How does a person feel when he dies? Clinical death. Last minutes of life

It is obvious that after the death of the USSR and socialism, the death of Russia itself is inevitable. It is the matter of time. The West, which destroyed the USSR with the help of traitors from the top of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, will destroy Russia. By the way, also with the help of traitors: the Yeltsins, Chubais, Gaidars, Putins, Medvedevs, Nemtsovs, Yavlinskys and other Navalnys. It will destroy because Russia in its current form, large and numerous with nuclear weapons and missiles, is the main geopolitical enemy in the world. And there is always a danger that Russia will throw off its power - the proxies of the West, who have ruled Russia since 1991, and begin its revival. Since the Russians still have genetic memory and a thirst for justice, they can again revive the USSR or its analogue. Therefore, the West not only wants to deprive Russia of missiles and nuclear weapons, but also to split it into parts that conflict with each other. How the Russian Federation and Ukraine are now in conflict with each other, but once they were one. . Therefore, the West, with the help of its proteges who have ruled Russia for 27 years, is doing everything to prevent Russia from being revived and continuing to degrade. Until quantitative degradation turns into qualitative degradation, that is, into decay. Which will happen under the control of the West, just as the collapse of the USSR occurred. In new regions, the right guys will be put in new positions, who will faithfully serve the West. If necessary, the West, at the request of the Kremlin, will send in its troops to control the process and pacify the natives, that is, us.

On this moment Science and industry have already been virtually destroyed in Russia. They made medicine inaccessible, which has completely degraded in 27 years. First of all, due to the decline in the quality of doctors. Since education in the country has completely degraded. All food products in supermarkets and convenience stores are counterfeit. All without exception. What does not add health to people. But the main thing is the destruction of science and industry. While they are still in the country. Thanks to the legacy of the USSR. But the legacy ends. And soon we will have to forget about space, missiles and nuclear weapons. The country will forget how to make them. The machine tool and electronics industries have already been destroyed. Factories producing bearings were destroyed. Factories producing high-tech products that produced watches, cameras, optics, domestic televisions, radios, refrigerators, and household appliances were deliberately bankrupted and closed. Russia produces mainly low-value products. And at the few remaining enterprises producing high value-added products, the share of imports exceeds 50%. Moreover, the most complex parts and assemblies: engines and their components, electronics. And the few parts that Russia produces, stamped iron, are produced using imported equipment. At AvtoVAZ in Tolyatti, the share of imports is 55% and continues to grow. At the plant producing Superjets, the share of imports is 75-80%. Moreover, almost all other aircraft factories in Russia were destroyed. The personnel training system for production was also destroyed. Old staff are retiring due to age, and there is no replacement for them. Over 27 years, about 80% of factories were closed. Most of it under Putin. And they keep closing. Hundreds of thousands of scientists have left Russia for the West over the years, since since 1992, science in the country has actually not been funded. Let me remind you that the Kremlin is doing all this deliberately on instructions from the West.

Here is what the wonderful Russian writer Valentin Rasputin wrote about this: “A state that deliberately kills itself - this has never happened in the world.” For me, everything has long been obvious, like twice two. Russia is essentially an occupied country that was defeated during the Cold War. Perestroika was a joint special operation by the CIA and the top of the CPSU to destroy the USSR and socialism. As a result of perestroika, the West was able to place its own agents at the head of our country, which were specially trained to govern Russia starting in the mid-70s. Prepared by traitors from the top of the CPSU Central Committee. At the head of the anti-Soviet conspiracy were Andropov and Kosygin. Head of the KGB and Prime Minister. Both are members of the Politburo. Traitors - the modern Russian elite is held tightly by the West by the balls, since all the money of the elite, trillions of dollars stolen from Russia, is stored in Western banks. We are ruled by the Vlasovites of the 21st century, ruled by the administration of the occupied territory, which does everything the West wants. No wonder the three-striped “Vlasov flag” proudly flies over the Kremlin. Controlling a colony with the help of a corrupt elite is a method long ago worked out by the Anglo-Saxons in their colonies. Particularly in India. By the way, Russia is now also a colony. And not only raw materials.

Now let’s assume that the West doesn’t care about Russia. That he doesn’t care what happens to her, will Russia be reborn then? No. But the process of death and decay will drag on. Why will this happen?

Capitalism in the world is divided into capitalism of metropolitan countries and peripheral capitalism. For capitalism to flourish in metropolitan countries, markets are needed, someone needs to be robbed, beads and mirrors need to be exchanged for natural resources, for cheap labor. Someone needs to snag dollars, euros, pounds sterling. He printed beautiful pieces of paper, the price of which is pennies, and with them you can buy whatever you want in the states of peripheral capitalism. Including the leadership of these countries. So that it implements in its states the economic policy that was prescribed in the metropolitan countries. Which is dictated by the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO - surrogates that created metropolitan countries so that the states of peripheral capitalism live by certain rules, according to which they will never be able to get out of hunger and poverty. For example, the countries of Latin America, in which capitalism is more than 150 years old, and they have not advanced one step towards the developed capitalism of the metropolitan countries.

The main wealth in the world is natural resources. And there are not enough of them for everyone to live well. It is the metropolitan countries that rob states with peripheral capitalism, taking away their raw materials through deception, buying them for pennies so that they can live beautifully themselves. The same USA is 20% of world GDP, and they consume 35% of world resources. Moreover, the laws of capitalism, which are good for metropolitan countries, are completely unsuitable for states with peripheral capitalism. But the latter, with the help of the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO, force them to comply with the laws of capitalism that apply in the metropolitan countries. But the same Japan performed its “Japanese miracle” by violating these laws; the Japanese took the Soviet economy of the 30s as a model. But the Japanese were allowed to do this, which is why I will write below.

Sometimes the question arises: is there capitalism in Russia now? Yes, capitalism, typical peripheral capitalism. Which is fundamentally different from the capitalism of the metropolitan countries. I have already explained above why this happens. There are not enough resources for everyone. If Russia begins to live richly, then the West will have to live poorer and consume less. Let's take Moscow. Why is it fattening, its standard of living is the same as in the Czech Republic, and in the rest of Russia, like in Africa? So Moscow robs the entire country, lives off it, produces nothing, but the elite, owners of companies and factories live in it, pay taxes in it.

Similar relations are developing between metropolitan countries and states with peripheral capitalism. TNCs have taken over most of the enterprises and companies in the states of peripheral capitalism and are transferring all profits to the metropolitan countries. They invest in their countries, in their countries they pay taxes on the money they earned in Russia and other states of peripheral capitalism. That's where a lot of money and high salaries come from. Local businessmen do the same when they transfer money to the West. Many people pay taxes there.

Why is almost no money invested in business development in states of peripheral capitalism? Everyone in the world cannot live richly. The rich are rich because 90% are poor. Therefore, the states of peripheral capitalism are deliberately prevented from developing industry with the help of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. Which impose suicidal economic policies on these states. Therefore, in these states conditions have been deliberately created that make it unprofitable to create new enterprises. High loans, high taxes on literally everything, bribe-taking officials, racketeering. And in Russia, for example, there is also state racketeering if other obstacles do not work. The state just comes and takes your business away from you if you don’t understand it in an amicable way. So, in essence, they took away Euroset from Chichvarkin and Magnit from Galitsky, buying them for pennies. By the way, Magnit eventually went to Lavrov’s son-in-law. Who is our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

They rob us and do not allow us to be reborn. They do not give through political and economic methods. And sometimes they use military force against the dissatisfied, as well as conspiracies, sabotage, they organize counter-revolutions, “color revolutions”, coups: Chile - 1973, Arab countries of North Africa - 2010, Ukraine - 2014. And personal hostility has nothing to do with it. Just BUSINESS.

That is, Russia, as a country of peripheral capitalism, will simply not be allowed to develop, will not be allowed to emerge from a state of eternal degradation. And is it destined, like other states of peripheral capitalism, to degrade for centuries? No, it's not meant to be. What is not so dangerous for other states is deadly for Russia. Russia is an empire, the largest state in the world, home to hundreds of peoples. And all weak empires fall apart. This is an axiom. Just as the Great Ancient Empires of past centuries fell apart, when they weakened: Egypt, Greece, Carthage, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, so Russia will also fall apart. The inevitability that miraculously did not happen in 1917, when Russia was saved by the Bolsheviks, will happen in the 21st century. Here is what the liberal and dissident Andrei Amalrik wrote about this in 1978: “Just as the adoption of Christianity delayed the death of the Roman Empire, but did not save it from the inevitable end, so the Marxist doctrine delayed the collapse of the Russian Empire - the third Rome - but was unable to avert it ". It may be objected that in 1991 the breakup had already occurred. I answer. The disintegration of the empire occurs until individual self-sufficient nations become separate states. That is, the collapse of 1991 was not final. Alas.

From the two parts I wrote above, it follows that in any situation under capitalism, Russia will have the same outcome - collapse. Who is to blame - I wrote. What to do? Only under socialism can Russia be raised from its knees. Therefore, we need to think about how to restore the USSR at a new stage. Is this real? No. The West has everything under control. He will not make the mistakes of 1917. He suffered too many troubles because of the October Revolution. Moreover, with the modern level of science and technology, television, it is much easier to control and zombie the masses. So it's too late to drink Borjomi. The collapse of Russia will happen in any case. At the same time, the Russians themselves will not find it enough. You have to pay for stupidity! The collapse of the USSR and the death of socialism could not be allowed. And now the train has left. But this does not mean that you have to stop fighting. You have to fight to the end in order to remain human, not to become a slave, a stupid chomping man in the street.

PS. Often, when I explain to people that states of peripheral capitalism will not be allowed to become metropolitan countries, they tell me about Japan and South Korea. And post-war Germany is sometimes cited as an example. The thing is that after WWII the Anglo-Saxons could not do without allies. The USSR was too strong and powerful. And socialism began to raise its head in Europe. The Anglo-Saxons needed an outpost that would prevent socialism from spreading further in Europe. Therefore, Germany was helped to revive with the help of the Marshall Plan. They opened their markets to Germany. Moreover, Germany became a colony of the Anglo-Saxons. There are tons of US military bases in it. Similarly, an outpost was needed in the east. It became another Anglo-Saxon colony - Japan. As a counterbalance to the USSR and China. It also has many US military bases. To boost the Japanese economy, an analogue of the Marshall Plan was used. The USA, England and other Western countries opened their markets for it. At the same time, Japan was allowed to use the experience of the USSR in the 30s. To accelerate the growth of your economy, to achieve a breakthrough, when in ten years you need to do what other countries took a century. They similarly helped South Korea, as an outpost in the confrontation with the DPRK. By the way, the standard of living in the DPRK in 1970 exceeded the standard of living in South Korea. In 1975, their standard of living was equal. In the second half of the 70s, stagnation began in the USSR. Which also affected the DPRK. Therefore, in 1980, South Korea managed to overtake the DPRK in terms of GDP per person. And after the collapse of the USSR and the death of socialism in Europe, the economy of the DPRK collapsed. Because the economy of North Korea was focused on the socialist countries in Europe and the USSR. And the West imposed an economic embargo on North Korea. Therefore, GDP per person in the DPRK in 1995 fell four times compared to 1987. North Korea's GDP fell accordingly by three times over the same period.

If your loved one is terminally ill, accepting that they will soon be gone can be incredibly difficult. Knowing what to expect can make things easier.

This article examines 11 signs that death is approaching and discusses ways to cope with the death of a loved one.

How to understand that he is dying

When a person is terminally ill, they may be in hospital or receiving palliative care. It is important for loved ones to know the signs of approaching death.

Human behavior before death

Eats less

As a person approaches death, he becomes less active. This means that it the body requires less energy than before. He practically stops eating or drinking as his appetite gradually decreases.

Those caring for a dying person should allow the person to eat only when he is hungry. Offer the patient ice (or fruit ice) to maintain hydration levels. A person may stop eating completely a few days before death. When this happens, you can try using a moisturizing balm on your lips to prevent drying out.

Sleeps more

During the 2 or 3 months before death, a person begins to spend more and more time sleeping. Lack of wakefulness is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes weaker. No metabolic energy

Anyone caring for a dying loved one should do everything they can to ensure their sleep is comfortable. When the patient has energy, you can try to encourage him to move or get out of bed and walk around to avoid bedsores.

Tired of people

The energy of the dying person fades away. He can't spend as much time with other people as he used to. Perhaps your company will also weigh on him.

Vital signs change

As a person approaches death, their vital signs may change as follows:

  • Blood pressure decreases
  • Breathing changes
  • Heartbeat becomes irregular
  • Pulse weak
  • Urine may be brown or rusty in color

Toilet habits are changing

As a dying person eats and drinks less, their bowel movements may become smaller. This applies to both solid waste and urine. When a person completely refuses food and water, he stops using the toilet.

These changes may be upsetting to loved ones, but they are to be expected. Perhaps the hospital will install a special catheter that will alleviate the situation.

Muscles lose their strength

In the days leading up to death, a person's muscles become weak. Muscle weakness means that an individual will not be able to perform even simple tasks that were previously possible. For example, drinking from a cup, turning over in bed, and so on. If this happens to a dying person, loved ones should help them lift things or turn over in bed.

Body temperature decreases

When a person dies, his blood circulation deteriorates, so the blood concentrates in the internal organs. This means that not enough blood will flow to the arms and legs.

Reduced blood circulation means that a dying person's skin will become cold to the touch. It may also appear pale or mottled with blue and purple spots. A person who is dying may not feel cold. But if this does happen, offer him a blanket or blanket.

Consciousness is confused

When a person dies, their brain is still very active. However sometimes those who are near death begin to become confused or express their thoughts incorrectly. This happens when a person loses control over what is happening around him.

Breathing changes

Dying people often have breathing problems. It may become more frequent or, conversely, deep and slow. The dying person may not have enough air, and the breathing itself often becomes erratic.

If the person caring for your loved one notices this, there is no need to worry. This is a normal part of the dying process, and usually does not cause pain to the dying person. In addition, if you have any concerns about this, you can always consult a doctor.

Painful sensations appear

It can be difficult to come to terms with the inevitable fact that a person's pain levels may increase as they approach death. Seeing a painful expression on a person's face or hearing the groans a patient makes is, of course, not easy. A person caring for a dying loved one should talk to their doctor about the use of pain medications. The doctor can try to make this process as comfortable as possible.

Hallucinations appear

It is quite common for dying people to experience visions or Although this may seem quite frightening, there is no need to worry. It is better not to try to change the patient’s opinion about visions, to convince him, as this will most likely only cause additional difficulties.

How to survive the last hours with a loved one?

With the onset of death, human organs stop working, and all processes in the body stop. All you can do in this situation is just be there. Show concern and try to make the last hours of the dying person as comfortable as possible.

Continue to talk to the dying person until he passes, because often the dying person hears everything that is happening around him until the last minute.

Other signs of death

If a dying person is connected to a heart rate monitor, loved ones will be able to see when their heart stops beating, signaling death.

Other signs of death include:

  • No pulse
  • Lack of breathing
  • No muscle tension
  • Fixed eyes
  • Emptying your bowel or bladder
  • Closing the eyelids

After confirming the death of a person, loved ones will be able to spend some time with someone who was dear to them. Once they say goodbye, the family usually contacts the funeral home. The funeral home will then take the person's body and prepare it for burial. When a person dies in a hospice or hospital, staff contact the funeral home on behalf of the family.

How to cope with the loss of a loved one?

Even when death was expected, it is extremely difficult to come to terms with it. It is important that people give themselves time and space to grieve. Don't give up on the support of friends and family either.

Why did the woman die from alcoholism? How do men die from alcoholism? What are the main causes of such deaths? It's worth knowing the answers to all these questions. Alcohol is a highly toxic substance; with its constant use, irreversible changes occur in the body, which has a detrimental effect on the human condition as a whole. Gradual poisoning of the body provokes the development of diseases, which can often result in death. Death after drinking alcohol-containing drinks is a consequence of the gradual toxic effect of alcohol on the body or is associated with its ability to quickly worsen a person’s health in chronic diseases and various hidden pathologies.

Main causes of death from alcohol dependence

Important! Death from alcohol is one of the main causes of sudden death for many apparently healthy men, although no obvious signs of intoxication are visible.

How can you die from alcoholism? Death from alcohol abuse can occur for a variety of reasons. In acute pancreatitis, a person's heart may suddenly stop. The cause of death will also be a blood clot that breaks off and blocks the blood supply while drinking alcohol. Often the cause of death is the consumption of a lethal dose of alcohol - in in this case death is usually observed the next day.


According to statistical information from the World Health Organization, about 4% of the world's population die annually from alcoholism and diseases of internal organs caused by alcoholic beverages, which now amounts to approximately 2.5 million people. Such cases include:

  • At least 1/5 of the deaths from alcohol are due to various cancers that were provoked by alcohol;
  • About 16% of people who drink die from liver disease, most of them die from cirrhosis;
  • Approximately 14% of deaths are due to alcohol-related cardiovascular disease;
  • 18% of deaths are associated with other chronic diseases and pathologies that are aggravated due to alcohol poisoning.

The harmful effects of alcohol are observed when taking ethanol in any volume, and regular alcohol intoxication causes diseases of many internal organs, of which the greatest danger is:

  • Heart diseases – myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmia;
  • Nervous system – polyneuropathy, myopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, epileptiform seizures;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract - pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, esophageal reflux, liver failure;
  • Genitourinary system – acute urinary retention, nephritis, sexual disorders;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bone fractures.

Alcohol consumption leads to disturbances in purine and carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the exacerbation of gout, diabetes, and destroys the immune system.


According to WHO statistics, about 30% of drunken deaths occur due to an accident. Here are just some examples of how people die from alcohol:

  • Getting hit by various vehicles (cars, trams, trains, etc.);
  • Falling from height;
  • Hypothermia or overheating;
  • Gassing;
  • Improper handling of all kinds of household appliances;
  • Death in fires;
  • Drowning.

When the dose of alcohol was large enough, intoxication had set in a long time ago, the person no longer felt a change in the conditions around him - temperature, altitude, obstacles. Reflexes are dulled and in this state any absurd accident can happen. Suicides among alcoholics occur a little less frequently. Psychoses caused by alcohol abuse can provoke alcoholics to many actions, including suicide.


Alcohol and drugs very often do not go together. Alcoholic drinks (including beer) can make medications either simply ineffective or change their effect in the most unpredictable way. For fatal poisoning in this case, it is enough to mix alcohol with drugs:

  • Sleeping pills – may cause drowsiness, coma or death;
  • Cardiovascular– seriously increases the risk of developing vascular insufficiency;
  • Antipyretic– provokes ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diuretic – stimulates the development of pancreatitis and heart failure;
  • Analgesics – increases tachycardia;
  • Antibiotics – enhances the destructive effect of toxins on the body.

Avoiding alcoholic beverages while undergoing any drug treatment can often be vital. However, every year a certain number of people for some reason forget about this simple rule.


A high price, a beautiful bottle and label are not always signs of truly high-quality alcohol. Even reputable stores can sell products based on methyl alcohol (methanol), and it is much more dangerous than ordinary ethanol. These are just some of the harmful features of its effect on the human body:

  • Methanol severely affects vision, including blindness;
  • Methyl alcohol causes severe poisoning of the body;
  • Methanol leads to intoxication many times faster, and causes much more damage to health.

Methyl alcohol as a lethal substitute for ethyl alcohol is used in industry; it is prohibited in food production because it is extremely harmful to the human body. But even such qualities do not stop some alcoholics from drinking questionable drinks.

Important! Due to the fact that methanol-based alcohol is visually indistinguishable from high-quality alcohol, dangerous drinks are successfully sold, but for the most part this is observed on the market in the low-price segment.

The weakening of the immune system, which is inherent in all alcoholics, leads to their increased susceptibility to various infections. With alcoholism, a person often dies extremely ill, experiencing unimaginable pain. And for which of the above-mentioned reasons this happens - with the worsening of alcoholism it becomes less important, because the person eventually almost completely loses touch with reality. Therefore, it is necessary to solve problems with alcohol as soon as they appear, so as not to lead to irreversible consequences.

How to avoid dying from alcohol poisoning?

How to avoid dying from alcohol poisoning? Feeling unwell in the morning after drinking too much alcohol is an indicator of the onset of addiction to alcohol. Depending on the symptoms, the subsequent reaction of the body can be different, including death. Vomiting blood may well be a sign of a stomach ulcer, and a sign of a heart attack is pain in the heart. If the pain is severe, you should not try to cope with it by willpower and various folk remedies. Fainting, increased temperature or blood pressure, worsening headache - all these symptoms should force a person to immediately seek professional medical help. You cannot do nothing if there is a strong heartbeat, dizziness, confusion, or painful repeated vomiting.

These symptoms may not be signs of intoxication, but may be an acute reaction of the body to any disease. With renal colic, pain can be relieved only by intravenous administration of painkillers; other methods will not help, especially if it is bilateral pain, acute urinary retention, or repeated vomiting. Warming procedures such as warm baths and warm compresses at the site of pain will also have no effect. In case of acute urinary retention, all attempts to help the patient on their own will only lead to increased suffering. To provide first aid, it is necessary to perform catheterization of the bladder. If you have symptoms of heart failure or hepatic coma, you should immediately call an ambulance.

You shouldn’t joke with your health in the situation of alcohol poisoning and at the first signs of intoxication you need to start acting, and not wait until everything “goes away on its own.” An alcoholic may not feel the worsening of his condition, which is why fatal alcohol poisoning occurs so often among alcohol-dependent people. The probability of death from alcoholism can be called the first and one of the main reasons to give up drinking right now and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Adults are a phenomenon that is being introduced into the everyday life of a modern person. It is happening more and more often. But no one can say for sure that the deceased was seriously ill. That is, in fact, death occurs suddenly. There are a number of reasons and risk groups that can influence this phenomenon. What does the public need to know about sudden death? Why does it occur? Is there any way to avoid it? All features will be presented below. Only if you know all the currently known information about the phenomenon can you try to somehow avoid a collision with a similar situation. In fact, everything is much more complicated than it seems.


Sudden adult death syndrome is a phenomenon that became widespread in 1917. It was at this moment that such a term was first heard.

The phenomenon is characterized by the death, and causeless death, of a person in good health. Such a citizen, as already mentioned, did not have any serious illnesses. In any case, the person himself did not complain of any symptoms, and also did not receive treatment from a doctor.

There is no exact definition of this phenomenon. Exactly the same as the real mortality statistics. Many doctors argue about the reasons why this phenomenon occurs. Sudden adult death syndrome is a mystery that is still unsolved. There are many theories according to which they die. More about them below.

Risk group

The first step is to figure out who is most often exposed to the phenomenon being studied. The thing is that sudden adult death syndrome occurs quite often in Asians. Therefore, these people are at risk.

SIDS (sudden unexplained death syndrome) is also often observed in people who work a lot. That is, workaholics. In any case, this is the assumption made by some doctors.

The risk group includes, in principle, all people who:

  • unhealthy family environment;
  • hard work;
  • constant stress;
  • there are serious illnesses (but then death is usually not sudden).

Accordingly, the majority of the planet's population is exposed to the phenomenon being studied. No one is safe from it. According to doctors, during an autopsy it is impossible to establish the cause of a person’s death. This is why death is called sudden.

However, as already mentioned, there are several assumptions according to which the mentioned phenomenon occurs. Sudden death syndrome in an adult can be explained by several methods. What assumptions exist regarding this topic?

Man vs chemistry

The first theory is the effect of chemistry on the human body. Modern people are surrounded by a variety of chemicals. They are everywhere: in furniture, medicines, water, food. Literally at every step. Especially in food.

There is very little natural food. Every day the body receives huge doses of chemicals. All this cannot pass without a trace. And so sudden adult death syndrome occurs. The body simply cannot withstand the next charge of chemistry that surrounds modern man. As a result, life activity stops. And death comes.

The theory is supported by many. After all, as practice has shown, over the last century, unexplained deaths have begun to occur quite often. It was during this period that the progress of human development was observed. Therefore, we can consider the impact of environmental chemicals on the body as the first and most likely cause.


The following theory can also be scientifically explained. We are talking about electromagnetic waves. It's no secret that a person has been under the influence of magnetism all his life. Pressure surges are very well felt by some people - they begin to feel bad. This proves the negative impact of electromagnetic waves on humans.

At the moment, scientists have proven that the Earth is the second most powerful planet in the solar system producing radio emissions. The body, being constantly in such an environment, suffers some kind of malfunction. Especially in combination with exposure to chemicals. And this is where sudden adult death syndrome arises. In fact, electromagnetic waves cause the body to stop performing functions to ensure human life.

It's all about breathing

But the following theory may seem somewhat unconventional and even absurd. But it is still actively promoted around the world. Quite often, sudden death syndrome occurs during sleep in an adult. Regarding this phenomenon, some put forward incredible assumptions.

The point is that during sleep the human body functions, but in an “economical” mode. And a person dreams during such periods of rest. Horror can cause the body to refuse to function. More precisely, breathing is impaired. It stops because of what it sees. In other words, out of fear.

That is, a person does not realize in a dream that everything that happens is not reality. As a result, he dies in life. As already said, a somewhat incredible theory. But it does happen. By the way, sudden death syndrome in infants during sleep is explained in a similar way. Scientists say that if, while resting, a child dreams that he is in the womb, then breathing will stop. And the baby “forgets” to breathe, since oxygen must be supplied to him through the umbilical cord. But all this is just speculation.


What else can you hear? What are the causes of sudden adult death syndrome? The following assumption generally looks like a fairy tale. But it is sometimes expressed.

As already said, an incredible, fabulous theory. There is no need to believe this assumption. Rather, such a story is an ordinary “scarecrow”, which was invented in order to somehow explain sudden death syndrome in adults.


Now some information that looks more like the truth. The thing is that, as already mentioned, Asians are at risk of people susceptible to sudden death syndrome. Why?

Scientists have put forward a certain assumption. Asians are people who work constantly. They work very hard. And so the body at one point begins to deplete. It “burns out” and “turns off.” As a result, death occurs.

That is, in fact, the sudden death of an adult occurs due to the fact that the body is overworked. Work is often to blame for this. As statistics show, if you pay attention to Asians, many die right at work. Therefore, you should not work to exhaustion all the time. This pace of life has a negative impact on health. A person does not show any other signs other than fatigue.


Also among the most common theories regarding death without cause is stress. Another assumption that you can believe in. As already mentioned, people who are constantly in a nervous environment not only have a high risk of disease and cancer, they are also classified as a high-risk population that may experience sudden death syndrome.

The theory is explained in almost the same way as in the case of constant work and stress - the body “wears out” from stress, then “switches off” or “burns out.” As a result, death occurs without any apparent reason. The effects of stress cannot be detected at autopsy. Just like the negative impact of intense, systematic and incessant work.


What conclusions follow from all of the above? Sudden night death syndrome, as well as daytime death in adults and children, is an unexplained phenomenon. There are a huge number of different theories that allow one or another group of people to be classified as at risk. Doctors and scientists to this day cannot find an exact explanation for this phenomenon. Just like putting forward a clear definition of sudden death syndrome.

Only one thing is clear - in order to avoid a high risk of dying for no apparent reason, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, be less nervous and have more rest. In modern conditions, bringing an idea to life is very problematic. In any case, doctors recommend at least minimizing tension and the amount of stress. Workaholics need to understand that they also need to rest. Otherwise, such people may die suddenly.

If you lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible, the likelihood of sudden death is minimized. Every person should remember this. No one is immune from the mentioned phenomenon. Scientists are trying to study it as best as possible and find the exact cause of this phenomenon. So far, as has already been emphasized, this has not been done. All that remains is to believe numerous theories.

Fires - like any manifestation of unbridled elements - always bring destruction and death with them. But those that flare up in public and residential buildings with large numbers of people have particularly severe consequences.

The death of people in fires is largely due to the lack of fire-fighting knowledge and skills among Russian citizens. People often do not know not only basic fire safety rules, but even the telephone number of the nearest fire department. Not to mention actions at the initial moment of fire development before the arrival of fire departments, and methods of self-rescue in an extreme situation. This is especially true for residential buildings, where the largest number of fires and deaths occur.
What causes people to die in a fire? What do you need to know about a fire to stay alive?

1. Fire blinds you, you cannot see in the fire.
If you have never experienced the real factors of a fire, you will be in a state of complete shock.
To your horror, you will learn that in a real fire you cannot see anything. The flame turns everything black. It brings no light. Nothing is visible, only heat and ashes, terrible darkness. You absolutely cannot navigate, you cannot find the exit door you know. Complete loss of orientation due to panic. The fire is black as night, which will lead to inevitable death.

In order to avoid this, use in buildings:
- emergency lighting;
- light indicators “evacuation (emergency) exit”;
- fire safety signs used on escape routes,
including glow in the dark;
- electric lights.

2. Smoke and gas kill, not flame.
A modern apartment is literally filled with objects and materials that, when burned in huge quantities, release more than 70 types of toxic substances (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, diphosgene, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, etc.). A few breaths in such an atmosphere - and a person can no longer be saved.

Most people die not from fire or collapsed structures, but from smoke and lack of oxygen. Moreover, more than half of those affected by smoke die at the scene of the fire. 42% of survivors suffer severe poisoning, every third of them dies in the hospital without regaining consciousness. About 70% of all those killed in a fire die from exposure to smoke, and the speed of its spread is high: 2-3 minutes in a corridor, 1-1.5 minutes in a stairwell of a ten-story building.

The most dangerous thing is if a fire occurs in a residential building in the middle of the night. Do you think you'll wake up and take action? However, the scary fact is that you won't wake up to the smell of smoke. It will only make you fall asleep even more deeply. You fall into a deep sleep, as if you were under anesthesia. You can't move. Smoke deadens your brain.

Ninety percent of the people firefighters find in smoke look like they were asleep.

If you are in a room filled with smoke, you not only cannot see, but you also cannot breathe. It is similar to if you are drowning and your head is under water. Are you scared. You forget everything you thought you knew about the fire. You get lost, panic, behave unpredictably, because... are not psychologically prepared for such an extreme situation.

To combat smoke the following are used:
- smoke-free stairwells (due to air pressure or floor-by-floor entrances through the airy outer zone along balconies or loggias);
- removing smoke from rooms and corridors through automatically opening smoke exhaust valves by turning on powerful exhaust fans;
- installation of self-closing doors with sealed doorways in the corridors on stairwells that prevent the spread of smoke;
- installation of an automatic fire alarm system (smoke and heat sensors, manual fire alarm buttons, fire alarm bells, fire alarm stations);
- fire warning and evacuation control systems;
- personal respiratory protection equipment in case of fire;
- autonomous fire detectors powered by batteries for apartments in residential buildings;
- group and individual rescue kits, rope ladders.

3. Heat from fire can cause instant death. Heat is terrible. He kills. The heat alone is fatal within seconds. It's very difficult to describe in words. At 65°C, your body stops functioning, your lungs literally evaporate, and you lose consciousness.

In a room, a fire lasting just over one minute creates a temperature in the smoke layer of 370°C. If the head is unprotected, then instant death occurs. At the top, the temperature and smoke concentration are even higher. When everything that can burn in the room is burning, the heat will reach its climax. The smoke itself is ready to explode, it seems that the entire structure will fly into the air. There is no chance of staying alive in this heat.

4. A fire leaves no time to think. You need to have time to escape from the fire.
Most people think they have time when there is a fire. But this is not true; in a fire there is no time.

A fire starts in a trash can. He goes unnoticed. A minute later the sofa catches fire and smoke begins to fill the room. The temperature is rising. After two minutes the person may lose consciousness.

Three minutes later the whole room is on fire. No one can survive anymore. In four minutes the corridors will become impassable. It only takes 5 minutes for a fire inside a house to cause the death of all its inhabitants. So, from 3 to 5 minutes and that’s the end of it all! It turns out that during a fire, time can become your worst enemy.

How long does it take to survive a kitchen fire? Most people think they have 10 minutes. But in fact, after 30 seconds the fire will become uncontrollable. You need to have time to jump out without stopping or thinking about things, close the door behind you (but not lock it) and notify the fire department.

In order to have time to evacuate, there is an unshakable rule: in children's institutions, children of primary groups and preschool age are not dressed, but wrapped in a blanket and taken out of the danger zone. School students are led out under the guidance of teachers or educators who are personally responsible for the group of children with whom they studied. In hotels, it is prohibited to pack suitcases, etc. for quick evacuation.
5. In case of fire, panic may occur.

People panic and behave unpredictably. Sometimes more people die when panic occurs than from fire hazards. It is quite obvious that a person who was psychologically prepared and trained in such an extreme situation would behave differently.

6. The death of people in fires is largely due to the lack of basic fire-fighting knowledge and self-defense skills among the population.
Statistics show that most people do not think about fires, do not care about the safety of their homes, and neglect their own safety and the health of their loved ones. This is evidenced by the lack of a fire extinguisher, which would allow elderly people and schoolchildren to easily extinguish a fire that started on a TV, electrical appliance, grease, or oil in the kitchen. Almost a few citizens have provided their apartments with commercially available autonomous fire detectors powered by a regular battery. They are installed in the hallway, kitchen, room, and when smoke appears, they emit a sharp sound, loud enough to attract attention and wake up those sleeping. Unfortunately, there is a clear underestimation in society of the reality of the fire threat and its dangerous factors.

Evidence of this is our attitude towards balconies and loggias of residential buildings. Most of them are glazed, the hatches of the emergency staircases of the balconies are tightly closed, openings are laid for the passage through the loggias, and furniture is installed in the partitions. All this will not allow you to independently evacuate to a non-burning floor, or to stand behind the partition of a balcony or loggia in the event of a fire in your apartment if you were unable to leave it on time or because the main evacuation staircase was blocked by smoke. In this case, there will be little chance of surviving until the arrival of the fire department, especially for those who today do not think about it, do not have personal respiratory protection, or a rope ladder, a rescue kit for evacuation through balconies, loggias, windows , electric flashlight, and also ignores conducting fire drills at home, as citizens of developed foreign countries do.

FGKU "9th detachment of the Federal Border Guard Service in the Altai Territory"