Victory over yourself arguments. Essay on the topic of the greatest victory: victory over yourself

Bad habits say more about a person than his Facebook account: smokes - prone to self-destruction and neuroses, drinks - lacks self-control and is weak-willed, eats a lot - goes along with it, easily influenced and selfish. Yes, in many ways demons identify us as individuals, work for uniqueness, but, in the end, “no one has ever died from a glass” is a blatant lie! None of us are without flaws, but especially for you, we have compiled a short action plan to become better.

Set yourself up for results

You have a long and painful road ahead. Parting with something expensive, convenient and pleasant is the hardest thing, but no pain, no gain - you can become better, and nothing is given for nothing. You will be crippled and broken in the first days, even weeks, but it will pass - after that you won’t even remember it. And self-respect and pride in oneself will replace it. And this will never be taken away. The game is always worth the candle if it changes your life for the better.

Don't doubt yourself

Inside each of us sits a nasty little “couch” analyst who criticizes everything in the world. Kill him, it's legal. Ideally - in the most ruthless way. It is he who whispers that this fuss is unnecessary and you feel good as is. It is he who brings to mind reports and conversations with friends about how painful it is to give up bad things. And thanks to him you still don't do anything: he blocks your perception of yourself. Believe me, he is far from Belinsky: he has 0 values.

Stop communicating with provocateurs

You probably have a friend who doesn't see anything wrong with a bottle of beer after work, a big box of nuggets, or criticizes your friend's behavior. He always knows what's best, he needs a companion for self-destruction, and you don't need him at all. Such people provoke conflicts, and deep down they want with all their might for you to be worse than them. And if they need to be better than you and they are interested in your downfall, then do you need it?

Make a clear life schedule

The habit is developed in 20–25 days. This means that all the efforts you made and the restrictions you suffered from will end in less than a month! Your body is an amazing thing and it will adapt to anything. But no one forbade tricks. Fill your schedule to the maximum: workouts, walks, reading in the fresh air, theater, bowling - anything, just so as not to sit at home and marinate in your own head.

Set taboo topics

If your friends really care about you, they will gladly meet you halfway: from now on, all your bad habits are a taboo topic. Don’t talk about them with anyone, don’t write on thematic forums, and don’t complain to mom and dad over the phone. So you only provoke yourself and drive from empty to empty. No means no. You yourself decided so, which means so be it. Don’t discuss it with your friend either - you’re not trying to get pity and praise, are you?

Your bad habits are influenced not only by conversations, but also by these.

Ask for help

You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but the goal is 100% noble. You will be modified, upgraded - this is only a plus sign, and in such a matter there is no shame in asking for help. Yes, parting is painful, but it is necessary: ​​you yourself will definitely not throw away that hidden jar of chocolate paste or box of pasta, your “last” cigarette will be a new one, and the “well-deserved” beer will be a ritual. And friends and family will rid your den of all provocative content. Just don't attack them because of the pesto sauce - that's not human.

Praise yourself

You will work hard, sacrifice and suffer - this is worthy of praise. Develop a reward system for yourself: for every three days you live without a bad day, buy yourself some nice little thing. Our brains are very receptive to rewards, and very soon you will start working for this reward. The system works, you feel better, and the end of stress is getting closer and closer.

Develop an “if...then” protocol

In life, you can give up destructive things, quit harmful things, don’t think, don’t talk, and clear your house of reminders. But on the street you will encounter your harmful past with 100% probability. Be prepared: develop a model of behavior that will work for such a confluence of events. For example, you might suggest that you eat three cucumbers instead of a muffin, drink a glass of pomegranate juice instead of a glass of wine, or go to a bookstore instead of a pub. “If... then” will help you always know what to do in any unclear situation.

Start a piggy bank

Punish yourself, and more painfully - with a ruble. Get yourself a large transparent jar with a slot for bills and throw 500 wooden ones into it for each breakdown. You can organize the carrot and stick method in your own head, and by the end of the changes you will also have saved up a good amount. Although we hope not.

When all the torment is behind you, you will fall in love with the new “me” - refreshed, fit and confident. You will defeat the most powerful boss in the world - yourself, and Bulat Shalvovich taught us that there is no need to stand behind the price.

Victory over yourself... How much is hidden in these words. Every day people do incredible things, sometimes heroic. Many people know that such small feats are not possible without victory over oneself, daily pain, blood, sweat, moral strength and tears. But do we ever think about what this means? Can we understand how people feel? What is the price of these seemingly small feats?

War is the most terrible event on earth.

Every day you live is already a victory. Victory over oneself, the enemy. This topic was discussed

Fear, pain, death. There is so much in these words. In war, life is short, and every second lived is comparable to a small life. There is no place for girls in war. Their duty is to raise children, to be the keeper of the hearth, and the mistress of the house. But fate turned out that Lisa Brichkina, Sonya Gurvich, Zhenya Komelkova, Ritya Osyanina and Galya Chetvertak ended up at the front. Each had a dream, each wanted to love, build a future. Their life was not easy. What good can come from war, killing death? Few will look

On the other hand, few people know what these sacrifices are worth. Daily feats for the sake of your freedom, victory over yourself. I remember the last day of the offensive and the death of all the girls. They accepted death with dignity, and no one dared to go back. And even here, in a pool of their own blood, they did not forget about their family and close friends. They did not die in vain. After all, each of them believed with all the parts of her soul in the peaceful sky above her head, in a bright life and fought for her dream, the country in which she lives. And by defeating themselves, the girls made our victory possible.

Life is made up of daily struggles. And at the front from victory over oneself. You can talk about the Great Patriotic War for a very long time, write hundreds of books and make thousands of films. But the most valuable “victory” will be our memory. And if we preserve the exploits of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for our future generations, it means that they did not fight in vain, that the price of their daily struggle is our memory. And while they are here, in our hearts, victory is alive.

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Final essay on the topic “The most important victory is victory over oneself”, direction “Victory and defeat”

Introduction (intro):

Victory and defeat are very closely related. These are the two most important components of every person’s life path. Without one, the other cannot exist. To ultimately achieve victory, you need to suffer many failures, which are so common in our lives. When discussing these two concepts, the quote comes in handy: “The most important victory is victory over oneself.”

A comment: the topic is not covered; in the essay the author talks about victory over oneself, but does not explain what, in his opinion, it means to defeat oneself. According to the first criterion, “Compliance with the topic, failure.”

To correct it, you need to write what it means to defeat yourself and why this is the most important victory. The answers to these questions will serve as the thesis.

Argument 1:
The theme of victory and defeat is interesting for writers of different eras, since the heroes of literary works very often try to defeat themselves, their fear, laziness and uncertainty. For example, in Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main character Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor but proud student. He has been living in St. Petersburg for several years, since he came to study at the university. But soon, Raskolnikov dropped out of school because his mother stopped sending him money. After this, the main character first comes to the old pawnbroker with the goal of pawning valuable things from her. Then he has the idea to kill the old woman and take possession of her money. Having thought about your intentions, Roskolnikov (RASKOLNIKOV) decides to commit a crime, but he himself does not fully believe in the possibility of its implementation. By killing not only the old woman, but also her pregnant sister, he gained victory over himself and his indecision, as it seemed to him. But soon the thought of the crime he had committed began to weigh and torment him. Rodion realized that he had done something terrible, and his “victory” turned into defeat.

A comment: There is a lot of information written that is not related to the topic. Ultimately, the argument comes down to the fact that Raskolnikov's victory turned out to be a defeat. An excellent argument, but unfortunately it is not suitable for this topic.

Speech errors - this is all right, but train yourself to use past tense verbs in your arguments; you mixed the present tense with the past, which will be regarded as a speech error. And you can do without them.

The proportions of the essay are broken, the argument needs to be shortened a little.

Argument 2:

The next striking example of thinking about victories and defeats (logical error - we talk about victory over ourselves), is the novel “Oblomov” by Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov. The main character Ilya Ilyich is a Russian landowner, approximately thirty-two or three years old. (thirty-two - thirty-three or simply “about thirty”) from birth. Oblomov all the time lying on the sofa and when I started reading, immediately fell asleep. But when getting acquainted (met) with Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, who awakens (awakens) In the semi-literate Oblomov's interest in literature, the hero firmly decides to change and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he managed to fall in love. But love, which carries within itself the need for action and self-improvement, is doomed in Oblomov’s case. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich cannot stand such a stressful life and gradually breaks up with her. Ilya Ilyich pondered the meaning of life, understood that it was impossible to live like this, but still did nothing. Oblomov failed to defeat himself. However, the defeat did not upset him so much. At the end of the novel, we see the hero in a quiet family circle, he is loved and cared for, as he once was in childhood. This is the ideal of his life, this is what he wanted and achieved. Also, however, having won a “victory”, because his life has become the way he wants it to be.

Every person in life repeatedly faces different problems and obstacles. Most people overcome all difficulties and adversities. However, the most important and main victory in a person’s life, undoubtedly, has always been and remains victory over oneself. Most often, everyone is to blame for all the troubles and failures that arise on everyone’s life path. How important it is to realize your guilt in time, find your mistakes and find the strength to change yourself.

Many of us are stubborn, disobedient, and have too high an ego. These personality traits of each person create many problems and conflicts both with others and with very close people. So, why doesn’t everyone first of all try to change themselves, their character, change their attitude towards life and others? How easy it is to offend a loved one, how easy it is to offend your interlocutor and, at the same time, not feel the impact of your words!

If during his life a person has managed to realize his mistakes, accept them and spent superhuman efforts to change himself, he will be able to triumph over all troubles and difficulties, because he has managed the most difficult thing - to defeat himself. How many people among us smoke. But they all know very well that this habit is slowly killing them every day and harming the people around them. How many smokers managed to overcome themselves and quit smoking? Very few people compared to those who continue to smoke. No one thinks about it, but in order to give up a bad habit, a person must overcome himself, gain victory over himself, over his weaknesses.

Each of us struggles with ourselves every day. Some are trying to quit smoking, others are trying to quit drinking, and others are trying to get rid of drug addiction. But few realize that all this is so difficult to do, since the most difficult battle in the life of any person is the fight with himself, with his weaknesses and with the dark side of his essence. The biggest mistake in a person’s life can be denying his guilt and his imperfection.

Everyone is born to improve over the years, become better, gain experience and acquire knowledge. If a person lacks the desire to move forward and rise higher, then he is undoubtedly deprived of any chance of living life correctly. A person should get used to analyzing himself and his actions from an early age.

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Since the 2014-2015 academic year, the program for the state final certification of schoolchildren has included a final graduation essay. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is of a non-subject nature, relying on the graduate’s knowledge in the field of literature. The essay aims to reveal the examinee’s ability to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level of speech culture of the graduate. For the examination paper, five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - conclusion

The final essay 2016-2017 requires a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Topics for the final essay

The questions proposed for consideration are usually addressed to the inner world of a person, personal relationships, psychological characteristics and concepts of universal morality. Thus, the topics of the final essay for the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Victory and Defeat"

Here are concepts that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, turning to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016-2017, the graduate must identify the relationships between these categories based on analysis, construction of logical relationships and application of knowledge of literary works.

One such theme is “Victory and Losing.”

As a rule, works from a school literature course are a large gallery of different images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic “Victory and Defeat.”

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Tale by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
  • Story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
  • Story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
  • Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Arguments for the theme “Victory and defeat” 2016-2017

  • “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy

The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. War of 1812 - this is one of the largest and most significant events for Russia, during which the national spirit and patriotism of the population, as well as the skill of the Russian high command, were demonstrated. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents, representatives of high society and the nobility began to leave the city. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

  • “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

In the work of I.S. Turgenev, the conflict of generations is manifested, in particular, in the confrontation between the young nihilist Evgeny Bazarov and the nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. Bazarov is a self-confident young man, he boldly judges everything, considering himself a man who made himself with his own work and mind. His opponent Kirsanov led a riotous lifestyle, experienced a lot, felt a lot, loved a secular beauty and thereby gained an experience that influenced him. He became more reasonable and mature. In the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov, the outward victory of the young man is manifested - he is harsh, but at the same time maintains decency, and the nobleman does not restrain himself, breaking into insults. However, during the duel between the two heroes, the seemingly won victory of the nihilist Bazarov turns into a defeat in the main confrontation.

He meets the love of his life and cannot resist his feelings, nor admit it, because he denied the existence of love. Yes, here Bazarov was defeated. Dying, he realizes that he lived his life denying everything and everyone, and at the same time lost the most important thing.

  • "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. The youngest son Andriy, for the sake of love, betrayed his homeland and Cossack honor, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his love by boldly deciding to do this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Essay example

In life, a person is accompanied by a large number of situations in which he has to resist something or someone. Often, these are some circumstances, specific conditions and a struggle where there are winners and losers. And sometimes these are more complex situations where victory and defeat can be viewed from different points of view.

Let us turn to the treasury of arguments from Russian classical literature - the great work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. A significant part of the novel consists of military actions during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the entire Russian people stood up to defend the country from the French invaders. The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents, representatives of high society and the nobility began to leave the city. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. The youngest son Andriy, for the sake of love, betrayed his homeland and the honor of the Cossack army, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his feelings by boldly deciding to do this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Thus, it is worth saying that victory does not always represent the superiority and confidence that we are accustomed to imagine. And, besides, often victory and defeat go side by side, complementing each other and shaping the characteristics of a person’s personality.

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