The last singer of freedom. About two Tatar tombstones of the 17th century See the meaning of Rahim Gali in other dictionaries

Gali spent her childhood in a mansion on Ekaterininskaya Street (78 Tukaya Street), which belonged to his father, the second guild merchant Mukhametshakir Bikchenteevich Abdrakhimov (1854 - 1917). The entrepreneur, who was born in the village of Bolshiye Meteski, Laishevsky district and only settled in the provincial center at the end of the 19th century, was considered one of the most active and successful merchants, sparing neither effort nor money to strengthen his influence among his fellow believers. He married the daughter of a wealthy Kazan merchant - Bibigaisha Iskhakovna Aituganova (1869 - 1899), who was a close relative of the famous Kazan dynasties - the Bigaevs, Usmanovs, Galikeevs, Gubaidullins. The merchant's social position was strengthened after his election as a member of the city duma, where he proved himself to be a competent and energetic figure who came up with various initiatives and proposals. Mukhametshakir Abdrakhimov, caring about the fate of his well-established manufacturing business, tried to give his eldest son a good education. After the initial course at the Muhammadiyah madrasah, Gali Rahim in 1903, at the insistence of his father, entered the Kazan Commercial School, where he studied until 1913. However, the capable, dreamy young man was not at all interested in the career of an entrepreneur. He spent his free time reading books, secretly dreaming of devoting his life to literature.

While still at the commercial school, Gali wrote a fascinating, modern geography textbook for madrassas, which was published in 1909. This first experience of the young man’s pen was almost immediately noticed by recognized masters of Tatar culture. Galiaskar Kamal, who dedicated a special review to the book, spoke enthusiastically about the talent and artistic taste of the author and predicted a great future for him. The support and blessing of the outstanding playwright inspired Gali, who at that time had already begun to try his hand at prose, drama and poetry. Before the revolution, he managed to gain some fame as a children's writer, publishing stories based on the plots and images of folk tales in the Ak Yul magazine.

M. Magdeev, the first serious researcher of G. Rakhim’s work, especially emphasized his desire for an aesthetic reflection of the natural harmony of man and nature, and a somewhat detached attitude towards pressing social problems. During these same years, Gali paid serious attention to the genre of literary criticism and appeared in print with large theoretical works devoted to the history of national folklore.

However, despite his son’s obvious successes, Mukhametshakir Abdrakhimov did not want to hear anything about his specialization in the scientific and creative fields. The zealous owner still saw his first-born at the head of a thriving family business. Therefore, after graduating from a commercial school, Gali Rahim leaves for Moscow to study at a commercial institute. However, economic education was given to the talented writer with great difficulty, and after the death of his father in 1917, he immediately left the institute he disliked and returned to Kazan.

After the revolution, the name of Gali Rakhim appeared among the most venerable masters of words. However, even in this hot time, he kept to himself, deliberately avoided noisy rallies and meetings, and tried not to get involved in the uncompromising disputes and disputes that were so popular at that time. It seemed that the writer, passionate only about artistic creativity, simply did not notice either the bloody clashes on the streets of his native city, or the endless changes of power, or the impending devastation and hunger. But this is only at first glance. Deeply experiencing the collapse of the old world, condemning the deliberate incitement of class hostility in society, Gali Rahim could afford to collaborate in the “counter-revolutionary” newspaper “Kurultai” and make careless statements about the lack of logic and reason in the revolution. His plays and prose works of that period were distinguished by their defiant apoliticality.

A real scandal in “red” criticism was caused by the appearance in 1921 of the story “Idel”, which G. Rahim completely devoted to the reflections of the old regime Tatar intellectual in the troubled pre-revolutionary era. It caused barely concealed delight among true connoisseurs of real literature, as it recalled the best works of the young F. Amirkhan with their exquisite style, subtle psychologism and powerful intellectual energy. Gali Rahim, who boldly declared his loyalty to classical traditions, became, probably, the last singer of individual human freedom in Tatar prose of the Soviet period.

Of course, in a rapidly ideologizing cultural environment, there were no prospects for such creative searches. Therefore, the writer completely switched to historical and philological research. Together with his cousin, the famous scientist Gaziz Gubaidullin, he writes fundamental works on the history of Tatar literature, conducts research in the field of linguistics, folklore, archeology, and pays great attention to the formation of Tatar musical art. He is also known as a translator of masterpieces of world literature into the Tatar language.

Gali Rahim had a great personal and creative friendship with the first Tatar composer Sultan Gabashi. Peers of the same age, left without mothers at an early age, who grew up in wealthy families and received a European education, they lived with the same dreams and aspirations, equally burning with the dream of the cultural progress of their people. Their most famous work is the famous romance “Cuckoo”. The words to it were Gali Rakhim’s poetic dedication to his beloved, one of the most beautiful girls of the Tatar settlement, Gaisha Apanaeva. She became the first performer of the romance at a literary and musical evening organized by the Muslim youth of the city. In 1919, S. Gabashi wrote a number of musical numbers for G. Rahim’s play “Janvar”.

In the mid-twenties, after the resounding success of the first Tatar opera “Sania”, Gali and Sultan decided to write a new work based on the oriental legend “Buz Eget”. However, after the creation of the libretto, it became clear that for ideological reasons the appearance of such an opera was impossible. Thus, the aesthetic preferences of a talented writer again seemed dangerous to someone, and he again found himself out of work.

The modest, quiet, silent associate professor of the Pedagogical Institute Gali Rahim, with his ostentatious and therefore not very sincere loyalty to the new system, constantly aroused interest among the relevant authorities. He was persecuted already in the early thirties, during the first wave of mass repressions. Alien social origin, interest in medieval Tatar culture, simply independence of thoughts and judgments inevitably led him to a prison cell.

Gali Rahim, like almost all of his relatives, friends and associates, was doomed. Even his accidental release did not save him from another arrest and death in one of Stalin’s camps. Thus, the cruel regime mercilessly dealt with one of the most talented heirs of the Tatar spiritual revival of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

Rahim Gali (real name Muhammetgali Abdrakhimov; 1892–1943) – Tat. writer, literary critic. Genus. in a merchant's family. He began publishing in 1912. He wrote stories, comedies, sonnets, and lyric poetry. romances, fairy tales for children. Translated. Author of articles on Tat history. art, works on the history of the Turko-Tat. liters.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Pseudonyms. S. Kolosova. 2009.

  • Rahim
  • Rahim Ibrahim

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