How to draw a penguin: interesting facts, stages. How to draw a penguin step by step: lessons for children and adults Drawing a penguin with one line

    It's very easy to draw a penguin :) Even a child can cope with this task :)

    In its simplicity, drawing a penguin is similar to drawing a snowman. The penguin consists of circles :)), just like the snowman.

    I think that such a little penguin would look great on a New Year's card :)

    In order to draw a penguin or baby penguin, we will need multi-colored pencils, white paper and of course a photo or video diagram.

    I have attached the last point below in the form of a photo diagram.

    So, let's begin.

    At the beginning you need draw a penguin head in the form of a circle and oval shaped belly(as in the diagram).

    Then we begin draw Wings and paws of a Penguin.

    After this we need to draw the Lips, eyes and a very small tail of the penguin.

    In principle, there is nothing complicated, if something was not clear to you, then look at the diagram and continue draw a Penguin using pencils step by step.

    And here I have attached a diagram that I created myself. Here I managed draw Little Penguin Pororo.

    Good luck.

    I offer for consideration my version of the drawing-scheme of penguins.

    This little penguin PORORO can be easily redrawn.

    This is already a schematic detailed diagram of drawings on how to draw a penguin.

    I wish you good luck and creative inspiration.

    Offering draw a penguin cartoonish He’s a little unusual - he’s dressed for winter, and he’s eating and skating at the skating rink.

    It will be interesting to draw such a little penguin for both children and adults. We start drawing from the body, moving on to the legs and wings, then to the muzzle and accompanying attributes.

    To draw a penguin, we need to imagine that we are drawing a falling snowman in the shape of the letter **C.

    And now all that remains is to decorate the back of the penguin in dark blue. In my opinion, this method is the easiest, even a nine-year-old child can draw.

    If we take a cartoon version of drawing for a child, then the penguin can be depicted as a plump oval, the main thing is to color it in white and black, then draw small wings and legs on the sides. Here is a sample drawing lesson:

    If you want to draw a realistic penguin, then the drawing should be more detailed. Here are a few such video lessons:

    There are no difficulties in drawing a penguin or baby penguin.

    1.Schematically, using circles or ovals, you need to specify the position of the body,

    2.then we connect them with smooth lines.

    1. We draw the beak, eyes, legs, taking into account the features of their structure.
    2. Don't forget about the wings and tail. The coloring should also be close to natural so that it looks like the real thing.)

    Penguin is a bird. In order to draw a bird you need to show a circle and an oval. The circle is the head, the oval is the body. You also need a beak and wings. It is also important to show the paws. Still needs to be beautifully decorated.

    Draw a penguin or baby penguin step by step, We repeat everything as shown in the picture. We start drawing the penguin from the head, then from the body, then from the legs. We connect all this, then we draw the wings, then the nose, eyes. When the drawing already looks like a penguin, you can start decorating it.

Hello again everyone, everyone, everyone! Today I have for you another lesson from the series “How to draw cartoon animals step by step.” Today our hero will be a penguin! This is a very simple lesson, the execution technique is absolutely identical to the previous lessons in this series. All the cute charm is conveyed by huge eyes and chubby cheeks! I hope you enjoy it too (both the tutorial and the penguin). Stay tuned for updates on the website and...

Step 1. Well, this tutorial has four steps. This is the first step and we will start by drawing a medium-sized circle (for the future head), and then adding guide lines for the face. Below we outline an oval (for the future belly) and outline the wings-fins.

Step 2. Now let's start drawing the penguin's face, starting with circles for the eyes and then moving on to the cute chubby cheeks. Let's give the penguin's belly a more penguin-like natural shape and finish this step by drawing two legs.

Step 3. At this stage, we will make two circles for the eyes, and add several smaller circles to them and paint the space between them. This will allow you to achieve such an effect as “highlights in the eyes.” All that remains is to finish the beak, add small arcs under the eyes and give the wings a finished look.

And in this lesson we will learn, how to draw a penguin. This animal belongs to the family of flightless seabirds, and is a good dive and swimmer. Movement in the water is made easier for penguins by their streamlined body shape and wings, which they flap like propellers. The steering function is performed by the legs. And the tail is short and with hard plumage. The penguin leans on it when it stands on land. The largest penguin is the emperor, its height reaches 120 centimeters. In general, these are very amazing creatures. Their life, body structure, nutrition - everything arouses human interest. So, let's start drawing a penguin.

How to draw a penguin

Step one. Let's draw a circle - the head. On the face we will draw auxiliary lines in the form of a cross. Below we will draw a second circle, larger, which will be the body. Now look carefully at the drawing: two circles need to be connected with lines. One line is slightly convex outward, the other line is shorter and concave inward. Step two. On the left side of the head, we begin to draw a line down and slightly to the side, as soon as the second circle begins, we turn towards the large circle. It turns out something similar to the bent wing of a penguin. Draw a line for the top of the head above the head circumference. Step three. Let's draw the second wing symmetrically to one. On the face, first we will show an oval face, and from it large “glasses”. Step four. Inside the drawn glasses we will show small dot eyes. Step five. Draw a curved line along the contour of the body, starting from the neck and ending at the bottom. This way we will separate the white belly of the animal from the dark back. Step six. Let's draw large feet. Penguins rest while standing on them. Step seven. Final. Let's take an eraser in our hands and erase all the lines that helped us, but are no longer needed. Well, almost ready. All that remains is to trace the outline with strong pressure. You can also color it if you wish. It turned out to be such a cute penguin. Now that’s all for sure, I hope you’ll know. Look further and. I also recommend it.

Penguins are very beautiful and interesting birds. The child will certainly enjoy watching them at the zoo, on TV and reading in books.

And after studying their appearance and lifestyle, you can try to draw penguins with a pencil. Doing this step by step will not be difficult for children and adults.

From this article you will learn

For babies

The best place to start is with a cheerful penguin. It is ideal for small children who ask them to draw this bird with a pencil. Invite them to watch you do it.

After some time, they will be able to reproduce the drawing themselves, repeating all the steps step by step.

So, let's start drawing. Draw two circles on paper, one larger and the other smaller. The smaller one should be located at the top - this will be the head.

We draw two intersecting lines on it - they are auxiliary for later adding parts of the face. We connect the circles with smooth lines.

We draw the right wing and the convex top of the head. Then symmetrically - left.

Adding eyes. Then we draw a line indicating the future white belly of the bird. Large legs are a distinctive feature of every penguin.

We remove all unnecessary lines. Pencil drawing can be considered complete. Now all that remains is to call the children and invite them to color the resulting picture.

Emperor penguin

The emperor penguin impresses with its size, proud posture and beautiful plumage. At the same time, drawing it with a pencil is no more difficult than the previous version. So, we introduce the children and begin to draw an ice inhabitant step by step.

To begin with, we again depict two geometric figures. This time we should have a large oval and a circle that will be about four times smaller.

When we draw something step by step, we first need to lay the foundation. Despite the fact that it will later acquire new details and often be completely erased, it should be taken seriously - so we draw carefully.

The next step is to add the beak, paws and wings. To draw a beautiful penguin, you must try to repeat the correct proportions shown in the picture.

Now we outline the resulting image - our penguin should acquire a streamlined body.

Adding the final details: the contours of the tummy, the smooth lines of the wings. We remove unnecessary elements.

The final touch is coloring. Let's use a simple pencil, because penguins are black and white. Let's add a play of light and shadow - and now we have a wonderful surprise for children.

As you can see, drawing a proud bird with a pencil is very simple. If you learn to do this step by step, you will soon be able to independently complement the drawing with some interesting elements.

Cartoon characters

Drawing is an amazing activity. It allows you to recreate on paper the characters of your favorite films, books, and cartoons. Try to portray hilarious penguins from Madagascar with your children.

The finished version will look like this.

If it seems to you that it will be very difficult to recreate such a picture, let’s say that you will have to work hard the first time, but we do not offer anything supernatural and accessible only to famous artists. As always, we will draw in stages.

Let's start with the central character. We depict the figure of Skipper. First we do it schematically, then gradually we give it the necessary parameters. Add the beak and eyes.

Add wings, legs and a line demarcating black and white colors on the body.

Paint over the black area.

We outline where the remaining figures will be located. We schematically indicate the poses.

On our left is Prapor. We begin to highlight its outline, beak and eye. Then we add flippers and legs.

On the right is Kowalski. We depict it in the same sequence.

The last figure is Rico. We do the same with him.

Now that the whole cheerful company has been drawn, you can start removing unnecessary lines and coloring. If you prefer, keep the drawing in black and white. If you want to add bright colors and surprise children with your skills, arm yourself with watercolors.

Drawing a penguin is easy if you are armed with a desire to create and some knowledge.


The penguin is a flightless black and white bird with a fairly large body. She has wings, legs and a beak. It can be seen in many pictures and illustrations. You can easily learn how to draw a penguin in this lesson.

It will help to correctly convey all the proportions of the penguin's body and head on flat paper, as well as add other important details. For example, a beak that has the shape of a drop. There will be a sharp corner on the right side, and a rounded outline on the left. The remaining parts must also have the correct shape, size and location. Therefore, we begin to learn more about how to draw a penguin with a pencil step by step. And for this we study all the stages of the lesson and begin to draw ourselves.

Materials and tools:

- paper;

- pencils and eraser.

If all the materials are at hand, then you can start the lesson in which we will learn how to draw a bird in the form of a penguin.

Drawing steps:

1. It is important to understand how to draw a penguin step by step. Therefore, we start with the most important elements. To do this, draw two ovals in the center of the sheet: a large one for the body, and a smaller one for the head.

2. Then add a beak to the drawing, a few feathers on the top of the head and a pair of legs along the lower contour of the body.

3. Draw the outline of the penguin’s tummy, tail and face.

4. Thicken the neck. To do this, we connect the contour of the head with the body using two arcs. We finish drawing the eyes with pupils and highlights, and also outline the line of the mouth on the beak.

5. It is important to understand how to draw a penguin with a pencil. Then the drawing will turn out more similar to the photo. On the sides of the body we draw the outline of two oblong wings.

6. Draw a beautiful outline of the body using an eraser. We also clarify the outline of all the details in the drawing so that we can proceed to coloring.

7. In addition to how to draw a penguin, many people wonder about its correct coloring. It should be remembered that such flightless birds have a black and white body. Therefore, first of all, we take a charcoal pencil, which we use to paint over the paws, tail and upper part of the head with the tuft.

8. We create the paws in yellow, but for the shadow we also use a bright orange tint.

9. We will also make the beak black.