Inner strength in good quality. What our thoughts are capable of

When I first started studying psychology, I realized how strong we humans are internally, but we tend to be unaware of it. I realized that a truly enormous strength lies hidden in a person, this is the strength of his spirit. However, since childhood, they have been trying to suppress this power of ours. This is understandable, because a depressed, morally weak person is very easy to manage. The human psyche is designed in such a way that he initially feels superior to others. The behavior of children is direct confirmation of this. The child's psyche is geared towards suppression, this is the same as that of animals who are trying to get ahead of their brothers and sisters in the fight for mother's milk.

We don't know who we are and why we are here, we can only guess about it. But we see that for our survival in this world, we have the most necessary qualities for this. But in the social environment, humility, obedience, and fear are instilled in us over generations, so that it is deposited at the genetic level. Thus, our inner strength is suppressed for many generations. The word “impossible” is just for such people with a depressed psyche. Ancient rituals, shamanic rituals, all of them were aimed at training the psyche. The North American Indians were finally exterminated only when all the shamans were destroyed. It was the shamans who made the warriors invincible, they pumped up their psyche so much that they were not afraid of anything, and if a person is not afraid of anything, it is impossible to defeat him.

In sports, in business, in any type of activity, strong character and fortitude are needed everywhere. This is everything, a person’s mental state, which can be trained or suppressed. Manipulation of people is the skillful use of psychological knowledge for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. And although I have been convinced more than once that all people can be manipulated, regardless of their mental state, people with weak psyches are much more susceptible to this. You can find a key for any person, but a weak-willed person is just an open door. But a person with a well-pumped psyche is an insurmountable wall. Character needs to be strengthened, the psyche needs to be trained.

Of course, there are people who are okay with this, these are not depressed people who are adjusted to life. They are like uncut stone; nothing is impossible for them. Everything in this life can be trained, and the psyche is no exception. If you were humiliated, suppressed, oppressed as a child, it’s not a problem, believe me. You can become a strong person, you can change and move away from your past, if only you stop putting up with your weakness and start working on yourself. You can do this yourself or with the help of a good specialist.

Today, I will share with you observations regarding such an important phenomenon as human inner strength. In this article you will be able to get a feel for what it is, where it comes from, why many people lack it, and what can be done to ensure that this power is always sufficient. There will also be one example from life.

Why do you need inner strength?

To understand this, try to answer yourself what to do if:

  • there are not enough external resources to continue on your way
  • not enough outside support
  • circumstances are unlucky
  • you are at the very start and you have no past achievements yet
  • you were told that there are no grounds for success, but you see them
  • you see the right path, but there is no result yet
  • everyone says that you have chosen the wrong path, but you feel that it is the right one

Often, under such circumstances, there is only one thing left to do - act. No matter what. There is serious long-term work ahead, and the only thing you should count on in such circumstances is your inner strength, so it should be more than enough.

What is human inner strength

Many people have their own ideas about this phenomenon, and they differ from the ideas of other people. Some believe that inner strength is the ability to influence other people and control them, others believe that it is the ability to endure mental pain in life. Some believe that this is the ability to defend one’s point of view, opinions don’t end there, so I won’t list everything and will get straight to the point.

Inner strength is the totality of energies that a person has, supported by his ability to control them.

Where does a person's inner strength come from?

Obviously, it doesn’t just appear out of thin air, and if it does, it doesn’t just appear like that. Let's consider what kind of energies create this force; each of these factors is important.

  1. Vital energy. Everything is simple here, these are the very forces that we need for life, which we receive through such different sources as breathing, digestion, movement, positive emotions and so on.
  2. Strength of will. Characterizes the level of strength of self-control and the ability to act on the basis of one’s own choice. Increasing this strength occurs naturally by increasing the level of self-control. (more about willpower)
  3. Strength of mind. This is a kind of internal force, which at the same time is external. It is difficult to describe, since this is energy of a different level, but you can and should learn to feel it as much as possible.
  4. Psychic energy. In other words, this is our attention, and the more free attention we have, the easier it is for us to focus our efforts on solving the necessary tasks. (more details)
  5. Self-control. This is the same ability to manage your basic energies, that is, distribute vital forces, manage will, desires, attention, and interact with the power of spirit.

The extent to which a person can develop and control these energies determines the parameters of his internal strength; all this, of course, can and should be developed.

So that the article does not turn out to be too long, in it we will consider the first point, namely vital energy, and you can read about the other three using the links above.

Why do many people lack vital energy?

Everyone who encounters this should first of all find the reason this.

Usually the reasons are trivial, either a lack of receiving energies from sources, or an imbalance in the supply of these forces. It could also just be a leak, when something constantly torments and worries you. Well, the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the combination of all these factors. If a person copes with the interweaving of these factors, then he becomes stronger, otherwise it can cause diseases or disorders.

An example from my own life

To make it clear, I will give an example from my life; anyone who has been involved in any kind of business will understand. Once, I tried to get out of a difficult situation, but I failed. As a result, I owed money to many friends, I had a bank loan, I had to sleep little, eat little and work hard to pay for rent, debts and food. I tried to get out, but my income was not enough to pay off everything. The girl I was dating, of course, ended things with me.

This period lasted more than a year. At that time I felt a lack of vital energy, since I received little of it through nutrition, through sleep, and through the emotions of love relationships. Plus there were large leaks about various concerns, including concerns about personal life, especially about where to live, what to eat and what decisions to make. But at that time I was already quite worked out, and therefore I felt quite harmonious inside, this was quite enough to remove worries if they appeared, remain calm, and continue to solve the problems facing me. Outwardly, everything was also without much change, except that I had lost a lot of weight, but I knew that only by maintaining positive emotions and remaining calm inside, I could gradually change the situation for the better.

At that time, I not only got out, I managed to achieve even greater success than ever before, but I did not even suspect what serious blows lay ahead of me. Now I understand that this was only a rehearsal, and it is worth considering that if you are an active person with high goals, in whose life periods of increased risk are possible, then you must be prepared for any turns, and for this you need to have enough inner strength.

What you need to increase vital energy

It is necessary not only to monitor their correct balance, but it is also necessary to constantly develop the ability to control our thoughts, since it is with our thoughts that we tie our energy to other thoughts that form programs that create leaks. Need to Necessarily get rid of unnecessary unnatural waste of energy, which includes bad habits, negative attitudes and fears.

It is also necessary to always monitor where the power naturally goes, and try to make sure that it does not go completely. If the type of activity requires a lot of energy, then you need to provide yourself with complete recovery, healthy eating, and proper rest. Now I’m not talking about an excess of a certain quality, I mean a small, total amount of free energy, that is, the presence of unoccupied attention, free time, thanks to which you can engage in introspection and improve the quality of your thinking in general. The fact is that this free energy, after a certain accumulation, is capable of itself being a force within a person, and with the ability to control his thoughts, a person will be able to control this force. As a result, it turns out that when there is such a reserve, then this strength emanates from the person, and many people around feel it, or even realize it.

At this stage, a snowball effect is triggered, when a person feels this power, his ability to think more clearly increases, accordingly he increases the ability of self-control, this leads to a greater increase in strength, and so on. That is why, having embarked on the path of self-development, a person usually continues to develop throughout his life.



Follow these 12 rules for 21 days and you will change 100%. We are all born feeling superior to others. This is a genetically programmed program that allows you to survive and be as competitive as possible. But they try to suppress our inner strength by instilling obedience, humility, kindness, compassion and fear. Discover your inner strength and you will become invincible.

Once upon a time, one reader asked us to write about the inner strength of a person, and now the hour has come.

The enormous inner strength of a person that is hidden in him

We are accustomed to paying attention to obvious character traits and working on them, forgetting that there are colossal reserves within. People often don’t even realize that inner strength can help them in many ways. Its power is very enormous, but all our lives they have been trying to suppress it.

We are born to be extremely competitive. We try to beat our brothers for mother's milk and parents' attention. But from childhood we begin to be taught socialization. We are taught to share toys, give in to others, give in to girls and be obedient. At school they teach us order and suppress our psyche. We are not allowed to use our strength and are called to be humble. We must give in to others, give in to the weak, be tolerant. Tolerance is artificially implanted in us. The authorities, the state and those around him manipulate a person, preventing him from fully realizing himself.

Weak character is the result of a person’s program being knocked down by society. Character needs to be strengthened, but it has been suppressed for years. How to reawaken your inner strength? How to make your character iron-clad? How to train character and willpower? Believe me, it's worth it.

How to develop a person's inner strength?

1. Control your emotions

Strength is manifested through control of your emotions and psychological state. But don't suppress your emotions. They need to be directed in the right direction. Let resentment, anger, irritation, envy, anger and other emotions be used for creation, not destruction. When you suppress emotions inside, you destroy yourself.

Let the power of such emotions be used to solve problems, motivate, overcome obstacles, create creative work and the desire to achieve more. Transform positive emotions of joy, success, delight and happiness into even greater inner strength.

2. Act despite fear and cowardice

We are always afraid of everything. This is normal, because it is a function of self-preservation. But sometimes it begins to interfere with our lives. We perceive any changes with hostility, fearing for our future and comfort. But often it is change that brings the best, not sitting on your butt.

Fear should not limit a person, but be an indicator of danger and mistakes that need to be avoided. Use fear as a helper, not as a limiting leash.

3. Use your second wind

During training, a second wind appears when we are already tired and our strength is running out. Why is that? We feel closer to the finish line and victory. At this moment we discover hidden reserves to achieve the goal. In real life everything is similar.

In difficult moments of life, get your second wind. Grit your teeth, take your willpower and be persistent. Continue your journey, discovering your inner sources of energy. Don't give up, otherwise the energy sources will be closed. Inner strength is inexhaustible.

4. Challenge difficulties

Don't wait for troubles to gradually destroy your life or make it unbearable. When faced with troubles, do not retreat, craning your neck in fear. Don't shy away from life's difficulties, but face them with enthusiasm. Difficulties help to train willpower and character.

5. Stop procrastinating.

We always put everything off until tomorrow. This is a very destructive habit. Procrastination does not give us strength, but takes away our determination. Don’t put off your desire to change until tomorrow, next month or year. Procrastination buries all your opportunities, chances, luck and dreams. Stop procrastinating. It's time to start living and achieving victories.

6. Think positively

Start drawing your strength from within. Pessimism, depression and apathy destroy us. Therefore, positive people more often achieve their goal, while pessimists give up the race. Find the source of your inner strength in optimism. Negative thinking prevents us from drawing energy from within. Be optimistic and think positively. This is a great driver for a dream.

7. Regain strength

Remember to rest, celebrate victories and take care of yourself. A healthy body has much more strength than a tired, sleepy, fat or sick one. Take care of yourself and life will be easier. Sport is the best energy source of internal strength.

8. Don't be sorry or sad

Often past grievances and defeats pull us back. Everything that has been done and passed cannot be returned. Learn from past mistakes so you don't make them again. But forgive yourself and the people around you. Regrets take a lot of inner strength and interfere with life. Leave the past in the past and move forward.

9. Interact with the right people

Some people take away our willpower. They criticize us, destroy our confidence and pull us back. These are energy vampires who take away your internal energy. Don't let weak people tell you what to do and how to live. Through manipulation, guilt and criticism, they make you weaker. Other people will pull you forward and encourage you to act. These are the people you need to communicate with.

10. Take responsibility for everything

You can criticize the whole world, those around you, your bosses, your government, and the alien conspiracy. But in reality, everything depends on you, your actions, your decisions and your plans. Sometimes it is difficult to take control of life and it is easier to complain about others, but this is the first step to defeat.

11. Train your willpower

Overcoming difficulties does not make us weaker. Willpower acts in such a way that every obstacle passed gives us strength. An athlete gets tired during training, but he becomes stronger and more resilient. Train your willpower and it will increase.

12. Take action and be active

We spend most of our lives operating in an automatic state. It's time to turn off the autopilot and take action. Be as active as possible every day. Do the best you can do. Get out of your comfort zone and express yourself.

Somehow, imperceptibly, it has become fashionable to measure everything: the size of noses and the fullness of breasts, long hair and nails, pumped up muscles and the amount of money in bank accounts, huge houses and luxurious mistresses - that is, we brag about everything in the world. We do this at colorful and expensive world shows, at city and regional competitions, at work, at school, in gateways, on playgrounds - in a word, everywhere. Strict parameters have been developed, competent juries have been created, and work is in full swing.

But every person has one parameter that is difficult to measure, and it cannot be determined by external signs in any way. It is called internal strength - a moral core, thanks to which a person performs actions called exploits. Or he simply lives honestly, without compromising his principles. This is not easy, and those who have tried it know for sure: this is also akin to a feat.

But still, how to measure the quantitative and qualitative composition of a person’s inner strength? For example, before us is a brutal, big guy and a fashionably dressed, slender hipster. Which one is physically stronger? Most likely the first one. What about morally? The answer to this question can only be obtained if both find themselves in an extreme (!) situation. Unfortunately, there is no other way to check the presence of internal strength.

It is interesting that only when faced with a difficult situation can a person come to one of two conclusions:

First: “These trials have made me stronger.” This is what someone who has a lot of inner strength will say.

Second: “These troubles broke me.” And these are the words of a morally weak person.

It turns out that internal strength is that reserve of power that allows us to achieve our goals, solve difficult problems and live in defiance of fate.

The clearest example of this is the Paralympic Games. This is where courage coexists with pain, both mental and physical, and inner strength forces you to perform feats every day and hourly! An article about when and where the first such games took place can be read on the website. Author E. Asvoinova-Travina, article published 12/21/14.

Any war for a person is the most severe test of the presence of inner strength. Whether it is large-scale, or local, or a regular clash on the border of states does not make much difference. There is no difference in the number of victims and destruction. The only thing that matters is how a person behaves, what choice he makes, what path he takes.

Do you remember the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov? The intellectual Sotnikov is outwardly weak, he has no physical strength, and he also lacks the ability to fight. But the Fisherman is a different matter, he is good for everyone, any business in his hands is successful. Having fallen into the hands of the Germans, both partisans were faced with a choice. To become a traitor means to live. To remain an honest person means to perish. There was no third, that is, compromise way. And the heroes made their choice. It was unusually complex and cost both their lives. The fisherman became faint-hearted - he decided to become a policeman, so that later, at the first opportunity, he could go to his own people. Sotnikov did not hesitate for a second, did not betray his homeland and remained faithful to his oath. The Germans forced Rybak to hang Sotnikov, but he himself (!) stepped off the box, giving Rybak the opportunity to come to his senses. There was an iron core - inner strength - in this weak-looking man!

Sometimes inner strength is called intuition, sometimes it is believed that it is our conscience and upbringing. But no one denies its presence or absence. Nobody. And all because every person has it. True, as mentioned above, it is possible to measure it and evaluate it only in an extreme situation. They even say that you can “grow” it, almost instantly increasing your reserve of internal strength. This is achieved with simple manipulations. You can, for example, take a “fighting” hundred grams. This is no longer possible - there is no point in achieving anything in a drunken stupor.

Many people find that jogging or intense exercise in the gym, long-distance swimming or good sparring in the ring helps. That is, any discharge of energy. And some people like to listen to a CD with their favorite melodies. The range is from classics to pop: what helps whom. You can relax and gain inner strength by taking a contrast shower or a relaxing bath. Lying down for 20 minutes and telling yourself to fall asleep is also a way out.

Psychologists will definitely advise you to imagine yourself on the highest step of the podium with a cup in hand or a medal. Remember your happy state and, by the power of will and imagination, evoke it in yourself in difficult times, when you give up and the supply of inner strength dries up. You also need to be proud of your victories. To do this, it is worth creating a Wall of Honor for Your Beloved. And hang your photos with awards on it, collect a folder with interviews, speeches, etc. Don’t have such materials yet? No problem! Imagine such a hall of fame and mentally fill it. The dream must come true! Obliged! And who or what will be able to bring it to life? Of course, you and your inner strength!

And finally, I’ll tell you one secret: the greatest reserve of internal energy comes from love. Without her, nothing will work out, but with her... You can move mountains with her. This is such a mysterious inner strength that every person has, but not everyone knows what it is capable of.

It is not only his protection, but also a way to find happiness, joy, and the meaning of life.

Why does one always succeed in achieving his plans, while the other faces many obstacles? Someone finds a lot of reasons to abandon their plans, someone starts to act and then quits, finding many excuses. But there are also people who, having conceived something, bring it to completion.

Human strength is an important condition for the successful implementation and completion of intended goals. If it is present, any undertaking will be successful, otherwise some obstacles will always arise.

The lack of vitality affects the quality of our life, and neither water nor food can compensate for it. Human vital forces, which are the totality of nervous and energy, contribute to our harmonious development and existence.

What powers does a person need?

Physical strength is very important for any endeavor. A healthy, productive person can do a lot.

How to develop physical strength

Any kind of sport will help with this. The main thing is that the loads are regular. In addition, proper nutrition is necessary.

It has been proven that the power of faith can have a specific physiological effect on a person. For example, when tablets that do not contain any active substances act better than real medications due to a person’s confidence in their healing properties. The mind, expecting healing, initiates physiological processes that help restore health.

What our thoughts are capable of

According to many modern researchers, human thought is a material phenomenon - energy. It has been proven that at the moment of strong emotions, the thoughts that come into our heads throw vibrations into the surrounding space, which can affect the course of events. That is, if you have a strong desire, there is a chance that your plan will come true. And for greater effect, you need to learn to use the power of thought, visualizing what you want.

How the power of thought works

Thoughts that are constantly present in a person’s head become his beliefs, which, forming internal images in our brain, thereby materialize the objects of dreams.

A thought can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to control your thoughts and not wish harm to others. The power of a person’s thought, having punished the offender, can return to the owner with the opposite effect.

We can attract more than just good things. For example, as soon as the thought of self-doubt arises, it immediately undermines our faith in our strengths, we step back. Unfortunately, people are more inclined to believe negative thoughts. Therefore, you shouldn’t get hung up on them; this can distance us from our intended goal.

Where do our energies flow?

Unfortunately, we waste a lot of vital energy. A person’s strength, his energy is spent on outbursts of both negative and depression, self-flagellation, criticism of both others and himself.

No less energy is spent on unnecessary chatter. It’s not for nothing that after heated arguments we feel empty. In addition, endless internal dialogues are a waste of energy.

Motor energy is hampered by muscle tension that arises from a sedentary lifestyle and heavy loads. By removing bodily pressures, we influence the psyche, harmonizing it.

How can you replenish lost strength?

The most effective remedy is proper sleep, as well as various types of massage and thermal treatments. This cleanses internally and externally: toxins are removed, fatigue is relieved, and a boost of energy appears.

In addition to rest for the body, rest is also necessary for the soul, which will bring peace and harmony. This is facilitated by music, dancing, walking, art. Travel and new experiences are very useful. It is important to remember what brings you pleasure and joy, and turn to it more often. A person who lives to the fullest, does something that requires knowledge and skill, feels joy.

In addition, you need to try to identify the sources of fatigue and understand your own level of satisfaction with life. Most often, a lack of internal strength causes mental tension and resistance.

To gain strength, you need to make an effort and spend a lot of time. You shouldn’t think that this will happen right away; you need to work on yourself throughout your life.