Resources and complexes of Eastern Siberia. Natural resource potential of Eastern Siberia

Eastern Siberia is a part of Siberia that includes the Asian territory of Russia from the Yenisei in the west to the watershed ridges running along the Pacific Ocean in the east. The region has a harsh climate, limited flora and fauna, and incredibly rich natural resources. Let's consider what belongs to Eastern Siberia, where its borders are located, what are the characteristics of the climate and wildlife.

Geographical location of Eastern Siberia

Eastern and Western Siberia occupy almost two-thirds of Russia's territory. The area of ​​Eastern Siberia is 7.2 million km. Most of it is occupied by the taiga Central Siberian Plateau, which is replaced in the north by tundra lowlands, in the south and east by the high mountain ranges of the Western and Eastern Sayans, the mountains of Transbaikalia and the Yana-Kolmyk region. The largest rivers of Russia - the Yenisei and Lena - flow here.

Rice. 1. Eastern Siberia occupies an impressive area

Within Eastern Siberia there are the Krasnoyarsk and Transbaikal territories, the Irkutsk region, the republics of Buryatia, Yakutia, and Tuva.

The largest city in Eastern Siberia is Krasnoyarsk; large cities - Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Yakutsk, Norilsk.

Due to its large extent, Eastern Siberia includes several natural zones: arctic deserts, taiga, mixed forests and even dry steppes. This list can also include swampy tundra areas, but there are very few of them, and they are found, as a rule, within the lowlands on flat, poorly drained interfluves.

There are three time zones in Eastern Siberia - Krasnoyarsk time, Irkutsk time and Yakutsk time.

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Eastern Siberia lies in the temperate and cold zones. Depending on where a particular region of Eastern Siberia is located, the following climate types are distinguished:

  • The climate of the South of Eastern Siberia is extracontinental(Barguzin morphoclimatic region);
  • temperate continental(Nazarovsky and Krasnoyarsk-Kansky morphoclimatic regions);
  • sharply continental(Angara-Lena and Selenga morphoclimatic regions);
  • foothill-steppe, steppe(Koibalsky and Udinsky morphoclimatic regions).

There is less precipitation than in the western regions of Russia, the thickness of the snow cover is usually small, and permafrost is widespread in the north.

Winter in the northern regions is long and cold, temperatures reach −40–50 °C. Summers are warm and hot in the south. July in Eastern Siberia is warmer in some places than in the same latitudes of the European part of Russia, and there are more sunny days.

Rice. 2. Winter in Eastern Siberia

The amplitude of fluctuations in summer and winter temperatures reaches 40-65 °C, and in Eastern Yakutia - 100 °C.


One of the most important characteristics of Eastern Siberia is the presence of a huge amount of resources. About half of all Russian forests are concentrated here. The bulk of wood reserves are valuable coniferous species: larch, spruce, Scots pine, fir, Siberian cedar.

Eastern Siberia contains about 70% of the reserves of hard and brown coal. This region is rich in ore deposits:

  • iron ores of the Korshunovsky and Abakansky deposits, Angara-Pitsky region;
  • copper-nickel ores of Norilsk;
  • Altai polymetals;
  • bauxites of the Eastern Sayan Mountains.

In Eastern Siberia there is the oldest Bodaibo gold deposit in the Irkutsk region. A significant amount of Russian oil is produced in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Eastern Siberia is rich in nonmetallic minerals, including mica, graphite, building materials, and salts. There is also the largest diamond deposit on the border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yakutia.

Rice. 3. Diamonds of Yakutia

Live nature

The predominant type of vegetation is taiga. The East Siberian taiga extends from the boundaries of the forest-tundra in the north to the border with Mongolia in the south, over an area of ​​about 5,000 thousand square meters. km., of which 3,455 thousand sq. km is occupied by coniferous forests.

The soils and vegetation of the taiga zone of Eastern Siberia develop under more favorable conditions than in the tundra and forest-tundra zones. The relief is more rugged than in neighboring Western Siberia; rocky, often thin soils are formed on the bedrock.

To preserve nature in its original form, many reserves, national and natural parks have been opened in Eastern Siberia.

The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is the oldest nature reserve in Russia. It was founded before the 1917 revolution to preserve and increase the number of sable. At the time of creation, there were only 20-30 individuals of sable, currently there are 1-2 individuals per 1 square meter. km.

What have we learned?

In 8th grade, geography covers a topic dedicated to Eastern Siberia. It covers an incredibly large area, and its length from north to south is about 3 thousand km. Briefly about Eastern Siberia, we can say the following: it is a region with a harsh climate, not very diverse fauna and flora, and with large reserves of natural resources.

Test on the topic

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Lesson topic:

Lesson objectives:

1) educational : to form an idea of ​​the natural resources of Eastern Siberia, to show the role of the resources of Eastern Siberia in the Russian economy, to consider the problems of resource development, to introduce environmental problems;

2) developing : develop geographical thinking, attention, memory, horizons and cognitive interests of students, interest in studying the school subject of geography;

3) educational : to cultivate a sense of accuracy, responsibility, patriotism and pride for the Fatherland, discipline.

Concepts introduced in the lesson: mole rafting of wood.

New geographical nomenclature: rivers: Podkamennaya Tunguska, Lower Tunguska, Olekma, Aldan, Argun, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma;reserves: Putoransky, “Azas”, Baikal-Lensky, Sokhondinsky, Vitimsky, Olekminsky, Magadansky;coal basins: Tunguska, Irkutsk, Lensky, South Yakutsk;iron ore deposits: Abakanskoye, Korshunovskoye, Angaro-Pitskoye; mountains Norilsk, mountains. Udachny, Mt. Peaceful.

Equipment: wall map “Physical map of Eastern Siberia”, textbook “Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade” by Barinova I.I., atlas, outline maps, plasticine and symbols of large-sized minerals.

Lesson type: combined lesson.


Good morning, guys! Sit down please. Check your desks for a diary, textbook, notebook, atlas, and writing materials. Headman (duty officer), who is absent from class today?(I note in the journal)

Today we will complete our study of the nature of Eastern Siberia, finally getting acquainted with its natural resources and the problems that arise during their development. But before we start finishing the topic, let's check how you successfully mastered the previous material.

II .


7 MIN.

Take out the halves of the leaves and sign them. We will conduct a test in which you will have to choose only from 2 answer options: either yes or no. If you answer yes, then put “+”; if not, then "-". We work according to options(I divide the class into 2 options, hand out cards with questions (In the application) }

We transfer cards from the last desks to the first.

Written frontal



27 MIN.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Open your notebooks, write down today's date,"Classwork"and the topic of the lesson:“Natural resources of Eastern Siberia. Problems of their development". (The board is completed before the lesson starts)

You already know what natural resources are and what types of them exist. Let's remember.(Natural resources are those components of nature that can be used by man in his economic activities at this stage of development of production forces. Mineral, agroclimatic, land, soil, water, biological, recreational) According to this plan, we will get acquainted with each type of natural resources of Eastern Siberia and immediately try to figure out the problems of development for each type.

They open notebooks and make notes. Answer questions.

2 minutes.

Explanatory and illustrative

The first type of natural resources is mineral. Let's open our atlases on pages 44-45, contour maps on pages 14-15 and mark the mineral deposits.

Open the atlas and c/c.

0.5 min.

Explanatory and illustrative

Eastern Siberia stores 80% of all Russian coal reserves. What types of coal are there?(Brown, stone and anthracite) Let's begin to apply lignite basins to the c/c: Kansk-Achinsky, Lensky and South Yakutsk(Show on the map, I paste symbols) . Let's mark the coal-bearing Tunguska basin, and simultaneously put icons for brown and hard coal in the Irkutsk basin. The largest of the listed basins was the Tunguska, but not a single cart of coal had yet been mined from it. Why do you think?(The territory is not populated, not developed, there are no roads) There is a lot of brown coal concentrated here; it lies close to the surface, so it can be mined not in mines, but in a quarry, and forms thick seams 200 m thick. But this coal is brown, which means it is of the poorest quality, so it is not profitable to transport it and it is used as local fuel at thermal power plants. When coal burns, it releases large amounts of soot, ash and smoke. Therefore, the environmental situation here is unfavorable, especially in winter. PROBLEM QUESTION. Why do you think it is in winter?(The Kansk-Achinsk basin is located in the Minusinsk depression. In winter, fuel consumption increases, and smoke emissions increase accordingly. In winter, with the prevailing anticyclone, smoke is not carried away by the wind, but is pressed into the ground by downward air currents. Cities find themselves under a smoke cap)

Deposits are marked and signed using an atlas and a wall map.

4 min

Explanatory and illustrative, visual, reproductive, partially search

Eastern Siberia has significant reserves of iron ore. Let's remember what symbol denotes iron ores?{▲} Let's mark these deposits on the k/k(I show and paste symbols on the wall map) : Abakanskoe, Korshunovskoe and Angaro-Pitskoe(I write the name on the board) .

In the north of Eastern Siberia, copper-nickel ore is being mined in the area of ​​the city of Norilsk. Thanks to its huge ore reserves, Norilsk is the northernmost city in the world. A copper-nickel plant operates here. Look at what symbols indicate copper and nickel ores? (▬ and ) Place symbols and sign the city(I paste it on the map) .

Gold is panned in Transbaikalia. Who knows how this process is carried out?(The washing method is based on the high density of gold, due to which the gold is not washed away in a stream of water, but the metal settles in the cells. Washing is carried out both manually and with huge machines) Let's mark gold deposits on the map - in the Aldan Highlands, ridge. Suntar-Khayat and Chersky and east of the Anadyr Plateau(I paste symbols onto the map)

Eastern Siberia is famous for its large deposits of Yakut diamonds. Let's mark these deposits. Look, what designation do diamonds have?{ ۞ } In the North Siberian Lowland east of the Lena, near the city of Udachny (it is called because scientists calculated that there should be diamonds here, but many expeditions could not find them, and then one day - luck!) and the city of Mirny - the main center of diamond mining .

Deposits are marked. They are listening.

5 minutes.

Reproductive, visual, explanatory and illustrative

The next type of natural resource is water. Prove to me that Eastern Siberia is rich in waters?(Lake Baikal; the largest deep rivers Lena, Yenisei, Selenga, Amur; permafrost) Let's find and label the objects you named. We look at the wall map, then find it in our atlases and transfer the name to the k/k(Show on the map from source to mouth) : Lake Baikal, rivers Selenga, Angara, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Lower Tunguska, Yenisei, Argun, Amur, Olekma, Aldan, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma.

Let's write in notebooks:“The rivers of Eastern Siberia are: 1) fresh water; 2) hydropower resources; 3) transport routes".

They answer the question, mark the rivers on the map, and take dictation.

4.5 min.

Explanatory and illustrative,


Next, according to the plan, we will consider soil resources. Open the “Soil Map” (pp. 18-19) and tell me the predominant soil types?(Arctic, tundra-gley, frozen-taiga, podzolic, mountain-taiga, floodplain; very few gray forest, sod-podzolic and chernozem) Write down the names of the soils that occupy the largest areas(Permafrost-taiga, mountain-taiga, tundra-gley)

Don't forget that most of Eastern Siberia is covered with permafrost, which creates problems for the development of this region.

They work with the atlas map and answer the question. Write down independently in notebooks.

1.5 min.

Reproductive, explanatory and illustrative

Let's move on to considering biological resources. Let us immediately note in our notebooks:“About half of all forest resources in Russia are concentrated in Eastern Siberia. Valuable species are larch, pine, cedar, spruce and fir. They are cut down and floated down the rivers 1 log at a time - mole rafting". It is impossible to float logs tied into rafts, because The wood is very heavy and the tree sinks.

Eastern Siberia attracts with its hunting resources. Open your atlases on pages 22-23, the “Animal World” map and name what animals you can hunt in Eastern Siberia?(Sable, brown bear, elk, Siberian roe deer, lynx, weasel, white hare, wood grouse, black grouse)

Of course, Eastern Siberia is rich in mushrooms, berries, nuts and fish.

They take dictation, listen, answer the question, working with the atlas map.

2.5 min.

Explanatory and illustrative, reproductive

What are the names of the resources used for human recreation and restoration of health?(Recreational) Do you think Eastern Siberia is rich in such resources? Look at the map - what nature reserves do you see?(Barguzinsky, Baikal-Lensky, Sokhondinsky, Vitimsky, Olekminsky, “Azas”, Central Siberian, Putorana, Taimyr, Magadan) Now open pages 24-25 of the Recreational Resources map. Tell me the centers of educational tourism in Eastern Siberia.(Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Kyzyl, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita) What interesting natural objects are there?(Krasnoyarsk and Lena Pillars) But despite all these advantages, the tourist development of this territory is... What?(The map is shaded yellow – low development) However, the south of Eastern Siberia, the coast of Lake Baikal and the Stanovoye Highlands, due to the diversity of relief forms and a milder climate, are areas of health and sports tourism.

They answer questions and work with atlas maps.

2 minutes.

So, we have sorted out all the natural resources of Eastern Siberia. Repeatedly during the lesson I repeated about the problems of mastering them. So let's make a heading in your notebooks"Problems of resource development in Eastern Siberia". Now try to formulate and write them down yourself. Work for 4 minutes. Then someone will read out what he did.(Harsh climate, permafrost, mountainous terrain)

They listen and work independently in their notebooks.

5 minutes.

Explanatory and illustrative, partially search

IV .


1 MIN.

Open your diaries and write down your assignment for the next lesson:

1) §40. “Natural resources of Eastern Siberia and problems of their development” (pp. 229 – 234). Be able to convey the content of the text of a paragraph. Pay attention to the notes in your notebooks.

2) To/to finish what we didn’t have time to do.

3) Repeat the entire topic “Eastern Siberia”.

Does everyone understand the homework? Does anyone have any questions about the lesson?

Thank you all very much for the lesson! You can get ready. Goodbye!

They open the diaries and write down the records.

Reserve: 3.5 min.


1. Program for the textbook by Barinova I.I. Geography of Russia. Nature // Programs for educational institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2004.

2. Barinova I.I. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade: Textbook. for general education textbook establishments. – 2nd ed. – M.: Bustard. – 288 p.

3. Geography of Russia: Textbook. for 8 – 9 grades. general education institutions / Ed. A.I. Alekseeva: In 2 books. Book 1: Nature and population. 8th grade – 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2003. – 320 p.

4. Zhuzhina E.A. Universal lesson developments in geography: Nature of Russia: 8th grade. – M.: VAKO, 2009. – 352 p.

5. Danshin A.I., Marchenko N.A., Nizovtsev V.A. We are preparing for university exams and the Unified State Exam in geography. Physical and economic geography of Russia. – 3rd ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2005. – 320 p.

6. Geographical encyclopedic dictionary. Concepts and terms / Ch. ed. A.F. Treshnikov. – M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1988. – 432 p.


1. Yes or no test

1st option:

1. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in Russia.

2. The Angara River flows into Lake Baikal.

3. The transparency of the lake reaches 57 m.

4. ¾ of the lake's living organisms are endemic.

5. Baikal contains 90% of the world's fresh water reserves.

6. Sarma winds can reach speeds of 60 m/s.

7. There are 27 islands on the surface of the lake.

8. The age of Lake Baikal is 15 million years.

9. The length of Lake Baikal is 363 km.

10. The water in the lake, even throughout the year, remains warm.

11. The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was created on the shores of Lake Baikal.

12. The Mongols called Lake Baikal the “North Sea”.

2nd option:

1. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the Northern Hemisphere.

2. Olkhon is the largest peninsula in the lake.

3. Baikal water is very poor in oxygen.

4. Baigal-Nuur is the Buryat name for Lake Baikal.

5. Omul is a fish endemic to Lake Baikal.

6. The harshest wind on Lake Baikal is the verkhovik wind.

7. Along the Baikal coast there is a counterclockwise current.

8. Baikal contains 90% of all-Russian salt water reserves.

9. 336 rivers flow into the lake.

10. The construction of the Irkutsk reservoir made it possible to preserve endangered species of animals.

11. The basin of Lake Baikal is of thermokarst origin.

12. The depth of Lake Baikal is 1,640 m.

Key to check:

1st option

2nd option

2. Conventional signs for gluing to a wall map.

It is located between the West Siberian and the regions, in the depths of Russian territory, at a considerable distance from the developed Central regions.

The development of an area rich in a diverse range of natural resources (coal, metal ores, etc.) directly depends on the network of transport arteries. The main routes are the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur railways, the waterway along. The natural and climatic conditions of the region are harsh (1/4 of the territory lies in the Arctic), so its development requires large investments.

EGP of Eastern Siberia complex. Eastern Siberia is very remote from the main economically developed regions of the country and the oceans, which significantly affects its economy. The natural conditions are extreme. 3/4 of the surface is occupied by mountains and plateaus; harsh, sharply continental, 25% of the territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Dominated by and. The southern regions are characterized by high temperatures. Most of it is occupied and only in the extreme south are there islands and.

Natural resources of Eastern Siberia very rich. 70% of Russia's coal reserves are concentrated in Eastern Siberia. There are large deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores (copper, tin, tungsten, etc.). There are a lot of non-metallic materials - asbestos, graphite, mica, salts. The hydropower resources of the Yenisei and Angara are enormous; 20% of the world's fresh water is contained in unique. Eastern Siberia also occupies a leading position in timber reserves.

It is distributed extremely unevenly - the main part is concentrated in the south along, in the rest of the territory the settlement is focal - along and in the steppe intermountain basins. There is a shortage. The degree is high -72%, large cities - Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita, Norilsk.

Economy of Eastern Siberia. The development of the rich resources of Eastern Siberia is difficult due to harsh natural conditions, lack of a network and shortage of labor resources. In the country's economy, the region stands out as a base for the production of cheap electricity.

Eastern Siberia specializes in the production of cheap electricity, timber and pulp and paper industries.

Eastern Siberia accounts for 1/4 of the gold mined in Russia.

Based on the use of cheap energy, petroleum products, sawmilling, coal, table and potassium salts, chemical and. The region produces: chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, clays, rubber products, and chlorine products. Centers - Achinsk and Angarsk. In Krasnoyarsk. Woodworking and pulp and paper industry enterprises were built in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Lesosibirsk, Baikalsk, and Selenginsk. Timber harvesting is carried out in the Yenisei and Angara basins. Timber is also transported along the Yenisei, and then along the Northern Sea Route to other areas.

The region produces equipment for the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Cheremkhovo), combines, river vessels, excavators (Krasnoyarsk), instruments, machine tools, electrical equipment.

The agro-industrial complex is developed mainly in the south of the region. specializes in grain farming and meat and dairy cattle breeding. Sheep farming is developed in the Chita region, Buryatia and Tuva.

The leading place belongs to grain crops. Spring wheat, oats, barley, fodder crops are cultivated, potatoes and vegetables are grown. In the north, deer are bred. Hunting and fishing are also developed

Represented by leather (Chita, Ulan-Ude), shoe (Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kyzyl), fur (Krasnoyarsk, Chita), textile enterprises and wool production.

Transport. The most important routes in the region are the Trans-Siberian Railway, the BAM, the Yenisei, as well as the Northern Sea Route, which runs off the northern coast.

Branches of specialization:

  • Coal energy using brown coal mined in the Kansk-Achinsk basin by open pit mining. Large thermal power plants - Nazarovskaya, Chitinskaya, Irkutskaya.
  • Hydropower. The most powerful hydroelectric power stations in Russia were built on the Yenisei (Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk).
  • Non-ferrous metallurgy is represented by energy-intensive industries. Aluminum is smelted in Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk, Shelekhovo, copper and nickel are smelted in Norilsk, copper is smelted in Udokan.
  • The chemical, petrochemical and forest chemical industries produce a variety of water- and energy-intensive products - plastics, chemical fibers, polymers. The raw materials are processed products (Angarsk, Usolye Sibirskoye) and wood (Krasnoyarsk).
  • The timber and pulp and paper industries are developed in the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the largest industrial logging in the country takes place here. The largest plants were built in Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Yeniseisk, and Baikalsk.

Large TPK-Norilsk, Kansko-Achinsk, Bratsko-Ust-Ilimsk, Irkutsk-Cheremkhovsk were formed on the basis of the interconnected production of coal and hydropower, non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry and, as well as in Eastern Siberia.

The future of Eastern Siberia is connected with the formation of a transport network, new energy transport and industrial complexes, and the development of the manufacturing industry, including modern ones. The environmental situation in areas of concentration of industrial production - Norilsk, the Baikal basin, along the BAM highway - is of great concern.

The East Siberian region includes the Krasnoyarsk Territory with the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki Autonomous Okrug, the Irkutsk Region with the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, the Chita Region with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, the Republics of Khakassia, Tyva, and Buryatia. Area 4.1 million sq. km., population 9 million people. The economic and geographical position of the region is unfavorable:

  • - it is remote from developed economic regions of the country and centers of export-import operations;
  • - most of its territory belongs to the regions of the Far North, as a result of which it is poorly populated and infrastructurally developed; transport routes pass in the far south of the region;
  • - a significant part of the area is mountainous, limiting the economic use of the territory.

Natural conditions and resources.

Thousands of kilometers of high-water rivers, endless taiga, mountains and plateaus, low-lying tundra plains - this is the diverse nature of Eastern Siberia. The territory of the region is 4.1 million km. sq.

The climate is sharply continental, with large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations (very cold winters and hot summers).

A special feature of Eastern Siberia is the extremely wide distribution of permafrost throughout the entire territory. Almost a quarter of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. Natural zones change sequentially in the latitudinal direction: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga (most of the territory), in the south there are areas of forest-steppe and steppe. In terms of forest reserves, the region ranks first in the country (surplus forest). Most of the territory is occupied by the East Siberian Plateau. The flat regions of Eastern Siberia in the south and east are bordered by mountains (Yenisei Ridge, Sayan Mountains, Baikal Mountains). Features of the geological structure (a combination of ancient and younger rocks) determine the diversity of minerals. The upper tier of the Siberian Platform located here is represented by sedimentary rocks. The formation of the largest coal basin in Siberia, the Tunguska, is associated with them.

Brown coal reserves of the Kansk-Achinsk and Lena basins are confined to the sedimentary rocks of the troughs on the outskirts of the Siberian platform. And the formation of the Angaro-Ilimsk and other large deposits of iron ore and gold is associated with the Precambrian rocks of the lower layer of the Siberian Platform. A large oil field was discovered in the middle reaches of the Podkamennaya Tungussk (Evenkia) River.

The natural resource potential of Eastern Siberia is second in scale only to the neighboring West Siberian region.

The complex geological structure of the region's territory has determined the presence of rich and varied mineral resources, however, it should be noted that the level of geological knowledge of Eastern Siberia remains quite low.