Who are the celebrities buried at the Vagankovskoye Cemetery? Novodevichy Cemetery – Rest of the Great (55 photos) Graves of famous people in cemeteries.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery is one of the largest and most famous necropolises in Moscow. This memorial complex occupies an area of ​​50 hectares of land. Its location is the northwestern part of the capital.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow has become one of the monuments of history and culture.

Necropolis - last refuge

In the capital of our country there are three cemeteries where it is customary to bury national idols: Novodevichye, Vagankovskoe, and Kuntsevo cemetery.

The first is the most prestigious; people who officially made history are buried here. The Vagankovskoye cemetery is a kind of alternative; those who “didn’t make it to Novodevichy for some reason” are buried here, mostly public figures surrounded by people’s love, rumor and fame. Surprisingly, the word “vagant” is translated as “wandering artists,” so the necropolis seems to tell in advance about the type of activity of those who found their last refuge here.

History of origin

The Vagankovskoe cemetery was founded in 1771 by order of Count Grigory Orlov. Catherine II personally sent him to Moscow to prevent the consequences of the plague epidemic.

The formation of a new burial place was a necessary measure due to the many who died from the terrible disease. There was a catastrophic shortage of land in old cemeteries.

Over the following years (until the mid-19th century), this place was the last refuge of peasants, minor officials, and ordinary residents of Moscow.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow gained its popularity after the burial of the fallen soldiers of the Russian army in 1812 in the Battle of Borodino. After that, the graves of people who wrote their names in history began to appear here: politicians, writers, poets, scientists, military personnel, actors and others.

By the end of the 20th century, Vagankovsky graveyards had become famous and prestigious burial places.

Today there are no places for new graves in the necropolis, but related burials and burials of urns are allowed (in closed, open columbariums and in the ground).

Sightseeing tours are held here once a week. People visiting the Vagankovskoe cemetery take photos here quite often, photographing the graves of idols.


At the entrance to the territory of the necropolis there is a complex of buildings: on one side there is a church, on the other there are administrative premises.

In 1772, a small wooden church named after John the Merciful was erected. Instead, in 1824, the stone Church of the Resurrection of the Word was built, its architect was A. Grigoriev. Funds for construction were provided by Moscow merchants. The historical bells have been preserved in the Temple to this day.

In memory of the old church, a rotunda chapel was built, which is still there today.

The doors of the Temple were always open, even in Soviet times.

Mass graves at the Vagankovskoe cemetery

The tragic moments of our history can be traced through local burials.

Here are the mass graves of soldiers of the Battle of Borodino, the burials of those who died during the stampede on the Khodynka field.

On the territory of the famous necropolis there are:

  • a memorial dedicated to the victims of repressions of Stalin's times;
  • mass grave of the defenders of Moscow who died in 1941-1942;
  • monuments to those killed during the 1991 coup, defenders of the White House and child actors who were victims of a terrorist attack in 2002 during the musical “Nord-Ost”.

Vagankovskoye Cemetery: graves of celebrities (photos)

Not all people come to the Moscow necropolis to visit the burials of their deceased relatives. Most visitors are looking for burial places of famous people, for whom the Vagankovskoe cemetery became their final resting place.

Photos of celebrities, forever immortalized in stone, have always attracted attention. For some, this is comparable to going to a history museum. On the territory of the Moscow necropolis there is a map that will help you navigate the area.

One of the most popular burials is the grave of Archpriest Valentin Amfitheatrov. It is considered miraculous; many pilgrims come here every day and pray at the cross on the grave. In the 20th century they tried to destroy it twice; the first time they could not find it, and the second time no remains were found.

Thus, the Vagankovskoe cemetery preserves its “quiet tenants”. Not everyone dares to take a photo of this grave, for fear of disturbing the archpriest’s peace.

The starting point for visiting the most famous burials is the columbarium. Right from the entrance, along the alley, there are chains of burials of athletes, actors, musicians, and poets.

Following the directions on the map, you can easily find the most visited graves - the poet Sergei Yesenin, the poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky. The Vagankovskoe cemetery keeps many legends about them.

At the burial site of Yesenin, according to rumors, the ghost of a girl is seen. A year after his death, G. Benislavskaya committed suicide at the poet’s grave. In total, 12 people said goodbye to their lives here.

Vladimir Vysotsky rests in someone else's grave. Contrary to the order of the authorities to bury the poet and actor in the far corner, the director of the Vagankovsky cemetery gave other instructions, allocating a place at the entrance. Previously, relatives of one of the deceased removed the remains from the artist’s burial place for reburial, after which the grave was vacated. There is an opinion that those who visit his monument receive inspiration in creativity.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery preserves the graves of celebrities and famous artists, such as A.K. Savrasov, V.A. Tropinin, V.I. Surikov.

Tombstones of folk idols of the late 20th and early 21st centuries

Many monuments amaze with their architectural design. You can see majestic full-length statues of the deceased themselves, such as Leonid Filatov’s.

Others have tombstones made in the Slavic style, for example, Igor Talkov’s - a large cross was built in memory of him, and at the head under a wooden visor there is his photo. This is one of the few graves with fresh flowers all year round.

The guides say that one girl wanted to bury herself alive next to the famous singer, but she was not completely covered with earth, and the young woman was saved.

The Vagankovskoe cemetery keeps many similar stories. The graves of celebrities, photos of which are presented in this article, attract living people to themselves like magnets.

You can always meet someone at the graves of Andrei Mironov and Vlad Listyev. The first has a monument in the form of a curtain, and the famous journalist and presenter has a bronze angel-girl with one broken wing crying over his grave.

The unusual tombstone of actor Mikhail Pugovkin is like a film strip containing footage from the films in which he played.

Alexander Abdulov, who died from a serious illness in 2008, has a white monument erected in the spirit of constructivism, in the form of a rock with a large cross, a photograph of the actor and three-dimensional letters with his name.

Many athletes are also buried here: the Znamensky brothers, Inga Artamonova, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Lev Yashin, Stanislav Zhuk and others.

Monuments of “ordinary” people

“Vagankovskoye Cemetery” means “celebrity graves”; for some, these phrases have long become synonymous. However, when you walk along the narrow alleys of the necropolis, the tombstones of “mere mortals” catch your eye, whose loved ones tried to decorate the burial place in an unusual way.

It is impossible to pass by some of the tombstones, they are so striking in their architecture. Thus, a golden angel was erected on the grave of the artist A. Shilov’s daughter.

Here you can see family crypts, moments from life literally carved from stone, and sculptural sketches. There are also graves with simple crosses or monuments erected almost 200 years ago.

Vandals and other horror stories

Unfortunately, not all people treat cemeteries with respect; vandals often appear here. Most often they steal precious metals. Thus, an easel disappeared from the grave of the artist N. Romadin, copper strings were stolen from the harpist M. Gorelova, and a fence disappeared from A. Mironov. However, most often photos of idols disappear.

Not far from the entrance to the Vagankovskoye cemetery there is a statue of a headless woman - this is a monument erected to Sonya the Golden Hand. Its pedestal contains many handwritten inscriptions. She lost her head by accident - drunken vandals tried to kiss the monument and accidentally broke it.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to bury on the territory of the Moscow necropolis, since here the holy cemetery land was desecrated with the blood of suicides, and murders took place here. There are also many crime bosses buried here.

At A. Abdulov’s grave they often see a glow and feel the warmth coming from somewhere below. Against this background, the actor’s photo seems alive.

There is another strange burial - A. Tenkova. Those who linger near it may fall into a trance, after which they suddenly find themselves near another grave.

In the last episode, we took a sightseeing tour of Père Lachaise cemetery. In this part, I propose to look at the graves of some famous people who found peace on its territory.

Monument of the Dead (Monument aux morts), next to which he was buried Adolphe Thiers (Adolphe Thiers), multiple Prime Minister of France, as well as the country's President from 1871 to 1873.

Monument Alfred de Musset (Alfred de Musset), French poet and playwright, who wrote “Lorenzaccio”, “Caprice”, “No joke with love”. His epitaph reads:

My friends! When I die
Grow the willow above me;
I love her sad look
With drooping, pale foliage;
And, quietly dozing over the grave,
With its thin shadow
She will not burden that land,
Where eternal peace awaits me.

(translated by S. A. Andreevsky)

Monument to one of the “bisons” of French literature - Honore de Balzac (Honoré de Balzac), known for such works as “Shagreen Skin”, “Père Goriot”, “Colonel Chabert”, “Eugenie Grande”...

The spine of The Human Comedy, a multi-volume work that combined many of Balzac's novels and short stories in order to create a picture of the morals of the French people.

Sarcophagus of a French painter Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix). His most famous paintings are “Liberty Leading the People”, “The Death of Sardanapalus”, “The Massacre at Chios”. By the way, Balzac is still visible in the background.

Tombstone Marcel Proust (Marcel Proust), one of the most significant French writers of the 20th century. His main work, the series of novels “In Search of Lost Time,” is distinguished by its incredible size. In addition, long and ornate phrases in France are sometimes called “Proustian”, since the writer loved to use them and always successfully brought them to the end, without losing the thread of the story at all, although from time to time the reader simply had to stop halfway to find at least some sense in the literary jungle, and sometimes returned to the beginning of the paragraph, mentally cursing the author, who... In general, I think you understand.

grave Guillaume Apollinaire (Guillaume Apollinaire), a French poet of Polish origin, who worked in the style of avant-garde and surrealism. At the front, he was wounded in the head, and two years later he died from the Spanish flu epidemic.

The grave of the film actor and pop singer Willow Montana (Yves Montand) and his wife Simone Signoret. During the filming of his last film, "IP-5", Montand swam in a cold lake and suffered a heart attack. He was 70 years old. It's amazing that the character he played in the film was supposed to die of a heart attack according to the script. Just like Moliere, who felt ill at a performance of The Imaginary Invalid and subsequently died.

Speaking of Moliere. The most famous French playwright (Molière) is also buried in Père Lachaise. His real name is Jean Baptiste Poquelin ( Jean Baptiste Poquelin). Moliere is the creator of the classic comedy: “Tartuffe”, “The Miser”, “The Misanthrope”, etc.

Moliere's neighbor in the cemetery is Jean de Lafontaine (Jean de La Fontaine), famous fabulist, contemporary of Moliere. Ivan Andreevich Krylov began his journey as a fabulist with translations of La Fontaine's fables.

Some celebrity graves can be easily found if you follow the crowds. That's how it was with the grave Edith Piaf.

The famous French singer was born in Paris, her real name is Edith Giovanna Gassion ( Edith Giovanna Gassion). Probably the whole world knows Edith Piaf’s songs - “My Lord”, “Hymn of Love”, “No, I don’t regret anything”, “La Vie En Rose”, etc.

Edith Piaf's neighbor in the cemetery, Henri Salvador (Henri Salvador) is a singer originally from French Guiana. Over the course of his 70-year career, Henri performed a huge number of songs that were well known to several generations. He died quite recently, in 2008, and until his death he appeared on stage.

Let's take a break from celebrities for a moment to look at the Russian presence at the Père Lachaise cemetery. The Cyrillic alphabet appears here and there: for example, on a monument honoring the joint efforts of Russian and French partisans in World War II.

In the columbarium you can find traces of Russian immigrants.

The ashes of the Russian princess in one of the niches of the columbarium. The plaque looks ancient, although the dates are quite modern.

After this short pause, let's return to the two main celebrities of Père Lachaise. The first one is Jim Morrison (Jim Morrison), vocalist and band leader The Doors. This legendary frontman died in Paris in 1971, either from a drug overdose or something else. One way or another, the grave has become a place of pilgrimage for many of Jim's fans. His epitaph reads: "He was true to his demons."

The grave is located rather inconveniently - in the photo it is in the depths, in front of the person with the camera. You can only approach from the right or left. Apparently, the cemetery workers did not expect Morrison to be so popular.

The second celebrity of the cemetery - Oscar Wilde (Oscar Wilde), Irish writer and founder of aestheticism. In my account of Georgian Dublin, after visiting Wilde's birthplace, I promised that I would visit his grave. This led me to the Père Lachaise cemetery.

To be honest, I didn’t particularly like the monument, but judging by the numerous traces of kisses, I was left in the minority. Initially, Wilde was buried in the Bagneux cemetery (cimetière de Bagneux) near Paris, but 10 years later he was reburied in Père Lachaise.

Women consider it their duty to leave an imprint of their lips on the pink stone.

Men limit themselves to inscriptions. "You are one of the few reasons I am proud of my Irish heritage."

“Life imitates art much more than art imitates life.”

That's it this time!

Père Lachaise Cemetery:

Part two. Celebrity graves.

Recently, majestic tombstones appeared on the graves of several people's favorites. And although an amount approximately equal to the cost of a one-room apartment in Moscow was spent on the production of each of the monuments that we will talk about today, one thing is clear: our love for the departed Vyacheslav TIKHONOV, Vlad GALKIN, Alexander LAZAREV, Vladimir TURCHINSKY is priceless .
On June 28, a long-awaited monument to the actor was unveiled on the actor’s alley of the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow, where Vlad Galkin rests. The sudden death of 38-year-old Vladislav, who died three and a half years ago, shocked the entire country. There is no point in recalling the tragic circumstances now. That week, when Galkin was seen off on his last journey, his latest work was shown - a series about Grigory Kotovsky. At first glance, it seems that it was in the image of the legendary division commander that the actor was immortalized in a bronze sculpture installed on the grave. Nearby, little Huckleberry Finn sits by a block of stone. The future popular artist played this rogue at the very beginning of his career.

Vlad and Dasha were a beautiful couple
The secret was revealed by the author of the monument - artist and sculptor Vladimir Usov, creator of the monument to Yuri Gagarin in the city of Nicosia in Cyprus: - It took a year to work. The compositional solution came together quite quickly. The customers were Vlad's parents - Boris Sergeevich and Elena Petrovna. They asked to make only a sculpture of the boy Huck, but I was able to convince them that we were making a monument not to the hero of Mark Twain’s novel, but to Vlad himself. Without excluding the child’s figure, I proposed to sculpt the late Galkin himself, and not at all the actor in the image of Kotovsky. So we got such a two-figure composition - a boy sitting near a stone, and Vlad standing next to it. Such a philosophical circle. In my opinion, this is a good decision, revealing the image of the artist. According to the idea of ​​sculptor USOV, the monument to the main “truck driver” of the country symbolizes the philosophical circle of his life: from child actor to superstar
Fundraising for the monument to Vlad began immediately after his death. Then those surrounded by the family gossiped that, trying to find money, the parents asked his wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, with whom the deceased had not recently lived, but did not have time to file a divorce, to sell the car. Vladislav gave Dasha a car. Allegedly, Elena Petrovna and Boris Sergeevich knew that shortly before his death, their son gave Mikhailova $45 thousand for safekeeping - part of the fee for one of the last films. But Mikhailova refused to part with the car or even return the money. The Galkins opened an account so that fans could transfer donations to the monument. “After the funeral, we found several messages on the Internet about the opening of accounts for the monument to Vlad,” Boris Galkin explained then. - It became clear that this was the work of crooks. People could give their money to someone unknown and lose it forever. Therefore, we were forced to open the only official account with the Union of Cinematographers for the monument to our son.
Before this, Lena and I received some strange calls, offering cash. I said that was out of the question. In short, we posted information on the union’s website to block the possible appearance of new accounts from scammers and unauthorized fundraising...
Who else provided financial assistance to the family and whether Mikhailova decided to contribute still remains a mystery. “Boris Sergeevich personally paid all the expenses,” says the sculptor Usov. - By the way, another sculptor worked on the monument before me, but the contract with him was terminated. Relatives came to the opening, Boris Sergeevich, Elena Petrovna, but I did not see Daria Mikhailova.
Let us remind you that it recently became known that Boris Galkin broke up with Vlad’s mother and married singer Inna Razumikhina, who is a quarter of a century younger than him. But the noble people’s artist, even after the divorce, did not stop overseeing work to perpetuate the memory of Vlad, the son of his ex-wife, whom he adopted as a boy, raised and brought into the public.
The tombstone is made in the old Russian style
Lazarevsky Pogost

People's Artist of Russia Alexander Lazarev, who died on May 2, 2011 at his dacha at the age of 74, is buried not far from Galkin’s grave. The monument to Alexander Sergeevich was ready in the spring, on the second anniversary of his death. But the long winter prevented the tombstone from being installed in time. When the snowdrifts melted, a lot of water accumulated on the actor’s alley of the Troekurovsky cemetery. We had to wait until the ground dried out. “On June 18, relatives, artists of the Mayakovsky Theater and our chief director gathered and unveiled a monument made from black diabase,” shared the master’s widow, actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva. - Sasha is a St. Petersburger, and after consulting with my son, I decided that it would be a Russian Orthodox tombstone, similar to the monument to Dostoevsky in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

LAZAREV and NEMOLYAEVA: only death could separate them
According to Nemolyaeva, the idea to immortalize her husband’s memory with just such a monument came when she was visiting the Northern capital.

TIKHONOV met his last wife Tamara at the dubbing of the French film “A Man and a Woman.” “I was walking around the monastery and met a guide who showed me the oldest burials,” continues the actress. - It turned out that Peter the Great allocated a place for this graveyard for famous people. And it is called very symbolically for us - Lazarevsky. In honor of Saint Lazarus. The guide gave me a book that tells about all the monuments. Then, together with my son Sasha, we carefully studied the photographs of the tombstones and chose one of them for Alexander Sergeevich. The monument turned out to be very expensive. But we received help with money from the Mikhail Ulyanov Foundation, which is headed by his daughter Elena, from the Union of Theater Workers under the leadership of Sasha Kalyagin and, of course, from our native Mayakovsky Theater. Thank you so much to everyone, we couldn’t have done it without them. Sculptor Andrey Balashov listened to our wishes and made all the architectural calculations. So this monument is a joint collective creativity.

Tamara Ivanovna is proud of her grandchildren - twins Slava and Gosha. Putin helped. The installation of the monument to Vyacheslav Tikhonov was postponed many times. The People's Artist of the USSR died of a heart attack on December 4, 2009, and until recently there was no tombstone on his grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Colleagues began to ring all the bells, discussing the annoying fact at every corner. Tikhonov’s widow, Tamara Ivanovna, responded by complaining to the press that the sculptor Alexei Blagovestny had sculpted such a thing that she was shocked. In addition, the pensioner complained, the 4 million rubles allocated by the government for the monument seem to have evaporated. The talkative woman admitted that not everything was all right in her family. They say that the work is supervised by her daughter Anya and son-in-law Nikolai. Zyatek allegedly does not work, but receives money for selling video materials from Tikhonov’s archive, and besides, he used to, after drinking, raise his hand to his mother-in-law. In short, guard! And so the monument to Tikhonov was unveiled to the tune of “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and in the presence of all relatives and many colleagues.

Daughter and son-in-law of “Stirlitz”: actress Anna TIKHONOVA and her husband - director Nikolai VORONOVSKY
The master, who remade his creation several times, in the final version showed the favorite of millions of viewers in his most recognizable role - Stirlitz. And behind the figure of the legendary actor was a bizarre relief based on the famous plot of “The Adoration of the Magi,” which depicts three dozen biblical characters, the central one of which was the Virgin and Child. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, in the form of a Soviet intelligence officer, seems to be coming out to meet fans from the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. At the opening ceremony, it turned out that the sculptural composition was cast in Italy and it cost not 4, but as much as 5 million rubles. The daughter of the late actor, Anna, admitted, that I am grateful to Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Mashkov and sponsors for their help in installing the monument. Tikhonov’s widow did not make any speeches, and those present did not understand whether she was now happy with the result or not. But it was obvious: Tamara Ivanovna was glad that her twin grandchildren, Gosha and Slava, were nearby. The latter, by the way, was named after his great grandfather.
The monument to Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was liked by many. In the footsteps of his father. Actor, showman, TV presenter and athlete Vladimir Turchinsky, who died of a heart attack at the end of 2009 at the age of 46, was buried in a cemetery in the village of Voskresenskoye near Moscow. “Dynamite” lived in a country house with his wife and little daughter in the neighboring village of Pashukovo. “Due to my age, I did not work on the monument to my son,” shared 80-year-old Nina Turchinskaya, the mother of the deceased. - The work was supervised by Irochka, Volodin’s wife. The money was collected by the whole world: part of it was given by us, the family, part by friends, part - in my opinion, by the Nikita Mikhalkov Foundation.
TURCHINSKY carried his wife Irina in his arms. They organized a competition for monument designs, in which a sea of ​​people participated. And the British won. I buried my husband and son, now they lie next to each other (Turchinsky rested next to his stepfather. - G.U.). When Volodya died, so much dirt was poured on his wife Ira, I don’t know how she endured everything. I have a wonderful daughter-in-law, she treats me wonderfully. Now she has moved to Moscow and lives in a new apartment. An intelligent and beautiful woman, she is still single, but she will definitely meet a good man. Many people are courting her and wooing her. She is not just Volodya’s widow, but she is a lot of things herself: two higher educations, a Moscow fitness champion. Granddaughter Ksenia is now 13 years old. Like her parents, she is an athlete. Now in Kerch at training camp.

The grave of “Dynamite” is strikingly different from the modest neighboring burials in the graveyard in the village of Voskresenskoye near Moscow. The opening of the tombstone, stylized as a Colosseum, a circus arena or a stage - all that TURCHINSKY lived in, took place on September 2, 2012.

When telling your interlocutors about visiting a cemetery as a tourist attraction, you often see surprise and wariness in their eyes. How, instead of magnificent estates, museums and art galleries, did you wander among the graves and admire the beauty, decoration, and admire the sculptural compositions?!

Indeed, this does not look like a standard monument of architecture and art, but how much you can see and learn when you find yourself in famous cemeteries! Almost every big city has its own famous burial sites, where tourists flock and where excursions are held. And there are plenty of people willing!

Novodevichy Cemetery

We invite you to take a walk through two of the most famous and significant cemeteries in Moscow - Novodevichy and Vagankovsky. On their territories rest the great minds of our fatherland, heroes of the Second World War, statesmen, writers, poets, composers, actors, directors, singers, athletes - all these people left an eternal mark on Russian and world history. Our famous sculptors, artists and architects worked on a large number of monuments: M. Anikushin, E. Vuchetich, S. Konenkov, V. Mukhina, N. Tomsky, G. Schultz, many of them also found their last resting places in these cemeteries. Some tombstones contain amazing stories, secrets and assumptions that have remained unsolved (we recommend reading the versions about the reburial of N.V. Gogol, and also finding out where the stone on the grave of M.A. Bulgakov was taken from. - Ed.).

Cemetery Vagankovsky

Despite the cold and rainy summer, we managed to take advantage of several sunny days and capture our walk in photographs. Although it is worth noting that a cloudy and gloomy sky adds mystery and mysticism, which, of course, changes the overall mood and impression of the place. It all depends on the visitor, on what emotions you want to receive in a certain period of life. There is a lot to think about here, and the silence and the feeling as if time has stopped around helps to clarify your thoughts and distract you from everyday worries.

Novodevichy Cemetery

The Novodevichy Cemetery is considered the main Moscow necropolis. During Soviet times, it became the second most important burial site after the Kremlin wall. The cemetery is located in the southwestern part of the city, in Khamovniki, on the territory adjacent to the Novodevichy Convent (Sportivnaya metro station).

The first burials appeared in the 17th century on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent. By the 20th century there was practically no free space left, and then land was allocated behind the southern wall of the monastery. The official opening date of this part is 1904. At the moment, the cemetery occupies more than 7.5 hectares, consists of 4 territories, where 26,000 people are buried.

The territory of the Novodevichy Convent is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the world's most beautiful burial places, deservedly included in the top 10.

Monument at the grave of the pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina. The monument was made by People's Artist of Russia, Armenian sculptor Friedrich Soghoyan

Monument at the grave of a circus performer, film actor, TV presenter, director of the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard Yuri Nikulin

Monument at the grave of the great Russian writer Anton Chekhov. Made in Art Nouveau style according to the design of the artist L. M. Brailovsky

Monument at the grave of the artist and landscape painter Isaac Levitan

From left to right: a monument at the grave of an outstanding architect, a representative of romantic symbolism and constructivism Ilya Golosov; monument at the grave of the writer, academician, count Alexei Tolstoy

Monument at the grave of the great writer Mikhail Bulgakov.“Golgotha” made of Black Sea granite previously stood on the grave of N.V. Gogol, in the cemetery of the St. Danilov Monastery, and then, during the reburial of the writer’s remains, the stone was sent to the cemetery workshop. In the early 1950s, “Golgotha” was discovered and bought by E. S. Bulgakov in order to install it on her husband’s grave. It is worth noting that M. A. Bulgakov was a passionate admirer of N. V. Gogol’s talent

Monument at the grave of the founder of children's literature Samuil Marshak. Sculptor N. B. Nikoghosyan. The monument is located in the Marshak family memorial

Monument at the grave of a talented world-famous teacher, public figure and writer Anton Makarenko. The monument was made by sculptor Vladimir Tsigal and architect V. Kalinin

Monument at the grave of the greatest composer of the twentieth century, pianist, teacher, people's artist of the USSR Dmitry Shostakovich

Monument at the grave of the violin virtuoso, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR Leonid Kogan. The monument was made by sculptor Yuri Orekhov in the style of geometric abstractionism

Monument at the grave of the composer and conductor Isaac Dunaevsky. The monument was made by art university graduate student P. Melnikova and architect L. Polyakov

Monument at the grave of the Russian writer, playwright and critic Nikolai Gogol. Initially, the writer was buried in the cemetery of the St. Daniel's Monastery in Moscow; in 1931, the graveyard was liquidated, and the writer's remains were reburied in the Novodevichy cemetery. The bronze cross from the grave was lost, and the “Calvary” was removed. Legend has it that this tombstone was brought from Crimea by Konstantin Aksakov especially for Gogol. In 1952, a monument was unveiled at the grave with a bust of N.V. Gogol on a pedestal, which was made by the sculptor N.V. Tomsky. And on the 200th anniversary of the writer’s birth, the authorities tried to return the grave to its original appearance.

Monument at the grave of the Russian and Soviet actor, theater and film director, winner of four Stalin Prizes Konstantina Zubova

Monument at the grave of the poet, playwright, one of the most prominent representatives of Soviet literature and avant-garde art of the early twentieth century - Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet was cremated, the urn with ashes was kept in the closed columbarium of the Donskoye Cemetery, and in 1952 it was moved to the territory of the Novodevichy Cemetery. The monument was made by the Soviet sculptor Alexander Kibalnikov

Monument at the grave of the Soviet aircraft designer Semyon Lavochkina, specializing in the creation of fighter aircraft. Family grave

Monument at the grave of the actor, film director, writer and screenwriter Vasily Shukshina

Monument at the grave of the aircraft designer, the founder of the Soviet school of aircraft construction, the “king of fighters” Nikolai Polikarpov

Monument at the grave of the Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and party leader Anastas Mikoyan

Monument at the grave of the Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Armored Forces (1944), Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Yakova Fedorenko

Monument at the grave of a major scientist, a great military surgeon Nikolai Burdenko. His wife and son are buried nearby

Monument at the grave of the writer, poet and screenwriter Agni Barto. Family Memorial

Monument at the grave of the famous virtuoso pianist, conductor, founder of the Moscow Conservatory Nikolai Rubinstein

Monument at the grave of the composer and pianist Alexandra Skryabina. Work of sculptor E. A. Rudakov

Monument at the grave of a poet, prose writer, artist, architect Andrey Voznesensky. Family memorial. Voznesensky designed the monument for his mother’s grave together with Zurab Tsereteli.

Monument at the grave of the actor and puppet theater director, outstanding theater figure, People's Artist of the USSR Sergei Obraztsov

Monument at the grave of the famous actress, pop singer, beloved actress of many generations of Russians Lyudmila Gurchenko. The monument was made by sculptors Yuri Khorovsky and Yuri Shabelnikov

Monument at the grave of a singer with a rare timbre (lyric soprano), famous operetta actress, People's Artist of the USSR Tatiana Shmyga. Work by sculptors Daria Uspenskaya and Vitaly Shanov

Monument at the grave of a popular film actress Clara Luchko. Work by sculptors Daria Uspenskaya and Vitaly Shanov

Monument at the grave of the greatest opera singer with world fame Fyodor Chaliapin The monument was based on Konstantin Korovin’s painting “Portrait of F. I. Chaliapin.”

Monument at the grave of an outstanding physicist, doctor of science, professor, Nobel Prize winner Vitaly Ginzburg

Monument at the grave of the famous theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR, winner of the State Prize Evgenia Evstigneeva

Monument at the grave of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. The work of the famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny

Monument at the grave of the aircraft designer, academician, colonel general of the engineering troops, laureate of the Lenin and five State Prizes of the USSR Andrey Tupolev. The monument was made by sculptor G. Taidze and architect Y. Belopolsky

Monument at the grave of the Russian statesman, the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin

Monument at the grave of the Soviet painter, teacher, doctor of art history (1956), professor, director of the Moscow State Art Institute. V. I. Surikov (1943-1948), first secretary of the Board of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1958-1964) Sergei Gerasimov

Cemetery Vagankovsky

Vagankovskoye Cemetery is a monument of Russian cultural heritage. The official year of foundation is 1771 - the time of the plague epidemic that accompanied the Russian-Turkish war. Both the Turkish and Russian armies suffered from the Plague Riot. By order of Empress Catherine II, those who died from the plague could not be buried within the city, so the lands near the village of Vagankova were given over for the mass burial of ordinary Muscovites. The cemetery was filled with the graves of unknown people from the slums, poor peasants and minor officials until the 19th century - before the first burials of prominent personalities appeared.

On the territory of the Vagankovskoye cemetery, more than 100 thousand burials are related to the tragic events of our history. Here are the mass graves of those killed in the Battle of Borodino (1812); monuments to the victims of the Khodynka stampede (1896) and Stalinist repressions (1930); graves of the defenders of Moscow (1941) and victims of the August putsch (1991). Also buried on Vagankovsky are those killed in the terrorist attack on Dubrovka (2002).

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word was founded on the site of the wooden church of St. John the Merciful (1773) according to the design of the architect A. G. Grigoriev in 1824

Monument at the grave of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. Made by sculptor Anatoly Bichukov

Monument at the grave of Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1986), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991) Alexandra Abdulova

Monument at the grave of the Soviet and Russian poet, bard, prose writer and screenwriter, composer Bulat Okudzhava. Work of sculptor Georgy Frangulyan

Monument at the grave of the Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Sergei Yakovlev. The memorial was made by sculptor Vladimir Evropeytsev

From left to right: monument at the grave of the writer, poet and playwright Vasily Aksenov; monument at the grave of a famous pop artist, actor Zinovy ​​Vysokovsky

Monument at the grave of the legendary goalkeeper, the face of Soviet football, player of Dynamo Moscow and the USSR national team Lev Yashin

Monument at the grave of the theater and film actor, one of the most recognizable Soviet artists Mikhail Pugovkina

Monument at the grave of the Soviet rock musician, author and performer of songs with a pronounced civic position Igor Talkov

Monument at the grave of the Russian architect Petra Skomoroshenko. Family burial site, cultural heritage site

Monument at the grave of the Russian Itinerant artist, author of the landscape “The Rooks Have Arrived” Alexey Savrasov

Monument at the grave of the modernist architect, painter, who made an invaluable contribution to Russian architecture, Fedor Shekhtel. The architect personally completed the family burial and memorial design during his lifetime

Monument at the grave of the famous Soviet bard, theater and film actor Vladimir Vysotsky. Work of sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov

Monument at the grave of the outstanding opera and pop singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater (since 1975) Yuri Gulyaev

Monument at the grave of the inventor, rocketry specialist, Hero of Socialist Labor Nikolai Tikhomirov(cover name, real name – Nikolai Viktorovich Sletov)

Monument at the grave of the Soviet theater and film actor, pop artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR Andrey Mironov. Buried next to his mother

If you liked our short excursion, then throw away all prejudices and boldly hit the road to see the famous cemeteries with your own eyes. Moreover, you don’t see all the monuments in the photo, and only your personal presence will help you feel the atmosphere of these places!

Vagankovskoye Cemetery is a monument of cultural heritage. It stores not only memories of the deceased, but also original works of art that belong to outstanding sculptors, artists, and architects. The oldest burial sites are concentrated in the northwestern part of the capital, where they occupy more than 50 hectares.

Scheme of the Vagankovskoye cemetery

Historical summary

According to official data, the necropolis was founded in 1771 by order of Count Orlov. In those distant times, the Russian Empress gave him special powers to counter the raging plague, and he gave land near the village of Vagankovo ​​for the burial of the dead.

Grave of Bulat Okudzhava

After the epidemic died down, unknown people from the slums, retired military personnel, poor peasants, minor officials and poor townsfolk found their final refuge here. This lasted for about half a century, until in the 19th century the burial places of prominent personalities began to appear.

Nowadays the most famous attraction of the cemetery is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. It was erected according to the design of the architect Grigoriev in 1824 on the site of a former church, in memory of which a rotunda now stands nearby.

Tragic moments

More than 100 thousand burials of the Vagankovsky cemetery are traces of a dramatic history. Buried here:

  • those who fell at the Battle of Borodino (1812);
  • victims of the Khodynka disaster (1896);
  • victims of Stalin's repressions (1930);
  • Moscow defenders (1941-42);
  • victims of the August putsch (1991);
  • child actors who died at Dubrovka (2002).

Celebrity graves

The necropolis became the final refuge for many prominent personalities. In particular, eternal rest was found here:

  • scientists (transplant scientist V. Demikhov, rocket scientist N. Tikhomirov, naturalist K. Timiryazev, lexicographer V. Dal, zoologist S. Usov);
  • Archpriest V. Amphitheaters;
  • revolutionary N. Bauman;
  • actors (USSR State Prize laureate V. Vysotsky, artist of the Imperial Theaters G. Fedotova, symbol of the era of romanticism P. Mochalov, Moscow Prize laureate V. Solomin, people's artists A. Mironov, G. Vitsin, M. Tsarev, E. Gogoleva, L. Filatov, etc.)
  • painters (V. Surikov, A. Savrasov, V. Tropinin);
  • directors (S. Rostotsky, V. Pluchek, G. Chukhrai, Yu. Zavadsky);
  • poets and writers (representative of the new peasant lyricism S. Yesenin, satirist G. Gorin, Stalin Prize laureate L. Oshanin, prose writer and bard B. Okudzhava, playwright E. Permyak);
  • baker and philanthropist I. Filippov;
  • creator of the Theater Museum A. Bakhrushin;
  • musicians and singers (rock performer I. Talkov, author of the Anthem of Cosmonautics V. Migulya, lyrical baritone Yu. Gulyaev, folklorist D. Pokrovsky, author of musicals and ballets Yu. Saulsky, pianist E. Svetlanov, performer of gypsy romances V. Panina);
  • gymnast and Olympic champion M. Voronin;
  • football players (I. Netto, E. Streltsov, L. Yashin, N. Starostin).

Grave of Vladimir Vysotsky

Leonid Filatov's grave

Grave of Nadezhda Rumyantseva

Vitaly Solomin's grave

Grave of Georgy Vitsin

The grave of Alexander Abdulov

Georgy Chukhrai's grave

Sergei Yesenin's grave

Igor Talkov's grave

Lev Yashin's grave