Developing your voice. Do you really need to work on your voice?

Exercise "lullaby"

Imagine that you are A Shake your baby and softly hum a familiar lullaby phrase:

mm- m-mm-mm...

Hum this melody for everyone ch asykh. Achieve a soft sound attack:

a-a-a- a-a-a-a...

Remember the composition oh reduction of muscle freedom in the pharynx and o I feel It’s as if you’re shaking the vowels with your diaphragm. Mouth opening mo allows for better release of sound energy. Poe T he needs to achieve freedom of the lower muscles lju ity, and avoid a situation where some IR Tori speak without unclenching their teeth. This manner makes the voice lose lazy, not flying.

It should be noted that there is no wow for everyone's mouth solution. It all depends on r ech speech apparatus and the nature of the voice of each speaker. WITH those the stump of mouth opening is determined on the highest quality sound and the most crisp and clear us m pronouncing sounds. To develop the ability to la fuck the lower jaw and remove it from co the importance of the speech apparatus must be exercised as much concepts where texts with frequent appearance are used That rhenium of the sound "a". Here are two of them:

Exercise "I want milk"

Imagine that you are l us." As you groan, turn to your mother:

Oh, I'm sick. Ah ah ah! Give me some milk, mom!

You open your mouth well, but not very well. IN that's it naturally. The jaw drops I flat and down, not to the side. The text sounds coherent from in a deep voice. Look for easy oh sound at different heights:

Ah sick yaa yayaimilkstonenemamadai

The voice is not low ah Don't sit on your throat. Also, don't overcharge eg Oh, so that the freedom of the muscles and the strength of support are not lost. Pok a p develop the center of your voice, three- evenyre tones.

Dictation exercise

Netoro pl Ivo, dictate clearly:

On ato m, per atom, per atom
The attack is coming
wow class.
He's ato
m, he is an atom, he is an atom
Forced slave
from attacking us.

First time - by sl ovam so that they “have time to write it down.” Carry accurate and n tonal-semantic pattern of punctuation marks. Second time already di follow the phrases you pronounce be with pauses, together. When pronouncing the vowel "a", watch for s in butt of the lower jaw. Calm message woo when dictating it relieves tightness in glo I mean, it removes the lowness of the voice, which is abused by announcers, and meh deep, low voices. Don't send a vote al Eko forward. This will cause vocal tension steam ata. On the contrary, develop a strong at meaning what you are saying by sending the sound “to yourself.” How do you get it? yoke is there? Set a goal to attract vn attention of the audience. Before you speak, mentally say: "B him Hey, I’m starting!” And the voice will sound ivn oh, calm down, the speech will capture the attention of the listener those lei. Feeling your bo the larynx is provided with rights silt deep sounding voice. A lower, more relaxed position of the larynx is trained etc and help with exercises aboutpronouncing the sound “u”, as well as “a” and “o”.

Exercise "echo"

Say "Aww" three times. Pe for the first time - call me. Second time - "ay" s V teaches like a distant echo. Third time - respond to the echo. Last units know what is happening to me at this time ysh the shape of the lips and cheeks, the way the voice sounds. When sounding goal OS and the echo will make your cheeks and lips more relaxed n s, the sound resonates somewhere in the back of the head. When you respond to an echo, uh ol lips and cheeks become tense us mi, and the sound resonates closer, in elongated lips. Do it very much tion, monitor the voltage and races weakening of the muscles of the lips and cheeks.

Various exercises tions with the sound "u" will help remove the pestle ro the sound of vowels when “a” flies out of the stomach, “e” - from the mouth with howl of the crack, "and" - squeezes out of the handing over le throat, “o” hums as if in a barrel, and “u”, “y”, “yu” fall into that cues places from which they are not like not in You're looking for it.

Exercise "beep"

"Voice production" by mo Here’s an exercise: pull the “y” together, like a whistle:

uh uh uh...

And now, merging everything into one line she there are vowels, buzz:

oooooooooooo uh Ewwwwwwwwwwww...

At the same time, try to lady Place your lips in the "y" position. This helps d about be of the same quality as other vowels.
Monitor your sound quality
vat and with active pronunciation l ny syllables. So that there is no diversity:

Whoa! U A ! Wow! Oui! Ouch!..

Sounds "a", "o", "e", "i", "s" b beat that would stay on the lips. If "a" sounds far away, bring the sound closer cha The vowel “o” will help. Because at n R When pronouncing this sound, the lips have an oval shape. fo mouth and retain the sound in the lips. For training ro Vki soft attack when pronouncing vowels “a” and “o” please read:

By path,
and about to
at least "o"
and oh ha lo.
"Oh" - oha lo,
"o" - o ka lo,
not on tr op
e, and about!

Metal sounds

There is one person ity in vowels. You can sing them. Otherwise ov shouting, they have height, strength and will continue ate sound quality.Each of the vowelscan you pronounce t ish e or louder, lower or higher, longer nn her or shorter. Consent cases yat xia to "noisy", those that consist of or from one oh noise, or from noise and voice, and "sonorant", in cat Their voice prevails over the noise. To sonorants rel sound M, N, L, R. These sounds also have length, strength and with that one, and they can also be sung. The length, strength and height of the sound wuchang they also have sonorous noisy acc. ac nye: V, Z, Zh. Let’s call these sounds “metal” Czech."

Voiceless consonants S, Ш, Ш, Х, Ф have no height, and the consonants P, B, T, D, K, G, CH, C are of length 3 vuch ania, although the voiced ones are B, D, G them they rise in height. This group of consonants in exercise en iyah "for metal", with which we are now familiar them xia, cannot be used, t ak how these consonants either have no sonority, or, like plosives, do not have m og ut to be merged with neighboring sounds. Starting the exercise Not metal trades, it is necessary to remember about wook new waves. The fusion, interweaving of such waves gives a person sk that voice has a “metallic” sound, cat op it resembles a bell.

The first exercise is not Let's start with the sound A. Let's pronounce it ah ala quietly, and then gradually, gently expand the sound, op yat let's bring it to quiet and connect A with sound with the sound U. With the sound U we will repeat the same thing. First - the quiet sound of U, p oto m - expansion, quiet again woo the merging and merging of U with the sound O. Graphically, this is igl eats like this: A-U-O-U-E-U. For the exercise use lThe following pairs of sounds are used:

Exercise 1

AU, OU, EU- take a breath - YU, YU
Y , UY - >>> - EY, YY
ABOUT I, UI - >>> - EI, YI
UO , EO - >>> - YO, IO
E, UE - >>> - YE, IE

Doing this life, it is necessary to achieve continuity of sound. By this wow, the breath in the middle of the line is taken very b yst ro. After a while the whole line is followed du It’s impossible to work on in one breath. The exercise is done on and aboutbottom, a height comfortable for the voice.

Exercise 2

AM, OM, UM- breathing - EM, YM, IM
ABOUT N, UN - >>> - EN, UN, IN
ABOUT L, UL - >>> - EL, YL, IL
ABOUT R, UR - >>> - ER, YR, IR
IN , UV - >>> - EV, YV, IV
OZ , UZ - >>> - EZ, YZ, IZ
coolant , UZH - >>> - EZH, YZH, IZH

In the same rya where this exercise is worked out with msoft vowels and soft metallic consonants.

Exercise 3

YAM, E M L, YUM- breathing - EAT, EAT
N L, YUN - >>> - YEN, YIN
L L - >>> - FIR, IL
and so on.

After these exercises neither I will help you develop a soft pitch uk and smooth pronunciation, without leaving work on them, you can er go to new exercises. Now the first pack ra focusing on metallic sounds m not in one tone, but we transfer the sound from the lower resonator to er hny and vice versa, following the example th , as we transferred each sound separately. Exercise de la I eat according to the following scheme:

Per in 1st line - transition from bottom to top:
Au Ou E- d
s aniye Yiu Yiu
Second st.
roch ka - transition from top to bottom:
Ay Oy Uy- d
s aniye - Eey Iy
Third line -
op There is a transition from bottom to top:
Ai Oi Ui- breath
en no Ei Yi and so on

Transitions from below from the resonator to the top and back through du perform in two other metal sound exercises cha voice. If, when transferring from de real sounds, the most important thing was to get into the real zo nators, now don’t forget about soft p od other than sound, and about the smoothness and continuity of sound flow.

Next let's call her exercise "exercise on m" eta lic accents." Let's start with the most closed that sound U. Let's take our breath and, os gradually expanding the sound, from quiet we bring it to loud, and from gr ohm whom gradually again to quiet. So n and in one breath we will make each vowel and m sound three times eta lical consonant:

U, Y, I, O, E, A,
M, N, L, R, V, Z, F

Having worked the exercise opinion and constantly repeating it, let's move on to upgrading ra to the length of a metallic sound. Full of breath en and take U, starting with a quiet sound and that’s it vr We strengthen the name until the end of a complete exhalation. The sound should everyday life b soft, smooth, even, without hesitation and thickness chk ov, at the same height. Similar to p ost we'll drink with all the other metal heads ac nymous and consonant. When they sound right, mo and but practice in two steps nat orakh: chest and head.

Having mastered metal lic accent and metallic length e Russian sound, let's deal with the power of metallic sound. The sound should be light, core open them and rounded. Work is carried out according to ohm the same principle as in other metal exercises, before noon for voice height.Development of the vocal range served and t exercise with vowels A, O, U, E, Y, I, co which first increase and then decrease ayu goes up an octave. At first ra The writing is done slowly, breathing is taken on each line. Yes then the pace accelerates and with fast O In your performance, your breath should already be enough for a whole o kt awu.

Next to the metal eyes You can add diction combinations, starting n starting with the easy ones and moving on to the more difficult ones. For example m er: pra-straight, pro-pret, prue-prue and that to next. Or: mrma-mrmy, mrmo-mrmy, mrmu-mrmy and so on Further. After long periods en This exercise should sound soft, l e smoothly and smoothly. The last one life may be a merger of the main ac nykh, with metallic consonants, with the highlighting of each sound:

MA N ULOR- breathing - EZHYZIV

First all with t do a little piano, then forte, then sogla dreams e forte, and the vowels are piano and vice versa. Ends with a loud sound.

Almost every person loves to sing. Despite the fact that many people study at a music school to train their voices, you can even develop your own singing style and confidence in your own performing skills on your own. For general practice, start with regular daily chanting. This could be singing your favorite song or simply singing scales. Don't be afraid to get creative with your voice. In addition, taking care of your own health and maintaining hydration, as well as quitting smoking, will help you achieve the best sounding voice.


Determine your vocal range

    Record your voice using a microphone. Launch the audio recording application on your computer or smartphone. Then check your settings to ensure the recording is clear without any voice changes. Try singing different songs and recording your voice.

    • For more comfort, connect a real music microphone to your computer or smartphone. This will give you a better understanding of how the way you hold the microphone and sing into it will affect the final sound.
    • Perfect Piano and Pocket Pitch are considered good apps for singers.
    • You can also use a digital tuner or download an app like Vanido, which will show you your level of vocal range proficiency.
  1. Sing a song you know over and over again. Print out the lyrics to a song you like. Take the time to study all the nuances of the text. Then work on the details of the song by modulating your own voice, thereby changing the song itself.

    • It is important to choose a song that you really like, as you will have to work on it over and over again for a while.
    • When first starting out, try to use a song that is within your vocal range to avoid straining your vocal cords.
  2. Work on producing sound using different parts of the vocal apparatus. Singing is not limited to sounds coming from the throat through an open mouth. Focus on performing the same song, but with different approaches to controlling the position of the tongue, mouth, diaphragm, throat, and even nose. Recording your results and listening to them will help you better understand your own body and the sounds it can make.

    • For example, passing more airflow through the nose can create higher-pitched nasal sounds, which is not surprising. If you gently close one nostril while singing, your voice will also change.
    • Move your tongue closer to the roof of your mouth as you sing to see how much your voice changes. You can also try moving your tongue to your cheek. Moving the jaw to the side will also allow you to vocalize other sounds.
    • To experiment with your diaphragm, try releasing all the air from your lungs at once while singing. Alternatively, see what happens if you sing with minimal air flow.
    • The most important thing is to catch the desired emotional mood, but not to be at the mercy of emotions. Besides, the quality of your singing will not improve if you cry while singing any sad song.
    • For example, if you're singing about a falling out, try to remember the negative aspects of your past personal relationships.
    • In order not to get bogged down in emotions, after thinking about a specific event, immediately return the focus of your attention to the text and notes being performed.
  3. Sing before singing to avoid straining your vocal cords. Start by softly singing the "I" sound on one note (for example, F of the first octave for women and F of the minor octave for men) and hold the note as long as possible. Repeat the exercise twice. You can also sing on one note with the phrase “Mi-me-ma-mo-mu”, and then move on to chanting from low to high notes. Repeat the exercise twice. Then move on to chanting in the other direction from high notes to low notes, repeat the exercise three times.

    • In the middle of your range, sing "Ouch!" five notes up the scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol). Repeat the exercise twice.
  4. Sing the sound “A” according to the notes “Do, Re, Mi.”.." up and down scales within your vocal range. This is another great way to warm up your vocal cords and practice holding the required notes. Start with the C major scale in the first octave, then move to a higher octave, another scale, and so on. Take your time, sing each note clearly, rather than smoothly shifting the tone of the previous note towards the next.

    • Concentrate on working in the basic C major scale by notes: “Do, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.” To make it more difficult, you can try singing two notes in a row, and then jumping over one or using a different order.
    • Then make the exercise even more difficult by singing two notes up, one down, and so on through the scale.
    • A scale is a set of sounds that sequentially increase at certain intervals (tones and semitones). As you move up and down the scale, you hit both low and high notes. For example, between the notes C and C sharp the interval is equal to a semitone, and between the notes C sharp and D sharp the interval is equal to a tone.
  5. Try to sing at least 30 minutes a day. This will be enough to stretch your vocal cords without being too long to strain them. It is better to study when no one will bother you. However, if you sing for a living, this type of work will allow you to develop your singing skills in public.

    • Brief daily performances in front of audiences can teach you to read the mood of the audience and adjust your work with them accordingly.
    • You can earn extra money by singing on small stages in entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants. If you don't like this option, you can try volunteering to participate in a local music group.
  6. Work on maintaining proper posture while singing. Stand up, keep your back straight, look forward. Make sure your shoulders are back and your neck is not arched too much. Place your tongue at the bottom of your mouth so that it barely touches the bottom row of teeth. Gently move your jaw from side to side to relax the muscles.

  7. Do breathing exercises to strengthen your diaphragm. Try rib breathing, which involves expanding your chest as you inhale. As you inhale, expand your chest and allow your abdominal muscles to relax. To exhale, on the contrary, use your abdominal muscles. Also try the following exercise while breathing from your diaphragm:

    • on the count of 1, inhale and fill your lungs 1/4;
    • on the count of 2, inhale and fill your lungs 2/4 full;
    • On the count of 3, inhale and fill your lungs 3/4 full.
    • on the count of 4, inhale and fill your lungs completely;
    • on the count of 5-12, exhale slowly and gradually;
    • then repeat everything from the beginning.

Take care of your own health and preservation of your voice

  1. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of liquid per day. Keeping your throat moist allows it to produce deeper, richer sounds. Your best choice will be regular warm (but not hot) water. Cold water tightens the throat. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon to the water to taste and soften the throat.

    • If you decide to add honey to your water, try to use as natural a product as possible. If possible, try to avoid eating foods with chemical additives.
  2. Provide yourself with at least 8 hours of sleep a night. If you feel tired, your voice will also suffer. It is especially important to follow this recommendation if you have to sing for a long time. When you can't get 8 hours of sleep at night, try to get some sleep during the day.

    • Try lying in bed immediately before singing and performing - such rest will help improve the sound quality of your voice.

Not all people know that you can create your own voice and do not need to sign up for special classes.

But first you need to understand the most important and basic things.

You should feel all the vibrations in your body when you say something.

Why this is so important - the punch analogy

Let's give an analogy with a boxing fist blow.

  • When the right blow is thrown, the whole body is invested in it. It's not just one fist pumping.
    The body, when struck correctly, is not static and is also invested in it, and only then the blow becomes 10 times stronger and more dangerous for the enemy.
  • If you don't use your body's strength When you hit with your fist and you don’t put any effort into it, it won’t be a blow, but just a movement with one hand.

You should apply the same thing in conversation.

You must include your whole body in expressing yourself.

Take a deep breath and then speak, otherwise no one will hear you.

2. Use the right key

There are 3 types of tones in total:

  1. seeking/needing;
  2. normal;
  3. torn.

Seeking or needing tonality (1)

Also on the street, beggars approach people on the street and ask for money. It's a seeker trying to please rapport.

For example:

  • Can you tell me the time?
  • Would you like to eat some delicious pizza with me?
  • My computer is broken, please fix it.

This is unattractive and disgusting.

Normal key (2)

When you talk to a person completely neutrally, without any special emotions.

For example:

  • We're doing well today.
  • I had a good time in the park.
  • Dad bought a new car.

Torn Rapport (3)

From the outside, in terms of presentation, this tone looks as if you don’t want anything from this person and as if you don’t really want to talk to him.

With this tone, you don’t try to impress your interlocutor, you try less and stress less.

This tone will be useful for men to lead with women.

Examples of 3 keys:

  • In general, we had a great time the day before yesterday.
  • Great T-shirt you have.
  • We are now going to our favorite place by the river.

To be centered and to be in a permanent state when communicating, you need to speak with most people in a torn to normal tone. If most of the time your voice is between ragged and normal tonality, and you also diversify it sometimes with seeking rapport, then your voice will be cheeky and funny at the same time. It will be fun and varied at the same time.

Therefore, use all three types of tonality skillfully, and then you will know everything about how to deliver speech and voice. You will have a charming and unique tonality.

Remember that confidence plays a key role in communication. self confidence for girls you can read the link on our website.

3. Get rid of excess mucus in your mouth first thing in the morning.

In the morning, everyone has this mucus and saliva in their mouth, which needs to be gotten rid of. They don't allow your voice to open up.

Due to mucus in the mouth, people often speak through their nose, as if they were dubbing pirated films. All voice and speech exercises are performed much easier and more productive if there is no excess mucus in the oral cavity.

To get rid of mucus in your mouth as soon as you wake up clean your tongue with toothpaste and a brush first thing in the morning!

That is, when you go to brush your teeth, you also brush your tongue.

Thus, all excess mucus comes out of the mouth. Cough up. You will know when enough is enough.

The procedure is not so pleasant, but very useful. Takes approximately 3 – 4 minutes.

4. Warm up and stretch vowel sounds starting from high notes to low notes

Otherwise, there will be internal resistance and the voice will not be congruent. ABOUT congruence we tell you in detail.

If you don't warm up, then everything you say and do will degrade and degrade your communication and expression.

To avoid worrying about how to develop a beautiful voice timbre, use this useful exercise.

Say these sounds in the same order, in which they are indicated:

When performing a vocal exercise for the voice with these sounds from “I” to “U”, you go on a scale from high notes to low notes.

Walk through these sounds 2 times. You start with a high “I” sound and end with a low “U” sound.

It relaxes and opens your throat.

All our exercises will help those who will subsequently express themselves openly and will not be ashamed of their voice.

We have a complete article on our website about how to stop being shy about people. It can be found.

5. Moo

Mooing means making the “M” sound. This is a well-known singing exercise and must be done correctly.

When mooing correctly, your lips should itch.

If the inside of your throat itches, then you need to raise your neck higher.


  1. Don't take in too much air.
  2. No need to moo like a cow. This is not at all effective and will not help development in any way.
  3. When mooing and raising a voice, men or women may experience pain in the throat. Stop immediately if these symptoms begin.
  4. During this exercise, do not try to hit any high notes. That is, hum at a neutral volume that does not bother you in any way.
  5. There is no need to strain your facial muscles or jaw. Everything is in a calm, relaxed position, the same as when pronouncing the short sound “M”.

6. Relieve tension in your throat and mouth

Execution order:

You begin to tense your mouth, throat and neck a little, and thereby you exercise and expand the capabilities of your voice when communicating.

  • Tension is released and released from your neck, throat and mouth.
  • The voice and throat opens.
  • You begin to speak clearer and more clearly.
  • You begin to breathe deeper.
  • The capabilities of the language when speaking begin to be used more.

You can see how to perform this exercise visually in one of our video lessons on how to create a voice yourself.

7. Good neck stretch

The exercise will be especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and want to know everything about how to develop their voice on their own.

In people with sedentary work, the neck and head are often compressed into an uncomfortable position, the chin is kept too low.

How to perform:

  1. Place your tongue on the upper teeth in the middle.
  2. Then raise your head and gently stretch your neck, slightly tilting it up, left, right, and forward.
  3. It's similar to how you stretch your muscles before you start lifting in the gym.

Pros of Stretching neck is that you begin to project your voice better, especially in noisy places.

For a visual demonstration of the exercise, see below in the next series of free video lessons for voice training from scratch.

8. Repeating the word “Glap”

The essence of the exercise is that:

  • The voice becomes louder, clearer.
  • It becomes easier to control and project it.

To see how to clearly perform the exercise, watch the next video in the series on how to train your voice for singing at home.

9. Lip trilling is very useful for voice production.

This exercise is a bit like simulating a car engine. With it you will be able to put your voice correctly, especially when there is a visual video lesson below.

It doesn't matter how it looks from the outside. The main thing is that it is effective.

The meaning of this is that:

  1. You relax your lips and imitate that trill sound.
  2. The vibration of the lips due to the exhalation of air makes them more mobile.
  3. At the same time, you can make smooth movements with your neck, making it more relaxed. But this is optional.

It's like when little boys played with cars in the sandbox when they were children.

For more details on how to perform the exercise, see the next video on how to develop a beautiful voice.

10. Exercise for diction

We pronounce any text with our mouth closed

How to perform in detail:

  1. Take any text or newspaper and start reading it with your mouth closed.
  2. You close your lips, but your teeth should be open.
  3. First, inhale a lot of air and begin.

Maybe it won't work out so well at first.

But, gradually, even with your mouth closed, your speech will be better perceived by people’s ears and will become more understandable.

Know that the result will come, don’t lose motivation and.

What are the advantages?:

  • Once you open your mouth, your speech will become even more intelligible. So, little by little you will be able to develop your beautiful voice.
  • Your speech will become pleasant, harmonious and clear.

How to clearly perform the exercise, see the next special video on how to improve your voice at home, pronouncing the text with your mouth closed.

11. Repeat tongue twisters 10 times

The point is that the muscles of the mouth expand and it becomes easier to communicate.

The effect of the exercise will be twice as great, if you repeat the tongue twister with your mouth closed. We talked about this above in the 10th method.

There are a lot of different tongue twisters. For example:

  • “Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket”;
  • “Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.”

Choose 2 - 3 of your favorites and start repeating each one 10 times. This last method will answer all your questions about how to improve your voice and diction.


After doing the exercises, you will want to get rid of excess mucus in your mouth.

This is a very good sign and it's normal.

By doing these exercises in the morning, you will notice how your voice will noticeably improve in a month. Take some time for yourself.

Don't forget about confidence

Confidence is the main parameter for a good voice.

Speak with confidence and without hesitation.

Now you know everything about how to create your own voice for singing.

Invest time in developing yourself, and the results will not be long in coming.

The voice is the most important tool for a person’s communication with the people around him. With its help, you can either gain the trust of your opponent or immediately push him away, making a negative impression. Exercises to develop your voice can give it a beautiful sound and solve many problems.

Breathing exercises for the voice are yoga practices for developing speech breathing. The most famous is the complex developed by Alexandra Strelnikova. It is designed to train and massage the muscles involved in sound production. Exercises help expand the lungs, increasing their volume. Particular attention is paid to inhalation.

The set of exercises for beginners includes 3 main classes.

Exercise No. 1

We stand straight, elbows down. We take a short noisy breath - our hands are clenched into fists. Unclench your palms, synchronously exhaling air in any form (through your nose or mouth).\

One cycle includes 4 breaths. Afterwards there is a break of 4 - 5 seconds. A total of 24 cycles will be required, each with 4 inhalations and exhalations.

Important points:

  • there is no need to control the moment of exhalation - the main emphasis is on noisy inhalation;
  • There should be no air retention during inhalation or exhalation;
  • if you feel dizzy, then the exercise can be performed while sitting (your back is strictly straight).

Exercise No. 2

We stand straight, palms clenched into fists, pressed to the waist. We take a short, noisy breath in through our nose. At the same time, we lower our fists to the floor, unclenching our fingers. We return to the starting position. Exhale freely, hands return to their original position.

The cycle is equal to 8 movements. Then follows a short rest - 3...5 seconds - and a new cycle follows.

Important points:

  • while inhaling, it is necessary to tense the shoulder girdle area;
  • There is no need to open your mouth wide when exhaling;
  • The exercise can be done lying/sitting.

Exercise No. 3

Stand up straight. Lean forward slightly, round your back, head down. We take a short, noisy breath in through our nose, slightly straighten our back and exhale freely.

The cycle includes 8 inhalations and exhalations. Then a short break and repeat the cycle.

Gymnastics to improve diction and articulation

Diction is responsible for the intelligibility of speech and clarity of words. How to develop good pronunciation? For this purpose, it is necessary to train the moving part of the articulatory apparatus.

Any exercise to develop diction is a continuation of breathing exercises.

Reading with a pencil

We take the pencil with our front teeth without touching it with our tongue. We pronounce out loud the sounds in the pronunciation of which the lips do not take part - k, g, y, n, l, d. Then we soften them. Then we add vowel sounds to them.

We read any book loudly with a pencil in our teeth. You need to voice two to three pages. You need to exercise every day.

Combination of certain consonant and vowel sounds

During the exercise, you need to pronounce a combination of three consonants with one vowel. It is necessary to mix a combination of KTP sounds with the vowels Y, O, E, I, A, U. (Example: ktpy-ktpo-ktpe-ktpi-ktpa-ktpu). The order of the consonants can be changed, but the final sound is always a vowel.

Consonant sounds may be different - BGD, ZHRL, MLR. Vowels remain unchanged.

Working through sounds that are difficult to pronounce

Each person has his own sounds on which he periodically “stumbles.” Most often these are R, C, L.

You need to compose sentences that include problematic consonants as often as possible, and pronounce them out loud every day, clearly pronouncing all the letters.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds

First, we pronounce the vowels I, E, O, I, A - each 4 times - without sound, and then out loud. We open our mouth wide, the lower jaw moves without tension.

Reading poetry out loud

We read any poems out loud, placing loud accents on the sounds I, A, I, E, E.

Tongue Twisters

You need to pronounce any tongue twisters out loud. At the beginning of classes, this should be done slowly, gradually accelerating. It is very important that sounds are pronounced clearly and rhythmically.

You can try to start mastering . By practicing every day, you will definitely master it.


Nuts in the mouth is an ancient method of improving diction. Even ancient speakers successfully honed their diction in this way, using pebbles instead of nuts.

You need to take a handful of nuts and put them in your mouth. Say tongue twisters out loud, clearly pronouncing all syllables. Exercise daily for 20 minutes.

The number and size of nuts is determined individually, the main thing is to make sure that you do not have a gag reflex, which will definitely interfere with the exercises.

Speech apparatus muscle training

Exercises to strengthen the lower jaw include the following exercises:

  • Open your mouth and hold your lower jaw down for 5 seconds. Then slowly close your mouth.
  • We make movements with the lowered lower jaw to the right - to the left. We perform them at a slow pace.
  • We bring the lowered lower jaw forward and return it to its natural position. Conducts classes at a slow pace.

Tongue muscle training is mandatory. Sedentary, underdeveloped tongue muscles cause unintelligible speech. The exercises will be as follows:

  1. You need to roll your tongue into a tube.
  2. We stick our tongue out of the mouth as far as possible. Move it up-down-right-left.
  3. Lick your lips, paying special attention to the corners of your mouth.
  4. Click your tongue actively.

Exercises must be performed at a free pace, without muscle tension.

Exercises to strengthen the facial muscles and lips include the following exercises:

  • Mouth closed. Raise/lower your lips without opening your gums. The facial muscles should not tense.
  • Stretch your lips in a closed smile, and then fold them into a tube.
  • Massage your lips: gently knead the upper teeth with your lower teeth, and gently knead the lower with your upper teeth.
  • Fold your lips into a tube and move them left and right.

The muscles of the pharynx also need training.

  • You need to repeat the sounds I, U in turn. First in a whisper, then out loud. You should feel muscle tension in the throat area. A total of 15 repetitions. The exercise helps in developing the mobility of the laryngeal muscles.
  • You need to suck in air through clenched teeth.
  • We stretch our lips out like a duck and suck in air.
  • Imitation of chewing food. First with his mouth open, then with his mouth closed. The muscles of the larynx, soft palate, tongue, lips and pharynx receive the load.

Gymnastics that develops vocal power

  • You need to pronounce out loud the pairs of syllables AM-OM, UM-EM, YM-IM. In this case, the first of them should sound loud, and the second should be quieter.
  • It is necessary to vocalize the syllables “AY-AY-AY”, “OH-OH-OH”, “EY-EY-EY” in the sequence loud-muffled-ringing.
  • You need to imitate the growl of a dog, a steamship whistle, the buzzing of a bee, the squeak of a mosquito. The sounds are pronounced first in increasing order and then decreasing, as if an imaginary object was first approaching and then moving away.
  • We sing the following syllables out loud in the form of a musical scale: MA-MO-MU-ME-WE-MI. First in order, then in the opposite direction.

Each exercise must be done 3 times. It is very important to breathe evenly.

Improving voice timbre

- individual feature. It is influenced by the structure of the vocal cords, shape, and volume of the resonators. It is impossible to change it, but improving it by decorating it with overtones is a completely solvable task.

A set of exercises that helps improve and improve the expressiveness of voice timbre includes the following classes:

  • Stand up. The back is straight. Fixing your chin, stretch your neck forward. Hold for two to three seconds. Then tilt your head back and hold again. Perform a series of movements back and forth until you are pleasantly tired. The movements must be accompanied by the pronunciation of the words “forward - back”.
  • The mouth is open. The tongue is pushed forward, down. Bow your head towards your chest. Pull your tongue towards your nose and, in sync with the movement, lift your head without throwing it back. Tighten your neck muscles. Perform 6 – 8 times.
  • Take a deep breath. While exhaling air, we vocalize the word BOM (with an emphasis on the last sound) so that a clear vibration is felt in the upper lip.
  • Deep breath. As the air comes out, we pronounce the syllables MO-MOO, MU-MUU, MI-MII, ME-MEE. The first syllable sounds short and clear, the second - in a chant, drawn-out.
  • Starting position – standing straight, arms crossed on the chest. We bend forward slightly and, as we exhale, pronounce the sounds U, O loudly and drawn out. Then, as we exhale, we sing the words MILK, EYE, TIN, WINDOW.
  • We pronounce the words GALYA and DOVE out loud, imitating the Ukrainian pronunciation of the sound “g”. There is no need to strain your throat. The sound should come from the stomach. We pronounce GALYA sharply, and we pronounce DOVE in a chant. Repeat the exercise 8 times. It is necessary to record the exercise on a voice recorder. This will help you understand if there is any change in the timbre of your voice.
  • Click your tongue for one minute, imitating the clatter of a horse's hooves. During the exercise, change the position of your lips: at first they are folded into a tube, at the end they are stretched into a wide smile.
  • The mouth is open, the nose is pinched with the fingers. You need to breathe only through your mouth. At this time, it is necessary to read any text aloud.
  • The head is lowered, the chin is pressed to the chest. As you exhale, you need to make the sound O or U (oo-oo-oh or oo-oo-oo) until you have enough air. While pronouncing sounds, you need to lightly pat the upper chest, increasing the existing vibration. This exercise for developing timbre helps to improve the sound of chest sounds.

The wisest people of all times attached great importance to:

Hazrat Inayat Khan, an Indian musician and philosopher, believed that by knowing the secret of sound, one can know.

In my opinion, the voice is an even more revealing mirror of the soul than the eyes. The eyes can be averted to the side, hidden behind dark glasses, and the voice, if not mastered, will tell about all the problems of the individual: it will reflect the inner reality of a person in all its colors. Eg:

  • You raise your voice unnecessarily - it means you are worried and losing control of yourself;
  • The pace of speech accelerates - uncertainty;
  • You interrupt and try to answer without listening to the end of the question - you are irritated.

But if we own this powerful tool, then with its help we can harmonize our inner world (gain confidence and calmness), and therefore create our reality.

After all, voice is our calling card. Special exercises for voice training , will teach you to speak beautifully, confidently and freely. Your opinion will always be listened to, and you will never hear addressed to you: “It would be better if he didn’t open his mouth.”

Do you really need to work on your voice?

  • Reading with a pencil.

We hold a pencil or wine cork between the front teeth. In this case, the mouth is slightly open, the tongue does not touch the cork (pencil), the teeth are exposed. We pronounce those sounds, when pronouncing which the lips do not engage in movement: k, g, g, k', y, n, n, l, l, d, d. Next, we connect them with vowels.

We take any book and read aloud several pages in this uncomfortable position. Must be repeated daily. The positive effect is noticed quickly.

  • K T P (six different combinations) + vowel sounds Y O E I A U.

For example: we repeat quickly kpti-kpte-ktpo-ktpa-ktpo-ktpu-ktpy, then ktpi-ktpe-ktpa-ktpo-ktpu-ktpy and so on, combining with different vowels (ktpi-..., kpti-..., tpki-..., birds-...).

We perform the same actions for the consonants B G D, ZH R L, M R L in combination with the vowel sounds Y O E I A U.

  • Write down those sounds that are difficult for you to pronounce(for example, p, c, l). Make up sentences with words in which these sounds are repeated often. Repeat these suggestions daily.
  • Pronounce the vowels first silently and then loudly:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The mouth should be open wide, the jaw should drop down freely.
  • Read your favorite poems, pronouncing and emphasizing the sounds of yayayayay, aaaaa, iiiiii, eeeeee, yoyoyoyo.
  • Pronounce tongue twisters: first - slowly, then - quickly, clearly and rhythmically:

The common duck has raised the young birds.

The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.

The redstart-redtail burned the redtails.

The Avocet has embroidered the Avocets.

And I have no time for feeling unwell.

Brit Klim-brother, Brit Gleb-brother, brother Ignat is bearded.

The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

He didn’t carry it, but he brought it to us.

The nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople.

A heron is carrying a pig with a pike on a sled.

A big pile won't get boring.

Rhododendrons from the arboretum.

Now this, now that, now this, now that, then the woodpecker seems like an Egyptian god.

  • Grandmother's method: We put walnuts in our mouths and talk, read aloud for about 20 minutes every day. Remember the film “I am the most charming and attractive” with Irina Muravyova in the title role. There she developed her speech in the same way. The main thing is that you need to pronounce the syllables clearly.

Lower jaw training

You should practice in front of a mirror; only the articulatory organs should participate in the exercises, and the forehead, nose and eyes should remain motionless. Do the exercises smoothly and slowly.

  • We lower the lower jaw by two fingers and hold it in this position, counting to five. Close your mouth slowly.
  • We lower the lower jaw and slowly move it left and right.
  • We lower the lower jaw and slowly push it forward and return it to its original position.

We train the muscles of the tongue

A sedentary and sluggish tongue often leads to loss of speech intelligibility; it becomes slurred and slurred.

  • Roll your tongue into a tube.
  • Stick your tongue out of your mouth as far as possible and move it left, right, down and up.
  • Lick everything inside your mouth with your tongue, as if cleaning, penetrating into the farthest corners.
  • Click your tongue, pressing it firmly against the roof of your mouth and then sharply lowering it.
  • Perform all these exercises efficiently, but without unnecessary stress.

Lip training

  • In the initial position, the mouth is closed, the muscles of the lower jaw are relaxed. Alternately raise and lower the upper and lower lips, while the gums are not visible and the facial muscles are calm.
  • Pull the corners of your mouth to the sides, and then stretch your lips forward with a tube. First imitate, then pronounce the sounds u – and.
  • Repeatedly pronounce combinations of labial consonants bm, mb, mp, pm and labiodental mv, em, vb, bv, etc.
  • Massage your lips: with your lower teeth on the upper one, and with your upper teeth on the lower one.
  • Stretch your lips with a tube and move them left and right.

Pharynx muscle training

  • First mentally, then in a whisper, then out loud, alternately pronounce the sounds “i” and “u”. Repeat at least 10-15 times.

This exercise develops the mobility of the larynx: when pronouncing the vowel sounds “i”, the larynx takes the highest position, and the phonation “u” lowers it to the lowest position.

  • Teeth closed, suck in air.
  • Lips extended forward, suck in air.
  • Imitate chewing movements with your mouth open and closed - during the exercise the muscles of the larynx, soft palate, pharynx, lips and tongue contract vigorously.

Developing sonority and flight of voice

We train the upper resonators:

  • While sitting or standing, take a short breath through your nose. At the same time, with your mouth closed and without tension, say “n” or “m” with a questioning intonation. Try to feel the vibration in the area of ​​your upper lip and nose.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, say “bonn,” “donn,” or “bimm.” Pronounce the last consonant protractedly, achieve a feeling of vibration in the area of ​​the upper lip and nose.
  • Take a deep breath. While exhaling, pronounce the syllables “momm”, “mimm”, “ninn”, “nunn”, “nann”, etc.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, first pronounce briefly and then protractively any of the open syllables: mu-muu, mi-mii, mo-moo, no-noo, ni-nii, etc.

Training the lower resonators(pronounce the vowels “u” and “o” drawn out and as low as possible):

  • While standing, place your hand on your chest. Yawn with your mouth closed, fixing your larynx in the lower position. While exhaling, say “u” or “o”, try to feel the vibration of the chest. If this does not work, vibration can be artificially caused by lightly tapping the sternum with your hand.
  • While standing, place your hands on your chest. Leaning forward, exhale and pronounce the vowels “u” and “i” for a long time.
  • Standing position, hands on chest. As you exhale, say “window,” “eye,” “tin,” “flour,” or “milk.”

To conclude this article, let me quote the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan:

He who controls himself is free.

The choice of a free person is limitless.