter devoted to health and addictions that lead to negative consequences (AIDS).
Bishaeva A.A. Physical culture.-M.: Academy, 2012
The textbook discusses the prevention of urological, gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases.
Buyanov M.I. Reflections on drug addiction.-M.: Education, 1990
The book talks about the essence of drug addiction and its types, about some factors predisposing to the emergence of this pathology, the consequences (AIDS), about forms of prevention and the possibilities of its treatment.
Booklet “AIDS/HIV Choose Health.” - Perm, 2014
Of course, a person who learns about his HIV infection worries severe stress, like his relatives and close ones. But, despite the fact that HIV infection still remains an incurable disease, scientists are constantly actively searching for effective treatment, and the diagnosis “ HIV infection“has not been a “sentence” for a long time. Save high quality Living with HIV infection is quite possible.
Booklet “Know to Live” (prevention of HIV infection). - Perm, 2015

HIV infection is an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (abbreviated as HIV), which is characterized by a decrease in the body's defenses (immunity). AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the last stage of HIV infection, a condition when immunity is reduced so much that a person becomes vulnerable to pathogens of various infectious diseases.

If I'm positive. –Perm: Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases, 2014
There are no drastic methods yet that would eliminate
person from HIV infection. Science in the field of HIV does not stand still, but constantly
is clearly developing. Already now a person with HIV can do everything possible,
to stay healthy and prevent the virus from multiplying in the body. For
To achieve this, medication and a healthy lifestyle are available.
Levin B.M. Drug addiction and drug addicts.-M.: Education, 1991
The book discusses social problems drug addiction among young people. On materials sociological research the causes and trends of the process are analyzed, information is provided about the lifestyle of drug addicts and their demographic characteristics. In connection with the problem of drug addiction, the authors express their point of view on the problems of the spread of AIDS among young people.
Markhotsky Ya.L. Prevention of HIV infection.-Mn.: Higher School, 2004
The manual provides basic information about the causative agent of AIDS, modes of transmission, clinical manifestations, protective measures, and also highlights the socio-psychological, moral, legal and ethical aspects of the prevention of HIV infection among various categories of the population. For students of higher educational institutions, can be used by students of secondary educational institutions.
Moroz O. Risk group.-M.: Education, 1990
In the essays that make up this book, talks about the so-called risk groups - people most at risk of contracting AIDS. These are primarily drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, people leading promiscuous sex life. The book is illustrated with numerous quotes from Soviet and foreign periodicals concerning the problem of AIDS.
Booklet "For teenagers about AIDS." - Perm, 2014
Teenagers face many dangers associated with early sexual relations. The body is not yet formed, is not protected and is therefore more vulnerable to many infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. Among them is HIV infection, which leads to AIDS, a deadly disease.
Chaika N.A. AIDS: the plague of the twentieth century.-L.: Lenizdat, 1989
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is an infection spreading around the world with the speed of, if not an explosive, then a fiery wave. We are on the verge of developing a catastrophic pandemic. Humanity, although it already has reliable methods for diagnosing this most dangerous epidemic, has not yet found any effective treatment or reliable vaccination. In these conditions special meaning acquires the level of sanitary educational work. The purpose of this publication is to present the problem of AIDS as a whole, as simply as possible, but at a modern scientific level, to show ways of personal and public prevention that are accessible to everyone and not at all complicated. dangerous disease. The brochure is addressed to the general reader.
Shevelev A.S. AIDS is the mystery of the century.-M.: Sov.Russia, 1991
AIDS is a disease that arose at the end of our century and spread throughout the world with lightning speed. to the globe n now poses a threat to all humanity. The author, Doctor of Medical Sciences, immunologist and epidemiologist, talks about current state problems in general, about ways of contracting AIDS, signs of the disease, methods of combating it. Designed for wide circles readers.
Yagodinsky V.N. Protect from dope.-M.: Education, 1989
To avert trouble, to convince teenagers that drug addiction and substance abuse are incompatible with life.
A separate chapter is devoted to the problems of AIDS prevention.

The exhibition presents books and booklets from the library collection of the Perm Trade and Technology College.

On December 1, the whole world traditionally celebrates AIDS Day. In the libraries of the Centralized library system A number of events dedicated to the problem of AIDS in Ibresinsky district were organized modern world and popularization of a healthy lifestyle, information exhibitions were organized. Librarians tried to convey to each user the slogan - “Don’t die because of ignorance!” It should become a reality and the norm of life for every person.

The Central and Children's libraries held a street information campaign “You need to know to live!” For this purpose, librarians, with the help of volunteers - high school students, distributed leaflets: “AIDS exists. What you need to do to live and have no doubts!” Literature exhibitions “December 1 - World AIDS Day” were displayed in libraries. The Information Center released the booklet “AIDS. Learn more".

Librarian of the Malokarmalinsk Rural Library named after. A. V. Rogozhina Svetlana Aksharova and Deputy Director for educational work MBOU "Malokarmalinskaya Secondary School" Irina Filippova organized a warning lesson "Life is worth living" for students in grades 7-8, dedicated to World AIDS Day. The students were presented with electronic presentation"We want to live!" and the booklet “AIDS - the plague of the century”, which tells about the history of the disease, routes of transmission of the virus, risk groups, treatment and prevention of HIV infection. The organizers of the lesson tried to convey to the children the idea that the problem of HIV infection concerns everyone today. The virus does not select people by social status, lifestyle or habits, and can enter the body of any person. Every 6 seconds, someone in the world becomes HIV positive. It depends only on the person himself whether he will remain healthy or live with HIV. During the conversation, the teenagers came to the understanding that alcohol, smoking, and drugs cause irreparable harm to the human body, and they can only be defeated together. We determined what is included in the concept of a “healthy lifestyle”: and concluded: maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a complex and time-consuming task that every person must set for themselves. WITH bad habits you can and should fight and perceive your life as the only one, unique in this world!

In the Andryushevsky rural library, a conversation “An addiction that takes lives” was held with teenagers and youth, during which the Andryushevsky FAP paramedic Tamara Terentyeva said that the symbol of this date is a red ribbon, which was conceived in the spring of 1991. artist Frank Moore. Tamara Vasilyevna also told young readers about the methods of spreading and measures to prevent the disease AIDS, and about the need to counteract harmful habits with an active healthy lifestyle. The library has organized an information exhibition “Everything about AIDS”, which presents literature, leaflets, and booklets. At the end of the event, librarian Margarita Kirillova reviewed the exhibition.