Deleted scenes from 50 shades darker. Dakota Johnson admitted that the sex scenes in the movie "50 Shades Freed" were not easy for her

Fifty Shades Darker, the second series of the melodramatic BDSM trilogy based on the super-popular novels by E.L. James. After the critical rout of the first film and a conflict with the writer, the erotic blockbuster changed its director: instead of Sam Taylor-Johnson, this role was taken by a Hollywood veteran, director of the cult drama of the early 1990s Glengarry Glen Ross, who has been making spectator and genre films for three decades. AT recent times Foley has worked extensively in TV, on shows such as House of Cards, Hannibal and Billions. learned from the director what he wanted to add to numerous bed scenes and what I learned from television. When you agreed to shoot Fifty Shades Darker, did you think about what was good and bad with the first film shot by Sam Taylor-Johnson? What do you think should be new?

The main thing that I learned from the books of E.L. James, it's like they've created their own very special world. And this world should also be appropriate on the screen - sensual, alluring, crafty. Even in the first film, I lacked humor - the James trilogy is very funny. I think we managed to bring in this playfulness, the sensuality of the image itself and the sense of humor. It was important to remember that in those numerous, intense sex scenes, the heroes do not lose this sense of humor, they constantly make fun of each other. In the first film, when they have sex, everything is very serious - and for my taste, too stiff. So I wanted to not only suggest that these sexual practices are not devoid of emotions, but also to show that in front of the viewer are normal, alive, feeling people who, as it happens, practice this kind of sex.

When you come to work on such a project - a big studio film, part of a franchise, based on a popular series of books and with its author in the producers - you are probably looking for something of your own, important in this story. What was it in your case?

It seemed interesting to me to make a movie about the fact that the relationship between a man and a woman is a very confusing and complicated thing. The film pays particular attention to how the power dynamic between them shifts as their relationship becomes more intense and serious. Anastasia just enters adulthood, she has her first job - and although Christian says that he will not try to control everything, he still cannot resist it. Therefore, she is trying to defend her freedom, equal rights with him. I was intrigued by how this struggle is reflected in sex - it changes compared to the first film. In general, after all, sex is largely based on fantasies, and this is a very psychologically revealing thing: what preferences a person has often says a lot about his character. Therefore, I wanted the bed scenes to be like dream scenes in some other films - they told the viewer some kind of truth, they carried new knowledge about the characters. Therefore, I had the opportunity to use episodes of sex as turning points films that change the dynamics in the relationship of the characters. This is what intrigued me a lot. Power intrigues me.

A lot of your previous films are about this - the struggle for power. Not to mention House of Cards.

Has the fact that you've been doing a lot of TV series in the last few years changed your approach to directing movies?

Of course. especially two positive moments. First, even on a show as big as House of Cards, you are limited in time and budget compared to a feature film - but you are dealing with a very good stuff. This taught me how to shoot feature films more productively, to respond more quickly to what is happening on the set - instead of making countless takes and sorting it out already during editing. On TV, due to time and money constraints, this approach would be a luxury. And secondly, I learned to work more efficiently throughout long period time. In total, I shot 12 episodes of House of Cards, and six of them ran in a row. That's six continuous hours of content. So when I was offered to shoot "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed" at the same time, I was not at all embarrassed - I understood that I had such an experience. On "House of Cards" you shoot two different series at the same time, practicing episodes from both depending on the location of the filming. And while working on Fifty Shades, I easily mentally switched between films, plots, depending on which scene we were working on. All in all, the TV experience has definitely helped and made me a better director.

Frame: Fifty Shades Darker

It is clear that the second films in the trilogies are the most difficult: in the first series you introduce the characters, in the third you finish the story and plot. How did you ensure that Fifty Shades Darker was interesting on its own, rather than as a tie-in between the opening and the climax of the franchise?

I will say that I really like Fifty Shades Freed in terms of ideas and denouement. We are just about to start installing it. But “Fifty Shades Darker” also seems to me unique, quite independent. The story of the film works on its own. The tension in the plot is such that even if you have not seen the first picture, you quickly guess what happened there. The characters in this series are very dramatic and interesting change. Their relationship changes dramatically. In a sense, this is the most emotionally active series of the three. Anastacia and Christian most time is spent negotiating the rules and roles of each in the relationship. It's something new for both of them - there's a lot of drama in it. I also like the ending, in which the villain reappears and it becomes clear that we will see him again, already in the next film. Of course, in separate film it wouldn't, but it's important to consider the nature of the audience. Fans of the book trilogy wouldn't need a second strip on its own. And for those who have not read the books, such an ending gives an additional reason to watch the third part, to find out how it all ends.

And already had to get used to each other in the bed scenes in the first film. And since the director changed, it turns out that they had to go through this process all over again.

Not really. Unless, of course, you count the fact that sex scenes are always hard for the actors and the group. I had similar fears before the start of filming, because not only the director changed, but the whole film crew. Naked and depicting rather frank, non-banal sexual acts Dakota with Jamie now had to look at completely different one and a half hundred people than last time. But there is such a sincere, strong connection between them that there was no problem. They are true friends, very close and constantly make each other laugh. The fact that they are comfortable with each other has made my job much easier. I did not feel at all that I was a stranger who breaks into a relationship strangers. There were no problems - and this is the merit of the actors. It would be much worse if they disliked each other. It's scary to imagine what a disaster this movie would have turned out to be.

It became known that some erotic content still cut from the movie

The dizzying premiere of the most anticipated picture in the world took place last week, but the talk about it still does not cease.

Those who have not yet had time to watch the erotic drama are especially worried. Will the movie be as explicit as the book?

Unfortunately no. Whole line erotic scenes, which were shown in the trailers, were cut from the final cut of the film. And all because of the age rating of the film. The filmmakers of 50 Shades of Gray wanted to make the film accessible to children, but then they would have to sacrifice all the pastel scenes.

In England, the rules were stricter. British Board of Film Classification rated "Mature" (18) for film adaptation erotic novel writers E.L. James. This decision was made in connection with the scenes of "hard sex and nudity along with the depiction of erotic role playing based on dominance, submission and sadomasochism.

Here is the result for you. Every day there are less and less erotic scenes in "50 shades of gray". What specific episodes were cut out, while you can only guess, enjoying the extended trailer for the picture. Everything is left in it.

We also suggest you read the scenes that were cut from the book)

The artistic value of the film has been called into question more than once, but there are more than enough piquant moments that can bring anyone into the paint!

We chose the most daring "shades of gray". 1. - Do you know what I'm going to do with you now? he adds, stroking my chin. Somewhere inside, in the dark depths, my muscles clench with sweet languor.

2. "So nice," he whispers, and grasping my fingers tightly, he starts moving my hand up and down. His breathing becomes uneven, and when he looks at me again, I see molten lead in his eyes. - Clever girl.

3. I put a piece of omelet in my mouth, but I don't feel the taste. "Continue learning!" "I want @@@ in your mouth!" Is this also included in the program?

4. Dropping down, I swallow it deeper. Ha! My inner goddess rejoices. I will do it.

5. He kisses my neck. I tilt my head to the side to give him more space. Sitting down, Christian slowly pulls my jeans and panties off my legs.

6. With a groan, I arch my back. Christian squeezes and gently pulls on his nipples, causing them to swell. I look in amazement at the lust-ridden harlot in the mirror. Oh how good!

7. Putting his hand between my legs, he pulls on the blue thread ... Oh no! Christian carefully removes the tampon and tosses it into the nearest toilet. Oh mother of God...

8. Christian leans down and slowly runs the tip of the glass over my forehead, my nose - it smells of expensive, well-dressed leather - and over parted lips, from which heavy breathing escapes. He sticks the whip in my mouth and I can taste it.

9. I gasp for air and squeeze my fingers lightly. Christian grins. - I want to be in you. Take off my jeans. You are in command.

10. "Please don't hit me," I whisper pleadingly. He furrows his brows, widens his eyes, blinks a couple of times.

11. The dress barely covers my bare bottom. With a swift movement, Christian slips his hand between my legs, his finger slowly entering me. With his other hand, he holds me tightly around the waist. I can barely contain a groan.

12. His tongue knows no mercy, persistent and domineering. It moves in circles, over and over again, without stopping. Pleasure borders on pain.

13. Strikes along the thighs, short biting blows to the pubis, to the legs, and again to the torso, again along the thighs. The beats don't stop until the music reaches a climax. She suddenly breaks off. The whip also freezes.

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The Vietnam Film Department has confirmed that seven minutes will be cut from 50 Shades Darker to allow the film to be shown in local theaters.

Ngo Phuong Lan, who heads the department tasked with censoring the film in Vietnam, says that despite the introduction new system film ratings that provide for an 18+ category, some types of content should still be restricted.

If a film contains scenes that violate the Theater Act, distributors may have to choose between risking a ban or cutting those scenes, Lan said.

She called the scenes cut from 50 Shades Darker "pornographic."

"Other sexual and love scenes, which comply with the rules for 18+ content, remained,” she said.

Vietnamese viewers expected less censorship when the authorities announced a new rating system based on age classification, C13, C16 and C18, in addition to the P category common to all viewers.

Before that, there were only two categories in local cinemas - G for general viewing and NC16 for those over 16 years old.

The big premiere of 50 Shades Darker, as well as action movie John Wick: Chapter 2, was scheduled for February 10 in Vietnam, but it was delayed by another day. Three minutes of violent scenes were cut from the second film.

In the US, 50 Shades Darker was rated R for its many erotic and sexual content, nudity and language. The film is considered inappropriate for viewers under 15 in Australia, under 16 in Canada, and under 18 in Ireland and the UK.

Sex tends to remain a controversial topic in film and art in Vietnam. In 2015, officials proposed banning all sex scenes that last more than five seconds in domestically produced films and scenes that feature fully nude women. The proposal was not discussed after that due to strong opposition from filmmakers.

The first 50 Shades of Gray movie also ran into trouble two years ago after censors unexpectedly canceled all scheduled screenings. Then the so-called Asian version of the film appeared in cinemas, but the audience lamented that there were no sex scenes left in it.

All three books from the 50 Shades series that formed the basis of the films were published in Vietnam without censorship.

The film industry in Vietnam is developing well. Lan said ticket sales have grown by 20% each year over the past decade.

Tomorrow, the third film of the franchise about "shades of gray" called " fifty shades of freedom» from the director James Foley. Yesterday, the performer of the role of Anastasia Steele Dakota Johnson gave candid interview, in which she admitted that the bed scenes in the erotic melodrama were not easy for her. “I had to seriously prepare for filming from a psychological point of view. Of course, because my body flickers more in the frame than my partner Jamie Dornan. Bed scenes were very difficult for me,” said Dakota Johnson.

Dakota Johnson "split" that with each new film it is not easier for her to act. The actress does not have the feeling that “we have already gone through this”: every time, like the first time. Fortunately, the relationship with the partner on the set has developed trust. “Fortunately, Jamie and I were comfortable working together and I felt protected. Nevertheless set such a film is an aggressive and frightening environment,” admitted Dakota Johnson.

Frame from the movie "Fifty Shades Freed"

Dakota Johnson said that despite all the difficulties, filming in the "shades of gray" franchise was hers. own choice. “No one forced me to undress in the frame. I myself decided on this, ”said the actress.

Bed scene from the movie "Fifty Shades Darker"

Dakota Johnson in Fifty Shades Darker

Trailer for Fifty Shades Freed