Drawing an illustration for the fairy tale Kolobok. Drawing based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” in the older group step by step with photos

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.
So the old man says to the old woman:
- Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom, see if you can scrape some flour into a bun.

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour.
She kneaded the flour with sour cream, made a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

The gingerbread man lay there, lay there, picked it up, and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - and into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard through the gate, further and further.

A bun rolls along the road and a hare meets it:
- Don’t eat me, hare, I’ll sing you a song:
I am a bun, a bun,
I'm scraping the box
By the end of the day it's swept away,
Mechon on sour cream
Yes, there is yarn in butter,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I'll be leaving you, hare!

And he rolled down the road - only the hare saw him!
The bun rolls, a wolf meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Don’t eat me, gray wolf, I’ll sing you a song:
I am a bun, a bun,
I'm scraping the box
By the end of the day it's swept away,
Mechon on sour cream
Yes, there is yarn in butter,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I'll leave you soon, wolf!

And he rolled down the road - only the wolf saw him!
The bun rolls and a bear meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!
- Where can you, clubfoot, eat me!
I am a bun, a bun,
I'm scraping the box
By the end of the day it's swept away,
Mechon on sour cream
Yes, there is yarn in butter,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf
I'll leave you soon, bear!

And he rolled again - only the bear saw him!
The bun rolls and the fox meets it:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where are you going?
- I'm rolling along the path.
- Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song!
Kolobok sang:
I am a bun, a bun,
I'm scraping the box
By the end of the day it's swept away,
Mechon on sour cream
Yes, there is yarn in butter,
There is a chill on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf
Left the bear
It's easy to get away from you, fox!

And the fox says:
- Oh, the song is good, but I can’t hear well. Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my toe and sing one more time, louder.
The gingerbread man jumped up on the fox's nose and sang the same song louder.
And the fox told him again:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my tongue and sing for the last time.
The bun jumped on the fox's tongue, and the fox made a noise! - and ate it.

The fairy tale ends, those who listened did well.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a kolobok on a stump with a pencil step by step from the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This drawing is suitable if you need to draw the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Kolobok is a round-shaped character from a Russian folk tale who ran away from his grandfather and woman. Along the way he met animals and sang a song, they didn’t bother him, but he doesn’t know how cunning he is and succumbed to her tricks and was eaten.

Let's take this illustration and then add some herbs to bring the picture to life.

First we draw an oval, this will be the top of the stump. In perspective we see it as an oval, and if viewed from above, it is a circle.

Draw lines from the oval on the sides and on the stump itself, the head of the bun, i.e. circle. To make the circle even, you can take something round, for example, a mug and circle the bottom, or take a compass, or just by hand.

Erase what is in the circle and use light straight lines to mark the middle of the head and its location. On the left side of the stump, draw a piece of wood left over from the cut.

We draw the eyebrows of the bun and cheeks. On the top of the stump we show stripes that indicate how old the tree is.

The edges of the stump are not smooth, draw grass and mushrooms at the base of the stump.


Art lesson 6th grade

"Illustration of a fairy tale".

Prepared by art teacher Denisova I.A.

MAOU secondary school No. 45


The story can't keep up with the fairy tale

Let's remember the most famous fairy tales. Who are the heroes of these fairy tales?

  • An illustration is a drawing or any image placed in a book.
  • This word comes from the Latin “illustratio” - illumination, visual image.

The true story cannot keep up with the fairy tale.

The illustrations for these fairy tales were done by the artist Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev. E.M. Rachev is a magician, under whose brush a fairy tale comes to life. You look and look at these hares, foxes, bears, and you just can’t get enough of them. The heroes of Rachev’s drawings are “dressed” like people, in human clothes, so the artist wants to show that real life is hidden behind the fairy-tale plot and fairy-tale images. Rachev's color drawings are colorful and decorative. The artist worked in watercolors, which he laid in a thin transparent layer, gouache and charcoal.


Yuri Alekseevich

One of the famous illustrators is Yuri Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. More than one generation of young readers has grown up with Vasnetsov’s bright, entertaining drawings. His heroes are a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny kid, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, an evil wolf and a tricky fox.

A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a reality.

All of Vasnetsov’s illustrations are distinguished by the brightness of their colors. Vasnetsov worked very hard, drawing his favorite fairy tales many times. He studied in our city (Petrograd), in search of income, the young artist began working in the department of children's and youth literature of the State Publishing House, where he found himself illustrating children's books.

How does the artist show fabulousness?

"Kolobok" with eyes

other artists

See how modern artists depict fairy tale heroes.

Artist V. A. Zhigarev

How did the artists show that “Kolobok” is a Russian folk tale?

Artists A. and N. Baljac

Drawing the sky

watercolor on wet


Sunrise Sunset




Drawing bushes

watercolor by dipping the brush

Drawing trees

"dipping" the brush

Drawing trees



bristle brush

Drawing a birch tree

“trampling” with a piece of foam rubber

tip cotton wool sticks

Drawing Christmas trees

“dipping” the brush in a “wave”

“dipping” the brush with a “fan”

Drawing a stump

Practical work

Let's look at how to draw a kolobok on a stump with a pencil step by step from the fairy tale Kolobok is a character in a Russian folk tale, a round-shaped bread that ran away from his grandfather and woman. Along the way he met animals and sang a song, they didn’t touch him, but he doesn’t know how cunning the fox is and succumbed to her tricks and was eaten

First we draw an oval, this will be the top of the stump. In perspective we see it as an oval, and if viewed from above, it is a circle. Draw lines from the oval on the sides and on the stump itself, the head of the bun, i.e. circle. To make the circle even, you can take something round ,

Internet resources:





In this lesson we will look at how to draw the fairy tale Kolobok - the Fox and the Kolobok with a pencil step by step. This is the moment when the fox says: “I can’t hear well, sit closer.” The bun is naive and sat on the fox’s nose, she threw it up and ate it. What is the meaning of the fairy tale, I never thought, but now I’ve thought about it and, probably, not to be a naive simpleton and not to trust anyone you don’t know. You can post your versions in the comments. So, how to draw the Fox from the fairy tale Kolobok.

Let's make a sketch right away. First we draw a stump, then at a certain distance a large circle is the head, below is a sketch of the body, skirt and paws.

Now we draw the fox's face. Draw how you feel most comfortable, some will find it more convenient to draw from the nose, others from the forehead. Then we draw the mouth, ears and eyes.

We draw with small curves the area of ​​the fox’s white cheek, then the eyelashes and pupil, the shape of the ear inside. Draw the sleeve and make smoother lines.

Now we draw the toes, the bottom of the skirt and legs.

Draw the tail, the neck of the blouse, the decoration on the blouse, and separate the color on the legs. On the stump we draw the bark of a tree, and on the nose of the fox there is a bun. If you don’t know how to draw a kolobok, there is a separate lesson

Master class on drawing based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Direct educational activities in visual arts for children of senior preschool age.

Target: Teach children to draw a plot from a fairy tale
Improve the technique of using a brush, convey the characteristic features of the object;
Use elements of decorative drawing;
Strengthen the ability to arrange images well on a sheet of paper;
Develop aesthetic perception and imagination.
Preliminary work:
Reading and acting out the fairy tale “Kolobok”;
Conversation about the story read;
Examination of pictures, illustrations;
Prepare the work area: secure sheets of paper to the table with tape; Prepare paints and tools.

Equipment: Gouache paints, sheets of white or light blue paper in A-4 format, brushes No. 6, No. 2, jars of water, palette, napkins, tape.

Contents of the activity:
The teacher invites the children to guess riddles:
He is scraping the box,
He's dead-on,
He has a ruddy side
He's funny...

This red-haired cheat
The bun ate deftly.

Well done! Let's remember the fairy tale "Kolobok", how did it end?

On the edge of the forest
I met a red fox.
- Hello, red fox,
Do you want me to sing, sister?
And the bun began to sing again.

Hello, sweet little bun.
You're singing well, my friend.
Only I'm already old
I became deaf in my ears,
Sit on my tongue
And sing it one more time.

So the bun did.
He got on her tongue
And he got ready to sing again.
I didn’t have time to open my mouth,
How he hit the fox in the stomach.
The fox didn't listen to him
And she took it and ate it.

Today we will draw a plot from the fairy tale “Kolobok”. The moment when the fox holds the bun on his nose, and he sings his song. We look at the image and analyze it.

Execution sequence:
Our fox will be bright orange. To do this, we mix orange and red paints on the palette.
Just above the middle of the sheet, draw a circle with a thick brush.

Draw out a triangular nose, starting from the bottom of the muzzle.

We draw a sundress, it is triangular in shape. From the head we extend the lines down to the sides, connect them with a wavy line, and paint them.

Now we draw a fluffy long tail, it curls beautifully.

Front paws.

Hind legs. First, we draw two ovals under the sundress.

Then we stretch the paws up, they resemble a droplet.

While our fox is drying, let's draw a bun. It is yellow in color and sits on the fox's nose.

Let the bun dry and paint the background with blue gouache. Snowdrifts in the form of a wave, and a thin brush of snowflakes. Then we continue to draw the drawing with brush No. 2.

We use white paint to bring our characters to life. We mark the eyes, decorate the sundress and fur coat of the fox using dots, droplets, wavy and straight lines.

We complete the drawing with black gouache of the characters’ eyes, eyelashes, fox’s nose, and notes.

Draw the bun's nose and mouth.

So our plot from the fairy tale “Kolobok” is ready.

Guys, what do you think, could the fairy tale have had a different ending and the bun could have lived on? Children fantasize... The teacher reads out the continuation of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Kolobok. Continuation.
You know it well
Merry bun??
He ran away from all the animals,
But I couldn’t do it from the fox.

He was a braggart and a merry fellow
And he sang songs loudly,
With a cunning red fox
Still managed to cope!

Jumped very high
Grabbed the fox by the tail
And so he ran away,
Not so simple anymore!

For a very long time he was out of fear
Rolled head over heels
But suddenly the forest ended,
And here is a wonderful house!

Now pies live in it,
Candies, cakes, pretzels,
Cookies, gingerbread, pie
And with them - a brave bun!

All the forest people come to visit them
I started walking on Sunday
And the bun sang songs to them
And he treated me to jam!

Here is a fox in a red fur coat on a white background, and this is a red fox on a light blue background.