Theater pencil drawing step by step for beginners. How to draw a theater curtain in Photoshop

How to draw an eye with a pencil step by step

STEP 1. At the first stage we need to draw the shape of the eye. Although this is the first stage of the picture, it requires a lot of attention. After all, if the shape of the eye is not the same as you want, then the whole drawing will not look very pretty.

STEP 2. Now we draw the pupil. This is the hole in the iris through which light rays enter. The apple of the eye can contract with the help of the sphincter or expand with a dilator controlled by sympathetic fibers. I'll picture it fully expanded. Although this human condition is not natural.

STEP 3. Large pupil size is usually caused by emotional stimulation, pain, or the introduction into the body of symptomatic drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, adrenaline), hallucinogenic (like LSD), or anticholinergic. A glare is also visible on the apple of the eye - a reflection of light rays. One small round one is just above the center and the second larger one is located to the left (from the viewer's point of view). We need to add shadows. We'll add eyelashes later.

STEP 4. Here we will add darkening in the pupil, which will give it depth and realism. I also added some shadow on the eyelashes and the top of the eyeball.

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Rules for drawing arrows

The question of how to correctly draw arrows on the eyes worries many women. A beautiful arrow can be drawn only if it is done sequentially in several stages.

You need to draw an arrow with a “steady” hand, otherwise the line will not be straight, but wavy, which is unacceptable. To prevent this from happening, you need to place a mirror at eye level, and rest the elbow of the hand that is used to line your eyes on a hard surface.
You don’t need to draw an arrow with your eye closed or open, it’s inconvenient. It is best if the eye is half closed. In this case, it will be immediately obvious how well the arrow is drawn.
Whatever the width of the arrow you plan to draw, initially it should be drawn thin and gradually thickened if necessary.
Most women believe that the arrow should be drawn with one solid line. But in this case it is almost impossible to draw a straight line. It is best to draw the arrow in two steps. From the inner corner to the middle, and from the middle to the outer corner.
The inner edge of the arrow should be drawn along the eyelash growth line. If you leave a distance between the eyelashes and the eyeliner, it will look sloppy, and the eyelashes will not look impressive, even if they are very thick and beautifully painted.
The arrows on both eyes should be the same length and width. Even the slightest deviation is unacceptable, since with different arrows the eyes will look asymmetrical, even if in fact the woman does not have such a defect.
If eye makeup includes not only arrows, but also shadows, then the arrows are drawn on top of the shadows.

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Please draw me the sea,
So that quiet waves flash,
To the smells of happiness and will
My chest was filled to the brim.

Draw the sand under my feet
Yellow-yellow, like a ray of sunshine.
And decorate the sky with clouds,
Just don't draw clouds, please.

Draw me a kite
So that the wind plays with him rebelliously.
So that I, having nothing,
She continued to be kind and gentle.

Will you draw me the sea and the sky?
And will you strew it with clouds?
Can you draw me an eternal summer?
And sand under your bare feet?

Draw, but don’t put a dot yet,
I didn't tell you the main thing,
Please draw me a daughter,
And draw yourself at the pier.

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How to make a treasure map

Take a sheet of wrapping paper of the desired size. If the paper is white, it is better to tint it “antique”. To do this, you need to make the background light brown. Let dry.

Draw on a piece of paper a map of the area where the treasure has already been hidden or will be hidden. For example, draw a plan of a yard or summer cottage: buildings, paths, trees. Mark the place where the treasure is buried with a symbol. If you wish, you can encrypt the map - for example, instead of an image of a house, draw a rebus in which the word “house” will be encrypted.

Carefully burn the sheet on which the map is drawn along the edges on all sides. Fold the card several times. Ready!

Which of us didn't play pirates as a child? Who hasn't dreamed of finding treasure? Everything is in your hands: hide your treasures, draw a map. Well, let the finder have a prize! - wrapping paper
- gouache
- brush
- matches or lighter
- felt-tip pens If you have a large card, for example, the size of a sheet of Whatman paper, it will be more convenient to tint it not with a brush, but with a dishwashing sponge. The sponge, of course, must be clean.

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How to draw the correct oval

First, let's find out what an oval is (from the Latin ovum - egg): a convex closed flat curve without corner points, for example, an ellipse.
Now let’s find any cup on the farm and place it at a short distance from us (up to 1 meter).
If you are sitting much higher than the cup is, for example, you are sitting on a regular chair, and it was placed on a children's highchair, then you see the ellipse as almost not flattened. If you place the cup somewhere at eye level (the so-called horizon line), the oval will turn into a narrow strip with rounded edges.
So, let's choose a position for the cup.

Now, armed with a pencil, let’s draw by hand (without the help of a ruler) two perpendicular lines.
The one that is vertical is very important - it is called the axis of symmetry, and is the basis for all further constructions.

The next stage is related to the sighting method. It consists of covering one eye, extending your hand with a pencil and noticing on the pencil what the length is. It should be marked with two extreme points on the horizontal axis so that the distance on the left and right is the same.

Now, also using a pencil, we repeat the same operation, but now for the vertical axis, to determine the width of the future oval. We mark it with two extreme points, symmetrical with respect to the center.

We also draw the next pair of lines through two horizontal points parallel to those already drawn. According to the rules of perspective in a drawing, parallel horizontal lines receding into depth have vanishing points outside the sheet of paper. It is neither possible nor necessary to draw a continuation of these lines in order to trace where they will converge. In drawing, the directions of these parallel lines are determined by eye.

So we get the last missing point on the vertical axis. It was needed in order to draw an arc through it, which in the figure is farthest from us.
We also draw the arc closest to us.
Carefully erase the auxiliary lines (axes parallel to straight lines).
Upon completion of the work, the figure clearly shows that the distance from the center of the cup to its back wall is much shorter than the distance from the front wall to the center. Look at nature, is this true? If you did everything according to the instructions, then drawing the lower oval of the cup (bottom) in perspective will not cause you any difficulties.

It's nice not to depend on computer programs, but to be able to draw by hand. This is still highly valued even among computer designers. What can we say about ordinary users, for whom mastering these programs is sometimes hard work, but hand-drawn

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Pastel drawing - Egyptian Mau cat

1) In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a cat of the Egyptian Mau breed. These are very beautiful cats with large eyes the color of currant green or yellow-amber. The Egyptian Mau has a wonderful and unique color. This is their distinctive feature. For this painting we will need a pastel sheet of dark blue A4 size. Let's make a sketch with a white, well-sharpened pastel pencil.

2) Let's move on to drawing the eyes and nose. For the eyes, use green, yellow, dark orange, and black pastel pencils. Carefully shade the eye, make the pupil black, and finally add highlights with a white pastel pencil. For the nose, use white, pink, black, red pastel pencils. Around the eyes and nose, shade lightly with a white pencil and rub with your finger. When drawing such small details, your pencils must be well sharpened!

3) Shade the ear first with a pink pastel pencil, and over it with a white pastel pencil. Rub everything with your finger. Add black shades and rub. Now sharpen a white pastel pencil well and draw white hairs with quick and light movements.

4) Shade the cat's head with a white and gray pastel pencil. You can add a few touches of blue somewhere. After this, rub everything with your finger.

5) We begin to clarify the details. Using a white pencil, using small strokes, we imitate the growth of fur. Draw the stripes with small strokes of black.

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How to draw a cat with a pencil

The cat is one of those animals that evoke sympathy among people of different ages. Naturally, I want to draw it, and as realistically as possible. And what does it contain: four legs, a body, a head, ears, a tail and grouping all this together - the cat is ready. It’s not difficult, but you need to do everything correctly and in order so as not to disappoint yourself and those around you with your creative talent.

First, as a rule, we make a sketch. We draw the basic shapes of the animal, that is, the head and torso. Draw a circle on the sheet for the head and a rough elongated oval for the body.
Now we are working on the lines. They should not be rude, as we outlined at first. When giving the shape and position of our cat, we try to make smooth, smoothly flowing lines.

Next is the muzzle. Draw a cross on the circle that is the head. The cross is needed to show where the animal's eyes, nose and mouth will be located.
We place triangles in the corners - these are the cat's ears, which are important for such a predator.

Next, draw the cat’s paws and draw a tail on top.
To make it even more realistic, we also add some fur.
The cat is almost ready.
We erase unnecessary sketches and lines. Afterwards we finish some nuances (location of the hind legs, fur, shadow of the animal).

The last moment is to draw the antennae, remember what they are like on cats and reproduce the same ones. Your cat should turn out great, keep experimenting.

Drawing is an art that cannot be taken away from its owner. People, young and old, can create whatever they want on a piece of paper. If you are just learning and want to draw, say, a cat beautifully, then this is the place for you! A blank album sheet, pencils (colored).

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How to draw a picture with paints

Choose watercolor paints. It's easiest to start painting a picture with them. They can convey all shades and add brightness when shined through. Choose what surface you will paint on - wet or dry. When drawing on a wet surface, the outlines of objects are blurred, which is useful in landscape compositions or when filling vegetables and fruits in the background.

Take drawing paper - it does not swell from excess water, and the places that need to be corrected can be easily washed off with foam rubber. Place the paper at an angle of 30-40 degrees to ensure the paint spreads evenly.

Make pencil sketches of the main objects. If this is a still life, then determine the location of the table or other surface and the fruit and vegetable composition. If this is a portrait, then take into account the proportions of the person, and if it is a landscape, then light sketches will be enough - the colors will play the main role. When painting with paints, especially watercolors, take into account the fact that you need to think through the shade of each stroke in advance. The error can be corrected only with the help of damp foam rubber. Then apply the necessary strokes on the already well-dried surface.

Paint the general background with foam rubber or a wide squirrel brush. When painting large areas, make sure there is enough paint on the brush. Apply the background from light to dark. Please note that the white effect when painting with watercolors is achieved only by unpainted or well-washed areas with water. Be careful not to tear or roll the paper.

Determine the sunny side and shaded areas in the picture. Based on this, sketch all the objects. Mix paints on the palette - in a drawing, overlapping color layers can lead to a simple distortion of the color of dark shades. Apply each subsequent stroke next to the previous one with a slightly moistened brush for a smooth transition.

Paintings have the gift of attracting attention over and over again. The unique play of shades allows you to convey everything down to the smallest detail. But how exactly to draw a picture with paints? - drawing paper,
- pencil,
- eraser,
- paints.

How to draw an anchor

Draw a modern anchor design with two sharp edges at the bottom. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the sheet, slightly narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom. This will be the anchor spindle. Draw a circle around the upper border of the spindle, the so-called. eye - a place where a cable or rope is attached to raise or lower an anchor. At the top of the vertical, draw a horizontal line - the rod. Secure the lower part of the spindle with a large tick.

Draw the individual parts of the anchor in more detail. Draw the spindle in the form of two straight lines, draw each of which at the bottom pointing in different directions, forming an anchor, its main part. This way you will get two anchor horns. The junctions of the lines should be smooth. Make each horn three-dimensional by adding another line that follows the outline of the anchor. At the tips of the horns, draw lobes - wide plates with sharp outer peaks. Please note that the heel of the anchor must be quite sharp.

Draw the stem in detail. From the inclined straight line, at a short distance, draw another one with the same slope, but slightly convex, thus delimiting the side and lower parts of the rod. Connect both lines with several vertical strokes. Now draw another inclined line repeating the outline and continue the vertical strokes at an angle slightly greater than 90 degrees. Draw a neck above the upper border of the stem - draw a small rectangle and divide it in half with a vertical line. Make the eye ring double.

Darken certain areas of the anchor: the lower part of the blade and the right horn. Shade the stem and the neck and its right side with short lines. Also darken the section of the spindle that runs along the right border of the vertical - the drawn anchor is ready.

An anchor is a special metal structure that is designed to secure a ship in one place. It has many different types, but the base is always the same - a heavy bottom, which is fixed to a straight metal vertical. A drawn anchor is most often used as a maritime symbol. - landscape sheet;
- pencil;
- eraser.

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How to draw a daffodil

Make pencil sketches in the middle of the sheet and arrange the individual details. In the upper part, draw a hexagon - the basis of the flower itself. To do this, draw two equal trapezoids that have a common base, with their convex parts facing opposite sides. Draw the middle in the form of an oval and depict the stem and leaf with simple strokes.

Draw the details of the daffodil more accurately. From each vertex of the hexagon, draw straight lines converging towards the middle. These lines will be the vertical axes for the flower petals. Mark the midpoints of the lines. Now draw strokes from each vertex, expanding to the designated points. Next, add strokes to the middle of the flower in the form of straight parallel lines.

To draw a daffodil, draw the flower petals with smooth lines - smooth out the main contours. Draw a slight curling of the petals with wavy lines located at their walls. Draw the middle of the daffodil. First, make the borders of the oval jagged with small steps. On the right side of the oval, draw a small dome, making the middle more voluminous.

Draw part of the narcissus stem in the form of a tubular arc connecting the flower itself and the straight thin stem with the wide side directed towards the petals. Draw the leaf of the plant as elongated and narrow with a pointed apex.

Draw the flower with a simple pencil. Densely shade the middle of the daffodil with straight, thin lines diverging from the middle to the borders of the oval. On the petals, draw rays running along the vertical midline. Shade both the left side of the stem and the top of the daffodil leaf.

Sketch the flower itself in yellow. Make the middle a tone darker. Sketch the leaf and stem in an even green tone.

Narcissus is one of the first spring flowers. So gentle and at the same time strict, unapproachable, noticing only his own beauty. Such beauty can be retained for a long time only on a piece of paper. - album sheet;
- pencil;
- eraser.

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How to draw a butterfly
Start your drawing by constructing auxiliary lines. First, draw a line that will become the axis of symmetry of the butterfly’s body; the head, chest and abdomen will be located along it. Secondly, mark a point in the middle of this line. Draw two lines from it on each side; these auxiliary elements will set the direction of the upper and lower wings of the butterflies. Make sure that the angles between the corresponding lines and the axis of symmetry are the same.
Draw an elongated oval located on the axis of symmetry. Divide it into three parts: the first, very small, corresponds to the head, the other two are approximately the same in length - the chest and abdomen of the lepidopteran beauty.
Select the eyes on the head, they are set on the sides, as well as rather long antennae and a proboscis, in a calm state it is curled into a spiral. If you are drawing a particular butterfly, make sure that it has a sucking mouthpart, and not, for example, a gnawing mouthpart, like some families of Lepidoptera.
Draw the chest. All the “limbs” of the butterfly, if you can call them that, are attached to the body in this area. Mark three segments on the chest. On the second and third from the head you will need to draw wings, but it is better to leave drawing them for later. Draw three pairs of butterfly legs in the form of dashes with clearly defined joints.
Draw the butterfly's abdomen as an oval. Keep in mind that it is quite mobile.
Start drawing the wings. If you are depicting a specific butterfly, study its appearance, the shape of the plates, their colors, and the structure of the cells. If you want to draw a collective image, you can come up with the shape and venation yourself (the presence of cells on the wing plate), as well as the color.
Color the drawing. To color a representative of an existing butterfly species, use the necessary shades; look on the Internet to see what female and male individuals look like. For a fictional butterfly, combine the colors you like.
In order to draw a butterfly, it is important to imagine the structure of its body, the shape and venation of its wings, and to take into account in the image the coloring features of a particular type of Lepidoptera. - paper;

How to draw an icon

How to draw an icon

In order to draw an icon, prepare the necessary equipment. Choose a desk as your workplace and see if it’s comfortable for you to sit at. After this, clear the table surface of unnecessary things, make room for a piece of paper, pencils, markers and paints.

First, think about how you would like to draw the icon. Concept or idea are very important components of a drawing. Ask yourself what your icon will symbolize. Come up with an interesting drawing. Make a couple of sketches. If you have no ideas, go online and look at pictures of different icons, maybe something will come to your mind.

Get to work, use a pencil to outline the shape of the icon. As a rule, the icon is round in shape, so to simplify your task and pay more attention to the content of the icon design, take a stencil. For these purposes, any round object that can be attached to paper and traced with a pencil can serve you. Use a jar of cream or saucer, depending on the size of your icon. You can also use a compass.

Once you have decided on the size, start drawing. You can draw your favorite animal or flower, write the name of a loved one or a favorite expression, whatever comes to your mind. Make a rough drawing with a soft pencil, and correct the extra lines with an eraser. After that, think about what color scheme suits your drawing, first take watercolors, when the paint is dry, take markers or gouache and make the drawing brighter.

A metal badge that can be pinned to a backpack, vest or jacket. It can mean anything. A distinctive sign, a highlight that complements your image. You can buy it in a store, or you can draw it yourself. - pencil,
-stencil Make as many design options as possible to choose the final version.

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Dandelions in watercolor.

Well, the first flowers have bloomed. Among them are my favorite dandelions. I have already shown how to paint dandelions in oil, and now I want to paint them in watercolor.

First, we’ll just draw colored “blobs” of future colors using lemon and yellow paint.

Let's mark the place where the white balls of ripe dandelions will be located. To do this, use almost transparent paint and a thin brush to draw a circle and place small translucent spots in it. The dandelion ball in the center will be much darker than at the edges. For spots, you can mix gray, blue and then add a little light yellow paint for a tint.

Using yellow with the addition of ocher and light red paint, use a thin brush to paint the petals of yellow flowers, not forgetting where the light comes from.

Draw the background. You can first wet the paper, or you can simply paint over it with a thick brush, going around the flowers and balls, avoiding strong drips and drying. On the top and left of the yellow flowers, you should leave unpainted white areas of the paper, like a bright glare of light.

Mix pale green paint with yellow and paint the stems of dandelions. In some places you can add a red tint. Gradually we will begin to draw the leaves, leaving the stems unpainted.

With the next pass we will enhance the dark color, again leaving the leaves and new stems and blades of grass unpainted. At the same time, draw the background around the white balls with strokes, making their edges uneven and loose. For the background, it is better to take a thicker brush and mix dark green, pale blue, yellow, and a little purple.

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In this tutorial we will create red curtains using filters, vector objects and layer styles. You will learn how to create realistic textures, draw beautiful ropes, create shadows and work on the shape of vector elements.

Final result:

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with a size of 1000x1000 pixels.

Step 2

Set the default colors (D), create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and apply Fiber filter(Filter>Render>Fiber) (Filter>Render>Fiber).

Step 3

Apply Filter Application(Filter > Artistic > Cutout).

Step 4

Apply Motion Blur filter(Filter> Blur> Motion Blur) (Filter> Blur> Motion Blur).

Step 5

Double-click on the layer with the resulting texture to open the styles window. Apply style Color overlay(Color Overlay): Mode - Multiplication.

Step 6

Create a copy of the texture layer (Ctrl + J) and hide the original by clicking on the eye icon of the layer. Tool Rectangular area(Rectangular Marquee Tool) (M) Select the left half of the texture, cut it from the layer (Ctrl + X) and paste it on a separate layer (Ctrl + V). You will notice that after pasting, the red color will disappear. To add color again, copy the color blend style from the previous layer via the context menu and paste it onto the new layer.

While on the layer with half the texture, activate Warp mode(Edit > Transform > Warp) (Edit > Transform > Warp) and change the shape of the texture as shown in the screenshot.

Place the resulting curtain at the left edge, and then create the same one on the right.

Step 7

Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) and draw the bottom of the curtain as shown below. Lower the layer's opacity to change the curvature of the bottom edge. The color of the figure is not important.

Select the drawn shape (hold Ctrl and click on the layer thumbnail). Go to menu Editing> Clear(Edit > Clear).

Change the bottom edge of the other curtain.

Step 8

Go back to the original texture layer and create a rectangular selection. Copy it to a separate layer (Ctrl + J). Place the texture horizontally using the mode Free transformation(Ctrl + T), activate warp mode, select warp type Arc from below(Arc Lower) and set the Bend to 70%.

Resize the new curtain piece and center it at the top. Create two copies and place them on the sides.

Step 9

Now we will create the curtain tassels. Choose #ecc242 as your main color. To draw ropes we need to prepare a brush. Create a new document in Photoshop measuring 200x150 pixels with a transparent background. Tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) draw this shape:

Apply the following styles to this shape:

Stroke(Stroke): Position - Outside, Mode - Normal, Stroke Type - Color.

Inner shadow


Go to menu Editing > Define Brush(Edit > Define Brush Preset) and save the brush as “Rope”. Return to the main document, open the brushes panel (F5), select the created brush and configure it like this:

Select a tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) in Paths mode and draw a line as shown in the screenshot. Right-click on it and select Stroke the outline(Stroke Path).

In the window that appears, select Brush(Brush) and the outline will be outlined with the previously configured brush.

Step 10

Select all the rope layers and merge them (Ctrl + E). Apply the following styles to the resulting layer:

Inner shadow(Inner Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.

External glow(Outer Glow): Mode - Lightening, Method - Soft.

Casting a Shadow

Step 11

Select for tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P) Shape mode. Draw two elements as shown below.

Apply the following styles to the bottom element:

Inner glow(Inner Glow): Mode - Overlay.

Gloss(Satin): Mode - Overlay.

Casting a Shadow(Drop Shadow): Mode - Multiplication.


Apply the same styles to the top element, except for the style Gloss(Satin). Create a copy of the two elements, rotate them in the other direction (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) (Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal) and place them on the right curtain.

Step 12

Create a new layer under the top curtains. Select a soft brush with 20% opacity and paint the shadows underneath.

Step 13

Now let's create shadows from the side curtains. Create a copy of the left curtain layer and lower it under the original. Apply style Color overlay(Color Overlay): black color. In Warp mode, change the shape of the shadow a little.

Reduce the opacity of the shadow layer to 30%. Then do the same with the right curtain.

Step 14

Create shadows from the brushes in the same way. To draw a shadow on the floor, use the tool Feather(Pen Tool) (P). Opacity of shadows on the floor - 30%.

Step 15

Place all existing layers into a group (Ctrl + G). Merge the group on one layer (Ctrl + E) and apply a filter Gaussian blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) with a value of 5 pixels.

Final result.

The stage is the most important part of the theater. Usually it is located in front of the audience, on a small hill. There are varieties of theaters in which this area is circular, and the audience seats are located around it. To learn how to draw a scene, you should know what elements it consists of.

How to Draw a Theater Scene in Three Steps

While learning the steps on how to draw a theater stage, you need to decide what kind of scene you want to draw - open or closed. Basically, a box stage or a closed version consists of an entrance arch and the mirror itself, where the performance takes place. Each plot is further divided into separate blocks.

When starting to create a simple place for the main theatrical action, it is better to start with the wings, since they occupy the front part of the picture. To do this, draw a horizontal line at the top of the sheet - this will be the ceiling. The backstage will extend from the sides of it - two thick curtains, which at the end of the performance will close the playing part from the audience. Our curtains will be tied in the middle with a thick rope.

Next we draw the walls in the form of vertical lines behind the scenes. And we depict the platform itself in the form of a volumetric semicircle cut off on the sides. The viewer sees the front part, called the proscenium, the main stage, and the rear stage is almost invisible to them. It is there, behind the back curtain, that props and scenery are stored, as well as removable rolling platforms or furkas. We finish the ceiling by drawing several strips on the front of the box. On top there is a curtain hung almost horizontally, the so-called paduga, hiding the lamps and various attributes. This could also be a curtain that closes the playing area after the end of the performance.

We complete the drawing by drawing stripes along the floor of the stage, which is also called a tablet, imitating wooden planks. To ensure the safety of the performers, there should not be even the smallest gaps between the boards, and the wood should also be well sanded. On the top and side curtains we draw stripes that create the appearance of folds. Now the theater stage is almost ready.

Drawing the scene in color

Even a pencil drawing can fully convey the volume and beauty of a particular part of the theater. And if you add colors to the image, the bright picture will be even more realistic. Therefore, you need to know how to draw a scene with a pencil, so that later, by coloring it in different ways, you will get more and more new images.

Let's start drawing with the curtains. To do this, we make sketches for the next steps in the form of irregular ovals. To do this, it is better to take some bright color so that it is clearly visible against a gray background.

Then, against the background of these strokes, we draw with a simple pencil the soft folds of the curtains - side and top. The lines are soft semi-ovals.

Now we erase the sketches. We also draw a horizontal line separating the wall from the site. Then vertical lines, wooden planks.

Next we move on to the fun part - decorating. The back wall can be made blue, the curtains can be contrasting, such as red, and the wooden floor can be made yellow, like wood. Although the choice of colors remains with the artist.

You wanted to visit a puppet theater and sold your primer for this purpose?! So, today you can learn how to draw it with colored pencils step by step. Externally, it will look like a large tent, with a beautiful entrance made of multi-colored columns and a covering. The design will also include a bright garland of flags and musicians.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

Step by step drawing of a theater

Theater is the oldest of the different types of arts. Theater originated a very long time ago. According to historical data, performances were already given in the theaters of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Back then, all the roles on stage were played by men. Later, theaters developed. And now, despite the widespread use of the Internet, the theater still exists and continues to operate. After all, you can’t compare the performance of actors seen live with anything. This smell of the wings, the stage, the very atmosphere of the theater is something magical and bewitching.

The actors put their whole soul into their performance, they live the lives of their characters on stage, give us their emotions, and we empathize with them. If you have the opportunity to go to the theater at least sometimes, do not deny yourself this pleasure. Be sure to go and as often as possible.

The theater has long had its own unspoken symbols. And one of them are images of theatrical masks. They personify different theatrical plots: comedy and tragedy. Masks appeared in ancient times. The actors put them on their faces and, with the help of masks, conveyed the character of their character. Then masks could depict human faces, animal faces, or even any invented characters. But it is usually believed that two masks: the tragic and the comic represent the theater. We will draw theatrical masks here step by step. Stage 1. Draw auxiliary lines (framework) of our future image. We draw vertical lines and then intersect them with perpendiculars. And on the second mask we will also draw the angle of the line. Then we begin to smoothly outline the contours of the faces of the masks.

Stage 2. Draw slits for the eyes and mouth along the lines. The eyes are oval, the mouth of the masks differs in shape, since one mask should be laughing, the other crying. Next, we add eyebrow lines on top of the eyes along the horizontal lines and noses along the vertical lines.

Stage 3. To the image of the laughing mask we will add a few more features that look like wrinkles from laughter. Then on both masks we will add features above the eyes, at the nose and at the corners of the mouth.

Stage 4. There are still some lines left to draw. These are spots on the cheeks and chin.

Stage 5. Our masks are ready. We didn't color them too brightly. It turns out that they seem to have just been made and have not yet been completely painted for any plot. Preparations, so to speak. But you still need to tint them. Ehto light colors with the image of shadow and light areas.

This will be an unusual lesson, we will try to show another art using art. More precisely, we will learn how to draw a theater with a pencil step by step. And it won’t be any nonsense like the scene or the audience, but an attempt to depict the acting itself. The drawing itself is well-known, I’m sure you’ve seen it more than once on the Internet: There are many genres of theatrical art: dramatic, opera, ballet, puppetry, pantomime and others. The most popular of them is drama theater, because it reflects reality, conflicts of characters, problems that are not spoken about out loud. Even if this motive has already been worn to holes, but as long as a person lives, he will exist. That's how people are made.

How to draw a theater with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of two men on paper. Pay attention to their height, as well as the placement of their hands.

Step two. Let's draw the head and torso.

Step three. Let's round the shapes, make the lines smoother and add details.

Step four. Let's add some shading to make the drawing more realistic, and you're done:

Here you can find many more good scenes to draw, for example.

Today's lesson will be about how to draw a ballerina with a pencil. A ballerina is a girl dancing an incredibly beautiful dance, and although a drawing cannot convey all its chic, you can capture one moment. The most common ballet movement, often depicted, is when a girl stands on one leg, reaches up, and, throwing her head back, extends her arms. She is gentle as well as sophisticated. There are many figurines in the same pose. Although not everyone understands ballet, in reality it is the most complex and sophisticated dance. The girls dancing it resemble vines, because they are also graceful and flexible.

But its grace is not as easy to convey with pencil on paper as it might seem. So you should proceed step by step.

So, in order to understand how to draw a ballerina step by step, you need to take a pencil and a sheet of paper. Just remember the rule - do not put pressure on the pencil to easily remove errors.

Step 1. Any person begins to be drawn from a frame. For a ballerina, you need to start with three circles - the head, chest and hips. They are connected by lines. The arms are extended to the sides, one leg is back, and the other is on the ground, slightly bent.

Step 2. Next you need to give it a little shape - that is, add a shoulder and legs, up to the knee.

Step 3. This step is probably the most difficult, because you need to depict the face and head of a beautiful dancer. To do this, draw the neck, face and hair. Since the girl is dancing, her hair seems to be in flight. The face needs to be drawn very carefully, not forgetting about the ears, which are exposed in this pose.

Step 4. We need to finish the face and draw the hands. Graceful arms in flight, hands and thin fingers.

Step 5. The next step will be to add volume to her body and chest. You also need to draw a pack.

Step 6. Here the legs are already drawn, dancing, shod in special shoes. The girl stands on her tiptoes, stretching out her other leg, also stretching out her toes. For a clear example, you can look at photographs of dancers - ballerinas.

Step 7. At this stage, you need to erase all unnecessary lines, remove the frame lines and add little details, such as folds of brocade, curls of hair, curves of the neck and body. Draw the top of the dress with a pencil.

Step 8 Now the graceful and unique ballerina can be decorated.

Step 9. The next step will be the background. You can draw a theater scene in the background, or a starry sky, because everything in the drawing should not be natural. You can add a little fantasy.

This is the end of the lesson on how to draw a ballerina correctly. The main thing to remember is that if you don’t get it realistically the first time, you don’t have to give up everything. And draw lines again and again, in order to still achieve success in this interesting art - drawing.

Watch the video, it shows how to beautifully draw a ballerina in motion with a pencil. Even a child can master this lesson.

You wanted to visit a puppet theater and sold your primer for this purpose?! So, today you can learn how to draw it with colored pencils step by step. Externally, it will look like a large tent, with a beautiful entrance made of multi-colored columns and a covering. The design will also include a bright garland of flags and musicians.

Necessary materials:

Drawing steps:

  1. We outline with a simple pencil the general shape of the puppet theater, which has the shape of a large tent. To do this, draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. From its ends we draw two vertical lines. At the top we will add a corner that will become a dome. On the left side we will add a corner of the tent.

  2. We finish drawing the entrance to the puppet theater in the foreground. We will place vertical columns of short length on the sides and connect them with a long strip. Below it we draw another horizontal line to add volume.

  3. We complement the columns with wide ribbons that will be braided around the elements. To show this in the drawing, we depict arcuate lines on objects. We also detail the lower part of the entrance. Let’s add the inscription “Puppet Theatre”. You should also draw a small window under the visor, which will be the theater ticket office.

  4. From the left to the right side we draw a long arc. On it we depict flags that will float in the air from the wind. We secure the garland of flags on both sides using vertical lines.

  5. Let's add the top of the theater in the form of a circle. Now let's finish drawing the dolls that will stand on the top of the canopy and play different instruments. This includes a violin, a drum, a flute, and tambourines. There will be four characters in total. They are all different in appearance.

  6. We begin to color a step-by-step black and white drawing of a puppet theater with colored pencils. First, let's select two shades of red and the same amount of green. We paint the pillars and the lower part of the canopy with light shades of red and green, alternating colors. Then we will add darker shades to create volume.

  7. The puppet theater itself will be yellow. That’s why we paint the tent with a bright yellow pencil. Then we add orange tones along the contour using a pencil. We will also paint them near the cash register window.

  8. We take three different colors of pencils and color the top point of the theater dome and the flags on the string. To do this, we use a red, green and blue pencil.

  9. Let's move on to dolls that play various musical instruments. For this purpose, we take pencils of dark green, yellow, orange, red and burgundy. We combine them with each other and, if necessary, add new shades.

  10. At the last stage, you should take a black pencil and draw it along all the contour lines. Puppet theater drawings have become much more expressive and attractive.

Step by step drawing of a theater

This will be an unusual lesson, we will try to show another art using art. More precisely, we will learn how to draw a theater with a pencil step by step. And it won’t be any nonsense like the scene or the audience, but an attempt to depict the acting itself. The drawing itself is well-known, I’m sure you’ve seen it more than once on the Internet: There are many genres of theatrical art: dramatic, opera, ballet, puppetry, pantomime and others. The most popular of them is drama theater, because it reflects reality, conflicts of characters, problems that are not spoken about out loud. Even if this motive has already been worn to holes, but as long as a person lives, he will exist. That's how people are made.

How to draw a theater with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a sketch of two men on paper. Pay attention to their height, as well as the placement of their hands.
Step two. Let's draw the head and torso.
Step three. Let's round the shapes, make the lines smoother and add details.
Step four. Let's add some shading to make the drawing more realistic, and you're done:
Here you can find many more good scenes to draw, for example.