What do big fish mean in a man’s dream? Why does a married man or husband dream about fish? Why dream of catching Fish with your hands in a dream according to the dream book

Why did you dream about Fish (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Why you dream of a fish depends on its appearance, the behavior of the dreamer, and the environment. It can become a symbol of profit, wealth, as well as illness and losses.

  • If you dreamed that a fish was swimming in clean, clear water, it meant prosperity and success in business.
  • If the water is cloudy, obstacles will appear on the fish’s path to the goal, and the task will not be completed.
  • Seeing fish feeding is a sign of reconciliation with enemies.
  • Seeing dead fish floating means losses and troubles.
  • If you dream of a rotten fish falling into pieces, suddenly wealth will fall on your head.
  • If you dream that you are eating a fish dish, pay attention to the taste. A raw product promises losses. Delicious food warns of worries and troubles.
  • Why do you dream about living fish? Most often this is a sign that promises well-being in the future. It is very important that the water in which the dreamed fish is as clear as possible.
  • For people involved in business, a dream about fish predicts success in commercial affairs. This is a good time to enter into risky transactions.
  • Financial well-being will also come to those who see themselves in a dream fishing, standing in the middle of a pond.
  • Happy love awaits young men and women who dreamed of a live fish.
  • Anyone who manages to catch a fish in a dream will face difficulties and trials on the way to achieving the goal, but you will have enough internal strength to overcome them as a winner.

Why did Pisces dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Fish is dreamed of as a symbol of silence. Why you dream about fish depends on your internal state. You are oppressed by the need to remain silent, the inability to express your thoughts and feelings. But this is also a reminder to keep your mouth shut.

  • To see how you are watching aquarium fish, in reality you have chosen the tactics of non-interference. By letting everything take its course, voluntarily excluding yourself from the game, you lose many opportunities.
  • Catch a little fish and release it - in reality you are building grandiose projects. The subconscious is trying to say that you need to learn to be content with little.
  • There is a widespread belief that dreams in which a live fish is present portend pregnancy. However, this interpretation applies only to young women. To interpret a dream, it is important to note the situation that surrounded the main image.
  • Seeing a school of small swimming fish means a lot of trouble, which will later be crowned with great success.
  • Teasing a fish in a dream means that in reality you will be able to outwit the most cunning opponent.
  • If in a dream a live fish tugs at your float, but you do nothing, it means that all your efforts in reality may be in vain and may not live up to expectations.

Why do you dream about Fish (Romantic dream book)

Why fish are dreamed of depends on the age and gender of the dreamer.

  • For a teenage girl, a dream about a fish promises her first love and a visit to entertainment venues.
  • A dream about fish warns a young girl about unrequited love and mental suffering.
  • For a mature woman, a dream about fish predicts that the relationship with her husband will reach a new level.
  • Seeing fish for a man means harmony in the family circle.
  • For family people, a dream with a swimming fish predicts an imminent addition to the family.
  • If you saw an eel in a dream, you will be able to easily resolve conflicts with your loved one and get out of a deadlock situation.
  • Why dream of a live fish seen by a young girl in a dream? The dream means that in the near future she will meet a person who will become her true love.
  • A person who has recently entered into a romantic relationship, seeing a swimming fish in a dream, should rejoice, because this means that the relationship will be happy and the love will be strong.
  • Bright tropical fish splashing in the aquarium warn of possible deception on the part of your partner.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of fishing, during which you did not catch anything, then you should beware of betrayal from a loved one.
  • If a girl dreamed that she was catching fish with her bare hands, a happy marriage awaits her soon.

Fish according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

  • Why do you dream about Fish - Profit, money, child, pregnancy, a girl is born // rain, snow, loss, death, melancholy, illness, they are digging for you, troubles;
  • big - profit // rain, slander, bad speeches;
  • small - daughter will be (pregnant) // illness, grief;
  • alive - health, good luck in business, children will live;
  • asleep, rotten, smelly - profit // children will die, illness, for worse, loss, long bad weather;
  • dreamed of fishing - getting pregnant, a gift, profit, defeating an enemy // illness, bad weather (white - snow, black - rain);
  • dreams of catching fish in muddy water - illness, bad weather, death;
  • catching small fish - grief, ruin;
  • catching large prey means profit;
  • multi-colored - worsening of the disease (for the sick person), quarrel;
  • catch - a successful marriage (for a woman);
  • feed - defeat the enemy;
  • fresh - news;
  • choose fish - receive silver money, benefit, profit in the house // illness; dark (perch, tench, gudgeon) money, profit, although insignificant;
  • dreaming of fish meat, eating boiled or fried - worries, illness, loss;
  • eating raw is a loss;
  • violent - good; ironing - trouble;
  • cleaning fish is fun.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Pisces (allegory of the writer Aesop)

  • The image of a fish could appear in a dream in accordance with the expressions: “Be silent like a fish” (hide something, keep a secret) and “Fight like a fish on the ice” (try to do several things to no avail).
  • To dream of her splashing in the water means that you will be an outside observer of some painstaking and troublesome task in which a large number of people will be involved.
  • To see how a big fish swallows a small one, then this dream predicts troubles with your superiors due to the fact that you hid some fact.
  • Why do you dream about fishing with a spinning rod - your affairs will turn out well if you do not talk widely about your plans and intentions.
  • If the fishing is unsuccessful, it means that someone will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. If fishing in a dream brought a good catch, it means that in reality the results of your activities will exceed expectations.
  • Watching aquarium fish - the position of non-interference you have chosen is good only for the time being; if you let things take their course, this can threaten you with troubles, you may be excluded from a game that is worth the candle.
  • If you are preparing a fish dish or eating something fishy, ​​this means that the problems and urgent projects that have befallen you will eventually be successfully resolved and completed, just do not forget, while celebrating your victory, to thank those who helped you during this period bustle and hard work.
  • You caught a fish and released it because it was too small, then the dream suggests that in reality you tend to make grandiose plans for the future, while you need to be content with the little that life gives you today.

Analysis of a dream in which Fish was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

  • Seeing how you were fishing means that in reality you can hardly switch off from thoughts about current affairs during lovemaking. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax completely and receive (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you risk becoming a sexually defective person in the shortest possible time, since, without being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body.
  • Why do you dream of a fish, a man treating himself to fish in a dream - the dream indicates that in your intimate life you act according to the principle The Moor has done his job.... You don’t care in the least about how your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is to satisfy your own instincts.
  • Fishing in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in reality you are subconsciously afraid of disgracing yourself in bed. It is possible that an unsuccessful first attempt at sexual experience should be considered to blame for these fears. Take a philosophical view of what happened once - it was and is past, this is how the dream book Fish interprets what you dream about.

What does the Fish symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

  • Fish – Contents of the lower layers of the unconscious. One of the most ancient ancestors in evolution, taking us to the distant past and coming from the depths. Phallic symbol and symbol of sexual intercourse. The area of ​​the sacred. Symbol of deepened life.
  • Giving the catch to someone else. Desire for sexual intercourse with an individual.
  • If the fish has some spiritual qualities, for example, it can speak. Selfishness, but also coldness, impotence, since the fish has a phallic shape, but is cold-blooded.
  • A fish swimming in the opposite direction. The personal unconscious comes into conflict with the collective unconscious. This conflict is resolved only through the adaptation of personal desires to the archetypal pattern.
  • Why do you dream of a fish if it is dead (sick). Loss of energy and vitality. Regression.
  • Fish eyes. Eternal attention as they never close.
  • Fishing. The personal conscious draws strength from the collective unconscious, turning to the experience of ancestors. A positive image of phallic sexuality and success.
  • Ichthys fish is an archaic symbol of Christ.
  • There are fish dishes. Revival, because it is a miraculous food. Eating fish is associated with new properties of consciousness, new knowledge.
  • Being eaten by a whale. To be absorbed by the unconscious.
  • To be thrown back onto the shore, to be torn up by fish. Regain conscious control.
  • Jellyfish. Associated with the sea – the unconscious feminine sphere. An image of awkwardness and dependence.
  • Octopus. Terrible Mother with possessive traits.
  • I dream of oysters and mussels. Female genitalia.
  • Oyster without shell. Fears I am in conflict with reality.
  • Crab, cancer. Rebirth as crustaceans renew their shells. An ambivalent symbol of loss, since in astrology Cancer is the lunar house and during its period the summer solstice begins, when the days become shorter.
  • Lobster. Male genitals.
  • See Keith. The unconscious or the mother. The area of ​​femininity.
  • Being swallowed by a whale. The story of a loser and a dark period in life, during which the individual is replenished with the reserves of the unconscious in order to be born again, as the dream book of fortunetellers reports.

Fish - why do you dream in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • According to the dream book, why do you dream about fish when there are a lot of them - for profit, large specimens - for slander, eating a boiled carcass in a dream - for a loss, seeing dead fish - for failure, disappointment, seeing a fried carcass - for unexpected news.
  • Seeing a dark, small or medium-sized fish means tears, misfortune, and worries.
  • For a woman to dream about crucian carp, tench or perch means that she will become pregnant with a boy.
  • Seeing and choosing fish means illness, catching means bad weather, fishing means boredom.
  • A tadpole in a dream means that you will face dubious transactions that can cause serious trouble in your business.
  • If a girl dreams of tadpoles swimming in clear water, she will have a relationship with a rich but immoral man.
  • Seeing fry in an aquarium or in a river means meeting children and having fun with them.

Interpretation of Fish from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Dreaming of a fish with dark scales symbolizes negative influences.
  • Catching a silvery, live fish in a dream portends good luck; marriage.
  • I dreamed of fish with colored scales - for the sick it means recovery, for the healthy the opposite.
  • Dried fish in a dream - luck will come to naught.
  • Dreamed of a flying fish - extraordinary luck.
  • Seeing a school of fish in a dream means profit.

The meaning of dreams about underwater inhabitants (according to Nostradamus)

  • A symbol of duality, difficulty, impermanence.
  • Seeing fish or rain falling from the sky is a bad sign. Environmental disasters, disasters.
  • Fishing is trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • To see a large cluster - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.
  • You saw three fish - a happy omen.
  • Eating dishes in a dream means receiving unexpected but pleasant news.
  • If you dream of a fish with a human face, it means the threat of nuclear war.
  • Why do you dream of a fish attacking another - an attack by submarines.
  • If you dreamed about a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.
  • You saw a live carp, indicating your stamina and endurance.

The meaning of a dream about fishing (Symbolic dream book)

  • Fish (underwater creatures) – Is a very capacious, multi-valued symbol. Among its meanings the following meanings may appear: hidden emotional impulses, in general, various states of consciousness; intuition; activity, sexuality, general state of affairs (“swimming through life”); vitality, wisdom; coldness, indifference, alienation of a certain person; religiosity, spirituality (it traditionally expresses Christianity; fishermen, disciples of Christ, are “catchers of human souls”), luck, familiarization with secret, esoteric knowledge, worries, prosperity, profit, illness, danger (if, for example, you dream of an electric stingray, a shark or sea snake); fulfillment of desires (goldfish) and, finally, excellent orientation in the surrounding professional environment and business connections.
  • Quite a few night scenes are associated with fish: fishing, fish market... there are many more variations of them. But the scarcity of these sleepy pictures is easily compensated by the abundance of images of the underwater inhabitants themselves: floating, dried, dead, exotic, talking, flying, frozen, colored, large, small, huge (whale), fabulous, mythical, golden, aquarium, predatory... and each of them is endowed with its own meaning, requiring separate consideration. Moreover, the type of fish itself (carp, pike, salmon, etc.) has its own additional meaning.
  • But, most often, a dream about a fish (to catch) is interpreted as luck or illness.

We analyze the vision in which the Fish dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Pisces - Positive symbols towards humans. Symbols of free instincts in all manifestations, symbols of vitality, cheerfulness, health, healthy nutrition. Because of its shape, it is a phallic symbol, a symbol of sexual intercourse.

  • If a man gives a catch to another, this means a desire for sexual contact with him.
  • Why do you dream of fish if a man eats it? It means an increase in strength and power.
  • If a man sees that he is fishing, this indicates a desire to relax, to move away from problems in the current existing situation.
  • If a man dreams of sick or dead specimens, this is an image indicating a loss of vitality of the body and a certain degree of regression.
  • In the image of a rotting carcass, the unconscious indicates disgust towards the opposite sex.
  • If a woman dreams that she takes fish from a man and cleans it, this is a symbol of a hidden desire to deprive him of his penis, to reduce his masculinity.

Why does a woman dream about Fish (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • Live fish in clear water means that fate will generously reward you. For a girl, such a dream portends happy love.
  • A dead carcass dreams of sad losses.
  • You are fishing, portends serious trials that you will endure.
  • A fishing net dreams of new acquisitions; if the network is broken, annoying disappointments are possible.
  • You pick up fishhooks - you have every reason and opportunity to shape your destiny.
  • To see yourself walking on water with nonsense - thanks to your entrepreneurial spirit, you will be able to achieve prosperity in reality.
  • To see that you haven’t caught anything and are leaving the river empty-handed - perhaps your desires are vain and empty.
  • If in your dreams you only watch fishing, you will soon feel a surge of strength and skillfully use favorable circumstances.
  • A visit to the fish market is a sign of prosperity and joy in reality.

Why do you dream about Fish in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing fish in clear water in a dream foretells that fate will generously reward you.
  • Dreaming of a dead fish means sorrow and loss.
  • I dreamed of a live fish - happy love.
  • Catching a fish in a dream is a serious test that you will endure, maintaining your presence of mind.
  • Buying fish at the market in a dream means prosperity and joy.
  • I dreamed of a net for fishing - acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

What does it mean to dream with Fish (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of eating fish is a disappointment.
  • In the summer, what the fish meant in a dream, according to the dream book – as a gift.
  • In the fall, why did you dream about fish - pregnancy.
  • In winter, why does a man dream about fish - a blood or lymph disease.

If a man dreams of fish, this is a favorable sign: one can expect good luck in business, success in various areas of life and financial well-being. The bright streak in life will be long and will give rise to changes for the better. In addition, a dream may mean obtaining a social status that a man has long strived for. For a more accurate interpretation, you should take into account the small details of the dream: what kind of fish it was, where it was, how the dreamer interacted with it.

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What kind of fish did you dream about?

When interpreting, it is important to take into account what kind of fish the man dreamed about:

Description Meaning
Alive, freshLarge cash income, success in business
DeadTroubles, collapse, financial losses. During this period, it is better not to plan any business ideas and not to participate in major transactions: hopes will not be justified. But these are only temporary difficulties, and soon luck will return again. A lot of dead fish in a dream means a lot of failures, so to overcome them you need to be patient. If a dead fish comes to life in a dream, things are getting better; if the dreamer is sick, then recovery awaits him
Raw, rottenHealth problems. You need to rest and gain strength
BigA significant event, a meeting, a major transaction, or an acquaintance with a person who is higher than the dreamer in social status is expected ahead
SmallEveryday chores, routine
VolatileUnexpected success, dreams come true
With caviarNew addition to the family, surprise
FriedThe emergence of a new relationship that may end in marriage. Seeing such a dish on a holiday table means that in reality the dreamer will be invited to some kind of celebration
BoiledSymbol of a boring life. The dreamer is in an unsuccessful search for himself; he is unable to find use for his own talents. In the past, he had chances to change his life for the better, but he foolishly rejected them in pursuit of insignificant goals
SaltyLosses and disappointments
DriedDissatisfaction with the relationship with your other half. Such a dream may even warn of an imminent breakup
RedTo joyful moments
GoldenThe appearance of tempting and tempting offers

Where was the fish?

The meaning of the dream also depends on where the fish was:

  • In clear water in a river or lake, the dreamer will quickly climb the career ladder.
  • In dirty, muddy waters, a financial crisis is to be expected. Catching with your hands in a dirty pond - soon the general public will learn about the skeletons in the closet, carefully hidden by the dreamer. This will damage his reputation. Fishing with a fishing rod in troubled waters is a symbol of dishonest financial transactions.
  • In the networks there are serious tests that will require a person’s strength of character and fortitude. The dream may also mean that the dreamer is in a hopeless situation.
  • There is danger on the hook; great caution must be exercised.
  • In the hands of a person - great success is expected in the planned business.
  • The package contains a favorable sign: success at work and successful endeavors.
  • In the aquarium - stiffness in relationships with a certain person.

Why does a woman dream of fish - interpretation from dream books

The dreamer's actions

The dream cannot be interpreted without taking into account how the dreamer himself interacted with the fish:

Action Interpretation
EatRomantic relationships, happiness in personal life. The tastier the fish was in the dream, the stronger, sincere and more tender the relationship with the woman will be.
SaltMinor troubles
Boil fish soupGather worthy people around you and together with them start some new successful project. But soon the dreamer will get bored with it, so it will probably be abandoned
Swim in the water with the fishA person has some kind of talent that he himself is not aware of.
Fishing with a fishing rodPleasant purchases that the dreamer could not afford before due to financial difficulties. The dream also symbolizes the desire to catch someone “with your bait”
See yourself ice fishingThe need to act boldly and quickly to achieve the desired result
Catch with your handsA new project that will make a profit
Release back into the waterThe dreamer will voluntarily or forcedly give up his own happiness

If a large fish struggled in his hands, turned around and swam away - luck will turn away from the dreamer, even a perfectly done job will not be appreciated.

Who had the dream?

For a young guy, a fish swimming in the river is a sign that in the future he will be surrounded by the attention of women.

For a married man, the image of a fish in a dream is a symbol of marital relations. If the husband saw a beautiful or large fish in clear water, then a happy family life awaits him in complete mutual understanding. If a dead fish was present in a married man’s dream, quarrels and conflicts are possible in the family. A couple can even divorce if in a man’s dream his wife was holding a sick or dead fish in her hands.

Interpretations of dream books

Such a dream is interpreted differently by various well-known dream books:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
MillerYou can expect generous gifts from fate, including in terms of financial well-being. Catching a fish and eventually catching it means overcoming many serious challenges in real life, but ultimately achieving your goals. Leaving a fishing trip empty-handed means unjustified hopes
NostradamusSymbol of impermanence. To catch is to look for a way out of a difficult situation. There are a lot of fish - in order not to miss your chance, you should not rely too much on fate. Three fish in a dream - a happy omen
FreudIn real life, a person thinks too much about business and work, which is why he is unable to relax, have fun during intimacy and give pleasure to his partner. You need to be able to forget about problems for a while. Catching fish in a dream and not catching it means fear of disgrace in bed
WangiFish is a symbol of emotions. Sometimes it also warns of misfortune, the size of which depends on the size of the fish itself in the dream. For workaholics, such a dream foreshadows changes in the work environment, business trips and new things to do.
TsvetkovaCleaning fish - failures for which the dreamer himself is to blame
LoffaLive fish - throwing, searching for oneself, desperate desire to make money
HasseA favorable symbol that promises success in the future, money and general well-being. A man dreams of a big fish to mean that even in risky matters, luck will always accompany him. But a small fish speaks of fears, uncertainty and doubts, and illnesses are possible. Fishing with fishing gear or catching with bare hands in a dream is a warning that the dreamer has been set up by an ill-wisher

In order to understand why a man dreams of a live fish, first of all you need to pay attention to the water in which it swims. If the fish is transparent, and the fish is large, with shiny scales, and splashing nearby, it means that soon the person who saw such a dream will have the opportunity to improve their well-being and increase their social status

Vivid, memorable dreams predict future happy moments or warn against troubles awaiting a person in the future. The plot of a fish dreamed by a man has many interpretations in various dream books. Famous soothsayers and fortune tellers advise that when deciphering the meaning of a dream, one should proceed from the general atmosphere surrounding the sleeper and from his mood upon awakening.

Live fish - to good luck and financial well-being

If there are a lot of fish and they swim with the flow in water sparkling under the sun, this can only mean one thing - you need to immediately take part in a new, recently organized project or create your own. Moreover, you cannot hesitate; you need to plunge headlong into solving organizational issues and carry them out without delay. In this case, you can hope for a positive result in your business and good dividends.

An excellent omen is to catch big fish with a fishing rod. Fantastic luck awaits a man who sees such a dream, which can promise:

  • rapid rise up the career ladder or appointment to a managerial position;
  • financial well-being;
  • making the right decisions and choosing the best business partner;
  • any problems will be solved quickly, everything is now within our reach, even with little effort on the part of the man himself.

A pike caught by a man promises an extraordinary result - of course, because now there will be a successful woman nearby who will not let you down in any situation and will turn out to be a faithful and devoted friend.

A big fishing catch means that a man is successful in life and has done a lot for his own and family well-being.

If a fish was caught with caviar, and even with your hands, this is a real sign of fate. Things will go well, and the service or work will become a source of stable income for a long time. And if you hold the fish by the tail, you can safely assume that luck will not leave your hands in the future.

It can be especially noted why a single man dreams of live fish. A large fish he caught in a dream in reality can turn into a beautiful and gentle life partner. You just need to notice your chosen one in time and not make a mistake when making a choice. The dream tells you that a decisive moment in life has arrived. Seeing a lot of frolicking fish in a dream also means that the time has come for a man to leave his bachelor habits and start choosing the one and only one he loves.

Fishing in troubled waters

Muddy water in a dream has a pronounced negative meaning. At a minimum, it is a symbol of illness and financial decline. Doing your business in dirty water is not the best way to earn a decent reputation. If you had such a dream, you need to think about changing the situation that has arisen in real life, and immediately take actions that will improve the situation.

If a live fish fell from the sky in a dream or appeared in front of a person in an unnatural way, then this could mean approaching disasters, financial losses or other troubles.

In conclusion

Most dream books do not give a clear answer to the question “Why do you dream about live fish?” This largely depends on the interpretation of the dream by the person himself, his attitude to the information received and the conclusions he will draw.

Our grandmothers always said that a fish in a dream symbolizes some kind of profit for the dreamer. For a girl, such a dream can even promise an early pregnancy, but few people have thought about what such a vision means for a guy. When answering the question of why a man dreams of fish, it is worth noting that in most cases the interpretation will be related to finances, and the details of the dream will tell us more about this.

Before we begin a detailed analysis of why a man dreams of a lot of fish, it is important to understand that it is almost impossible to create a universal interpretation for every dreamer.

We all differ from each other in character and mental characteristics, therefore the emotions that will arise in a dream when seeing a fish will be completely different.

Even completely identical visions for two dreamers can carry opposite meanings, since for one traveler in the kingdom of dreams, fish is a symbol of profit, while for another it is associated with faith and God.

However, it is still customary to highlight some general interpretations:

And also if a man saw in a dream how he was fishing, This means that in the real world he is involved in the ancient archetypes of the breadwinner or hunter. At work, you are regularly praised for your special diligence, although you do not consider yourself a hardworking person. The main thing for you is to provide your family with a good life, and this can only be done through long and hard work.

Interpretations of modern dream books

Currently, in bookstores you can find quite a few well-known dream books that provide a detailed answer to the question of why a guy dreams of fish. Among them there are both little-known ones and those that have earned the trust of dreamers of more than one generation.

The information from them may differ from each other, and this is not at all surprising, since the correct interpretation of what is seen in night dreams is always hidden behind the details. However, some of them still agree.

Here are the most famous interpreters who are very popular among experienced dreamers:

When interpreting such dreams, it is worth considering that the larger the school of fish in the dream, the richer and more luxurious you will spend the rest of your life.

If there was only one fish and small , which means that the monetary profit will be just as insignificant, but if in the kingdom of Morpheus you happen to catch several tons of large fish, in reality a whole fortune will fall on you, which will radically change your life. You may even want to move to another country or city.

Dead fish in a dream

Dreams in which a dead fish appeared deserve special mention, since such a vision does not always predict something bad. In most cases, such a sign should be regarded as a warning from fate about impending difficulties, but a more accurate interpretation depends on the details of what was seen and on the emotional state of the dreamer in his night dreams.

Whatever plot you dream of at night, always remember it in the smallest detail:

If in a dream you saw a whole school of dead fish , which was washed ashore by the waves, which means that in reality you should prepare to resolve several issues at the same time.

You need to set your priorities correctly when solving your tasks, otherwise you risk losing a large amount of money.

Fishing in troubled waters

Why might you dream about fishing in a muddy pond? Most sources interpret this as a bad sign. In addition to financial problems, the dreamer can expect a serious deterioration in health. A similar interpretation is given to dreams in which rotten fish appeared.

If in a dream you were fishing in a dirty river with a fishing rod, which means dishonest financial transactions await you in reality. It is better to immediately discard all thoughts that you will get away with crime, since this definitely will not happen, even if you have already managed to escape responsibility once. It is impossible to enter the same river twice, so you should not test your luck.

It pays to be extremely careful in the real world, if in a dream you pulled a fish out of a dirty pond . Such a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a lovely person, and everything would be fine, but she will betray the dreamer at the first convenient opportunity. This will lead to the complete ruin of the sleeping person and, even after several years, you will not be able to recover from the blow to your finances.

In your night dreams wandered through the forest and accidentally stumbled upon a polluted lake with lots of small fish? Soon you will witness someone's triumph and this will make you blackly jealous. Under no circumstances give in to the temptation to annoy this person, even if you are enemies, since fate now favors him more than you. On the contrary, it is worth making friends with the lucky one and learning from him useful experience in some matters.

Catching fish with your hands in an ice hole or muddy water- to gossip, the object of which will be the dreamer. You should be extremely careful when sharing secrets with your colleagues, since not all of them are as loyal to you as you think. For some people, it is much more important to get a long-awaited promotion or increase in salary, even if it means they have to betray their friend.

Fishing in a clear pond

A dream in which you had to fish in a clean pond with your bare hands represents some of your character traits. In reality, the dreamer is a strong and courageous person who will never abandon friends in difficult times and will always help close people not only in word, but also in deed.

Continue to follow the same path in life, and you will easily overcome all difficulties along the way. The owner of dreams can also fully count on the help of his comrades, since they will always remember the warmth and kindness with which the dreamer treats them.

Sea fishing in the kingdom of dreams represents a symbol of masculine energy. This is most relevant in the case if the dreamer caught fish with his bare hands at great depth. You are looking forward to the opportunity to show all your physical qualities in front of the fair half of humanity in order to win the heart of one of the ladies.

You will have great success in the military and in finance, but it is better to avoid those professions that have traditionally been considered feminine. It is also not recommended to work in a team consisting mostly of women, since you risk losing your inner core.

I happened to see myself in a dream with bucket and fishing rod in the middle of a clear lake? The correct interpretation will depend on your catch. If there were a lot of fish, it means that in reality you should prepare for pleasant purchases or financial investments that will bring big profits in the future. But if you don't catch anything, you're in trouble. Take a close look at your significant other, as there is a high probability of her cheating.

As you can see, there are many interpretations of why a man dreams of fish.

Do not forget to pay attention to the details of the dream, and it is best to write them down on paper immediately after waking up so as not to forget. Remember that all the secrets of your dreams lie in the little things.

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See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money you will receive.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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