Natalya Podolskaya and her poor old lover Igor. "naked" truth All photos of Igor Kaminsky and Podolskaya

It's no secret that behind every budding star there is the serious work of a large and friendly team of specialists. At the same time, a huge role in this process is assigned to the star’s producer, who initially invests money in the development of the mentee’s activities, and then receives a certain material benefit from this. A striking example in this difficult profession is the Russian-Belarusian producer Igor Kaminsky. We will tell you more about him, his morals, character and litigation further.

A few words about the producer's biography

Today, the biography of any personality will not surprise anyone. Most often, you can assess how interesting a character is to the public by his actions, type of activity and publications in the press. Apparently, Igor Kaminsky himself adheres to the same principle. His biography is practically not covered in the media.

It is only known that he was born into a poor family in one of the small towns of Belarus. At one time, he graduated from school and entered the directing department, where he was to learn all the intricacies of his future profession. Even later, he received his diploma and began to work closely.

What do colleagues say about the producer’s activities?

Despite the fact that the biography of producer Igor Kaminsky is not described in too much detail on the Internet and is not public, you can hear extremely pleasant opinions about him from his colleagues. According to them, he is a sympathetic and at the same time strict person.

For more than 30 years he has been working in the Russian-Belarusian show business, of which for about 10 years he worked very closely with the Soviet and Belarusian pop performer Alexander Grigorievich Tikhanovich and the charming Yadviga Konstantinovna Poplavskaya. Later the duo grew into an independent production center.

Work on scripts and other media products

With the easy guidance of Igor Kaminsky, colossal work was carried out on various scripts for television. In some cases, our hero acted not only as a producer, but as an author. Thus, according to preliminary information, more than 100 different Russian-Belarusian programs were broadcast under his auspices.

He himself came up with stories, did editing and wrote scripts for specific TV presenters. From his words, it becomes clear that he was also the main director and organizer of a dozen different music and song festivals of international scale. As you can see, this is a very talented and comprehensively developed person, who was often called a real generator of ideas.

Literary activity of the producer

Despite all the praises in favor of Igor Kaminsky, there were many blind spots, controversial and even scandalous moments in the producer’s activities. Therefore, according to him, he decided to create a kind of reference book for those who plan to connect their career with difficult production activities. Currently working on a book entitled “Geography of Domestic Show Business. Podolsk lowland" is still underway.

According to Igor Kaminsky, thanks to the book, the future producer will definitely learn the following main points:

  • How to correctly and competently draw up an agreement with performers.
  • and promote the star from scratch.
  • How not to stumble upon pitfalls when collaborating with a star.
  • Protect your copyrights in court, etc.

In his book, the author will tell you about all the delights of star cuisine. There is, of course, a lot of personal information here, as well as documents that the hero collected during regular trials. In a word, his story is ironic and parting words at the same time. But what prompted him to write this book, we will tell further.

Meeting of Natalia Podolskaya and Igor Kaminsky

Kaminsky literally helped many Russian stars become who they are today. Almost all of them are grateful to him, and some have forgotten all the good he did for them. As many have already guessed, what follows will be about the fateful meeting of the pop singer with red hair, Natalya Podolskaya. But first things first.

Igor Kaminsky and first met in Vitebsk. It was there in 2002 that the annual song competition called “Slavic Bazaar” was held. At that time, the girl was still an unknown vocalist. That's when the producer noticed her. However, according to other sources, the meeting of a girl and an older man took place in Kyiv long before the above-mentioned song competition.

He later met her during another popular festival, Universetalent Prague 2002, held in Prague. During the competition, the future star managed to win in two categories at once, which finally confirmed her “prospect,” as the producer says. Therefore, almost immediately after the announcement of the competition results, producer Igor Kaminsky and Natalya Podolskaya signed their first multi-year contract.

Further collaboration between producer and singer

From the moment the contract was signed, the difficult collaboration between the producer and the future star began. Thanks to his vast experience, connections and money, Kaminsky quickly managed to make a celebrity out of a provincial girl. With his easy approach, they started talking about her not only in Belarus, but also in Russia. As it later turned out, it was her producer who wrote several future hits for the star. From this start, a long and productive collaboration between two creative personalities began.

Personal relationships and business success

At the time of his acquaintance with Natalya, Igor Kaminsky’s age was a little over 50 years. According to his friends, Igor fell in love like a boy. He was impressed by a beautiful, talented girl who hung on his every word with trepidation. Some time after they met, Kaminsky invited the aspiring singer to move to Moscow. And she happily agreed.

However, her career in the capital did not develop as rapidly as she would have liked. More and more often she had to perform in restaurants and sing at charity events. Despite all the hardships and outright failures, the romance between the promising vocalist and the fifty-two-year-old producer was gaining momentum. They began to appear together more and more often. We lived in the same apartment. And during the interview, Podolskaya more often called him her husband, albeit a civilian one.

Fatal participation in the project and change of orientation

Despite all the efforts made, it was not so easy to promote the “red-haired star”. In order to give her a kind of impetus on the path to fame, the producer agreed with representatives of the popular television project “Star Factory”.

At the same time, some of his friends say that the producer himself had to go into debt for this. According to preliminary data, the amount of this debt was about $50,000. Others claim that this is exactly the amount the producer had to pay to the channel’s management. However, this information was never confirmed.

Be that as it may, the girl ended up on the show, where she was noticed by two other show business giants: Viktor Drobysh and Joseph Prigozhin. As it turns out later, this acquaintance will also be fateful and will put an end to the singer’s relationship with her first producer. By the way, at that time Natalya received a new offer to collaborate with Drobysh.

First disagreements and high-profile departure

After a successful start at the Factory, Kaminsky was sincerely happy for his beloved. At the same time, he even proposed to her. However, the girl did not agree, postponing the wedding indefinitely. Later there was Eurovision 2005, where the singer failed miserably. From that moment on, a huge gap began to grow between Igor and Natalia. They grew more and more distant from each other.

At some point, the girl packed her things and went to her sister, and chose Drobysh as the main producer. So Kaminsky and Podolskaya parted completely and irrevocably. At the same time, a long and protracted trial began, where our hero sought to protect his copyright. According to him, he has no regrets. And although he is currently about 64 years old, he is happy that fate taught him such, although not a very positive, lesson.

The famous Russian and Belarusian singer Natalya Podolskaya comes from Mogilev, the regional center of the Republic of Belarus. There she was born on May 20, 1982, into a family of intellectuals - her father was a lawyer and her mother was a gallery manager. In addition to Natalya, the family raised three more children - two sisters, one of them the future singer’s twin and a younger brother.

Natalya Podolskaya in her youth:

The girl discovered her talent for singing very early, and her parents did everything possible to develop it. In addition to studying piano at a music school, Natalya Podolskaya studied vocals from the age of 9 and, together with the studio team, went on tour to European countries, participated in major music competitions and won three of them.

Despite her success in the vocal field, at the insistence of her parents, Natalya Podolskaya entered the Minsk Institute of Law after school and successfully graduated from it. But her singing talent predetermined the girl’s fate. From the very beginning of her student life, she often appeared on Belarusian television, performed songs, and participated in shows. This period was marked by the young singer’s performance at the Slavic Bazaar festival and her victory in Prague at the “Universetalent Prague” singing competition.

Natalya Podolskaya in the recording studio:


In 2002, Natalia transferred to the correspondence department of the Minsk Institute of Law and entered the vocal department of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow. This was largely facilitated by the fact that the girl signed a contract with Igor Kaminsky, who became her first producer. In parallel with her studies on Tamara Miansarova’s course, Natalya recorded songs and gave concerts.

Natalya Podolskaya at a photo shoot for a glossy magazine:

In 2004, the young singer made an attempt to represent Belarus at Eurovision, but did not qualify. At the same time, the girl participated in the television project Star Factory-5, after which the whole country recognized her. Thanks to the audience's votes, the girl eventually took an honorable 3rd place. After the Star Factory, Natalya Podolskaya leaves her producer and enters into a contract with Viktor Drobysh. The result of this collaboration was the singer's debut album.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov on the set of the video “I’m near”:

The next milestone in the singer’s creative biography was participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, where Natalya Podolskaya represented the Russian Federation. Despite careful preparation and a good promotional company, the song that Natalya performed took 15th place. The singer learned the right lessons from this failure, and soon recorded new songs, starred in a video and went on tour around the country.

Natalya Podolskaya on the set of the video “I forgive”:

In 2008, Natalya Podolskaya accepted Russian citizenship. By this time, her repertoire already had several hits and videos for them, which were actively rotated on radio and television. The girl participated in the New Wave competition, as well as in many television shows, on one of which she met her future husband, singer Vladimir Presnyakov. The singer also often appeared as a catwalk model.

In 2010, the singer’s contract with the Viktor Drobysh center expired, and she continued her creative career with her husband. The popularity of Natalia Podolskaya does not weaken, she constantly has new hits, the public’s interest is fueled by the artist’s participation in popular TV shows - “Ice and Fire”, “Exactly” and others. By the beginning of 2016, Natalia Podolskaya’s arsenal included 13 videos and two studio albums: “Late” and “Intuition.”

Natalya Podolskaya in Jurmala at the New Wave competition:

Personal life

Igor Kaminsky, who brought Natalia onto the Russian stage, was her first common-law husband. But after the singer’s participation in the Star Factory, the couple broke up.

In 2005, on the set of the television project “The Great Race,” Natalya Podolskaya’s fateful acquaintance with singer Vladimir Presnyakov took place, which first resulted in a civil marriage, and in 2010, an official marriage with a church wedding. In June 2015, a son, Artem, was born into a happy family.

Read about other popular musicians and their biographies

Podolskaya Natalya Yuryevna is a famous Russian and Belarusian singer who has made an incredible creative career in just a few years. The girl appeared before her fans not only with her musical talent, but with her femininity, high maternal instinct and love for her husband.

Podolskaya is an amazingly persistent person who is used to achieving everything on her own. She tried to get to the international Eurovision competition twice, and she succeeded due to her incredible work ethic and stubbornness.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Podolskaya

Numerous fans of the famous singer are interested in such physical parameters as her height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Podolskaya - the information is far from secret and is available on the Internet.

Natalya was born in 1982, so she is already thirty-five years old. According to her zodiac sign, she belongs to the patient, hardworking, resilient, attractive, hardworking Taurus.

The Eastern horoscope gives Podolsk the sign of the Dog, endowing it with such traits as honesty, justice, loyalty, spirituality, self-confidence, fidelity, tenderness, and sincerity.

Natalya Podolskaya's height does not exceed one meter and seventy-four centimeters, and her weight is set at fifty-four kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Natalia Podolskaya

The biography and personal life of Natalia Podolskaya are quite interesting, they are filled with happiness, friendship and good relationships. Little Natasha was born in the Belarusian city of Mogilev in an ordinary large family.

Natasha was an incredibly creative little girl, she constantly sang, holding a comb or an empty bottle of nail polish in her hands instead of a microphone. Upon entering kindergarten, the girl amazed everyone by singing a Cossack song, after which her mother was advised to send the baby to the Rainbow studio.

In addition, the girl performed in the musical group “Studio W”, and also studied well at the lyceum. After graduation, the girl entered the institute at the Faculty of Law, and already in 2002 she realized that this was not her profession. She went to Moscow and entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, intending to become a vocalist.

By the way, the girl managed to become a certified lawyer, graduating from college in absentia with honors. From the age of twelve, little Natasha received awards at prestigious vocal competitions and took first places in Vitebsk and Prague.

Already in 2002, she signed a contract with the famous producer Kaminsky, and in 2004 she participated in the prestigious Star Factory competition. The following year, the talented singer left Russia for Eurovision, where she could not even enter the top ten and took only fifteenth place.

Since 2006, Natalya continues to shoot videos and record new songs, including “Nobody and Never,” “Rain,” “Intuition,” “New World,” “I Still Remember.” At the same time, Podolskaya performed in a duet with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and DJ Smash, and the songs she performed invariably topped the music ratings.

The girl takes part in the television programs “Robot Child”, “Great Races”, “Star Factory”, “New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Song of the Year”.

Her producer was Igor Kaminsky, and when the singer wanted to go to Viktor Drobysh, he sued her. The trials continued from 2002 to 2007, but they did not bring benefits to Kaminsky.

The fact was that Igor was losing not only a successful musical project, but also his beloved woman. The singer and producer dated for about five years and tried to live together, but nothing worked. Natalya was afraid of losing her first love and was terribly jealous of him, so quarrels constantly arose out of nowhere, which led to a break in the relationship.

After this, her future husband and an incredibly dear person to her, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., appeared in Podolskaya’s personal life.

Family and children of Natalia Podolskaya

Natalia Podolskaya’s family and children are her stronghold and reliable rear, since they are very important in the singer’s life. Natalya was not lonely from birth, as she was born with her twin sister. At the same time, the parents were simply shocked, because the baby was supposed to be born alone.

Natasha and Julianna were completely different in character, since the future star was bright, talkative and always singing, but her sister was constantly shy and often silent.

Father - Yuri Podolsky - was a very intelligent man; he worked as a lawyer in a large company.

Mother - Nina Podolskaya - was a creative person, so she managed the exhibition hall and was involved in raising her girls.

The family was incredibly friendly and large, since in addition to the twin girls there were two more children - older sister Tanya and younger brother Andrei. Natalya was amazed at the ease with which her mother managed the children; she found time to talk with each of them and help in their development.

Natasha Podolskaya herself had trouble getting pregnant, as she was even diagnosed with infertility of unknown etymology. The woman became deeply involved in religion; she constantly visited holy places, praying for an early pregnancy.

Natalia became pregnant ten years after meeting her husband. The pregnancy was quite easy, she sang and danced, and was also happy that her sister Julia was in an interesting situation.

In April 2016, journalists reported that Natalya Podolskaya was pregnant for the second time. All this happened because in a photo on Instagram the singer surprised everyone with a tight-fitting guipure dress that emphasized her rounded tummy. The girl denied rumors about pregnancy, clarifying that it was due to the ridiculous style of the white dress.

Son of Natalia Podolskaya - Artemy Presnyakov

The son of Natalia Podolskaya, Artemy Presnyakov, appeared in a famous family in 2015, his weight was 3,050 grams and his height was 52 centimeters. This was a very long-awaited child, since Natalya could not get pregnant, so Vladimir was present at the birth.

When this was finally successful, the young people managed to fool their friends and relatives, saying that they were expecting the birth of a daughter, although they knew the sex of the baby.

That is why photographs or videos of the baby never made it onto the Internet, and then pictures of the boy from the back appeared.

After a photo of little Artemka appeared on the cover of 7 Days magazine in 2016, fans of the couple pointed out that the baby looked very much like his father and grandfather.

The boy is precocious, because at just two years old he already had his own opinion on everything and does everything on his own. Artemy loves to travel to all countries of the world and learn something new.

The boy is very musical; his parents often allow their son to rehearse with them. Artemka also loves music, sings and tries to dance.

Natalia Podolskaya's husband - Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

Natalia Podolskaya’s husband, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., appeared in the life of the young singer in 2005 on the set of the “Great Race” program in France. The guys began to pay attention to each other, began a whirlwind romance and even held a comic wedding ceremony.

The age difference between Vladimir and Natalya was fourteen years, so few people believed in real feelings. One way or another, the couple entered into a legal marriage in 2010, and then got married in the temple of Cosmas and Damian. Journalists claimed that the couple spent their honeymoon in Thailand, but Natalya clarified that this was just gossip.

Soon, Vladimir and Natalya began performing on stage as a duet, while the husband wrote real hits for his beloved.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Podolskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Natalia Podolskaya are available and official, so all the information that is on them is reliable and relevant. On the page dedicated to Natalia on Wikipedia you can find information about her childhood, parents, school years, youth, as well as the creative path along which the singer climbed to the Olympus of fame. There is information about participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, as well as information about his personal life and children.

Podolskaya has her own profile on Instagram, which has more than 2,800 followers. On its pages there are photos and videos that are dedicated to her work, personal and family life.

Natalya Podolskaya is a famous singer of Belarusian origin; the girl gained great popularity from her participation in the TV project “Star Factory 5”. In addition, the singer represented Russia at the Eurovision international song contest in 2005. Biography, personal life, children and photos of Natalia Podolskaya are presented in the text below. The artist’s path from the festival stage to Eurovision is also presented.

Natalia's childhood and youth

Natalya was born at the end of May 1982 in one of the cities of Belarus - Mogilev. The parents had two twin daughters, Natalya and Yuliana. By this time, the family already had an eldest daughter, Tatyana. Soon after, their son Andrei was born. Natalya's father, Yuri Alekseevich, was a lawyer, and her mother, Nina Antonovna, was the head of the exhibition hall.

Since childhood, Natasha loved to sing. Once in kindergarten, a girl even sang by heart the song “A young Cossack is walking along the Don.” When Natasha was 9 years old, Nina Antonovna took her daughter to the children's music room. studio called "Rainbow". Qualified teachers began teaching the still very young Podolskaya.

Natalya Podolskaya graduated from school in 1999. At the insistence of her parents, Podolskaya enters the Belarusian Institute of Law. But the girl already knew then that the only thing she wanted to do in life was to sing. In 2002, Natalya Podolskaya collected documents for transfer to the correspondence department. Afterwards she moves to Moscow and enters the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art in the vocal department.

In 2004, Podolskaya graduated from a higher educational institution with honors. After 4 years, Natalya received citizenship of the Russian Federation, packed her bags and finally moved to Moscow.

The beginning of a musical career

When the girl was 12 years old, she was accepted as a soloist in the “Take V” ensemble. Together with the ensemble, the still very young singer toured the territory of Belarus and the countries of Eastern Europe. Natalya received her first award at the international competition “Golden Hit” when she was 17 years old. She was also given 1 thousand dollars, and with this money the girl updated her wardrobe.

In 2002, Podolskaya participated in the international competition “Slavic Bazaar”, held in Vitebsk. Then she goes to a festival called Universetalent Prague in Prague. The singer wins awards in 2 categories at once. The talented Belarusian performer was talked about abroad. Immediately after returning home, Natalia Podolskaya’s biography marks the first “adult” contract with producer Igor Kaminsky.

In 2003, Podolskaya received an offer to participate in the Eurovision song contest, but from Great Britain. They even wrote the song Unstoppable for the girl. But she was forbidden to speak because she was a citizen of Belarus.

"Star Factory" season 5

In the biography of Natalia Podolskaya, 2004 becomes the starting point of her musical career. She becomes a participant in the 5th season of the Star Factory project. For many, the project became a runway for building a musical career, and Podolskaya was no exception. There she met the famous producer Viktor Drobysh. It was he who later helped the singer record her first solo album, “Late.” Podolskaya was the only participant in the project who was able to release a record as part of her participation in the show. In the final of the project she took 3rd place.

Eurovision Song Contest

In the biography of Natalia Podolskaya, there is again an offer to go to Eurovision, this time from Russia. The girl couldn’t miss the chance twice and willingly agreed. In the qualifying round of 2005, Podolskaya beat out famous pop singers Dima Bilan and Anastasia Stotskaya. The song Nobody Hurt No One was created specially before the performance at the competition. The author of the composition was Viktor Drobysh. Unfortunately, Natalya only took a place in the second ten finalists. The singer was very upset by this result.

The singer's producer Igor Kaminsky immediately after the defeat at Eurovision began to pour accusations against Viktor Drobysh. Allegedly, it was the singer’s second producer who was to blame for her defeat. After a series of scandals, Podolskaya decides to terminate the contract with Kaminsky. However, the producer does not agree and demands a large amount of compensation. Podolskaya goes to court and wins the case. The contract is declared invalid.

Every year, until 2007, the singer’s first producer sent lawsuits to court to win his rights to Podolskaya’s work, but he never won any of the cases.

Creativity after Eurovision

As part of a new contract with producer Viktor Drobysh, Podolskaya recorded a sufficient number of popular songs. The singer toured a lot in Russian cities. She also participated a lot in the filming of television shows and videos, and collaborated with many famous pop performers. Natalia Podolskaya's songs have repeatedly become chart winners.

In 2010, the contract with Drobysh expired. Both producer Drobysh and Podolskaya decided not to renew it. Podolskaya continued to perform, and she also released new compositions. In 2011, the girl was invited to take part in the already well-known show “Star Factory. Return". There Natalya again met with Viktor Drobysh.

In 2013, the singer’s second solo album, entitled “Intuition,” was released. One of the songs on the album was “Heart”. Next year a new song “It’s Far Away” will be released.

The biography of singer Natalya Podolskaya also includes experience working in a duet with Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Among the songs released by the artists are: “Rain”, “Oxygen”, “I Remember Everything”, “Breathe”, which appeared over the course of several years.

Biography of Natalia Podolskaya: personal life

According to the artist herself, her first love was producer Igor Kaminsky. Together, Igor and Natalya lived in a civil marriage for more than 5 years. However, Podolskaya in no way detracts from the producer’s merits in the fact that it was he who once helped her become a professional singer.

In 2005, as part of the filming of the Channel One television project “Big Races,” Natalya Podolskaya met Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Vladimir was then still married to Elena Lenskaya. The year 2005, in every sense, became the starting point in the biography of Natalia Podolskaya. Having started as a friendly relationship, the communication between Natalya and Vladimir soon grew into a romance. Vladimir recalled many times in interviews that Natalya captivated him even at their first meeting. Later, Natalya and Vladimir began to live together.

Wedding of Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. gives advice to young people to get married, then the husband and wife will not have the desire to be jealous of each other.

In 2010, the wedding of Natalia and Vladimir took place. It was organized in the Moscow Church of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian. The artists also signed at the registry office. Photos of happy people spread across many media outlets.

Natalia states that marriage is the daily work of both.

Biography of Natalia Podolskaya: personal life and children

In June 2015, Podolskaya gave her husband a son, Artem. The artists admitted that they had been praying for a long time for the gift of a child, and in 2015 a miracle happened. Natalia, being pregnant, often sent ultrasound pictures to her parents, both hers and her husband’s. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. managed to discern his own features in his future grandson. Natalya gave birth to her son at the Obstetrics Research Center named after. Kulakova. Irina Slutskaya and Miss World Oksana Fedorova also gave birth there. The birth cost the family 400 thousand rubles. The boy was named Artem. Natalya and Vladimir gave their little son an affectionate nickname - Presnyachok. Together with Natalya, her sister Juliana gave birth in the same year. The girl’s family now has two twin daughters.

The biography of Natalya Podolskaya’s child already includes performances. So, Artem sang a song and also did the splits at his father’s birthday. Natalya posted a video of her son’s performance on her pages on social networks. In addition, Artem is learning to play musical instruments.

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On Friday, the concert of Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov was canceled at the Minsk Palace of the Republic. The reason was unexpected for everyone - the first producer of Natalia Podolskaya did not give permission, threatening the Palace of the Republic with serious sanctions. We decided to find out what was happening in the relationship between the singer and the producer from Igor Kaminsky himself.

“Before Eurovision, protecting Natasha’s psyche, I promised not to interfere in the activities of the Drobysh center for a year”

Just the other day we should have negotiations with the production center of Viktor Drobysh, and the situation should be resolved,” this is how Igor Kaminsky began the conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent.

What situation?

At the moment, according to the agreement concluded between me and Natalia Podolskaya in 2002, all rights to intellectual property produced with the participation of the voice of Natalia Podolskaya belong to me. I am the copyright holder.

Do you have the right to ban all performances of the singer? Then why did this fact emerge only before the concert in Minsk?

For six months I tried to come to an agreement with the management of the Drobysh Production Center and offered to regulate legal relations. Namely, to coordinate and legally formalize the permission of the copyright holder for such actions in accordance with the legislation on the protection of intellectual property. He explained that the situation with bans on Natasha’s performances was possible. But they reacted somewhat sluggishly to this.

But Natalya has concerts in Russia...

And I didn't mind. The concert in Minsk, one might say, is the first sign. I act honestly. Frankly speaking, I officially announced my ban on working with it without the permission of the copyright holder back in the summer. I wanted to negotiate peacefully. After all, there are many civilized ways to resolve the issue of transfer of rights. You can buy out the contract, or find a mechanism for collaboration.

I kept my word: before Eurovision 2005, protecting Natasha’s psyche, I promised her not to interfere in the activities of the Drobysh center for at least a year, to let them express themselves. And now I regret the lost time. Because repertoire policy and many other things, in my opinion, are done wrong.

What do you think are the mistakes?

Natasha has lost her individuality. She became like many others. The fact is that Natasha, without realizing it, is still just a good performer. Very talented, bright, but nothing more than a performer. Unlike Valeria, who herself will teach any producer what and how to do, with Natasha it is not enough to just be a composer. You need to feel which songs she can sing and which she absolutely cannot. Explain how to sing them. Clean recorded vocals and arrangements down to microscopic levels. Do this professionally, around the clock and detachedly, or not do this business at all. Natasha's voice is a magnificent, rare, but very complex and capricious instrument. Knowing and feeling how to use this instrument to give the listener “goosebumps” and “hook” the audience is not an easy task. If, during my first experiences in the studio, I had not understood what I felt and saw what needed to be done for this, I would not have started working with this singer.

I was able to work with Natasha quite successfully. By 2004, Natalya was one of the most popular singers in Belarus and regularly performed in the best concert halls in Moscow (Russia, KDS, etc.). Mistaking all of Natalia’s previous successes only for her personal achievements, in the “Drobysh production center,” I believe, they still have not realized that everything that the public liked about Natasha’s work, and even Natasha’s appearance in 2004, was done with using her beautiful voice by a group of professionals from various fields. In particular, by me, or under my direct creative leadership.

“You could say that Natasha and I don’t communicate at all today”

When Natalya left for the Factory...

What does “she went to the Factory” mean? Biographies on the Internet are invented by producers. Natalya didn’t go anywhere herself. It was I who invited and brought her to Moscow. I did everything - selected the repertoire, worked with arrangers, recorded songs, took her to competitions. In Natalia Podolskaya's first album, I wrote the lyrics to almost all the songs. Then, when releasing the album “Late”, Drobysh added only a couple of new songs to them.

Are there any situations now when Natalya can call you and ask for advice?

How can I put it this way... softer. Frankly, no. Does not call. You could say we don't communicate at all. I just do not understand. A person still says today: “I love!” - and then in one day a sharp change happens to him, so radical. It's as if he looks right through you. And then it turns out that on that day the person was given a better offer. Love cannot be like that in principle. She is more inertial, or something... I understand, if there had been some quarrels or something else before this. And then just like that. Immediately after our breakup, I was hospitalized twice, Natasha didn’t even call me. Yesterday I loved you, but the next day I didn’t call.

On the other hand, young girls can be forgiven for falling in love often...

Maybe. But this is some kind of capitalist mentality. We had a conversation like this after the fact. I said: “You know, Natasha, I loved and fell out of love, I can understand. But betrayal in what you love! I don't accept this. Natasha, do you understand that you betrayed me?” She answered me: “Igor, but this is business!” This answer is still in my memory. It seems to me that the spiritual impulses of some modern girls are clearly tied to their personal business plans.

Igor, but this is not your first day in show business! Is it possible to do it differently in this profession?

Yes of course it is possible! You just need to be a normal, decent person and that’s it.

But to be honest. Well, don’t you, deep down in your heart, admire the leap Natasha made. In the end, I found happiness with Vladimir Presnyakov...

It was not Natasha who made the jerk. She was “jumped” by television. If we talk about business, this union should be more interesting to Presnyakov. Natasha had such a great start with “Factory” and “Eurovision”. It’s a pity that they didn’t take advantage of this start. Victor Drobysh is now working with too many clients. An artist must practice around the clock. And if you have twenty of them...

As I understand it, you are offended by Natalia for personal reasons?

Women are weak creatures. That's why we love them. I believe that they can forgive everything, even betrayal. After all, it also comes from weakness. I have long forgotten personal moments...

But now you understand that Natalya no longer plans to work with you?

She has a contract with me and she doesn't fulfill it. The most important thing is stated in the contract - she gave me the exclusive right to the results of her creativity. And only after that I took it upon myself to promote it on the market. Show business is a very expensive pleasure. I did not refuse my obligations. But the point is this: I calculated my work. For seven years. There was a moment, I even thought about mortgaging my apartment in Moscow... I’m not happy that suddenly, somewhere in the middle of this period, as soon as the first earnings started coming in, she found it possible to plan something herself. Why shouldn't Natasha inform me about these plans before signing a long-term financial document, according to which I began to invest all my savings in our joint work.

Therefore, he plans, does not plan, “wants - does not want” - these are boudoir concepts. In civilized contractual relations there is the concept of “obligated - not obliged.”

Prigogine has us both fooled

If there was an opportunity to repeat "Factory", would you do it? After all, after this project, other producers began to work with Natalya.

It's a complicated story. At that moment, Joseph Prigogine deceived us both.

That is?

Before “Factory”, Natasha had to sign a contract with Drobysh’s production center on a general basis. There is a line there that says that I am not bound by any other contracts with anyone else. We said we couldn't sign it. Prigozhin explained for three days that this was a mere formality, the “Factory” would end, we would work together. In theory, we were both fooled. Natalya signed two contracts. Another thing is that mine was earlier. Therefore, that contract is simply not valid. Honestly, I don’t know what Natalya should do now.

Didn't they really pay you a cent for Natalya?

They paid me some money. But this is not the money that even covered expenses.

How much do you value Natalia Podolskaya’s “freedom”?

Trade secret.

But have you formulated the order of numbers for yourself?

Yes. And this amount is much less than what Prigozhin told me when he offered to buy Natalya back.

Did you offer it?

There was a conversation.

If you happened to see each other on tour. What would be the reaction?

That’s exactly how we met, though it was a long time ago. They kissed on the cheek and hugged. I still have such a close relationship with her, figuratively speaking, like a child.