Test work on literary reading 2. Test work on literary reading for the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, UMK School of Russia

Test work on literary reading. 2nd grade. At 2 o'clock. To the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky. - Guseva E.V. and etc.

4 - ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2017 - Part 1 - 48 p., Part 2 - 64 p.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The manual is addressed to primary school teachers, parents junior schoolchildren, as well as primary school students for independent studies and can be used when working with a set of textbooks by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky and others.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Part 1.
Preface 4
Option 1 7
Option 2 10
Option 1 13
Option 2 16
Option 1 19
Option 2 22
Option 1 25
Option 2 28
Option 1 32
Option 2 35
Option 1 38
Option 2 41
References 44

Part 2.
Option 1 4
Option 2 8
Option 1 12
Option 2 15
Option 1 18
Option 2 21
Option 1 24
Option 2 27
Option 1 30
Option 2 34
Option 1 38
Option 2 41
Option 1 45
Option 2 48
Option 1 51
Option 2 55
References 59

The organization of written control in reading lessons has certain justifications. The course of literary reading is continuous from 1st to 11th grade. Consequently, the selection of works included in the reading range of younger schoolchildren is determined. These are texts of oral folk art, works of art. The manual includes works of classics, modern Russian and foreign writers.
Using this manual, you can monitor how well students have mastered program knowledge and check learning outcomes in such areas of developing reading independence as reading skills and working with text.
The texts are not focused on a specific training and metodology complex: You can work with them in classes that follow both traditional and developmental programs.
A total of six works are offered.

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The manual is addressed to primary school teachers, parents of junior schoolchildren, as well as primary school students for independent study and can be used when working with a set of textbooks by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky and others.

Test work on literary reading. 2nd grade. Part 1. To the textbook by L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky.

Text from the textbook

Part 1.
Preface 4
Option 1 7
Option 2 10
Option 1 13
Option 2 16
Option 1 19
Option 2 22
Option 1 25
Option 2 28
Option 1 32
Option 2 35
Option 1 38
Option 2 41
References 44
The works are given in two versions, each of which has four questions. The questions are focused on different level- basic (1.1., 2.1., Z.1., 4.1.) and complicated (1.2., 2.2., Z.2., 4.2.). Tasks of a more complex level make it possible to identify children with more high level preparation.
These works allow you to: develop skills independent work with the text, quickly and objectively evaluate the results, deepen and systematize students’ knowledge.
Tasks contribute to achieving these goals different types execution:
- choose the correct answer;
- enter the missing answer;
- find information in the text.
If a student encounters difficulties in choosing an answer, he can turn to reference materials at the end of the notebook. It contains the necessary information about genres literary works and techniques of artistic expression.
After each task, the student is asked to evaluate the correctness of its completion and circle the corresponding number, and at the end of the work, calculate the total number of points scored.
The teacher assigns points after the student self-tests according to the following criteria:
0 points - the student did not start completing the task;
1 point is awarded if the student:
- completed the basic level completely, but increased level did not start;
- failed to cope with the difficult level;
- completed a task at a complicated level, but did not start the basic level or completed it incorrectly;
- completed tasks of both levels, but with a large number of gross distortions;
2 points are awarded if the student:
- completely completed the basic level of the task and partially completed the complicated one;
- completed a complicated level of the task and partially a basic one;
- completed tasks of both levels, but with minor shortcomings;
3 points - tasks of both levels are completed completely.
Based on the total number of points, at the end of the work the teacher makes a mark: (+) if 7-12 points are scored, and 0 if 0-6 points are scored.
We hope that the proposed material will be useful for teachers and interesting for students.
WORK No. 1 Option 1
Read the text. Complete the tasks.
Cat and Fox (Excerpt)
Once upon a time there was a man. This guy had a cat, but he was such a spoiler, it was a disaster! He's bored to death. So the man thought and thought, took the cat, put it in a bag and carried it into the forest. He brought it and left it in the forest.
The cat walked and walked and came across a hut. He climbed into the attic and lay down for himself. If he wants to eat, he’ll go into the forest, catch birds and mice, eat his fill, and go back to the attic, and he won’t have enough grief.
So the cat went for a walk, and a fox met him. I saw a cat and marveled: “For how many years I’ve been living in the forest, I’ve never seen such an animal!” The fox bowed to the cat...
Russian folk tale 7
1.1. How many heroes are there in a fairy tale? Write it down as a number.
1.2. How did the man's cat behave? Find this word in the text and underline it in yellow.
Points 0 (1) 0 0
2.1. Where did the man take the cat? Write down the answer.
2.2. Why did the man take the cat into the forest? Find in the text not only the word itself that characterizes the cat, but also an expression that talks about the man’s attitude towards the cat. Circle in blue.
^ Points 0 (!) 0 0
3.1. Who did the cat meet in the forest? Write down the answer.
3.2. How did the cat live in the forest? In what order is this mentioned in the text? Write the corresponding numbers in the boxes.
□ eat your fill
□ came across a hut
□ catches birds and mice
□ back to the attic
□ and grief is not enough for him
□ climbed into the attic and lies down
□ if he wants to eat, he will go into the forest
4.1. How did the fox react to the cat? Find the answer in the text and underline it with one line.
4.2. Who do you think will be cunning and resourceful in this fairy tale: the fox or the cat? Underline the answer.
Total points

Test work on literary reading. 2nd grade. Part 1.

Verification work on the topic “Poetry notebook 1”

Option 1


Let the pines and spruce
They hang around all winter,
In snow and blizzards
Wrapping themselves up, they sleep, -
Their skinny greens,
Like hedgehog needles
At least it never turns yellow,
But it’s never fresh.

We are an easy tribe,
We bloom and shine
And for a short time
We are visiting on the branches.
All red summer
We were in great
Played with rays
Swimmed in poce!..

But the birds sang,
The flowers have faded
The rays have turned pale
The marshmallows are gone.
So what do we get for free?
Hanging and turning yellow?
Isn't it better to follow them?
And we can fly away!

Oh wild winds,
Hurry, hurry!
Rip us down quickly
From the annoying branches!
Rip it off, run away,
We don't want to wait
Fly, fly!
We are flying with you!..

F. Tyutchev

    What words will you choose to describe the song of the leaves? Mark them

Slow __ anxious

Sad __ mischievous

Swift __ light

Energetic __ frivolous

    How do you understand the word “bothersome”? Write down the answer. _______________

    Who do the leaves want to go after? Find the answer in the text and underline it with a wavy line.

    Explain why the leaves call themselves the “light tribe.” ______


    Divide the text into parts according to the seasons. Nothing is said about what time of year._________________________________________

    According to the leaves, who are they hanging for? Write down the answer. _____________



    Which trees' leaves won't fly away with the rest? Find the answer in the text, underline the names of these trees in green.

    How do the leaves that fly away respond to those who remain? Write the answer from the text.__________________________________________________________


    What book can you put the text you read in? Mark the correct answer.


Russians folk songs

Fairy tales

    Provide evidence for your chosen answer. _________________



Option 2

Read the text. Complete the tasks.


White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable...

God's days short,
The sun shines little
Here come the frosts -
And winter has come.

I. Surikov

1. What genre does the text you read belong to? Mark the correct answer




2. Find a comparison in the poem. Underline it with a wavy line.

3. What type of text can this poem be classified as? Mark the correct answer.




4. What picture is drawn in your imagination when reading this poem? What genre of painting can it be classified into? Write down the answer.


5. Choose a synonym for the word “strongly” used in the poem. Write down your answer _____________________________________________________

6. Do you think the work describes the beginning, middle or end of winter? Find the answer in the text and underline it in blue.

7. Which part of the poem contains the main word. Restore the sequence of these words in the text of the poem. Write the appropriate numbers in the boxes.





8. Read the expressions. What technique does the author use in these expressions? Write down the answer.

The dark forest... fell asleep... soundly, soundly...


9. What mood is conveyed by the author in this poem? What words support your point of view? Write them out. _________________________________



Test work on the topic “Great Russian Writers”

Option 1

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

There lived a miller. He lived, lived and died,

Leaving it to his three sons

Inheriting a mill, a donkey, a cat

But only. Took the mill eldest son,

The middle one took the donkey; and they gave it to the smaller one

Kota. And he was very unhappy

Your own site. “Brothers,” he reasoned, “

Having formed, they will be without need; and I,

Having fried the cat, and eaten it, and made

From the skin I’ll make a muff, which I’ll start with later

To get our daily bread? So he's out loud

Reasoning with myself, I thought;

And the Cat, then lying on the stove,

Reasonable overhearing the reasoning,

He said to him: “Master, do not be sad;

Give me a bag and boots so I can

Walking for game in the swamp - alone

Then you will see that you are not so poor

The area is yours."

V. Zhukovsky

1. What did the miller leave to his sons? What word is used to name a mill, a donkey and a cat? Write down _____________________________________________

2. How do you understand the expression “And he was deeply dissatisfied with his plot”? Write down the answer. __________________________________________



3. From which work? this passage? Write down the name. ____________


4. What synonym can be used to replace the word “strongly” in the expression “And he was strongly dissatisfied...”? Write down _____________________________________

5. What did the miller leave as an inheritance to his sons? Write it down.

Eldest son ________________

Middle son ________________

Younger son ________________

6. What do they do at the mill? Write down the answer. ____________________________


7. Explain why the Cat asked for a bag and boots to go after game. Write down the answer. ___________________________________________________



8. Mark the correct meaning of the word “coupling” used in the text read.

Fur oversleeve for warming hands

Metal tube for connecting machine parts




Option 2

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,Across the wide seasNot in heaven - on earthAn old man lived in a village.The peasant has three sons:The eldest was a smart kid,Middle son and this way and that,The younger one was completely stupid.The brothers sowed wheatYes, they took us to the capital city:You know, that was the capitalNot far from the village.They sold wheat thereMoney was accepted by accountAnd with a full bagWe were returning home.In a long time al soonMisfortune befell them:Someone started walking in the fieldAnd stir the wheat.Men are so sadHaven't seen them since birth;They began to think and guess,Like spying for a thief.Finally they realizedTo stand on guard,Save the bread at night,To waylay the evil thief.P. Ershov

    What work is this excerpt from? Write the name. ________


    What word can replace the word “not far” in the expression “not far from the village”? Write down _____________________________________________

Senior - ________________________________________________________

Average - this way and that.

What does it mean? Explain. _____________________________________________________


Jr - _______________________________________________________

    How do you understand the word “stir” in the expression “Someone began to walk in the field and stir the wheat”? Write down the answer. __________________________


    How did the old man and his sons earn money? Write down the answer. _______


    What meaningful word can be used to replace the word “since born” in the expression “The men have never seen such sadness in their entire lives”?



    What grief happened to the old man and his sons? Write down the answer. ________


    Choose a synonym for the word “guard.” __________________________

9. What book can you put the text you read in? Mark the correct answer.


Oral folk art

10. Provide evidence for your chosen answer. _________________



Test work on the topic “Poetry notebook 2”

Option 1

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

"First snow"

It smelled like winter cold
To the fields and forests.
Light up bright purple
Before sunset the sky.

At night the storm raged,
And with dawn to the village,
To the fields, to the deserted garden
The first snow fell...

And today over the wide
White tablecloth fields
We said goodbye belatedly
A string of geese.

I. Bunin

1. What type of text can the read work be classified as? Mark the correct answer.




2. How do you understand the meaning of the word “purple”? Write down your answer ________



3. What genre does the read work belong to? Mark the correct answer.

Story ___ poem

Oral folk art ___ fable

Fairy tale

4. Do you think the work describes the beginning, middle or end of winter? Find the answer in the text and underline it in blue.

5. Write down the title of the work. ___________________________________

7. Find in the text the words the author uses to describe the field after the snow has fallen. Highlight it with yellow.




    What else can you compare a field covered with snow to? Come up with and write down your own comparison. ________________________________________

Option 2

Read the text. Complete the tasks.


The steppe is wide,

The steppe is deserted,

Why are you like this

Are you looking cloudy?

Wake up! Came

It's the same time;

Get into the flowers

In the velvet of green;

Decorate yourself

Dewy pearls;

Call the guests

Celebrate spring.

Look around:

The sky is clear

Blue tent

Spread out

Golden crown

The sun is red

Everything is on fire

Above the oak grove

new life

A warm day blows

Breeze on chest

He asks to see you.

I. Nikitin

    What time of year is the story about? Write down the answer.


    How do you understand the meaning of the expression “get yourself into the flowers, into the velvet of greenery”? Write down the answer. ________________________________________


    Find a description of dew in the text and underline it in blue, a description of the sky in red, and a description of the sun in yellow.

    What technique does the author use to describe the dew, sky, sun? Write down your answer.______________________________________________________________

    Which interpretation refers to the word “oak forest”? mark the correct answer.

Product made from oak

Forest dominated by oaks

Forest edge



    What genre does the work you read belong to? Mark the correct answer

Call ___ song ___ poem

What similar texts do you remember? Write down what they are called. _______




10 . Which words from the text support your answer? Write them out. _____


Test work on the topic " Literary tales»

Option 1

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man.He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive goods from overseas, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury, and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best; and he loved his daughters more than all his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - for the reason that he was a widower and he had no one to love; He loved the older daughters, but he loved the younger daughter more, because she was better than everyone else and was more affectionate towards him.So that merchant is going on his trade affairs overseas, to distant lands, to Far Far Away kingdom, to the thirtieth state, and he says to his dear daughters:- My dear daughters, and if you live without me honestly and peacefully, then I will bring you such gifts.

Eldest daughter bowed to her father and said:- Sir, you are my dear father! Bring me a golden crown made of semi-precious stones.

The middle daughter bowed at his feet and said:- Sir, you are my dear father! Bring me a toilet made of oriental crystal...

The youngest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and said:- Sir, you are my dear father! Bring me...

S. Aksakov

    What work is this excerpt from? Write down the name ________


    How do you understand the meaning of the word “eminent” in the combination “eminent person”? Write it down. __________________________________________


    What word replaces the word “stones” in this passage? Find it and underline it with one line. How many times is this word repeated? Write it down as a number. ______________________________________________________________

    How do you understand the expression “silver treasury”? Write down the answer. ___


    What did the eldest and middle daughters ask for? What materials are these gifts made from?

The eldest asked for _______________________, made from _______________________________________________________________.

The middle one asked for _______________________, made from ________________________________________________________________.

    What do you think it meant when children bowed at the feet of their parents at that time ( this work recorded in the 19th century)? Write down ________________


    Why did the merchant love his daughters very much? Find the answer in the text and underline it with a wavy line.

    The father in the story is called “father” by the daughter. What would you call your mother? Write down the answer. _______________________________________

    What book could you put the text you read in? Write down the answer. ___________________________________________________

    Give evidence. _____________________________________


Option 2

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Once upon a time there lived a good Tsar Matvey;He lived with his queenHe has been in agreement for many years;But the children are still gone.Once the queen is in the meadow,On the green shoreThere was only one stream;She cried bitterly.Suddenly, she looks, a cancer is crawling towards her;He told the queen this:“I feel sorry for you, queen;But forget your sadness;This night you will carry:You will have a daughter." -He was, of course, a prophet;What he said came true on time:The queen gave birth to a daughter.The daughter was so beautifulNo matter what a fairy tale tells,No pen can describe it.Here is a feast for Tsar MatthewNoble is given to the whole world;And it’s a merry feastThe king eleven is calling

Enchantress of the young;There were all twelve of them;But the twelfth one,Lame, old, angry,The king did not invite me to the holiday.

V. Zhukovsky

1. What work is this excerpt from? Write down the name. ___________


2. How do you understand the meaning of the word “prophet”? Write down the answer. ___________


3. Who predicted the birth of a daughter for the queen? Find the answer in the text and underline it with a wavy line.

4. Who did the king invite to the feast? Write down the answer. ___________________________


Who is this? How do you understand this word? _______________________________


5. How many sorceresses were there in total? Write the answer in numbers. _________________________

6. Why didn’t the king call one of them? Find the answer in the text and underline it in blue.

7. What happened to the king's daughter? What did the evil sorceress call it? ____________



8. How was the twelfth sorceress different from the other eleven, except that she was evil and lame? ________________________________


9. In which book could the text you read be placed? Write down the answer.


    Give evidence. ________________________________________
