The concept of courtliness arises in the era. The meaning of the word courtly in the explanatory dictionary of Efremova

Some doctors strongly recommend refraining from taking baths if you have a cold. Others recommend water procedures as one of the methods of treating the disease. Is it possible to take a bath when you have a cold, and how will this affect the body? Let's figure it out.

Are baths good for colds?

You can take baths when you have a cold. They have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve fatigue and muscle pain. This procedure will be especially useful if you add various essential oils or decoctions to the water. medicinal herbs(this could be chamomile, sage, yarrow). It helps well in the presence of bronchitis or tracheitis, as it promotes the active separation of sputum.

You heat? Is it possible to take a hot bath in this case if you have a cold? If your body temperature is above 38.5 °C, it is better to refrain from water procedures. Also, a bath will not be useful when the patient has:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • pressure surges;
  • or hypertension;
  • severe headaches.

If you ask doctors whether it is possible to take a bath during a cold, if you have any diseases of the cardiovascular system, the answer will be negative. In this case, the procedure may cause complications.

How to take baths when you have a cold?

Even if you can take a bath when you have a cold, you need to do it correctly so that the procedure does not cause harm. Do not swim in very hot water. Its temperature should be no more than 37 degrees. Violation of such rules may aggravate the symptoms of the disease. To take a bath better evening. Immediately after completing the procedure, you need to drink tea or warm milk with honey, and then go to bed, putting on warm socks.

Do you like to be in the water for a long time? But is it possible long time lie in the bathroom when you have a cold? Since your body is weakened, you should limit the time you spend in the bathroom. Very high humidity can negatively affect the patient’s condition, because it increases mucus production in the nasopharynx and larynx. Because of this, after taking a bath, the cough and runny nose will become much worse.

People often ask why you can't wash yourself when you're sick. Let's figure out how water procedures affect our body, when you can and should wash yourself, and when you have to refuse to take a bath.

general information

There is an opinion that at the moment when the body is attacked by viruses, water procedures weaken the immune system. Is this true and why can’t you wash when you’re sick? There are some rules and contraindications for taking a bath during illness. Doctors recommend treating the procedure responsibly, then it will not only not cause harm, but will also improve your well-being.

The fact is that a warm bath usually has beneficial influence on the body. Sea salt, various medicinal herbs and essential oils are added to such healing baths. Warm water can relieve fatigue and muscle pain. It cleanses pores and refreshes.

Then why can't you wash when you're sick? When dealing with colds and flu, many try to avoid water procedures until complete recovery, as they fear the condition will worsen. How justified is this? Let's sort things out in order.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors are surprised when they hear this myth and cannot understand why you can’t wash yourself when you have a cold or flu. Moreover, modern experts say that washing during illness is simply necessary. However, water procedures have their own contraindications and recommendations, which we will discuss below.

A cold can last for weeks, and avoiding a bath in this case is simply unforgivable. The fact is that during illness a person sweats often and profusely and takes diaphoretics. Sweat can clog pores, which prevents your skin from breathing properly.

Therefore, taking a bath during illness is necessary, it is beneficial. However, doctors do not recommend washing in water. However, they do not even recommend taking too hot baths. healthy people. If the patient feels sticky or dirty, you can take a shower. Bathing in hot water is prohibited only if the person has a high temperature.

Rules for taking water procedures during illness

As mentioned above, it is possible to take a shower or bath while sick. But do not forget that the body actively fights viruses and bacteria. But some patients still note a slight deterioration in their health after washing. To ensure that the hygiene procedure does not delay recovery, you need to follow some rules.

1. Under no circumstances should you take a bath if you have taken alcohol shortly before. People with colds often drink warm alcoholic drinks, such as grog or mulled wine. They really help you warm up and sweat, but alcohol is not the best solution when you are sick. Such “treatment” should be abandoned in favor of folk remedies and medicines from the pharmacy. The liver is heavily loaded during illness, and extra work she doesn't need it. If you do decide to drink a glass of hot mulled wine, then do not drink it either before or during your bath.

2. Don’t forget that you can’t wash at high temperatures, especially in hot water. While taking a hot bath, the heat will increase even more, which will aggravate the disease. The water temperature during swimming should be between 34-37 degrees.

3. Many people are concerned about how long they should not wash during illness. However, people rarely think about the fact that the time for taking water procedures should be limited. This is due to high humidity in the bathroom. Normally, indoor humidity should be kept at 40-60%. Lower readings (and this often happens during the heating season) provoke the development of a cold.

High humidity also negatively affects the patient's condition. It increases the number of sore throats, which means that the patient’s cough and runny nose become worse. Therefore, the time spent in the bathroom should be limited. To reduce humidity, you can open the door slightly.

4. Take a bath during illness, preferably in evening time. After water procedures, you need to dry yourself thoroughly with a towel, put on warm pajamas, socks and go to bed. To prevent hypothermia, you can drink a hot drink, such as herbal tea with honey.

Baths with essential oils

A bath can have a healing effect on the body and fight colds. You can buy essential oils that have an antiviral effect. These are oils of bergamot, tea tree, manuka, Ravensara, eucalyptus, lavender. They boost immunity and help fight colds at an early stage.

Baths with medicinal herbs

A herbal bath with decoctions of chamomile, mint, sage, wormwood or birch leaves will help alleviate the patient’s condition. The steam emanating from the water will serve as inhalation. The steep broth is added to water at a temperature of 30 degrees. Gradually the temperature is raised to 37 degrees. Foot and steam baths bring relief.

Who are contraindicated for baths?

There are times when you should avoid taking a bath. You should not take it with oils or herbs that you are allergic to. An obstacle to taking baths is the presence of chronic diseases such as poor circulation in the brain, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. This procedure is prohibited if the patient has a high temperature or feels unwell.

Swimming with chickenpox

Some people find that taking a bath during chickenpox helps relieve the itching. At the same time, there is an opinion that if you have chickenpox, you should not wash. How much of this is true? Most people believe that you can wash yourself after chickenpox only when the last scabs have fallen off.

But you can hear a different opinion from doctors. Doctors are convinced that warm water relieves itching, which can be very painful for the patient. But just like with a cold, with chickenpox you can start washing only after the temperature subsides. You can take a bath or shower, at the patient's choice.

It is useful to add a decoction of string, chamomile or calendula to the water. They will disinfect the skin and promote rapid healing and drying of the crusts. But it is forbidden to use soap and a washcloth, since the skin is already irritated.

You don't need to take a bath for long, but you can do it several times a day. You can’t rub yourself with a towel, otherwise you can tear off the blisters. It is better to lightly blot the skin or let it dry naturally.

There is no need to beware of water procedures during colds, flu, and chickenpox. To prevent them from causing harm, you should follow some rules. A good bath will only ease the symptoms of the disease and promote a speedy recovery.

Severe myalgia, decreased immunity, muscle and joint pain caused by a respiratory disease. But such health procedures are contraindicated for varicose veins, serious illnesses cardiovascular system, hypertension and hypotension, as well as elevated body temperature (at 38°C and above).

Take a hot bath in the evening, after which, putting on warm socks, go to bed. To enhance the effect, after taking water procedures, drink warm herbal tea (for example, chamomile) or milk with honey.

Garlic-ginger bath for colds

At the early stage of the disease, a hot garlic-ginger bath is recommended. To prepare it you will need the following components:
- 2-3 tbsp. with a heap of table salt;
- fresh ginger;
- a head of garlic.
The crushed ginger is poured into a glass of boiling water, after which the container is covered, the mixture is left to infuse for 18-20 minutes, then it is filtered. Hot water is taken into the bath, ginger infusion and salt are added. Chopped garlic is placed in several layers of gauze and immersed in hot water. This bath lasts 13-15 minutes.

An aromatic bath is an effective remedy in the fight against colds.

Juniper, sage, eucalyptus and citrus essential oils, as well as thuja and tea tree aromatic oils are especially effective in treatment. For 2 tbsp. olive oil, take 6 drops of 2-3 aromatic oils and 20 drops of cinnamon essential oil. The oil mixture is mixed with a small amount of sea salt and added to a hot bath. The recommended time for taking water procedures is 18-20 minutes.

Treatment of colds with herbal bath

Like an aromatic herbal bath, it has a warming and inhalation effect. After this procedure, unpleasant symptoms are reduced, and recovery occurs faster. To prepare the bath, take the following components:
- peppermint;
- linden flowers;
- St. John's wort;
- pharmaceutical chamomile;
- sage;
- Birch buds;
- yarrow;
- lavender.
Crushed and dried leaves, stems and flowers of medicinal plants are mixed (in equal parts). Take 10 tbsp. herbal mixture, pour a liter of boiled water, after which the container with the composition is placed on low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then the broth is infused for half an hour, filtered and added to the bath with hot water. If desired, you can also add 3-4 drops of aromatic juniper or thuja oil to the bath. It is recommended to carry out the treatment procedure for 12-15 minutes.

How to take a bath when you have a cold?

Is it possible to take a bath if you have a cold?

A warm bath activates metabolic processes in the body, eliminates toxins, and relieves pain in muscles and bones. At the first signs of illness, it can prevent the cold from getting worse. If the disease is already at an advanced stage, a bath for a cold alleviates the symptoms of the disease. In combination with drug treatment, it improves the health of the body.

But to reap the benefits, take your bath correctly:

  • do not swim in hot water (no more than 37 degrees);
  • do not combine the procedure with drinking alcohol;
  • reduce the time spent in water to 10-15 minutes;
  • do not take a bath if your body temperature is more than 38.5 degrees;
  • reduce the humidity in the bathroom (turn on the hood, open the door slightly);
  • eliminate drafts.

Follow these rules, and there will be no negative effect from taking a bath.

If you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, please consult your doctor about taking a bath.

To enhance the effect, take a bath before bed. After the procedure, dry yourself thoroughly with a towel and put on woolen socks. Drink warm milk or herbal tea with honey and lemon.

Therapeutic baths for colds: folk remedies

If in warm water add medicinal substances, the benefits of the procedure will increase. These include:

  • herbs;
  • essential oils;
  • ginger and garlic;
  • mustard powder.

Folk remedies warm the body, stimulate the immune system, and the vapors act as inhalations.

To keep warm and prevent colds, use garlic and ginger. Grind the ingredients, add boiling water and after 30 minutes. add to bath. Mustard powder also has a warming effect. Add 100 g of product to water and take a bath.

Citrus, eucalyptus, juniper aromatic oils or thuja and tea tree oils help with colds. Mix 10 drops of extract with sea salt and add to the bath. These remedies strengthen the immune system and fight colds.

To prepare a herbal bath, use:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • Linden blossom;
  • lavender.

Brew 5 tbsp. l. herbs (one or more) 0.5 liters of boiling water and add to the water.

A warm bath for a cold relieves symptoms and speeds up recovery. And if you take it further early stages illness - completely cures. The main thing is to follow the rules stated above.