What does the expression “man proposes, God disposes” mean? Myth or curse: Stories of the most terrible pictures of humanity.

Continuation of the topic: “Writing “unnatural twins.” The heroes of the proverb “Teach a fool to pray to God” do not understand God’s providence... »

Natalia Yaroslavova-Obolenskaya added4 new photos .
The number of twins, first of all, from surrogacy, artificial conception, etc. sharply increased among the “elites” after a number of my publications, not only about the second boy, who was not there at my birth. But also that the Enlightened Ones considered the date of conception more important than the date birth, as well as the connection between the dates of conception and birth. In addition, during the “Give Birth to a Patriot” campaign on the occasion of Russia Day, perinatal centers demonstrated practical skills in giving birth to children on the required dates. And since many people copy, they copy the dates of birth that they read about. For example, I wrote about the date September 18, which is not so well known. Memorial Day for parents Zachary and Elizabeth. Or about the date of the Yaroslavl Tolga Icon of the Mother of God on August 21. Twins were born to public figures, with a “share of artificiality.” PRtechnologists began to confront the Gods

Natalya Yaroslavova-Obolenskaya added 7 new photos
The theme of doubling first appeared in my poem “Apple Magnet” from 1990. After 20 years, I returned to doubling in the article: “The Female Trinity” of the Coat of Arms of Rurik and the sacred geometry of the “Apples” of the White Goddess” November 1, 2010. Illustrations about the “doubling area” - the “Fish Vessel” at the burial of the Chalice. Chalice Hill, Glastonbury, England. Apple Island - Avalon: Church of the Archangel Michael on the Hill of the Chalice." And after that, the format “Teach a fool to pray to God - he’ll break his forehead” also expanded. And not only in Russia. We are talking about twins born on unnatural dates with artificial participation. Those. about what the painting “Man proposes, but God disposes” is about - a symbol of the crisis of triumphalism. One of the polar bears tears the English Red Ensign trade flag. The author, I note, was reproached for being literal.

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Man_assumes_and_God _has
“Man proposes, but God disposes” - painting English artist Edwina Henry Landseer, created in 1864 and dedicated to the lost Franklin expedition.
The painting, created in 1864, is dedicated to the tragic Franklin expedition of 1845-1847. The work depicts two polar bears who found themselves near the remains of a brokenof a flying ship, one of which is tearing the British ship's flag Red Ensign, and the other is gnawing on a human rib. The title of the painting uses popular expression in Latin Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit from the Catholic theological treatise of Thomas à Kempis, On the Imitation of Christ (Book I, Chapter 19). Together with the title, the work carries not only an image tragic fate expedition, but also touches on the issue of the confrontation between man and God. The painting can be seen as a symbolic depiction of the crisis of British triumphalism and imperialism mid-19th century, belief in the omnipotence of science, industrialization and man, the powerlessness of people against the forces of nature.
The Art Journal (English)Russian appreciated the “poetry, pathos and horror” of the picture and its “tragic grandeur”; the publication of the Athenaeum magazine noted the epic nature of the work; The Saturday Review praised the "sublimity of feelings" in the work. At the same time, the opinion of some critics about the picture was negative, talking about the artist’s bad taste, disgusting literalism and vulgar melodrama.
Since 1881, the painting has been in King's Holloway College, University of London..,"

Man proposes, God disposes

Man proposes, God disposes - man does not control his destiny and cannot know it. Hopes, dreams, supposedly infallible calculations, clearly verified plans - “assumptions” - can be destroyed at any moment by an accident, a natural anomaly, someone’s evil will or stupidity. But they are only visible reasons. Hidden - in predetermination, formed somewhere, by someone...

Phraseologism - translation of Latin Homo expressions proponit, sed Deus disponit from the theological treatise of the monk Thomas à Kempis (1379-1471) “On the Imitation of Christ”

“What is our intention, such is our success, and a lot of diligence is needed for those who want to succeed in good things. When those who are firm in their intentions often retreat, what should one do who is afraid of a decision or is unsteady in it? In different ways We are approaching the abandonment of our intention: and a slight omission of exercises almost never costs us without some kind of loss. The righteous in their intentions are established more on the grace of God than on their own wisdom; and they place their trust in God, no matter what they undertake, for man proposes, but God disposes, and His way is not our way" (Book 1, chapter 19)

In turn, Thomas a Kempis was guided by the Old Testament wisdom of King Solomon of Judea: “” (“Proverbs”, chapter 16)

"Several years ago, while visiting the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris, the author of this book discovered in a dark corner
On one of the towers there is a word inscribed on the wall:
He asked himself, he tried to comprehend whose suffering soul did not want to leave this world without leaving on the brow of the ancient church this stigma of crime or misfortune" (V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral")

Synonyms of the saying “man proposes, God disposes”

  • A man plays the trumpet, and fate plays with the man
  • You can't go against fate
  • Fate is a villain, and life is a penny
  • You can't fool fate
  • He who is destined to be hanged will not drown
  • Who is destined for what?
  • Which have not be avoided
  • The man says fate is laughing
  • What happens happens on time

Application of the expression in literature

    « I told Bernard Ivanovich: “Man proposes, God disposes.”"(V.V. Shulgin “The Last Eyewitness”)
    « Man proposes, God disposes,” says the Russian proverb."(P.K. Kozlov “Geographical Diary of the Tibetan Expedition”)
    « Over his fate, the old saying of man amazingly came true: man proposes, God disposes"(V.P. Meshchersky “My Memories”)
    « However, no one is to blame: man proposes, God disposes (l’homme propose Diet dispose)!"(F.V. Bulgarin (Ivan Ivanovich Vyzhigin")
K: Paintings of 1864

“Man proposes, but God disposes”- a painting by the English artist Edwin Henry Landseer, created in 1864 and dedicated to the lost Franklin expedition.

The painting, created in 1864, is dedicated to the tragic Franklin expedition of 1845-1847. The work depicts two polar bears caught near the remains of a crashed ship, one of which is vomiting British ship's ensign Red Ensign, and the other is gnawing on a human rib. The title of the painting uses a catchphrase in Latin Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit from the Catholic theological treatise of Thomas à Kempis "On the Imitation of Christ" (Book I, chapter 19). Together with the title, the work not only depicts the tragic fate of the expedition, but also touches on the issue of the confrontation between man and God. The painting can be seen as a symbolic depiction of the crisis of British triumphalism and imperialism in the mid-19th century, belief in the omnipotence of science, industrialization and man, and the powerlessness of people against the forces of nature.

In 1864 the painting was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts. Jane Franklin, the widow of John Franklin, was invited to the exhibition, but she tried to avoid “meeting” the painting and did not enter the room where the work was hung. The Art Journal (English)Russian appreciated the “poetry, pathos and horror” of the picture and its “tragic grandeur”; in the publication of the magazine "Atheneum" the epic nature of the work was noted; The Saturday Review edition praised the “sublimity of feelings” in the work. At the same time, the opinion of some critics about the picture was negative, talking about the artist’s bad taste, disgusting literalism and vulgar melodrama.

Since 1881 the painting has been in King's Holloway College, University of London. Since the 1920s, examinations began to be held in the room where the work is located. There is a superstition among college students that a painting promises bad luck during exams - a student sitting near it during exams will go crazy. Since the 1970s, the painting began to be covered with a British flag during exams: the tradition arose after one of the students refused to sit near the painting and, in horror, began to look for something to cover it with; this thing turned out to be a large British flag.

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Passage describing Man proposes, but God disposes

The woman nodded confidently, but suddenly something in her face changed and it was clear that she was very confused.
- No... I can’t remember him... Is this really possible? – she said almost in fear.
- And your son? Can you remember? Or brother? Can you remember your brother? – Stella asked, addressing both of them at once.
Mother and daughter shook their heads.
Usually so cheerful, Stella’s face looked very worried, she probably couldn’t understand what was going on here. I literally felt the intense work of her living and such an unusual brain.
- I came up with it! I came up with an idea! – Stella suddenly squealed happily. – We will “put on” your images and go for a “walk”. If they are somewhere, they will see us. It's true?
I liked the idea, and all that remained was to mentally “change clothes” and go on a search.
- Oh, please, can I stay with him until you return? – the little girl stubbornly did not forget her desire. - And what is his name?
“Not yet,” Stella smiled at her. - and you?
- Leah. - The little girl answered. – Why do you still glow? We saw these once, but everyone said that they were angels... And who are you then?
“We are girls like you, but we live “upstairs.”
– Where is the top? – little Leah did not let up.
“Unfortunately, you can’t go there,” Stella, who was in difficulty, tried to somehow explain. - Do you want me to show you?
The little girl jumped for joy. Stella took her hand and opened her stunning fantasy world, where everything seemed so bright and happy that I didn’t want to believe it.
Leah’s eyes looked like two huge round saucers:
– Oh, what a beauty!....Is this heaven? Oh ma-mom!.. – the little girl squeaked enthusiastically, but very quietly, as if afraid of frightening off this incredible vision. -Who lives there? Oh, look, what a cloud!.. And golden rain! Does this really happen?..
-Have you ever seen a red dragon? – Leah shook her head negatively. - Well, you see, but it happens to me, because this is my world.
- And then what are you - God??? “But God can’t be a girl, can he?” And then, who are you?..
Questions poured out of her like an avalanche and Stella, not having time to answer them, laughed.
Not busy with “questions and answers”, I began to quietly look around and was completely amazed by what was opening up to me. extraordinary world... It was truly a real “transparent” world. Everything around sparkled and shimmered with some kind of blue, ghostly light, from which (as it should have been) for some reason it did not become cold, but on the contrary - it warmed me with some unusually deep, soul-piercing warmth. Around me, from time to time, transparent human figures, then densifying, then becoming transparent, like a luminous fog... This world was very beautiful, but somehow impermanent. It seemed that he was changing all the time, not knowing exactly how he would remain forever...
- Well, are you ready to take a walk? – Stella’s cheerful voice pulled me out of my dreams.
-Where should we go? – Having woken up, I asked.
- Let's go look for the missing! – the little girl smiled cheerfully.
- Dear girls, will you still allow me to watch over your little dragon while you walk? – not wanting to forget him for anything, little Leah asked, lowering her round eyes.
- Okay, take care. – Stella graciously allowed. “Just don’t give it to anyone, otherwise he’s still a baby and might get scared.”

The Russian language has a lot of set phrases and expressions in which we're talking about about God and his relationship to man. Some of them carry certain meaning, which indicates the greatness of the Creator. This expression is usually considered to be the phrase “Man proposes, but God disposes.” The article will discuss the meaning of this expression, the history of its appearance, and its use in literature.

Origins of the expression

Many stable expressions that talk about God, his relationship to people and people to him, are taken from Holy Scripture. For example, Golden Rule morality of humanity, which states that it is necessary to treat other people as you would like to be treated. This is what Jesus Christ gave, and this is what is mentioned in the Gospels. In the Russian language there are phrases taken from both the New Testament and the Old, and many of them have become popular.

The phrase “Man proposes, but God disposes” is taken from Old Testament from the book of Proverbs (Proverbs 19:21): “A man has many plans in his heart, but only what the Lord has determined will happen.” Naturally, the modern formulation is very different from the text of Scripture, but it was this parable that became the basis for the expression.

This phrase is found literally in the works of Christian writers. Scientists suggest that this phrase first appeared in verbatim form in the work “On the Imitation of Christ.” In addition, they believe that the author of the book is Thomas à Kempis. In this work, the author refers to a Christian as if it was he who uttered this phrase and also said that everyone trusts in God righteous people. This expression testifies to the special Providence of God in relation to each specific person.

“Man proposes, but God disposes”: what does this expression mean?

The phrase means that a person does not have control over his destiny, that he does not control it and cannot know it in advance. Dreams, hopes, seemingly infallible calculations, verified assumptions, plans - all this can collapse in one moment, all this can be destroyed by a natural disaster, an accident, as a result of someone's evil intent or human stupidity. But these are all just the visible reasons for what happened. And hidden reasons lie in predestination, which is formed by someone and somewhere...

A person cannot foresee what the consequences of his actions will be. It is not given to him to know at all what will be useful for him and what will bring harm. Sometimes negative events change the fate of a person and himself, making him kinder, warmer, more humane, while positive events, for example winning the lottery, can easily destroy him.

This phrase contains deep meaning. This is a lesson to all of us. A person should not be offended by the Lord for what he has to endure. Need to know simple truth: everything that happens is necessary for it to happen, all a person's actions and his sufferings will lead him to where he should be and make him who he should be.

Proverbs with similar meanings

Dahl V.I. in the book “Proverbs of the Russian People” states that this stable expression, which is translated from a foreign language.

Proverbs similar in meaning:

  • You can't fight fate.
  • Which have not be avoided.
  • You can't fool fate.
  • Who knows what?
  • Everything that happens happens on time.

Use of expression in fiction

The expression “Man proposes, but God disposes” is found in fiction: in Shulgin V.V. in the novel “The Last Eyewitness”, in Kozlov P.K. in the essay “Tibetan Expedition. Geographical Diary”, in Meshchersky V.P. in his memoirs “My Memories”, in Bulgarin F.V. in the novel “Ivan Ivanovich Vyzhigin”, in Dzhaarbekova S.A. in the novel “Unusual Fate”, in Voinovich V.N. , Hasek Yaroslav, Chekhov A.P. in the story “Slander”.

The artists' creations do not leave people indifferent and cause a storm of emotions - from joy to tears. But there are also such paintings, the mere sight of which makes you shiver. They say about some paintings that spirits live in them: these paintings give off a cold air; when you pass by, it seems that the characters in the paintings are watching you. They can drive their owners crazy and even kill them. Looking at these paintings through a monitor is not dangerous (but this is not certain), but we do not advise you to look for them, much less buy them and hang them in your bedroom.

Behind the painting “The Suffering Man” is truly terrifying story. No one knows who painted the picture, but it is known that the artist mixed his own blood with the paint, and after finishing the masterpiece, he committed suicide. The painting's current owner, Sean Robinson, says he inherited the painting from his grandmother, who in turn claimed that the painting was cursed. When Sean hung the painting in the bedroom, the household heard whispering and crying from it at night and saw a strange shadow.

Not only do Beksiński’s paintings already look like illustrations of hell, but there are also such legends about them that people believe that the paintings are cursed.

Beksinski's life was tragic: his wife died, his son committed suicide. Six years later, the artist was found murdered in his own apartment. Some people believe that if you look at Beksinski's paintings for too long, you will soon die.

"Hands Resist Him" ​​by Bill Stoneham

There are legends around the painting, painted in 1972, that supposedly spirits live in it. Previous owners said that at night the characters in the painting move and even come out of the frame. And the owner of the gallery where the painting was first exhibited, and the art critic who worked with it for a long time, died a year after coming into contact with the canvas.

“Man proposes, but God disposes,” Edwin Henry Landseer

The painting depicts a horrific scene: the supposed demise of John Franklin's expedition in 1845, which disappeared without a trace. The painting is in King's Holloway College, University of London. During exams, the room where the painting hangs is hung with a British flag. The tradition began when one of the students could not sit near the painting and began frantically looking for something to cover it with. A British flag came to hand. There is a superstition that a person looking at a painting goes crazy.

Reproduction « Love letters» Charles Trevor Garland, Richard King

The painting hangs in the Driskill Hotel in Austin, Texas, where U.S. Senator Samantha Houston's four-year-old daughter fell down the stairs and died in 1887. And although it is not Samantha that is depicted on the canvas, many believe that the spirit of the girl has entered the picture, and some argue that the girls are like two peas in a pod. People feel uncomfortable and even weak when they look at a painting for a long time. Some hotel guests say they saw the ghost of a little girl playing with a ball.

“Rain Woman”, Svetlana Taurus

The artist Svetlana Taurus said that she painted the picture in about five hours and felt as if someone was guiding her hand. They say that everyone who bought the painting returned it, complaining of insomnia, sadness and the feeling that the portrait was watching them.

"The Crying Boy" by Giovanni Bragolina

The artist painted a series of paintings of crying children, which he sold to tourists. About herself famous painting The Crying Boy is said to be cursed. The British newspaper The Sun reported that firefighters often find reproductions of " Crying boy"in the fires of houses, and completely unharmed. Many believe that the image attracts fire and misfortune.

"Portrait of Bernardo de Galvez", unknown artist

The painting is located at the Hotel Galvez, in Galveston, Texas. Hotel guests talk about strange incidents associated with the canvas. Some claim that Bernardo de Galvez is watching them, and besides, it is very cold and uncomfortable next to the painting. But perhaps the strangest thing is that every time the painting is photographed, the picture turns out blurry. But some people still manage to take a clear photo - you just need to ask the portrait for permission to take a photo.

Untitled, Laura P.

Laura P. painted from a photograph of James Kidd. Kidd claimed that he did not photograph the headless man (to the left of the van), the figure appeared during the development of the photograph. The artist complained that when she completed the work, strange things began to happen - objects fell around her, broke, and something kept disappearing. Some believe that the spirit that appeared in the original photograph haunts the painting.