Drawing a hedgehog with pencils - step-by-step instructions with photos. How to draw a hedgehog: step-by-step instructions Children's drawings of hedgehogs

The hedgehog - also known as the hedgehog - is a very funny mammal. This is a small animal from the order Insectivores. The name of the order already tells us what this animal eats. Well, of course, insects. There are different types of hedgehogs: common and long-eared. The latter have small protruding ears on the head, which gives the hedgehog a rather interesting appearance. Hedgehogs are not large in size, they have thin legs, a pointed muzzle with a black nose at the end, which sniffs everything around very well. A characteristic feature of hedgehogs is their body covered with sharp spines. When a hedgehog senses danger, it quickly curls up into a ball, exposing only its protruding needles, and thereby escapes from its enemies. Mother hedgehogs feed their hedgehogs with special milk. In general, if you see a hedgehog and offer him a saucer of milk, he will never refuse such a tasty treat. We want to teach you how to draw a hedgehog here step by step with a pencil.

Stage 1. Let's start with the head of the animal. Draw a slightly elongated circle. We draw three lines in it. One, slightly raised up approximately in the middle. Another one, a little shorter and lower. And the third one is curved and intersects the first two vertically. Then let's start drawing the muzzle. In front we will mark the contours: the line near the eyes and the cheek part, we draw the chin line. On the first horizontal line we draw large eyes.

Stage 2. In the eyes we show the pupils themselves. We draw two curved lines above the eyes. The left dash turns into a pointed nose, raised upward. There is a small patch at the end of the spout. From the snout, a line leads down and we draw the features of a mouth, slightly half-open. It turns out such a nice little face!

Stage 3. Now we draw two short eyebrows on top of the peephole, raised upward in surprise. To the right of the nose under the eye we outline a convex line of the cheek that connects to the mouth. At the top of the head and at the bottom, where the neck is, we make wavy lines.

Stage 4. Draw the hedgehog’s right cheek and his high right ear. We also use wavy lines to outline the contours of the hedgehog’s body. We do this from one side of the head to the other.

Stage 5. Now we draw the long protruding needles of this small prickly creature all over the body. We draw thin long features, curved slightly back and giving the body shape and volume.

Stage 6. From under the small prickly body, adorable paws should peek out, on which the hedgehog can run quite quickly on the ground. He is a very agile animal. Let's draw four legs. They are identical in structure. The front ones look out a little more than the rear ones. The paws end in fingers.

Stage 7. Very often, mushrooms or apples are painted on the spines of a hedgehog’s back, which it supposedly carries on its spines, making provisions for the winter. In fact, this is fiction, because hedgehogs eat insects. But, nevertheless, we will not deviate from the general rule and draw two beautiful fungi on the back of the animal.

Stage 8. This is the cute little hedgehog we got as a result of our lesson. This is a black and white version.

It will be very easy for your child to draw a hedgehog. Just 4 steps from the first oval to the color picture. The drawing of this cute animal will cheer up both an adult and a child. But it will be more pleasant for a child to draw together with an adult, but independently. You can try to arrange a competition to see who is faster.

Step 1: initial contours of the hedgehog

We start the drawing with an oval. This will be the body of our hedgehog. Draw a circle on the back. This is a preparation for an apple.

Step 2: draw the hedgehog's face and legs

We draw our hedgehog an elongated muzzle with a curved tip. Add an eye and an ear. Now we draw the legs. They are small for the hedgehog. And we draw a tail on the apple.

Step 3: draw spines for the hedgehog

And now the most crucial moment - we draw spines and a nose for the hedgehog. Let's draw an eye and a smiling mouth.

Step 4: The final touch - make the hedgehog colorful

Finally, we’ll paint the hedgehog with colored pencils, crayons or paints. We decorated our drawing with paints. The result is a very cute hedgehog with an apple on his back.

Master class on drawing for children 4-5 years old "Hedgehog"

Target: performing a drawing using an unconventional drawing technique - painting with a hard semi-dry brush using the “poke” method.
Tasks:- introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques;
- develop children's creative abilities;
- teach accuracy when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class will be useful to kindergarten teachers working with children of middle and senior preschool age, as well as to all creative people interested in drawing.
Materials: paper, brushes No. 3 and No. 5 - squirrel, brush No. 5 bristles, fabric napkin, water in a glass.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator:"We cannot live in the world without miracles,
They meet us everywhere.
Magic, autumn and fairytale forest
He invites us to visit him.
The wind will spin to the song of the rain,
He will throw leaves at our feet.
It's such a beautiful time:
Miracle Autumn has come to us again."

Guys, what wonderful lines M. Sidorova wrote... Autumn is truly a wonderful time, but unfortunately not everyone has time to admire its beauty. For example, animals have no time to enjoy the beauty of autumn; they simply need to stock up on food. The squirrel sews mushrooms and collects nuts,

And the hedgehog?
Listen to Tatyana Kazyrina's poem:
Autumn has played out
Whirling in the wind,
Covered with leaves
Gray hedgehog.
The hedgehog is unhappy
Snorts and grumbles:
-The mushroom hid
Silent under the leaves!
How to find a path?
How to find fungus?
Leaves stick
On the prickly side!"
Educator: Guys, what does the Hedgehog eat?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, guys. Hedgehogs also eat apples.

They prepare them in their burrows and collect them under apple trees.

And mushrooms.

The hedgehog's prickly coat helps to collect mushrooms and transfer them to the burrow.

Look what a beautiful hedgehog the artist painted:

So I suggest you draw a hedgehog with an apple.
We will do this with gouache and a hard brush. To get started, we need to get acquainted with an interesting drawing method - the “poke” method with a hard semi-dry brush.
Place a piece of paper in front of you, place a glass of water, and prepare a cloth napkin. Your main weapon is a hard bristle brush No. 5. Dip the brush into the gouache and make the first “poke”, placing the brush vertically to the sheet. Give it a few pokes. Now let’s change the color, rinse the brush, and dry it dry with a cloth. Let's put paint on the brush again and continue painting using the "poke" method. Have you tried it? Now you can start drawing a hedgehog.
1. For work we will need the following materials: a fabric napkin, a glass of water, gouache, a bristle brush No. 5, soft brushes No. 2, No. 5, a sheet of paper.

2. Tint a sheet of paper: wet a sheet of paper with a soft brush, then apply paint, trying to distribute it evenly. Let it dry and the background is ready.
3. Let's start drawing a hedgehog. Place the sheet horizontally. We will paint using the “poke” technique with a hard, semi-dry brush. You are already familiar with it and have even tried it, and now let’s draw, or rather “poke”! We use black and white gouache. First, dip the brush in white gouache, and then in black. This is done so that the color is applied to the sheet not in an even color, but in small spots, this will create a more vivid effect of needles on the hedgehog’s back. First, let's draw an outline.

Now let's fill the outline. “Poke”, “poke”, “poke”!

4. Now with a soft thin brush, with the very tip of it, draw the muzzle, just the outline.

We fill it with color, small stripes, and begin to draw a line from the nose to the head.

5. Now let’s draw the nose, legs and tail.

6. In order to draw the hedgehog’s eye, use a thin brush to draw a small white circle, let it dry and use black gouache to draw a small circle in the middle of the white one. Now our hedgehog is looking at us!

7. Draw an apple. We need red gouache. Draw a small circle on the back of the hedgehog. We also draw using the “poke” method.

8. Now let’s draw a leaf with green gouache and a twig with black gouache.

The hedgehog is ready!

Look at the hedgehogs the children drew:
Egor got the biggest apple

Nastya has this hedgehog

And Katyusha drew the hedgehog entirely herself

These are our hedgehogs!

Which hedgehog did you like the most?
I suggest you draw your own hedgehog! Try it! Your hedgehog will be completely different from any other! Go for it.

What is this small and cute animal whose back is covered with sharp needles that protect it in case of danger? Did you guess it? This is a hedgehog that is often talked about in children's poems and fairy tales. When it is frightened, it curls up into a ball, exposing its quills, so predators cannot get close to it to bite or eat it. Its needles serve not only as defense, but also as assistance during the transfer of fruits and other food to its burrow. His black nose and eyes evoke only tenderness, but if you manage to inspire trust in this baby, you will be able to touch his soft paws with sharp claws. We will draw such a cute animal in this step-by-step lesson using a graphics tablet. But you can also use a regular pencil.

Tools and materials:

  1. A graphics tablet and pen (I used Wacom Intos Draw, but any will do) connected to a computer or laptop.
  2. Adobe Photoshop program.

You can also use a simple pencil, an eraser and a piece of paper.

Stages of work:

Step 1. In Adobe Photoshop, click File – New. Specify the dimensions of the sheet: height - 2000 px. and width – 1200 px. Click OK, after which a sheet will appear on which we will draw. Let's set up the brush: let it be black, with size 5. Draw a large circle in the middle of the sheet. From there we will continue building the body of the hedgehog, it will be more convenient to do it this way:

Step 2. Now we add four circles of different sizes. The largest circle will be on the left, it will serve as the basis for the ear, the remaining two for the eye and one for the nose:

Step 3. Let's draw the outline of the animal's muzzle. The hedgehog's nose and mouth become visible, as well as the inside of the ear:

Step 4. We change the brush to a thinner one - 3. There are small needles on the muzzle, so we mark them along the edge. There will be two clear highlights on the left eye. Let's outline the boundary from which there will be a sharp transition to a dark tone:

Step 5. Let's increase the brush size to 20. Let's sketch out the eyes and nose completely, only making a slight tint of tone. There is also a highlight on the nose, not as bright as on the eye, but it is visible:

Step 6. Draw short needles and fur with a thin brush (3) under the ear and lower part of the body, outlining the contours of the body. Let's add two front legs on which the hedgehog will rest. Remove excess lines with an eraser:

Step 7 We continue to draw small needles and fur on the animal’s face. Now you can remove the lines with the eraser tool that previously served as a sketch. On the right we add several long antennae extending far beyond the muzzle:

Step 8 Above the head we can add large needles (brush size – 9), which, due to the large number, overlap each other, as if pushing each other:

Step 9 From the ear to the back we will still draw large needles, but as they move away, we will make them paler (reduce the pressure). We do this because it's the background, it doesn't have to be the same as the foreground. This creates a volume:

Step 10 Draw the nose with small needles (brush - 3), which have a high density around the eye, on the bend of the muzzle, near the mouth and around the mustache:

Step 11 Under the hedgehog's body (around the legs) we will draw a falling shadow. On top of it from the body, use the tip of the eraser to add strokes, creating needles:

Step 12 We have to make the ears voluminous using shading. The light falls from left to right, so the left side of the ear captures most of the shadow, and the right ear is completely absorbed by it:

Step 13 Let's add a shadow between the large needles. It should be denser at the transition from small to large needles. Outline the paws, adding four sharp claws on each:

Step 14 Between the ears we will also work out the shadow from the large needles. In this area we will detail it in more detail, because it is in the foreground that the viewer’s gaze falls first:

So, hedgehogs. In winter, hedgehogs hibernate, and in summer they puff and curl up in a ball. If a hedgehog lives in a house, at night he catches mice with a loud stomp. As you can see, there are a whole lot of benefits from hedgehogs. So it would be strange not to draw hedgehogs for the joy of ourselves and the children, which is what we will do.

Our hedgehog, oddly enough, begins with an electrocardiogram:

Draw ears on the sides...

...and in the ears squiggles, which are usually drawn in the ears:

Let's finish drawing the head:

We draw a face like a bunny’s, only without a mustache (if you don’t already know how to do this!), and at the ends of the smile we make small serifs (that is, dashes):

The other day I was asked how to draw a body. Here you go - draw the hedgehog’s tummy. Draw the body smaller than the head, it’s prettier.

...and pens:

The most important thing left is the needles. Bang-bang!!! We start from the hedgehog “hip joint” (where the leg grows) and go in a circle:

“What the hell, why is he so skewed?!” “Yeah, and the needles are uneven!”
Now, if such thoughts have occurred to you now, call your child to the monitor and let him say whether the hedgehog is cute or not. I don’t deliberately redo drawings for the site, I draw as it is drawn, so I left it crooked. Everything is fair. And, rest assured, it will turn out just as uneven - and there’s nothing wrong with that! Well, crooked and crooked, should we shoot with it, or what? The main thing is cute! :)

By the way, you can catch me lying: the hedgehog takes not the promised 10 seconds, but the entire 20.

And now the question from the IQ test: “Continue the logical sequence: bunny, cat, hedgehog, ...?” The correct answer is cow. This is what we will draw next time.